Results for ' technological momentum'

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  1.  38
    Technological momentum and the ethics of metropolitan growth.Robert Kirkman - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (3):125 – 139.
    One goal of environmental ethics is to recommend changes to patterns of human life so as to bring inhabited landscapes into line with a vision of the good. However, the complex intertwining of nature and culture in inhabited landscapes makes this project much more difficult, complicating ethical judgment and limiting the efficacy of ethical action. Technological momentum, a model introduced by historian Thomas P. Hughes to describe the development of complex technological systems, can shed some light on (...)
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    The United States and Alternative Energies since 1980: Technological Fix or Regime Change?David E. Nye - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (5):103-125.
    Awareness of global warming has been widespread for two decades, yet the American political system has been slow to respond. This essay examines, first, political explanations for policy failure, focusing at the federal level and outlining both short-term partisan and structural explanations for the stalemate. The second section surveys previous energy regimes and the transitions between them, and policy failure is explained by the logic of Thomas Hughes’s ‘technological momentum’. The third section moves to an international perspective, using (...)
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    Building Momentum: platformised organising and the democratic deficit.Robin Piazzo & Silvia Keeling - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    The literature focussing on digital platforms as intraorganisational intermediaries underlines a key shortcoming of this model that has not been addressed by the literatures on digital social movements, advocacy, and activism. This limitation is related to the fact that platform-based organisations usually exploit widespread representations of digital technologies as tools for democratisation, but then offer low-quality internal democracy. This has implications for these organisations’ internal and external legitimacy, which are vital for mobilising and engaging supporters and the general public. This (...)
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    Clinical applications of behavioral momentum.F. Charles Mace - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):105-106.
    An important measure of the validity and utility of basic behavioral research is the extent to which it can be applied in real life. Basic research on behavioral momentum and the model unifying choice and resistance to change (Nevin & Grace 1999) has stimulated the development of behavioral technologies aimed at increasing the persistence of adaptive behavior and decreasing maladaptive choices.
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    Technology and business ethics theory.Peter W. F. Davies - 1997 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 6 (2):76–80.
    The various theories about business ethics need to take much more notice of technology, realising that technology has its own increasing momentum which is driving business, and that, whereas business people think they control technology as a simple neutral means to their ends, in fact the reverse is true: business is the servant of technological development. Jacques Ellul, however, offers some hope for the future to help us ‘reappropriate our humanity’. Dr Davies is a senior lecturer in Strategic (...)
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    Technology and Social Inequality.Caroll Pursell - 2016 - Spontaneous Generations 8 (1):22-26.
    In the Fall of 1977 I gave a paper at a conference organized by the Center for Twentieth Century Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. The title of the paper, published in 1980, was “The American Ideal of a Democratic Technology.” Reading it over now, some thirty-seven years later, I am excited all over again by the debate over the nature and role of technology which was so prominent a part of the 1970s, but actually had its roots in (...)
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    “Super-intelligent” machine: technological exuberance or the road to subjection.Peter Brödner - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (3):335-346.
    Looking back on the development of computer technology, particularly in the context of manufacturing, we can distinguish three big waves of technological exuberance with a wave length of roughly 30 years: In the first wave, during the 1950s, mainframe computers at that time were conceptualized as “electronic brains” and envisaged as central control unit of an “automatic factory”. Thirty years later, during the 1980s, knowledge-based systems in computer-integrated manufacturing were adored as the computational core of the “unmanned factory”. Both (...)
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    Digital Transformation of Socio-Technological Reality: Problems and Risks.Ekaterina N. Gnatik & Гнатик Екатерина Николаевна - 2024 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):168-180.
    The research is devoted to a discussion of social and humanitarian problems associated with tectonic changes in human life against the backdrop of total digitalization. The author's attention is focused on the uniqueness of the modern situation: never before have innovative technologies had the ability to penetrate so rapidly and deeply into the foundation of modern society, have they become so widespread and accessible to almost all peoples and cultures. At the same time, the undeniable public good and the most (...)
