Results for 'Oriol Lloret'

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  1. La Web 2.0. Una revolución social y creativa.Carlos Domingo, Jaime González & Oriol Lloret - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:134-141.
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    Do Customer Perceptions of Corporate Services Brand Ethicality Improve Brand Equity? Considering the Roles of Brand Heritage, Brand Image, and Recognition Benefits.Oriol Iglesias, Stefan Markovic, Jatinder Jit Singh & Vicenta Sierra - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (2):441-459.
    In order to be competitive in an era of ethical consumerism, brands are facing an ever-increasing pressure to integrate ethical values into their identities and to display their ethical commitment at a corporate level. Nevertheless, studies that relate business ethics to corporate brands are either theoretical or have predominantly been developed empirically in goods contexts. This is surprising, because corporate brands are more relevant in services settings, given the nature of services, and the fact that services settings comprise a greater (...)
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    The Role of Self-control and Grit in Domains of School Success in Students of Primary and Secondary School.Xavier Oriol, Rafael Miranda, Juan C. Oyanedel & Javier Torres - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:245245.
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    Co-creation: A Key Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Trust, and Customer Loyalty.Oriol Iglesias, Stefan Markovic, Mehdi Bagherzadeh & Jatinder Jit Singh - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (1):151-166.
    In an ever more transparent, digitalized, and connected environment, customers are increasingly pressuring brands to embrace genuine corporate social responsibility practices and co-creation activities. While both CSR and co-creation are social and collaborative processes, there is still little research examining whether CSR can boost co-creation. In addition, while previous research has mainly related co-creation to emotional outcomes, limited empirical research has related it to rational and behavioral outcomes. To address these shortcomings in the literature, this paper examines the influence of (...)
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  5. Has classical gene position been practically reduced?Oriol Vidal & David Teira - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (5):1-20.
    One of the defining features of the classical gene was its position. In molecular genetics, positions are defined instead as nucleotide numbers and there is no clear correspondence with its classical counterpart. However, the classical gene position did not simply disappear with the development of the molecular approach, but survived in the lab associated to different genetic practices. The survival of classical gene position would illustrate Waters’ view about the practical persistence of the genetic approach beyond reductionism and anti-reductionist claims. (...)
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    proto-evolucionismo ilustrado de la teoría del lenguaje de Adam Smith.Jorge López Lloret - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 83:105-121.
    El presente artículo analiza las importantes aportaciones de Adam Smith a la teoría del lenguaje. Identifica dos niveles argumentativos coordinados, el primero procedente de la lógica del análisis y la síntesis y el segundo procedente de una interpretación del lenguaje como una herramienta de adaptación y transformación social del entorno natural. Esto permite identificar una “hipótesis del desarrollo” del lenguaje, que evoluciona desde lo homogéneo desarticulado hasta lo heterogéneo articulado. A partir de aquí, se define la especificidad de la teoría (...)
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    Distinct Routes to Understand the Relationship Between Dispositional Optimism and Life Satisfaction: Self-Control and Grit, Positive Affect, Gratitude, and Meaning in Life.Xavier Oriol, Rafael Miranda, César Bazán & Estefany Benavente - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Data analysis using circular causality in networks.M. Lloret-Climent & J. Nescolarde-Selva - 2014 - Complexity 19 (4):15-19.
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    Retórica republicana.Oriol Farrés Juste - 2022 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 19.
    El objetivo del presente artículo es doble. Por un lado, se pretende defender la tradición retórica que impregna el humanismo cívico en términos de su potencial utilidad con vistas a la educación para la ciudadanía. Por otro lado, mediante un ejercicio de “rational reconstruction” (Richard Rorty) o “rewriting” (Stanley Fish), se propone rastrear el papel de la solidaridad cívica en la Laudatio Florentinae urbis de Leonardo Bruni para realizar una “apropiación” de sus elementos en el contexto de los debates actuales (...)
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  10. Las drogas legales en España: Un aspecto del consumo en un país de" nuevos ricos".Oriol Romaní Alfonso - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:44-53.
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    Meritocracia, paranoia y desinformación: Una propuesta de ampliación de La tiranía del mérito.Oriol Navarro Erausquin - 2022 - Dilemata 38:135-146.
    Starting from the Michal Sandel's 2020 book "The Tyranny of Merit", in this essay we will study the resentment of white American workers without college degrees towards political, economic and social elites and its relationship to the phenomenon of disinformation and conspiracy theories, specifically the one known as QAnon. We will first explore Sandel's book and its relationship with paranoia and then we will expose the keys to the QAnon conspiracy theory, which will serve to compare the similarities between its (...)
