Results for 'Nino Fournier'

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  1.  20
    Le libéralisme à l’épreuve de l’utopie socialiste.Nino Fournier - 2022 - Diogène n° 273-274 (1):263-280.
    L’article analyse les raisons historiques et stratégiques qui ont contribué à construire la catégorie de « socialisme utopique » et à réserver le qualificatif d’utopique à un ensemble d’auteurs qui se réclamaient pourtant moins de l’utopie que de la science pour fonder leurs représentations normatives du social, alors que des stratégies rhétoriques similaires ont été localisées dans plusieurs courants de la « science économique ». En mobilisant certains concepts de la sociologie durkheimienne et certaines lectures critiques du libéralisme d’une part, (...)
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  2. Le problème de la valeur dans le marxisme : deux approches irréconciliables?Nino Fournier - 2025 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 124 (4):487-504.
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    Frege, Russell and Logicism: a Logical Reconstruction.Nino Cocchiarella - 1986 - In Leila Haaparanta & Jaakko Hintikka (eds.), Frege Synthesized: Essays on the Philosophical and Foundational Work of Gottlob Frege. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 197--252.
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    Razonamiento jurídico, ciencia del derecho y democracia en Carlos S. Nino.Carlos Santiago Nino, Carlos F. Rosenkrantz & Rodolfo Luis Vigo (eds.) - 2008 - México, D.F.: Distribuciones Fontamara.
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    Today & Tomorrow Mankind & Civilization Vol 1: The Dance of Civa Quo Vadimus? Ethnos or the Problem of Race Tantalus or the Problem of Man.Fournier D'Albe Collum - 2008 - Routledge.
    Volume 1: The Dance of Civa Collum Originally published in 1927. "It has substance and thought to it." Spectator "A very interesting account of the work of Sir Jagadis Bose." Oxford Magazine This essay suggests that recognition of the ceaseless flow of the Dance of Civa is the most promising cure for the misunderstandings that have arisen from a Western habit of assuming that conventional categories have tangible existence. Quo Vadimus? Glimpses of the Future E E Fournier d’Albe Originally (...)
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  6. (1 other version)A consensual theory of punishment.C. S. Nino - 1983 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 12 (4):289-306.
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    Empirical research in clinical ethics: The ‘committed researcher’ approach.Véronique Fournier, Sandrine Bretonnière & Marta Spranzi - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (7):719-726.
    After the ‘empirical turn’ in bioethics, few specific approaches have been developed for doing clinical ethics research in close connection with clinical decision-making on a daily basis. In this paper we describe the ‘committed researcher’ approach to research in clinical ethics that we have developed over the years. After comparing it to two similar research methodological approaches, the ‘embedded researcher’ and ‘deliberative engagement’, we highlight its main features: it is patient-oriented, it is implemented by collegial and multidisciplinary teams, it uses (...)
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    The Balance between Beneficence and Respect for Patient Autonomy in Clinical Medical Ethics in France.Veronique Fournier - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (3):281-286.
    A pilot center for clinical ethics in France opened with the establishment of the “Centre d'éthique clinique” at Cochin Hospital in Paris, September 2002. Unlike the longer history in the United States of providing ethics consultation for ethical issues deriving from physician–patient interactions, this center marks a new development in bringing clinical ethics to Europe.
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    The quantum formalism and the GRW formalism.Nino Zanghi - unknown
    The Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber (GRW) theory of spontaneous wave function collapse is known to provide a quantum theory without observers, in fact two different ones by using either the matter density ontology (GRWm) or the flash ontology (GRWf). Both theories are known to make predictions different from those of quantum mechanics, but the difference is so small that no decisive experiment can as yet be performed. While some testable deviations from quantum mechanics have long been known, we provide here something that has (...)
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  10. Quantification, Time, and Necessity.Nino Cocchiarella - 1991 - In Karel Lambert (ed.), Philosophical applications of free logic. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 242--256.
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    Modal logic: an introduction to its syntax and semantics.Nino Barnabas Cocchiarella & Max A. Freund - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Max A. Freund.
    In this text, a variety of modal logics at the sentential, first-order, and second-order levels are developed with clarity, precision and philosophical insight.
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    (1 other version)Некоторые соображения профессора бежана харазишвили о проблемах психологии лжи.Nino Gogniashvili - 2004 - GISAP: Jurisprudence 1:25-31.
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    Logical Studies in Early Analytic Philosophy.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 1987 - Columbus, OH, USA: Ohio State University Press.
