Results for 'minimal cells'

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  1.  36
    Evolution of reduced prokaryotic genomes and the minimal cell concept: Variations on a theme.Luis Delaye & Andrés Moya - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (4):281-287.
    Prokaryotic genomes of endosymbionts and parasites are examples of naturally evolved minimal cells, the study of which can shed light on life in its minimum form. Their diverse biology, their lack of a large set of orthologous genes and the existence of essential linage (and environmentally) specific genes all illustrate the diversity of genes building up naturally evolved minimal cells. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that sometimes the same essential function is performed by genes (...)
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  2.  37
    Cell decompositions of C-minimal structures.Deirdre Haskell & Dugald Macpherson - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 66 (2):113-162.
    C-minimality is a variant of o-minimality in which structures carry, instead of a linear ordering, a ternary relation interpretable in a natural way on set of maximal chains of a tree. This notion is discussed, a cell-decomposition theorem for C-minimal structures is proved, and a notion of dimension is introduced. It is shown that C-minimal fields are precisely valued algebraically closed fields. It is also shown that, if certain specific ‘bad’ functions are not definable, then algebraic closure has (...)
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  3.  19
    Strong cell decomposition property in o-minimal traces.Somayyeh Tari - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (1):135-144.
    Strong cell decomposition property has been proved in non-valuational weakly o-minimal expansions of ordered groups. In this note, we show that all o-minimal traces have strong cell decomposition property. Also after introducing the notion of irrational nonvaluational cut in arbitrary o-minimal structures, we show that every expansion of o-minimal structures by irrational nonvaluational cuts is an o-minimal trace.
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    SCE-Cell Decomposition and OCP in Weakly O-Minimal Structures.Jafar S. Eivazloo & Somayyeh Tari - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (3):399-410.
    Continuous extension cell decomposition in o-minimal structures was introduced by Simon Andrews to establish the open cell property in those structures. Here, we define strong $\mathrm{CE}$-cells in weakly o-minimal structures, and prove that every weakly o-minimal structure with strong cell decomposition has $\mathrm{SCE}$-cell decomposition if and only if its canonical o-minimal extension has $\mathrm{CE}$-cell decomposition. Then, we show that every weakly o-minimal structure with $\mathrm{SCE}$-cell decomposition satisfies $\mathrm{OCP}$. Our last result implies that every o- (...) structure in which every definable open set is a union of finitely many open $\mathrm{CE}$-cells, has $\mathrm{CE}$-cell decomposition. (shrink)
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    Cell decomposition for P‐minimal fields.Marie-Hélène Mourgues - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (5):487-492.
    In [12], P. Scowcroft and L. van den Dries proved a cell decomposition theorem for p-adically closed fields. We work here with the notion of P-minimal fields defined by D. Haskell and D. Macpherson in [6]. We prove that a P-minimal field K admits cell decomposition if and only if K has definable selection. A preprint version in French of this result appeared as a prepublication [8].
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    The minimal, phase-transition model for the cell-number maintenance by the hyperplasia-extended homeorhesis.E. Mamontov, A. Koptioug & K. Psiuk-Maksymowicz - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (2):61-101.
    Oncogenic hyperplasia is the first and inevitable stage of formation of a (solid) tumor. This stage is also the core of many other proliferative diseases. The present work proposes the first minimal model that combines homeorhesis with oncogenic hyperplasia where the latter is regarded as a genotoxically activated homeorhetic dysfunction. This dysfunction is specified as the transitions of the fluid of cells from a fluid, homeorhetic state to a solid, hyperplastic-tumor state, and back. The key part of the (...)
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    On the strong cell decomposition property for weakly o‐minimal structures.Roman Wencel - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (6):452-470.
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  8.  21
    Uniformly locally o-minimal structures and locally o-minimal structures admitting local definable cell decomposition.Masato Fujita - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (2):102756.
    We define and investigate a uniformly locally o-minimal structure of the second kind in this paper. All uniformly locally o-minimal structures of the second kind have local monotonicity, which is a local version of monotonicity theorem of o-minimal structures. We also demonstrate a local definable cell decomposition theorem for definably complete uniformly locally o-minimal structures of the second kind. We define dimension of a definable set and investigate its basic properties when the given structure is a (...)
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  9.  47
    Topological cell decomposition and dimension theory in p-minimal fields.Pablo Cubides Kovacsics, Luck Darnière & Eva Leenknegt - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):347-358.
