Results for 'chemical manipulation'

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  1.  98
    The manipulation of chemical reactions: probing the limits of interventionism.Georgie Statham - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):4815-4838.
    I apply James Woodward’s interventionist theory of causation to organic chemistry, modelling three different ways that chemists are able to manipulate the reaction conditions in order to control the outcome of a reaction. These consist in manipulations to the reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, and whether the kinetics or thermodynamics predominates. It is possible to construct interventionist causal models of all of these kinds of manipulation, and therefore to account for them using Woodward’s theory. However, I show that there is an (...)
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    Chemistry The Royal Institution Library of Science. Chemical Manipulation, M. Faraday, 1827. Foreword by Sir George Porter. Facsimile reprint. London: Applied Science Publishers, 1974. Pp. viii + 656. £12.00. [REVIEW]N. G. Coley - 1976 - British Journal for the History of Science 9 (3):329-330.
  3.  6
    Chemical Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells to Pluripotent Stem Cells.Jingyang Guan, Guan Wang, Jinlin Wang, Zhengyuan Zhang, Yao Fu, Lin Cheng, Gaofan Meng, Yulin Lyu, Jialiang Zhu, Yanqin Li, Yanglu Wang, Shijia Liuyang, Bei Liu, Zirun Yang, Huanjing He, Xinxing Zhong, Qijing Chen, Xu Zhang, Shicheng Sun, Weifeng Lai, Yan Shi, Lulu Liu, Lipeng Wang, Cheng Li, Shichun Lu & Hongkui Deng - forthcoming - Nature:1–7.
    Cellular reprogramming can manipulate the identity of cells to generate the desired cell types1– 3. The use of cell intrinsic components, including oocyte cytoplasm and transcription factors, can enforce somatic cell reprogramming to pluripotent stem cells4– 7. By contrast, chemical stimulation by exposure to small molecules offers an alternative approach that can manipulate cell fate in a simple and highly controllable manner8– 10. However, human somatic cells are refractory to chemical stimulation owing to their stable epigenome2,11,12 and reduced (...)
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  4.  47
    The Chemical Workshop Tradition and the Experimental Practice: Discontinuities within Continuities.Ursula Klein - 1996 - Science in Context 9 (3):251-287.
    The ArgumentThe overall portrayal of early modern experimentation as a new method of securing assent within a philosophical discourse sketched in many of the recent studies on the historical origin of experimentation is questioned by the analysis of the experimental practice of chemistry at the Paris Academy. Chemical experimentation at the Paris Academy in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century originated in a different tradition than the philosophical. It continued and developed the material culture of the chemical (...)
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  5.  30
    'Exalting Understanding without Depressing Imagination': Depicting Chemical Process.David Knight - 2003 - Hyle 9 (2):171 - 189.
    Alchemists' illustrations indicated through symbols the processes being attempted; but with Lavoisier's Elements (1789), the place of imagination and symbolic language in chemistry was much reduced. He sought to make chemistry akin to algebra and its illustrations merely careful depictions of apparatus. Although younger contemporaries sought, and found in electrochemistry, a dynamical approach based upon forces rather than weights, they found this very difficult to picture. Nevertheless, by looking at chemical illustrations in the eighty years after Lavoisier's revolutionary book, (...)
