Results for ' stratégies rhétoriques'

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  1.  8
    La rhétorique socratico-platonicienne.François Renaud - 2001 - Philosophie Antique 1 (1):65-86.
    Some recent studies have shown that the critique of rhetoric in the Gorgias itself has a rhetorical dimension. The following analysis deals only with the first part of the dialogue, in which Socrates questions Gorgias, from two complementary perspec­tives. First, since it is ad hominem in character, Socrates’ argumentation mimics and transforms the techniques of contemporary rhetoric, but its goals are protreptic and ethical rather than eristic. Secondly, insofar as he is the controlling author of the dialogue,, Plato displays strategies (...)
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    Lorenzo Valla et la recomposition du conflit entre la dialectique et la rhétorique.Fosca Mariani Zini - 2003 - Philosophie Antique 3:57-80.
    Depuis la philosophie ancienne, notamment avec Aristote, la dialectique et la rhétorique se partagent le domaine de l’argumentation plausible et crédible, mais leurs stratégies de preuve aussi bien que leurs buts diffèrent. Une fois ces différences mises en lumière, il est possible de suggérer que l’humanisme n’a pas été tant un moment marqué par le renouveau de la rhétorique que d’une multiplicité de formes de décomposition et de recomposition des modalités rhétoriques et dialectiques. Cet article cherche à montrer (...)
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    Le libéralisme à l’épreuve de l’utopie socialiste.Nino Fournier - 2022 - Diogène n° 273-274 (1):263-280.
    L’article analyse les raisons historiques et stratégiques qui ont contribué à construire la catégorie de « socialisme utopique » et à réserver le qualificatif d’utopique à un ensemble d’auteurs qui se réclamaient pourtant moins de l’utopie que de la science pour fonder leurs représentations normatives du social, alors que des stratégies rhétoriques similaires ont été localisées dans plusieurs courants de la « science économique ». En mobilisant certains concepts de la sociologie durkheimienne et certaines lectures critiques du libéralisme (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau face au public: problèmes d'identité.Masano Yamashita - 2017 - Oxford, UK: Voltaire Foundation.
    Rousseau a bien compris, mieux que ses contemporains peut-être, le paradoxe de la communication propre aux Lumières, prises entre le développement du savoir et la constitution d'une opinion publique. Avec l'accélération de la circulation des discours et des écrits, comment parler et agir philosophiquement sans se perdre? Comment concilier la culture du secret, issue de la tradition littéraire du libertinage érudit, et la publicité, qui ouvre de plus en plus grands les horizons de la sphère publique? Masano Yamashita examine ici (...)
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    Allégories et rondeaux philosophiques dans le Poeme de la Nature d’Empédocle.Fernando Santoro - 2013 - Chôra 11:183-200.
    Dans une perspective de lecture attentive aux stratégies rhétoriques et poétiques de la sagesse antique, nous traitons de rondeaux, de refrains, de rythmes, de fugues et d’allégories. Sans tenir à faire une lecture littéraire ou musicale des fragments du Poème sur la Nature d’Empédocle, nous examinons la théorie philosophique et le langage philosophique du philosophe d’Akragas tel qu’il est construit intrinsèquement par son langage poétique. Le cycle incessant qui alterne l’amour et la haine se déploie dans des ritournelles (...)
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    Perception, perspective, perspicacité =.Françoise Buisson, Christelle Lacassain-Lagoin & Florence Marie (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les articles de ce recueil, réunis par des membres du Centre de Recherche en Poétique, Histoire Littéraire et Linguistique (EA 3003) de l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, explorent les notions de perception, perspective et perspicacité dans plusieurs champs de recherche (linguistique, littérature, histoire des idées, philosophie et arts) et à diverses époques, du Moyen Age à la modernité. De l'univers sonore médiéval à l'esthétique de Debussy, de la linguistique populaire à l'étude linguistique des relations entre perception, cognition (...)
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    Sémantique interprétative.François Rastier - 2009 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Pour la sémantique moderne, le sens d'un texte n'est plus seulement accessible à l'intuition : il peut se décrire rationnellement. L'analyse reconnaît d'abord dans chaque mot des composants élémentaires propres à la langue, que le contexte et la situation de communication convoquent ou virtualisent. Paradoxalement, cette microsémantique permet aussi de fonder la sémantique textuelle. Si bien qu'en deçà comme au-delà de la prétendue limite de la phrase se met à l'œuvre une théorie descriptive unifiée. De manière cohérente, elle permet de (...)
