Results for '†Heda Segvic'

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  1.  72
    From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy.Heda Segvic - 2009 - Princeton University Press. Edited by Myles Burnyeat.
    This is a collection of the late Heda Segvic's papers in ancient moral philosophy.
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    (2 other versions)No One Errs Willingly: The Meaning of Socratic Intellectualism.Heda Segvic - 2000 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 19:1-45.
  3. Deliberation and choice in Aristotle.Heda Segvic - 2011 - In Michael Pakaluk & Giles Pearson, Moral psychology and human action in Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  4. Protagoras' Political Art.Heda Šegvić - 2004 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:9-36.
  5.  90
    Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, trans. Roger Crisp, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp.xlii + 213.Heda Segvic - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (3):408.
  6. Aristotle on the Varieties of Goodness.†Heda Segvic - 2004 - Apeiron 37 (2):151 - 176.
  7. The Good and Human Motivation: A Study in Aristotle's Ethics.Heda Segvic - 1995 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    Aristotle takes his ethics to be an inquiry into the ultimate good of human life. In the course of his criticism of Plato and Eudoxus, Aristotle formulates two general conditions on the concept of the ultimate good. Firstly, the ultimate good has to be something prakton. The primary sense of prakton is not, as it is often taken to be, of something that is "realizable" in human action, but of something that is, or can be, aimed at in human action. (...)
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  8. Understanding Action: Aristotelian Telos and Phantasia.Heda Segvic - 2002 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 5.
    Aristotelian telos is the action's projected goal - what the agent aims at in action - and also, if the action is successful, its accomplished goal. Grasping the projected telos involves grasping how the circumstances of the action, and the telos itself, appear to the agent. Phantasia, appearance, thus captures the internal side of action. The object of aiming, and of desire, appears to the agent as something good, hence for Aristotle valuation is built into the very nature of action. (...)
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  9.  27
    Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Action.Heda Segvic - 2002 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 5 (1):23-53.
  10. 1. What is deliberation?Heda Segvic - 2011 - In Michael Pakaluk & Giles Pearson, Moral psychology and human action in Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 159.
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    No Title available: Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Heda Segvic - 2002 - Utilitas 14 (3):408-412.
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    From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    This is a collection of the late Heda Segvic's papers in ancient moral philosophy. At the time of her death at age forty-five in 2003, Segvic had already established herself as an important figure in ancient philosophy, making bold new arguments about the nature of Socratic intellectualism and the intellectual influences that shaped Aristotle's ideas. Segvic had been working for some time on a monograph on practical knowledge that would interpret Aristotle's ethical theory as a response to (...)
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    To the memory of Heda Segvic.Jamie Tappenden - unknown
    Mathematical investigation, when done well, can confer understanding. This bare observation shouldn’t be controversial; where obstacles appear is rather in the effort to engage this observation with epistemology. The complexity of the issue of course precludes addressing it tout court in one paper, and I’ll just be laying some early foundations here. To this end I’ll narrow the field in two ways. First, I’ll address a specific account of explanation and understanding that applies naturally to mathematical reasoning: the view proposed (...)
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    Review of Heda Segvic, From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]David Wolfsdorf - 2010 - Ancient Philosophy 30 (2):420-424.
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    Segvic, Heda . From Protagoras to Aristotle . Edited by Myles Burnyeat; with an introduction by Charles Brittain. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009 . Pp. 216. $45.00 (cloth). [REVIEW]Iakovos Vasiliou - 2010 - Ethics 120 (2):404-408.
  16.  6
    From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy.Myles Burnyeat (ed.) - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    This is a collection of the late Heda Segvic's papers in ancient moral philosophy. At the time of her death at age forty-five in 2003, Segvic had already established herself as an important figure in ancient philosophy, making bold new arguments about the nature of Socratic intellectualism and the intellectual influences that shaped Aristotle's ideas. Segvic had been working for some time on a monograph on practical knowledge that would interpret Aristotle's ethical theory as a response to (...)
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  17. Uvod u čitanje Ludwiga Wittgensteina.Heda Festini - 1992 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Five. Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Action.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 111-143.
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  19.  86
    Neki vidovi filozofske i kulturne antropologije.Heda Festini - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (1):17-24.
