Rafael Domingo [11]Rosallia Domingo [5]Vianney Domingo [3]M. Cinta Espuny Domingo [3]
A. Domingo [3]David Domingo [2]Jaynelle G. Domingo [2]Rosario Domingo [2]

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  1.  12
    Redefining nursing solidarity.Marta Domingo-Osle & Rafael Domingo - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):651-659.
    The idea of solidarity is in vogue, especially since the eruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the term “solidarity,” as used in nursing, is imprecise and vague, lacking clear definition and connoting a variety of general meanings. Based on the original meaning of “solidarity” in ancient Roman law, this article captures the archetypical idea of solidarity from a historical and interdisciplinary perspective. This archetypical or primary meaning comes before the development of any other meanings of the word, and it is (...)
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  2.  49
    Victim-blaming AIs.Hazel T. Biana & Rosallia Domingo - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  3.  69
    Quasispecies Productivity.Esteban Domingo & Guenther Witzany - 2024 - The Science of Nature 111 (11):11.
    The quasispecies theory is a helpful concept in the explanation of RNA virus evolution and behaviour, with a relevant impact on methods used to fight viral diseases. It has undergone some adaptations to integrate new empirical data, especially the non-deterministic nature of mutagenesis, and the variety of behavioural motifs in cooperation, competition, communication, innovation, integration, and exaptation. Also, the consortial structure of quasispecies with complementary roles of memory genomes of minority populations better fits the empirical data than did the original (...)
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    Disrupting Epistemic Injustice: Gender Equality and Progressive Philippine Catholic Communities.Hazel Biana, Mark A. Dacela & Rosallia Domingo - 2022 - Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific (48).
    In this paper, we discuss specific epistemic injustices suffered by gender minorities in the Philippines. We also show that societal changes have been evident throughout the years. We review some progressive Philippine Catholic communities' sustainable development efforts toward gender equality or toward the eradication of discrimination, marginalisation, and violence based on a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression (SOGIE). Despite these epistemic injustices, we reveal that there are ways by which gender disorientations may be disrupted by progressive Philippine (...)
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  5.  13
    Althusser et Spinoza détours et retours.Sánchez Estop & Juan Domingo - 2022 - Bruxelles (Belgique): Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
    L'Althusser antihumaniste, ou de la coupure: Le problème de la "philosophie de Marx" -- Du côté de Staline -- Les thèses de l'antihumanisme -- Spinoza l'antihumaniste -- Louis Althusser entre déterminisme et liberté -- Althusser de la lecture: Le détour par Spinoza -- Le Traité théologico-politique, une politique du discours -- Lire Le Capital avec Spinoza -- Althusser de la structure: Du "marxisme structuraliste" à l'immanentisme spinoziste : un parcours philosophique -- Déterminisme et coupures -- Coupure et lecture symptômale -- (...)
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  6. Job Motivation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Among Accountants.Arianna Dacanay, Giannah D. V. Gonzales, Carl Xaviery A. Baldonado, Nicolai Renz S. P. Guballa, Hanz S. Marquez, Hazel Anne M. Domingo, Kyle Gian S. Diaz, Denise Iresh S. Catolico, Edward Gabriel Gotis & Jhoselle tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):412-418.
    Job motivation remains an area of concern among researchers due to the rising issues of poor or lack of motivation among workers. This refers to one’s personal will or drives to perform a task at work. Meanwhile, job satisfaction refers to an employee’s sense of fulfillment with his or her work experience. Therefore, the current study utilized the descriptive- correlational research design to investigate the impact of job motivation on the job satisfaction of accountants. To gather essential data and achieve (...)
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  7.  33
    An Approach to Integrating Tactical Decision-Making in Industrial Maintenance Balance Scorecards Using Principal Components Analysis and Machine Learning.Néstor Rodríguez-Padial, Marta Marín & Rosario Domingo - 2017 - Complexity:1-15.
