Results for 'Lari Lehtiö'

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  1.  14
    Assay technologies facilitating drug discovery for ADP‐ribosyl writers, readers and erasers.Tuomo Glumoff, Sven T. Sowa & Lari Lehtiö - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100240.
    ADP‐ribosylation is a post‐translational modification catalyzed by writer enzymes – ADP‐ribosyltransferases. The modification is part of many signaling events, can modulate the function and stability of target proteins, and often results in the recruitment of reader proteins that bind to the ADP‐ribosyl groups. Erasers are integral actors in these signaling events and reverse the modification. ADP‐ribosylation can be targeted with therapeutics and many inhibitors against writers exist, with some being in clinical use. Inhibitors against readers and erasers are sparser and (...)
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    Understanding citizen perceptions of AI in the smart city.Anu Lehtiö, Maria Hartikainen, Saara Ala-Luopa, Thomas Olsson & Kaisa Väänänen - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1123-1134.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is embedded in a wide variety of Smart City applications and infrastructures, often without the citizens being aware of the nature of their “intelligence”. AI can affect citizens’ lives concretely, and thus, there may be uncertainty, concerns, or even fears related to AI. To build acceptable futures of Smart Cities with AI-enabled functionalities, the Human-Centered AI (HCAI) approach offers a relevant framework for understanding citizen perceptions. However, only a few studies have focused on clarifying the citizen perceptions (...)
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  3.  52
    On the relations between action planning, object identification, and motor representations of observed actions and objects.Lari Vainio, Ed Symes, Rob Ellis, Mike Tucker & Giovanni Ottoboni - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):444-465.
  4. Costs and Benefits of Diverse Plurality in Economics.Teemu Lari & Uskali Mäki - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (5):412-441.
    The literature on pluralism in economics has focused on the benefits expected from the plurality of theories, methods, and frameworks. This overlooks half of the picture: the costs. Neither have the multifarious costs been systematically analyzed in philosophy of science. We begin rectifying this neglect. We discuss how the benefits of plurality and diversity in science presuppose distinct types of plurality and how various benefit and plurality types are associated with different types of costs. Finally, we ponder how the general (...)
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  5. The problems of macroeconomics as institutional problems: complementing the ‘what went wrong’ story with a social epistemology perspective.Teemu Lari - 2024 - Cambridge Journal of Economics 48 (4):661-680.
    After the financial crisis of 2008, many economists expressed dissatisfaction with the state of macroeconomics. They criticised deficiencies in the dominant dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelling approach and conceptions of good macroeconomic research behind that dominance. This paper argues that there is a deeper problem in macroeconomics, which remains unaddressed. I connect existing literature critical of the institutions of macroeconomics and of economics in general to the institutional preconditions of effective criticism outlined by the philosopher Helen Longino. I find that (...)
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  6. Ontología y hermeneútica analógica en Mauricio Beuchot.Juan José Laris - 1999 - Analogía Filosófica 13 (2):187-196.
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    The Naturalness of Religion: What It Means and Why It Matters.Lari Launonen - 2018 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 60 (1):84-102.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 60 Heft: 1 Seiten: 84-102.
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    Ethical issues raised by the introduction of payment for performance in France.Olivier Saint-Lary, Isabelle Plu & Michel Naiditch - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (8):485-491.
    Context In France, a new payment for performance (P4P) scheme for primary care physicians was introduced in 2009 through the ‘Contract for Improving Individual Practice’ programme. Its objective was to reduce healthcare expenditures while enhancing improvement in guidelines' observance. Nevertheless, in all countries where the scheme was implemented, it raised several concerns in the domain of professional ethics. Objective To draw out in France the ethical tensions arising in the general practitioner's (GP) profession linked to the introduction of P4P. Method (...)
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    From Settlement to Divorce: An Islamic Judicial Practice in Burkina Faso.Maud Saint-Lary - 2013 - Diogenes 60 (3-4):133-142.
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  10.  29
    The Sound of Grasp Affordances: Influence of Grasp‐Related Size of Categorized Objects on Vocalization.Lari Vainio, Martti Vainio, Jari Lipsanen & Rob Ellis - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12793.
    Previous research shows that simultaneously executed grasp and vocalization responses are faster when the precision grip is performed with the vowel [i] and the power grip is performed with the vowel [ɑ]. Research also shows that observing an object that is graspable with a precision or power grip can activate the grip congruent with the object. Given the connection between vowel articulation and grasping, this study explores whether grasp‐related size of observed objects can influence not only grasp responses but also (...)