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    Eduard Nicol’s Philosophy of Exile.Oriol Farrés - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 44:51.
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    El Mercado en el Ágora: La Retórica Deliberativa en Adam Smith.Jorge López Lloret - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (1):119-134.
    This paper aims to evince the need to interpret Adam Smith’s work from rhetorical theory. More specifically, to interpret The Wealth of Nations from deliberative rhetoric. To do this, it studies the origin of his theory of language, identifying and analyzing its sources from the catalog of his personal library, evincing that Smith didn’t deem language as an epistemic resource but as a collective means to build social reality through deliberation. This leads to the definition of The Wealth of nations (...)
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    Hacia la construcción semiótica del mundo. Las consideraciones de Adam Smith sobre el lenguaje.Jorge López Lloret - 2019 - Isegoría 61:421-442.
    This article explores the aportation of Adam Smith’s Considerations Concerning the First Formation of Languages to the rest of his work. It starts analyzing its internal structure in the light of its documented sources, of which it follows a linguistic model that is more constructive than referential. From the initial approach that language, first of all, communicates needs, the author connects this germ of the process of socialization with Smith’s published works, explaining them as a semiotic development of the fundamental (...)
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  15. Opacidad y transparencia: el rostro como metáfora estética en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII.Jorge López Lloret - 2009 - Estudios Filosóficos 58 (169):457-482.
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    Fuerza, forma y expresión entre los siglos XVIII y XIX.Jorge López Lloret - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 65:37.
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    Proyecto y cuerpo en la modernidad.Jorge López Lloret - 2000 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20:89-106.
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  18. directores. La profesión médica: los retos del milenio. Fundación Medicina y Humanidades Médicas.A. Oriol & H. Pardell - 2005 - Humanitas 7:155-6.
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    Falacias: perspectivas interdisciplinares.Manuel Oriol Salgado (ed.) - 2019 - Madrid: CEU Ediciones.
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  20. Meyerson face à l'affaire Dreyfus.Philippe Oriol - 2010 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 58:115-127.
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  21. La secularización del pecado original y la autorreforma del humanismo.Oriol Quintana & Berta Sáenz Almazán - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (309):599-615.
    El proyecto humanista de la modernidad requería que no hubiera un pecado original, tal como sostuvo el cristianismo, que impidiera alcanzar cada vez mayores cuotas de libertad y progreso. Así, los ilustrados hablaron de las condiciones sociales y políticas que podían obstaculizar el progreso humano, pero no de limitaciones inherentes a la naturaleza humana. Por pecado original entendemos, con la tradición teológica, aquel defecto de base que nos impide alcanzar ciertos bienes. Con el paso de los siglos, algunas consecuencias indeseadas (...)
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    Estilos juveniles, contracultura y política.Oriol Romaní & Mauricio Sepúlveda - 2005 - Polis 11.
    El presente artículo presenta una discusión acerca del carácter contracultural de algunos estilos o culturas juveniles, con las implicaciones políticas que ello conlleva. Para cumplir este objetivo los autores desarrollan un marco de referencia conceptual que sitúa los términos de la discusión, comparando elementos básicos de las culturas “jipis” de principios de los setenta, con las culturas “techno” de los noventa. Uno de los elementos centrales a nivel comparativo, será el consumo de ciertas drogas y sus significados en cada contexto (...)
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    Descriptive study of association between quality of care and empathy and burnout in primary care.Oriol Yuguero, Josep Ramon Marsal, Miquel Buti, Montserrat Esquerda & Jorge Soler-González - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):54.
    The doctor-patient relationship is a crucial aspect of primary-care practice Research on associations between quality of care provision and burnout and empathy in a primary care setting could improve this relationship. Cross-sectional study of family physicians and nurses of twenty-two primary care centers in the health district of Lleida, Spain. Empathy and burnout were measured using the Jefferson Physician Empathy Scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory, while quality of care delivery was evaluated using Quality Standard Indicator scores. JPSE and MBI (...)
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  24. Self-Transcendent Aspirations and Life Satisfaction: The Moderated Mediation Role of Gratitude Considering Conditional Effects of Affective and Cognitive Empathy.Xavier Oriol, Jesús Unanue, Rafael Miranda, Alberto Amutio & César Bazán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25. Adam Smith y la teoría social.Jorge López Lloret - 2010 - Pensamiento 66 (245):485.
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    The work process setting and situational contexts based on socially distributed cognition: an interactive, cognitive and social proposal of analysis.Oriol Barranco, Carlos Lozares & Sara Moreno - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (4):481-501.