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  9. Technology of biopolitics and biopolitics of technologies(Metaphysical, political, and anthropological essay).Valentin Cheshko - 2019 - Practical Philosophy ISSN 2415-8690 4 (74):42-52.
    Purpose. Our study aims at developing a conceptual model of transdisciplinary synthesis of philosophical-anthropological, sociopolitical and epistemological aspects of co-evolution of the scientific and technical designs of High Hume class and the socio-cultural / political context in the process of anthropo-socio-cultural genesis. The relevance of the topic is justified by the technologization of all spheres of human existence and the emergence of High Hume class technologies, which can be called technology-driven equally. As a result, the concepts of "bio-power" and "biopolitics" (...)
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    Unfaithful offspring? Technologies and their trajectories.Sungook Hong - 1998 - Perspectives on Science 6 (3):259-287.
    : Several recent studies in science and technology studies (STS), and in the history of science and technology, have highlighted the stochastic and uncontrollable nature of technological trajectory. In this paper I will examine three technologies--the Triode, the numerically controlled (NC) machine tool, and the Internet--each of which reflects a different aspect of technological uncertainty. I will argue that the Triode's seemingly unpredictable evolution is partly caused by limitations in our present historical knowledge about it. The NC machine's (...)
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    Social considerations for information technology offshoring.Richard Vedder & Carl S. Guynes - 2008 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 38 (4):40-44.
    Recently, the outsourcing of Information Technology activities to offshore locations has been gaining significant momentum, with some associated backlash by the workforce in the United States. Based on their 2005 survey [6], Global Insight, a private consulting firm, estimated that U.S. companies will spend about $38.2 billion in offshore IT services by 2010, compared with about $15.2 billion in 2005, primarily because the expected cost savings will grow by $11.7 billion in the same time period. Binder writing in "Foreign (...)
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  12.  13
    Assay technologies facilitating drug discovery for ADP‐ribosyl writers, readers and erasers.Tuomo Glumoff, Sven T. Sowa & Lari Lehtiö - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100240.
    ADP‐ribosylation is a post‐translational modification catalyzed by writer enzymes – ADP‐ribosyltransferases. The modification is part of many signaling events, can modulate the function and stability of target proteins, and often results in the recruitment of reader proteins that bind to the ADP‐ribosyl groups. Erasers are integral actors in these signaling events and reverse the modification. ADP‐ribosylation can be targeted with therapeutics and many inhibitors against writers exist, with some being in clinical use. Inhibitors against readers and erasers are sparser and (...)
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  13.  9
    Some Perceptions of the Implications of High Technology for Minnesota Schools.Sandra B. Westby - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):211-215.
    Advances in technology are accelerating the momentum for change in all sectors of society. There is at present a lag time between the actual development and implementation of new technology and the public consciousness of the issues involved. The rapid rate of social change, however, emphasizes the critical role of the educational system and the need to continually estimate and evaluate direction to best serve the common good. Forty-five influential Minnesota leaders in education, business/industry and government were interviewed on (...)
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    The Philosophical Aspect of Contemporary Technology: Ellulian Technique and Infinite Scroll within Social Media.Milvydas Knyzelis - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (1).
    Infinite scroll as a digital technology feature was introduced in 2006 and instantly gained momentum in a variety of platforms. The efficient and engaging technology experience brought by infinite scroll aligns well with the French sociologist Jacques Ellul’s concept of technique. Ellul does not perceive technique as technology, instead, he views it as a phenomenon of efficiency, permeating the societal, political and economic fields of human activity. By applying the characteristics of Ellul’s technique to the infinite scroll feature within (...)
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  15. Ethical and legal issues in the use of health information technology to improve patient safety.Eta S. Berner - 2008 - HEC Forum 20 (3):243-258.
