Results for 'mechanical models'

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  1.  53
    Mechanisms, Models and Laws in Understanding Supernovae.Phyllis Illari - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (1):63-84.
    There has been a burst of work in the last couple of decades on mechanistic explanation, as an alternative to the traditional covering-law model of scientific explanation. That work makes some interesting claims about mechanistic explanations rendering phenomena ‘intelligible’, but does not develop this idea in great depth. There has also been a growth of interest in giving an account of scientific understanding, as a complement to an account of explanation, specifically addressing a three-place relationship between explanation, world, and the (...)
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    Mechanical models for Lorentz group representations.N. Mukunda - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (2):245-260.
    Simple classical mechanical models are constructed to help understand the natures of certain unitary representations of the Lorentz groupSO(3, 1) associated with its action on spacetime. In particular, different kinds of Principal Series unitary irreducible representations ofSO(3, 1) with positive or negative quadratic Casimir invariant are seen to correspond to bounded and unbounded motions, respectively, in the mechanical models.
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    A mechanical model for human attention and immediate memory.D. E. Broadbent - 1957 - Psychological Review 64 (3):205-215.
  4.  46
    A mechanical model for the formation of vascular networks in vitro.D. Manoussaki, S. R. Lubkin, R. B. Vemon & J. D. Murray - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (3-4):271-282.
    Endothelial cells, when cultured on gelled basement membrane matrix exert forces of tension through which they deform the matrix and at the same time they aggregate into clusters. The cells eventually form a network of cord-like structures connecting cell aggregates. In this network, almost all of the matrix has been pulled underneath the cell cords and cell clusters. This phenomenon has been proposed as a possible model for the growth and development of planar vascular systems in vitro. Our hypothesis is (...)
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    Wave-mechanical model for chemistry.Jan C. A. Boeyens - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (3):247-262.
    The strength and defects of wave mechanics as a theory of chemistry are critically examined. Without the secondary assumption of wave–particle duality, the seminal equation describes matter waves and leaves the concept of point particles undefined. To bring the formalism into line with the theory of special relativity, it is shown to require reformulation in hypercomplex algebra that imparts a new meaning to electron spin as a holistic spinor, eliminating serious current misconceptions in the process. Reformulation in the curved space–time (...)
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    Statistical mechanics models for multimode lasers and random lasers.F. Antenucci, A. Crisanti, M. Ibáñez-Berganza, A. Marruzzo & L. Leuzzi - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9):704-731.
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    Mechanical Model of Maxwell’s Equations and of Lorentz Transformations.Lachezar S. Simeonov - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (3):1-22.
    We present a mechanical model of a quasi-elastic body which reproduces Maxwell’s equations with charges and currents. Major criticism against mechanical models of electrodynamics is that any presence of charges in the known models appears to violate the continuity equation of the aether and it remains a mystery as to where the aether goes and whence it comes. We propose a solution to the mystery—in the present model the aether is always conserved. Interestingly it turns out (...)
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    A Mechanical Model for Analyzing the Runaway Solutions in the Radiation Reaction Problem.J. L. Jiménez, J. A. E. Roa-Neri & P. Vargas - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (3):410-426.
    In order to understand the rise of runaway solutions in the radiation reaction problem a mechanical model is used. An alternative demonstration of Daboul’s theorem, through Hurwitz’s criterion, is given. The origin of runaway solutions in electrodynamics is discussed. They arise when the particle has a negative mechanical mass or when approximations are used in the equation of motion. In the 1-dimensional mechanical model an exact and linear equation of motion for the particle is obtained, the corresponding (...)
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    Information and mechanical models of intelligence: What can we learn from cognitive science?Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (3):565-582.
    The impact of new advanced technology on issues that concern meaningful information and its relation to studies of intelligence constitutes the main topic of the present paper. The advantages, disadvantages and implications of the synthetic methodology developed by cognitive scientists, according to which mechanical models of the mind, such as computer simulations or self-organizing robots, may provide good explanatory tools to investigate cognition, are discussed. A difficulty with this methodology is pointed out, namely the use of meaningless information (...)
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  10. Understanding hybrid identities: From mechanical models to complex systems.Nikos Papastergiadis - 2010 - World Futures 66 (3-4):243 – 265.
