Results for 'global model'

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  1.  22
    The Global Model of Constitutional Rights.Kai Möller - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    The rapid spread of judicially-enforced constitutional rights has been one of the most dramatic developments in modern law. This book argues that there is now a global model for how such rights should function, and develops an original, philosophically grounded, account of their nature and scope.
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    Stability and Change under the Global Model of Constitutional Rights: A Reply to Vanessa MacDonnell.Kai Möller - 2018 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 12 (1):103-110.
    The essay responds to a challenge posed by Vanessa MacDonnell and examines the question of stability and change under the global model of constitutional rights. Constitutionalism offers the promise of both stability and justice, but it may seem that there will often be a tension between these values. While some have accused the global model, and in particular proportionality, of overemphasizing justice at the cost of stability, MacDonnell claims that it underemphasizes the necessity of social change. (...)
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    Global Model Analysis of Cognitive Variability.David L. Gilden - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (8):1441-1467.
    Residual fluctuations produced in typical experimental methodologies are examined as correlated noises. The effective range of the correlations was assessed by determining whether the decay over look‐back time is better described as a power law or exponential. Both of these decay laws contain free parameters and it is argued that it is not possible to distinguish their models on the basis of simple measures of goodness‐of‐fit. Global analyses that evaluate models on the basis of how well they generalize are (...)
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    Global model analysis by parameter space partitioning.Mark A. Pitt, Woojae Kim, Daniel J. Navarro & Jay I. Myung - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (1):57-83.
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    Impact of Global Modelling on Modern Methodology of Science.J. M. Gvishiani - 1989 - In Jens Erik Fenstad, Ivan Timofeevich Frolov & Risto Hilpinen, Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VIII: proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Moscow, 1987. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science.
  6.  33
    The Reductionism of Global Models of Constitutional Rights.Vanessa MacDonnell - 2018 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 12 (1):73-101.
    In this Article I argue that the reductionism of global models of constitutional rights is problematic. Despite how they are labelled, these theories are typically modelled on the domestic constitutional law of an exclusive group of Western countries. The criteria for selecting these countries are not usually clearly or satisfactorily articulated. They then go on to present a simplistic version of the domestic constitutional law of the countries they are describing. The combined effect of these analytic moves raises questions (...)
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    A global model of communication.Alexandros Ph Lagopoulos - 2000 - Semiotica 131 (1-2):45-78.
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    Global Population Equilibrium: A Model for the Twenty‐First Century.Michael Cavanaugh - 1997 - Zygon 32 (2):163-174.
    In his prophetic book Amythia, Loyal Rue calls for the construction of bold new myths. Responding to his call in light of scientific arguments for global population equilibrium, this article proposes a model that may function as a surrogate form of myth, one that can motivate our age and future ages. Fortunately, the model is not only powerful but achievable, because policy makers have finally begun to realize how thoroughly the human population impacts on other world dynamics. (...)
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    The Global Food Industry and “Creative Capitalism”: The Partners in Food Solutions Sustainable Business Model.Thomas A. Hemphill - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (4):489-511.
    Rising global food prices have driven 44 million additional people into extreme poverty—and malnutrition—in developing countries since June 2010. Partners in Food Solutions , a nonprofit social enterprise affiliated with General Mills, is proposed as the conduit for food industry managers, engineers, and scientists to initially advise small‐ and medium‐sized African mills and food processors—and later other developing countries—on improving supply chain management by addressing manufacturing problems, developing products, improving packaging, extending product shelf, and finding new product markets. In (...)
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  10. Modern law as a secularized and global model : Implications for the sociology of law.Elizabeth Heger Boyle & John W. Meyer - 2002 - In Yves Dezalay & Bryant G. Garth, Global prescriptions: the production, exportation, and importation of a new legal orthodoxy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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    Toward Modelling a Global Social Contract: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke.Takashi Inoguchi & L. E. Lien Thi Quynh - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (3):489-522.
    The paper attempts to construct a global model of a social contract using well-known metaphors of two great philosophers: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke. By modelling a global social contract, I mean the formulation of a social contract using two sets of data: one is global citizens' preferences about values and norms while the other is sovereign states' participation in multilateral treaties. Both Rousseau and Locke formulate their versions of social contract theories in the national context (...)
