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  1.  63
    Arendt on Freedom, Liberation, and Revolution.Kei Hiruta (ed.) - 2019 - London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This edited volume focuses on what Hannah Arendt famously called “the raison d’être of politics”: freedom. The unique collection of essays clarifies her flagship idea of political freedom in relation to other key Arendtian themes such as liberation, revolution, civil disobedience, and the right to have rights. -/- In addressing these, contributors to this volume juxtapose Arendt with a number of thinkers from Isaiah Berlin, John Rawls and Philip Pettit to Karl Marx, Frantz Fanon and Geoffroy de Lagasnerie. They also (...)
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  2. The Meaning and Value of Freedom: Berlin contra Arendt.Kei Hiruta - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (7):854-868.
    This essay considers the theoretical disagreement between Isaiah Berlin and Hannah Arendt on the meaning and value of freedom. Berlin thinks that negative liberty as non-interference is commendable because it is attuned to the implication of value pluralism that man is a choice-making creature and cannot be otherwise. By contrast, the political freedom to act is in Arendt’s view a more fulfilling ideal because it is only in political action that man’s potentiality is actualised, his unique identity manifested and his (...)
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  3. Value Pluralism, Realism and Pessimism.Kei Hiruta - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (4):523-540.
    Value pluralists see themselves as philosophical grown-ups. They profess to face reality as it is and accept resultant pessimism, while criticising their monist rivals for holding on to the naïve idea that the right, the good and the beautiful are ultimately harmonisable with each other. The aim of this essay is to challenge this self-image of value pluralists. Notwithstanding its usefulness as a means of subverting monist dominance, I argue that the self-image has the downside of obscuring various theoretical positions (...)
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    What pluralism, why pluralism, and how? A response to Charles Ess.Kei Hiruta - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (4):227-236.
    In this critical response to Charles Ess’ ‚Ethical Pluralism and Global Information Ethics’ presented in this Special Issue of Ethics and Information Technology, it is firstly argued that his account of pros hen pluralism can be more accurately reformulated as a three layered doctrine by separating one acceptance of diversity at a cultural level and another at an ethical theoretic level. Following this clarificatory section, the next section considers Ess’ political and sociological reasons for the necessity and desirability of pros (...)
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  5. How Great Is the Great Divide?: On Jeremy Arnold’s Aporetic Political Theory.Kei Hiruta - 2022 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 1 (2):203-206.
  6. A democratic consensus? Isaiah Berlin, Hannah Arendt, and the anti-totalitarian family quarrel.Kei Hiruta - 2018 - Think 17 (48):25-37.
    Amid the ongoing political turmoil, symbolized by the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, books and articles abound today to encourage us to re-read anti-totalitarian classics ‘for our times’. But what do we find in this body of work originally written in response to Nazism and Stalinism? Do we find a democratic consensus forged by a shared anti-totalitarian commitment? I doubt it. Considering the cases of Isaiah Berlin and Hannah Arendt, this article highlights discord beneath what may today appear like a (...)
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  7.  27
    Moral Conflict and Political Obligation in (Highly) Non-ideal Conditions.Allyn Fives & Kei Hiruta - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (4):481-487.
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  8.  53
    Catherine H. Zuckert, ed. , Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Authors and Arguments . Reviewed by.Kei Hiruta - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (3):252–254.
  9.  37
    Isaiah Berlin: The Journey of a Jewish Liberal.Kei Hiruta - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (4):508-509.
  10.  53
    The one and the many: Reading Isaiah Berlin - edited by George Crowder and Henry Hardy.Kei Hiruta - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (2):231–233.