    This article examines the use of organic and mechanistic metaphors that have underpinned the modeling of national governance in the social sciences and also framed the representation of the social impact of migration. It argues that the global patterns of migration and the contemporary forms of hybrid subjectivity do not fit well with these conceptual frameworks. The limits of this framework are examined through Harald Kleinschmidt's theory of residentialism, and the outlines of an alternative conceptual frame is proposed by drawing (...)
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  11. A quantum mechanical model of consciousness and the emergence of?I?Danah Zohar - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (4):597-607.
    There have been suggestions that the unity of consciousness may be related to the kind of holism depicted only in quantum physics. This argument will be clarified and strengthened. It requires the brain to contain a quantum system with the right properties — a Bose-Einstein condensate. It probably does contain one such system, as both theory and experiment have indicated. In fact, we cannot pay full attention to a quantum whole and its parts simultaneously, though we may oscillate between the (...)
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  12.  18
    The Animate and Mechanical Models of Reality.Joshua C. Gregory - 1927 - Humana Mente 2 (7):301-314.
    Ben Jonson, writing before 1641 in Discoveries, observed that nature intends us no courtesies. The rivers carry our boats, the winds favour our sails, and the sunlight warms our bodies, by necessary motions that contain no kindliness. This represented, or expressed, though perhaps unwittingly and certainly without scientific precision, the mechanical version of physical nature that steadily prevailed during the seventeenth century.
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    ""Optical versus Mechanical Models: Newton's" Failure" to Construct an Optical Theory.Steffen Ducheyne - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49 (194):199-223.
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  14. The causal mechanical model of explanation.James Woodward - 1989 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13:359-83.
  15. Mind and mechanical models.Errol Harris - 1962 - In Jordan M. Scher (ed.), Theories Of The Mind. New York,: Free Press Of Glencoe. pp. 111.
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  16.  33
    Godel, Lucas, and mechanical models of mind.Robert F. Hadley - 1987 - Computational Intelligence 3:57-63.
  17. Review of Signal detection: Mechanisms, models and applications: Volume 11 of the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior series. [REVIEW]P. R. Killeen - 1992 - Behavior and Philosophy 20:89-91.
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  18. GT Csanady Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo.Simple Analytical Models Of Wind-Driven - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 371.
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    The Heuristic Role of Maxwell's Mechanical Model of Electromagnetic Phenomena.Alan F. Chalmers - 1985 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 17 (4):415.
  20. Models and mechanisms in psychological explanation.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2011 - Synthese 183 (3):313-338.
    Mechanistic explanation has an impressive track record of advancing our understanding of complex, hierarchically organized physical systems, particularly biological and neural systems. But not every complex system can be understood mechanistically. Psychological capacities are often understood by providing cognitive models of the systems that underlie them. I argue that these models, while superficially similar to mechanistic models, in fact have a substantially more complex relation to the real underlying system. They are typically constructed using a range of (...)
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  21.  27
    Psychological Models and Neural Mechanisms: An Examination of Reductionism in Psychology.Austen Clark - 1980 - Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a systematic account of the reduction of psychological models of behavior to underlying neural mechanisms. "Clark has approached an extremely difficult and important issue in a systematic masnner and has done much to clarify concepts that are all too often mismanaged and confused in the psychological literature." --American Scientist.
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  22. Mechanisms, Causes, and the Layered Model of the World.Stuart Glennan - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (2):362-381.
    Most philosophical accounts of causation take causal relations to obtain between individuals and events in virtue of nomological relations between properties of these individuals and events. Such views fail to take into account the consequences of the fact that in general the properties of individuals and events will depend upon mechanisms that realize those properties. In this paper I attempt to rectify this failure, and in so doing to provide an account of the causal relevance of higher-level properties. I do (...)
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  23.  81
    Models and mechanisms in network neuroscience.Carlos Zednik - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (1):23-51.
    This paper considers the way mathematical and computational models are used in network neuroscience to deliver mechanistic explanations. Two case studies are considered: Recent work on klinotaxis by Caenorhabditis elegans, and a longstanding research effort on the network basis of schizophrenia in humans. These case studies illustrate the various ways in which network, simulation and dynamical models contribute to the aim of representing and understanding network mechanisms in the brain, and thus, of delivering mechanistic explanations. After outlining this (...)
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    Mechanisms of Implicit Learning: Connectionist Models of Sequence Processing.Axel Cleeremans - 1993 - MIT Press.