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  6. The Alchemy of Identity: Pharmacy and the Chemical Revolution, 1777-1809.Jonathan Simon - 1997 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    This dissertation reassesses the chemical revolution that occurred in eighteenth-century France from the pharmacists' perspective. I use French pharmacy to place the event in historical context, understanding this revolution as constituted by more than simply a change in theory. The consolidation of a new scientific community of chemists, professing an importantly changed science of chemistry, is elucidated by examining the changing relationship between the communities of pharmacists and chemists across the eighteenth century. This entails an understanding of the (...) revolution that takes into account social and institutional transformations as well as theoretical change, and hence incorporates the reforms brought about during and after the French Revolution. First, I examine the social rise of philosophical chemistry as a scientific pursuit increasingly independent of its practical applications, including pharmacy, and then relate this to the theoretical change brought about by Lavoisier and his oxygenic system of chemistry. Then, I consider the institutional reforms that placed Lavoisier's chemistry in French higher education. ;During the seventeenth century, chemistry was intimately entwined with pharmacy, and chemical manipulations were primarily intended to enhance the medicinal properties of a substance. An independent philosophical chemistry gained ground during the eighteenth century, and this development culminated in the work of Lavoisier who cast pharmacy out of his chemistry altogether. Fourcroy, one of Lavoisier's disciples, brought the new chemistry to the pharmacists in both his textbooks and his legislation. Under Napoleon, Fourcroy instituted a new system of education for pharmacists that placed a premium on formal scientific education. Fourcroy's successors, Vauquelin and Bouillon-Lagrange, taught the new chemistry to the elite pharmacists in the School of Pharmacy in Paris. These pharmacists also developed new analytical techniques that combined the aims of the new chemistry with traditional pharmaceutical extractive practices. The scientific pharmacist was created, who, although a respected member of the community of pharmacists, helped to define the new chemistry precisely by not being a true chemist. (shrink)
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  7.  17
    Violence and the Chemicals Industry: Reframing Regulatory Obstructionism.Brett Aho - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (1):50-61.
    When government actors seek to restrict the sale of hazardous substances, industry actors tend to intervene, deploying coordinated strategies aimed at delaying, preventing or weakening attempts to regulate their products. In many cases, this has involved deliberate efforts to obfuscate science, mislead the public and manipulate political actors in order to ensure desired policy outcomes. Strategies of regulatory obstructionism have resulted in the prolonged dispersal of harmful chemical substances with tangible impacts on public health. This article proposes that this (...)
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  8. The toys of organic chemistry: Material manipulatives and inductive reasoning.Kate McKinney Maddalena - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (2):227-248.
    Chemical visualizations and models are special kinds of situated, inductive arguments. In this paper, I examine several historical case studies—an archive of images from museums, special collections, and popular magazines—as examples of emergent practices of physical modeling as theoretical play which became the basis for molecular biology and structural chemistry. Specifically, I trace a legacy of visualization tools that starts with Archibald Scott Cooper and Friedrich Kekulé in the late 1800s, crystallizes as material manipulatives in Kekulé’s student Jacobus Henricus (...)
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    From phlogiston to caloric: chemical ontologies. [REVIEW]Mi Gyung Kim - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 13 (3):201-222.
    The ‘triumph of the anti-phlogistians’ is a familiar story to the historians and philosophers of science who characterize the Chemical Revolution as a broad conceptual shift. The apparent “incommensurability” of the paradigms across the revolutionary divide has caused much anxiety. Chemists could identify phlogiston and oxygen, however, only with different sets of instrumental practices, theoretical schemes, and philosophical commitments. In addition, the substantive counterpart to phlogiston in the new chemistry was not oxygen, but caloric. By focusing on the changing (...)
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  10.  90
    On the relationship between instrument and specimen in chemical research.Daniel Rothbart - 1999 - Foundations of Chemistry 1 (3):255-268.
    Based on the design of many modern chemical instruments, information about a specimen is retrieved after the specimen undergoes agitation, manipulation and disturbance of its internal state. But can we retain the traditional ideal that instruments should reveal properties that are definable independently of all modes of detection? In this paper I argue that the capacity of chemical instruments to convert experimental phenomena to information places constraints on the way in which the specimen is characterized. During research, (...)
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  11.  23
    Emil Fischer and the “art of chemical experimentation”.Catherine M. Jackson - 2017 - History of Science 55 (1):86-120.