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    Complexity in Manufacturing Processes and Systems.Rosario Domingo, Julio Blanco-Fernández, Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz & Leonardo Rivera - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-3.
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    Dimensões de consciência possíveis na pesquisa e na escrita narrativa sobre si - uma perspectiva bakhtiniana.Vanessa França Simas, Guilherme do Val Toledo Prado & Jesús Domingo - 2018 - Bakhtiniana 13 (1):113-131.
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  10.  18
    Leadership as service: developing a character education program for university students in Spain.Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Lleó, Vianney Domingo & José M. Torralba - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):209-227.
    This paper describes the development and implementation of a character education program at the University of Navarra. The Leadership as Service Program has been developed in collaboration with the Oxford Character Project, and has adapted its Global Leadership Initiative to the Spanish context. The purpose of the Leadership as Service Program is to help students develop a sense of personal purpose, and virtues that are specific to leadership, such as prudence, humility, gratitude, resilience, and service. The methodology of the program (...)
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  11.  28
    A Feminist Reimagining of Mary’s Role in Philippine Colonial Catholicism’s Economy of Salvation Through the Works of Jose Rizal.Rosallia Domingo - 2023 - In Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman, Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 365-376.
    This paper explores the writings of Jose Rizal as a source of insight into the predominant role of Mary, as the Mother of God, in Christian devotion and salvation during the Spanish Colonial period in the Philippines. It demonstrates the implication of the contradiction of the feminine spiritual authority of Mary—as the mediatrix of salvation, on the one hand, and the symbol of religious oppression, on the other hand—to the construction of the Filipina identity in Philippine Colonial Catholicism. It proposes (...)
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  12. Modernos sistemas penitenciarios.Arias Bernal & José Domingo - 1951 - tunja,: Impr. Departamental.
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  13.  21
    Flujos migratorios hacia Europa: actualidad y perspectivas.Anna Cabré & Andreu Domingo - 2002 - Arbor 172 (678):325-344.
    De los 376 millones de habitantes que en 2000 registraba Eurostat como residentes en los quince países de la Unión Europea, aproximadamente 18,5 tenían nacionalidad extranjera, lo que representaba el 5% del total, entre ellos 13 millones eran de nacionalidad de países extracomunitarios, ascendiendo el porcentaje al 3,5% del total, a esos datos se debería añadir una bolsa de inmigrantes no contabilizados de difícil estimación, pero que en todo caso en conjunto no rebasaría el 7% de la población residente en (...)
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  14. La apuesta de la autorregulación: la privacidad ante las nuevas técnicas publicitarias.Gómez Castallo & José Domingo - 2010 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 82:11-16.
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    Great Christian Jurists in French History.Olivier Descamps & Rafael Domingo (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    French legal culture, from the Middle Ages to the present day, has had an impressive influence on legal norms and institutions that have emerged in Europe and the Americas, as well as in Asian and African countries. This volume examines the lives of twenty-seven key legal thinkers in French history, with a focus on how their Christian faith and ideals were a factor in framing the evolution of French jurisprudence. Professors Olivier Descamps and Rafael Domingo bring together this diverse group (...)
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  16. Across-the-border contamination, the andorra power plant (teruel): A business ethics case.Garcia-Marza Domingo, Sarria Carmen Ferrete & Esteban Elsa Gonzalez - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (3).
  17. Against Epistemology: A Metacritique.Willis Domingo (ed.) - 2013 - Polity.
  18. Encountering non-journalistic actors in newsmaking. Journalism beyond the boundaries: the collective construction of news narratives.David Domingo & Florence Le Cam - 2015 - In Matt Carlson & Seth C. Lewis, Boundaries of journalism: professionalism, practices and participation. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  19. El origen del estado y la obediencia civil en Hume.M. Cinta Espuny Domingo - 2002 - A Parte Rei 23:1.
  20.  32
    Effectiveness of unattended ambulatory sleep studies for the diagnosis and treatment of OSAS.Christian Domingo & Laura Vigil - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):26-31.
