Results for ' socio-technical systems'

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  1. Do socio-technical systems cognise?Olle Blomberg - 2009 - Proceedings of the 2nd AISB Symposium on Computing and Philosophy.
    The view that an agent’s cognitive processes sometimes include proper parts found outside the skin and skull of the agent is gaining increasing acceptance in philosophy of mind. One main empirical touchstone for this so-called active externalism is Edwin Hutchins’ theory of distributed cognition (DCog). However, the connection between DCog and active externalism is far from clear. While active externalism is one component of DCog, the theory also incorporates other related claims, which active externalists may not want to take on (...)
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    Experiments on Socio-Technical Systems: The Problem of Control.Peter Kroes - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (3):633-645.
    My aim is to question whether the introduction of new technologies in society may be considered to be genuine experiments. I will argue that they are not, at least not in the sense in which the notion of experiment is being used in the natural and social sciences. If the introduction of a new technology in society is interpreted as an experiment, then we are dealing with a notion of experiment that differs in an important respect from the notion of (...)
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  3. Synthetic Socio-Technical Systems: Poiêsis as Meaning Making.Piercosma Bisconti, Andrew McIntyre & Federica Russo - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-19.
    With the recent renewed interest in AI, the field has made substantial advancements, particularly in generative systems. Increased computational power and the availability of very large datasets has enabled systems such as ChatGPT to effectively replicate aspects of human social interactions, such as verbal communication, thus bringing about profound changes in society. In this paper, we explain that the arrival of generative AI systems marks a shift from ‘interacting through’ to ‘interacting with’ technologies and calls for a (...)
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  4. AI Moral Enhancement: Upgrading the Socio-Technical System of Moral Engagement.Richard Volkman & Katleen Gabriels - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-14.
    Several proposals for moral enhancement would use AI to augment (auxiliary enhancement) or even supplant (exhaustive enhancement) human moral reasoning or judgment. Exhaustive enhancement proposals conceive AI as some self-contained oracle whose superiority to our own moral abilities is manifest in its ability to reliably deliver the ‘right’ answers to all our moral problems. We think this is a mistaken way to frame the project, as it presumes that we already know many things that we are still in the process (...)
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  5. What an Entangled Web We Weave: An Information-centric Approach to Time-evolving Socio-technical Systems.Markus Luczak-Roesch, Kieron O’Hara, Jesse David Dinneen & Ramine Tinati - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (4):709-733.
    A new layer of complexity, constituted of networks of information token recurrence, has been identified in socio-technical systems such as the Wikipedia online community and the Zooniverse citizen science platform. The identification of this complexity reveals that our current understanding of the actual structure of those systems, and consequently the structure of the entire World Wide Web, is incomplete, which raises novel questions for data science research but also from the perspective of social epistemology. Here we (...)
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  6. Philosophy of Socio-Technical Systems.Günter Ropohl - 1999 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 4 (3):186-194.
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    The “can you trust it?” Problem of simulation science in the design of sociotechnical systems.Jeffrey Johnson - 2000 - Complexity 6 (2):34-40.
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  8. (1 other version)Technicity of the body as part of the socio-technical system: The contributions of Mauss and Bourdieu.Ernst Wolff - 2010 - Theoria 76 (2):167-187.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to a philosophy of technics by proposing an answer to the following question: what is the nature of the human body as an element of technical systems? The argument focuses on an examination of the phenomenon of bodily technics. This examination is guided by the conviction that Pierre Bourdieu's social theory can be read as contributing significantly to an answer to the above question. However, since Bourdieu's project is not directly (...)
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    The Cultural Impact on Ethics: Robotic Agency in Socio-Technical Systems.Patrick Grüneberg - 2015 - Global Japanese Studies Review 1 (8):19-36.
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    Rethinking Experiments in a Socio-Technical Perspective: The Case of Software Engineering.Viola Schiaffonati & Mario Verdicchio - 2015 - Philosophies 1 (1):87--101.
    Experiments in computing share many characteristics with the traditional experimental method, but also present significant differences from a practical perspective, due to their aim at producing software artifacts and the central role played by human actors and organizations involved in the software development process. By analyzing some of the most significant experiments in the subfield of software engineering, we aim at showing how the conceptual framework that supports experimental methodology in this context needs an extension in a socio-technical (...)
