Results for 'moral value pluralism'

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    Value Pluralism and Moral Progress.Harvey Siegel - 2003 - Philosophy of Education 59:57-59.
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    Value Pluralism, Intuitions, and Reflective Equilibrium.Lisa Tessman - 2013 - Philosophical Topics 41 (2):175-201.
    A constructivist approach to ethics must include some process—such as Rawls’ (1971) reflective equilibrium—for moving from initial evaluative judgments to those that one can affirm. Walker’s (1998; 2003) feminist version of reflective equilibrium incorporates what she calls “transparency testing” to weed out pernicious, ideologically shaped intuitions. However, in light of empirical work on the plurality of values and on the cognitive processes through which people arrive at moral judgments (i.e. an automatic, intuitive process and/or a controlled reasoning process), I (...)
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  3. Does Value Pluralism Entail Liberalism?Robert Talisse - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (3):303-320.
    Isaiah Berlin repeatedly attempted to derive liberalism from value pluralism. It is generally agreed that Berlin 's arguments fail; however, neo-Berlinians have taken up the project of securing the entailment. This paper begins with an account of why the Berlinian project seems attractive to contemporary theorists. I then examine Berlin 's argument. With this background in place, I argue that recent attempts by William Galston and George Crowder to rescue the Berlinian project do not succeed.
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  4. Value Pluralism, Realism and Pessimism.Kei Hiruta - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (4):523-540.
    Value pluralists see themselves as philosophical grown-ups. They profess to face reality as it is and accept resultant pessimism, while criticising their monist rivals for holding on to the naïve idea that the right, the good and the beautiful are ultimately harmonisable with each other. The aim of this essay is to challenge this self-image of value pluralists. Notwithstanding its usefulness as a means of subverting monist dominance, I argue that the self-image has the downside of obscuring various (...)
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  5. Value pluralism and coherentist justification of ethical advice.Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1):81-97.
    Liberal societies are characterized by respect for a fundamental value pluralism; i.e., respect for individuals’ rights to live by their own conception of the good. Still, the state must make decisions that privilege some values at the cost of others. When public ethics committees give substantial ethical advice on policy related issues, it is therefore important that this advice is well justified. The use of explicit tools for ethical assessment can contribute to justifying advice. In this article, I (...)
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    Moral coherence and value pluralism.Patricia Marino - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):117-135.
    This paper addresses the question of what value pluralism tells us about the pursuit of moral coherence as a method of moral reasoning. I focus on the status of the norm of ‘systematicity,’ or the demand that our principles be as few and as simple as possible. I argue that, given certain descriptive facts about the pluralistic ways we value, epistemic ways of supporting a systematicity norm do not succeed. Because it is sometimes suggested that (...)
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    Value-Pluralism.John Skorupski - 1996 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 40:101-115.
    A view with some considerable influence in current moral and political philosophy holds that there is a plurality of values, all of them fundamental and authoritative and yet, in some genuinely disconcerting way, in conflict . I shall call it ‘value-pluralism’.
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    Wittgenstein, value pluralism and politics.Matthew J. Moore - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (9):1113-1136.
    This article makes three main claims: (1) that the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, properly understood, has no normative or political implications whatsoever; (2) that scholars with otherwise dramatically conflicting interpretations of Wittgenstein should nonetheless all agree with this conclusion; and (3) that understanding the (non-) implications of Wittgenstein’s philosophy helps to answer the two motivating questions of the literature on value pluralism — whether values are (or can be) plural (yes), and whether value pluralism leads to, (...)
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  9. Value Pluralism, Diversity and Liberalism.George Crowder - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3):549-564.
    Few would disagree that contemporary society is characterized by ‘pluralism’, but what this means is widely disputed. Among the many senses of pluralism current in contemporary political theory, ‘value pluralism’ is one of the most keenly contested. The classic account is found in Isaiah Berlin, who sees basic human values as irreducibly multiple, often conflicting, and sometimes incommensurable with one another.Berlin’s pluralist views are scattered throughout his work, but major statements include the Introduction and last section (...)
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    (1 other version)The Morality of Pluralism.John Kekes - 1993 - Princeton University Press.
