Results for 'cable-guy'

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  1. The Cable Guy paradox.A. Hajek - 2005 - Analysis 65 (2):112-119.
    The Cable Guy is coming. You have to be home in order for him to install your new cable service, but to your chagrin he cannot tell you exactly when he will come. He will definitely come between 8.a.m. and 4 p.m. tomorrow, but you have no more information than that. I offer to keep you company while you wait. To make things more interesting, we decide now to bet on the Cable Guy’s arrival time. We subdivide (...)
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  2. A Solution to the Cable Guy Paradox.Ruth Weintraub - 2009 - Erkenntnis 71 (3):355-359.
    The Cable Guy will definitely come between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and I can bet on one of two possibilities: that he will arrive between 8 and 12, or between 12 and 4. Since I have no more information, it seems (eminently) plausible to suppose the two bets are equally attractive. Yet Hajek has presented a tantalising argument that purports to show that the later interval is, initial appearances to the contrary, more choice-worthy. In this paper, I rebut (...)
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  3. Cable Guys: Television and Masculinities in the 21st Century.[author unknown] - 2014
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    The Cable Guy paradox.Alan H.Á & jek - 2005 - Analysis 65 (2):112-119.
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  5. Avoiding certain frustration, reflection, and the cable guy paradox.Brian Kierland, Bradley Monton & Samuel Ruhmkorff - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 138 (3):317 - 333.
    We discuss the cable guy paradox, both as an object of interest in its own right and as something which can be used to illuminate certain issues in the theories of rational choice and belief. We argue that a crucial principle—The Avoid Certain Frustration (ACF) principle—which is used in stating the paradox is false, thus resolving the paradox. We also explain how the paradox gives us new insight into issues related to the Reflection principle. Our general thesis is that (...)
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    To thine own self be untrue : against the cable guy paradox.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom & Peter Baumann - 2007 - Logique Et Analyse 204:355-363.
    In a recent paper, Hájek presents the following alleged paradox. You are certain that a cable guy will visit you tomorrow between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. but you have no further information about when. And you agree to a bet on whether he will come in the morning interval. At first you have no reason to prefer one possibility rather than the other. But you then realise that if you bet on the morning interval, there will certainly be (...)
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  7. To Thine Own Self Be Untrue: A Diagnosis of the Cable Guy Paradox.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom & Peter Baumann - 2008 - Logique Et Analyse 51 (204):355-364.
    Hájek has recently presented the following paradox. You are certain that a cable guy will visit you tomorrow between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. but you have no further information about when. And you agree to a bet on whether he will come in the morning interval (8, 12] or in the afternoon interval (12, 4). At first, you have no reason to prefer one possibility rather than the other. But you soon realise that there will definitely be a (...)
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    Book Review: Cable Guys: Television and Masculinities in the 21st Century by Amanda D. Lotz. [REVIEW]Rebecca Feasey - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):754-755.
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    Why We Should Have No Time for the Cable Guy Paradox.John N. Williams - unknown
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  10. Avoid Certain Frustration—Or Maybe Not?Neven Sesardić - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
    In the situation known as the “cable guy paradox” the expected utility principle and the “avoid certain frustration” principle (ACF) seem to give contradictory advice about what one should do. This article tries to resolve the paradox by presenting an example that weakens the grip of ACF: a modified version of the cable guy problem is introduced in which the choice dictated by ACF loses much of its intuitive appeal.
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  11. (1 other version)Deference, respect and intensionality.Anna Mahtani - 2016 - Philosophical Studies:1-21.
    This paper is about the standard Reflection Principle :235–256, 1984) and the Group Reflection Principle :478–502, 2007; Bovens and Rabinowicz in Episteme 8:281–300, 2011; Titelbaum in Quitting certainties: a Bayesian framework modeling degrees of belief, OUP, Oxford, 2012; Hedden in Mind 124:449–491, 2015). I argue that these principles are incomplete as they stand. The key point is that deference is an intensional relation, and so whether you are rationally required to defer to a person at a time can depend on (...)
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    Meaningfulness and Importance.Guy Kahane - 2022 - In Iddo Landau (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Meaning in Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Some lives are more meaningful than others. Some lives are more important than others. What is the relationship between meaning in life and importance? Because both can be described as relating to significance, the two are often conflated. But these are rather different concepts and the meaningful and the important can easily come apart. They do, however, interact in important ways. When importance also meets the conditions for meaningfulness, it amplifies it, and importance on a large scale is a key, (...)
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  13. If There Is a Hole, It Is Not God Shaped.Guy Kahane - 2018 - In Klaas Kraay (ed.), Does God Matter? Essays on the Axiological Implications of Theism. pp. 95-131.