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  11. Socio-technical computation.Markus Luczak-Roesch, Ramine Tinati, Kieron O'Hara & Nigel Shadbolt - 2015 - In Markus Luczak-Roesch, Ramine Tinati, Kieron O'Hara & Nigel Shadbolt, Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing.
    Motivated by the significant amount of successful collaborative problem solving activity on the Web, we ask: Can the accumulated information propagation behavior on the Web be conceived as a giant machine, and reasoned about accordingly? In this paper we elaborate a thesis about the computational capability embodied in information sharing activities that happen on the Web, which we term socio-technical computation, reflecting not only explicitly conditional activities but also the organic potential residing in information on the Web.
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    Causality-based accountability mechanisms for socio-technical systems.Amjad Ibrahim, Stavros Kyriakopoulos & Alexander Pretschner - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Technology 7:100016.
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    Moral Dilemmas, Amoral Obligations, and Responsible Innovation; Two-Dimensional “Human Control” Over “Autonomous” Socio-Technical Systems.Keyvan Alasti - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    In some cases, the term ‘Responsible Innovation’ has been considered a type of ethical solution to the Collingridge predicament in control of technology development. In this article, I claimed that two different approaches for responsible innovation (i.e. Van den Hoven’s innovation-based approach and Owen’s social-based approach) can be considered as two different dimensions that, while being conflicting, dialectically interact and thus can be useful for solving the problem of Collingridge. For this purpose, I argue that the first approach that resorts (...)
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    A framework for the application of socio-technical design methodology.Adnan Ahmad, Brian Whitworth & Elisa Bertino - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (4):1-20.
    Socio-technical systems (STS) have become prominent platforms for online social interactions. Yet, they are still struggling to incorporate basic social ideas for many different and new online activities. This has resulted in unintended exposure of users’ personal data and a rise in online threats as users have now become a desirable target for malicious activities. To address such challenges, various researchers have argued that STS should support user-oriented configurations to protect their users from online social abuse. Some (...)
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    The Double Path of Expansive Learning in Complex Socio-Technical Change Processes.Monika Hackel & Michael Klebl - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (1):04-27.
    The purpose of this article is to describe how expansive learning in organisations can become a resource for learning in a wider community of practice (CoP). The “developmental work research” approach (DWR) based on cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) is beneficial for analysing and interpreting the requirements in a field of action. Engeström’s specific form of “action research” focuses on expansive learning in activity systems. However, complex socio-technical change processes cannot be initiated and managed by the local (...)
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    A Multi-level Review of Engineering Ethics Education: Towards a Socio-technical Orientation of Engineering Education for Ethics.Diana Adela Martin, Eddie Conlon & Brian Bowe - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-38.
    This paper aims to review the empirical and theoretical research on engineering ethics education, by focusing on the challenges reported in the literature. The analysis is conducted at four levels of the engineering education system. First, the individual level is dedicated to findings about teaching practices reported by instructors. Second, the institutional level brings together findings about the implementation and presence of ethics within engineering programmes. Third, the level of policy situates findings about engineering ethics education in the context of (...)
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  17. Co-Designing social systems by designing technical artifacts.Ulrich Krohs - 2007 - In Pieter E. Vermaas, Peter Kroes, Andrew Light & Steven A. Moore, Philosophy and Design: From Engineering to Architecture. Springer.
    Technical artifacts are embedded in social systems and, to some extent, even shape them. This chapter inquires, then, whether designing artifacts may be regarded as a contribution to social design. I explicate a concept of general design that conceives design as the type fixation of a complex entity. This allows for an analysis of different contributions to the design of social systems without favoring the intended effects of artifacts on a system over those effects that actually show (...)
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    Enhancing Pracademia in Business Schools: Designing Systems That Enable Impact.Helen P. N. Hughes, Jill Dickinson, Ged Hall & David L. Loseby - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    This commentary builds on ongoing dialogs examining the impact agenda. Its purpose is to (a) demonstrate how pracademia can enhance the impact agenda of Business Schools and (b) apply principles from socio-technical theory, to show how achieving this requires widespread culture change in Business Schools, which must be considered within the wider socio-technical system in which pracademia and impact are embedded. We consider inherent problems, and ways forward.
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    Representations at Work.Martin M. Nielsen - 2003 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 5 (2):69-77.
    This paper argues that “distributed cognition” facilitates a framework for studying aspects of organizations as socio-technical systems. An approach studying tool use and workflows is laid out and utilized in an analysis of information processing at a post office. Finally, some implications are presented – for organizational as well as cognitive studies. Research on performative representations is called for and, consequently, a widening of the cognition-as-computation framework is suggested.