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    Les techniques dans l'espace public.Liliane Hilaire-Pérez & Marie Thébaud-Sorger - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (2):393-428.
    Le but de cet article est d'interroger les transformations culturelles qui accompagnent la commercialisation des inventions, phénomène majeur de l'essor marchand et consumériste au XVIIIe siècle. Les stratégies commerciales des inventeurs sont fondées sur une médiatisation croissante, mêlant rhétoriques visuelles (démonstrations, spectacles, expositions) et recours à l'imprimé: annonces de presse, affiches, prospectus, modes d'emploi, livrets d'utilisation. L'information et le savoir techniques jouent un rôle clef dans la construction de marchés pour les inventions. Cette dimension a rarement été prise (...)
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    L’universel et l’éthique du care en traduction.Damien Tissot - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (3):122-148.
    Damien Tissot | : Les mouvements féministes transnationaux se sont développés ces dernières décennies pour éviter les impasses des logiques de revendications nationales, internationales et pour combattre de manière générale la rhétorique de l’universel. Afin de lutter contre la mise en place de discours hégémoniques dont le pouvoir est souvent hérité d’une histoire coloniale et patriarcale, les théoriciennes des mouvements féministes transnationaux ont souvent cherché à définir les conditions d’une politique de la traduction qui permettrait de lutter contre la mise (...)
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    Rhetorical definition: A French initiative.Nancy S. Struever - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (4):pp. 401-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetorical Definition:A French InitiativeNancy S. StrueverRhetoric as TheoryIl y a quelque chose de démesuré et de prématuré à entreprendre une histoire de la rhétorique dans I'Europe moderne(Fumaroli 1999).When in his preface to the Histoire de la rhétorique Marc Fumaroli states that the project itself is overambitious and premature, he proceeds to justify his judgment by listing the complications of rhetorical definition: rhetoric is Protean in nature, and in this (...)
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    Généalogie, alèthurgie et critique.Camila Ginés - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 175 (4):45-59.
    Dans cette contribution nous interrogerons la notion d’alèthurgie pour vérifier si la critique dont parle Foucault doit passer par une manifestation de la vérité ou s’il est possible d’inclure dans l’alèthurgie des formes de critique qui refusent l’obligation de dire-vrai sur soi-même – ce qu’on désignera comme « alèthurgie négative ». Ensuite, on cherchera dans l’ Ecce Homo de Nietzsche des stratégies de la critique qui au lieu de s’indexer à la vérité semblent suggérer un renversement parodique qui ancre (...)
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    Diderot, Jacques, le Maître, le spectateur et l'amateur — Raconter le tableau, argumenter le goût.Bernard Vouilloux - 1993 - Argumentation 7 (1):89-101.
    Dans une séquence deJacques le Fataliste, Diderot met aux prises deux approches du tableau: l'une, qui est le fait de Jacques, est fondée sur la médiation narrative et les puissances rhétoriques de l'énonciation langagière; l'autre, ironiquement visée par le Maître, implique les “habitus” de l'amateur et les savoirs du connaisseur. La peinture se trouve ainsi être l'enjeu de deux stratégies discursives, qui, en dernière analyse, renvoient à des régimes de langage et à des postures du sujet antithétiques: une (...)
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  13. Les théories du complot et le paradoxe de l’individualisme épistémique.Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2019 - Diogène n° 261-261 (1-2):54-87.
    Cet article tente d’établir un diagnostic épistémologique du phénomène contemporain de développement des théories complotistes. Il part de la critique de deux approches du phénomène. L’approche « hyper-critique » consiste à dire que le développement du complotisme manifeste un manque « d’esprit critique », et prescrit donc comme thérapie d’enseigner aux élèves à ne rien croire sans l’avoir vérifié soi-même. Je réponds que cette stratégie « individualiste épistémique » est inefficace voire contre-productive, car une étude des discours conspirationnistes révèle que (...)
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    Semel in vita: considerações sobre a brevidade do projeto fundacionalista cartesiano.Ana Cláudia Teodoro Sousa - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):1169-1190.
    Resumo: O objetivo desse trabalho é explorar a perenidade e o significado da expressão semel in vita para a filosofia de Descartes. Por meio de uma análise minuciosa de todas as ocorrências dessa formulação dentro do corpus cartesiano, busca-se evidenciar que semel in vita é um recurso retórico relevante que está vinculado ao momento decisivo da filosofia cartesiana de realizar uma reestruturação do conhecimento a partir da investigação radical e preliminar sobre o escopo do entendimento humano. É concluído, dessa forma, (...)
