This paper describes model building and manipulation in the solution of problems in mechanics. An automatic problem solver, MECHO, solving problems in several areas of mechanics, employs (1) a knowledge base representing the semantic content of the particular problem area, (2) a means-ends search strategy similar to GPS to produce sets of simultaneous equations and (3) a “focusing” technique, based on the data within the knowledge base, to guide the GSP-like search through possible equation instantiations. Sets of predicate logic statements are employed to describe this model building activity. These clauses are used to give information content to the knowledge base and provide both basis and guidance for the goal driven search.It is hypothesized that humon subjects solving mechanics problems employ similar model building techniques. Protocols of several subjects are presented and comparisons are drawn with the traces of the automated problem solver. Adjustments are made to the program to provide a better fit of traces to protocols. Some implications are presented for using a rule based model for describing human problem solving performance in solving mechanics problems.