Results for 'human trafficking, defences, UK Modern Slavery Act 2015'

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  1. Law Society of England and Wales published a recent 'Practice Note' on criminal prosecutions of victims of trafficking.Sally Ramage - forthcoming - Criminal Law News (88).
    The Law Society recently published a practice note titled 'Prosecutions of victims of trafficking'. This practice note comes many years after many lawyers had highlighted the problem and after the government machinery had chuntered into action and passed the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 with explanatory notes and non-statutory guidelines for corporations. Since 2012 there had been issued warnings about the way defence lawyers, the Crown Prosecution Service and the UK police were dealing with trafficking and the (...)
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  2. Law Society's practice note on defence of victims of trafficking.Sally Ramage - forthcoming - Criminal Law News (88).
    The UK has been slack in fulfilling its international obligations regarding human trafficking. The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 has apparently nothing to say about the demand for women trafficked into prostitution, although it addresses the demand for other forms of trfficking though the supply chain provisins in the Act. The UK has disappointed many in condoning prostitution, as Lady Butler-Sloss describes as 'one of the longest standing industries'. However it is one of the longest-standing forms (...)
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  3.  65
    The Organizational Dynamics of Compliance With the UK Modern Slavery Act in the Food and Tobacco Sector.Alexandra Andhov, Nadia Bernaz & David Monciardini - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):288-340.
    Empirical studies indicate that business compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act is disappointing, but they struggle to make sense of this phenomenon. This article offers a novel framework to understand how business organizations construct the meaning of compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act. Our analysis builds on the endogeneity of law theory developed by Edelman. Empirically, our study is based on the analysis of the modern slavery statements of 10 FTSE 100 (Financial (...)
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  4.  82
    Modern Slavery and the Discursive Construction of a Propertied Freedom: Evidence from Australian Business.Edward Wray-Bliss & Grant Michelson - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (3):649-663.
    This paper examines the ethics of the Australian business community’s responses to the phenomenon of modern slavery. Engaging a critical discourse approach, we draw upon a data set of submissions by businesses and business representatives to the Australian government’s Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ‘Parliamentary Inquiry into Establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia’—which preceded the signing into law of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018—to examine the business community’s discursive construction (...)
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  5.  39
    Modern Slavery Disclosure Regulation and Global Supply Chains: Insights from Stakeholder Narratives on the UK Modern Slavery Act.Muhammad Azizul Islam & Chris J. Van Staden - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):455-479.
    The purpose of this article is to problematise a particular social transparency and disclosure regulation in the UK, that transcend national boundaries in order to control slavery in supply chains operating in the developing world. Drawing on notions from the regulatory and sociology literature, i.e. transparency and normativity, and by interviewing anti-slavery activists and experts, this study explores the limitations of the disclosure and transparency requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act and, more specifically, how anti- (...) activists experience and interpret the new regulations and the regulators’ implementation of the regulation. This research found limited confidence among anti-slavery activists regarding the Act’s call for transparency in relation to the elimination of slavery from global supply chains. The research also found that the limits of the transparency provisions within the Act appear to hinder the attainment of normativity. This study provides new and unique insights into the critical role that social activists play in exposing the lack of corporate transparency and failures of responsibility to protect workers within global supply chains. (shrink)
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  6.  80
    Vulnerable Bodies, Vulnerable Borders: Extraterritoriality and Human Trafficking.Sharron A. FitzGerald - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (3):227-244.
    In this article, I interrogate how the UK government constructs and manipulates the idiom of the vulnerable female, trafficked migrant. Specifically, I analyse how the government aligns aspects of its anti-trafficking plans with plans to enhance extraterritorial immigration and border control. In order to do this, I focus on the discursive strategies that revolve around the UK’s anti-trafficking initiatives. I argue that discourses of human trafficking as prostitution, modern-day slavery and organised crime do important work. Primarily, they (...)