  14.  24
    Philosophical Perspectives on Formal Theories of Predication.Nino Cocchiarella - 1983 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Franz Guenthner (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 253--326.
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  15.  27
    La société thasienne et l'Empire sous les Julio-Claudiens : deux inscriptions inédites.Julien Fournier - 2006 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 130 (1):499-518.
    Depuis les années 1970, les fouilles de Thasos ont mis au jour deux inscriptions en rapport avec la famille impériale. La première, datée entre 14 et 29 apr. J.-C., est due à Komis, prêtresse de Livie. Gravée sur la façade arrière du portique Nord-Ouest, elle était la dédicace de l'exèdre des abords Ouest de l'agora. La deuxième, complétée par un fragment découvert en 2006, est la dédicace d'une statue pour Agrippa Postumus, fils adoptif d'Auguste honoré comme bienfaiteur par tradition ancestrale. (...)
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  16.  6
    Creuser la cervelle: Variations sur l'idée de cerveau.Emmanuel Fournier - 2012 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    " Pourquoi demandons-nous avec tant d'empressement au cerveau d'expliquer ce qui nous arrive et ce que nous devons faire? On se dit, n'est-ce pas dans ses replis que nous devons désormais chercher notre sort? La philosophie peut-elle rester indifférente à un tel sujet? [...] Mais avons-nous éclairci notre monde et résolu nos questions de vie en les enracinant dans nos cerveaux? A-t-on rendu la conscience moins mystérieuse? Et penser? L'organe de la pensée va-t-il enfin nous en dispenser? " L'auteur s'interroge (...)
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  17. Peut-on penser le transcendantal à partir de ses limites? : sur la recherche d'un absolu phénoménologique.Jean-Baptiste Fournier - 2023 - In István Fazakas & Paul Slama (eds.), La phénoménologie transcendantale aujourd'hui: autour du Clignotement de l'être d'Alexander Schnell. Paris: Hermann.
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    Marxism's Strange Death.Nino Langiulli - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (136):177-181.
  19. The bold thesis : acerca de la posibilidad del cine como filosofía.Nino Angelo Rosanía Maza & Karen Cárdenas Almanza - 2017 - In Porfirio Cardona Restrepo, Freddy Santamaría Velasco, Juan Osorio-Villegas & Alejandro Tomasini Bassols (eds.), Cine y pensamiento. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
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  20. La frontiera ideale.Nino Munafò - 1970 - Bolzano,:
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  21. El concepto de sistema jurídico y la validez moral del derecho.Carlos Santiago Nino - 1974 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea de R. Depalma.
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    Il pensiero politico de Vico e la dottrina del fascismo.Nino Tripodi - 1941 - Padova,: Cedam (s.a.).
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    Pavao Skalić, Epistemon.Nino Zubović - 2004 - Prolegomena 3 (2):208-213.
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    Decolonizing health care: Challenges of cultural and epistemic pluralism in medical decision-making with Indigenous communities.Sara Marie Cohen-Fournier, Gregory Brass & Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):767-778.
    The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada made it clear that understanding the historical, social, cultural, and political landscape that shapes the relationships between Indigenous peoples and social institutions, including the health care system, is crucial to achieving social justice. How to translate this recognition into more equitable health policy and practice remains a challenge. In particular, there is limited understanding of ways to respond to situations in which conventional practices mandated by the state and regulated by its legal apparatus (...)
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    Towards a United Nations Internal Regulation for Artificial Intelligence.Eleonore Fournier-Tombs - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    This article sets out the rationale for a United Nations Regulation for Artificial Intelligence, which is needed to set out the modes of engagement of the organisation when using artificial intelligence technologies in the attainment of its mission. It argues that given the increasing use of artificial intelligence by the United Nations, including in some activities considered high risk by the European Commission, a regulation is urgent. It also contends that rules of engagement for artificial intelligence at the United Nations (...)
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  26. Some confusions around Kelsen's concept of validity.Carlos Santiago Nino - 1978 - Archiv für Rechts-Und Sozialphilosophie 64 (3):357-376.
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  27. .Julien Fournier - unknown
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  28. Monadic panpsychism.Nino Kadić - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-18.
    One of the main obstacles for panpsychism, the view that consciousness is fundamental and ubiquitous, is the difficulty of explaining how simple subjects could combine to form complex subjects. Known as the subject combination problem, it poses a possibly insurmountable challenge to the view. In this paper, I will assume that this challenge cannot be overcome and instead present a version of panpsychism that completely avoids talk of combination. Inspired by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s metaphysics of monads, I will focus on (...)
