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  1. The critical limits of phenomenology: Husserlian phenomenology as a modest metaphysics of appearance.Emiliano Diaz - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):778-800.
    Although Husserlian phenomenology appears to require that practitioners bracket all metaphysical questions and claims, this requirement runs against the evidence of experience in which objects themselves are presented as constituents of experience. Moreover, to completely bracket metaphysical considerations would suggest that phenomenology is compatible with metaphysical views it should in principle deny. Nonetheless, permitting metaphysical claims threatens to contravene the critical limits of phenomenology, to invite claims that would require a perspective different in kind than our own to verify. These (...)
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  2. Why Mary left her room.Michaela M. McSweeney - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (1):261-287.
    I argue for an account of grasping, or understanding that, on which we grasp via a higher‐order mental act of Husserlian fulfillment. Fulfillment is the act of matching up the objects of our phenomenally presentational experiences with those of our phenomenally representational thought. Grasping‐by‐fulfilling is importantly different from standard epistemic aims, in part because it is phenomenal rather than inferential. (I endorse Bourget's (2017) arguments to that effect.) I show that grasping‐by‐fulfilling cannot be a species of propositional knowledge or belief, (...)
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  3. Epistemological Cognition in Husserl.Tarjei Mandt Larsen - 2023 - Mind 132 (527):680-705.
    What degree of justification should be required of epistemological cognition, the kind of cognition by which epistemological problems are to be solved? I consider the question by examining Husserl’s view of the matter. Challenging the current consensus, I argue that he is committed to the infallibility of epistemological cognition. I first present what he takes to be the leading problem of epistemology, which he designates as the ‘problem of transcendence’ or the problem of how ‘transcendent cognition’ is possible. I then (...)
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  4. La negazione: dal rifiuto al contrasto. Brentano e Husserl sul giudizio negativo.Andrea Altobrando - 2017 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane (2):139-177.
    Phenomenology tries to uncover the pre-linguistic foundation of logical operators, in order to show how our logical thinking is grounded in reality, and does not have a merely psychological value. If negation is grounded in the pre-predicative experience, though, it seems to follow that reality somehow contains something negative. It has been in order to avoid such consequence that Brentano has promoted a reform of ‘classical’ logic, which, among others, avoids negative terms. Husserl answered to such a reform with a (...)
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  5. The Space of Motivations, Experience, and the Categorial Given.Jacob Rump - 2023 - In Daniele De Santis & Danilo Manca (eds.), Wilfrid Sellars and phenomenology: intersections, encounters, oppositions. Athens: Ohio University Press.
    This paper outlines an Husserlian, phenomenological account of the first stages of the acquisition of empirical knowledge in light of some aspects of Wilfrid Sellars’ critique of the myth of the given. The account offered accords with Sellars’ in the view that epistemic status is attributed to empirical episodes holistically and within a broader normative context, but disagrees that such holism and normativity are accomplished only within the linguistic and conceptual confines of the space of reasons, and rejects the limitation (...)
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  6. Epistemic values and their phenomenological critique.Mirja Helena Hartimo - 2022 - In Sara Heinämaa, Mirja Hartimo & Ilpo Hirvonen (eds.), Contemporary Phenomenologies of Normativity: Norms, Goals, and Values. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 234-251.
    Husserl holds that the theoretical sciences should be value-free, i.e., free from the values of extra-scientific practices and guided only by epistemic values such as coherence and truth. This view does not imply that to Husserl the sciences would be immune to all criticism of interests, goals, and values. On the contrary, the paper argues that Husserlian phenomenology necessarily embodies reflection on the epistemic values guiding the sciences. The argument clarifies Husserl’s position by comparing it with the pluralistic position developed (...)
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  7. Knowledge by Hearing: A Husserlian Antireductionist Phenomenology of Testimony.Michele Averchi - 2021 - Studia Phaenomenologica 21:63-85.