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    A Model for Partnering with Not-for-Profits to Develop Socially Responsible Businesses in a Global Environment.Kathleen Wilburn - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S1):111-120.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly important in the global environment. Businesses that want to be socially responsible, but do not have the resources of multinational corporations, can partner with non-governmental (NGO), not-for-profit (NFP), and religious organizations to access information about the culture, customs, and needs of the people in areas where they wish to do business. Without such information, CSR projects can have unintended consequences that are not beneficial for the community. Suggesting that local farmers sell corn to (...)
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  13.  17
    A global health model integrating psychological variables involved in cancer through a longitudinal study.Patricia Macía, Susana Gorbeña, Mercedes Barranco, Nerea Iglesias & Ioseba Iraurgi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThe literature has shown the relevance of certain psychological variables in adjustment to cancer. However, there is a great variability, and these features could be modified through the disease process. The aim of this study is to provide an integrated and global perspective of the importance of variables such as coping, resilience, emotional control, social support, affect, and others in cancer patients through a longitudinal study, with the objective of exploring their associations and underlying interactions.MethodsThe sample was composed of (...)
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    Model Theory and Proof Theory of the Global Reflection Principle.Mateusz Zbigniew Łełyk - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (2):738-779.
    The current paper studies the formal properties of the Global Reflection Principle, to wit the assertion “All theorems of$\mathrm {Th}$are true,” where$\mathrm {Th}$is a theory in the language of arithmetic and the truth predicate satisfies the usual Tarskian inductive conditions for formulae in the language of arithmetic. We fix the gap in Kotlarski’s proof from [15], showing that the Global Reflection Principle for Peano Arithmetic is provable in the theory of compositional truth with bounded induction only ($\mathrm {CT}_0$). (...)
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  15. Is Global Workspace a Cartesian Theater? How the Neuro-Astroglial Interaction Model Solves Conceptual Issues.Samuel Bellini-Leite & Alfredo Pereira - 2013 - Journal of Cognitive Science 14 (4):335-360.
    The Global Workspace Theory (GWT) proposed by Bernard Baars (1988) along with Daniel Dennett’s (1991) Multiple Drafts Model (MDM) of consciousness are renowned cognitive theories of consciousness bearing similarities and differences. Although Dennett displays sympathy for GWT, his own MDM does not seem to be fully compatible with it. This work discusses this compatibility, by asking if GWT suffers from Daniel Dennett’s criticism of what he calls a “Cartesian Theater”. We identified in Dennett 10 requirements for avoiding the (...)
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  16. Modelling global to local cortical interaction for scene analysis and perspective retrieval.N. Guyader, C. Massot & J. Hérault - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 71-71.
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    Three Models of Global Community.Omar Dahbour - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):201-224.
    Debates about global justice tend to assume normative models of global community without justifying them explicitly. These models are divided between those that advocate a borderless world and those that emphasize the self-sufficiency of smaller political communities. In the first case, there are conceptions of a community of trade and a community of law. In the second case, there are ideas of a community of nation-states and of a community of autonomous communities. The nation-state model, however, is (...)
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  18.  47
    History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics.Leonid Grinin, Peter Herrmann, Andrey Korotayev & Arno Tausch (eds.) - 2010
    A more and more important role is played by new directions in historical research that study long-term dynamic processes and quantitative changes. This kind of history can hardly develop without the application of mathematical methods. The history is studied more and more as a system of various processes, within which one can detect waves and cycles of different lengths – from a few years to several centuries, or even millennia. This issue is the third collective monograph in the series of (...)
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  19. A global workspace model for phenomenal and access consciousness.Antonino Raffone & Martina Pantani - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):580-596.
    Both the global workspace theory and Block’s distinction between phenomenal and access consciousness, are central in the current debates about consciousness and the neural correlates of consciousness. In this article, a unifying global workspace model for phenomenal and access consciousness is proposed. In the model, recurrent neural interactions take place in distinct yet interacting access and phenomenal brain loops. The effectiveness of feedback signaling onto sensory cortical maps is emphasized for the neural correlates of phenomenal consciousness. (...)
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  20.  11
    Testing global memory models using ROC curves.Roger Ratcliff, Ching-fan Sheu & Scott D. Gronlund - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):518-535.
  21.  33
    A Model of the Global and Institutional Antecedents of High-Level Corporate Environmental Performance.Mark P. Sharfman, Teresa M. Shaft & Laszlo Tihanyi - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (1):6-36.
    Stories of firms that exceed local compliance requirements in their environmental performance appear routinely. However, we have limited theoretical explanations of what propels these firms to exceed compliance. Our theory suggests that global competitive and institutional pressures lead multinational firms to develop highlevel, environmental management systems (EMS) that make them more competitive. For economic and other reasons, select firms make the choice to rationalize their collective environmental performance to the highest common denominator rather than the lowest. Regulations around the (...)