  21. El techo de cristal de los Estudios de las Mujeres.Pilar Ballarín Domingo - 2005 - Critica 55 (923):53-56.
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  22. Fostering and moderating citizen conversations.David Domingo - 2015 - In Lawrie Zion & David Craig, Ethics for digital journalists: emerging best practices. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  23.  5
    God and the Secular Legal System.Rafael Domingo - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    This timely book offers a theistic approach to secular legal systems and demonstrates that these systems are neither agnostic nor atheist. Critical but succinct in its approach, this book focuses on an extensive range of liberal legal approaches to religious and moral issues, and subjects them to critical scrutiny from a secular perspective. Expertly written by a leading scholar, the author offers a rare combination of profundity of ideas and simplicity of expression. It is a ringing defense of the theistic (...)
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  24. La aplicacion del Derecho.M. Cinta Espuny Domingo - 2003 - A Parte Rei 25:8.
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  25. Los derechos humanos de cuarta generación.Vicente Domingo - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (959):32-37.
    En el siglo que comienza varios retos se alzan sobre nuestra conciencia. Las demandas de justicia y libertad pueblan por todos los rincones del planeta. La universalización de las diferentes conquistas sociales ya no siquiera son un signo de revolución. Vivimos un momento histórico; somos la primera generación que puede erradicar el hambre del mundo. ¿Qué son los Derechos Humanos de Cuarta Generación? Para empezar, como tales, no existen. Son la aplicación de las diferentes conquistas en Derechos Humanos en el (...)
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  26. La norma de reconocimiento en Hart y el concepto de constitución en Kelsen.M. Cinta Espuny Domingo - 2004 - A Parte Rei 31:9.
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  27. La Web 2.0. Una revolución social y creativa.Carlos Domingo, Jaime González & Oriol Lloret - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:134-141.
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  28.  20
    Manuel Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri, Plato on Power and Rationality.Vianney Domingo - 2020 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 127 (2):346-347.
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  29.  51
    Resilient Evil: Neoliberal Technologies of the Self and Population in Zombie "Demodystopia".Andreu Domingo - 2019 - Utopian Studies 30 (3):444-461.
    In the twenty-first century, with steadily increasing production and consumption of the zombie genre, academic interest in it is also growing. Scholars seek to explain the phenomenon, frequently focusing on the living dead and mostly seeing the figure of the zombie as an expression of the anxieties besetting contemporary society. In particular, its popularity can be interpreted as a response to the escalating climate of terror since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, after which media reporting has routinely been permeated with (...)
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  30.  24
    Repensar la Escuela de Salamanca: Presentación de publicaciones recientes.Rafael Domingo - 2022 - Isidorianum 31 (1):159-174.
    Esta recensión colectiva analiza cuatro importantes obras recientes publicadas en torno a la segunda escolástica española, y más específicamente sobre la Escuela de Salamanca. El autor defiende que la Escuela de Salamanca irradia todavía luz sobre cuestiones tan actuales como los derechos humanos, la igualdad de todos los seres humanos, la autonomía del poder civil, la existencia de una comunidad humana global y la necesidad de entendimiento entre los pueblos. En el estudio actual de la Escuela de Salamanca, sin embargo, (...)
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  31. Rizal’s Letter to the Malolos Young Women: A Vindication of Filipino Women’s Rights during His Time.Rosallia Domingo - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2).
    The author argues that Jose Rizal’s “Letter to the young women of Malolos” is a vindication of Filipino women’s rights during his time. The author examines the situation of the Filipino women as depicted in the “Letter.” Then she presents Mary Wollstonecraft’s notion of vindication of women’s rights to demonstrate that Rizal’s “Letter” is an instance of such a vindication as it calls for Filipina empowerment.
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  32.  32
    Re-Thinking Management: Insights from Western Classical Humanism: Humanistic Management: What Can We Learn from Classical Humanism?Vianney Domingo & Domènec Melé - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (1):1-21.