    In this paper, I argue that Husserl offers an important, although almost completely neglected so far, contribution to the reductionist/antireductionist debate about testimony. Through a phenomenological analysis, Husserl shows that testimony works through the constitution of an intentional intersubjective bond between the speaker and the hearer. In this paper I focus on the Logical Investigations, a 1914 manuscript now published as text 2 in Husserliana 20.2, and a 1931 manuscript now published as Appendix 12 in Husserliana 15. I argue that, (...)
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  8. Origins of Objectivity.David L. Thompson - manuscript
    Tomasello offers an evolutionary, palaeoanthropological account of the human origin of objects and objectivity. Husserl gives a phenomenological account of the constitution of objects by intersubjectivity. Comparing the two, I claim that Tomasello’s “naturalized” approach closely parallels Husserl’s transcendental approach.
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  9. Husserl on Epistemic Agency.Hanne Jacobs - 2021 - In The Husserlian Mind. New Yor, NY: Routledge. pp. 340-351.
    In this chapter I aim to show that Husserl’s descriptions of the nature and role of activity in the epistemic economy of our conscious lives imply a nondeflationary account of epistemic agency. After providing the main outlines of this account, I discuss how it compares to contemporary accounts of epistemic agency and respond to some potential objections. In concluding I indicate that according to this Husserlian account of epistemic agency we can be said to be intrinsically responsible for holding the (...)
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  10. Hayek in Lawson's View: Positivism, Hermeneutics and Ontological Individualism.Agustina Borella - 2017 - Revista de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercado 66:1-29.
    In this paper we will analyze Lawson’s criticism of Hayek for not having transcended positivism. We will distinguish two levels in the criticism: methodological and ontological. So far as methodological criticism is concerned, we consider that Lawson’s positivist interpretation of Hayek regarding the method in economics is not the only possible, and we will try to develop another one. With respect to ontological criticism, we will state that though it is possible to understand Hayek as an ontological positivist, since he (...)
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  11. Ajdukiewicz, Husserl and Tarski—Concerning the Semantic Theory of Knowledge.Adam Olech - 2020 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 31:25-72.
    This article is polemical. It argues with those philosophers who see, in the semantic theory of knowledge of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, the significant and exclusive influence of Alfred Tarski’s semantic output. Listening to these philosophers, one gets the impression that they have overlooked the fact that the term “semantics” meant one thing in the case of Ajdukiewicz, presenting the semantic theory of knowledge, and something different in the case of Tarski, presenting the semantic theory of truth. There is another difference, related (...)
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  12. Phenomenal Consciousness: An Husserlian Approach.John Jered Janes - 2020 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    More than 80 years after his death, Husserl’s voluminous work remains an unexhausted resource for contemporary philosophy. This is true of his later work, but it is also true of his early text, Logical Investigations. Relying and building on work done by numerous scholars and philosophers, especially Dan Zahavi, Walter Hopp, Philipp Berghofer, and Declan Smithies, this dissertation is an attempt to utilize some resources in Logical Investigations in order, first, to help articulate an Husserlian descriptive account of phenomenal consciousness (...)
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  13. The Relevance of Phenomenology in the Current Epistemological Edifice.Stathis Livadas - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:133-140.
    This article tries to establish the relevance of phenomenological analysis within the current epistemological edifice, in particular, with regard to certain key issues of the epistemology of our time, this last one meant as a philosophy of science. In doing so, it is primarily based, on the one hand, on certain Husserlian texts mainly those published in Logical Investigations, Formal and Transcendental Logic and the Phenomenology of Time Consciousness and, on the other, on certain developments, essentially running from the beginning (...)
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  14. Epoché. Husserl e lo scetticismo.Veniero Venier - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 14.
    According to Husserl there is not only a negative meaning of scepticism, in which reason dissolves itself in an exasperated relativism, but also a completely opposite one, in which the idea of scepticism is a necessary transition for rational argumentation that reflects the actual ability of radically questioning those certainties that are fideistically interwoven in the relationship between life and scientific knowledge. It is therefore equally unquestionable that the objective of such scepticism is to seek, with untiring fatigue, solid, persuasive (...)
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  15. Transcendental Phenomenology and Unobservable Entities.Philipp Berghofer - 2017 - Perspectives 7 (1):1-13.