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  22.  29
    Global Dynamics and Bifurcations Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Discrete-Time Lotka-Volterra Model.A. Q. Khan & M. N. Qureshi - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-18.
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    Transient Global Amnesia: An Electrophysiological Disorder Based on Cortical Spreading Depression—Transient Global Amnesia Model.Xuejiao Ding & Dantao Peng - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Transient global amnesia is a benign memory disorder with etiologies that have been debated for a long time. The prevalence of stressful events before a TGA attack makes it hard to overlook these precipitating factors, given that stress has the potential to organically effect the brain. Cortical spreading depression was proposed as a possible cause decades ago. Being a regional phenomenon, CSD seems to affect every aspect of the micro-mechanism in maintaining the homeostasis of the central nervous system. Corresponding (...)
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    Exploring Models for an International Legal Agreement on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Lessons from Climate Agreements.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Isaac Weldon, Mark Harrison, Angela McLean, Julian Savulescu & Steven J. Hoffman - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):25-46.
    An international legal agreement governing the global antimicrobial commons would represent the strongest commitment mechanism for achieving collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Since AMR has important similarities to climate change—both are common pool resource challenges that require massive, long-term political commitments—the first article in this special issue draws lessons from various climate agreements that could be applicable for developing a grand bargain on AMR. We consider the similarities and differences between the Paris Climate Agreement and current governance structures (...)
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  25.  25
    Temporal Global Correlations in Time-Symmetric Collapse Models.Pascal Rodríguez-Warnier - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-15.
    It has been recently argued that by Leifer and Pusey, and Price, that time-symmetric quantum mechanics must entail retrocausality. Adlam responds that such theories might also entail ‘spooky action at a distance’. This paper proposes a third alternative: time-symmetric quantum mechanics might entail temporal global correlations. Unlike the traditional analysis of time symmetries in quantum mechanics, which consider linear and unitary interpretations, this paper considers the time-symmetric collapse models advanced by Bedingham and Maroney. These models are specially interesting since (...)
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  26.  87
    Two models in global health ethics.Christopher Lowry & Udo Schüklenk - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (3):276-284.
    This paper examines two strategies aimed at demonstrating that moral obligations to improve global health exist. The ‘humanitarian model’ stresses that all human beings, regardless of affluence or global location, are fundamentally the same in terms of moral status. This model argues that affluent global citizens’ moral obligations to assist less fortunate ones follow from the desirability of reducing disease and suffering in the world. The ‘political model’ stresses that the lives of the world's (...)
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  27.  37
    Using a global competence model in an instructional design course before social studies methods: A developmental approach to global teacher education.Elizabeth O. Crawford, Heidi J. Higgins & Jeremy Hilburn - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (4):367-381.
    This case study describes the design, learning experiences, and student outcomes in one Instructional Design course with an explicit focus on globally competent teaching. We make the argument that forefronting global competence in an Instructional Design course, prior to social studies methods, is a necessary precursor to accelerate students’ progress on a pathway towards teaching for global competence. In support of this argument, we (a) describe the ways in which an Instructional Design course in one university forefronted (...) competence; (b) explain the short- and long-term outcomes of this design; and (c) highlight four students to illustrate how the Instructional Design course helped to move students along a pathway towards global competence. We nest our approach within a globally competent teaching framework. (shrink)
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    Internal Consistency and Global Co-stationarity of the Ground Model.Natasha Dobrinen & Sy-David Friedman - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):512 - 521.
    Global co-stationarity of the ground model from an N₂-c.c, forcing which adds a new subset of N₁ is internally consistent relative to an ω₁-Erdös hyperstrong cardinal and a sufficiently large measurable above.
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  29. An immigration-pressure model of global distributive justice.Eric Cavallero - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (1):97-127.
    International borders concentrate opportunities in some societies while limiting them in others. Borders also prevent those in the less favored societies from gaining access to opportunities available in the more favored ones. Both distributive effects of borders are treated here within a comprehensive framework. I argue that each state should have broad discretion under international law to grant or deny entry to immigration seekers; but more favored countries that find themselves under immigration pressure should be legally obligated to fund development (...)
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    A Mathematical Model of Juglar Cycles and the Current Global Crisis.Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev & Sergey Malkov - 2010 - In Leonid Grinin, Peter Herrmann, Andrey Korotayev & Arno Tausch, History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics.