    What do people learn when they do not know that they are learning? Until recently, all of the work in the area of implicit learning focused on empirical questions and methods. In this book, Axel Cleeremans explores unintentional learning from an information-processing perspective. He introduces a theoretical framework that unifies existing data and models on implicit learning, along with a detailed computational model of human performance in sequence-learning situations.
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  25. Models and mechanisms: On the methodology of animal extrapolation.Daniel Steel & Megan Delehanty - manuscript
    Any account of extrapolation from animal models to humans must confront two basic challenges: explain how extrapolation can be justified even when there are causally relevant differences between model and target, and explain how the suitability of a model can be established given only limited information about the target. We argue that existing approaches to extrapolation—either in terms of capacities or mechanisms—do not adequately address these challenges. However, we propose a further elaboration of the mechanisms approach that provides a (...)
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  26.  24
    Mechanical and “Organical” Models in Seventeenth-Century Explanations of Biological Reproduction.Daniel C. Fouke - 1989 - Science in Context 3 (2):365-381.
    The ArgumentThe claim that Jan Swammerdam's empirical research did not support his theory of biological preformation is shown to rest on a notion of evidence narrower than that used by many seventeenth-century natural philosophers. The principles of evidence behind the use of mechanical models are developed. It is then shown that the Cartesian theory of biological reproduction and embryology failed to gain acceptance because it did not meet the evidential requirements of these principles. The problems in this and (...)
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  27.  30
    Models of Intelligibility in Galileo's Mechanical Science.David Marshall Miller - 2017 - In Marcus P. Adams, Zvi Biener, Uljana Feest & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan (eds.), Eppur Si Muove: Doing History and Philosophy of Science with Peter Machamer: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Peter Machamer. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 39-54.
    Based on an examination of Galileo’s mechanics, Peter Machamer and Andrea Woody (and Machamer alone in subsequent articles) proposed the scientific use of what they call models of intelligibility. As they define it, a model of intelligibility (MOI) is a concrete phenomenon that guides scientific understanding of problematic cases. This paper extends Machamer and Woody’s analysis by elaborating the semantic function of MOIs. MOIs are physical embodiments of theoretical representations. Therefore, they eliminate the interpretive distance between theory and phenomena, (...)
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    Mathematical Model Building in the Solution of Mechanics Problems: Human Protocols and the MECHO Trace.George F. Luger - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (1):55-77.
    This paper describes model building and manipulation in the solution of problems in mechanics. An automatic problem solver, MECHO, solving problems in several areas of mechanics, employs (1) a knowledge base representing the semantic content of the particular problem area, (2) a means-ends search strategy similar to GPS to produce sets of simultaneous equations and (3) a “focusing” technique, based on the data within the knowledge base, to guide the GSP-like search through possible equation instantiations. Sets of predicate logic statements (...)
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  29. Quantum mechanics over sets: a pedagogical model with non-commutative finite probability theory as its quantum probability calculus.David Ellerman - 2017 - Synthese (12):4863-4896.
    This paper shows how the classical finite probability theory (with equiprobable outcomes) can be reinterpreted and recast as the quantum probability calculus of a pedagogical or toy model of quantum mechanics over sets (QM/sets). There have been several previous attempts to develop a quantum-like model with the base field of ℂ replaced by ℤ₂. Since there are no inner products on vector spaces over finite fields, the problem is to define the Dirac brackets and the probability calculus. The previous attempts (...)
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  30. Models, Mechanisms, and Coherence.Matteo Colombo, Stephan Hartmann & Robert van Iersel - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (1):181-212.
    Life-science phenomena are often explained by specifying the mechanisms that bring them about. The new mechanistic philosophers have done much to substantiate this claim and to provide us with a better understanding of what mechanisms are and how they explain. Although there is disagreement among current mechanists on various issues, they share a common core position and a seeming commitment to some form of scientific realism. But is such a commitment necessary? Is it the best way to go about mechanistic (...)
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  31. Mechanisms and models.Lindley Darden - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  32. Psychological Models and Neural Mechanisms.Austen Clark - 1982 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 33 (2):230-234.
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  33.  87
    Another problem with RBN models of mechanisms.Alexander Gebharter - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (2):177-188.
    Casini, Illari, Russo, and Williamson (2011) suggest to model mechanisms by means of recursive Bayesian networks (RBNs) and Clarke, Leuridan, and Williamson (2014) extend their modelling approach to mechanisms featuring causal feedback. One of the main selling points of the RBN approach should be that it provides answers to questions concerning manipulation and control. In this paper I demonstrate that the method to compute the effects of interventions the authors mentioned endorse leads to absurd results under the additional assumption of (...)
