Andre Santos Campos [35]Pedro Ortega Campos [14]Daniel G. Campos [14]Álvaro Vallejo Campos [12]
Julio Campos [9]Daniel Campos [9]Joseph J. Campos [9]Aurora Campos [9]

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  1. On the distinction between Peirce’s abduction and Lipton’s Inference to the best explanation.Daniel G. Campos - 2011 - Synthese 180 (3):419-442.
    I argue against the tendency in the philosophy of science literature to link abduction to the inference to the best explanation (IBE), and in particular, to claim that Peireean abduction is a conceptual predecessor to IBE. This is not to discount either abduction or IBE. Rather the purpose of this paper is to clarify the relation between Peireean abduction and IBE in accounting for ampliative inference in science. This paper aims at a proper classification—not justification—of types of scientific reasoning. In (...)
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  2.  35
    What is shared, what is different? Core relational themes and expressive displays of eight positive emotions.Belinda Campos, Michelle N. Shiota, Dacher Keltner, Gian C. Gonzaga & Jennifer L. Goetz - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):37-52.
    Understanding positive emotions' shared and differentiating features can yield valuable insight into the structure of positive emotion space and identify emotion states, or aspects of emotion states, that are most relevant for particular psychological processes and outcomes. We report two studies that examined core relational themes (Study 1) and expressive displays (Study 2) for eight positive emotion constructs—amusement, awe, contentment, gratitude, interest, joy, love, and pride. Across studies, all eight emotions shared one quality: high positive valence. Distinctive core relational theme (...)
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  3. Reconceptualizing Emotion Regulation.Joseph J. Campos, Eric A. Walle, Audun Dahl & Alexandra Main - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):26-35.
    Emotion regulation is one of the major foci of study in the fields of emotion and emotional development. This article proposes that to properly study emotion regulation, one must consider not only an intrapersonal view of emotion, but a relational one as well. Defining properties of intrapersonal and relational approaches are spelled out, and implications drawn for how emotion regulation is conceptualized, how studies are designed, how findings are interpreted, and how generalizations are drawn. Most research to date has been (...)
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  4.  46
    (1 other version)Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Margarita Vázquez Campos & Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez - unknown
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has been debated (...)
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  5.  99
    The Logic of Medical Diagnosis.Donald E. Stanley & Daniel G. Campos - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (2):300-315.
  6.  72
    New Malaise: Bioethics and Human Rights in the Global Era.Paul Farmer & Nicole Gastineau Campos - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):243-251.
    First, to what level of quality can medical ethics a spire, if it ignores callous discrimination in medrcal practice against large populations of the innocent poor? Second, how effective can such theories be in addressing the critical issues of medical and clinical ethics if they are unable to contribute to the closing of the gap of sociomedical disparity?Marcio Fabri dos Anjos, Medical Ethics in the Developing World: A Liberation Theology Perspective.
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  7.  52
    WADA’s Concept of the ’Protected Person’ – and Why it is No Protection for Minors.Marcus Campos, Jim Parry & Irena Martínková - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (1):58-69.
    The recent alleged doping case of the figure skater Kamila Valieva at the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing 2022 dramatically raised the issue of the protection of minors in anti-doping policy. We firstly present the literature on doping in relation to minors. Secondly, we present WADA’s Protected Person (PP) concept and its implications. Thirdly, we analyse the WADA Code’s purpose and the vulnerability of minors under the Code, and fourthly, we identify the real threats from which minors should be protected (...)
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  8.  55
    Introduction. Elite Theory: Philosophical Challenges.Giovanni Damele & Andre Santos Campos - 2022 - Topoi 41 (1):1-5.
  9.  39
    Justificatory Moral Pluralism: A Novel Form of Environmental Pragmatism.Andre Santos Campos & Sofia Guedes Vaz - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (6):737-758.