    Can phenomenologists allow for the existence of unobservable entities such as atoms, electrons, and quarks? Can we justifiably believe in the existence of entities that are in principle unobservable? This paper addresses the relationship between Husserlian transcendental phenomenology and scientific realism. More precisely, the focus is on the question of whether there are basic epistemological principles phenomenologists are committed to that have anti-realist consequences with respect to unobservable entities. This question is relevant since Husserl’s basic epistemological principles, such as the (...)
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  16. Husserl’s Noetics – Towards a Phenomenological Epistemology.Philipp Berghofer - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (2):120-138.
    ABSTRACTFor Husserl, noetics is the most fundamental science and the centrepiece of a phenomenological epistemology. Since in his major works Husserl does not develop noetics systematically but uses its main ideas and achievements often in apparent isolation without clarifying their systematic unity, the significance of noetics is often overlooked. Although Husserl has repeatedly stressed the importance of a phenomenological epistemology, what the concrete theses of such an undertaking are supposed to be often remains obscure. We shall see that the best (...)
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  17. Appresentational and Knowledge-based Constitution of Everyday Life-Proof.Benjamin Stuck - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:169-187.
    Alfred Schutz elaborated Edmund Husserl’s term of appresentation to a particular theory of appresentational relations comprising “marks”, “signs”, “symbols” and “indications”. Even though Schutz implied the existence of other such relations, it was Husserl who drew a line between appresentation and proof. Following this differentiation, this paper aims to constitutionally analyse the everyday life phenomenon of proof and to describe its structure by consulting William James’ term of “knowledge about” as well as by discussing Schutz’ theory of relevance. With reference (...)
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  18. Husserl’s covert critique of Kant in the sixth book of Logical Investigations.Corijn van Mazijk - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (1):15-33.
    In the final book of Logical Investigations from 1901, Husserl develops a theory of knowledge based on the intentional structure of consciousness. While there is some textual evidence that Husserl considered this to entail a critique of Kantian philosophy, he did not elaborate substantially on this. This paper reconstructs the covert critique of Kant’s theory of knowledge which LI contains. With respect to Kant, I discuss three core aspects of his theory of knowledge which, as Husserl’s reflections on Kant indicate, (...)
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  19. Husserl on Communication and Knowledge Sharing in the Logical Investigations and a 1931 Manuscript.Michele Averchi - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (3):209-228.
    In the Logical Investigations, Husserl argues that “sign” is an ambiguous word because it refers to two essentially different signitive functions: indication and expression. Indications work in an evidential way, providing information through a direct association of the sign and the presence of an object or state of affairs. Expressions work in a non-evidential way, pointing to possible experiences and displaying that the speaker or someone else has had such experience. In this paper I show that Husserl went back to (...)
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  20. Husserl’s Conception of Experiential Justification: What It Is and Why It Matters.Philipp Berghofer - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (2):145-170.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. The first is an interpretative one as I wish to provide a detailed account of Husserl’s conception of experiential justification. Here Ideas I and Introduction to Logic and Theory of Knowledge: Lectures 1906/07 will be my main resources. My second aim is to demonstrate the currency and relevance of Husserl’s conception. This means two things: Firstly, I will show that in current debates in analytic epistemology there is a movement sharing with Husserl the (...)
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  21. Husserl's Phenomenology: Knowledge, Objectivity and Others.Kevin Hermberg - 2006 - New York, USA: Continuum.
    This book fills an important gap in previous Husserl scholarship by focusing on intersubjectivity and empathy (i.e., the experience of others as other subjects) and by addressing the related issues of validity, the degrees of evidence with which something can be experienced, and the different senses of 'objective' in Husserl's texts. Despite accusations by commentators that Husserl's is a solipsistic philosophy and that the epistemologies in Husserl's late and early works are contradictory, Hermberg shows that empathy, and thus other subjects, (...)
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  22. Fenomenologia Husserla — filozofia podejrzenia czy pewności?Piotr Łaciak - 2015 - Folia Philosophica 33:103-127.