    There are a variety of ethical and legal issues that arise with the growing use of health information technology in clinical settings. While privacy and confidentiality of information is an important consideration in any electronic system, some of the issues related to using these systems to improve patient safety include changes to the standard of care in regard to using electronic rather than paper medical records, user training, and assuring accurate information is in the medical record and provided to users. (...)
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  16.  43
    Replacing humans with machines: a historical look at technology politics in California agriculture.Patrick Baur & Alastair Iles - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-28.
    Media outlets, industry researchers, and policy-makers are today busily extolling new robotic advances that promise to transform agriculture, bringing us ever closer to self-farming farms. Yet such techno-optimist discourse ignores the cautionary lessons of past attempts to mechanize farms. Adapting the Social Construction of Technology framework, we trace the history of efforts to replace human labor with machine labor on fruit, nut, and vegetable farms in California between 1945 and 1980—a place and time during which a post-WWII culture of faith (...)
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    Beyond the hype: ‘acceptable futures’ for AI and robotic technologies in healthcare.Giulia De Togni, S. Erikainen, S. Chan & S. Cunningham-Burley - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    AI and robotic technologies attract much hype, including utopian and dystopian future visions of technologically driven provision in the health and care sectors. Based on 30 interviews with scientists, clinicians and other stakeholders in the UK, Europe, USA, Australia, and New Zealand, this paper interrogates how those engaged in developing and using AI and robotic applications in health and care characterize their future promise, potential and challenges. We explore the ways in which these professionals articulate and navigate a range of (...)
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  18. The role of robotics and AI in technologically mediated human evolution: a constructive proposal.Jeffrey White - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):177-185.
    This paper proposes that existing computational modeling research programs may be combined into platforms for the information of public policy. The main idea is that computational models at select levels of organization may be integrated in natural terms describing biological cognition, thereby normalizing a platform for predictive simulations able to account for both human and environmental costs associated with different action plans and institutional arrangements over short and long time spans while minimizing computational requirements. Building from established research programs, the (...)
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    Financial Crimes: Psychological, Technological, and Ethical Issues.Jean-Loup Richet, David Weisstub & Michel Dion (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book on the psychology of white collar criminals discusses various cases of financial crime, while also attempting to delve into the minds of the criminals in question. The literature on this topic is growing as it gains momentum in the scientific field, as a result of the extremely negative impact white collar crime has on its victims. Because there is considerable damage and vulnerability from these crimes, it is important to begin to classify them, and to understand the (...)
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  20.  35
    Aping Newtonian physics but ignoring brute facts will not transform Skinnerian psychology into genuine science or useful technology.John J. Furedy - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):693-694.
    The proposal to add the behavioral momentum metaphor to Skinnerian psychology and the use of other borrowed physical explanatory concepts such as velocity and inertial mass has only superficial value. The basic problem is that, in contrast to Newtonian physics, the “laws” do not apply to a significant proportion of the phenomena to be explained, and these evidential discrepancies are ignored, rather than being used to modify the scientific explanations and improve technological applications that are based on those (...)
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  21.  7
    Wind Power in Australia: Overcoming Technological and Institutional Barriers.Andrea Bunting & Gerard Healey - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (2):115-127.
    Until recently, Australia had little installed wind capacity, although there had been many investigations into its potential during the preceding decades. Formerly, state-owned monopoly utilities showed only token interest in wind power and could dictate the terms of energy debates. This situation changed in the late 1990s: Installed wind capacity began growing rapidly following the introduction of supportive renewable energy policies and the restructuring of the electricity industry. However, wind farms still provide only 1% of Australia's electricity, the future of (...)
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  22.  22
    Of Defunct Satellites and Other Space Debris: Media Waste in the Orbital Commons.Katarina Damjanov - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (1):166-185.