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  11. Milvian Bridges in Science, Religion, and Theology: Debunking Arguments and Cultural Evolution.Lari Launonen & Aku Visala - 2022 - In Diego E. Machuca, Evolutionary Debunking Arguments: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 185-204.
    In “Milvian Bridges in Science, Religion, and Theology: Debunking Arguments and Cultural Evolution,” Lari Launonen and Aku Visala engage with an EDA against religious belief that appeals to cultural rather than biological evolution. According to this EDA, religious beliefs are unjustified, not because they are generated by biologically shaped cognitive processes that are unreliable as far as those beliefs are concerned but because they are generated by cultural processes that select for those beliefs for their ability to produce prosocial (...)
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    Debunking arguments gain little from cognitive science of religion.Lari Launonen - 2021 - Zygon 56 (2):416-433.
    Cognitive science of religion (CSR) has inspired a number of debunking arguments against god-belief. They aim to show that the belief-forming processes that underlie belief in god(s) are unreliable. The debate surrounding these arguments gives the impression that CSR offers new scientific evidence that threatens the rationality of religious belief. This impression, however, is partly misleading. A close look at a few widely discussed debunking arguments shows, first, that CSR theories as such are far from providing sufficient empirical evidence that (...)
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  13. When does complementarity support pluralism about schools of economic thought?Teemu Lari - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (3):322-335.
    An intuitively appealing argument for pluralism in economics can be made on the grounds that schools of economic thought complement one another. Let us call this the complementarity-based argument for pluralism (CAP). The concepts of complementarity, pluralism, and school of thought are scrutinized in this paper to evaluate this argument. I argue that the complementarity of schools is relative to scientific goals, which implies that discussing complementarity of schools of economic thought requires discussing the goals of economic research. I also (...)
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  14. What counts as relevant criticism? Longino's critical contextual empiricism and the feminist criticism of mainstream economics.Teemu Lari - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 104:88-97.
    I identify and resolve an internal tension in Critical Contextual Empiricism (CCE) – the normative account of science developed by Helen Longino. CCE includes two seemingly conflicting principles: on one hand, the cognitive goals of epistemic communities should be open to critical discussion (the openness of goals to criticism principle, OGC); on the other hand, criticism must be aligned with the cognitive goals of that community to count as “relevant” and thus require a response (the goal-relativity of response-requiring criticism principle, (...)
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  15. Cognitive Regeneration and the Noetic Effects of Sin: Why Theology and Cognitive Science May not be Compatible.Lari Launonen - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (3).
    Justin Barrett and Kelly James Clark have suggested that cognitive science of religion supports the existence of a god-faculty akin to sensus divinitatis. They propose that God may have given rise to the god-faculty via guided evolution. This suggestion raises two theological worries. First, our natural cognition seems to favor false god-beliefs over true ones. Second, it also makes us prone to tribalism. If God hates idolatry and moral evil, why would he give rise to mind with such biases? A (...)
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  16. Hearing God speak? Debunking arguments and everyday religious experiences.Lari Launonen - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion (2):187-203.
    Against claims that cognitive science of religion undercuts belief in God, many defenders of theistic belief have invoked the Religious Reasons Reply: science cannot undercut belief in God if one has good independent reasons to believe. However, it is unclear whether this response helps salvage the god beliefs of most people. This paper considers four questions: (1) What reasons do Christians have for believing in God? (2) What kinds of beliefs about God can the reasons support? (3) Are the reasons (...)
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  17.  12
    Diversity for the Common Good? Philosophical Inquiries into Pluralism in Economics.Teemu Lari - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    This dissertation examines the recent demands for diversifying economics, often advanced under the rubric of pluralism. The dissertation aims at illuminating questions that are foundational to this debate and thereby promoting the resolution of the disagreements. The focus is on the question of whether economics should be open to a wide range of methodological approaches, theoretical frameworks, schools of thought, and so on, in a way that would make the current relatively uniform mainstream approach to economics one among others. The (...)
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  18.  54
    How Should Theists Respond to Debunking Arguments? A Critique of Hans Van Eyghen’s Arguing from Cognitive Science of Religion.Lari Launonen - 2022 - Philosophia Reformata 87 (2):179-194.