    Moral reasoning typically informs environmental decision-making by measuring the possible outcomes of policies or actions in light of a preferred ethical theory. This method is subject to many problems. Environmental pragmatism tries to overcome them, but it suffers also from some pitfalls. This paper proposes a new method of environmental pragmatism that avoids the problems of both the traditional method of environmental moral reasoning and of the general versions of environmental pragmatism. We call it ‘justificatory moral pluralism’ – it develops (...)
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  10.  20
    Vection and visually induced motion sickness: how are they related?Behrang Keshavarz, Bernhard E. Riecke, Lawrence J. Hettinger & Jennifer L. Campos - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  11.  40
    Interpersonal Responding to Discrete Emotions: A Functionalist Approach to the Development of Affect Specificity.Eric A. Walle & Joseph J. Campos - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (4):413-422.
    To date, emotion research has primarily focused on the experience and display of the emoter. However, of equal, if not more, importance is how such displays impact and guide the behavior of an observer. We incorporate a functionalist framework of emotion to examine the development of differential responding to discrete emotion, theorize on what may facilitate its development, and hypothesize the functions that may underlie such behavioral responses. Although our review is focused primarily on development, the theoretical and methodological ideas (...)
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  12.  67
    (1 other version)The role of locomotion in psychological development.David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos, David C. Witherington, Audun Dahl, Monica Rivera, Minxuan He, Ichiro Uchiyama & Marianne Barbu-Roth - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  13.  26
    Infant political agency: Redrawing the epistemic boundaries of democratic inclusion.Andre Santos Campos - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):368-389.
    Epistemic impairment has been the decisive yardstick when excluding infants from political agency. One of the suggestions to bypass the epistemic requirement of political agency and to encourage the inclusion of infants in representative democracies is to resort to proxies or surrogates who share or advocate interests which may be coincidental with their interests. However, this solution is far from desirable, given that it privileges the political agency of parents, guardians and trustees over other adult citizens. This article offers an (...)
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  14.  55
    Imagination, concentration, and generalization: Peirce on the reasoning abilities of the mathematician.Daniel G. Campos - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (2):135-156.
  15.  51
    Exploring relations among mindfulness facets and various meditation practices: Do they work in different ways?Ausiàs Cebolla, Daniel Campos, Laura Galiana, Amparo Oliver, Jose Manuel Tomás, Albert Feliu-Soler, Joaquim Soler, Javier García-Campayo, Marcelo Demarzo & Rosa María Baños - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:172-180.
  16.  98
    Intergenerational Justice Today.Andre Santos Campos - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (3):e12477.
    A theory of intergenerational justice consists in the study of the moral and political status of the relations between present and past or future people, more specifically, of the obligations and entitlements they can potentially generate. The challenges that justify talking about responsibilities between generations are myriad. And the disputes they prompt can focus on the past just as much as on the present, even though the fact that the human species has reached a state of technological progress that enables (...)
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  17.  63
    Infant political agency: Redrawing the epistemic boundaries of democratic inclusion.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - Sage Publications: European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):368-389.
    European Journal of Political Theory, Volume 21, Issue 2, Page 368-389, April 2022. Epistemic impairment has been the decisive yardstick when excluding infants from political agency. One of the suggestions to bypass the epistemic requirement of political agency and to encourage the inclusion of infants in representative democracies is to resort to proxies or surrogates who share or advocate interests which may be coincidental with their interests. However, this solution is far from desirable, given that it privileges the political agency (...)
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  18.  50
    Spinoza's revolutions in natural law.Andre Santos Campos - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book forms a balanced structure in which the three conceptual pillars of Spinoza's natural law theory (individuality, natural laws, and power) are first analyzed from the viewpoint of his ontology and then from the viewpoint of his ...