    The aim of the article is to question the Cartesian interpretation of Husserl’s philosophy. In that interpretation Husserl is regarded as a representative of epistemological fundamentalism characterized by searching for the foundations of cognition in the transcendental consciousness given in the absolute and adequate evidence. The thesis of this article states that the essential anonymity which Husserl ascribes to consciousness is the crucial argument for his questioning of the Cartesian myth of the self-transparency of consciousness and thus allows for regarding (...)
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  23. The Epistemic Import of Affectivity: A Husserlian Account.Jacob Martin Rump - 2017 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 41 (1):82-104.
    I argue that, on Husserl's account, affectivity, along with the closely related phenomenon of association, follows a form of sui generis lawfulness belonging to the domain of what Husserl calls motivation, which must be distinguished both (1) from the causal structures through which we understand the body third-personally, as a material thing; and also (2) from the rational or inferential structures at the level of deliberative judgment traditionally understood to be the domain of epistemic import. In effect, in addition to (...)
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  24. The quantum epoché.Paavo Pylkkänen - 2015 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 119:332-340.
    The theme of phenomenology and quantum physics is here tackled by examining some basic interpretational issues in quantum physics. One key issue in quantum theory from the very beginning has been whether it is possible to provide a quantum ontology of particles in motion in the same way as in classical physics, or whether we are restricted to stay within a more limited view of quantum systems, in terms of complementary but mutually exclusive phenomena. In phenomenological terms we could describe (...)
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  25. Edmund Husserl and the 'Rätsel' of Knowledge.William F. Ryan - 1995 - Method 13 (2):187-219.
    The aim of this paper has been a brief examination of Husserl's notion of the riddle of knowing with a comparison to Lonergan's notion of wonder and the intention of being. The examination was undertaken by relating Husserl's concept of a riddle essentially to these central themes: wonder, epoche, and intentionality, with concomitant references to Lonergan's analogous notions. The paper was thus divided into two sections to address these themes of Husserl and Lonergan: Part I: "The Riddle of Knowing"; and (...)
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  26. Comments on Steven Crowell’s “Phenomenology and the First-Person Character of Philosophical Knowledge”.Thomas Nenon - 2007 - Modern Schoolman 84 (2-3):149-154.
  27. The Analytic / Synthetic Dichotomy: Husserl and the Analytic Tradition.Jairo José da Silva - 2016 - In Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock (ed.), Husserl and Analytic Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 35-54.
  28. A Case for A Husserlian Willardarian Approach to Knowledge.Joseph Gibson - 2016 - Dissertation, Liberty University
    This thesis introduces certain aspects in the thought of Dallas Willard and Edmund Husserl as a new way forward in the internalism externalism debate. Husserl’s detailed analysis of cognition has application to epistemology and addresses in great depth an area which in the current discussion is often tertiary and shallow at best. It is argued that in both internalist and externalist camps there is a common assumption about cognition which Husserl argues forcibly against. This assumption is that thought, or cognition, (...)
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  29. Henry Pietersma on Husserl.Jay Lampert - 2005 - Symposium 9 (1):89-97.
  30. Knowledge on the Horizon: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the “Framing” of Rodney King.Ian Gerrie - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (3):295-315.
    Using the 1991 police beating of Rodney King as case study, this paper draws on Husserlian phenomenology to establish a coherentist account of knowledge as situated with respect to its concrete circumstances of production. I take as my point of departure Gail Weiss's phenomenological investigation into the jury's assessment of evidence in the "Rodney King incident," and in particular, her interest in Husserl's conception of the "horizon" as a structure of consciousness that mediates what is present in perceptual awareness. Making (...)
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  31. Intentionality and Transcendence: Closure and Openness in Husserl's Phenomonology.Damian Byers - 2002 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Damian Byers analyzes the form Husserl gives to the problem of knowledge—the way this form influences the development of the phenomenological method, and the results of its application. In a very clear fashion, Byers presents Husserl’s understanding of the roles of intentionality, idealism, temporalization, and kinesthesia in the constitution of knowledge. Drawing upon all of Husserl’s major texts, he corrects many misapprehensions about Husserl’s doctrines of intentionality and idealism. Byers argues that Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology is both a philosophy of closure (...)