    Cognitive science of religion has inspired several debunking arguments against theistic belief. Hans Van Eyghen’s book Arguing from Cognitive Science of Religion is the first monograph devoted to answering such arguments. This article focuses on Van Eyghen’s responses to two widely discussed debunking arguments, one by Matthew Braddock and another by John Wilkins and Paul Griffiths. Both responses have potential but also face problems. Even if Van Eyghen manages to show that these authors have not fully excluded the possibility of (...)
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  19.  33
    De l'arrangement au divorce.Maud Saint-Lary - 2013 - Diogène n° 239-239 (3/4):194-209.
    Résumé Au Burkina Faso, parmi la multiplicité des instances informelles de règlement des conflits, les espaces islamiques de conciliation occupent une place non négligeable et paradoxalement peu visible. Cet article examine les formes de justice islamique pratiquées dans un pays où l’islam est pluriel. Il montre que les autorités islamiques en charge de la résolution des conflits de famille font preuve d’une grande capacité à conjuguer les normes islamiques avec les pratiques locales et les demandes des justiciables. Ainsi, dans les (...)
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  20.  8
    High‐Pitched Sound is Open and Low‐Pitched Sound is Closed: Representing the Spatial Meaning of Pitch Height.Lari Vainio, Ida-Lotta Myllylä, Alexandra Wikström & Martti Vainio - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (8):e13486.
    Research shows that high- and low-pitch sounds can be associated with various meanings. For example, high-pitch sounds are associated with small concepts, whereas low-pitch sounds are associated with large concepts. This study presents three experiments revealing that high-pitch sounds are also associated with open concepts and opening hand actions, while low-pitch sounds are associated with closed concepts and closing hand actions. In Experiment 1, this sound-meaning correspondence effect was shown using the two-alternative forced-choice task, while Experiments 2 and 3 used (...)
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  21.  45
    Effect of inbreeding on weight gain of offspring from birth to 12 months after birth: A study from iran.Samane Nafissi, Maryam Ansari-Lari & Mostafa Saadat - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (2):195-200.
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  22.  82
    The Art of Conjecture.Bertrand de Jouvenel & Nikita Lary - 1967 - New Brunswick (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.): Routledge. Edited by N. M. Lary & Daniel J. Mahoney.
    Commissions of experts regularly meet to reply to questions such as: What will be the population of the country, or even of our planet, in ten, fifteen or twenty-five years? In what proportion will production have increased, what modifications will its composition and utilizations have undergone? The attraction of efforts to forecast the future continues. That is a fact. How does it proceed? That is a problem, one on which de Jouvenel focuses on in this book. The Art of Conjecture (...)
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  23.  44
    Traditional Architecture of Thatta.A. S. & Yasmeen Lari - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):194.
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  24.  13
    Economics, Pluralism and Democracy: An Interview with Ha-Joon Chang.Ha-Joon Chang & Teemu Lari - 2024 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (2):201–238.
    Ha-Joon Chang, Research Professor of Economics at SOAS University of London, is a vocal advocate of pluralism in economics. He has also campaigned for public understanding of economics and cautioned against an excessive role of economists in policymaking. In this comprehensive interview, Chang talks about his views on economics, pluralism, the role of economists in democracy, as well as his formative years as an economics student. The interview concludes with Chang's advice for young scholars - both economists interested in non-mainstream (...)
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  25.  26
    Temporal and spatial regulation of mRNA export: Single particle RNA-imaging provides new tools and insights.Stephanie Heinrich, Carina Patrizia Derrer, Azra Lari, Karsten Weis & Ben Montpetit - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (2):1600124.
    The transport of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) from the nucleus to cytoplasm is an essential step in the gene expression program of all eukaryotes. Recent technological advances in the areas of RNA‐labeling, microscopy, and sequencing are leading to novel insights about mRNA biogenesis and export. This includes quantitative single molecule imaging (SMI) of RNA molecules in live cells, which is providing knowledge of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the export process. As this information becomes available, it leads to new questions, (...)
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  26. Suomen Filosofinen Yhdistys 1873-2023: 150 vuotta suomalaisen filosofian historiaa.Ilkka Niiniluoto, Sami Pihlström & Lari Ahokas (eds.) - 2023 - Suomen Filosofinen Yhdistys.
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    Connections of Grasping and Horizontal Hand Movements with Articulation in Czech Speakers.Mikko Tiainen, Jiří Lukavský, Kaisa Tiippana, Martti Vainio, Juraj Šimko, Fatima Felisberti & Lari Vainio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  28.  29
    Kurrachee: Past, Present and Future.L. R., Alexander F. Baillie & Yasmeen Lari - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):151.