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  29. Formal ontology.Nino Cocchiarella - 1991 - In Hans Burkhardt & Barry Smith (eds.), Handbook of metaphysics and ontology. Munich: Philosophia Verlag. pp. 640--647.
  30. Conceptual realism as a theory of logical form.Nino Cocchiarella - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 51 (200):175-199.
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  31. Modal logic. An introduction to its syntax and semantics.Nino B. Cocchiarella & Max A. Freund - 2010 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):275-276.
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    René Girard: cristianesimo, etica, complessità nella società globalizzata.Nino Arrigo - 2014 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Surogacʻiis samartʻlebrivi regulirebis problemebi saertʻašoriso da erovnul doneze.Nino Bogveraże - 2019 - Tʻbilisi: Zviad Korżażis gamomcʻemloba.
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    Corrections au règlement de la phratrie des Labyades.Paul Fournier - 1898 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 22 (1):271-272.
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  35. Durkheim's team : L'Année sociologique.Marcel Fournier & Paul Carls - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    L'immatériel et le droit: perspectives et limites.Stéphanie Fournier & Philippe Conte (eds.) - 2017 - Bayonne: Institut Universitaire Varenne.
    Conçues pour des biens ayant une consistance matérielle, nombre d'infractions pénales ont été sollicitées ces dernières années pour s'appliquer à des biens immatériels tels qu'un numéro de carte bancaire, un projet de borne informatique, du temps de travail ou encore des données informatiques. Au-delà de la matière répressive, l'ambition de cet ouvrage est de se livrer à une étude plus générale de l'adaptation du droit au développement de l'immatériel pour déterminer jusqu'où l'on peut juridiquement aller dans sa prise en compte. (...)
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  37. La definición de "derecho" y de "norma jurídica".Carlos Santiago Nino - 1973 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea.
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    Polynomials of conditional algebras.Nino Pkhakadze - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (3):118-122.
    In this work we study the functions, which are the polynomials of conditional algebra. The notion of conditional algebra is based on the procedural semantics of the conditional operator “if A then B else C” – one of the most usable operators of programming languages.
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    Campanella.Nino Valeri - 1931 - Roma,: A. F. Formʹiggini.
  40.  21
    Possibility, necessity, and existence: Abbagnano and his predecessors.Nino Langiulli - 1992 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    In this systematic historical analysis, Nino Langiulli focuses on a key philosophical issue, possibility, as it is refracted through the thought of the Italian ...
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    Actualism versus Possibilism in Formal Ontology.Nino Cocchiarella - 2010 - In Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt (eds.), Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 105--117.
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  42. Claude Favre de Vaugelas.Nathalie Fournier - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes.
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    Concepts morphologiques et concepts propres : le problème de l'axiomatisation de l'expérience chez Husserl et Carnap.Jean-Baptiste Fournier - 2018 - Philosophie 3 (3):46-60.
  44. Essai sur l'individualisme. Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine.E. Fournière - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 53:98-102.
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  45. Influence de Coleridge sur Stuart Mill dans le probleme de la libert6 et de la necessity,'.G. Fournier - 1921 - Revue de Philosophie 21:134-51.
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    Fondazione del diritto comunitario.Nino Nava - 1950 - Modena,: Bérben.
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    Consecuencialismo: debate ético y jurídico.Carlos Santiago Nino - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (1).
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    From participative interactions to moral communities.Angela Niño Castro - 2009 - Discusiones Filosóficas 10 (15):83 - 96.
    En el marco del naturalismo moral PeterF. Strawson propone que la moralidades parte de nuestra natural participaciónen relaciones humanas donde los otrosno pueden resultarnos indiferentes. Sinembargo, esta innegable ganancia teóricade Strawson, puede quedar debilitadapor la insuficiente importancia que elanglosajón concede a las comunidadesmorales. Como agudamente lo ha puestode pr e s e nt e Ror t y, l os s e nt i mi e nt osmorales, tal como los concebía Strawson,no t ranscurren f uera o al margen dediversas comunidades (...)
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  49. Logical Investigations of Predication Theory and the Problem of Universals.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (2):265-271.
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  50. A New Formulation of Predicative Second Order Logic'.Nino Cocchiarella - 1974 - Logique Et Analyse 65 (66):61-87.
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