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    Clustered cell decomposition in P-minimal structures.Saskia Chambille, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Eva Leenknegt - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (11):2050-2086.
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    CE-cell decomposition and open cell property in o-minimal structures.Somayyeh Tari - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (8):1564-1570.
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  12.  25
    Synthetic cells and organelles: compartmentalization strategies.Renée Roodbeen & Jan C. M. van Hest - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (12):1299-1308.
    The recent development of RNA replicating protocells and capsules that enclose complex biosynthetic cascade reactions are encouraging signs that we are gradually getting better at mastering the complexity of biological systems. The road to truly cellular compartments is still very long, but concrete progress is being made. Compartmentalization is a crucial natural methodology to enable control over biological processes occurring within the living cell. In fact, compartmentalization has been considered by some theories to be instrumental in the creation of life. (...)
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  13.  38
    B-minimality.Raf Cluckers & François Loeser - 2007 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 7 (2):195-227.
    We introduce a new notion of tame geometry for structures admitting an abstract notion of balls. The notion is named b-minimality and is based on definable families of points and balls. We develop a dimension theory and prove a cell decomposition theorem for b-minimal structures. We show that b-minimality applies to the theory of Henselian valued fields of characteristic zero, generalizing work by Denef–Pas [25, 26]. Structures which are o-minimal, v-minimal, or p-minimal and which satisfy some (...)
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  14. Three overlooked key functional classes for building up minimal synthetic cells.Antoine Danchin - 2021 - Synthetic Biology 6 (1):ysab010.
    Assembly of minimal genomes revealed many genes encoding unknown functions. Three overlooked functional categories account for some of them. Cells are prone to make errors and age. As a first key function, discrimination between proper and changed entities is indispensable. Discrimination requires management of information, an authentic, yet abstract, cur- rency of reality. For example proteins age, sometimes very fast. The cell must identify, then get rid of old proteins without destroying young ones. Implementing discrimination in cells (...)
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  15.  29
    Building artificial cells and protocell models: Experimental approaches with lipid vesicles.Peter Walde - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (4):296-303.
    Lipid vesicles are often used as compartment structures for preparing cell‐like systems and models of protocells, the hypothetical precursor structures of the first cells at the origin of life. Although the various artificially made vesicle systems are already remarkably complex, they are still very different from and much simpler than any known living cell. Nevertheless, the preparation and study of the structure and the dynamics of functionalized vesicle systems may contribute to a better understanding of biological cells, in (...)
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  16.  41
    O-minimal cohomology: Finiteness and invariance results.Alessandro Berarducci & Antongiulio Fornasiero - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (2):167-182.
    The topology of definable sets in an o-minimal expansion of a group is not fully understood due to the lack of a triangulation theorem. Despite the general validity of the cell decomposition theorem, we do not know whether any definably compact set is a definable CW-complex. Moreover the closure of an o-minimal cell can have arbitrarily high Betti numbers. Nevertheless we prove that the cohomology groups of a definably compact set over an o-minimal expansion of a group (...)
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  17.  55
    Definable Open Sets As Finite Unions of Definable Open Cells.Simon Andrews - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (2):247-251.
    We introduce CE- cell decomposition , a modified version of the usual o-minimal cell decomposition. We show that if an o-minimal structure $\mathcal{R}$ admits CE-cell decomposition then any definable open set in $\mathcal{R}$ may be expressed as a finite union of definable open cells. The dense linear ordering and linear o-minimal expansions of ordered abelian groups are examples of such structures.
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  18.  28
    Can a minimal replicating construct be identified as the embodiment of cancer?Ricard V. Solé, Sergi Valverde, Carlos Rodriguez-Caso & Josep Sardanyés - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (5):503-512.
    Genomic instability is a hallmark of cancer. Cancer cells that exhibit abnormal chromosomes are characteristic of most advanced tumours, despite the potential threat represented by accumulated genetic damage. Carcinogenesis involves a loss of key components of the genetic and signalling molecular networks; hence some authors have suggested that this is part of a trend of cancer cells to behave as simple, minimal replicators. In this study, we explore this conjecture and suggest that, in the case of cancer, (...)
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  19.  17
    O-minimal de Rham Cohomology.Rodrigo Figueiredo - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):529-529.