    Defunct satellites and other technological waste are increasingly occupying Earth’s orbital space, a region designated as one of the global commons. These dilapidated technologies that were commissioned to sustain the production and exchange of data, information, and images are an extraterrestrial equivalent of the media devices which are discarded on Earth. While indicating the extension of technological momentum in the shared commons of space, orbital debris conveys the dark side of media materialities beyond the globe. Its presence (...)
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  23.  21
    Chatbots, Robots, and the Ethics of Automating Psychotherapy.Eric B. Litwack - 2024 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):111-122.
    Recent developments in artificial intelligence—AI--have caused considerable discussion among both philosophers of technology and psychotherapists. In particular, the question of whether or not new forms of AI will complement or even replace traditional psychotherapists has emerged as a major contemporary debate. This debate is not entirely new, as it has its origins in the Turing Test of 1950, and an early psychotherapy chatbot named Eliza, developed in 1966 at MIT. However, recent developments in AI technology, coupled with long waiting lists (...)
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  24.  64
    A Mobilising Concept? Unpacking Academic Representations of Responsible Research and Innovation.Barbara E. Ribeiro, Robert D. J. Smith & Kate Millar - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):81-103.
    This paper makes a plea for more reflexive attempts to develop and anchor the emerging concept of responsible research and innovation. RRI has recently emerged as a buzzword in science policy, becoming a focus of concerted experimentation in many academic circles. Its performative capacity means that it is able to mobilise resources and spaces despite no common understanding of what it is or should be ‘made of’. In order to support reflection and practice amongst those who are interested in and (...)
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  25.  55
    Patenting humans: Clones, chimeras, and biological artifacts.William B. Hurlbut - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (1):21-29.
    The momentum of advances in biology is evident in the history of patents on life forms. As we proceed forward with greater understanding and technological control of developmental biology there will be many new and challenging dilemmas related to patenting of human parts and partial trajectories of human development. These dilemmas are already evident in the current conflict over the moral status of the early human embryo. In this essay, recent evidence from embryological studies is considered and the (...)
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  26. The Marriage of Preah Thong and Neang Neak: On Cultural Memory, Universalism and Eclecticism.John T. Giordano - 2023 - In Stephen Morgan (ed.), Memory and Identity: The Proceedings of the 28th ASEACCU Annual Conference 2022. University of Saint Joseph University Press. pp. 56-79.
    The momentum of globalization and universalism, operating through the media, information technology and politics, has steadily diminished the importance of cultural diversity. It has even threatened to erase many of our cultural traditions, or extinguish our diverse experiences of the sacred. Yet the sacred which seems to be lost is often still encased in our cultural objects, stories and religious rituals. This paper will discuss how the memories of the sacred can be both preserved and reawakened. This paper will (...)
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    Ethical Data Collection for Medical Image Analysis: a Structured Approach.S. T. Padmapriya & Sudhaman Parthasarathy - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):95-108.
    Due to advancements in technology such as data science and artificial intelligence, healthcare research has gained momentum and is generating new findings and predictions on abnormalities leading to the diagnosis of diseases or disorders in human beings. On one hand, the extensive application of data science to healthcare research is progressing faster, while on the other hand, the ethical concerns and adjoining risks and legal hurdles those data scientists may face in the future slow down the progression of healthcare (...)
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  28.  25
    The EPSRC’s Policy of Responsible Innovation from a Trading Zones Perspective.Joseph Murphy, Sarah Parry & John Walls - 2016 - Minerva 54 (2):151-174.
    Responsible innovation is gathering momentum as an academic and policy debate linking science and society. Advocates of RI in research policy argue that scientific research should be opened up at an early stage so that many actors and issues can steer innovation trajectories. If this is done, they suggest, new technologies will be more responsible in different ways, better aligned with what society wants, and mistakes of the past will be avoided. This paper analyses the dynamics of RI in (...)
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  29.  16
    Towards a semantic blockchain: A behaviouristic approach to modelling Ethereum.Giampaolo Bella, Domenico Cantone, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo & Daniele Francesco Santamaria - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (2):143-180.