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  7.  59
    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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  8.  74
    Hyper-Abjects: Finitude, “Sustainability,” and the Maternal Body in the Anthropocene.Bethany Doane - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (2):251-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hyper-Abjects:Finitude, “Sustainability,” and the Maternal Body in the AnthropoceneBethany DoaneThe concept of the Anthropocene prioritizes a new paradigmatic scale that seems to outweigh that of “the political”: imagining deep time or the death of the human species as a result of climate change tends to negate the (relatively speaking) smaller-scale concerns of race, class, gender, or capitalism. While feminist critique is often circumscribed by this political scale, and (...)
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    Human Trafficking in Russia and Other Post-Soviet States.Yuliya V. Tverdova - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (3):329-344.
    Since the collapse of the Soviet regime, post-communist states have rapidly learned the modern face of slavery. Slavic women have been trafficked to the sex markets of Western Europe, Asia, and North America. The surge in human trafficking is the result of numerous factors, including the dramatic fall of the economic system and complete deterioration of the social safety net. This paper explores the causes and conditions of the growth of the trade in persons in the region, (...)
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  10.  14
    Institutional Logics in the UK Construction Industry’s Response to Modern Slavery Risk: Complementarity and Conflict.Christopher Pesterfield & Michael Rogerson - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (1):59-75.
    There is a growing understanding that modern slavery is a phenomenon ‘hidden in plain sight’ in the home countries of multinational firms. Yet, business scholarship on modern slavery has so far focussed on product supply chains. To address this, we direct attention to the various institutional pressures on the UK construction industry, and managers of firms within it, around modern slavery risk for on-site labour. Based on a unique data set of 30 in-depth interviews (...)
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  11.  25
    Crowdsourcing Compliance: The Use of WikiRate to Promote Corporate Supply Chain Transparency.Galit A. Sarfaty - 2023 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 17 (1):45-65.
    This article analyzes the use of crowdsourcing to promote corporate sustainability by assessing compliance with supply chain disclosure laws. It draws on a case study of as a novel example of crowdsourcing compliance with respect to the UK Modern Slavery Act and U.S. conflict minerals legislation (section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act). WikiRate is an open research platform whose mission is to crowdsource better companies by motivating corporations to be transparent about their environmental, social, and (...)
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  12.  33
    Change in Rhetoric but not in Action? Framing of the Ethical Issue of Modern Slavery in a UK Sector at High Risk of Labor Exploitation.Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O., Stefan Gold & Alexander Trautrims - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):35-58.
    This article shows how the ethical framing of the contemporary issue of modern slavery has evolved in UK construction, a sector in which there is a high risk of labor exploitation. It also examines how these framing dynamics have inhibited the emergence of a common framework of action to deal with the issue. We draw on both framing theory and the literature on the discursive construction of moral legitimacy. Our longitudinal analysis reveals that actors seeking to shape the (...)
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  13.  41
    Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference: Race in Early Modern Philosophy.Justin E. H. Smith - 2015 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    People have always been xenophobic, but an explicit philosophical and scientific view of human racial difference only began to emerge during the modern period. Why and how did this happen? Surveying a range of philosophical and natural-scientific texts, dating from the Spanish Renaissance to the German Enlightenment, Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference charts the evolution of the modern concept of race and shows that natural philosophy, particularly efforts to taxonomize and to order nature, played (...)
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  14.  28
    Beyond Consumptive Solidarity: An Aesthetic Response to Human Trafficking.Nichole Flores - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (2):360-377.
    A disturbing economic reality confronts consumers today: thousands of farm workers are enslaved in U.S. agricultural fields, forced to work without pay amid deplorable conditions and under the constant threat of violence. If structural economic injustices perpetuate modern‐day agricultural slavery, then it is necessary to promote consumer practices that resist these abusive dynamics. But a consumption‐oriented strategy does not necessarily restore either personal agency or communal relations damaged by agricultural trafficking. This essay proposes a framework for aesthetic solidarity (...)