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    Learning in the air traffic control tower: Stretching co-presence through interdependent sentience.Christine Owen - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (5):496-504.
    This paper examines the learning and performance of the air traffic control (ATC) work domain. This domain was chosen because it embodies features that represent future work for many other industries (e.g., information service provision mediated by information technologies; a high reliance on communication skills and collaborative work; increasing complexity and intensity of the work activity), within an organisational context undergoing considerable change. In ATC work learning occurs formally as part of accredited training and informally, as part of everyday practice. (...)
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    Customizable Ethics Settings for Building Resilience and Narrowing the Responsibility Gap: Case Studies in the Socio-Ethical Engineering of Autonomous Systems.Sadjad Soltanzadeh, Jai Galliott & Natalia Jevglevskaja - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2693-2708.
    Ethics settings allow for morally significant decisions made by humans to be programmed into autonomous machines, such as autonomous vehicles or autonomous weapons. Customizable ethics settings are a type of ethics setting in which the users of autonomous machines make such decisions. Here two arguments are provided in defence of customizable ethics settings. Firstly, by approaching ethics settings in the context of failure management, it is argued that customizable ethics settings are instrumentally and inherently valuable for building resilience into the (...)
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  22. The narrative aspect of scenario building - How story telling may give people a memory of the future.Lauge Baungaard Rasmussen - 2005 - AI and Society 19 (3):229-249.
    Scenarios are flexible means to integrate disparate ideas, thoughts and feelings into holistic images, providing the context and meaning of possible futures. The application of narrative scenarios in engineering, development of socio-technical systems or communities provides an important link between general ideas and specification of technical system requirements. They focus on how people use systems through context-related storytelling rather than abstract descriptions of requirements. The quality of scenarios depends on relevant assumptions and authentic scenario stories. (...)
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    The evolving model of communication in sociotechnical systems.Graziella Mazzoli - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (3):221-231.
    Reflection on the natural/artificial, real/imaginary, subjective/objective dicotomies is increasingly the subject of debate on systems of communication, which make more and more widespread use of expert and/or intelligent advanced technologies.This paper analyses different forms of communication operating in a socio-technical system. The analysis is concerned with changes in creativity and participation of the human being in the decision and production processes within various contexts of social life. It is thus important to verify the possibility of an interpolation (...)
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    Human factors in information technology: The socio-organisational aspects of expert systems design. [REVIEW]Evans E. Woherem - 1991 - AI and Society 5 (1):18-33.
    This paper looks beyond the mostly technical and business issues that currently inform the design of knowledge-based systems (e.g., expert systems) to point out that there is also a social and organisational (a socio-organisational) dimension to the issues affecting the design decisions of expert systems and other information technologies. It argues that whilst technical and business issues are considered before the design of Expert Systems, that socio-organisational issues determine the acceptance and long-run (...)
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    Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems.Catrin Misselhorn - 1st ed. 2015 - In Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag.
    Novel varieties of interplay between humans, robots and software agents are on the rise. Computer-based artefacts are no longer mere tools but have become interaction partners. Distributed problem solving and social agency may be modelled by social computing systems based on multi-agent systems. MAS and agent-based modelling approaches focus on the simulation of complex interactions and relationships of human and/or non-human agents. MAS may be deployed both in virtual environments and cyber-physical systems. With regard to their impact (...)
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    How Smart Grid Meets In Vitro Meat: on Visions as Socio-Epistemic Practices.Arianna Ferrari & Andreas Lösch - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):75-91.
    The production, manipulation and exploitation of future visions are increasingly important elements in practices of visioneering socio-technical processes of innovation and transformation. This becomes obvious in new and emerging science and technologies and large-scale transformations of established socio-technical systems. A variety of science and technology studies provide evidence on correlations between expectations and anticipatory practices with the dynamics of such processes of change. Technology assessment responded to the challenges posed by the influence of visions on (...)
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    Two approaches to developing expert systems: A consideration of formal and semi-formal domains. [REVIEW]Edgar A. Whitley - 1991 - AI and Society 5 (2):110-127.
    The conventional approach to developing expert systems views the domain of application as being “formally defined”. This view often leads to practical problems when expert systems are built using this approach. This paper examines the implications and problems of the formal approach to expert system design and proposes an alternative approach based on the concept of semi-formal domains. This approach, which draws on the work of socio-technical information systems, provides guidelines which can be used for (...)