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    Syrianus polémiste : Métaphysique M et N.John Dillon - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (3):641-649.
    Contrairement à la plupart des écrits néoplatoniciens sur Aristote, le commentaire de Syrianus sur les Livres M et N de la Métaphysique revêt un ton particulièrement polémique. Certes, il s’agit là peut-être d’une réaction prévisible au contenu fortement antiplatonicien de M et N, mais il n’en demeure pas moins que Syrianus choisit délibérément de commenter ces textes-là. À cette fin, il a recours à divers procédés de polémique rhétorique, qu’il manie avec grande habilité. La première stratégie consiste à traiter Aristote (...)
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    Le droit de mutiler.Jasbir K. Puar, Emma Bigé & Harriet de Gouge - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):103-108.
    À l’été 2014, les mouvements Black Lives Matter et Free Palestine convergent. C’est l’occasion pour la théoricienne transdisciplinaire Jasbir K. Puar de réfléchir à la dévalidation forcée des populations racialisées. S’appuyant sur les théories handies décoloniales et crip-of-color, Puar considère la manière dont les corps non-blancs sont exclus de la reconnaissance du handicap. Alors que les meurtres policiers de personnes noires aux États-Unis touchent une large majorité de personnes noires handicapées, et alors que la destruction systématique des hôpitaux palestiniens par (...)
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    Islam et occident: les raisons d'un conflit.Christian Delacampagne - 2003 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Entre Islam et Occident, le conflit existe. Il est profond. Et il n'a pas débuté le 11 septembre 2001 car - sans remonter aux Croisades - il oppose deux civilisations dont les valeurs, depuis des siècles, ne sont guère compatibles. Les orientalistes qui le nient se bercent d'illusions. Les partisans de Huntington, qui croient à la mission salvatrice de l'Occident, font tout autant fausse route. Situation d'autant plus grave que, depuis la guerre des Six jours, le conflit en question a (...)
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  18. Medicine 299 part IV.New Strategies & New Possibilities - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Centre de Recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales conditional fee agreement confidence interval.Clean Air Act & Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Strategies for Natural Language Processing.Wendy G. Lehnert & Martin Ringle (eds.) - 1982 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  21. Numerical simulations of the Lewis signaling game: Learning strategies, pooling equilibria, and the evolution of grammar.Jeffrey A. Barrett - unknown
    David Lewis (1969) introduced sender-receiver games as a way of investigating how meaningful language might evolve from initially random signals. In this report I investigate the conditions under which Lewis signaling games evolve to perfect signaling systems under various learning dynamics. While the 2-state/2- term Lewis signaling game with basic urn learning always approaches a signaling system, I will show that with more than two states suboptimal pooling equilibria can evolve. Inhomogeneous state distributions increase the likelihood of pooling equilibria, but (...)
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  22. Bergmann’s dilemma: exit strategies for internalists.Jason Rogers & Jonathan Matheson - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 152 (1):55-80.
    Michael Bergmann claims that all versions of epistemic internalism face an irresolvable dilemma. We show that there are many plausible versions of internalism that falsify this claim. First, we demonstrate that there are versions of ‘‘weak awareness internalism’’ that, contra Bergmann, do not succumb to the ‘‘Subject’s Perspective Objection’’ horn of the dilemma. Second, we show that there are versions of ‘‘strong awareness internalism’’ that do not fall prey to the dilemma’s ‘‘vicious regress’’ horn. We note along the way that (...)
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    Moral distress: Developing strategies from experience.Andrew Helmers, Karen Dryden Palmer & Rebecca A. Greenberg - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):1147-1156.
    Background Moral distress was first described by Jameton in 1984, and has been defined as distress experienced by an individual when they are unable to carry out what they believe to be the right course of action because of real or perceived constraints on that action. This complex phenomenon has been studied extensively among healthcare providers, and intensive care professionals in particular report high levels of moral distress. This distress has been associated with provider burnout and associated consequences such as (...)
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    Sexual strategies and social-class differences in fitness in modern industrial societies.Hillard Kaplan & Kim Hill - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):198-201.
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    Strategies for Social and Environmental Disclosure: The Case of Multinational Gambling Companies.Tiffany Cheng-Han Leung & Robin Stanley Snell - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (3):447-467.