    What did nineteenth-century chemists know? This essay uses Emil Fischer’s classic study of the sugars in 1880s and 90s Germany to argue that chemists’ knowledge was not primarily vested in the theories of valence, structure, and stereochemistry that have been the subject of so much historical and philosophical analysis of chemistry in this period. Nor can chemistry be reduced to a merely manipulative exercise requiring little or no intellectual input. Examining what chemists themselves termed the “art of chemical experimentation” (...)
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  12. Neuroenhancement of love and marriage: The chemicals between us. [REVIEW]Julian Savulescu & Anders Sandberg - 2008 - Neuroethics 1 (1):31-44.
    This paper reviews the evolutionary history and biology of love and marriage. It examines the current and imminent possibilities of biological manipulation of lust, attraction and attachment, so called neuroenhancement of love. We examine the arguments for and against these biological interventions to influence love. We argue that biological interventions offer an important adjunct to psychosocial interventions, especially given the biological limitations inherent in human love.
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  13. The twisted matrix: Dream, simulation, or hybrid?Andy Clark - 2005 - In C. Grau (ed.), Philosophical Essays on the Matrix. Oxford University Press New York.
    “The Matrix is a computer-generated dreamworld built to keep us under control” Morpheus, early in The Matrix. “ In dreaming, you are not only out of control, you don’t even know it…I was completely duped again and again the minute my pons, my amygdala, my perihippocampal cortex, my anterior cingulate, my visual association and parietal opercular cortices were revved up and my dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was muffled” ” J. Allan Hobson, The Dream Drugstore, p.64 The Matrix is an exercise in (...)
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  14.  17
    JNK‐interacting protein 4 is a central molecule for lysosomal retrograde trafficking.Yukiko Sasazawa, Nobutaka Hattori & Shinji Saiki - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (11):2300052.
    Lysosomal positioning is an important factor in regulating cellular responses, including autophagy. Because proteins encoded by disease‐responsible genes are involved in lysosomal trafficking, proper intracellular lysosomal trafficking is thought to be essential for cellular homeostasis. In the past few years, the mechanisms of lysosomal trafficking have been elucidated with a focus on adapter proteins linking motor proteins to lysosomes. Here, we outline recent findings on the mechanisms of lysosomal trafficking by focusing on adapter protein c‐Jun NH2‐terminal kinase‐interacting protein (JIP) 4, (...)
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    The production of purity as the production of knowledge.Jonathan Simon - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 14 (1):83-96.
    Using the concept of purity to reflect on the relationship between chemical practice and the philosophy of science, this article considers the philosophical significance of the chemical manipulations that aim to purify or otherwise transform matter. Starting from a consideration of the nature and role of pure (or idealised) examples in philosophy of science, the article underlines the temptation towards abstraction and theory for both scientists and philosophers. The article goes on to argue that chemistry, despite its increasing (...)
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  16.  39
    Domesticating the Magnet: Secularity, Secrecy and ‘Permanency’ as Epistemic Boundaries in Marie Curie’s Early Work.Graeme Gooday - 2009 - Spontaneous Generations 3 (1):68-81.
    This paper investigates the magnet as a classic “boundary object” of modern technoscientific culture. Equally at home in the nursery, dynamo, measuring instrument and navigational compass, its capricious performance nevertheless persistently eluded the powers of nineteenth century electromagnetic expertise in pursuit of the completely “permanent” magnet. Instead the untamed magnet’s resilient secularity required its makers to draw upon ancient techniques of chemical manipulation, heat treatment and maturation to render it eventually sufficiently stable in behaviour for orderly use in (...)
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  17.  30
    Protocells as smart agents for architectural design.Martin M. Hanczyc & Takashi Ikegami - 2009 - Technoetic Arts 7 (2):117-120.
    Simple chemical agents with lifelike properties can be termed a protocell, meaning the earliest form of a natural living cell. These agents are not necessarily alive but are examples of living technology, namely technology that possesses lifelike qualities. Given that the protocell can respond to environmental cues with directional and controlled movement it can be thought of as being able to make decisions whilst navigating through a complex environment. In this way a mobile protocell agent can be considered to (...)