    Decentralised ledgers are gaining momentum following the interest of industries and people in smart contracts. Major attention is paid to blockchain applications intended for trading assets that exploit digital cryptographic certificates called tokens. Particularly relevant tokens are the non-fungible tokens (NFTs), namely, unique and non-replicable tokens used to represent the cryptographic counterpart of assets ranging from pieces of art through to licenses and certifications. A relevant consequence of the hard-coded nature of blockchains is the hardness of probing, in particular (...)
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    The case for climate engineering research: an analysis of the “arm the future” argument.Gregor Betz - 2012 - Climatic Change 111 (2):473-485.
    With the evidence for anthropogenic climate change piling up, suggesting that climate impacts of GHG emissions might have been underestimated in the past (Allison et al. 2009; WBGU 2009), and mitigation policies apparently lagging behind what many scientists consider as necessary reductions in order to prevent dangerous climate change, the debate about intentional climate change, or “climate engineering”, as we shall say in the following, has gained momentum in the past years. While efforts to technically modify earth’s climate had (...)
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  31.  23
    Newton's cradle: a metaphor to consider the flexibility, resistance and direction of nursing's future.Margaret McAllister, Wendy Madsen & Colin Holmes - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):130-139.
    Nursing faces an uncertain future as technological developments, structural changes within health systems and rapidly evolving health needs create new and challenging possibilities. This article draws on the results of a qualitative study undertaken with a range of Queensland nurse leaders to explore their perceptions of these changes. The study re‐surfaced, and allows for a re‐examination of, four issues that have long created tension within nursing and which continue to have a negative impact on the profession as a whole. (...)
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  32. A global ethic for global politics and economics.Hans Küng - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    As the twentieth century draws to a close and the rush to globalization gathers momentum, political and economic considerations are crowding out vital ethical questions about the shape of our future. Now, Hans Kung, one of the world's preeminent Christian theologians, explores these issues in a visionary and cautionary look at the coming global society. How can the new world order of the twenty first century avoid the horrors of the twentieth? Will nations form a real community or continue (...)
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  33.  24
    Boundary Discourse of Crossdisciplinary and Cross-Sector Research: Refiguring the Landscape of Science.Julie Thompson Klein - 2023 - Minerva 61 (1):31-52.
    This discourse analysis of metaphors of the crossdisciplinary composite of inter- and trans-disciplinary research gleans in sights for science today. The first section establishes a baseline by comparing spatial images to growing use of organic metaphors in an ecology of knowledge production. Following logically from the comparison, the second reflects on metaphors of exchange and transaction in trading zones, transaction spaces, and third spaces, then addresses implications for the earlier exemplar of Mode 2 knowledge production. The third section considers the (...)
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    Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: A collaborative response.Anita Greenhill, Alex Voss, Jeffrey Morgan, Omer Rana, Luke Sloan, Matthew Williams, Peter Burnap, Adam Edwards, Rob Procter & William Housley - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    In this paper, we reflect on the disciplinary contours of contemporary sociology, and social science more generally, in the age of ‘big and broad’ social data. Our aim is to suggest how sociology and social sciences may respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by this ‘data deluge’ in ways that are innovative yet sensitive to the social and ethical life of data and methods. We begin by reviewing relevant contemporary methodological debates and consider how they relate to the emergence (...)
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  35. Greenhouse climate change.David Russell - unknown
    The genius of modern science is its technological embodiment. In saying this I want to stress that modern technology has its own momentum and is only rarely "applied" science or a derivative from science. There is a slogan that sums it up pretty well: science owes more to the steam engine that the steam engine owes to science.".
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    Moral enhancement, at the peak of pharmacology and at the limit of ethics.Ignacio Macpherson, María Victoria Roqué & Ignacio Segarra - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):992-1001.