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  19. Emotional, Behavioral, and Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ana Luisa Pedrosa, Letícia Bitencourt, Ana Cláudia Fontoura Fróes, Maria Luíza Barreto Cazumbá, Ramon Gustavo Bernardino Campos, Stephanie Bruna Camilo Soares de Brito & Ana Cristina Simões E. Silva - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20.  1
    Epithymíai, philíai e hímeros no Fedro: uma fisiologia dos desejos e das amizades.Rogério Gimenes de Campos - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    Veremos como no Fedro de Platão há inicialmente dois tipos de desejos, um deles seria o desejo epithymía e o outro seria o desejo hímeros, sendo o último um desejo nobre, retratado exclusivamente na palinódia de Sócrates. Faremos um estudo do campo semântico associado a cada um desses desejos dentro das três recitações iniciais do diálogo, discernindo a natureza de cada um deles, sua potencialidade, direção e desdobramentos. O diálogo evidencia a enunciação controlada desses desejos na trama conceitual platônica, quando (...)
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  21. Peirce on the role of poietic creation in mathematical reasoning.Daniel G. Campos - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (3):470 - 489.
    : C.S. Peirce defines mathematics in two ways: first as "the science which draws necessary conclusions," and second as "the study of what is true of hypothetical states of things" (CP 4.227–244). Given the dual definition, Peirce notes, a question arises: Should we exclude the work of poietic hypothesis-making from the domain of pure mathematical reasoning? (CP 4.238). This paper examines Peirce's answer to the question. Some commentators hold that for Peirce the framing of mathematical hypotheses requires poietic genius but (...)
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  22.  39
    Exploring the Role of Meditation and Dispositional Mindfulness on Social Cognition Domains: A Controlled Study.Daniel Campos, Marta Modrego-Alarcón, Yolanda López-del-Hoyo, Manuel González-Panzano, William Van Gordon, Edo Shonin, Mayte Navarro-Gil & Javier García-Campayo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  23.  46
    Emotional Action and Communication in Early Moral Development.Audun Dahl, Joseph J. Campos & David C. Witherington - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):147-157.
    Emotional action and communication are integral to the development of morality, here conceptualized as our concerns for the well-being of other people and the ability to act on those concerns. Focusing on the second year of life, this article suggests a number of ways in which young children’s emotions and caregivers’ emotional communication contribute to early forms of helping, empathy, and learning about prohibitions. We argue for distinguishing between moral issues and other normative issues also in the study of early (...)
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  24.  64
    Peirce’s Prejudices against Hispanics and the Ethical Scope of His Philosophy.Daniel G. Campos - 2014 - The Pluralist 9 (2):42-64.
    in two letters concerning the Spanish-American War of 1898, Charles Sanders Peirce openly expresses some egregious prejudices against several groups of people, including Hispanics—people of at least partly Spanish origin in the Iberian Peninsula or the Americas (L 254 and L 339; reprint, translation to Spanish, and commentary in Nubiola and Zalamea 76–811). In an undated letter to his cousin Henry Cabot Lodge, a Massachusetts politician, Peirce writes regarding the war: “I don’t believe the Spaniards will make a good fight; (...)
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  25.  46
    The Epistemic Revolution Induced by Microbiome Studies: An Interdisciplinary View.Eric Bapteste, Philippe Gerard, Catherine Larose, Manuel Blouin, Fabrice Not, Liliane Campos, Géraldine Aïdan, M. André Selosse, M. Sarah Adénis, Frédéric Bouchard, Sébastien Dutreuil, Eduardo Corel, Chloé Vigliotti, Philippe Huneman, F. Joseph Lapointe & Philippe Lopez - 2021 - Biology 10.
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  26.  35
    On the Value and Meaning of Football: Recent Philosophical Perspectives in Latin America.Daniel Campos - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (1):69-87.
    (2010). On the Value and Meaning of Football: Recent Philosophical Perspectives in Latin America. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport: Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 69-87.
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  27.  18
    La filosofía sintética: ¿Qué es y por qué todo filósofo dedicado a la investigación debería adoptarla?Óscar Teixidó & Isaac Carcacía Campos - 2024 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57 (2):271-290.