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  18. The idea of realism in the new experimentalism and the problem of the existence of theoretical entities in chemistry.Paweł Zeidler & Danuta Sobczyńska - 1995 - Foundations of Science 1 (4):517-535.
    The paper is focused on some aspects of experimental realism of Ian Hacking, and especially on his manipulability criterion of existence. The problem is here related to chemical molecules, the objects of interest in chemical research. The authors consider whether and to what extent this criterion has been applied in experimental practice of chemistry. They argue that experimentation on is a fundamental criterion of existence of entities in chemistry rather than experimentation with. Some examples regarding studies of structures (...)
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  19.  26
    Constructing Bayesian Network Models of Gene Expression Networks from Microarray Data.Pater Spirtes, Clark Glymour, Richard Scheines, Stuart Kauffman, Valerio Aimale & Frank Wimberly - unknown
    Through their transcript products genes regulate the rates at which an immense variety of transcripts and subsequent proteins occur. Understanding the mechanisms that determine which genes are expressed, and when they are expressed, is one of the keys to genetic manipulation for many purposes, including the development of new treatments for disease. Viewing each gene in a genome as a distinct variable that is either on or off, or more realistically as a continuous variable, the values of some of (...)
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  20.  35
    Computationalism, Neural Networks and Minds, Analog or Otherwise.Michael G. Dyer & Boelter Hall - unknown
    A working hypothesis of computationalism is that Mind arises, not from the intrinsic nature of the causal properties of particular forms of matter, but from the organization of matter. If this hypothesis is correct, then a wide range of physical systems (e.g. optical, chemical, various hybrids, etc.) should support Mind, especially computers, since they have the capability to create/manipulate organizations of bits of arbitrarily complexity and dynamics. In any particular computer, these bit patterns are quite physical, but their particular (...)
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  21. Moral enhancement and freedom.John Harris - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (2):102-111.
    This paper identifies human enhancement as one of the most significant areas of bioethical interest in the last twenty years. It discusses in more detail one area, namely moral enhancement, which is generating significant contemporary interest. The author argues that so far from being susceptible to new forms of high tech manipulation, either genetic, chemical, surgical or neurological, the only reliable methods of moral enhancement, either now or for the foreseeable future, are either those that have been in (...)
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  22. Explaining away responsibility: Effects of scientific explanation on perceived culpability.John Monterosso, Edward B. Royzman & Barry Schwartz - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (2):139 – 158.
    College students and suburban residents completed questionnaires designed to examine the tendency of scientific explanations of undesirable behaviors to mitigate perceived culpability. In vignettes relating behaviors to an explanatory antecedent, we manipulated the uniformity of the behavior given the antecedent, the responsiveness of the behavior to deterrence, and the explanatory antecedent-type offered- physiological (e.g., a chemical imbalance) or experiential (e.g., abusive parents). Physiological explanations had a greater tendency to exonerate actors than did experiential explanations. The effects of uniformity and (...)
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  23. Modularity and the causal Markov condition: A restatement.Daniel M. Hausman & James Woodward - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (1):147-161.
    expose some gaps and difficulties in the argument for the causal Markov condition in our essay ‘Independence, Invariance and the Causal Markov Condition’ ([1999]), and we are grateful for the opportunity to reformulate our position. In particular, Cartwright disagrees vigorously with many of the theses we advance about the connection between causation and manipulation. Although we are not persuaded by some of her criticisms, we shall confine ourselves to showing how our central argument can be reconstructed and to casting (...)
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  24.  50
    Does Criminal Law Deter? A Behavioural Science Investigation.Paul H. Robinson & John M. Darley - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (2):173-205.