    Some people are deeply dissatisfied by the universe that modern science reveals to us. They long for the world described by traditional religion. They do not believe in God, but they wish He had existed. I argue that this is a mistake. The naturalist world we inhabit is admittedly rather bleak. It is very far from being the best of all possible worlds. But an alternative governed by God is also unwelcome, and the things that might make God’s existence attractive—cosmic (...)
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  14. Against Online Public Shaming.Saladin Meckled-Garcia & Guy Aitchison - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (1):1-31.
    Online Public Shaming is a form of norm enforcement that involves collectively imposing reputational costs on a person for having a certain kind of moral character. OPS actions aim to disqualify her from public discussion and certain normal human relations. We argue that this constitutes an informal collective punishment that it is presumptively wrong to impose on others. OPS functions as a form of ostracism that fails to show equal basic respect to its targets. Additionally, in seeking to mobilise unconstrained (...)
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  15. The Significance of the Past.Guy Kahane - 2021 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 7 (4):582-600.
    The past is deeply important to many of us. But our concern about history can seem puzzling and needs justification. After all, the past cannot be changed: we can help the living needy, but the tears we shed for the long dead victims of past tragedies help no one. Attempts to justify our concern about history typically take one of two opposing forms. It is assumed either that such concern must be justified in instrumental or otherwise self-centered and present-centered terms (...)
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  16. Importance, Value, and Causal Impact.Guy Kahane - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (6):577-601.
    Many believe that because we are so small, we must be utterly insignificant on the cosmic scale. But whether this is so depends on what it takes to be important. On one view, what matters for importance is the difference to value that something makes. On this view, what determines our cosmic importance is not our size, but what else of value is out there. But a rival view also seems plausible: that importance requires sufficient causal impact on the relevant (...)
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  17. Optimism without theism? Nagasawa on atheism, evolution, and evil.Guy Kahane - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (4):701-714.
    Nagasawa has argued that the suffering associated with evolution presents a greater challenge to atheism than to theism because that evil is incompatible with ‘existential optimism’ about the world – with seeing the world as an overall good place, and being thankful that we exist. I argue that even if atheism was incompatible with existential optimism in this way, this presents no threat to atheism. Moreover, it is unclear how the suffering associated with evolution could on its own undermine existential (...)
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    Ciência e Saber. A Import'ncia da Concepção Platônica da Natureza da Episteme em Aristóteles.Guy Hamelin - 2018 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 12 (1):1.
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    Habitus E virtude em Pedro abelardo: Uma dupla herança.Guy Hamelin - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):75-94.
    Pedro Abelardo apresenta na sua obra uma teoria da virtude de natureza, à primeira vista, aristotélica. Ao que parece, essa concepção também contém diferentes elementos estoicos, que não se opõem necessariamente à visão do Estagirita. Todavia, o essencial da interpretação da Escola do Pórtico acerca da virtude difere da explicação dada por Aristóteles. No presente estudo, pretendemos examinar, primeiro, a índole da virtude como habitus na obra de lógica de Abelardo. Nesse caso, não há dúvida de que predomina a influência (...)
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    Abelardo e a teoria contempor'nea da virtude (virtue theory).Guy Hamelin - 2021 - Dois Pontos 18 (1).
    A ‘teoria da virtude’ contemporânea enfatiza a necessidade de voltar à formação moral do indivíduo, seguindo o modelo ético disponibilizado por Aristóteles. Segundo MacIntyre, representante importante dessa teoria, o estoicismo favoreceu o desenvolvimento da ética moderna e contemporânea, ao destacar noções como vontade, assentimento e lei natural ou divina. Por conseguinte, o desenvolvimento do próprio agente moral foi negligenciado. No século XII, Abelardo apresenta uma ética híbrida, que mantém, ao mesmo tempo, a teoria aristotélica da virtude e elementos da moral (...)
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    As fontes Aristotélicas e Estóicas em Abelardo: a noção de "consentimento".Guy Hamelin - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (2):176-193.
    Peter Abelard’s (1079-1142) conception of moral sin contains a fundamental element from Stoicism, which is the notion of “consent” (consensus). After the presentation of the essentials of that Abelardian theory, we return to the source of that same idea in ancient and imperial Stoicism. According to their main representatives, “consent” or “assent” (sugkata/qesij) has a determining function not only in ethics, but also in the process of knowledge as well. We emphasize in passing the resemblance between some important components of (...)
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    Física e Metafísica no Estoicismo Antigo.Guy Hamelin - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (2):149-181.
