Results for 'pre-emptive security'

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  1.  98
    The European PNR Directive as an Instance of Pre-emptive, Risk-based Algorithmic Security and Its Implications for the Regulatory Framework.Elisa Orrù - 2022 - Information Polity 27 (Special Issue “Questioning Moder):131-146.
    The Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive has introduced a pre-emptive, risk-based approach in the landscape of European databases and information exchange for security purposes. The article contributes to ongoing debates on algorithmic security and data-driven decision-making by fleshing out the specific way in which the EU PNR-based approach to security substantiates core characteristics of algorithmic regulation. The EU PNR framework appropriates data produced in the commercial sector for generating security-related behavioural predictions and does so in (...)
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  2. Die Entstehung des präemptiven Sicherheitsansatzes in der Europäischen Union.Elisa Orrù - 2023 - In Martin H. W. Möllers & Robert Chr van Ooyen (eds.), Jahrbuch Öffentliche Sicherheit 2022/2023. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 599-612.
    European police and judicial cooperation was initiated as a counterpart to the progressive abolition of internal border controls under Schengen. Since then, the security policy of the European Union (EU) has developed into one of the most dynamic and fastest growing policy areas of the Union. The aim of this contribution is to outline the main trends and characteristics of this policy field. I suggest to conceptualised them as instances of ‘pre-emptive security’. This is an approach to (...)
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    (1 other version)No future: pre‐emption, temporal sovereignty and hegemonic implosion.Christos Boukalas - 2020 - Constellations:1-17.
    For over a decade now we live under an economic crisis, its metastases, and its effects. Since the turn of the century, we live under recurring security crises and state attempts to prevent them. This article examines the temporal horizons of the strategies the neoliberal state employs to combat the spectre of crisis in its two quintessential fields of action: the economy and security. It notes a pronounced contrast: whereas security strategy is pre-emptive, economic strategy is (...)
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    Printing Insecurity? The Security Implications of 3D-Printing of Weapons.Gerald Walther - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1435-1445.
    In 2013, the first gun printed out of plastic by a 3D-printer was successfully fired in the US. This event caused a major media hype about the dangers of being able to print a gun. Law enforcement agencies worldwide were concerned about this development and the potentially huge security implications of these functional plastic guns. As a result, politicians called for a ban of these weapons and a control of 3D-printing technology. This paper reviews the security implications of (...)
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    Pre-empting Emergence.Melinda Cooper - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (4):113-135.
    This article looks at the increasing prominence of bioterrorist threat scenarios in recent US foreign policy. Germ warfare, it argues, is being depicted as the paradigmatic threat of the post-Cold War era, not only because of its affinity for cross-border movement but also because it blurs the lines between deliberate attack and spontaneous natural catastrophe. The article looks at the possible implications of this move for understandings of war, strategy and public health. It also seeks to contextualize the US’s growing (...)
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    Preventive defense and forcible regime change: A normative assessment.Dieter Janssen - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (2):105-128.
    In September 2002 the President of the United States issued a new National Security Strategy. Under the impact of 9/11 the authors of this NSS argue that the United States needs to pre-emptively attack rogue states that try to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and have links to terrorists who might use these WMDs against the United States or its allies. This article analyzes this so-called ?Bush doctrine? asking about its legality, justice and feasibility in the present world (...)
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    Global justice in the shadow of security threats.Yuchun Kuo - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (7):884-905.
    Do a threatened state’s obligations of assistance extend to the enemy’s needy people and the needy people in non-hostile countries equally? This paper examines five arguments defending the political boundary between hostile and non-hostile countries. The aid workers, defence capacity, and pre-emptive self-defence arguments highlight the unreasonable burdens for a threatened state to protect its own citizens, as a result of its assistance to the enemy’s needy people, while the limited and comprehensive negative duties arguments underscore a threatened state’s (...)
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    Adolescent Pediatric Decision-Making: A Critical Reconsideration in the Light of the Data.Brian Partridge - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (4):299-308.
    Adolescents present a puzzle. There are foundational unclarities about how they should be regarded as decision-makers. Although superficially adolescents may appear to have mature decisional capacity, their decision-making is in many ways unlike that of adults. Despite this seemingly obvious fact, a concern for the claims of autonomy has led to the development of the legal doctrine of the mature minor. This legal construct considers adolescents, as far as possible, as equivalent to adults for the purpose of medical decision-making. The (...)