    Having a criminal justice system that imposes sanctions no doubt does deter criminal conduct. But available social science research suggests that manipulating criminal law rules within that system to achieve heightened deterrence effects generally will be ineffective. Potential offenders often do not know of the legal rules. Even if they do, they frequently are unable to bring this knowledge to bear in guiding their conduct, due to a variety of situational, social, or chemical factors. Even if they can, a (...)
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  25. DCP Series.Philip Stearns - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):92-93.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 92-93. A collection of Images produced by intentionally corrupting the circuitry of a Kodak DC280 2 MP digitalcamera. By rewiring the electronics of a digital camera, glitched images are produced in a manner that parallels chemically processing unexposed film or photographic paper to produce photographic images without exposure to light. The DCP Series of Digital Images are direct visualizations of data generated by a digital camera as it takes a picture. Electronic processes associated with the normal operations (...)
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    “Do we need to memorize that?” or cognitive science for chemists.JudithAnn R. Hartman & Eric A. Nelson - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (3):263-274.
    In introductory chemistry courses, should students be encouraged to solve problems by reasoning based on conceptual understanding or by applying memorized facts and algorithms? Cognitive scientists have recently studied this issue with the assistance of new technologies. In the current consensus model for cognition, during problem solving the brain relies on “working memory” to sequentially process small elements of knowledge. Working memory is able to hold and manipulate virtually all elements that can be recalled “with automaticity” from long-term memory, but (...)
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  27.  65
    Biologists and the promotion of birth control research, 1918?1938.Merriley Borell - 1987 - Journal of the History of Biology 20 (1):51-87.
    In spite of these efforts in the 1920s and 1930s to initiate ongoing research on contraception, the subject of birth control remained a problem of concern primarily to the social activist rather than to the research scientist or practicing physician.80 In the 1930s, as has been shown, American scientists turned to the study of other aspects of reproductive physiology, while American physicians, anxious to eliminate the moral and medical dangers of contraception, only reluctantly accepted birth control as falling within their (...)
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  28.  35
    Filling the Space of Possibilities: Eighteenth-Century Chemistry's Transition from Art to Science.Lissa Roberts - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (2):511-553.
    The ArgumentThis paper charts eighteenth-century chemistry's transition from its definition as an art to its proclaimed status as a science. Both the general concept of art and specific practices of eighteenth-century chemists are explored to account for this transition. As a disciplined activity, art orients practitioners' attention toward particular directions and away from others, providing a structured space of possibilities within which their discipline develops. Consequently, while chemists throughout the eighteenth century aspired to reveal nature's “true voice,” the path of (...)
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  29. Scientific understanding and synthetic design.William Goodwin - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (2):271-301.
    Next SectionOne of the indisputable signs of the progress made in organic chemistry over the last two hundred years is the increased ability of chemists to manipulate, control, and design chemical reactions. The technological expertise manifest in contemporary synthetic organic chemistry is, at least in part, due to developments in the theory of organic chemistry. By appealing to a notable chemist's attempts to articulate and codify the heuristics of synthetic design, this paper investigates how understanding theoretical organic chemistry facilitates (...)
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  30.  35
    Style of reasoning and technical-cultural capillary action in the Chemistry of 18th century.Ronei Clécio Mocellin - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (4):759-780.
    RESUMO Neste artigo pretendo identificar um "estilo de raciocínio" próprio à química e apontar a disseminação de seus produtos e conceitos. O objetivo é o de explicitar alguns elementos que caracterizam o estilo de pensar e de fazer da química na segunda metade do século XVIII, sua capilarização técnico-cultural. O delineamento de um estilo químico de raciocinar origina-se da constância dos espaços técnico-epistêmicos em que o saber químico é construído. A química é uma ciência de laboratório, eminentemente técnica e operatória, (...)
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    Neuroethical Theories.Matti Häyry - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (2):165.
    Neuroethics addresses moral, legal, and social questions created or highlighted by theoretical and practical developments in neuroscience. Practices in need of scrutiny currently include at least brain imaging with new techniques, chemical attempts to shift exceptional brain function toward normality, chemical attempts to enhance ordinary brain function beyond normality, and brain manipulation by other methods.Matti H ja paha.