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  15.  47
    Kara, Siddharth. Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery: New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2009. [REVIEW]Noam Perry - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (3):401-403.
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  16.  70
    Is Trafficking Slavery? Anti-Slavery International in the Twenty-first Century.Wendy H. Wong - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (3):315-328.
    Why was Anti-Slavery International (ASI) so effective at changing norms slavery and even mobilizing the support that ended the transatlantic slave trade at the end of the nineteenth century, and why has that success not continued on into subsequent eras? This article claims that ASI's organizational structure is the key to understanding why its accomplishments in earlier eras have yet to be replicated, and why today it struggles to make modern forms of slavery, such as (...) trafficking, salient political issues. Organizational structure is defined by how an NGO distributes power over agenda-setting (proposal and enforcement power) and its implementation. Those NGOs that centralize agenda-setting and decentralize the implementation of that agenda will be most effective at changing international norms. This paper demonstrates the tractability of that claim with a comparative analysis of ASI past and present to show that changes in organizational structure have led to differences in their effect on international norms, in spite of the fact that slavery in its modern forms persists as a political and social problem. (shrink)
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  17.  87
    Beyond (Non)-Instrumentalization: Migration and Dignity within a Kantian Framework.Corinna Mieth & Garrath Williams - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (2):209-224.
    This article offers a Kantian account of dignity violations in the context of contemporary migration to western states. It considers three major issues: “modern slavery,” statutory detention, and lack of rights to engage in economic activity. While most Kantian accounts emphasize the dignity violations of treating people as “mere means,” we point out that this does not capture the central issue: the “hostile environment” that so many migrants face. The first part of the article briefly sets out a (...)
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  18.  59
    Esse servitutis omnis impatientem/Man is impatient of all servitude: Human Dignity as a Path to Modernity in Ficino and Pico della Mirandola?Andreas Niederberger - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):513-526.
    The notion of human dignity stands at the core of contemporary debates on rights, politics, and ethics. Many scholars consider the Renaissance discourse on dignity as one of its main contributions to the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. This article examines the role of human dignity in the philosophies of Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. In their works human dignity relates both to freedom and to a Neo-Platonic ontology, which raises the question of (...)
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  19.  14
    Against the worldwide trafficking in human beings as modern - day form of slavery. Looking from Traditional Islamic Perspective.Nevad Katheran - 2002 - Disputatio Philosophica 4 (1):171-173.
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  20.  72
    Modern Day Slavery in the United Arab Emirates.Barbara Degorge - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (6):657-666.
    In the past few years, there has been growing public awareness of the existence of slavery. This may be attributed in part to the media coverage of the civil war raging in the Sudan which, among other things, has revealed a bustling market in human trafficking. However, little or no attention has been directed to several other regions in the world, including, for example, the Arabian Gulf States, where rapid modernization tends to hide a gruesome reality of (...) day slavery. This paper examines three forms of slavery in the United Arab Emirates, used here as a case study—the exploitation of children as camel jockeys; the sexual enslavement of women; and the migrant workers who enslave themselves. By relating the data on present-day slavery to both the history of this ancient institution and to our current definitions of slavery, the author concludes that what is needed is a deeper awareness of the scope, nature, and forms of modern day slavery and a global effort to abolish it. (shrink)
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  21.  40
    Our Post-modern Vanity: the Cult of Efficiency and the Regress to the Boundary of the Animal World.Robert Hassan - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (2):241-259.
    This essay argues that through a new and radical relationship with digital technologies that are oriented towards networking and automaticity, humans have become estranged from what philosopher Arnold Gehlen termed the ‘circle of action’ that expressed our ancient adaptation to tool use and constituted the basis for our capacity for reflective consciousness. The objectification of the material and analogue relationship that enabled humans to ‘act’ upon the world and to construct the basis for our collective endeavours, this paper shows, is (...)
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  22.  9
    (1 other version)A Defence of Conscientious Objection in Medicine: A Reply to Schuklenk and Savulescu.Christopher Cowley - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (5):358-364.