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    Sport, Craft Or Technique? The Case of competitive aeromodelling.Christopher Norris - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (2):124 - 148.
    This essay takes competitive aeromodelling as a test case for certain contentious issues in philosophy of sport. More specifically, I look at the challenge it presents to prevailing ideas of what properly counts as ?sport?, which in turn have their source in other, more basic or deep-rooted preconceptions. Among them are a range of ?common-sense? beliefs about the properly (naturally) human, the mind/body relationship, the role (if any) of scientific-technological innovation as a means of performance enhancement, and ? most fundamentally (...)
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  10.  19
    The Impact of the Fight Against Terrorism on the ius ad bellum.F. Naert - 2004 - Ethical Perspectives 11 (2):144-161.
    Following an introduction to international law regarding the use of force, the author examines the impact of post-9/11 practice, focusing on the right of self-defence. After critically reviewing operation Enduring Freedom, the U.S. National Security Strategy, the ‘Yemen strike’ and the war in Iraq, including the justifications offered for these actions and the international responses to them, as well as developments in NATO and the EU, he concludes that there is a tendency towards a broader interpretation of the right (...)
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  11.  62
    Anticipatory self-defence and international law - a re-evaluation.Amos N. Guiora - unknown
    Traditional state v. state war is largely a relic. How then does a nation-state protect itself - preemptively - against the unseen enemy? Existing international law - the Caroline Doctrine, UN Charter Article 51, Security Council Resolutions 1368 and 1373 - do not provide sufficiently clear guidelines regarding when a state may take preemptive or anticipatory action against a non-state actor. This article proposes rearticulating international law to allow a state to act earlier provided sufficient intelligence is available. After (...)
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  12.  46
    Pre-emptive suicide, precedent autonomy and preclinical Alzheimer disease.Rebecca Dresser - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (8):550-551.
    It's not unusual to hear someone say, ‘I'd rather be dead than have Alzheimer's’. In ‘Alzheimer Disease and Preemptive Suicide’,1 Dena Davis explains why this is a reasonable position. People taking this position will welcome the discovery of biomarkers permitting very early AD diagnosis, Davis suggests, for this will enable more of them to end their lives while they remain motivated and able to do so. At the same time, Davis observes, people would have less reason to resort to the (...)
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    Working Warfare and its Restrictions in the Jewish Tradition.Reuven Kimelman - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):43-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WORKING WARFARE AND ITS RESTRICTIONS IN THE JEWiSH TRADITION Reuven Kimelman Brandeis University The test case for any political theory of checks and balances is war. It also tests the outer limits of the ethical deployment of power. I. Types of Wars The Jewish ethics of war focuses on two issues: its legitimation and its conduct. The Talmud classifies wars according to their source oflegitimation. Biblically mandated wars are (...)
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    Rights in the Context of Counter-Terrorism Measures: United States of America.Andrius Lygutas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):145-161.
    The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, facilitated a transformation in federal Governance in the United States of America (hereinafter – the USA). The events of that day showed that the counter-terrorism system of the USA was ineffective. Law enforcement agencies failed to prevent terrorist attacks and thus changes were necessary. The most significant transformations were the following: dozens of new laws were passed; the bureaucracy of the US Government was reorganized; a war was launched to eliminate a sanctuary that (...)
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  15.  20
    Contemporary Just War: Theory and Practice.Tamar Meisels - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    -This book offers a renewed defense of traditional just war theory and considers its application to certain highly controversial contemporary cases, particularly in the Middle East. The first part of the book addresses and responds to the central theoretical criticisms levelled at traditional just war theory. It offers a detailed defense of civilian immunity, the moral equality of soldiers and the related dichotomy between jus ad bellum and jus in bello, and argues that these principles taken together amount to a (...)
  16.  15
    Protecting the Urban.Jon Coaffee - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):343-355.