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  32. The Architecture of Mind as a Network of Networks of Natural Computational Processes.Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic - 2015 - Philosophies 1 (1):111--125.
    In discussions regarding models of cognition, the very mention of “computationalism” often incites reactions against the insufficiency of the Turing machine model, its abstractness, determinism, the lack of naturalist foundations, triviality and the absence of clarity. None of those objections, however, concerns models based on natural computation or computing nature, where the model of computation is broader than symbol manipulation or conventional models of computation. Computing nature consists of physical structures that form layered computational architecture, with computation processes ranging (...)
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  33.  46
    Controlling Love: The Ethics and Desirability of Using 'Love Drugs'.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2022 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Recent research in neurochemistry has shown there to be a number of chemical compounds that are implicated in the patterns of lust, attraction, and attachment that undergird romantic love. For example, there is evidence that the phenomenon of attachment is associated with the action of oxytocin and vasopressin. There is therefore some reason to suppose that patterns of lust, attraction, and attachment could be regulated via manipulation of these substances in the brain: in other words, by their use (...)
  34. (1 other version)The Origins of Life: The Managed-Metabolism Hypothesis.John E. Stewart - 2018 - Foundations of Science:1-25.
    The ‘managed-metabolism’ hypothesis suggests that a ‘cooperation barrier’ must be overcome if self-producing chemical organizations are to undergo the transition from non-life to life. This dynamical barrier prevents un-managed autocatalytic networks of molecular species from individuating into complex, cooperative organizations. The barrier arises because molecular species that could otherwise make significant cooperative contributions to the success of an organization will often not be supported within the organization, and because side reactions and other ‘free-riding’ processes will undermine cooperation. As a (...)
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    Purple Matter, Membranes and 'Molecular Pumps' in Rhodopsin Research (1960s–1980s).Mathias Grote - 2013 - Journal of the History of Biology 46 (3):331-368.
    In the context of 1960s research on biological membranes, scientists stumbled upon a curiously coloured material substance, which became called the “purple membrane.” Interactions with the material as well as chemical analyses led to the conclusion that the microbial membrane contained a photoactive molecule similar to rhodopsin, the light receptor of animals’ retinae. Until 1975, the find led to the formation of novel objects in science, and subsequently to the development of a field in the molecular life sciences that (...)
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  36. Preventing Sin: The Ethics of Vaccines Against Smoking.Sarah R. Lieber & Joseph Millum - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (3):23-33.
    Advances in immunotherapy pave the way for vaccines that target not only infections, but also unhealthy behaviors such as smoking. A nicotine vaccine that eliminates the pleasure associated with smoking could potentially be used to prevent children from adopting this addictive and dangerous behavior. This paper offers an ethical analysis of such vaccines. We argue that it would be permissible for parents to give their child a nicotine vaccine if the following conditions are met: (1) the vaccine is expected to (...)
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  37.  49
    (1 other version)Why Do Chemists Perform Experiments?Peter Lang & Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Nowadays it is well known among historians of science that Francis Bacon, one of the modern defender of the experimental method, owed much of his thoughts to the chemical or alchemical tradition (cf. e.g., Gregory 1938, West 1961, Linden 1974, and Rees 1977). In fact, alchemy, particularly in the Arabic tradition, was always based on laboratory investigations by carefully examining the results of controlled manipulation of materials.1 It is also well known that Francis Bacon’s appeal to the experimental (...)
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    C. S. Lewis.Charles Foster - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (3):390-392.
    Lewis was not, and is not, very popular in the academy. I think there are three reasons.First, he did not stick to his subject, which was medieval and Renaissance literature. He wrote highly successful children's books, theological works, and articles accessible to nonspecialists, and was an acclaimed broadcaster. All this allowed his critics to suggest that he was not a proper academic, because proper academics do not throw their nets so wide.Second, he was good at everything he did (except perhaps (...)