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    A Socio‐epistemological Framework for Scientific Publishing.Judith Simon - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (3):201-218.
    In this paper I propose a new theoretical framework to analyse sociotechnical epistemic practices and systems on the Web and beyond, and apply it to the topic of web‐based scientific publishing. This framework is informed by social epistemology, science and technology studies (STS) and feminist epistemology. Its core consists of a tripartite classification of sociotechnical epistemic systems based on the mechanisms of closure they employ to terminate socio‐epistemic processes in which multiple agents are (...)
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    Socially distributed cognition in loosely coupled systems.Mark Perry - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (4):387-400.
    Distributed cognition provides a theoretical framework for the analysis of data from socio-technical systems within a problem-solving framework. While the approach has been applied in tightly constrained activity domains, composed of well-structured problems and highly organised infrastructures, little is known about its use in other forms of activity systems. In this paper, we explore how distributed cognition could be applied in less well-constrained settings, with ill-structured problems and loosely organised resource sets, critically reflecting on this using (...)
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  30. Self-Driving Cars and Engineering Ethics: The Need for a System Level Analysis.Jason Borenstein, Joseph R. Herkert & Keith W. Miller - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):383-398.
    The literature on self-driving cars and ethics continues to grow. Yet much of it focuses on ethical complexities emerging from an individual vehicle. That is an important but insufficient step towards determining how the technology will impact human lives and society more generally. What must complement ongoing discussions is a broader, system level of analysis that engages with the interactions and effects that these cars will have on one another and on the socio-technical systems in which they (...)
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    From the imperial to the empty calorie: how nutrition relations underpin food regime transitions. [REVIEW]Jane Dixon - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):321-333.
    This article works in a recursive manner by using the tools of a food regime approach to reinterpret the nutrition transition that has been underway internationally for 100 years, and then describing the contributions of nutrition science to the 1st and 2nd Food Regimes and the passages between Food Regimes. The resulting history—from the ‘imperial calorie’ through the ‘protective’ vitamin to the ‘empty calorie’—illuminates a neglected dimension to food regime theorising: the role of socio-technical systems in shaping (...)
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    Zarathustra and beyond: exploring culture and values online. [REVIEW]Larry Stapleton - 2013 - AI and Society 28 (1):95-105.
    Illusions of control and fantasies of power are important themes in human history and culture. The first objective of this paper is to explore Zarathustran fantasies in the information society, and our dreams of God-like control and mastery over ourselves and the Universe. This paper does not try to be faithful to Nietzschean philosophical concepts of Zarathustra, but instead explore cultural themes, which can be related to a mythology of God-like control and omniscient perception. It draws together strands from science (...)
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    Transparency for AI systems: a value-based approach.Stefan Buijsman - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-11.
    With the widespread use of artificial intelligence, it becomes crucial to provide information about these systems and how they are used. Governments aim to disclose their use of algorithms to establish legitimacy and the EU AI Act mandates forms of transparency for all high-risk and limited-risk systems. Yet, what should the standards for transparency be? What information is needed to show to a wide public that a certain system can be used legitimately and responsibly? I argue that process-based (...)
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    Standardizing Practices: A Socio-History of Experimental Systems in Classical Genetic and Virological Cancer Research, ca. 1920-1978.Joan H. Fujimura - 1996 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 18 (1):3 - 54.
    This paper presents a narrative history of technologies in cancer research circa 1920-1978 and a theoretical perspective on the complex, intertwined relationships between scientific problems, material practices and technologies, concepts and theories, and other historical circumstances. The history presents several active lines of research and technology development in the genetics of cancer in the United States which were constitutive of protooncogene work in its current form. I write this history from the perspective of technology development. Scientists participating in cancer research (...)
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    Human, Non-Human, and Beyond: Cochlear Implants in Socio-Technological Environments.Beate Ochsner, Markus Spöhrer & Robert Stock - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (3):237-250.
    The paper focuses on processes of normalization through which dis/ability is simultaneously produced in specific collectives, networks, and socio-technological systems that enable the construction of such demarcations. Our point of departure is the cochlear implant, a neuroprosthetic device intended to replace and/or augment the function of the damaged inner ear. Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sounds, the CI does the work of damaged hair cells in the inner ear by providing sound signals to the brain. We examine the (...)
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    Trust and resilient autonomous driving systems.Adam Henschke - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (1):81-92.