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  34.  22
    A mechanical concentric solar model in Khāzinī’s Mu‘tabar zīj.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (5):513-529.
    The paper brings into light and discusses a concentric solar model briefly described in Chapter 5 of Section III of ‘Abd al-Raḥmān al-Khāzinī’s On experimental astronomy, a treatise embedded in the prolegomenon of his comprehensive Mu‘tabar zīj, completed about 1121 c.e. In it, the Sun is assumed to rotate on the circumference of a circle concentric with the Earth and coplanar with the ecliptic, but the motion of the vector joining the Earth and Sun is monitored by a small eccentric (...)
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    Models of Intelligibility in Galileo’s Mechanical Science.David Marshall Miller - 2017 - In Marcus P. Adams, Zvi Biener, Uljana Feest & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan (eds.), Eppur Si Muove: Doing History and Philosophy of Science with Peter Machamer: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Peter Machamer. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 39-54.
    Based on an examination of Galileo’s mechanics, Peter Machamer and Andrea Woody proposed the scientific use of what they call models of intelligibility. As they define it, a model of intelligibility is a concrete phenomenon that guides scientific understanding of problematic cases. This paper extends Machamer and Woody’s analysis by elaborating the semantic function of MOIs. MOIs are physical embodiments of theoretical representations. Therefore, they eliminate the interpretive distance between theory and phenomena, creating classes of concrete referents for theoretical (...)
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    The relationship between semiotics and mechanical models of explanation in the life sciences.Thure von Uexküll - 1999 - Semiotica 127 (1-4):647-655.
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  37. Modelling mechanisms with causal cycles.Brendan Clarke, Bert Leuridan & Jon Williamson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (8):1-31.
    Mechanistic philosophy of science views a large part of scientific activity as engaged in modelling mechanisms. While science textbooks tend to offer qualitative models of mechanisms, there is increasing demand for models from which one can draw quantitative predictions and explanations. Casini et al. (Theoria 26(1):5–33, 2011) put forward the Recursive Bayesian Networks (RBN) formalism as well suited to this end. The RBN formalism is an extension of the standard Bayesian net formalism, an extension that allows for modelling (...)
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  38.  33
    Models, Mechanisms, and Explanation in Behavior Theory: The Case of Hull versus Spence.Laurence D. Smith - 1990 - Behavior and Philosophy 18 (1):1-18.
    The neobehaviorist Clark L. Hull and his disciple Kenneth Spence shared in common many views on the nature of science and the role of theories in psychology. However, a telling exchange in their correspondence of the early 1940s reveals a disagreement over the nature of intervening variables in behavior theory. Spence urged Hull to abandon his interpretations of intervening variables in terms of physiological models in favor of positivistic, purely mathematical interpretations that conflicted with Hull's mechanistic explanatory aims and (...)
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    Mechanisms and generative material models.Sim-Hui Tee - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6139-6157.
    Mechanisms consist of component parts and processes organized in a specific way to produce changes that may give rise to one or more phenomena. I aim to examine the generative mechanism of generative material models in the production of new material models. A generative material model in biology is a living material model that is capable of generating new material models. I contend that generative mechanisms of a generative material model are not to be conflated with biological (...)
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  40.  87
    A Toy Model for Quantum Mechanics.S. J. van Enk - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (10):1447-1460.
    The toy model used by Spekkens (Phys. Rev. A 75, 032110, 2007) to argue in favor of an epistemic view of quantum mechanics is extended by generalizing his definition of pure states (i.e. states of maximal knowledge) and by associating measurements with all pure states. The new toy model does not allow signaling but, in contrast to the Spekkens model, does violate Bell-CHSH inequalities. Negative probabilities are found to arise naturally within the model, and can be used to explain the (...)
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  41.  5
    The mechanical patient: finding a more human model of health.Sholom Glouberman - 2018 - Boca Raton: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Professional management in health care is very much dependent on the model of health that is assumed by healthcare providers. The current model derives from a chemical/mechanical view of the patient body. Simply put: we are healthy if all of our mechanical parts are working properly and if all of the chemicals in our body are in the right proportions and have the appropriate reactions. This view is based on philosophical accounts of the body that go back to (...)