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    When does the co-evolution of technology and science overturn into technoscience?Ulrich Fiedeler - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (2-3):83-101.
    In this paper, the relations between science and technology, intervention and representation, the natural and the artificial are analysed on the background of the formation of modern science in the sixteenth century. Due to the fact that technique has been essential for modern science from its early beginning, modern science is characterised by a hybridisation of knowledge and intervention. The manipulation of nature in order to measure its properties has steadily increased until artificial things have been produced, such as (...)
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    The evolution of self-medication behaviour in mammals.Lucia C. Neco, Eric S. Abelson, Asia Brown, Barbara Natterson-Horowitz & Daniel T. Blumstein - 2019 - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2019 (blz117):1-6.
    Self-medication behaviour is the use of natural materials or chemical substances to manipulate behaviour or alter the body’s response to parasites or pathogens. Self-medication can be preventive, performed before an individual becomes infected or diseased, and/or therapeutic, performed after an individual becomes infected or diseased. We summarized all available reports of self-medication in mammals and reconstructed its evolution. We found that reports of self-medication were restricted to eutherian mammals and evolved at least four times independently. Self-medication was most commonly (...)
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  41. On the Notions of Rulegenerating & Anticipatory Systems.Niels Ole Finnemann - 1997 - Online Publication on Conference Site - Which Does Not Exist Any More.
    Until the late 19th century scientists almost always assumed that the world could be described as a rule-based and hence deterministic system or as a set of such systems. The assumption is maintained in many 20th century theories although it has also been doubted because of the breakthrough of statistical theories in thermodynamics (Boltzmann and Gibbs) and other fields, unsolved questions in quantum mechanics as well as several theories forwarded within the social sciences. Until recently it has furthermore been assumed (...)
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    Benzene and Beyond: Pursuing the Core of Aromaticity: Essay in Honour of Alan J. Rocke.Stephen J. Weininger - 2015 - Annals of Science 72 (2):242-257.
    SummaryKekulé first suggested a hexagonal structure for benzene in 1865. For over a half-century after, chemists struggled to reconcile proposed structures for benzene and other aromatic compounds with their resistance to chemical transformation and tendency to maintain the type during reaction. The combined structural and reactivity features of these compounds were eventually covered by the term ‘aromaticity’. Kekulé, Bamberger and Thiele had each proposed a criterion for aromaticity; all were either empirically contradicted or incapable of evaluation. In the 1930s, (...)
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    (1 other version)Assembling the Emotions.Vincent Bergeron & Mohan Matthen - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36 (sup1):185-212.
    Endogenous depression is highly correlated with low levels of serotonin in the central nervous system. Does this imply or suggest that this sort of depression just is this neurochemical deficit? Scorning such an inference, Antonio Damasio writes:If feeling happy or sad … corresponds in part to the cognitive modes under which your thoughts are operating, then the explanation also requires that the chemical acts on the circuits which generate and manipulate [such thoughts]. Which means that reducing depression to a (...)
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  44.  38
    Dust Plate, Retina, Photograph: Imaging on Experimental Surfaces in Early Nineteenth-Century Physics.Chitra Ramalingam - 2015 - Science in Context 28 (3):317-355.
    ArgumentThis article explores the entangled histories of three imaging techniques in early nineteenth-century British physical science, techniques in which a dynamic event (such as a sound vibration or an electric spark) was made to leave behind a fixed trace on a sensitive surface. Three categories of “sensitive surface” are examined in turn: first, a metal plate covered in fine dust; second, the retina of the human eye; and finally, a surface covered with a light-sensitive chemical emulsion (a photographic plate). (...)