    ABSTRACT In a recent (2015) Bioethics editorial, Udo Schuklenk argues against allowing Canadian doctors to conscientiously object to any new euthanasia procedures approved by Parliament. In this he follows Julian Savulescu's 2006 BMJ paper which argued for the removal of the conscientious objection clause in the 1967 UK Abortion Act. Both authors advance powerful arguments based on the need for uniformity of service and on analogies with reprehensible kinds of personal exemption. In this article I want to defend the (...)
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  23.  72
    Catharine Trotter Cockburn's Defence of Locke.Jessica Gordon-Roth - 2015 - The Monist 98 (1):64-76.
    Catharine Trotter Cockburn is best known for her Defence of Mr. Locke’s Essay of Human Understanding (1702). However very little has been said about Trotter’s treatment of Locke’s metaphysical commitments therein. In this paper I give a brief description of the history of Trotter’s Defence. Thereafter I focus on two (of the many) objections to which Trotter responds on Locke’s behalf: 1) the objection that Locke has not proved the soul immortal, and 2) the objection that Locke’s view leads (...)
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  24.  4
    Soul, self, and society: the new morality and the modern state.Edward L. Rubin - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Political and social commentators regularly bemoan the decline of morality in the modern world. They claim that the norms and values that held society together in the past are rapidly eroding, to be replaced by permissiveness and empty hedonism. But as Edward Rubin demonstrates in this powerful account of moral transformations, these prophets of doom are missing the point. Morality is not diminishing; instead, a new morality, centered on an ethos of human self-fulfillment, is arising to replace the (...)
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  25.  61
    Balanced Wonder: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Role of Wonder in Human Flourishing.Jan Pedersen - 2015 - Dissertation, Durham University
    The phenomenon of wonder has fascinated scholars for centuries, yet today the subject is understudied and not rooted in any specific academic discipline. Attempts at building a preliminary account of wonder reveals that the experience of wonder is characterised by seven properties: wonder is sudden, extraordinary and personal; intensifies the cognitive focus; intensifies the use of imagination; instigates awareness of ignorance; causes temporary displacement; makes the world newly present; and brings emotional upheaval. Furthermore, wonder can be distinguished from other similar (...)
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  26.  38
    Ottobah Cugoano on chattel slavery and the moral limitations of ius gentium.Aminah Hasan-Birdwell - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):473-495.
    This article considers Ottobah Cugoano’s philosophical response to the moral and legal contradictions of the practice of human trafficking in his Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species (1787). It analyses Cugoano’s critique of the origins of slavery in general and the practices of ancient slavery, from which seventeenth-century proslavery advocates drew political, theological, and moral justifications of the African slave trade. According to Cugoano’s (...)
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  27. Is the debate on ‘global justice’ a global one? Some considerations in view of modern philosophy in Africa.Anke Graness - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (1):126-140.
    At present, the debate on global justice, a debate which is at the core of global ethics, is largely being conducted by European and American scholars from different disciplines without taking into account views and concepts from other regions of the world, particularly, from the Global South. The lack of a truly intercultural, interreligious, and international exchange of ideas provokes doubts whether the concepts of global justice introduced so far are able to transcend regional and cultural horizons. The article introduces (...)
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  28. Constitutional Review Under the Uk Human Rights Act.Aileen Kavanagh - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Under the Human Rights Act, British courts are for the first time empowered to review primary legislation for compliance with a codified set of fundamental rights. In this book, Aileen Kavanagh argues that the HRA gives judges strong powers of constitutional review, similar to those exercised by the courts under an entrenched Bill of Rights. The aim of the book is to subject the leading case-law under the HRA to critical scrutiny, whilst remaining sensitive to the deeper constitutional, political (...)