    Controversies about abortion, the environment, pornography, AIDS, and similar issues naturally lead to the question of whether there are any values that can be ultimately justified, or whether values are simply conventional. John Kekes argues that the present moral and political uncertainties are due to a deep change in our society from a dogmatic to a pluralistic view of values. Dogmatism is committed to there being only one justifiable system of values. Pluralism recognizes many such systems, and yet (...)
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    Multinational Federalism and Value Pluralism: The Spanish Case.Ferran Requejo - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book addresses the democratic accommodation of national pluralism through federal rules. The key question is: can federalism be a fair and workable way of articulating multinational societies according to revised liberal-democratic patterns? In recent years, scholarly discussion on this issue has undergone a change. Nowadays, the answer to this question is much more complex than the one that traditional political liberalism and federalism used to give us. In the past, these two political approaches usually addressed the question of (...)
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  12.  28
    Value pluralism in research integrity.Lex Bouter, Tamarinde Haven, Jeroen de Ridder & Rik Peels - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    Both scientists and society at large have rightfully become increasingly concerned about research integrity in recent decades. In response, codes of conduct for research have been developed and elaborated. We show that these codes contain substantial pluralism. First, there is metaphysical pluralism in that codes include values, norms, and virtues. Second, there is axiological pluralism, because there are different categories of values, norms, and virtues: epistemic, moral, professional, social, and legal. Within and between these different categories, (...)
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  13. Isaiah Berlin’s Value Pluralism: Insights and Applications.Dominador Bombongan Jr - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2).
    This article looks into Isaiah Berlin’s concept of value pluralism and its consequences in terms of theorizing diversity and difference in moral and political life. Our “situatedness” or our privileged position in society does not give us the license to render judgment on the relative truthfulness or the validity of truth-claims of other people. It does not also give us an excuse to justify oppressive actions in the name of harmony. Rather our being rooted in a particular (...)
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    6 Value Pluralism, Autonomy, and Toleration.Daniel M. Weinstock - 2022 - In Melissa S. Williams, Moral Universalism and Pluralism: Nomos Xlix. New York University Press. pp. 125-148.
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    A Value Pluralist Defense of Toleration.Allyn Fives - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):235-254.
    In situations where we ought to tolerate what we morally disapprove of we are faced with the following moral conflict: we ought to interfere with X, we ought to tolerate X, we can do either, but we cannot do both. And the aim of this paper is to clarify the relationship between toleration as a value commitment and value pluralist and value monist approaches to moral conflict. Firstly, value monists side-step the moral conflict (...)
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    Reducing Moral Distress by Teaching Healthcare Providers the Concepts of Values Pluralism and Values Imposition.Autumn Fiester - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (4):296-306.
    There is a clear need for interventions that reduce moral distress among healthcare providers (HCPs), given the high prevalence of moral distress and the far-ranging negative consequences it has for them. Healthcare ethics consultants are frequently called upon to manage moral distress, especially among nursing staff. Recently, researchers have both broadened the definition of moral distress and demarcated subcategories of the phenomenon with the intent of creating more targeted and effective interventions. One of the most frequently (...)
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  17. Value Pluralism and Liberal Politics.Robert B. Talisse - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (1):87-100.
    Contemporary Neo-Berlinians contend that value pluralism is the best account of the moral universe we inhabit; they also contend that value pluralism provides a powerful case for liberalism. In this paper, I challenge both claims. Specifically, I will examine the arguments offered in support of value pluralism; finding them lacking, I will then offer some reasons for thinking that value pluralism is not an especially promising view of our moral universe.
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  18. Moral discourse, pluralism, and moral cognitivism.John R. Wright - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 37 (1):92–111.
    In the face of pluralism, moral constructivists attempt to salvage cognitivism by separating moral and ethical issues. Divergence over ethical issues, which concern the good life, would not threaten moral cognitivism, which is based on identifying generalizable interests as worthy of defending, using reason. Yet this approach falters given the inability of the constructivist to provide us a sure path by which to discern generalizable interests in difficult cases. Still, even if this approach to constructivism fails, (...)