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  45. Heads and Tails: Molecular Imagination and the Lipid Bilayer, 1917–1941.Daniel Liu - 2018 - In Karl Matlin, Jane Maienschein & Manfred Laubichler (eds.), Visions of Cell Biology: Reflections Inspired by Cowdry's General Cytology. University of Chicago Press. pp. 209-245.
    Today, the lipid bilayer structure is nearly ubiquitous, taken for granted in even the most rudimentary introductions to cell biology. Yet the image of the lipid bilayer, built out of lipids with heads and tails, went from having obscure origins deep in colloid chemical theory in 1924 to being “obvious to any competent physical chemist” by 1935. This chapter examines how this schematic, strictly heuristic explanation of the idea of molecular orientation was developed within colloid physical chemistry, and how (...)
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    Science and the production of ignorance: when the quest for knowledge is thwarted.Janet A. Kourany & Martin Carrier (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An introduction to the new area of ignorance studies that examines how science produces ignorance—both actively and passively, intentionally and unintentionally. We may think of science as our foremost producer of knowledge, but for the past decade, science has also been studied as an important source of ignorance. The historian of science Robert Proctor has coined the term agnotology to refer to the study of ignorance, and much of the ignorance studied in this new area is produced by science. Whether (...)
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    Molecular and cellular organization of insect chemosensory neurons.Marien de Bruyne & Coral G. Warr - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (1):23-34.
    Animals use their chemosensory systems to detect and discriminate among chemical cues in the environment. Remarkable progress has recently been made in our knowledge of the molecular and cellular basis of chemosensory perception in insects, based largely on studies in Drosophila. This progress has been possible due to the identification of gene families for olfactory and gustatory receptors, the use of electro‐physiological recording techniques on sensory neurons, the multitude of genetic manipulations that are available in this species, and insights (...)
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    Topological Aspects of Molecular Networks: Crystal Cubic Carbons.Muhammad Javaid, Aqsa Sattar & Ebenezer Bonyah - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    Theory of networks serves as a mathematical foundation for the construction and modeling of chemical structures and complicated networks. In particular, chemical networking theory has a wide range of utilizations in the study of chemical structures, where examination and manipulation of chemical structural information are made feasible by utilizing the numerical graph invariants. A network invariant or a topological index is a numerical measure of a chemical compound which is capable to describe the (...) structural properties such as melting point, freezing point, density, pressure, tension, and temperature of chemical compounds. Wiener initiated the first distance-based TI which is considered to be the most important TI to preserve the chemical and physical properties of chemical structures. Later on, degree-based TI was introduced to find the π -electron energy of molecules. Recently, connection number-based TIs are studied which are more efficient than degree and distance-based TIs. In this paper, we compute the connection number-based TIs of the structure of crystal cubic carbons which are one of the most significant and interesting composites in modern resources of science due to the involvement of carbon atoms. (shrink)
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    On the ethics of biological control of insect pests.Jeffery W. Bentley & Robert J. O'Neil - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (3):283-289.
    Of the four types of biological control, (1) natural, (2) conservation, (3) augmentation, and (4) importation), ethical concerns have been raised almost exclusively about only one type: importation. These concerns rest largely on fears of extinction of animal species. Importation biological control is a cost-effective alternative to chemical control for basic food crops of resource-poor farmers. Regarding the other types of biological control, natural biological control is not consciously manipulated by humans. Augmentation has some technical concerns, but is generally (...)
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    Molecular Biologists, Biochemists, and Messenger RNA: The Birth of a Scientific Network. [REVIEW]Jean-Paul Gaudillière - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (3):417 - 445.
    This paper investigated the part played by collaborative practices in chaneling the work of prominent biochemists into the development of molecular biology. The RNA collaborative network that emerged in the 1960s in France encompassed a continuum of activities that linked laboratories to policy-making centers. New institutional frameworks such as the DGRST committees were instrumental in establishing new patterns of funding, and in offering arenas for multidisciplinary debates and boundary assessment. It should be stressed however, that although this collaborative network was (...)
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