    Urban areas are prime targets for international terrorists given the array of valuable physical and social infrastructure they contain. Whereas traditionally governmental, financial, critical infrastructure or military targets have been attacked, increasingly terrorism is targeted at everyday crowded urban spaces which are by their very nature difficult to defend. Subsequently this has led to a wave of pre-emptive and anticipatory counter-terrorism policy in the West in an attempt to secure the defence of the future city. In such policy-making urban (...)
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  17.  52
    Quality care--commonplace or chimera.B. L. Donald & R. M. Southern - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (4):186-194.
    Publicity for (and laterly increased economic stringency which makes more likely), failures of care in the NHS engender concern for care quality while its assurance remains the subject of a fragmented and unhelpful literature. A selective attempt is made to examine some underlying principles by posing and answering three questions. What is the quality of care? What basic principles must be followed in defining `standards'? How then may quality be assured? Any definition of care must be multi-faceted and in common (...)
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  18.  19
    Pre-emptive violence: A reply to Gauthier.F. S. McNeilly - 1972 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 15 (1-4):330 – 341.
  19.  52
    The Preventive and Pre-Emptive Use of Force: To be Legitimized or to be De-Legitimized?T. Sauer - 2004 - Ethical Perspectives 11 (2):130-143.
    The Bush doctrine of preventive and pre-emptive strikes triggered a debate in academic and governmental circles about the possible legitimization of those concepts in international politics and possibly international law. This essay gives an overview of the practice of preventive and pre-emptive strikes, both before and after the Cold War. Further, it sketches the above-mentioned debate and the underlying trends explaining it. Finally, it assesses the new doctrine in light of a possible future incorporation of the concepts of (...)
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  20.  18
    Killing Bin Laden: a moral analysis.Bradley Jay Strawser - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Killing bin Laden: A Moral Analysis is a short treatise on the possible ethical justification for the U.S. mission to kill Osama bin Laden. After rejecting the standard justifications most commonly used in support of the killing, Strawser ultimately argues that the killing was ethically permissible as an act of defensive harm on behalf of innocents. The book contends bin Laden was morally responsible for a collection of unjust threats such that he was liable to be killed. Moreover, the many (...)
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  21. Pre-emptive Anonymous Whistleblowing.James Rocha & Edward Song - 2012 - Public Affairs Quarterly 26 (4):257-271.
    While virtually everyone recognizes the moral permissibility of whistleblowing under certain circumstances, most theorists offer relatively conservative accounts of when it is allowed, and are reluctant to offer a full recommendation of the practice as an important tool towards addressing ethical failures in the workplace. We think that accounts such as these tend to overestimate the importance of professional or personal obligations, and underestimate the moral obligation to shine light on severe professional malfeasance. Of course, a whistleblower, even an anonymous (...)
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  22.  26
    The Last Choice: Pre-emptive Suicide in Advanced Age C. G. Prado New York: Greenwood Press, 1990, 215 p.Yolande Westwell-Roper - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):727-.
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  23.  59
    Alzheimer disease and pre-emptive suicide.Dena S. Davis - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (8):543-549.
    There is a flood of papers being published on new ways to diagnose Alzheimer disease before it is symptomatic, involving a combination of invasive tests , and pen and paper tests. This changes the landscape with respect to genetic tests for risk of AD, making rational suicide a much more feasible option. Before the availability of these presymptomatic tests, even someone with a high risk of developing AD could not know if and when the disease was approaching. One could lose (...)
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  24.  32
    Anti-Climacus’s Pre-emptive Critique of Heidegger’s “Question Concerning Technology”.Andrew Komasinski - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):265-277.
    In this article I argue that The Sickness unto Death, authored by Kierkegaard under the pseudonym Johannes Anti-Climacus, has resources for an interesting critique of technology in some ways like that of Heidegger’s critiques in “Question Concerning Technology” and Being and Time. I suggest that Anti-Climacus’s account of “despair” resonates with much of what Heidegger says about inauthenticity and the self’s orientation toward death. But I also contend that in maintaining that the self can only be complete by understanding itself (...)
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  25.  3
    Progressive Reciprocal Responsibility: A Pre-emptive Framework for Future Pandemics.Julian Savulescu & Peter Marber - 2024 - In Ben Davies, Gabriel De Marco, Neil Levy & Julian Savulescu (eds.), Responsibility and Healthcare. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 287-304.