    Cilj je dati temeljni ocrt čovjeka koji bi mogao biti okosnica koncepcije otvorene kulture. Analizom uporišnih točaka filozofske i kulturne antropologije: A) filozofska antropologija : a) pasivistička koncepcija, b) aktivistička koncepcija; B) kulturna antropologija : a) zatvorena kultura, b) otvorena kultura; treba doći do osiguranja koncepcije otvorene vs. zatvorene kulture. U multikulturalnim svezama izgleda da se potonja češće ispriječava daljem napredovanju pa je neophodno naći parametre kojima otvorene kulture mogu što ranije prepoznati negativna obilježja patrijarhalne kulture.
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    Petrić i Acastos, nastavak prvi.Heda Festini - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):451-456.
    Prethodno, u izlaganju »Petrić i Acastos«, održanom na simpoziju Petrić i renesansne filozofske tradicije 2008. godine, ustanovili smo da je Petrić najbliži platonovsko-novoplatonovsko- pitagorovskom izvorniku, ali je pridonio raščinjavanju klasične etičke vrline , da je vrlo blizak drugom modelu za uspoređivanje, Acastosu I i donekle se približava Acastosu II .S istim trima modelima sada prelazimo na usporedbu u odnosu na pjesničko umijeće, kako je izloženo u petnaest izabranih Petrićevih tekstova u knjizi Ljerke Schiffler Frane Petrić o pjesničkom umijeću . Pitat (...)
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  21.  10
    Antun Petrić: filozof iz Komiže.Heda Festini - 1992 - Split: Književni krug. Edited by Antonio Petrich.
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    Grisogono's Leap Forward into the New Science.Heda Festini - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):725-732.
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    Slobodno vrijeme i rekreativni šport.Heda Festini - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (3):443-448.
    Izvorno značenje termina ‘šport’; olimpizam i elitni šport – u nas 1967. god. V. Janković.Kriza športa – problem granica, šport nije više autonoman a niti zdrav, urušenost etike je vezana uz bespoštednost ekonomskog tržišta.Rješenje:– priziv na izjednačavanje moralnih normi u svim sektorima ;– reguliranje slobodnog ekonomskog tržišta uvjet je da slobodno vrijeme i šport dobiju šansu da postanu rekreacija, tj. snaženje fizičkih silnica i obnova psiholoških zaliha, a ne ubilačka masovna histerija.The original meaning of the term ‘sport’, olimpism and elite (...)
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    Život i djelo Splićanina Jurja Politea.Heda Festini - 1977 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju Sveučilišta.
    Vita e opera del filosofo Spalatino, Giorgio Politeo" : p.195-205.
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    Juraj Politeo i Albin Nađ, prethodnici Einsteina?!Heda Festini - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):585-593.
    Juraj Politeo bio je preteča Einsteina svojim doprinosom mijenjanju znanstvenog pojma, zakona i znanstvenog predmeta. Albin Nađ također je sudjelovao u izmjeni shvaćanja znanstvenog pojma, zakona i znanstvenog predmeta. Oba naša mislioca odlikovala su se istančanim razmatranjima o relativnosti, posebno Nađ o relativnosti prostora. Pokušat će se pokazati da se ovi naši mislioci mogu uključiti u tom smislu u liniju: Mach, Hertz, Duhem, Poincaré, koja se završava s Einsteinom i kvantnom teorijom. U tom pravcu članak ukazuje na to da su (...)
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  26.  24
    Osnovni vid uvira Mediteranske filozofije u svjetsku.Heda Festini - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3):513-521.
    Ne samo da Mediteranska filozofija pridonosi postanku i daljem razvoju svjetske filozofije, nego joj daje osnovni pečat. Kratka analiza glavnih sastojaka, kao što su: 1) grčko-judejska i latinska skolastika; 2) uloga magije i misticizma; 3) otvaranje znanstvenog interesa naročito od arapske skolastike; 4) povijesno vrijeme i čovjekova borba za sebe, od Renesanse sve do dvadesetog stoljeća, treba pokazati da je osnovni vid Mediteranske filozofije oplemenjivanje svijeta. Budućom zadaćom Mediteranske filozofije naznačit će se pronalaženje putova kako da se koncept mogućnosti, kao (...)
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  27. Suvremeni značaj Deweyevog socijalnog liberalizma.Heda Festini - 2010 - Synthesis Philosophica 25 (1):57-64.