    The debate over the improvement of moral capacity or moral enhancement through pharmacology has gained momentum in the last decade as a result of advances in neuroscience. These advances have led to the discovery and allowed the alteration of patterns of human behavior, and have permitted direct interventions on the neuronal structure of behavior. In recent years, this analysis has deepened regarding the anthropological foundations of morality and the reasons that would justify the acceptance or rejection of such technology. (...)
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    Discussion of y-matter.Fengxiang Zhang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:19-32.
    For more than 30 years, the author of this paper has discovered the existence of the matter unknown to people in the study of some special photos. This matter is extremely different from the matter known by modern science. The author of this paper temporarily names this matter y-matter. In contrast with y-matter, the matter known by modern science (macroscopic matter, microscopic matter) is called x- matter. In this paper, a number of photos are provided to show the existence of (...)
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    Moral autonomy of patients and legal barriers to a possible duty of health related data sharing.Anton Vedder & Daniela Spajić - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-11.
    Informed consent bears significant relevance as a legal basis for the processing of personal data and health data in the current privacy, data protection and confidentiality legislations. The consent requirements find their basis in an ideal of personal autonomy. Yet, with the recent advent of the global pandemic and the increased use of eHealth applications in its wake, a more differentiated perspective with regards to this normative approach might soon gain momentum. This paper discusses the compatibility of a moral (...)
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    John Smeaton and the vis viva controversy: Measuring waterwheel efficiency and the influence of industry on practical mechanics in Britain 1759–1808.Andrew M. A. Morris - 2018 - History of Science 56 (2):196-223.
    In this paper, I will examine John Smeaton’s contribution to the vis viva controversy in Britain, focusing on how the hybridization of science, technology, and industry helped to establish vis viva, or mechanic power, as a measure of motive force. Smeaton, embodying the ‘hybrid expert’ who combined theoretical knowledge and practical knowhow, demonstrated that the notion of vis viva possessed a greater explanatory power than momentum, because it could be used to explain the difference in efficiency between overshot and (...)
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    Studies in human nature.J. B. Baillie - 1921 - London,: G. Bell and sons.
    Excerpt from Studies in Human Nature The aim of these studies is to examine with all possible freedom from theoretical bias some phases of human nature which are of great interest in themselves, and in the light of the analysis to draw certain conclusions. It would have been natural to have included in such a series the consideration of certain other aspects of human nature, more especially those which concern morality and civic institutions. Morality and the conditions of citizenship arc (...)
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    How to tweak a beak: molecular techniques for studying the evolution of size and shape in Darwin's finches and other birds.Richard A. Schneider - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (1):1-6.
    A flurry of technological advances in molecular, cellular and developmental biology during the past decade has provided a clearer understanding of mechanisms underlying phenotypic diversification. Building upon such momentum, a recent paper tackles one of the foremost topics in evolution, that is the origin of species‐specific beak morphology in Darwin's finches.1 Previous work involving both domesticated and wild birds implicated a well‐known signaling pathway (i.e. bone morphogenetic proteins) and one population of progenitor cells in particular (i.e. cranial neural (...)
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    Beyond Nature and Culture: A Note on Medicine in the Age of Molecular Biology.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (1):249-263.
    The ArgumentThe paper is divided into the two parts. In the first, I examine the relations among molecular biology, gene technology, and medicine as some aspect of the consequences of these relations with respect to the human genome project of the consequences of these relations with respect to the human genome project. I argue that the prevailing momentum of early molecular biology resided in argue that the prevailing momentum of relay molecular biology resided in crating the technical means (...)
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    Heidegger’s Philosophy of Science.Stephan Käufer - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (4):626-629.
    Trish Glazebrook has written an interesting book, and philosophers who care for Heidegger’s writing will do well to read it. The book is fertile and suggestive; it spans a large number of Heidegger’s writings, famous and obscure, and it presents Heidegger’s thinking on science from the same important variety of perspectives that Heidegger himself deems necessary to all philosophizing: science as a thought-system in need of theoretical grounding; science as a practice that involves an existential commitment by the practitioner; science (...)