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  32. Perception and Knowledge: A Phenomenological Account.Walter Hopp - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a provocative, clear and rigorously argued account of the nature of perception and its role in the production of knowledge. Walter Hopp argues that perceptual experiences do not have conceptual content, and that what makes them play a distinctive epistemic role is not the features which they share with beliefs, but something that in fact sets them radically apart. He explains that the reason-giving relation between experiences and beliefs is what Edmund Husserl called 'fulfilment' - in which (...)
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  33. Coherent Theory of Truth and Its Forerunners.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2014 - In Vladimir G. Kuznetzov & Alexandre A. Pechenkin (eds.), Science,Philosophy and Humanities. Moscow State University. pp. 44-66.
    Arguments pro and contra convergent realism - underdetermination of theory by observational evidence and pessimistic meta-induction from past falsity- are considered. It is argued that, to meet the counter-arguments challenge, convergent realism should be considerably changed with a help of modification of the propositions from this meta-programme’s “hard core” and “protecting belt”. Maybe one of the ways out is to turn to the coherent theory of truth. Some of the works of Hegel (as interpreted by Merab Mamardashvili and Alexandre Kojev), (...)
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  34. Against Epistemology: A Metacritique.Willis Domingo (ed.) - 2013 - Polity.
  35. On Husserl’s Alleged Cartesianism and Conjunctivism: A Critical Reply to Claude Romano.Andrea Staiti - 2015 - Husserl Studies 31 (2):123-141.
    In this paper I criticize Claude Romano’s recent characterization of Husserl’s phenomenology as a form of Cartesianism. Contra Romano, Husserl is not committed to the view that since individual things in the world are dubitable, then the world as a whole is dubitable. On the contrary, for Husserl doubt is a merely transitional phenomenon which can only characterize a temporary span of experience. Similarly, illusion is not a mode of experience in its own right but a retrospective way of characterizing (...)
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  36. Toward a Phenomenology of Conscientious Action and a Theory of the Practicality of Reason: Studies in the History of the Problem.Gary Benjamin Wyner - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Southern California
    My thesis is that there is a way of understanding moral knowledge in terms of Husserl's theory of the fulfillment of consciousness which may unify the main types of views held with respect to "the practicality of reason." By "the practicality of reason" I mean the claim that moral knowledge of the appropriate kind constrains moral action. This knowledge is intuitive or experiential knowledge in contrast to mere thought, intentionality or reasoning. I claim that such knowledge is possible and that (...)
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  37. Phenomenology and Skepticism: A Critical Study of Husserl's Transcendental Idealism.David Blinder - 1981 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    The dissertation critically examines Husserl's transcendental idealism as a response to epistemological skepticism. Contrary to prevailing interpretations, I argue that Husserl intended to formulate a non-reductive, idealist justification of empirical knowledge. I take the standard phenomenalistic interpretation of Husserl's idealism to be right in discerning his basic concern with the refutation of skepticism, but wrong in construing the transcendental reduction as an ontological reduction of the natural world to "ideal" sets of transcendental experiences. On the other hand, recent "neutrality views" (...)
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  38. Logic and the Objectivity of Knowledge. A Study in Husserl's Early Philosophy, coll. « Series in Continental Thought ».Dallas Willard - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (3):373-374.
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  39. Über die Lehre vom Wissen. Darstellung und Kommentar der Wissenslehren von Edmund Husserl und Viktor von Weizsäcker sowie Hinweis auf diejenigen von Richard Bevan Braithwaite, unsere zeitzentrierte Theorie und die Theorie von Gotthard Günther.Reenpää Yrjö - 1968 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 30 (1):177-180.
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  40. Descriptive Certainty in Husserl and the Later Wittgenstein.Lloyd Wayne Saunders - 1980 - Dissertation, Drew University
    The final chapter can only suggest how philosophy might respond to such a conclusion. Because descriptivism cannot conclusively be argued against on the basis of mediate assumptions, descriptivists can lose ground only by "losing faith" in their own descriptions, in this case by finding no criteria by which to choose between two mutually-exclusive and exhaustive descriptive systems. Belief should not here become unbelief--which is only a species of belief--but a suspension of belief, and maybe even the atrophy of the desire (...)