    O-minimal geometry generalizes both semialgebraic and subanalytic geometries, and has been very successful in solving special cases of some problems in arithmetic geometry, such as André–Oort conjecture. Among the many tools developed in an o-minimal setting are cohomology theories for abstract-definable continuous manifolds such as singular cohomology, sheaf cohomology and Čech cohomology, which have been used for instance to prove Pillay’s conjecture concerning definably compact groups. In the present thesis we elaborate an o-minimal de Rham cohomology theory (...)
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  20.  24
    Cell decomposition and dimension function in the theory of closed ordered differential fields.Thomas Brihaye, Christian Michaux & Cédric Rivière - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2):111-128.
    In this paper we develop a differential analogue of o-minimal cell decomposition for the theory CODF of closed ordered differential fields. Thanks to this differential cell decomposition we define a well-behaving dimension function on the class of definable sets in CODF. We conclude this paper by proving that this dimension is closely related to both the usual differential transcendence degree and the topological dimension associated, in this case, with a natural differential topology on ordered differential fields.
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  21.  11
    Hensel minimality: Geometric criteria for ℓ-h-minimality.Floris Vermeulen - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (3).
    Recently, Cluckers et al. developed a new axiomatic framework for tame non-Archimedean geometry, called Hensel minimality. It was extended to mixed characteristic together with the author. Hensel minimality aims to mimic o-minimality in both strong consequences and wide applicability. In this paper, we continue the study of Hensel minimality, in particular focusing on [Formula: see text]-h-minimality and [Formula: see text]-h-minimality, for [Formula: see text] a positive integer. Our main results include an analytic criterion for [Formula: see text]-h-minimality, preservation of [Formula: (...)
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  22. Cell decomposition for semibounded p-adic sets.Eva Leenknegt - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):667-688.
    We study a reduct ${\mathcal{L}_*}$ of the ring language where multiplication is restricted to a neighbourhood of zero. The language is chosen such that for p-adically closed fields K, the ${\mathcal{L}_*}$ -definable subsets of K coincide with the semi-algebraic subsets of K. Hence structures (K, ${\mathcal{L}_*}$ ) can be seen as the p-adic counterpart of the o-minimal structure of semibounded sets. We show that in this language, p-adically closed fields admit cell decomposition, using cells similar to p-adic semi-algebraic (...)
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  23.  26
    Definable completeness of P-minimal fields and applications.Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Françoise Delon - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (2).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 22, Issue 02, August 2022. We show that every definable nested family of closed and bounded subsets of a P-minimal field K has nonempty intersection. As an application we answer a question of Darnière and Halupczok showing that P-minimal fields satisfy the “extreme value property”: for every closed and bounded subset [math] and every interpretable continuous function [math] (where [math] denotes the value group), f(U) admits a maximal value. Two further corollaries are obtained (...)
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  24.  22
    Cell decomposition and classification of definable sets in p-optimal fields.Luck Darnière & Immanuel Halpuczok - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):120-136.
    We prove that forp-optimal fields a cell decomposition theorem follows from methods going back to Denef’s paper [7]. We derive from it the existence of definable Skolem functions and strongp-minimality. Then we turn to stronglyp-minimal fields satisfying the Extreme Value Property—a property which in particular holds in fields which are elementarily equivalent to ap-adic one. For such fieldsK, we prove that every definable subset ofK×Kdwhose fibers overKare inverse images by the valuation of subsets of the value group is semialgebraic. (...)
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  25.  26
    Synthesizing artificial cells from giant unilamellar vesicles: State‐of‐the art in the development of microfluidic technology.Sandro Matosevic - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (11):992-1001.
    Microfluidic technology – the manipulation of fluids at micrometer scales – has revolutionized many areas of synthetic biology. The bottom‐up synthesis of “minimal” cell models has traditionally suffered from poor control of assembly conditions. Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) are good models of living cells on account of their size and unilamellar membrane structure. In recent years, a number of microfluidic approaches for constructing GUVs has emerged. These provide control over traditionally elusive parameters of vesicular structure, such as size, (...)
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  26.  7
    Minimal residual disease: premises before promises.Benjamin Chin-Yee - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (4):1-22.
    Minimal residual disease (MRD), a measure of residual cancer cells, is a concept increasingly employed in precision oncology, touted as a key predictive biomarker to guide treatment decisions. This paper critically analyzes the expanding role of MRD as a predictive biomarker in hematologic cancers. I outline the argument for MRD as a predictive biomarker, articulating its premises and the empirical conditions that must hold for them to be true. I show how these conditions, while met in paradigmatic cases (...)
