Results for 'space appropriation'

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  1.  4
    Revealing Political Space. Types of Appropriation of Public Space as Active Politics.Felix Alejandro Cristiá - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:13-41.
    RESUMEN Esta investigación aborda la validez del espacio público como auspiciador de la participación política, centrándose en las diversas formas de apropiación del espacio que pueden fomentar dicha participación. El objetivo principal consiste en demostrar las posibilidades de acción política de las y los ciudadanos al expresar su desacuerdo a través de distintos procesos de apropiación del espacio público: la apropiación por dominación, por rebelión, la apropiación vandálica y artística. Se sostiene que la legitimidad de un sistema de gobierno puede (...)
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    Appropriating the city: space, theory, and bike messengers. [REVIEW]Jeffrey L. Kidder - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (3):307-328.
    Over the last 30 years, social theorists have increasingly emphasized the importance of space. However, in empirical research, the dialectical relationship between social interaction and the physical environment is still a largely neglected issue. Using the theory of structuration, I provide a concrete example of why and how space matters in the cultural analysis of an urban social world. I argue that bike messengers—individuals who deliver time-sensitive materials in downtown cores of major cities—cannot be understood outside an analysis (...)
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    Dōgen's Appropriation of Lotus Sutra Ground and Space.Taigen Dan Leighton - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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    Heidegger’s Readings of Kant: Appropriation of time and space through understanding the historicity of da-sein as being-in-the-world.Syed Alam Shah - 2015 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 54 (2):81-90.
    Heidegger’s reading of Kant is deciphered to have illuminated his own project concerning the basic question of Ontology, Time, Space and History [Temporality, Spatiality and Historicity] embodying the novel description of Human reality in terms of Mit-Dasein and Mit-welt [Subjectivity with the public face]. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason led Heidegger develop his own project of Existential Phenomenology contrary to Husserilian Phenomenology. We will discuss the Kantian Heidegger following the two main issues: one, Heidegger appreciates Kant on his identifying (...)
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    Appropriation as a perspective and topic in the study of religion and spirituality.Linda Annunen & Terhi Utriainen - 2023 - Approaching Religion 13 (3):1-6.
    Cultural appropriation is a timely topic that has been taking up a lot of space in public discussions. The concept is often applied in heated debates aimed at calling out’ different actors and actions as appropriation, or on the other hand to defend against such accusations. This thematic issue seeks to look at the topic from a broader and more nuanced perspective, asking what different expressions of appropriation appear in the field of and in relation to (...)
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    Space, Philosophy and Ethics.H. U. Anderson, William (ed.) - 2025 - Delaware: Vernon Press.
    Space is infinitely interesting! Space has both scientific and cultural currency because it has captured the imagination of human beings from ancient times until today. What seemed like science fiction centuries and only decades ago, is now science fact. Technological developments present and on the cusp are putting more and more of space into our hands. That is both exciting and frightening at the same time (think Lovecraft)! This book attempts to speak to the philosophical and ethical (...)
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  7. Space, Time and Nature: The process and the myth.Marília Luiza Peluso, Wallace Wagner Rorigues Pantoja, Pamela Elizabeth Morales Arteaga & Maxem Luiz Araújo - 2015 - Time - Technique - Territory 6 (1):1-23.
    The article fits into the debate regarding space, time and nature in dialogue with the world lived by subjects that build up themselves or are built as mythological heroes, source of speech and spacial concrete practices. It's a poorly explored field in Geography that recently approaches to the cultural dynamic debate, to the symbolic field and also to their spacialization processes. The aim is to discuss the possibility of understanding in the present time about the space organization processes (...)
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    Air-appropriation: The imperial origins and legacies of the Anthropocene.Andreas Folkers - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (4):611-630.
    This article elucidates the spatial order that underpins the politics of the Anthropocene – the ecological nomos of the earth – and criticizes its imperial origins and legacies. It provides a critical reading of Carl Schmitt’s spatial thought to not only illuminate the spatio-political ontology but also the violence and usurpations that characterize the Anthropocene condition. The article first shows how with the emergence of the ecological nomos seemingly ‘natural’ spaces like the biosphere and the atmosphere became politically charged. This (...)
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    Space, Time, and Mechanics: Basic Structures of a Physical Theory.D. Mayr & G. Süssmann - 1982 - Springer.