    The Stoic School takes up the tripartite division of philosophy of the post-Platonic Academy, in which physics occupies, alongside dialectics and ethics, a prominent place. In this tripartition, there is no metaphysics, nor in the two subdivisions of Stoic physics. For the thinkers of the Stoa, there is nothing beyond physics. In spite of this statement, we try to discover, in this article, the presence of a study devoted to first philosophy among the various topics investigated by the Stoics in (...)
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    Tillich, Adorno, and the Debate about Existentialism.Guy B. Hammond - 1991 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 47 (3):343-355.
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    Tillich on Divine Power and Ultimate Meaning in Human History.Guy Hammond - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (3):553-564.
    Chez Paul Tillich, le concept de Dieu s’oppose au modèle « interventionniste » du théisme traditionnel en Occident. Cet article se propose de déterminer si, et en quel sens, d’après Tillich, on peut dire que Dieu agit pour influencer le cours des événements historiques. On soutient que son concept de « pouvoir Spirituel » fournit une réponse à cette question. Pour clarifier cette thèse, on explore les concepts d’esprit, de pouvoir, de sens, de vocation, de kairos et de renoncement au (...)
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    (1 other version)Vontade ( boulesis ) e consentimento ( sunkatathesis ) em Aristóteles e Abelardo: atos do apetite ( orexis ) ou da razão ( logos )?Guy Hamelin - 2010 - Doispontos 7 (1).
    The central question raised in the present article concerns the ontological nature of the intentional act, previous to the proper moral action, in Aristotle’s and Abelard’s thinking. More precisely, we examine two subjects indirectly interconnected. First, we treat the secular problem of the exact nature of will (boulêsis) in Aristotle, which certainly refers to a rational act (logikos), the source of which is, however, the appetite (orexis). The second point is related to the notion of consent (consensus) in Abelard, which (...)
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    Volonté et habitus chez Pierre Abélard: un double héritage.Guy Hamelin - 2015 - Quaestio 15:363-372.
    Abelard closely follows the Augustinian view with regard to the notion of intention. However, he distances himself from him concerning the contribution of acts in the evaluation of moral responsibility. Independent thinker, the philosopher of the twelfth century, then, uses an ancient Stoic thesis according to which all actions are indifferent, except those related to virtue and vice. He also takes back another idea of the Stoa concerning, this time, the concept of will as habitus. In this paper, we first (...)
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    Agir en professionnel compétent et avec éthique.Le Boterf Guy - 2017 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale 19 (1).
    Les « approches » ou « démarches compétences » sont à l’ordre du jour et se multiplient dans les entreprises, les organisations, les administrations publiques, les universités. Mais permettent-elles de faire confiance aux professionnels concernés? Constatant que la plupart de ces démarches sont fondées sur des additions et des classifications de compétences, j’ai créé, dès 1994, la définition de la compétence en termes de « savoir agir avec pertinence en situation en créant et mobilisant une combinatoire de ressources variées internes (...)
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    (1 other version)Rights, citizenship and political struggle.Guy Aitchison - 2015 - European Journal of Political Theory 17 (1):1474885115578052.
    This paper adds a new perspective to recent debates about the political nature of rights through attention to their distinctive role within social movement practices of moral critique and social struggle. The paper proceeds through a critical examination of the Political Constitutionalist theories of rights politics proposed by Jeremy Waldron and Richard Bellamy. While political constitutionalists are correct to argue that rights are ‘contestable’ and require democratic justification, they construe political activity almost exclusively with reference to voting, parties and parliamentary (...)
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    The Truth about Freud's Technique: The Encounter with the Real.M. Guy Thompson - 1994 - NYU Press.
    In this unusual and much-needed reappraisal of Freud's clinical technique, M. Guy Thompson challenges the conventional notion that psychoanalysis promotes relief from suffering and replaces it with a more radical assertion, that psychoanalysis seeks to mend our relationship with the real that has been fractured by our avoidance of the same. Thompson suggests that, while avoiding reality may help to relieve our experience of suffering, this short-term solution inevitably leads to a split in our existence. M. Guy Thompson forcefully disagrees (...)
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    L'innovation est le ton qui fait la chanson : une approche musico-prosodique en secteur Lansad.Dan Frost & Rebecca Guy - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Nous remercions Dan Frost et Rebecca Guy de nous avoir autorisés à reproduire ce texte qui a déjà paru dans Recherches et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité, Vol. 35, N° spécial 1 | 2016 : Du secteur Lansad et des langues de spécialité. Résumé : La production orale pose de nombreuses difficultés pour les apprenants francophones en anglais et peut-être plus encore dans le secteur Lansad où ils sont souvent adultes et où le temps et les ressources sont particulièrement (...)
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    Whodunnit? Unpicking the 'seems' of free will.Guy Claxton - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):8-9.