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  29.  15
    Memory: A History.Dmitriĭ Vladimirovich Nikulin (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    In recent decades, memory has become one of the major concepts and a dominant topic in philosophy, sociology, politics, history, science, cultural studies, literary theory, and the discussions of trauma and the Holocaust. In contemporary debates, the concept of memory is often used rather broadly and thus not always unambiguously. For this reason, the clarification of the range of the historical meaning of the concept of memory is a very important and urgent task. This volume shows how the concept of (...)
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  30.  44
    The Recurrence of the Evolutionary Epic.Ian Hesketh - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 9 (2):196-219.
    _ Source: _Volume 9, Issue 2, pp 196 - 219 In his 1978 On Human Nature, Edward Wilson defined the evolutionary epic as the scientific story of all life, a linear narrative beginning with the big bang and ending with the story of human history. Since that time several popular science writers have attempted to write that story of life producing such titles as The Universe Story and The Epic of Evolution. Historians have also gotten into the act (...)
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    Refining the ethics of computer-made decisions: a classification of moral mediation by ubiquitous machines.Marlies Van de Voort, Wolter Pieters & Luca Consoli - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (1):41-56.
    In the past decades, computers have become more and more involved in society by the rise of ubiquitous systems, increasing the number of interactions between humans and IT systems. At the same time, the technology itself is getting more complex, enabling devices to act in a way that previously only humans could, based on developments in the fields of both robotics and artificial intelligence. This results in a situation in which many autonomous, intelligent and context-aware systems are involved in decisions (...)
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    Cognitive fluidity and climate change: a critical social-theoretical approach to the current challenge.Piet Strydom - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (3):236-256.
    This article seeks to enrich the social-theoretical and sociological approach to climate change by arguing in favour of a weak naturalistic ontology beyond the usually presupposed methodological sociologism or culturalism. Accordingly, attention is drawn to the elementary social forms that mediate between nature and the sociocultural form of life and thus figure as the central object of a critical sociological explanation of impediments retarding or preventing a transition to a sustainable global society. The argument is illustrated by a comparison of (...)
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  33.  11
    Bioethical and Criminal Law Responses to the Specificity of the Criminal Offense of Trafficking in Parts of Human Body.Ana Jeličić & Nevena Aljinović - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (1):7-33.
    Trafficking in human body parts is one of the most severe form of crime in modern times. The topicality of this phenomenon reinforces the fact that it is intertwined with organised crime and human despair. The resulting repercussions are dangerous for the “donor”, prosperous for the “intermediaries”, and vital for the “recipient”. The paper analyses the phenomenon of trafficking in human body parts, which is directly related to the development of transplant medicine and surgery. Human (...)
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    Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel by Silvia Montiglio (review).Tim Whitmarsh - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (1):166-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel by Silvia MontiglioTim WhitmarshSilvia Montiglio. Love and Providence: Recognition in the Ancient Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ix + 255 pp. Cloth, $74.Terence Cave’s Recognitions: A Study in Poetics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988) opened up the subject of recognition scenes to a new readership, with sparkling discussions not just of the medieval and renaissance literature of his own (...)
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    Interpretation Of “Equality Of Arms” In Jurisprudence Of AD Hoc Tribunals And ICC.Gordana Bužarovska - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):28-39.
    Principle of equality of arms is part of fair trial concept, which encompasses several guarantees linked to the defence opportunities during the criminal procedure. The accused person is entitled to a fair trial. Balance of rights between the parties is bedrock for procedural fairness and the judge has to perform his competence in providing all necessary preconditions as for the trial to be fair. There are differences between interpretation and implementation of equality of arms in the jurisprudence of European court (...)
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    Relevance Of Magna Carta To Rights Of Victims Of Abuse Of Power.Besa Arifi - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):48-58.
    Magna Carta Libertatum is one of the few documents that continuously imply thorough discussions about fundamental principles of the law. In 2011, Lord McNelly, Justice Minister of UK at the time, has emphasized the core and everlasting principles that derived from this document: ᠅ that the power of the state is not absolute ᠅ that whoever governs the state must obey the law ᠅ and that whoever governs the state must take account of the views of those who are governed. (...)