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  27. Hensel minimality: Geometric criteria for [math]-h-minimality.Floris Vermeulen - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (3).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 24, Issue 03, December 2024. Recently, Cluckers et al. developed a new axiomatic framework for tame non-Archimedean geometry, called Hensel minimality. It was extended to mixed characteristic together with the author. Hensel minimality aims to mimic o-minimality in both strong consequences and wide applicability. In this paper, we continue the study of Hensel minimality, in particular focusing on [math]-h-minimality and [math]-h-minimality, for [math] a positive integer. Our main results include an analytic criterion for [math]-h-minimality, preservation (...)
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    Minimally disturbed, multicycle, and reproducible synchrony using a eukaryotic “baby machine”.Stephen Cooper - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (6):499-501.
    A eukaryotic “baby machine” has been developed that produces synchronized cultures that display up to four synchronous cell cycles. 1 That such cells can be produced implies that methods unable to produce successive synchronized cell cycles may not actually synchronize cells. But most important, the baby machine method now opens the way for the study of the cell cycle of minimally disturbed, artifact‐free, well‐synchronized, mammalian cells. BioEssays 24:499–501, 2002. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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    O -minimal Λ m -regular stratification.Andreas Fischer - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 147 (1):101-112.
    Let be an o-minimal structure expanding a real closed field R. We show that any definable set in Rn can be stratified into cells, whose defining functions are smooth Lipschitz continuous functions with constant 2n3/2, which have additional regularity conditions on the derivatives of higher order.
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  30.  19
    Weakly o-minimal nonvaluational structures.Roman Wencel - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (3):139-162.
    A weakly o-minimal structure image expanding an ordered group is called nonvaluational iff for every cut left angle bracketC,Dright-pointing angle bracket of definable in image, we have that inf{y−x:xset membership, variantC,yset membership, variantD}=0. The study of nonvaluational weakly o-minimal expansions of real closed fields carried out in [D. Macpherson, D. Marker, C. Steinhorn,Weakly o-minimal structures and real closed fields, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 5435–5483. MR1781273 (2001i:03079] suggests that this class is very close to the class of (...)
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  31. Cancer cells and adaptive explanations.Pierre-Luc Germain - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (6):785-810.
    The aim of this paper is to assess the relevance of somatic evolution by natural selection to our understanding of cancer development. I do so in two steps. In the first part of the paper, I ask to what extent cancer cells meet the formal requirements for evolution by natural selection, relying on Godfrey-Smith’s (2009) framework of Darwinian populations. I argue that although they meet the minimal requirements for natural selection, cancer cells are not paradigmatic Darwinian populations. (...)
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  32.  16
    Epidural fat mesenchymal stem cells: Important microenvironmental regulators in health, disease, and regeneration.Sophia Shah, Sathvika Mudigonda, Alim P. Mitha, Paul Salo & Roman J. Krawetz - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000215.
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are present in fat tissues throughout the body, yet little is known regarding their biological role within epidural fat. We hypothesize that debridement of epidural fat and/or subsequent loss of MSCs within this tissue, disrupts homeostasis in the vertebral environment resulting in increased inflammation, fibrosis, and decreased neovascularization leading to poorer functional outcomes post‐injury/operatively. Clinically, epidural fat is commonly considered a space‐filling tissue with limited functionality and therefore typically discarded during surgery. However, the presence of (...)
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  33.  69
    Cell decomposition and definable functions for weak p‐adic structures.Eva Leenknegt - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (6):482-497.
    We develop a notion of cell decomposition suitable for studying weak p-adic structures definable). As an example, we consider a structure with restricted addition.
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    Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapy: The Need for a Common European Legal Framework.Carlos M. Romeo–Casabona - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):557-567.
    The possibility of obtaining stem cells from human embryos has given rise to an intensive legal and ethical debate. In this paper, attention is paid to the normative disparity and ambiguity in Europe. An argument for the need for a minimal legal harmonization is made; and a prudent and flexible way to reach this successfully is suggested. Establishing a common legal framework seems to be the only way to guarantee true competitiveness for the European scientific community.