    In connection with the "Philosophy of Science" research program conducted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft a colloquium was held in Munich from 18th to 20th May 1919. This covered basic structures of physical theories, the main emphasis being on the interrelation of space, time and mechanics. The present volume contains contributions and the results of the discussions. The papers are given here in the same order of presentation as at the meeting. The development of these "basic structures of physical theories" (...)
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    Формування стратегії розвитку підприємства на основі динамічного space-аналізу.Valeriy Balan & Inna Tymchenko - 2016 - Схід 4 (144):5-16.
    Development strategy of using modern portfolio theory focused on the short term. However, macroeconomic uncertainty and geopolitical environment makes their use ineffective. And challenge is to provide a reasonable balance between the short and long term profitability. Another issue, which is to some extent related to the previous observation is the absence in most matrices strategic recommendations for non-standard "behavior" of business units with dynamic analysis. This applies to the use of a relatively new tool matrix approach to development strategies (...)
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    3. space, place, and gender: The sexual and spatial division of labor in the early modern household.Amanda J. Flather - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (3):344-360.
    Much has been written about the history of the work of men and women in the premodern past. It is now generally acknowledged that early modern ideological assumptions about a strict division of work and space between men and productive work outside the house on the one hand, and women and reproduction and consumption inside the house, on the other, bore little relation to reality. Household work strategies, out of necessity, were diverse. Yet what this spatial complexity meant in (...)
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    Performing Belonging in Public Space: Mexican Migrants in New York City.M. Victoria Quiroz Becerra - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (3):331-357.
    Playing soccer in public parks, participating in parades, or marching in religious processions are public performances that express membership in a political community. When these practices are performed by noncitizens, they highlight how the public space—in its physical and symbolic character—is not a space exclusive to members of the political community. Rather, public space is a terrain subject to contestation. In this article, I explore the ways Mexican migrants in New York City use and appropriate public spaces (...)
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    A Space of One’s Own: Barbosa du Bocage, the Foundation of the National Museum of Lisbon, and the Construction of a Career in Zoology.Daniel Gamito-Marques - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (2):223-257.
    This paper discusses the life and scientific work of José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage, a nineteenth-century Portuguese naturalist who carved a new place for zoological research in Portugal and built up a prestigious scientific career by securing appropriate physical and institutional spaces to the discipline. Although he was appointed professor of zoology at the Lisbon Polytechnic School, an institution mainly devoted to the preparatory training of military officers and engineers, he succeeded in creating the conditions that allowed him to develop (...)
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    Using conceptual spaces to exhibit conceptual continuity through scientific theory change.George Masterton, Frank Zenker & Peter Gärdenfors - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7 (1):127-150.
    There is a great deal of justified concern about continuity through scientific theory change. Our thesis is that, particularly in physics, such continuity can be appropriately captured at the level of conceptual frameworks using conceptual space models. Indeed, we contend that the conceptual spaces of three of our most important physical theories—Classical Mechanics, Special Relativity Theory, and Quantum Mechanics —have already been so modelled as phase-spaces. Working with their phase-space formulations, one can trace the conceptual changes and continuities (...)
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  15.  36
    Utopian spaces and the promise of education: a conceptual analysis.Gerald Argenton - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (3):310-321.
    This paper states that modern education and utopian discourse share one common trait, that of being structurally founded on the promise of human betterment. The changing relations between concepts of education and utopianism will be developed through conceptual analysis of the dynamics of the promise in their interweaving process. This shall be discussed through three main topics. The first is the appropriation of space in early modern education (sixteenth century onward), with particular emphasis on the influence of print (...)
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    Appropriation of Traditional Knowledge: Ethics in the Context of Ethnobiology.Kelly Bannister, Maui Solomon & Conrad G. Brunk - 2009 - In James O. Young & Conrad G. Brunk (eds.), The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 140–172.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Part I: Ethnobiology as a Case Example Part II: Philosophical and Ethical Issues: Toward the Creation of ‘Ethical Space’.
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    Agentive Spaces, the “Background”, and Other Not Well Articulated Influences in Shaping our Lives.John Shotter - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (2):133-154.
    What is special about all our living exchanges with our surroundings is that they occur within the ceaseless, intertwined flow of many unfolding strands of spontaneously responsive, living activity. This requires us to adopt a kind of fluid, process thinking, a shift from thinking of events as occurring between things and beings existing as separate entities prior to their inter-action, to events occurring within a continuously unfolding, holistic but stranded flow of events, with no clear, already existing boundaries to be (...)