    Why have some countries been able to implement quarantines and roll-out vaccines effectively quickly, while others have suffered with poor widescale public support and compliance? Part of the reason is because of a lack of fair, well-articulated government policies to deal with the costs of necessary lockdowns and other protocols, along with uneven citizen compliance and behaviour. We argue for a progressive reciprocity framework. We argue that governments have a responsibility to make the costs of mandatory restrictions of liberty reasonable (...)
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  26.  39
    Political Authority, Self-Defense, and Pre-Emptive War.Marvin Schiller - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):409 - 426.
    The central purpose of this paper is to examine the case for political authority, i.e., the argument for having political authority rather than for having none. Thus, the case for political authority is the case against anarchism. My construction of that case owes much, no doubt, to observations made long ago by Thomas Hobbes and john locke. Nevertheless, these observations have never been stated in a satisfactory and systematic fashion, not even by Hobbes and locke themselves. Hobbes’ observations have, more (...)
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  27.  35
    Reasonable disagreement and the justification of pre-emptive ethics governance in social research: a response to Hammersley.Mark Sheehan, Michael Dunn & Kate Sahan - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):719-720.
    In this response, we first tackle what we take to be the core disagreement between ourselves and Hammersley, namely the justification for our model of social research ethics governance. We then consider what follows from our defence of governance for ethics review and show how these claims attend to the specific concerns outlined by Hammersley.
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    Experiments on soap films in Plateau frames: pre-emptive topological transitions.M. E. Rosa & M. A. Fortes - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (23):3467-3478.
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    Secure key distribution via pre- and post-selected quantum states.Jeffrey Bub - unknown
    A quantum key distribution scheme whose security depends on the features of pre- and post-selected quantum states is described.
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  30.  15
    Pre-World War I Europe as the global system: Post-World War II Europe within the global system: Past, present and future dilemmas of European security and identity.Hall Gardner - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (1-3):265-270.
  31. Workshop on Security Issues on Grid/Distributed Computing Systems (SIGDCS 2006)-Towards Reliable and Trustworthy Cooperation in Grid: A Pre-evaluating Set Based Trust Model.Xiangli Qu, Jingwei Zhong & Xuejun Yang - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3984--224.
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    Seeking security. Pre-empting the commission of criminal Harms Sullivan G.r. And Dennis Ian, editors oxford and portland or: Hart publishing, 2012. Isbn 978-1-84946-166-5. [REVIEW]Susan Dimock - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (4):1-3.
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    Assessing Security Technology’s Impact: Old Tools for New Problems.Reinhard Kreissl - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (3):659-673.
    The general idea developed in this paper from a sociological perspective is that some of the foundational categories on which the debate about privacy, security and technology rests are blurring. This process is a consequence of a blurring of physical and digital worlds. In order to define limits for legitimate use of intrusive digital technologies, one has to refer to binary distinctions such as private versus public, human versus technical, security versus insecurity to draw differences determining limits for (...)
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    Secure Fingerprint Authentication Using Deep Learning and Minutiae Verification.S. Vadivel, Saad Bayezeed & V. M. Praseetha - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1379-1387.
    Nowadays, there has been an increase in security concerns regarding fingerprint biometrics. This problem arises due to technological advancements in bypassing and hacking methodologies. This has sparked the need for a more secure platform for identification. In this paper, we have used a deep Convolutional Neural Network as a pre-verification filter to filter out bad or malicious fingerprints. As deep learning allows the system to be more accurate at detecting and reducing false identification by training itself again and again (...)
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    Ethics and Health Security in the Australian COVID-19 Context: A Critical Interpretive Literature Review.Anson Fehross, Kari Pahlman & Diego S. Silva - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):131-150.
    Background The concept of “health security” is often used to motivate public health responses, yet the ethical values that underpin this concept remain largely unexamined. The recent Australian responses to COVID-19 serve as an important case study by which we can analyse the pre-existing literature to see what ethical values shaped, and continue to shape, Australia’s response. Methods We conducted a critical interpretive literature review of academic and grey literatures within key databases, resulting in 2,220 sources. After screening for (...)