    A variety of theories of management and organizational studies have failed to consider the human being in his or her integrity and, thus, fall short of being humanistic. This article seeks to contribute to the recovery of a more complete view of the human being in management, learning from classical humanism developed throughout Western Civilization, from the Greek and Roman Philosophers and the Judeo-Christian legacy to the Renaissance. More specifically, it discusses several relevant aspects of this Classical humanism, which can (...)
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  33.  31
    Reflexiones sobre catálogos y catalogación de manuscritos árabes.Nuria Torres Santo Domingo - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):343-364.
    El presente estudio se basa en las colecciones de los manuscritos árabes que se conservan actualmente en España. Para ello se hace un análisis de las colecciones existentes. A continuación se lleva a cabo un estudio de los catálogos e inventarios aparecidos, desde los primeros en el siglo XVI hasta la actualidad, deteniéndose en los más destacados. La segunda parte del estudio se centra en la técnica del análisis documental, que engloba los trabajos de catalogación y descripción bibliográfica. Se repasa (...)
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  34.  10
    Teoría de la "auctoritas".Rafael Domingo - 1987 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
  35. The right to religious freedom : extension or erosion?Rafael Domingo - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  36. The right to religious freedom : extension or erosion?Rafael Domingo - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  37.  16
    'The Various Modes of Nature's Least Admirable Workes': or, The Collected Dunciad The Various Modes of Nature's Least Admirable Workes': or, The Collected Dunciad.Darryl P. Domingo - 2004 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 23:91.
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  38. Unamuno en los altares. Apuntes de un congreso. Salamanca, 10-20 de diciembre de 1986.A. Domingo - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 8:231-233.
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  39. Wittgenstein: la posibilidad el juego narrativo.C. Domingo - 2001 - A Parte Rei 15:1-5.
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  40.  50
    Desire in Language (review).Willis Domingo - 1982 - Philosophy and Literature 6 (1-2):215-216.
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  41.  21
    «¿Mayor, yo? ¿Dónde lo pone?» Concepción y atribuciones sociales a la vejez según la autopercepción de las personas mayores del siglo XXI: de la seneficiencia al elder pride.Teresa Amezcua & Marta García Domingo - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (1).
    Las personas mayores, como grupo poblacional, son objeto de estereotipos y prejuicios hacia la vejez que derivan en situaciones de discriminación y edadismo. El presente estudio cualitativo indaga en la concepción y las atribuciones sociales a la vejez en las sociedades posindustriales, centrándose en el caso de Alemania y España. Para ello, a través de las técnicas de la entrevista y el grupo focal, se recaba la perspectiva tanto de expertos en el tema como de las propias personas mayores. El (...)
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  42.  25
    AI Ethics: A Guidebook.Napoleon M. Mabaquiao, Agnes M. Sunga, Orlando Ali Mandane, Jeffrey L. Bartilet, Robert James M. Boyles, Joseph Reylan B. Viray, Marlon C. Elle, Jayson M. Jimenez, Joseph Martin M. Jose, Ruby S. Suazo, Rosallia Domingo, Orlando D. Tubola & Jenna Bien R. Dolovino - 2024 - Manila: PUP Center for Philippine Studies.
  43. Reconocimiento visual móvil: el futuro de la realidad aumentada móvil.David Marimón, Tomasz Adamek, Kerstin Göllner & Carlos Domingo - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 84:10-12.
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  44. Breve visión del realismo jurídico norteamericano.Labarca Prieto & A. Domingo - 1975 - Maracaibo: Centro de Estudios de Filosofía del Derecho, LUZ, Facultad de Derecho.
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  45.  5
    A. Jäger and D. Zamora Vargas, Welfare for Markets. A Global History of Basic Income, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2023, 258 pp. [REVIEW]Julio Lucena de Andrés & Andreu Puigvert Domingo - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (2):231-233.
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