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    Embodied Spaces, Social Places and Bourdieu: Locating and Dislocating the Child in Family Relationships.Erica Haimes - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (1):11-33.
    This article deploys a Bourdieusian framework to analyse the process of how children are located in, and attached to, families. The focus is on children whose placement is problematic for some reason (such as adoption, egg and semen donation, surrogacy and so on). Through a detailed examination of four case studies in which the placement of children is disputed, I show how notions of embodied spaces (such as the womb) are part of the repertoire of arguments used for establishing claims (...)
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  19. Conceptual spaces as a framework for knowledge representation.Peter Gardenfors - 2004 - Mind and Matter 2 (2):9-27.
    The dominating models of information processes have been based on symbolic representations of information and knowledge. During the last decades, a variety of non-symbolic models have been proposed as superior. The prime examples of models within the non-symbolic approach are neural networks. However, to a large extent they lack a higher-level theory of representation. In this paper, conceptual spaces are suggested as an appropriate framework for non- symbolic models. Conceptual spaces consist of a number of 'quality dimensions' that often are (...)
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  20. Conscious events as orchestrated space-time selections.Stuart R. Hameroff & Roger Penrose - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (1):36-53.
    What is consciousness? Some philosophers have contended that ‘qualia’, or an experiential medium from which consciousness is derived, exists as a fundamental component of reality. Whitehead, for example, described the universe as being comprised of ‘occasions of experience’. To examine this possibility scientifically, the very nature of physical reality must be re-examined. We must come to terms with the physics of space-time -- as is described by Einstein's general theory of relativity -- and its relation to the fundamental theory (...)
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  21. Space, self, and the theater of consciousness.Arnold Trehub - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):310-330.
    Over a decade ago, I introduced a large-scale theory of the cognitive brain which explained for the first time how the human brain is able to create internal models of its intimate world and invent models of a wider universe. An essential part of the theoretical model is an organization of neuronal mechanisms which I have named the Retinoid Model (Trehub, 1977, 1991). This hypothesized brain system has structural and dynamic properties enabling it to register and appropriately integrate disparate foveal (...)
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  22. Practising collectivity: Performing public space in everyday China.Teresa Hoskyns, Siti Balkish Roslan & Claudia Westermann - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (3):203-224.
    This article investigates the specific cultural and collaborative nature of China’s public spaces and how they are formed through performative appropriations. Collective cultural practices as political participation were encouraged during the Mao era when cultural activities played a key role in workers’ education and participation. Since the opening-up period, performance in public space has become widespread in China and creates alternative community spaces that constitute alternatives to capitalist spaces of consumption. Using Habermas’s theory of communicative action, we argue that (...)
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    Space and Normativity.Jennifer Church - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):59-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.1 (2005) 59-61 [Access article in PDF] Space and Normativity Jennifer Church Keywords space, normativity, reasons, unconscious I appreciate the thoughtful criticisms and helpful suggestions of my commentators. In this brief reply, I can only begin to address the many interesting issues that they raise.I am not sure whether R.D. Hinshelwood views my paper as operating within the constraints of analytic philosophy, which (...)
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    Learning concepts by arranging appropriate training order.Yao-Tung Hsu, Tzung-Pei Hong & Shian-Shyong Tseng - 2001 - Minds and Machines 11 (3):399-415.
    Machine learning has been proven useful for solving the bottlenecks in building expert systems. Noise in the training instances will, however, confuse a learning mechanism. Two main steps are adopted here to solve this problem. The first step is to appropriately arrange the training order of the instances. It is well known from Psychology that different orders of presentation of the same set of training instances to a human may cause different learning results. This idea is used here for machine (...)
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  25. Skillful action in peripersonal space.Gabrielle Benette Jackson - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (2):313-334.
    In this article, I link the empirical hypothesis that neural representations of sensory stimulation near the body involve a unique motor component to the idea that the perceptual field is structured by skillful bodily activity. The neurophenomenological view that emerges is illuminating in its own right, though it may also have practical consequences. I argue that recent experiments attempting to alter the scope of these near space sensorimotor representations are actually equivocal in what they show. I propose resolving this (...)
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    Safe space in the college classroom: contact, dignity, and a kind of publicness.Jessica Harless - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (3):1-17.
    ABSTRACTCurrent discourse about higher education focuses on issues like government funding, student debt, and admissions diversity; however, increasing attention is being paid to issues of speech and politics in the university. Alongside a series of events at several institutions, calls for ‘safe space’ on campus have grown familiar. Yet the appropriateness of such spaces on campus is debated. In this article the notion of safety implied in calls for ‘safe space’ is clarified, and three reasons are suggested for (...)