    This study investigates how firms in the gambling industry manage their corporate social disclosures about controversial issues. We performed thematic content analysis of CSDs about responsible gambling, money laundering prevention and environmental protection in the annual reports and stand-alone CSR reports of four USA-based multinational gambling firms and their four Macao counterparts. This study draws on impression management theory, camouflage theory and corporate integrity theory to examine the gambling firms’ CSDs. We infer that the CSD strategies of gambling firms in (...)
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  26. Emotional strategies and rationality.Patricia Greenspan - 2000 - Ethics 110 (3):469-487.
  27. Evaluating Strategies for Negotiating Workers’ Rights in Transnational Corporations: The Effects of Codes of Conduct and Global Agreements on Workplace Democracy.Niklas Egels-Zandén & Peter Hyllman - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (2):207-223.
    Following the offshoring of production to developing countries by transnational corporations, unions and non-governmental organisations have criticised working conditions at TNCs' offshore factories. This has led to the emergence of two different approaches to operationalising TNC responsibilities for workers' rights in developing countries: codes of conduct and global agreements. Despite the importance of this development, few studies have systematically compared the effects of these two different ways of dealing with workers' rights. This article addresses this gap by analysing how codes (...)
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  28. Stable Strategies for Personal Development: On the Prudential Value of Radical Enhancement and the Philosophical Value of Speculative Fiction.Ian Stoner - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (1):128-150.
    In her short story “Stable Strategies for Middle Management,” Eileen Gunn imagines a future in which Margaret, an office worker, seeks radical genetic enhancements intended to help her secure the middle-management job she wants. One source of the story’s tension and dark humor is dramatic irony: readers can see that the enhancements Margaret buys stand little chance of making her life go better for her; enhancing is, for Margaret, probably a prudential mistake. This paper argues that our positions in the (...)
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  29. Dehumanizing Strategies in Nazi Ideology and their Anthropological Context.Johannes Steizinger - 2020 - In Maria Kronfeldner (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 98–111.
    This chapter explores the ideological dimension of dehumanization in the context of National Socialism, focusing on the connection between concepts of humanity and dehumanizing images. NS regarded itself as a political revolution, realizing a new concept of humanity. Nazi ideologues undergirded the self-understanding of NS by developing racist anthropologies. I examine two major strands of Nazi ideology, focusing on their diverging strategies of dehumanization, and arguing that they were dependent on different anthropological frameworks. Richard Walther Darré held a naturalistic concept (...)
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  30. Discourse processing strategies of skilled and average readers-some implications for learning from discourse.D. J. Townsend - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):508-508.
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  31. Spoken sentence processing strategies vary with reading skill.Dj Townsend, C. Carrithers & T. Bever - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):322-322.
  32. The Pentecost Paradigm: Ten Strategies for Becoming a Multiracial Congregation.[author unknown] - 2018
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  33. Three counter-strategies to reductionism in science.Francis J. Zucker - 1977 - In John B. Cobb & David Ray Griffin (eds.), Mind in Nature. University Press of America. pp. 43.
  34. Fictionalist Strategies in Metaphysics.Lukas Skiba & Richard Woodward - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This paper discusses the nature of, problems for, and benefits delivered by fictionalist strategies in metaphysics.
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    Strategies for Teaching Professional Ethics to IT Engineering Degree Students and Evaluating the Result.Rafael Miñano, Ángel Uruburu, Ana Moreno-Romero & Diego Pérez-López - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):263-286.
    This paper presents an experience in developing professional ethics by an approach that integrates knowledge, teaching methodologies and assessment coherently. It has been implemented for students in both the Software Engineering and Computer Engineering degree programs of the Technical University of Madrid, in which professional ethics is studied as a part of a required course. Our contribution of this paper is a model for formative assessment that clarifies the learning goals, enhances the results, simplifies the scoring and can be replicated (...)
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    Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgment.Christopher Cherniak, Richard Nisbett & Lee Ross - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (3):462.
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  37. Ten Strategies for the Trinity: God as Transcendental Multiplicity and Ipsa Relationalitas.Damiano Migliorini - 2019 - Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia Della Religione 9 (1):1-20.
    In the following paragraphs, I will describe ten strategies through which we can show the weaknesses of every form of theism based on the "One God", while postulating that the Trinity is a good solution. This approach follows up on Swinburne’s claims about the existence of a priori and a posteriori proofs for the existence of the Trinity (his proofs are part of the sixth strategy). Clearly, these strategies are not “new”: they have been advocated by many thinkers in the (...)