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  42.  38
    Quantum mechanical atom models, legitimate explanations and mechanisms.Erik Weber, Merel Lefevere & Kristian Gonzalez Barman - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (3):407-429.
    The periodic table is one of the best-known systems of classification in science. Because of the information it contains, it raises explanation-seeking questions. Quantum mechanical models of the behaviour of electrons may be seen as providing explanations in response to these questions. In this paper we first address the question ‘Do quantum mechanical models of atoms provide legitimate explanations?’ Because our answer is positive, our next question is ‘Are the explanations provided by quantum mechanical (...) of atoms mechanistic explanations?’. This question is motivated by the fact that in many scientific disciplines, mechanistic explanations are abundant. Because our answer to the second question is negative, our last question is ‘What kind of explanation do quantum mechanical models of atom provide?’ By addressing these questions, we shed light on the nature of an important type of chemical explanation. (shrink)
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  43. Evolutionary models of cooperative mechanisms: Artificial morality and genetic programming.Peter Danielson - 1998 - In Modeling Rationality, Morality, and Evolution. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 7.
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  44. Between laws and models: Some philosophical morals of lagrangian mechanics.Jeremy Butterfield - unknown
    I extract some philosophical morals from some aspects of Lagrangian mechanics. One main moral concerns methodology: Lagrangian mechanics provides a level of description of phenomena which has been largely ignored by philosophers, since it falls between their accustomed levels---``laws of nature'' and ``models''. Another main moral concerns ontology: the ontology of Lagrangian mechanics is both more subtle and more problematic than philosophers often realize. The treatment of Lagrangian mechanics provides an introduction to the subject for philosophers, and is technically (...)
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    Models, theory structure and mechanisms in biochemistry: The case of allosterism.Karina Alleva, José Díez & Lucia Federico - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 63:1-14.
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  46. Computational Mechanisms and Models of Computation.Marcin Miłkowski - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18:215-228.
    In most accounts of realization of computational processes by physical mechanisms, it is presupposed that there is one-to-one correspondence between the causally active states of the physical process and the states of the computation. Yet such proposals either stipulate that only one model of computation is implemented, or they do not reflect upon the variety of models that could be implemented physically. In this paper, I claim that mechanistic accounts of computation should allow for a broad variation of (...) of computation. In particular, some non-standard models should not be excluded a priori. The relationship between mathematical models of computation and mechanistically adequate models is studied in more detail. (shrink)
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    Using Models to Predict Cultural Evolution From Emotional Selection Mechanisms.Kimmo Eriksson & Pontus Strimling - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (2):79-92.
    Cultural variants may spread by being more appealing, more memorable, or less offensive than other cultural variants. Empirical studies suggest that such “emotional selection” is a force to be reckoned with in cultural evolution. We present a research paradigm that is suitable for the study of emotional selection. It guides empirical research by directing attention to the circumstances under which emotions influence the likelihood that an individual will influence another individual to acquire a cultural variant. We present a modeling framework (...)
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  48. The Perception‐Action Model: Counting Computational Mechanisms.Thor Grünbaum - 2017 - Mind and Language 32 (4):416-445.
    Milner and Goodale's Two Visual Systems Hypothesis is regarded as common ground in recent discussions of visual consciousness. A central part of TVSH is a functional model of vision and action. In this paper, I provide a brief overview of these current discussions and argue that there is ambiguity between a strong and a weak version of PAM. I argue that, given a standard way of individuating computational mechanisms, the available evidence cannot be used to distinguish between these versions. This (...)
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  49.  27
    Models and mechanisms of consciousness: Report on ASSC-7 in memphis: May 30-June 2, 2003.Bill Faw - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (8):79-89.
    In the town where Elvis' occurrent consciousness status is periodically asserted, the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness held another great conference. The King of rockabilly did not show, but many stars of consciousness- and related-gigs did, such as Ned Block, Walter Freeman, Bernie Baars, Alva Noë, Dan Dennett, Christof Koch, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Peter Carruthers and Petra Stoerig. Even though this was my fifth ASSC conference I had never heard the famous Freeman nor the devilish Dennett before. There were (...)
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  50. Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds.Colin Allen - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (S1):75-97.
    In this paper, I describe grounds for dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the sciences of animal cognition and argue that a turn toward mathematical modeling of animal cognition is warranted. I consider some objections to this call and argue that the implications of such a turn are not as drastic for ordinary, commonsense understanding of animal minds as they might seem.
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