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  27.  64
    Built space and the interactional framing of experience during a murder interrogation.Curtis D. Lebaron & JÜrgen Streeck - 1997 - Human Studies 20 (1):1-25.
    Human interaction and communication involve space in multiple ways. This paper examines the spatial and interactional order of a covertly video-taped police interrogation. When the participants enter the interrogation room and become engaged in the interrogation process, the room itself is a constraint and a resource for interaction. While interacting within a built environment, the participants appropriate their material surroundings in ways that constitute a spatial order and make possible certain arguments. This paper examines how the physical structure of (...)
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  28.  56
    Color spaces and color order systems, a primer.Rolf Kuehni - 2010 - In Jonathan Cohen & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Color Ontology and Color Science. Bradford.
    This chapter discusses the ordering of color percepts, and starts by presenting an overview of the critical issues surrounding the topic and by examining the relationship between stimuli and percepts. Certain types of variability were found by experimental psychology in the relationship between stimulus and response as a result of observation conditions. In the twentieth century, the view that the normal human color-vision system has a standard implementation and that all perceptual data are appropriately treated with normal statistical distribution methodology (...)
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    Negotiating Gendered Religious Space: The Particularities of Patriarchy in an African American Mosque.Pamela J. Prickett - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (1):51-72.
    Much research on women’s religious participation centers on their abilities to act within constricted institutional spaces. Drawing on five years of ethnographic fieldwork, this study analyzes how African American Muslim women use the mosque as a physical space to enact public performances of religious identity. By occupying, protecting, and appropriating spaces in the mosque for meaningfully gender-specific ways of engaging Islam, the women further a project of religious self-making that bonds African American Muslim women together. In their maneuverings of (...)
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    Appropriation, Interpretation and Criticism: Philosophical and Theological Exchanges Between the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Intellectual Traditions.Nicola Polloni & Alexander Fidora - 2017 - Barcelona and Rome: FIDEM.
    The volume gathers eleven studies on the intellectual exchanges during the Middle Ages among the three cultures which existed side by side in the same geographical area, i.e. the vast space from the British Isles to the Sahara Desert, and from the Douro Valley to the Hindu Kush. These three cultures – who may not be reduced to their confession or ethnicity – are historically related to each other in many respects, both material (trade, wars, marriages) and immaterial (the (...)
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    Managerial Appropriations of the Ethos of Democratic Practice: Rating, ‘Policing’, and Performance Management.Kostas Amiridis & Bogdan Costea - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (4):701-713.
    This article examines how new types of performance appraisal reconfigure everyday personal relationships at work. These systems deploy smartphone technologies to be used continuously by individuals to rate each other. Our aim is to show, in concrete terms, how these practices claim to configure a democratic space where individuals are liberated to express their views about each other’s work. On the contrary, we argue that by being placed in continuous confrontation with each other’s ratings, the genuine space for (...)
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    Rereading Henri Lefebvre’s La production de l’espace: Appropriation, Nature, and Time-Space in São Paulo Spatial History at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century. [REVIEW]Sebastian Dorsch - 2018 - In Robert Fischer & Jenny Bauer (eds.), Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre: Theory, Practices and (Re)Readings. De Gruyter. pp. 77-94.
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    Competing for consciousness: A Darwinian mechanism at an appropriate level of explanation.William H. Calvin - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (4):389-404.
    Treating consciousness as awareness or attention greatly underestimates it, ignoring the temporary levels of organization associated with higher intellectual function (syntax, planning, logic, music). The tasks that require consciousness tend to be the ones that demand a lot of resources. Routine tasks can be handled on the back burner but dealing with ambiguity, groping around offline, generating creative choices, and performing precision movements may temporarily require substantial allocations of neocortex. Here I will attempt to clarify the appropriate levels of explanation (...)
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    Presence in Digital Spaces. A Phenomenological Concept of Presence in Mediatized Communication.Gesa Lindemann & David Schünemann - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (4):627-651.
    Theories of face-to-face interaction employ a concept of spatial presence and view communication via digital technologies as an inferior version of interaction, often with pathological implications. Current studies of mediatized communication challenge this notion with empirical evidence of “telepresence”, suggesting that users of such technologies experience their interactions as immediate. We argue that the phenomenological concepts of the lived body and mediated immediacy (Helmuth Plessner) combined with the concept of embodied space (Hermann Schmitz) can help overcome the pathologizing of (...)