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    Essais de réalisme minimal: relations, formes, singuliers.Pierre-André Huglo - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Faire valoir un réalisme minimal c'est faire tenir ensemble deux exigences : celle d'un réalisme qui cherche à montrer que les relations exprimées par le langage n'existent pas seulement dans le langage, ni seulement dans l'esprit, mais qu'elles nous font connaître quelque chose du monde ; celle d'un nominalisme qui applique le rasoir d'Occam avec vigilance et refuse, non seulement de poser l'existence d'universels qui seraient des essences ou des propriétés, mais même de concevoir les relations elles-mêmes comme des (...)
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  36. GASARCH, W., see FORTNOW, L. HASKELL, D. and MACPHERSON, D., Cell decompositions of C-minimal structures HIRST, JL, Reverse mathematics and ordinal exponentiation JAIN, S., see FORTNOW, L. [REVIEW]F. Cardone & M. Dezani-Ciancaglini - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 66:303.
  37.  92
    Presburger sets and p-minimal fields.Raf Cluckers - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1):153-162.
    We prove a cell decomposition theorem for Presburger sets and introduce a dimension theory for Z-groups with the Presburger structure. Using the cell decomposition theorem we obtain a full classification of Presburger sets up to definable bijection. We also exhibit a tight connection between the definable sets in an arbitrary p-minimal field and Presburger sets in its value group. We give a negative result about expansions of Presburger structures and prove uniform elimination of imaginaries for Presburger structures within the (...)
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  38.  27
    Tame properties of sets and functions definable in weakly o-minimal structures.Jafar S. Eivazloo & Somayyeh Tari - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):433-447.
    Let M=\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\mathcal{M}}=}$$\end{document} be a weakly o-minimal expansion of a dense linear order without endpoints. Some tame properties of sets and functions definable in M\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\mathcal{M}}}$$\end{document} which hold in o-minimal structures, are examined. One of them is the intermediate value property, say IVP. It is shown that strongly continuous definable functions in M\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} (...)
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    A version of p-adic minimality.Raf Cluckers & Eva Leenknegt - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):621-630.
    We introduce a very weak language L M on p-adic fields K, which is just rich enough to have exactly the same definable subsets of the line K that one has using the ring language. (In our context, definable always means definable with parameters.) We prove that the only definable functions in the language L M are trivial functions. We also give a definitional expansion $L\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} ' \\ M \\ \end{array} $ of L M in which K has quantifier elimination, (...)
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    Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapy: The Need for a Common European Legal Framework.Carlos M. Romeo&Ndashcasabona - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):557-567.
    The possibility of obtaining stem cells from human embryos has given rise to an intensive legal and ethical debate. In this paper, attention is paid to the normative disparity and ambiguity in Europe. An argument for the need for a minimal legal harmonization is made; and a prudent and flexible way to reach this successfully is suggested. Establishing a common legal framework seems to be the only way to guarantee true competitiveness for the European scientific community.
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    Coverings by open cells.Mário J. Edmundo, Pantelis E. Eleftheriou & Luca Prelli - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):307-325.
    We prove that in a semi-bounded o-minimal expansion of an ordered group every non-empty open definable set is a finite union of open cells.
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    On a Minimal Model for Hemodynamics and Metabolism of Lactate: Application to Low Grade Glioma and Therapeutic Strategies.Marion Lahutte-Auboin, Rémy Guillevin, Jean-Pierre Françoise, Jean-Noël Vallée & Robert Costalat - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (1):79-89.
    WHO II low grade glioma evolves inevitably to anaplastic transformation. Magnetic resonance imaging is a good non-invasive way to watch it, by hemodynamic and metabolic modifications, thanks to multinuclear spectroscopy 1H/31P. In this work we study a multi-scale minimal model of hemodynamics and metabolism applied to the study of gliomas. This mathematical analysis leads us to a fast-slow system. The control of the position of the stationary point brings to the concept of domain of viability. Starting from this system, (...)
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    An o-minimal structure without mild parameterization.Margaret Em Thomas - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):409-418.
    We prove, by explicit construction, that not all sets definable in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures have mild parameterization. Our methods do not depend on the bounds particular to the definition of mildness and therefore our construction is also valid for a generalized form of parameterization, which we call G-mild. Moreover, we present a cell decomposition result for certain o-minimal structures which may be of independent interest. This allows us to show how our construction can produce polynomially bounded, model (...)
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    The search for a first cell under the maximalism design principle.Takashi Ikegami & Martin M. Hanczyc - 2009 - Technoetic Arts 7 (2):153-164.