    Una respuesta al debate metafilosófico sobre si hay o no unos criterios regulativos en filosofía cómo área de investigación lo ofrece la denominada filosofía sintética. Dentro de esta posición se propone una forma de abordar toda la filosofía y teorizar en base a diferentes criterios propuestos, que suelen ser generalmente: la claridad semántica, la coherencia interna, la coherencia externa con las ciencias y la fecundidad teórica con otros campos de estudio. Estos criterios de corte naturalista a su vez se ofrecen (...)
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  28.  60
    Assessing the Value of Nature.Daniel G. Campos - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (1):57-74.
    Henry David Thoreau’s discussion of the highest value of wild apples and my own reflection upon my experience, interacting with the sea and enjoying its products during my Central American upbringing, motivate this discussion of how human beings may apprehend nature’s highest worth. I propose that in order to apprehend nature’s highest value it is necessary to understand the complete transaction between human beings and nature—an active transaction that requires from the human being a continuous movement along experience, reflection, and (...)
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  29.  15
    La intuición, el programa dialéctico de la República y su práctica en el Parménides y el Teeteto.Álvaro Vallejo Campos - 2020 - Plato Journal 20:137-150.
    This article examines the relation between the dialectical program established in Plato’s Republic and the practice of dialectic in other dialogues, such as the Parmenides and the Theaetetus. The author argues against those scholars who have sustained a sharp distinction between an intuitive conception of knowledge and the discursive practices characteristic of Plato’s concept of dialectic. In his view, Plato has been overinterpreted from the modern perspective of the distinction between intuitive and discursive forms of knowledge. As a consequence, this (...)
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  30.  75
    The Rights of Future Persons under Attack: Correlativity in the Non-Identity Problem.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):625-648.
    This paper aims at answering some of the objections to the NIP’s criticism of the idea of rights of future persons. Those objections usually adopt different perspectives depending on how they understand differently the nature of the correlativity between rights and duties – some adopt a present-rights-of-future-persons view, others a future-rights-of-future-persons view, others a transitive present-rights-of-present-persons view, and others still an eternalist view of rights and persons. The paper will try to show that only a non-transitive present-rights-of-present-persons view can survive (...)
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  31.  49
    Kant on Acting from Juridical Duty.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (4):498-514.
    ABSTRACTA much debated passage in the Metaphysics of Morals often leads commentators to believe that it is not possible to act from juridical duty. On the one hand, Kant says that all lawgiving inc...
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  32.  44
    The Idea of the Social Contract in the History of ‘Agreementism’.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - The European Legacy 24 (6):579-596.
    ABSTRACTOne of the recurrent motifs in political thought is the idea of the social contract, according to which a society, a government, or moral principles depend for their existence on agreements...
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  33.  27
    Patients’ Comprehension of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in an Outpatient Clinic for Resistant Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study.Michele F. Rodrigues, Carlos Campos, Luisa Pelucio, Izabel Barreto, Sergio Machado, Jose C. Appolinario, Antonio E. Nardi & Michelle Levitan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34. On Poetry and Authentic Philosophical Reflection:The American Philosophy of Octavio Paz: Sobre Poesia e Autêntica Reflexão Filosófica: A Filosofia Americana de Octavio Paz.Daniel Campos - 2007 - Cognitio 8 (2).
    Octavio Paz conceives of authentic philosophical reflection as ‘thinking a la intemperie’. This conception involves his idea that our contemporary historical and philosophical situation is one of intemperie espiritual. Based on the dual sense of the term intemperie for Paz, I propose that ‘thinking a la intemperie’ means: (i) Exposing our beliefs to the weathering effects of our vital, concrete experience; and (ii) apprehending reality in communion with others through poetic experience of the ever-flowing present. That is, authentic philosophical reflection (...)