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  41. Phenomenology as a Critique of Cognition - A Dialogue on Husserl's "The Idea of Phenomenology".Zhang Qingxiong - 1995 - Analecta Husserliana 47:135.
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  42. The Epistemology of the Sciences of Nature in Relation to the Teleology of Research in the Thought of the Later Husserl.Aurelio Rizzacasa - 1979 - Analecta Husserliana 9:73.
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  43. Über die Lehrevvom Wissen: Darstellung und Kommentar der Wissenslehren von Edmund Husserl und Viktor von Weizsächer sowie Hinweis auf diejenigen von Richard Bevan Braithwaite, unsere zeitzentierte Theorie und die Theorie von Gotthard Günter.Yrjö Reenpää - 1966 - Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
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  44. Beyond Foundationalism and Relativism: A Phenomenological Critique of Truth, Knowledge, and Subjectivity in Husserl and Hegel.Leo Jay Lipis - 1999 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    The dissertation examines Hegel's and Husserl's notions of truth, knowledge and subjectivity. Both philosophers are read as advocates of absolute truth, reached through phenomenological analyses in which subject and object putatively coincide. After reviewing Husserl's thought, the dissertation criticizes the concepts of subject and object, and transcendence and immanence, in three different examples: the perceptual object, the experience of the body, and the connection of individual subjects to time and other subjects. The dissertation concludes that Husserl's philosophical project is fundamentally (...)
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  45. Ancient and Modern Approaches to the Problem of Relativism: A Study of Husserl, Locke and Plato.Matthew Kimball Davis - 1995 - Dissertation, Boston College
    Relativism, provisionally definable as the view that no view is knowably better than any other, is widely accepted today. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand more fully what relativism is by looking at ancient and modern discussions of this view. ;Chapter one begins by considering Michael J. Sandel's recent discussion of a difficulty that modern liberalism faces in its acceptance of relativism. Sandel argues that relativism renders ineffective the attempt to promote toleration of various practices, and thus we (...)
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  46. Edmund Husserl’s Polemic over Relativism and Skepticism. Early phase.Janusz Sidorek - 2010 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 55.
    Danger of skeptic consequences of relativism was one of the main motives which led Edmund Husserl to taking up polemic with psychologism. This polemic was discussed and analyzed repeatedly, so instead of speculating on validity and importance of each of the arguments used, I rather focus on the structure of argumentation articulated in Prolegomena to pure logic and to consider the role of frequently dismissed thread of the epistemological absolutism’s apology. For Husserl this absolutism is strictly connected with a conception (...)
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  47. Toward an Engaged Account of Objectivity: Contributions from Early Phenomenology.Amanda Gibeault - unknown
    In this dissertation, I develop an engaged understanding of objectivity, or good knowledge practices. I argue that for knowledge practices to be good, they must both be truth-conducive and engaged, that is, explicitly implicated in the critical appraisal of background values and assumptions. I pursue this argument in six stages. First, I consider work in epistemology that countenances a place for values in objectivity. I conclude from this that truth-conduciveness is not sufficient for objectivity, and that a social approach to (...)
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  48. Some reflections on psychologism, reductionism, and related issues leading towards an epistemological dualism of reason and experience.Guido Peeters - 1990 - KU Leuven, Laboratorium voor Experimentele Sociale Psychologie.
    Discussing ideas from Husserl's 'Vom Ursprung der Geometrie' and the author's research on human information processing, it is suggested that there may be two relatively independent modes of knowledge. They are tentatively referred to as 'experience' and 'reason'. They constitute an epistemological dualism that may enable to avoid certain circularities in the foundation of knowledge and that may provide an avenue towards the integration of scientific and preschientific (phenomenological) knowledge. This duality involves two horizons advanced yet bu Husserl, but we (...)
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  49. The A Priori in Phenomenology and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism.Philip Blosser - 1990 - Philosophy Today 34 (3):195-205.
  50. K. Hermberg, Husserl's Phenomenology: Knowledge, Objectivity and Others. [REVIEW]Nicolas de Warren - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
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