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    Introduction to new realism.Maurizio Ferraris - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction to New Realism provides an overview of the movement of contemporary thought named New Realism, by its creator and most celebrated practitioner, Maurizio Ferraris. Sharing significant concerns and features with Speculative Realism and Object Oriented Ontology, New Realism can be said to be one of the most prescient philosophical positions today. Its desire to overcome the postmodern antirealism of Kantian origin, and to reassert the importance of truth and objectivity in the name of a new Enlightenment, has had an (...)
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    Emancipation as a Three‐Dimensional Process for the Twenty‐First Century.Diana Coole - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (3):530-546.
    This article elicits two overlapping frameworks in which emancipation has been understood and applied to women. The first distinguishes between a) an original definition grounded in Roman Law and defined as release from slavery and b) an Enlightenment sense in which an emancipatory process is associated with a critical ethos. I derive this latter meaning from an analysis of Kant's and Foucault's respective essays on enlightenment. Although they agree that emancipation is an ongoing critical task, I emphasize two aspects (...)
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    The mining-induced displacement and resettlement: The church as a leaven and ecclesiology in context’s response.K. Thomas Resane - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Natural resources, especially minerals from the earth, are to be protected by humanity. The church, which acts as leaven in the world is called to rise and address the unfriendly mining activities called mining-induced displacement and resettlement. The general theory of interpretation of creation account calls for human stewardship in the world. Humans must view themselves as partners with God in preserving and sustaining the cosmos. The communities had suffered negative socio-economic imbalances. The ekklesia in this cosmic chaos is (...)
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    Pirates, prisoners, and lepers: lessons from life outside the law.Paul H. Robinson - 2015 - [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Potomac Books, an imprint of the University of Nebraska Press. Edited by Sarah M. Robinson.
    It has long been held that humans need government to impose social order on a chaotic, dangerous world. How, then, did early humans survive on the Serengeti Plain, surrounded by faster, stronger, and bigger predators in a harsh and forbidding environment? Pirates, Prisoners, and Lepers examines an array of natural experiments and accidents of human history to explore the fundamental nature of how human beings act when beyond the scope of the law. Pirates of the 1700s, the leper (...)
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    Doctor can I buy a new kidney? I've heard it isn't forbidden: what is the role of the nephrologist when dealing with a patient who wants to buy a kidney?Giorgina Barbara Piccoli, Laura Sacchetti, Laura Verzè & Franco Cavallo - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10 (1):1-10.
    Organ trafficking is officially banned in several countries and by the main Nephrology Societies. However, this practice is widespread and is allowed or tolerated in many countries, hence, in the absence of a universal law, the caregiver may be asked for advice, placing him/her in a difficult balance between legal aspects, moral principles and ethical judgments.In spite of the Istanbul declaration, which is a widely shared position statement against organ trafficking, the controversy on mercenary organ donation is still open and (...)
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  42.  47
    Mandated Social Disclosure: An Analysis of the Response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.Rachel N. Birkey, Ronald P. Guidry, Mohammad Azizul Islam & Dennis M. Patten - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):827-841.
    In this study, we examine investor and firm response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. The CTSCA requires large retail and manufacturing firms to disclose efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains and is a rare example of mandated corporate social responsibility disclosure. Based on a sample of 105 retail companies subject to the CTSCA, we find a significant negative market reaction to the passing of the CTSCA. Furthermore, we find (...)
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    Biblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life by Albino Barrera.Raymond Kemp Anderson - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):205-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Biblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life by Albino BarreraRaymond Kemp AndersonBiblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life By Albino Barrera LANHAM, MD: LEXINGTON BOOKS, 2013. 353 PP. $89.65; KINDLE, $54.49You will not find much direct application of biblical theology to pressing economic issues in this book. Albino Barrera, a Dominican monk who teaches economics and theology at Providence College, gave us that in (...)
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    Maritain’s Theory of Natural Law.Denis A. Scrandis - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (4):649-655.