    To carry out an ethnographic study on the work process in the sterilization unit of a hospital in Catalonia, we found the socially distributed cognition approaches of Hutchins and Kirsh useful. However, these approaches lack sufficient explanation on three important issues: the pragmatic criteria for identifying and delimiting a relevant unit of analysis and therefore the setting and contexts of the work process; the mechanisms and results of reciprocal influences between these levels of analysis; and the relation between these levels. (...)
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    Spectral spacing correlations for chaotic and disordered systems.Oriol Bohigas, Patricio Leboeuf & M. J. Sanchez - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (3):489-517.
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    Procopius on Theodora: ancient and new biographical patterns.Oriol Febrer & Sergi Grau - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (3):769-788.
    The Anékdota or Secret History of Procopius of Caesarea tends to raise perplexity among scholars for different reasons, particularly the fact that a courtier wrote this work as well as the Buildings, a clear praise of Justinian through his constructions and foundations, and the Wars, in the most canonical historiographical tradition. It is apparent that the Secret History, as it is usually acknowledged, is related to the tradition of the invective and the pamphlet, even to the earlier classic iambography, but (...)
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    Gigantes de la filosofía.Oriol Fina - 1973 - Barcelona,: Editorial Bruguera.
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    Jesus of Nazareth in the christology of 1 Peter.S. J. José Oriol Tuñi - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (3):292–304.
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    La filosofia de l'exili d'Eduard Nicol Farrés.Oriol Juste - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 44:51-66.
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  32. MARZANO, Michela (2008) Extension du domaine de la manipulation. De l'entreprise à la vie privée París: Grasset, 283 p.Oriol Farrés Juste - 2012 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 48:169.
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    Adam Smith y la Belleza de la Ciencia.Jorge López Lloret - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):87-106.
    El presente artículo analiza la concepción de la metodología científica expresada porAdam Smith en su historia de la astronomía, algo importante para comprender el resto de su obra. Losestudiosos de este tema se han centrado en su mayor parte en la influencia de Newton y Hume sobreSmith, surgiendo una concepción en la que la dimensión epistemológica y la estética se relacionande una manera tensa. El autor identifica nuevas fuentes, de naturaleza estética, que se integran eneste debate y ayudan a aclararlo: (...)
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  34. Adam Smith and Social Theory.Jorge Lopez Lloret - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (245):485-501.
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    Más allá del escepticismo y el determinismo. Adam Smith y la construcción de la economía.Jorge López-Lloret - 2020 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (1).
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    La simplicidad del alma en Platon y su inserción en el mundo sensible.Mª Isabel Méndez Lloret - 2001 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23:21-30.
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    Olga V. Trokhimenko, Constructing Virtue and Vi.Guillaume Oriol - 2018 - Clio 47:258-261.
    La remarquable étude de Olga V. Trokhimenko se donne pour objectif d’examiner les représentations du rire et du sourire féminins dans une large variété de textes médiévaux allemands : épiques, didactiques, religieux ou littéraires, mais aussi dans les représentations sculpturales (notamment les vierges sages et les vierges folles des cathédrales de Strasbourg et Magdebourg). En s’engageant dans la difficile question de la construction et de l’expression émotionnelle du rire, l’auteure met en...
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    El valor de elegir.Oriol Romani - 2003 - Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.
    Preguntarse por la libertad es hacerlo a la razón y al corazón de nuestra vida. Reconocer el valor de ser, sentirse y vivir libre es reconocerse como humano y por ello aceptar el compromiso feliz e inexcusable del esfuerzo continuado. Una tarea para toda la vida. Es el tema de este libro. Para empezar, ingenuamente, puede plantearse así: ¿En qué consiste la libertad? ¿Existe realmente la libertad, ¿es algo que tengo antes de saberlo, algo que sólo adquiero al saber que (...)
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  39. La estructura del silogismo práctico en Aristóteles.Manuel Oriol - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 29 (1):53-75.
    Few elements of Aristotle’s practical philosophy have been more discussed than the so-called “practical syllogism”. But there are also few as suggestive to the commentators as this one. In this article I intend to define what the theory of practical syllogism would consist in, as a separated element within the Aristotelian ethical theory (or, more precise-ly, within his theory of action). It is not properly a demonstration of the existence of such a theory, but rather of the possibility that it (...)
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  40. Más allá del bosque: (reflexiones agoralógicas en torno a Vico).Jorge López Lloret - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:377-390.
    Actualmente se estudia la compleja relación existente entre el campo y la ciudad. Sin embargo, campo y ciudad son, en realidad, modos de vida urbanos. Esto se puede inferir a partir de unas palabras de Vico, concretándose en el estudio de los mitos urbanos. De ahí se obtiene que lo que en realidad se contrapone es la vida selvática a la vida urbana El hombre como ser urbano es el ser que posee palabra, a la vez que el ser que (...)