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    Phase-space path integration of the relativistic particle equations.H. Gür - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (11):1305-1314.
    Hamilton-Jacobi theory is applied to find appropriate canonical transformations for the calculation of the phase-space path integrals of the relativistic particle equations. Hence, canonical transformations and Hamilton-Jacobi theory are also introduced into relativistic quantum mechanics. Moreover, from the classical physics viewpoint, it is very interesting to find and to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equations for the relativistic particle equations.
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    Space, time and phantasms in Aristotle, De Memoria 2, 452B7-25.John E. Sisko - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):167-.
    Aristotle thinks that in order to remember, one must be cognizant of aphantasmaused as a copy of that of which it is a phantasma,and one must be cognizant of the time at which the original experience occurred . In De Memoria1, he uses the first half, , of this schematic account in order to explain certain kinds of mis-rememberings. For instance, he says that mad people sometimes conjure up fantastic images and take them to be memories of past experience; such (...)
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    Public spaces and the end of art.Lea Ypi - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (8):843-860.
    This article contributes to studies in democratic theory and civic engagement by critically reflecting on the role of contemporary art for the transformation of the public sphere. It begins with a short assessment of the role of art during the Enlightenment, when the communicative function and the public role of art were most clearly articulated. It refers in particular to the analogies between aesthetic and political judgement in order to understand the emancipatory role of artistic production within a philosophical project (...)
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  38. The Appropriation of the Work of Art as a Semiotic Act.Jean-Marie Klinkenberg & Francis Édeline - 2015 - In Peer F. Bundgaard & Frederik Stjernfelt (eds.), Investigations Into the Phenomenology and the Ontology of the Work of Art: What are Artworks and How Do We Experience Them? Cham: Springer Verlag.
    A work of art can be defined as a section of space that has been assigned a particular status. It is not our intention to define this status—philosophical aesthetics has been addressing this issue for centuries. Rather, we aim to pinpoint the mechanisms in virtue of which this section of space is isolated and bestowed with the status in question. Such a move requires the action of a certain instance—hence the emphasis we put on the interactive character of (...)
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    Places, spaces, holes for knowing and writing the earth: the geography curriculum and Derrida's Khôra.Christine Winter - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):57-68.
    This article enquires into the value of 'concepts' as a framework for the school curriculum by questioning their contribution towards our responsibilities for thinking about the earth. I take Derrida's deconstructive reading of Plato's Timaeus to show how spaces in meaning can be revealed, and more transgressive ways of knowing invited in. Derrida's Kh ra marks the opportunity for something new, productive and unforeseeable to arise as the play of traces unfurls. A deconstructive reading of the geography national curriculum policy (...)
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    The Mirage of a Space between Nature and Nurture.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    In this powerful critique, the esteemed historian and philosopher of science Evelyn Fox Keller addresses the nature-nurture debates, including the persistent disputes regarding the roles played by genes and the environment in determining individual traits and behavior. Keller is interested in both how an oppositional “versus” came to be inserted between nature and nurture, and how the distinction on which that opposition depends, the idea that nature and nurture are separable, came to be taken for granted. How, she asks, did (...)
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    Sympathy in Space(s).Fonna Forman-Barzilai - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (2):189-217.
    In this essay the author explores the relation between sympathy and proximity in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments. The essay proceeds in two parts. First, the author demonstrates that Smith’s description of our various attachments and affections, and the inevitable conflicts among them, draws us into the rich spatial texture of sympathetic response and stimulates further inquiry into a variety of spaces in which sympathetic activity takes place. In the second part, the author explores three such spaces—the physical, the (...)
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    Helmholtz's Theory of Space and its Significance for Schlick.Matthias Neuber - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):163 - 180.
    Helmholtz's theory of space had significant impact on Schlick's early ?critical realist? point of view. However, it will be argued in this paper that Schlick's appropriation of Helmholtz's ideas eventually lead to a rather radical transformation of the original Helmholtzian position.