    The article presents a verbal and mathematical model of medium-term business cycles (with a characteristic period of 7–11 years) known as Juglar cycles. The model takes into account a number of approaches to the analysis of such cycles; in the meantime it also takes into account some of the authors' own generalizations and additions that are important for understanding the internal logic of the cycle, its variability and its peculiarities in the present-time conditions. The authors argue that the (...)
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  31.  19
    The Global Innovation Model for Antibiotics Needs Reinvention.Manica Balasegaram, Charles Clift & John-Arne Røttingen - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (s3):22-26.
    The dangers presented by antibiotic resistance have now established themselves as a global health security issue. From an international policy perspective, three key pillars have been established: responsible access, conservation, and innovation. These pillars are intrinsically linked, meaning that any attempt to address one must take into account the implications for the other two.An urgent need exists to address the innovation failure in ABR. In the field of anti-bacterials, the pipeline remains anemic in terms of therapeutics with novel mechanisms (...)
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  32. The Multinational Corporation and Global Governance: Modelling Global Public Policy Networks.David Antony Detomasi - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (3):321-334.
    Globalization has increased the economic power of the multinational corporation (MNC), engendering calls for greater corporate social responsibility (CSR) from these companies. However, the current mechanisms of global governance are inadequate to codify and enforce recognized CSR standards. One method by which companies can impact positively on global governance is through the mechanism of Global Public Policy Networks (GPPN). These networks build on the individual strength of MNCs, domestic governments, and non-governmental organizations to create expected standards of (...)
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  33. Responsibility and global justice: A social connection model.Iris Marion Young - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):102-130.
    The essay theorizes the responsibilities moral agents may be said to have in relation to global structural social processes that have unjust consequences. How ought moral agents, whether individual or institutional, conceptualize their responsibilities in relation to global injustice? I propose a model of responsibility from social connection as an interpretation of obligations of justice arising from structural social processes. I use the example of justice in transnational processes of production, distribution and marketing of clothing to illustrate (...)
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    Exploring the global reporting initiative (GRI) guidelines as a model for triple bottom-line reporting.L. P. Hartman & M. Painter-Morland - 2007 - African Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1):45.
    The paper is aimed at analyzing the contribution that the Global Reporting Initiative makes to the field of sustainability reporting. It provides an overview of the multitude of initiatives aimed at standardizing corporate social responsibility efforts on a global scale and highlights the ways in which the GRI can be distinguished from other international initiatives. By evaluating GRI's goals and its claims, the paper provides an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of this critical initiative. It includes a (...)
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    Global Health Research Partnerships—Shared Responsibility Regulative Model.Sharon Bassan - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):56-58.
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    Contemporary Global Transformation of University System and the Philosophy of Education Specifications in Anglo-Saxon and American Models of Education and Research Management.Viktor Zinchenko - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):94-116.
    In today’s world there is diversification of different models of higher education. At the same time, the multiplicity, the diversity of higher education models does not exclude their identity. Internationalization and integration of higher education in a global and international dimension raise a lot of new questions to the theory and practice. Almost every developed country has the rich experience of building the higher education system. The analysis of this experience can aid development and enrichment of the national educational (...)
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    Global square sequences in extender models.Martin Zeman - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (7):956-985.
    We present a construction of a global square sequence in extender models with λ-indexing.
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  38.  28
    How can sustainable business models distribute value more equitably in global value chains? Introducing “value chain profit sharing” as an emerging alternative to fair trade, direct trade, or solidarity trade.Elizabeth A. Bennett & Janina Grabs - 2025 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (2):581-601.
    Global supply chains often distribute value inequitably among the Global North and South. This perpetuates poverty and contributes to indecent work in raw material-producing countries, thus creating challenges to sustainable development. For decades, corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, and sustainable business model innovations have aimed to distribute value more equitably across global value chains, for instance via fair trade, alternative trade, and direct trade. This article examines a novel and hitherto understudied innovation for equitable value distribution (...)
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  39. Sol Tax's global futurist model and small-nation solutions.John H. Bodley - 2012 - In Darby C. Stapp, Action anthropology and Sol Tax in 2012: the final word? Richland, WA: JONA.
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  40. Modelling Temporal Assertions for Global Directional Eliminativists.Naoyuki Kajimoto, Kristie Miller & James Norton - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (2):1-16.