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  36.  32
    Securing non-domination in the social republic: A social republican theory of rights.Michael Coleman - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Recently, some scholars have sought to cast Marx and other socialists as participants in the republican tradition, expanding ideas such as non-domination and self-rule beyond what they had been typically conceived of as by many of the instigators of the revival of republican thought in recent decades. The ramifications of such an expansion, however, have not yet been fully grappled with in the area of rights. This article aims to remedy this by building a theory of social republican rights by (...)
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  37.  40
    Reconfiguring non-domination: green politics from pre-emption to inoperosity.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (5):743-760.
    Republicanism gives non-domination a central role. However, the modes of domination change over time. Expertise and anticipation have gained growing relevance in this respect. An emergent form of anticipation is pre-emption. This represents a peculiar ‘politics of time’, whereby an eschatological event is set and continuously postponed, past, present and future are no longer sequentially connected, and change reproduces the ruling order. Mainly addressed in relation to the military and security, pre-emption plays a growing role in the environmental field. (...)
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  38.  14
    Frames as pre-signal context: using a semiotic framing approach to explain how prior experiences shape present interpretations of control signals.Adam Aitken - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (258):25-48.
    Innes’s “control signals” provides a semiotic perspective for explaining how acts of social control send “signals” about the effectiveness of security mechanisms. A cross-cutting theme infers that “culture and situation matter” in the reception of signals. However, the control signals concept does not explicitly consider the influence that prior experiences may have on present interpretations. Drawing on qualitative research into how members of a residential community perceived control measures within their everyday environment for Glasgow’s 2014 Commonwealth Games, this article (...)
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  39.  27
    Individual Rights versus Common Security? Christian Moral Reasoning about Torture.Nigel Biggar - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (1):3-20.
    Should a Christian ethic endorse an individual’s right against torture? If so, how should its reasoning take into account considerations of common security? To answer these questions, this article first compares the early Christian ‘just war’ tradition’s pre-liberal reasoning about the ethics of harming with that of the liberal philosopher, David Rodin. It then deploys the fruits of this comparison—especially the contingency of a right against harm (partly upon social obligation), and the distinction between natural moral rights and positive (...)
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    Repetition of Computer Security Warnings Results in Differential Repetition Suppression Effects as Revealed With Functional MRI.C. Brock Kirwan, Daniel K. Bjornn, Bonnie Brinton Anderson, Anthony Vance, David Eargle & Jeffrey L. Jenkins - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Computer users are often the last line of defense in computer security. However, with repeated exposures to system messages and computer security warnings, neural and behavioral responses show evidence of habituation. Habituation has been demonstrated at a neural level as repetition suppression where responses are attenuated with subsequent repetitions. In the brain, repetition suppression to visual stimuli has been demonstrated in multiple cortical areas, including the occipital lobe and medial temporal lobe. Prior research into the repetition suppression effect (...)
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  41.  22
    Culturological reconstruction of ChatGPT's socio-cultural threats and information security of Russian citizens.Pavel Gennadievich Bylevskiy - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the socio-cultural threats to the information security of Russian citizens associated with ChatGPT technologies (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a machine-generated text response generator simulating a dialogue). The object of research − evaluation of the ratio of advantages and threats of generative language models based on "machine learning" in modern (2021-2023) scientific literature (journals HAC K1, K2 and Scopus Q1, Q2). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the culturological approach to the analysis (...)
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    An Efficient Conformable Fractional Chaotic Map-Based Online/Offline IBSS Scheme for Provable Security in ROM.Chandrashekhar Meshram, Rabha W. Ibrahim & Rafida M. Elobaid - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-11.
    Chaos distributes with a covert method to condense the dynamic of complexity and satisfies the security requirements of a cryptographic system. This study gives an ability online/offline ID-based short signature scheme using conformable fractional chaotic maps. Furthermore, we establish its security under IBSS existential unforgeability of identity-based short signature under chosen message attack in the random oracle model. Some of the stimulating preparations of obtainable processes are that they give a multiperiod application of the offline storage, which licenses (...)
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    School Feeding and Food and Nutrition Security in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Northern Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Luana Silva Monteiro, Priscila Vieira Pontes, Naiara Sperandio & Ana Eliza Port Lourenço - 2021 - Food Ethics 6 (2).