    Autonomous vehicles, and the larger socio-technical systems that they are a part of are likely to have a deep and lasting impact on our societies. Trust is a key value that will play a role in the development of autonomous driving systems. This paper suggests that trust of autonomous driving systems will impact the ways that these systems are taken up, the norms and laws that guide them and the design of the systems (...)
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    AWOSE - A Process Model for Incorporating Ethical Analyses in Agile Systems Engineering.Benjamin Strenge & Thomas Schack - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):851-870.
    Ethical, legal and social implications are widely regarded as important considerations with respect to technological developments. Agile Worth-Oriented Systems Engineering is an innovative approach to incorporating ethically relevant criteria during agile development processes through a flexibly applicable methodology. First, a predefined model for the ethical evaluation of socio-technical systems is used to assess ethical issues according to different dimensions. The second part of AWOSE ensures that ethical issues are not only identified, but also systematically considered during (...)
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  38. Social Dimensions in CPS & IoT Based Automated Production Systems.Hind B. El-Haouzi, Etienne Valette, Bettina-Johanna Krings & António Moniz - 2021 - Societies 11 (3):98.
    Since the 1970s, the application of microprocessor in industrial machinery and the development of computer systems have transformed the manufacturing landscape. The rapid integration and automation of production systems have outpaced the development of suitable human design criteria, creating a deepening gap between humans and systems in which human was seen as an important source of errors and disruptions. Today, the situation seems different: the scientific and public debate about the concept of Industry 4.0 has raised awareness (...)
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  39. Applying mechanical philosophy to web science: The case of social machines.Paul R. Smart, Kieron O’Hara & Wendy Hall - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-29.
    Social machines are a prominent focus of attention for those who work in the field of Web and Internet science. Although a number of online systems have been described as social machines, there is, as yet, little consensus as to the precise meaning of the term “social machine.” This presents a problem for the scientific study of social machines, especially when it comes to the provision of a theoretical framework that directs, informs, and explicates the scientific and engineering activities (...)
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    Ontology for Big Systems: The Ontology Summit 2012 Communiqué.Todd Schneider, Ali Hashemi, Mike Bennett, Mary Brady, Cory Casanave, Henson Graves, Michael Gruninger, Nicola Guarino, Anatoly Levenchuk & Ernie Lucier - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (3):357-371.
    The Ontology Summit 2012 explored the current and potential uses of ontology, its methods and paradigms, in big systems and big data: How ontology can be used to design, develop, and operate such systems. The systems addressed were not just software systems, although software systems are typically core and necessary components, but more complex systems that include multiple kinds and levels of human and community interaction with physical-software systems, systems of systems, (...)
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  41. Disclosive Ethics and Information Technology: Disclosing Facial Recognition Systems.Lucas D. Introna - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (2):75-86.
    This paper is an attempt to present disclosive ethics as a framework for computer and information ethics – in line with the suggestions by Brey, but also in quite a different manner. The potential of such an approach is demonstrated through a disclosive analysis of facial recognition systems. The paper argues that the politics of information technology is a particularly powerful politics since information technology is an opaque technology – i.e. relatively closed to scrutiny. It presents the design of (...)
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    How a cockpit remembers its speeds.Edwin Hutchins - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (3):265--288.
    Cognitive science normally takes the individual agent as its unit of analysis. In many human endeavors, however, the outcomes of interest are not determined entirely by the information processing properties of individuals. Nor can they be inferred from the properties of the individual agents, alone, no matter how detailed the knowledge of the properties of those individuals may be. In commercial aviation, for example, the successful completion of a flight is produced by a system that typically includes two or more (...)
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    Cognitive Interaction Technology in Sport—Improving Performance by Individualized Diagnostics and Error Prediction.Benjamin Strenge, Dirk Koester & Thomas Schack - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The interdisciplinary research area Cognitive Interaction Technology (CIT) aims to understand and support interactions between human users and other elements of socio-technical systems. Important reasons for the new interest in understanding CIT in sport psychology are the impressive development of cognitive robotics and advanced technologies such as virtual or augmented reality systems, cognitive glasses or neurotechnology settings. The present article outlines this area of research, addresses ethical issues, and presents an empirical study in the context of (...)
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    Building information systems as universalized locals.Mark Hartswood, Alexander Voß, Rob Procter, Mark Rouncefield, Roger Slack & Robin Williams - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (3):90-108.