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  19. Value Pluralism and Consistency Maximisation in the Writings of Aldo Leopold: Moving Beyond Callicott's Interpretations of the Land Ethic.Ben Dixon - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (3):269-295.
    The 70th anniversary of Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac (1949) approaches. For philosophers—environmental ethicists in particular—this text has been highly influential, especially the ‘Land Ethic’ essay contained therein. Given philosophers’ acumen for identifying and critiquing arguments, one might reasonably think a firm grasp of Leopold’s ideas to have emerged from such attention. I argue that this is not the case. Specifically, Leopold’s main interpreter and systematiser, philosopher J. Baird Callicott, has shoehorned Aldo Leopold’s ideas into differing monistic moral (...)
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    Edmund Burke’s Value Pluralism.Allyn Fives - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (6):583-600.
    Given his commitment to toleration, Edmund Burke is rightly seen as a moral pluralist. What has largely gone unnoticed, however, is his value pluralism. Whereas moral pluralism refers to normative...
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    Resolving moral conflicts : British idealist and contemporary liberal approaches to value pluralism and moral conduct.Maria Dimova-Cookson - 2006 - In Maria Dimova-Cookson & William J. Mander, T.H. Green: ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Recent years have seen a growth of interest in the great English idealist thinker T. H. Green as philosophers have begun to overturn received opinions of his thought and to rediscover his original and important contributions to ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. This collection of essays by leading experts, all but one published here for the first time, introduces and critically examines his ideas both in their context and in their relevance to contemporary debates.
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    Value pluralism about sexual intimacy in residential care.Vanessa Schouten, Mark Henrickson, Catherine M. Cook, Sandra MacDonald & Narges Atefi - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):437-448.
    Background The existing literature on sexuality and intimacy in residential care tends to focus on either the question of rights, or the value of autonomy. Where the literature does reference values other than autonomy, such values are considered in the context of being a guide to whether or not a resident is autonomous, rather than being important values in their own right. Objective This paper draws on qualitative data gathered as part of a larger study in order to inform (...)
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  23. Values, Pluralism, and Pragmatism: Themes from the Work of Matthew J. Brown.Jonathan Y. Tsou, Shaw Jamie & Carla Fehr (eds.) - forthcoming - Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. Springer.
    This book (edited by Jonathan Y. Tsou, Jamie Shaw, and Carla Fehr) offers eighteen original historical and philosophical essays focused on values in science, scientific pluralism, and pragmatism. These themes have been central in the work of Matthew J. Brown, and the book frames these topics through an engagement with Brown’s broadly ranging work on values in science. The themes of this book are integrated and unified in the pragmatic and value-laden ideal of science defended by Professor Brown (...)
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    Value Pluralism and Public Ethics.Derek Edyvane & Demetris Tillyris - 2019 - Theoria 66 (160):1-8.
    ‘The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing’. -Archilochus quoted in Berlin, The Hedgehog and the Fox, 22The fragment from the Greek poet Archilochus, quoted in Isaiah Berlin’s essay ‘The Hedgehog and the Fox’, serves as a metaphor for the long-standing contrast and rivalry between two radically different approaches to public ethics, each of which is couched in a radically different vision of the structure of moral value. On the one hand, the way of (...)
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    Liberalism and value pluralism.George Crowder - 2002 - New York: Continuum.
    This is the first book-length defence of liberalism on the basis of value pluralism, complementing and extending the work of Berlin and others.
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    Mapping Moral Pluralism in Behavioural Spillovers: A Cross-Disciplinary Account of the Multiple Ways in Which We Engage in Moral Valuing.Michael Vincent & Ann-Kathrin Koessler - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (3):293-315.
    In this article, we reflect critically on how moral actions are categorised in some recent studies on moral spillovers. Based on classic concepts from moral philosophy, we present a framework to categorise moral actions. We argue that with a finer classification of moral values, associated behaviour is better understood, and this understanding helps to identify the conditions under which moral licensing takes place. We illustrate our argument with examples from the literature on pro-environmental behaviours. (...)
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  27. Liberal Pluralism: The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice.William A. Galston - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (6):891-896.