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    Manufacturing Emergencies.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (4):91-102.
    The article examines the distinction between the state of emergency and the normal state and an inherent undecidability at the base of the distinction. We argue that states of emergency arise from strategic sovereign decisions to divide visible from invisible, enemy from ally, underground economy from above-ground, illegitimate war from legitimate war. The capacity to so divide is manifested, for instance, in the technology of air raid sirens in a way that indicates the momentum of the technicity that covertly (...)
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  45. What is the Good of Transhumanism?Charles T. Rubin - unknown
    Broadly speaking, transhumanism is a movement seeking to advance the cause of post-humanity. It advocates using science and technology for a reconstruction of the human condition sufficiently radical to call into question the appropriateness of calling it “human” anymore. While there is not universal agreement among transhumanists as to the best path to this goal, the general outline is clear enough. Advances in genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics and nanotechnology will make possible the achievement of the Baconian vision of “the (...)
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    Sociology of Low Expectations: Recalibration as Innovation Work in Biomedicine.Clare Williams, Gabrielle Samuel & John Gardner - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (6):998-1021.
    Social scientists have drawn attention to the role of hype and optimistic visions of the future in providing momentum to biomedical innovation projects by encouraging innovation alliances. In this article, we show how less optimistic, uncertain, and modest visions of the future can also provide innovation projects with momentum. Scholars have highlighted the need for clinicians to carefully manage the expectations of their prospective patients. Using the example of a pioneering clinical team providing deep brain stimulation to children (...)
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  47. The New Mind: thinking beyond the head. [REVIEW]Riccardo Manzotti & Robert Pepperell - 2013 - AI and Society 28 (2):157-166.
    Throughout much of the modern period, the human mind has been regarded as a property of the brain and therefore something confined to the inside of the head—a view commonly known as ‘internalism’. But recent works in cognitive science, philosophy, and anthropology, as well as certain trends in the development of technology, suggest an emerging view of the mind as a process not confined to the brain but spread through the body and world—an outlook covered by a family of views (...)
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    Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Data Science.Joaquín Borrego-Díaz & Juan Galán-Páez - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (3):485-531.
    A widespread need to explain the behavior and outcomes of AI-based systems has emerged, due to their ubiquitous presence. Thus, providing renewed momentum to the relatively new research area of eXplainable AI (XAI). Nowadays, the importance of XAI lies in the fact that the increasing control transference to this kind of system for decision making -or, at least, its use for assisting executive stakeholders- already affects many sensitive realms (as in Politics, Social Sciences, or Law). The decision-making power handover (...)
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  49. Biological Emergence: a Key Exemplar of the Open Systems View.George F. R. Ellis - forthcoming - In Michael E. Cuffaro & Stephan Hartmann (eds.), Open Systems: Physics, Metaphysics, and Methodology (2025: Oxford University Press). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The context for biological emergence is modular hierarchical structures; their existence is what enables functional complexity to arise. Because of the openness of organisms to their environment, complete initial data (position, momentum) of all particles making up their structure is insufficient to determine future outcomes, because unpredictable new matter, energy, and information impacts each organism from the exterior. Consequently, through Darwinian evolution, life has developed processes to handle this issue functionally on short time scales as well on longer developmental (...)
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    A Modest Defense of Geoengineering Research: a Case Study in the Cost of Learning.Eric Winsberg - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1109-1134.
    Recently, research into the possibilities of developing solar radiation management and other geoengineering technologies has gained new momentum. Just last year, Cambridge University announced the opening of a “Centre for Climate Repair” as part of the university’s Carbon Neutral Futures Initiative. Recent modeling work gives hope that SRM could confer more benefits than previously thought. But opposition to even conducting research into SRM remains strong. I use the case study of SRM to develop a framework, based on a theorem (...)
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