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    “Moral spaces”: A feasibility study to build nurses’ ethical confidence and competence.Georgina Morley, Dianna Jo Copley, James F. Bena, Shannon L. Morrison, Rosemary B. Field, Julia Gorecki, Cristie Cole Horsburgh & Nancy M. Albert - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: Pre-licensure ethics nursing education does not adequately prepare and instill confidence in nurses to address ethical issues, and yet ethics education provides nurses with greater confidence to take moral action, which can mitigate the negative effects of moral distress. Objectives: To assess the feasibility and acceptability of a nursing ethics education program that included simulated case-based ethics competencies as a form of evaluation. The program aimed at building nurses’ ethical knowledge and confidence to respond to ethical challenges in practice. (...)
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  44. The Concept of Space and the Metaphysics of Extended Substance in Descartes.Joseph Zepeda - 2014 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 31 (1):21-40.
    This essay offers an interpretation of Descartes’ treatment of the concepts of place and space in the Principles of Philosophy. On the basis of that interpretation, I argue that his understanding and application of the concept of space supports a pluralist interpretation of Descartes on extended substance. I survey the Scholastic evolution of issues in the Aristotelian theory of place and clarify elements of Descartes’ appropriation and transformation thereof: the relationship between internal and external place, the precise (...)
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    World Enough and Space-Time.Steven F. Savitt - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):701-.
    John Earman's new book,World Enough and Space-Time, is a brisk account of the controversy between space-time absolutists and relationists. The book is intended, one is told, to be “appropriate for use in an upper-level undergraduate or beginning graduate course in the philosophy of science”, but Earman's no-holds-barred approach to the mathematics of space-time theories will have bludgeoned most philosophical readers, undergraduate or beyond, into submission long before it is revealed that Pirani and Williams “have studied the integrability (...)
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  46. Buckets of water and waves of space: Why spacetime is probably a substance.Tim Maudlin - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (2):183-203.
    This paper sketches a taxonomy of forms of substantivalism and relationism concerning space and time, and of the traditional arguments for these positions. Several natural sorts of relationism are able to account for Newton's bucket experiment. Conversely, appropriately constructed substantivalism can survive Leibniz's critique, a fact which has been obscured by the conflation of two of Leibniz's arguments. The form of relationism appropriate to the Special Theory of Relativity is also able to evade the problems raised by Field. I (...)
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    Using representations of space to study early modern physical science: An example of philosophy in the service of history.David Marshall Miller - manuscript
    Most historians of science eagerly acknowledge that the early modern period witnessed a shift from a prevailing Aristotelian, spherical, centered conception of space to a prevailing Cartesian, rectilinear, oriented spatial framework. Indeed, this shift underlay many of the important advances for which the period is celebrated. However, historians have failed to engage the general conceptual shift, focusing instead on the particular explanatory developments that resulted. This historical lacuna can be attributed to a historiographical problem: the lack of an adequate (...)
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  48. Creating a new space: Code-switching among British-born Greek-Cypriots in London.Katerina Finnis - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (2):137-157.
    This paper, located in the traditions of Interactional Sociolinguistics (Gumperz 1982) and Social Constructionism (Berger and Luckmann 1966), explores code-switching and identity practices amongst British-born Greek-Cypriots. The speakers, members of a Greek-Cypriot youth organization, are fluent in English and (with varying levels of fluency) speak the Greek-Cypriot Dialect. Qualitative analyses of recordings of natural speech during youth community meetings and a social event show how a new ‘third space’ becomes reified through code-switching practices. By skillfully manipulating languages and styles, (...)
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    Home Rediscovered in Embodied Space/Time, Emotion, Imagination and the Human Animal.Glen A. Mazis - 2021 - In John Murungi & Linda Ardito (eds.), Home - Lived Experiences: Philosophical Reflections. Springer Verlag. pp. 93-111.
    The phenomenology of home requires a differing notion of embodiment, perception, space/time, imagination, and animality. Home is in lived space, a deep psychic structure, and a dialogue with built structures and the natural world. Home requires cultivation that can increase our sense of belonging, shelter, direction and purpose. Home shows us trajectories of the back and forth dialogue with the inanimate world, deep past, ancestors, qualities of the things, animals and the natural world. Home is key to dwelling (...)
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    Sacralisation of the social space: A study of the trans-border expansion of the redemption camp of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.Babatunde A. Adedibu - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (2):11.
    Urban cities in the sub-Saharan Africa have witnessed unprecedented transformation because of the proliferation of religious orders within the social landscape. From Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon to Uganda, religious practitioners are actively involved in the spatial transformation through the construction of sacred spaces or prayer camps. The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) typifies one of the several examples of African Pentecostal denominations with transnational status in 200 countries across the world with the hub of its international office situated at (...)
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