    William Galston is a distinguished political philosopher whose work is informed by the experience of having also served from 1993–5 as President Clinton's Deputy Assistant for Domestic Policy. He is thus able to speak with an authority unique amongst political theorists about the implications of advancing certain moral and political values in practice. The foundational argument of this 2002 book is that liberalism is compatible with the value pluralism first espoused by Isaiah Berlin. William Galston defends a (...)
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  28. Liberal Pluralism: The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice.William A. Galston - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    William Galston is a distinguished political philosopher whose work is informed by the experience of having also served from 1993–5 as President Clinton's Deputy Assistant for Domestic Policy. He is thus able to speak with an authority unique amongst political theorists about the implications of advancing certain moral and political values in practice. The foundational argument of this 2002 book is that liberalism is compatible with the value pluralism first espoused by Isaiah Berlin. William Galston defends a (...)
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    Political Realism and Dirty Hands: Value Pluralism, Moral Conflict and Public Ethics.Demetris Tillyris - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (5):1579-1602.
    This paper draws on the underappreciated realist thought of Isaiah Berlin, Stuart Hampshire and Judith Shklar, rehearses their critique of moralism and extends it to a position which seems far from obvious a target: the dirty hands thesis, which is mostly owed to Michael Walzer, and which a number of contemporary realists have recently appealed to in their endeavour to challenge moralism and/or tackle the insufficiently addressed question of what a more affirmative, realist public ethic might involve. In illustrating that (...)
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    Democracy and Value Pluralism.William A. Galston - 2000 - Social Philosophy and Policy 17 (1):255-268.
    My intention in this essay is to open up a question I cannot fully resolve: the relationship between democracy and value pluralism. By “value pluralism” I mean the view propounded so memorably by the late Isaiah Berlin and developed in various ways by thinkers including Stuart Hampshire, Steven Lukes, Thomas Nagel, Martha Nussbaum, Michael Stocker, Bernard Williams, Charles Taylor, John Kekes, and John Gray, among others. I shall define and discuss this view in some detail in (...)
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  31. Moral Pluralism and Value Conflicts.Matthew Lawrence - 1999 - Dissertation, University of California, Irvine
    In recent years an increasing number of moral theorists have come to embrace the term "moral pluralism" to describe a particular kind of moral theory. Unfortunately, there has been little consensus regarding what exactly constitutes a pluralistic theory, and what specific commitments such theories involve. My dissertation takes on the task of articulating the underlying schema of pluralist moral theory, and of analyzing the plausibility and implications of pluralism's fundamental commitments. I argue that the (...)
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    Reassessing the Clash Between Isaiah Berlin’s Value Pluralism and Ronald Dworkin’s Monism.Mateus Matos Tormin - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (1):140-156.
    Resumo Este artigo reexamina o debate entre o pluralismo de valores de Isaiah Berlin (PV) e o monismo de Ronald Dworkin, sua “unidade do valor” (UV). Em primeiro lugar, o debate entre ambos é reconstruído por meio de duas proposições: de acordo com a proposição descritiva p, “é possível integrar nossos valores em um todo coerente”; de acordo com a proposição normativa Pn, “a melhor interpretação de nossos valores mostra que eles estão integrados em um todo coerente”. Enquanto PV nega (...)
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    Resolving moral conflicts: British Idealist and contemporary liberal approaches to value pluralism and moral conduct.Maria Dimova-Cookson - 2006 - In Maria Dimova-Cookson & William J. Mander, T.H. Green: ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Recent years have seen a growth of interest in the great English idealist thinker T. H. Green as philosophers have begun to overturn received opinions of his thought and to rediscover his original and important contributions to ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. This collection of essays by leading experts, all but one published here for the first time, introduces and critically examines his ideas both in their context and in their relevance to contemporary debates.
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    The Philosophy of History: A Value-pluralist Response.George Crowder - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (2):223-240.
    Vittorio Hösle’s evaluation of the Soviet Revolution on the ground of the philosophy of history can be usefully examined from the value-pluralist perspective of Isaiah Berlin. Although Berlinwould agree with most ofHösle’s judgements on the Revolution, he would do so for very different reasons. Most importantly, Berlin would not accept the teleology that lies at the heart of the philosophy of history. For Berlin, the notion of a human telos to be realized at the end of history is a (...)