    Global directional eliminativists deny that there is any global direction to time. This paper provides a way to understand everyday temporal assertions—assertions made outside the physics or metaphysics rooms, the truth of which appears to require that time has a global direction—on the assumption that global directional eliminativism is true.
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  41. A European Model within a Global.E. Matzner & L. Unterseher - 2003 - Res Publica 23:2003.
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    Models all the way down: Paul N. Edwards: A vast machine: Computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming. Boston MA: The MIT Press, 2010, 528pp, $32.95/£24.95 HB.Naomi Oreskes - 2011 - Metascience 21 (1):99-104.
    Models all the way down Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-6 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9558-9 Authors Naomi Oreskes, Department of History, University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0104, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    GEM: An interactive simulation model of the global economy.Olaf Helmer - 1981 - World Futures 17 (1):63-90.
  44.  21
    Global collaboration, local production: Fab City als Modell für Kreislaufwirtschaft und nachhaltige Entwicklung.Manuel Moritz, Tobias Redlich, Sonja Buxbaum-Conradi & Jens P. Wulfsberg (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Dieses Open-Access-Buch gibt aktuelle interdisziplinäre Forschungseinblicke rund um das Fab City-Konzept. Ein Ansatz, der beschreibt, wie Produktions- und Konsumptionsweisen gestaltet werden können, sodass einerseits globale Kollaboration in und durch Communities von der Ideengenerierung bis zur Produktentwicklung physischer Güter mittels quelloffener Technologien (Open Source Software und Hardware) ermöglicht wird und andererseits die Produktion dieser Güter lokal und somit möglichst nahe am Ort des Bedarfs sowie dezentral im Sinne einer verteilten Produktion erfolgen kann, beispielsweise in Fab(rication) Labs. Ziel ist die Schaffung einer (...)
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    Towards a new model of global health justice: the case of COVID-19 vaccines.Nancy S. Jecker, Caesar A. Atuire & Susan J. Bull - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):367-374.
    This paper questions an exclusively state-centred framing of global health justice and proposes a multilateral alternative. Using the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to illustrate, we bring to light a broad range of global actors up and down the chain of vaccine development who contribute to global vaccine inequities. Section 1 (Background) presents an overview of moments in which diverse global actors, each with their own priorities and aims, shaped subsequent vaccine distribution. Section 2 (Collective action failures) (...)
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    Global production increased by spatial heterogeneity in a population dynamics model.J.-C. Poggiale, P. Auger, D. Nérini, C. Manté & F. Gilbert - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):359-370.
    Spatial and temporal heterogeneity are often described as important factors having a strong impact on biodiversity. The effect of heterogeneity is in most cases analyzed by the response of biotic interactions such as competition of predation. It may also modify intrinsic population properties such as growth rate. Most of the studies are theoretic since it is often difficult to manipulate spatial heterogeneity in practice. Despite the large number of studies dealing with this topics, it is still difficult to understand how (...)
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    Making Global Governance Public? Habermas's Model for a Two-track Cosmopolitan Order.Kenneth Baynes - 2012 - In Eva Erman & Ludvig Beckman, Territories of Citizenship. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 123.
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    Survey Article: Four Models of a Global Order with Cosmopolitan Intent: An Empirical Assessment.Michael Zürn - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (1):88-119.
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    International models, trends and concepts of the philosophy of education in the context of sustainable social development under global institutional transformation conditions.Viktor Zinchenko - 2019 - Cхід 1:72–81.
    At the turn of the Millennium, the issue of education, especially higher education, its role in state formation and impact on the life of society acquired particular relevance and became a subject of research of not only teachers and historians but also economists, political analysts, psychologists, social scientists and, above all, philosophers (which gave rise to a variety of models and trends in the philosophy of education). In the meantime, there is some lack of fundamental integrative studies into comprehensive educational-managerial (...)
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    Random Network Transmission and Countermeasures in Containing Global Spread of COVID-19-Alike Pandemic: A Hybrid Modelling Approach.Yimin Zhou, Jun Li, Lingjian Ye, Zuguo Chen, Qingsong Luo, Xiangdong Wu & Haiyang Ni - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease at the beginning of December 2019, there have been more than 28.69 million cumulative confirmed cases worldwide as of 12th September 2020, affecting over 200 countries and regions with more than 920,463 deaths. The COVID-19 pandemic has been sweeping worldwide with unexpected rapidity. In this paper, a hybrid modelling strategy based on tessellation structure- configured SEIR model is adopted to estimate the scale of the pandemic spread. Building on the data pertaining (...)
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