    We report on our experiences in a participatory design project to develop ICTs in a hospital ward working with deliberate self-harm patients. This project involves the creation and constant re-creation of socio-technical ensembles that satisfy the various, changing and often contradictory and conflicting needs in this context. Such systems are shaped in locally meaningful ways but nevertheless reach beyond their immediate context to gain wider importance and to be integrated with the larger environment.
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  45. Towards a Conceptualization of Sociomaterial Entanglement.Daniele Porello & Roberta Ferrario - 2015 - In Henning Christiansen, Isidora Stojanovic & George A. Papadopoulos, Modeling and Using Context. 9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, Context 2015. Springer. pp. 32--46.
    In knowledge representation, socio-technical systems can be modeled as multiagent systems in which the local knowledge of each individual agent can be seen as a context. In this paper we propose formal ontologies as a means to describe the assumptions driving the construction of contexts as local theories and to enable interoperability among them. In particular, we present two alternative conceptualizations of the notion of sociomateriality (and entanglement), which is central in the recent debates on (...)-technical systems in the social sciences, namely critical and agential realism. We thus start by providing a model of entanglement according to the critical realist view, representing it as a property of objects that are essentially dependent on different modules of an already given ontology. We refine then our treatment by proposing a taxonomy of sociomaterial entanglements that distinguishes between ontological and epistemological entanglement. In the final section, we discuss the second perspective, which is more challenging form the point of view of knowledge representation, and we show that the very distinction of information into modules can be at least in principle built out of the assumption of an entangled reality. (shrink)
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    Technicization of “Birth” and “Mothering”: Bioethical Debates from Feminist Perspectives.Zairu Nisha - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (2):133-148.
    Birthing is a natural phenomenon. However, in the era of modernisation, it has dramatically changed and transformed into a technological affair. Some feminists claim that advances in medicine and assisted reproductive technologies have opened up numerous opportunities and choices for women to free themselves from their destined role of maternity by separating sex from reproduction. But are these technological artefacts always there to emancipate women or just another way to keep them subordinated to serve social needs? Other feminists argue that (...)
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    (1 other version)Between Protest and Counter-Expertise: User Knowledge, Activism, and the Making of Urban Cycling Networks in the Netherlands Since the 1970sZwischen Protest und Gegenexpertise: Nutzererlebnis, Aktivismus und das Entstehen der städtischen Radwegenetze in den Niederlanden seit 1970.Henk-Jan Dekker - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (3):281-309.
    Around 1970, high numbers of traffic casualties among cyclists led to the creation of numerous local protest movements in the Netherlands. While activists employed protest strategies, their main interest lie in the way they exemplify a highly successful instance of “lay expertise”; the idea that users of a technology have a fundamentally different and valuable perspective on a technology than experts or system-builders. Specifically, cyclists claimed to be more knowledgeable about cycling conditions and safety than the state-employed engineers and traffic (...)
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    Applying Value Sensitive Design (VSD) to Wind Turbines and Wind Parks: An Exploration.Ilse Oosterlaken - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):359-379.
    Community acceptance still remains a challenge for wind energy projects. The most popular explanation for local opposition, the Not in My Backyard effect, has received fierce criticism in the past decade. Critics argue that opposition is not merely a matter of selfishness or ignorance, but that moral, ecological and aesthetic values play an important role. In order to better take such values into account, a more bottom-up, participatory decision process is usually proposed. Research on this topic focusses on either stakeholder (...)
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    (1 other version)Abstraction: An alternative neurocognitive account of recognition, prediction, and decision making.Valerie F. Reyna & David A. Broniatowski - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Gilead et al. offer a thoughtful and much-needed treatment of abstraction. However, it fails to build on an extensive literature on abstraction, representational diversity, neurocognition, and psychopathology that provides important constraints and alternative evidence-based conceptions. We draw on conceptions in software engineering, socio-technical systems engineering, and a neurocognitive theory with abstract representations of gist at its core, fuzzy-trace theory.
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    Engineering knowledge in the technogenic civilization.Irina A. Gerasimova - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):6-17.
    The author argues that the radical technological transformations contribute to the raise of new epistemological questions. The XXI century technologies could be described as a large-scale socio-technical system. The author claims that the engineering knowledge in the technogenic civilization combines science and technology, technology and industry, techno-science and art, economics, society and culture. At the same time engineers and technologists while doing their experimental research face with risks and uncertainty. The author argues that the rise of new global (...)
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