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    Improving philosophical dialogue interventions to better resolve problematic value pluralism in collaborative environmental science.Bethany K. Laursen, Chad Gonnerman & Stephen J. Crowley - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 87:54-71.
    Environmental problems often outstrip the abilities of any single scientist to understand, much less address them. As a result, collaborations within, across, and beyond the environmental sciences are an increasingly important part of the environmental science landscape. Here, we explore an insufficiently recognized and particularly challenging barrier to collaborative environmental science: value pluralism, the presence of non-trivial differences in the values that collaborators bring to bear on project decisions. We argue that resolving the obstacles posed by value (...)
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    The Morality of Pluralism[REVIEW]Roger Paden - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (3):625-627.
    "Pluralism," according to Kekes, "is a theory about the nature of the values whose realization makes lives good". It holds, unsurprisingly enough, that there are a number of these values, and that at least some of them are incommensurable and/or incompatible with each other. Some of these values are moral values--values which are "humanly caused" and which "affect primarily others." Others are nonmoral values--values which are "naturally caused" or which "both the causes and the recipients are primarily ourselves". (...)
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    A Problem for Environmental Pragmatism: Value Pluralism and the Sustainability Principle.Okke Loman - 2020 - Contemporary Pragmatism 17 (4):286-310.
    In this article, I suggest that the recently emerged perspective of environmental pragmatism encompasses self-contradicting principles. For many years, it was deemed impossible for environmental ethics to formulate justified environmental policy. Environmental pragmatism, and its primary scholar Bryan G. Norton, has promoted a new outlook in that debate by proposing an ideal methodology based upon classic American pragmatism. In this methodology, a community can determine what is morally righteous by conducting open-ended inquiry and considering all relevant stakeholders in a rational (...)
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    Moral pluralism and the complexity of punishment: the penal philosophy of H.L.A. Hart.Nicolas Nayfeld - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book advances a new interpretation of Hart's penal philosophy. Positioning itself in opposition to current interpretations, the book argues that Hart does not defend a mixed theory of punishment, nor a rule-utilitarian theory of punishment, nor a liberal form of utilitarianism, nor a goal and constraint approach. Rather, it is argued, his penal philosophy is based on his moral pluralism, which comprises two aspects: value pluralism and pluralism with respect to forms of moral (...)
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  39. Through the Moral Maze: Searching for Absolute Values in a Pluralistic World.Robert Kane - 1994 - Armonk, N.Y.: Routledge.
    "On the ... issue of our pluralistic age -- whether we can continue to believe in absolute value -- Robert Kane has written the most helpful discussion I know.
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    Justificatory Moral Pluralism: A Novel Form of Environmental Pragmatism.Andre Santos Campos & Sofia Guedes Vaz - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (6):737-758.
    Moral reasoning typically informs environmental decision-making by measuring the possible outcomes of policies or actions in light of a preferred ethical theory. This method is subject to many problems. Environmental pragmatism tries to overcome them, but it suffers also from some pitfalls. This paper proposes a new method of environmental pragmatism that avoids the problems of both the traditional method of environmental moral reasoning and of the general versions of environmental pragmatism. We call it ‘justificatory moral (...)’ – it develops the intuition that normative ethical theories need not be mutually exclusive. This leaves room for important forms of pluralist environmental ethics that do not require a once-and-for-all prior commitment to an ethical theory when deciding about policies or courses of action related to the protection of the environment. Justificatory moral pluralism offers a viable solution to the recurrent conflicts between efficient environmental decisions and the need for moral reasoning. (shrink)
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    The Value of Information as Ontological Pluralism.Massimo Durante - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1-2):149-161.
    In my paper I will focus my attention on some philosophical aspects of the Information Ethics displayed by Luciano Floridi. Floridi’s Information Ethics has the methodological merit of providing the interpretation of the Informational Turn with a solid philosophical basis, the roots of which deserve a careful investigation. In this perspective, I will analyse a key question, which is essential not only from a theoretical but also from a practical point of view, i.e. whether or not Floridi’s construction of information (...)