    U radu se raspravljaju eksplicitne i anticipativne kritike ranog kapitalizma i neoliberalizma , s naglaskom na Deweyevoj kritici koja je aktualna i danas. Naglašava se Deweyev poziv za metodu inteligencije koja bi, kao znanstvena metoda, svim vidovima društva donijela odgovarajuće pravne, institucionalne i civilizacijske promjene. One bi kontinuirano doprinosile razvoju slobode i napretku preko kontrole slobodnog tržišta. Zapaža se da, prema Deweyu, integralni pojam odgoja zauzima posebno mjesto u njegovom naučavanju. Osim usvajanja znanja, odgovarajući odgoj se tiče razvitka slobodne, slobodoumne (...)
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  28.  24
    Truth in Science.Heda Festini - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):403-409.
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    Indices.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 187-196.
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    One. Protagoras’ Political Art.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 3-27.
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    Six. Deliberation and Choice in Aristotle.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 144-172.
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    Introduction.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press.
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    Two. Homer in Plato's Protagoras.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 28-46.
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    Three. No One Errs Willingly: The Meaning of Socratic Intellectualism.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 47-86.
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    Acknowledgments.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press.
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    Eight. Two or Three Things We Know about Socrates.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 181-186.
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    Four. Aristotle on the Varieties of Goodness.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 89-110.
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    Seven. Review of Roger Crisp, Translation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.HedaHG Segvic - 2008 - In From Protagoras to Aristotle: Essays in Ancient Moral Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 175-180.
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    Whom Does God Favor, the Wicked or the Righteous? The Reward and Punishment Fairy Tale.Peter Heath & Heda Jason - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (2):303.
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    Man and Culture/Mensch und Kultur.Zagorka Golubović, Heda Festini, Ivan Cifrić, Stephen Grant, Elvio Baccarini, Joško Žanić, Myroslav Feodosijevič Hryschko, Janko M. Lozar, Petar Mihatov & Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (1):1.
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    Heda Festini’s Contribution in the Research of Croatian Philosophical Heritage.Luka Boršić & Ivana Skuhala Karasman - 2019 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):573-582.
    In this text we offer an overview of Festini’s works on history of Croatian philosophy. The article is divided in five parts in which we discuss Festini’s attitude towards Croatian Renaissance philosophers, eighteenth and nineteenth century Croatian philosophers, and two philosophers from the twentieth century (Vladimir Filipović and Marija Brida). Majority of Festini’s texts were published in the journal Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine.
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    Constructing a Happy City-State.Nenad Miščević - 2019 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):583-596.
    The paper honors Heda Festini; it’s first part contains author’s personal memories of Heda. The central part of the paper addresses a favorite author of Heda Festini, Franjo Petrić, and his Utopia The Happy City-State. It then places the utopian construction on the map of contemporary understanding of political theorizing. Utopias, like the one due to Petrić, result from thought-experimenting; in contrast to purely epistemic thought-experiments they are geared to “guidance”, as Petrić puts it, namely advice giving and persuading. Political (...)
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  43. Moderna logika u hrvatskoj filozofiji 20. stoljeća [Modern logic in Croatian philosophy of the 20th century].Srećko Kovač - 2007 - In Damir Barbarić & Franjo Zenko, Hrvatska filozofija u XX. stoljeću. Matica hrvatska. pp. 97-110.
    The first beginnings of modern logic in Croatia are recognizable as early as in the middle of the 19th century in Vatroslav Bertić. At the turn of the 20th century, Albin Nagy, who was teaching in Italy, made contributions to algebraic logic and to the philosophy of logic. At that time, a distinctive author Mate Meršić stood out, also working on algebraic logic. In the Croatian academic philosophy, until the publication of Gajo Petrović's textbook (1964) and the contributions by Heda (...)
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  44.  14
    Identity between Semantics and Metaphysics.Dušan Dožudić - 2019 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):597-610.
    In this paper, I consider several issues related to the concept of identity—the concept that is in many ways related to Heda Festini’s early philosophical interests. I specifically focus on discussion of the issues in Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein. I contrast two competing conceptions of identity—the objectual (according to which identity is a relation in which every object stands only to itself) and the metalinguistic (according to which identity is a relation between coreferential names)—and consider reasons these authors had for (...)
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