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    Spiritual oneness and the cognitive science of religion.Veronica Campos & Daniel De Luca-Noronha - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 95 (3):323-338.
    In a 2008 paper, Justin Barrett designed a conceptual scale to measure the level of counterintuitiveness of concepts, “Barrett’s counterintuitiveness coding and quantifying scheme”. According to Barrett, the higher a concept scores in this scale, the more counterintuitive it is. The scale is meant as an auxiliary tool for one of the mainstream theories in the cognitive science of religion, namely, the Minimal Counterintuitiveness Hypothesis. For a concept to be adherent, i.e., to survive across cultures and across time, it has (...)
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  36.  21
    States, states of nature and the moral law: a comparison between Immanuel Kant’s and Thomas Hobbes’ political and legal theory.Fernando Campos - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):78-93.
    This article delves into the philosophical theses on law and ethics as presented by Thomas Hobbes and Immanuel Kant, with a focus on the notion of resistance in a legal context. It contrasts Hobbes’ advocacy for nearly unrestricted state authority and a morality closely tied to the state, against Kant’s emphasis on moral law and natural rights as the underpinnings of legality. A pivotal discussion point is Kant’s perceived contradiction in supporting a fundamental right to freedom while limiting the right (...)
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    Scanning Patterns of Faces do not Explain Impaired Emotion Recognition in Huntington Disease: Evidence for a High Level Mechanism.Marieke van Asselen, Filipa Júlio, Cristina Januário, Elzbieta Bobrowicz Campos, Inês Almeida, Sara Cavaco & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  38.  31
    How Can One Piece Together Emotion when a Crucial Piece Is Missing?Eric A. Walle, Audun Dahl & Joseph J. Campos - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (3):299-300.
    Attempts to explain emotion typically emphasize the interaction of evolutionary and socialization processes. However, in describing this interplay the role of the person is typically underemphasized or unaccounted for. This paper lays out empirical and theoretical rationale for considering the person as a major contributor to emotion generation and development.
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    The Role of Toleration in Spinoza’s Epistemic Democracy.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):129-148.
    Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (TTP) contains two main arguments for toleration, one theological, the other political. In light of the latter, the capacity for judging is embedded in each individual’s power and cannot be overcome or dismissed. The individual, not the state, is the subject par excellence of judgment concerning the true and the good. In the Political Treatise (TP), however, multiplicity takes centre stage. The multitude, a concept that Spinoza had seldom used until then, appears to emphasise that the more (...)
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  40. The individuality of the state in Spinoza's political philosophy.Andre Santos Campos - 2010 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (1):1-38.
    The place of the State in Spinoza's ontology has emerged in scholarly literature as one of the most complex issues involving Spinoza's political thought. At issue is whether Spinoza's State is an actual individual with its own conatus . Some consider it a completely real individual, others say that its individuality can only be metaphoric, whilst others point out the conceptual insufficiency of this polarity for explaining the ontological status of political aggregates and try to overcome it through new concepts, (...)
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  41. Sob as bênçãos da Igreja: o casamento de escravos na legislação brasileira With the Church blessings: the marriage of slaves in the.Adriana Pereira Campos & Patrícia M. da Silva Merlo - 2005 - Topoi 6 (11):327-361.
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    The Moral Entitlements of Future Persons: Expectancies and Prospective Beneficiaries.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (1):125-143.
    This paper develops a future-oriented and person-centred normative argument based on expectancies that is immune to most of the problems identified in the rights of future persons. The argument unfolds in four parts. The first draws on the notion of expectancies present in inheritance law and maintains that it is possible to formulate a rule of prospective beneficiaries that correlates with entitlements and legitimate claims without necessarily acquiring the status of rights. The second extends expectancies to future persons and concludes (...)
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  43.  22
    Beyond Breaches and Battles: Clarifying Important Misconceptions about Emotion.Joseph J. Campos, Audun Dahl & Minxuan He - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (2):100-104.