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    Moral Pluralism and the Environment.Andrew Brennan - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (1):15 - 33.
    Cost-benefit analysis makes the assumption that everything from consumer goods to endangered species may in principle be given a value by which its worth can be compared with that of anything else, even though the actual measurement of such value may be difficult in practice. The assumption is shown to fail, even in simple cases, and the analysis to be incapable of taking into account the transformative value of new experiences. Several kinds of value are identified, (...)
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  43. Robert Kane, Through the Moral Maze: Searching for Absolute Values in a Pluralistic World Reviewed by.Robert Larmer - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (5):335-337.
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    Cultural Pluralism and Moral Education.J. Theodore Klein - 1974 - The Monist 58 (4):683-693.
    In this paper I will consider the relationship between cultural pluralism and moral education. I will first outline necessary conditions for a society to be culturally pluralistic, and will then attempt to outline conditions for an ideal culturally pluralistic society. These conditions, particularly the conditions for an ideal culturally pluralistic society, suggest approaches to moral education. Implicit in the conditions are certain moral values which can be taught and can have a central place in moral (...)
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    Moral Reasoning in a Pluralistic World.Patricia Marino - 2015 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Moral diversity is a fundamental reality of today’s world, but moral theorists have difficulty responding to it. Some take it as evidence for skepticism – the view that there are no moral truths. Others, associating moral reasoning with the search for overarching principles and unifying values, see it as the result of error. In the former case, moral reasoning is useless, since values express individual preferences; in the latter, our reasoning process is dramatically at odds (...)
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    Pluralism, scientific knowledge, and the fallacy of overriding values.John Kekes - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (4):577-594.
    The paper examines one implication of pluralism, the view that all values are conditional and none are overriding. This implication is that since scientific knowledge is one of the conditional values, there are circumstances in which the pursuit of even the most basic scientific knowledge is legitimately curtailed. These circumstances occur when the pursuit of scientific knowledge conflicts with moral and political values which, in that context, are more important than it. The argument focuses on the case for (...)
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  47. Moral compromises, moral integrity and the indeterminacy of value rankings.Theo van Willigenburg - 2000 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (4):385-404.
    Though the art of compromise, i.e. of settling differences by mutual concessions, is part of communal living on any level, we often think that there is something wrong in compromise, especially in cases where moral convictions are involved. A first reason for distrusting compromises on moral matters refers to the idea of integrity, understood in the basic sense of 'standing for something', especially standing for the values and causes that to some extent confer identity. The second reason points (...)
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    Deliberating Animal Values: a Pragmatic—Pluralistic Approach to Animal Ethics.Frank Kupper & Tjard De Cock Buning - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):431-450.
    Debates in animal ethics are largely characterized by ethical monism, the search for a single, timeless, and essential trait in which the moral standing of animals can be grounded. In this paper, we argue that a monistic approach towards animal ethics hampers and oversimplifies the moral debate. The value pluralism present in our contemporary societies requires a more open and flexible approach to moral inquiry. This paper advocates the turn to a pragmatic, pluralistic approach to (...)
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    A pluralist account of the basis of moral status.Giacomo Floris - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (6):1859-1877.
    Standard liberal theories of justice rest on the assumption that only those beings that hold the capacity for moral personality have moral status and therefore are right-holders. As many pointed out, this has the disturbing implication of excluding a wide range of entities from the scope of justice. Call this the under-inclusiveness objection. This paper provides a response to the under-inclusiveness objection and illustrates its implications for liberal theories of justice. In particular, the paper defends two claims: first, (...)
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    Cultural Pluralism and Moral Knowledge: Volume 11, Part 1.Ellen Frankel Paul & Fred Dycus Miller (eds.) - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in Cultural Pluralism and Moral Knowledge deal with philosophical issues that arise from the existence of a diversity of cultural traditions. The discussions range from broad examinations of the relevance of cultural pluralism to morality, to studies of specific cultural practices. Some essays explore the relationship between pluralism and political theory; some contrast pluralism with relativism or distinguish it from reasonable disagreement. Others propose and defend a set of principles that apply to all (...)
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