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    Beyond existence and aiming outside the laboratory: Estimating frequency-dependent and payoff-biased social learning strategies.Peter J. Richerson - unknown
    The existence of social learning has been confirmed in diverse taxa, from apes to guppies. In order to advance our understanding of the consequences of social transmission and evolution of behavior, however, we require statistical tools that can distinguish among diverse social learning strategies. In this paper, we advance two main ideas. First, social learning is diverse, in the sense that individuals can take advantage of different kinds of information and combine them in different ways. Examining learning strategies for different (...)
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    Rule-extension strategies in ancient India: ritual, exegetical and linguistic considerations on the tantra- and prasaṅga- principles.Elisa Freschi - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition. Edited by Tiziana Pontillo.
    This study focuses on the devices implemented in classical Indian texts on ritual and language in order to develop a structure of rules in an economic and systematic way. These devices presuppose a spatial approach to ritual and language, one which deals for instance with absences as substitutions within a pre-existing grid, and not as temporal disappearances. In this way, the study reveals a key feature of some among the most influential schools of Indian thought. The sources are Kalpasūtra, Vyākaraṇa (...)
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  40. Containing Ecstasy: Strategies of Iamblichean Theurgy.Gregory Shaw - 2003 - Dionysius 21.
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    Sexual Strategies Theory: An evolutionary perspective on human mating.David M. Buss & David P. Schmitt - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (2):204-232.
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    Strategies of inquiry : The ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ revisited.Emmanuel J. Genot - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):2065-2088.
    This paper examines critically the reconstruction of the ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ proposed jointly by M.B. Hintikka and J. Hintikka in the 1980s, and its successor, the interrogative model of inquiry developed by J. Hintikka and his collaborators in the 1990s. The Hintikkas’ model explicitly used game theory in order to formalize a naturalistic approach to inquiry, but the imi abandoned both the game-theoretic formalism, and the naturalistic approach. It is argued that the latter better supports the claim that (...)
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  43. Social Learning Strategies in Networked Groups.Thomas N. Wisdom, Xianfeng Song & Robert L. Goldstone - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (8):1383-1425.
    When making decisions, humans can observe many kinds of information about others' activities, but their effects on performance are not well understood. We investigated social learning strategies using a simple problem-solving task in which participants search a complex space, and each can view and imitate others' solutions. Results showed that participants combined multiple sources of information to guide learning, including payoffs of peers' solutions, popularity of solution elements among peers, similarity of peers' solutions to their own, and relative payoffs from (...)
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  44. Class Strategies and the Education Market: The Middle Classes and Social Advantage.Stephen Ball - 2004 - British Journal of Educational Studies 52 (4):433-436.
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  45. Behavioral strategies for reducing corruption: from regulation to choice architecture.Alejandro Hortal - 2024 - Behavioral Public Policy:1-18.
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    (1 other version)Conceptual strategies and inter-theory relations: The case of nanoscale cracks.Julia R. Bursten - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 62:158-165.
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    Determinants of Political Strategies in U.S. Multinationals.Amy J. Hillman - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (4):455-484.
    This study focuses on the determinants of political strategies used by U.S. multinationals (MNCs) in Europe. Empirical support is found for Hillman and Hitt’s taxonomy of political decisions—that is, approach, participation level, and strategy. The role of institutional- versus firm-level variable determinants of these choices is explored as are the relative effects of firm versus industry variables within differing political contexts. Results based on a survey sample of 169 U.S. MNC subsidiaries within 14 European countries support the finding that both (...)
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    Archival strategies for contemporary collecting in a world of big data: Challenges and opportunities with curating the UK web archive.Helena Byrne & Nicola Jayne Bingham - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    In this contribution, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges arising from memory institutions' need to redefine their archival strategies for contemporary collecting in a world of big data. We will reflect on this topic by critically examining the case study of the UK Web Archive, which is made up of the six UK Legal Deposit Libraries: the British Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales, Bodleian Libraries Oxford, Cambridge University Library and Trinity College Dublin. The UK Web (...)
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    Resituating Knowledge: Generic Strategies and Case Studies.Mary S. Morgan - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):1012-1024.
    This paper addresses the problem of how scientific knowledge, which is always locally generated, becomes accepted in other sites. The analysis suggests that there are a small number of strategies that enable scientists to resituate knowledge and that these strategies are generic: they are not restricted to specific disciplines or modes of doing science but rather are found in a variety of different forms across the sciences.
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  50. Signalling Games select Horn Strategies; ms Universiteit van Amsterdam.R. van Rooy - forthcoming - Linguistics and Philosophy.
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