    While we share many of the views on emotion research put forth in Kagan’s article “Once More into the Breach,” our commentary focuses on two points of disagreement. First, we argue for the importance of a priori principles. In particular, emotions cannot be understood without reference to final and formal cause, and the related principles of equifinality and equipotentiality. Secondly, although we agree the term “basic emotions” is misleading, we maintain that the emotions traditionally called “basic” should still be seen (...)
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    I love you but … : Cultural differences in complexity of emotional experience during interaction with a romantic partner.Michelle N. Shiota, Belinda Campos, Gian C. Gonzaga, Dacher Keltner & Kaiping Peng - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (5):786-799.
    Studies suggest that emotional complexity—the experience of positive and negative emotion in response to the same event—is unusual in Western samples. However, recent research finds that the co-occurrence of positive and negative emotion during unstructured situations is more common among East Asians than Westerners, consistent with theories emphasising the prevalence of dialectical folk epistemology in East-Asian culture. The present study builds upon previous research by examining Asian- and European-Americans' experience of a particular positive emotion—love—and a situationally appropriate negative emotion during (...)
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  45.  11
    Enigma de la Dialéctica Platónica y El Papel de la Refutación.Álvaro Vallejo Campos - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0080.
    El enigma de la dialéctica platónica se debe a la descripción metafórica de sus procedimientos en la República y a la oscuridad sobre el modo de alcanzar el principio superior que debe dar razón de las hipótesis o supuestos. Como no puede ser derivado deductivamente de otro anterior, algunos especialistas han asignado a la intuición un papel fundamental en su aprehensión, pero esto significaría una dualidad respecto al carácter dialógico de la dialéctica, que conllevaría una ruptura misma del método. Sin (...)
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  46. Escravidão, reprodução endógena e crioulização: o caso do Espírito Santo no Oitocentos.Adriana Pereira Campos - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (23):84-96.
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    Guiding Framework for Driver Assessment Using Driving Simulators.Jennifer L. Campos, Michel Bédard, Sherrilene Classen, Jude J. Delparte, Deborah A. Hebert, Nellemarie Hyde, Geoff Law, Gary Naglie & Stephanie Yung - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  48.  27
    Mundo desencantado: o ethos pós-religioso do homem contempor'neo à luz do pensamento de Marcel Gauchet.Fabiano Victor Campos - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (46):376-411.
    This article analyzes the meaning of the expression "disenchantment of the world" in the French philosopher Marcel Gauchet’s thought. In order to do so, it seeks to show that, through the thesis of an exit of religion, Gauchet presents the historical development of religion in three distinct stages but successive and interrelated each other, that is to say: The religion of the past as the configurator of the original experience of heteronomy in its most absolute form of the so-called primitive (...)
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  49.  35
    Visibility, solidarity, and empowerment via the internet: A case study of young Portuguese activists.Ricardo Campos & Daniela Ferreira da Silva - 2024 - Communications 49 (2):297-317.
    The last few years have seen the development of a new line of research around the relationship between digital platforms and activism. The influence of the internet and social media on the civic and political engagement of young people in particular has become clear. Digital platforms perform in this regard a set of functions crucial to activism in terms of communication, mobilization, and logistics. These are indispensable tools, especially to young people belonging to informal structures. Digital platforms have also been (...)
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  50.  33
    The future-oriented franchise: Instituting temporal electoral circles.Andre Santos Campos - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4):499-521.
    In representative democracies, the absence of responsiveness by elected officials to the interests of the represented often generates problems of legitimacy, accountability and effectiveness. However, responsiveness also tends to narrow the time horizons of democratic decision-making and promote short-termism. This paper advances the notion that responsiveness to interests involving distant time horizons is possible by reconfiguring the franchise in a time-sensitive and future-oriented way. It is divided into two parts. The first pinpoints a few inconsistencies in the available proposals for (...)
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