    As moral standards, natural law and the notion of properly functioning human nature have persisted in Western cultures from the dawn of civilization. Medieval Christians developed it in their theologies. However, Enlightenment criticism of medieval thought undermined the credibility of natural law and its authority for modern man. Jacques Maritain developed a rational foundation for natural law and sought to provide objectivity to natural law precepts. His theory also reestablishes the divine authority of natural law for a world (...)
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  45.  40
    Money for Blood and Markets for Blood.Simon Derpmann & Michael Quante - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (4):331-345.
    Ontario’s Bill 178 proposing a Voluntary Blood Donations Act declares the offer or acceptance of payment for the donation of blood a legal offence and makes it subject to penalty. The bill reinvigorates a fundamental debate about the ethical problems associated with the payment of money for blood. Scarcity of blood donors is a recurring problem in most health systems, and monetary remuneration of the willingness to donate blood is regularly discussed—and sometimes practiced—as a means to overcome scarcity in blood. (...)
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  46. The meaning of life. Can Hans Jonas’ "philosophical biology" effectively act against reductionism in the contemporary life sciences?Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2015 - Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe 1 (9):13-24.
    Hans Jonas’ “philosophical biology,” although developed several decades ago, is still fundamental to the contemporary reflection upon the meaning of life in a systems thinking perspective. Jonas, in fact, closely examines the reasons of modern science, and especially of Wiener’s Cybernetics and Bertalanffy’s General System Theory, and at the same time points out their basic limits, such as their having a reductionistic attitude to knowledge and ontology. In particular, the philosopher highlights the problematic consequences of scientific reductionism for (...) nature. As the final result of an overall process of naturalization, the essence of the human being is reduced to its quantitative features only, while the “meaning” of life as such becomes no different from the “fact” of its material consistency. However, the problem is that by such a process, the human being is deprived of his specificity. (shrink)
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    Plato's Conception of Punitive Justice.Marek Piechowiak - 2015 - In Antonio Incampo & Wojciech Żełaniec (eds.), Universality of Punishment. Cacucci. pp. 73-96.
    The analysis demonstrates that for Plato the principal aim of punishment is not the defence of values acknowledged by the legal system nor the well being of the state, but the good of the individual – his personal development, which is, first of all, moral development. This development consists of the attainment of the greatest – situated on the level of existence – excellence of the subject, which is the virtue of justice, an inner unity based on inner regularity, order, (...)
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    Interrogations And The Right To Remain Silent - A Comparative Approach.Arta Bilalli - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):69-78.
    Interrogations are a very specific component of any criminal investigation. The answers gained through interrogative process provides information that are considered as direct evidences. In contemporary criminal procedure, the court is not absolved from gaining other evidences, even in cases when the defendant confesses his/her guiltiness. This is a mechanism for excluding the inquisitorial approach for extracting compulsory confessions. The modern procedure uses a variety of mechanisms to guarantee that the defendant will not be compelled to confess guilt. Those (...)
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    The MCA Under Scrutiny: Meeting the Challenges of CRPD Compliance.Wayne Martin - unknown
    In the Spring and Summer of 2014, a group of experts convened a series of meetings at the Westminster headquarters of the UK Ministry of Justice in order to determine whether the Mental Capacity Act 2005 complies with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The meetings were organised by the research team of the Essex Autonomy Project, a research and public policy initiative funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and based at the University (...)
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    The Impacts of Jean Paul Sartre on Simone De Beauvoir.Ceylan Coşkuner - 2015 - GSTF Journal of General Philosophy 1 (2):1-6.
    It has been commonly argued that there are traces of Jean Paul Sartre on the philosophical system of his partner, Simone de Beauvoir. Some claim that Beauvoir was not original enough when constructing her system and developing her thoughts; according to some others, she even was not a philosopher. From the perspective of Beauvoir, she didn’t even consider herself as a philosopher but as an author. For her, to call somebody a philosopher, they should be like Spinoza, Hegel, or Sartre (...)
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