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    How does the Perceived Ethicality of Corporate Services Brands Influence Loyalty and Positive Word-of-Mouth? Analyzing the Roles of Empathy, Affective Commitment, and Perceived Quality.Stefan Markovic, Oriol Iglesias, Jatinder Jit Singh & Vicenta Sierra - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):721-740.
    In the past few decades, a growth in ethical consumerism has led brands to increasingly develop conscientiousness and depict ethical image at a corporate level. However, most of the research studying business ethics in the field of corporate brand management is either conceptual or has been empirically conducted in relation to goods/products contexts. This is surprising because corporate brands are more relevant in services contexts, because of the distinct nature of services and the key role that employees have in the (...)
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    La metodología dramática en la obra de Adam Smith.Jorge López Lloret - 2019 - Agora 38 (2).
    El presente artículo proporciona un marco para una lectura unificada del pensamiento de Adam Smith. Se basa en la síntesis de dos líneas de investigación que aún no se han unido convincentemente: la que ha esclarecido la metodología newtoniana de la parte económica de su producción y la que ha recurrido al modelo dramático para interpretar su pensamiento ético. Como estrategia expositiva en él se subsume el modelo newtoniano bajo el modelo dramático y se identifica como referente para Smith el (...)
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    Notas introductorias a la cuidad pedagógica.Jorge López Lloret - 1997 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14:83-92.
    The developed cities are product of a very complex sequence of factors. This is in this way in the process of constitution of the classical polis in Greece. All it involved institutionals and representationals conflicts reflected in the struture of the urban space. The most important is the development of the love to the monetary richness in itself and the development of the agora as urban center. The reaction to this caused the Plato and Aristotle's educational, urban and political project, (...)
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    Proyecto y cuerpo en la posmodernidad.Jorge López Lloret - 2001 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23:137-154.
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    Rousseau and the genesis of landscape.Jorge López Lloret - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (3):539-564.
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    The Displacement Calculus.Glyn Morrill, Oriol Valentín & Mario Fadda - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (1):1-48.
    If all dependent expressions were adjacent some variety of immediate constituent analysis would suffice for grammar, but syntactic and semantic mismatches are characteristic of natural language; indeed this is a, or the, central problem in grammar. Logical categorial grammar reduces grammar to logic: an expression is well-formed if and only if an associated sequent is a theorem of a categorial logic. The paradigmatic categorial logic is the Lambek calculus, but being a logic of concatenation the Lambek calculus can only capture (...)
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  47. Programes de millora genètica: de les pràctiques de selecció en animals a la impossibilitat de l’eugenèsia liberal.Oriol Vidal - 2025 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (3):389-410.
    Els objectius i els mètodes de l’eugenèsia humana són compartits amb la millora genètica animal. En animals domèstics es fan servir de manera habitual gairebé tots els mètodes disponibles per fer selecció, i aquesta connexió permet analitzar l’eugenèsia liberal posant el focus en l’aplicabilitat que puguin tenir les seves propostes. Les pràctiques eugèniques haurien de funcionar no només en teoria, sinó també tenint en compte les condicions reals en què s’han de desenvolupar: com s’hereten els caràcters fenotípics que es volen (...)
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    Truthfulness in Accounting: How to Discriminate Accounting Manipulators from Non-manipulators.Dan Dacian Cuzdriorean, Oriol Amat & Alina Beattrice Vladu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (4):633-648.
    Accountants preparing information are in a position to manipulate the view of economic reality presented in such information to interested parties. These manipulations can be regarded as morally reprehensible because they are not fair to users, they involve in an unjust exercise of power, and they tend to weaken the authority of accounting regulators. This paper develops a model for detecting earnings manipulators using financial statements’ ratios in a sample of Spanish listed companies. Our results provide evidence that accounting data (...)
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  49. Does Having an Ethical Brand Matter? The Influence of Consumer Perceived Ethicality on Trust, Affect and Loyalty.Jatinder J. Singh, Oriol Iglesias & Joan Manel Batista-Foguet - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4):541-549.
    The recent rise in ethical consumerism has seen increasing numbers of corporate brands project a socially responsible and ethical image. But does having a corporate brand that is perceived to be ethical have any influence on outcome variables of interest for its product brands? This study analyzes the relationship between perceived ethicality at a corporate level, and brand trust, brand affect and brand loyalty at a product level. A theoretical framework with hypothesized relationships is developed and tested in order to (...)
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    Collective Efficacy in Sports and Physical Activities: Perceived Emotional Synchrony and Shared Flow.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Xavier Oriol, Saioa Telletxea, Alberto Amutio & Nekane Basabe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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