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  29.  19
    Due Lari in bronzo da Veleia.Dario Anelli - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (2):73-94.
    In questo articolo si prendono in esame due Lares bronzei ritrovati negli scavi di Veleia, custoditi presso il locale Antiquarium. Le due statuette, molto diverse tra loro, presentano alcune peculiarità iconografiche: una sembra appartenere a una rara tipologia di Compitales con rhyton e kantharos; l’altra, vicina all’iconografia del Lar Familiaris, presenta gli attributi posti in posizione inversa. Nello studio si cerca di contestualizzare le due statuette nel panorama della piccola bronzistica della Cisalpina, e di approfondire le conoscenze relative a queste (...)
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  30.  27
    Laris exul et urbis.Maria Carolina Campone - 2023 - Augustinianum 63 (1):195-216.
    Poem 10 of Paulinus of Nola is fundamental for understanding both his political thought and his mystical life. The reason for the disagreement between Paulinus and Ausonius is not, as has always been believed, the poet’s conversion to Christianity, but rather his attempt to transfer the secessus in villam from the sphere of Neoplatonism to that of Christianity. Paulinus thus claims a place in the history of ancient political thought, in overturning the classical concept of civis and giving new meaning (...)
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  31.  39
    Lārestāni Studies 1. Lāri Basic VocabularyComparative Basic Vocabulary of Khonjī and Lārī. Lārestāni Studies 2Larestani Studies 1. Lari Basic VocabularyComparative Basic Vocabulary of Khonji and Lari. Larestani Studies 2. [REVIEW]P. O. Skjærvo̵, Koji Kamioka, Minoru Yamada, Ataollah Rahbar, Ali Akbar Hamidi & P. O. Skjaervo - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):325.
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  32. Ḣalq tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡lari khaqida suqbatlar.L. Khŭzhaeva - 1971 - Toshkent,: Ŭzbekiston KP MKning nashriëti.
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    Asrār-i ḥikmat: Ḥakīm Abū ʻAlī Sīnā īlah qārdāşīʹnīn ḥikāyahʹlarī - Türkcah: qarn-i 10 Hijrī Qamarī - dawrah-i ʻUs̲mānī.Ḥasan Madḥī - 2017 - Ardabīl: Yāylīq. Edited by Dunyavī Mughānlū & Saʻd Ilāh.
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  34. Writing and Life: (Based on conversations with Sony Labou Tansi).John Fletcher - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):111-115.
    I'll say first why I write. It intrigues me, I wonder why I write. How it is that I write and why it's so important. I take this as an act of life. One thing that scares me as a writer is a Lari song “ndombi ku ndombi sadidi mukanda komanda diandi Matsoua Ndele.” That can be translated as “even a black can write, hey, things are progressing. “ In the beginning going to school was considered an enormous act, (...)
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    Indeterminate Bodies.Naomi Segal, L. Taylor & R. Cook - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This collection looks from a variety of angles at the human body as it resists the determinations of gender, sexuality, socialisation and history. Ranging from classical hermaphrodites, Bruegel's blind faces and Weimar transgender surgery, via Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, state-socialist sport and Proust, to Barbie, Lari Pittman, American Psycho, IVF and video dance, the sixteen essays question the relationship between politics, culture and desire. This richly illustrated book also features the original work of two young photographers and a theatre director.
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    John Dewey and the question of artful communication.Scott R. Stroud - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (2):pp. 153-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:John Dewey and the Question of Artful CommunicationScott R. StroudThe American pragmatist John Dewey included tantalizing sections of praise of the power of communication in his important work on community, experience, and their improvement, noting in 1925 that "of all aff airs, communication is the most wonderful" (1988a, LW 1:132) and in 1927 that communication plays an important part in the individual's attempt "to learn to become human" (1984, (...)
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    Contribution to an Analysis of the Daily Life of African Women.Tanella Boni & John Fletcher - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):71-90.
    I'll say first why I write. It intrigues me, I wonder why I write. How it is that I write and why it's so important. I take this as an act of life. One thing that scares me as a writer is a Lari song “ndombi ku ndombi sadidi mukanda komanda diandi Matsoua Ndele.” That can be translated as “even a black can write, hey, things are progressing. “ In the beginning going to school was considered an enormous act, (...)
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