    A new design principle is discussed for making a sufficiently complex cell for the creation of the first wet artificial life in the laboratory. The current approach is to attempt a minimal cell, which consists of a liposome that contains a minimal metabolic cycle for self-maintenance and self-replication. Given the lack of success with the minimal cell to date, the authors suggest it is possible to take an alternative approach to building the first wet artificial life form (...)
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    Neddylation‐CRLs regulate the functions of Treg immune cells. Di Wu & Yi Sun - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (4):2200222.
    Neddylation, a ubiquitylation‐like post‐translational modification, is catalyzed by a cascade composed of three enzymes: E1 activating enzyme, E2 conjugating enzyme, and E3 ligase with cullins as physiological substrates. Specifically, neddylation E2 UBE2M couples with E3 RBX1 to neddylate cullins 1–4, whereas neddylation E2 UBE2F couples with E3 RBX2/SAG to neddylate cullin 5, leading to activation of CRL1‐4 (Cullin‐RING ligases 1–4) and CRL5, respectively. While over‐activation of the neddylation‐CRLs axis occurs frequently in many human cancers, how neddylation‐CRLs regulate the function of (...)
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    Further notes on cell decomposition in closed ordered differential fields.Cédric Rivière - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2):100-110.
    In [T. Brihaye, C. Michaux, C. Rivière, Cell decomposition and dimension function in the theory of closed ordered differential fields, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic .] the authors proved a cell decomposition theorem for the theory of closed ordered differential fields which generalizes the usual Cell Decomposition Theorem for o-minimal structures. As a consequence of this result, a well-behaving dimension function on definable sets in CODF was introduced. Here we continue the study of this cell decomposition in CODF by proving (...)
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  47.  25
    Revisiting Julius Sachs’s “Physiological Notes: II. Contributions to the Theory of the Cell. a) Energids and Cells” (1892).Karl J. Niklas & Ulrich Kutschera - 2022 - Biological Theory 17 (3):181-185.
    Julius Sachs (1832–1897), who has been quite rightly called “the father of plant physiology,” was a German physiologist of international standing, whose research interests contributed to virtually every branch of the plant sciences, and whose work presaged plant molecular biology and systems biology. Here, we focus on one of his last publications, from 1892, wherein he argued that the term “cell” (_Zelle_) is misleading and should be replaced by “energid” (_Energide_), which he defined as “a nucleus together with the corresponding (...)
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    CELDA – an ontology for the comprehensive representation of cells in complex systems.S. Seltmann, H. Stachelscheid, A. Damaschun, L. Jansen, F. Lekschas, J.-F. Fontaine & T. N. Nguyen-Dobinsky - 2013 - BMC Bioinformatics 14.
    BACKGROUND -/- The need for detailed description and modeling of cells drives the continuous generation of large and diverse datasets. Unfortunately, there exists no systematic and comprehensive way to organize these datasets and their information. CELDA (Cell: Expression, Localization, Development, Anatomy) is a novel ontology for the association of primary experimental data and derived knowledge to various types of cells of organisms. -/- RESULTS -/- CELDA is a structure that can help to categorize cell types based on species, (...)
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    The Effect of Mitochondrial DNA Half-Life on Deletion Mutation Proliferation in Long Lived Cells.Adrian M. Davies & Alan G. Holt - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):671-695.
    The proliferation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with deletion mutations has been linked to aging and age related neurodegenerative conditions. In this study we model the effect of mtDNA half-life on mtDNA competition and selection. It has been proposed that mutation deletions (mtDNAdel\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\text {mtDNA}_{del}$$\end{document}) have a replicative advantage over wild-type (mtDNAwild\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\text {mtDNA}_{wild}$$\end{document}) and that this is detrimental to the host cell, especially (...)
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    Optical trapping in animal and fungal cells using a tunable, near-infrared titanium-sapphire laser.M. W. Berns, Aist Jr, W. H. Wright & H. Liang - unknown
    We have compared two different laser-induced optical light traps for their utility in moving organelles within living animal cells and walled fungal cells. The first trap employed a continuous wave neodymium-yttrium aluminum garnet laser at a wavelength of 1.06 micron. A second trap was constructed using a titanium-sapphire laser tunable from 700 to 1000 nm. With the latter trap we were able to achieve much stronger traps with less laser power and without damage to either mitochondria or spindles. (...)
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