    Due to the pandemic and the suspension of in-person school classes, there was an interruption in the meals served to approximately 40 million students who benefited from the Brazilian National School Feeding Program (PNAE). This article describes two case studies, comparing the strategies adopted by two municipalities for maintaining school feeding during the Covid-19 pandemic in the northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and discuss possible impacts of these strategies on food and nutrition security. These (...)
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    The moral dimension of pre-reflective self-awareness.Susana Monsó - 2016 - Animal Sentience 1 (10).
    Rowlands offers a de-intellectualised account of personhood that is meant to secure the unity of a mental life. I argue that his characterisation also singles out a morally relevant feature of individuals. Along the same lines that the orthodox understanding of personhood reflects a fundamental precondition for moral agency, Rowlands’s notion provides a fundamental precondition for moral patienthood.
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    Discourses on Countering Violent Extremism: The Strategic Interplay Between Fear and Security After 9/11.Michael Stohl, Benjamin Smith & Musa Al-Gharbi - forthcoming - Critical Studies on Terrorism.
    This article explores the construction of extremism in media discourse, the factors driving specific constructions and the implications of these constructions for counterterrorism policy. We contend that extremism has predominantly and increasingly been framed as a security issue. This article explores the implications of this practice through the framework of securitisation. We measure the average intensity of security framing in 38,616 articles found in three major US newspapers, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times, between (...)
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    Kumusha and masalads: (inter)generational foodways and urban food security in Zimbabwe.Sara F. Brouwer - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):761-775.
    Understandings of urban foodways in Zimbabwe and other African countries have been dominated by food security frameworks. The focus on material scarcity and measurable health outcomes within these frameworks has often obscured the socio-cultural dimension of foodways and the historical and political structures that have shaped, and continue to shape, everyday relationships with food among different groups of urban residents in cities. Addressing these often-overlooked aspects, this paper looks at intergenerational contestations over foodways in a midsized high-density Zimbabwean town. (...)
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  47. Reflective Equilibrium is enough. Against the need for pre-selecting “considered judgments”.Tanja Rechnitzer & Michael W. Schmidt - 2022 - Ethics, Politics and Society 5 (2):59–79.
    In this paper, we focus on one controversial element of the method of reflective equilibrium, namely Rawls’s idea that the commitments that enter the justificatory procedure should be pre-selected or filtered: According to him, only considered judgements should be taken into account in moral philosophy. There are two camps of critics of this filtering process: 1) Critics of reflective equilibrium: They reject the Rawlsian filtering process as too weak and seek a more reliable one, which would actually constitute a distinct (...)
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    Accountability for Private Military and Security Contractors in the International Legal Regime.Kristine A. Huskey - 2012 - Criminal Justice Ethics 31 (3):193-212.
    Abstract The rapidly growing presence of private military and security contractors (PMSCs) in armed conflict and post-conflict situations in the last decade brought corresponding incidents of serious misconduct by PMSC personnel. The two most infamous events?one involving the firm formerly known as Blackwater and the other involving Titan and CACI?engendered scrutiny of available mechanisms for criminal and civil accountability of the individuals whose misconduct caused the harm. Along a parallel track, scholars and policymakers began examining the responsibility of states (...)
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  49.  13
    The Justification of Authority.Joseph Raz - 1986 - In The Morality of Freedom. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Legitimate authorities provide pre‐emptive reasons for action, in that the reasons they provide are not to be added to all other relevant reasons when assessing what to do, but should exclude and replace some of those other reasons. Furthermore, legitimate authorities are dependent in the sense that they ought to issue directives that are based on reasons applying independently to the subjects of the directives. The pre‐emption thesis and the dependence thesis are closely related to the normal justification thesis, (...)
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    Correcting Judgment Correctives in National Security Intelligence.David R. Mandel & Philip E. Tetlock - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:428814.
    Intelligence analysts, like other professionals, form norms that define standards of tradecraft excellence. These norms, however, have evolved in an idiosyncratic manner that reflects the influence of prominent insiders who had keen psychological insights but little appreciation for how to translate those insights into testable hypotheses. The net result is that the prevailing tradecraft norms of best practice are only loosely grounded in the science of judgment and decision-making. The “common sense” of prestigious opinion leaders inside the intelligence community has (...)
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