    The cornerstone of the dominant folk theory of free will is the presumption that conscious intentions are, at least sometimes, causally related to subsequent ‘voluntary’ actions. Like all folk theories that have become ‘second nature', this model skews perception and cognition to highlight phenomena and interpretations that are consistent with itself, and pathologize or render invisible those that are not. A variety of experimental, neurological and everyday phenomena are reviewed that cumulatively cast doubt on this comforting folk model. An alternative (...)
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    Institutionalism II.B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre (eds.) - 2012 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    volume 1. Developing institutional theory -- volume 2. New research agendas -- volume 3. Applying institutional theory.
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  33. CNRS Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France.Jean Baratgin Guy Politzer & Guy Politzer - 2006 - Mind and Society 5:1-38.
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  34. The return to God.Travers Guy Rogers - 1933 - London,: A. Barker.
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    A Natural Approach to Philosophy.Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh - 2012 - Noble & Noble.
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    The Science of Religion: An Introduction.Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh - 1927 - Holt.
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    Postmodernism and psychoanalysis: A Heideggerian critique of postmodernist malaise and the question of authenticity.M. Guy Thompson - 2004 - In Joseph Reppen, Jane Tucker & Martin A. Schulman (eds.), Way Beyond Freud: Postmodern Psychoanalysis Observed. Open Gate Press. pp. 173--202.
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    Le Temps et la mort dans la philosophie contemporaine d'Amérique latine.Jean Cobos & Alain Guy (eds.) - 1971 - Toulouse,: [Association des publications de Toulouse-Le Mirail].
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    Energía, espacio, territorio y desarrollo local: el uso del gas natural en las cerámicas de Mato Grosso del Sur.Cristiane de Castilho Merighi, Sinclair Mallet Guy Guerra, João Onofre Pereira Pinto, Cleonice Alexandre Le Bourlegat, Maria Augusta de Castilho & Marcio Luiz Magri Kimpara - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    El presente artículo busca enfocar la correlación entre el uso de la energía, el espacio, el territorio y el desarrollo local, teniendo en cuenta la utilización del gas natural en las cerámicas de Mato Grosso del Sur/Brasil. La importancia de los hechos geográficos es pautada por muchos parámetros, como el paso del tiempo, los nuevos descubrimientos tecnológicos, las necesidades de materias primas, los objetivos nacionales e internacionales y la ética de las relaciones internacionales. El gas natural no es utilizado aún (...)
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    L'actualité philosophique au mexique.José Gaos & Alain Guy - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (3):289 - 301.
  41. Importance, Fame, and Death.Guy Kahane - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 90:33-55.
    Some people want their lives to possess importance on a large scale. Some crave fame, or at least wide recognition. And some even desire glory that will only be realised after their death. Such desires are either ignored or disparaged by many philosophers. However, although few of us have a real shot at importance and fame on any grand scale, these can be genuine personal goods when they meet certain further conditions. Importance that relates to positive impact and reflects our (...)
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    Dialogical Nursing Ethics: the Quality of Freedom Restrictions.Tineke A. Abma, Guy Am Widdershoven, Brenda Jm Frederiks, Rob H. Van Hooren, Frans van Wijmen & Paul Lmg Curfs - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (6):789-802.
    This article deals with the question of how ethicists respond to practical moral problems emerging in health care practices. Do they remain distanced, taking on the role of an expert, or do they become engaged with nurses and other participants in practice and jointly develop contextualized insights about good care? A basic assumption of dialogical ethics entails that the definition of good care and what it means to be a good nurse is a collaborative product of ongoing dialogues among various (...)
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    A history of philosophy.Seymour Guy Martin, Gordon Haddon Clark, Francis Palmer Clarke & Chester Townsend Ruddick - 1941 - New York,: Crofts. Edited by Gordon H. Clark, Francis P. Clarke & Chester Townsend Ruddick.
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    Probabilités et rationalité du choix: au sujet de l'irrationnel de David Hume.Pierre Guy Mubambar - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
  45.  10
    The Dynamism of Civil Procedure - Global Trends and Developments.Colin B. Picker & Guy Seidman (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book shows the surprising dynamism of the field of civil procedure through its examination of a cross section of recent developments within civil procedure from around the world. It explores the field through specific approaches to its study, within specific legal systems, and within discrete sub-fields of civil procedure. The book reflects the latest research and conveys the dynamism and innovations of modern civil procedure - by field, method and system. The book's introductory chapters lay the groundwork for researchers (...)
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  46. Ferrandus hispanus on ideas.Griet Gallie & Guy Guildentops - 2004 - In Carlos G. Steel, Gerd van Riel, Caroline Macé & Leen van Campe (eds.), Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    GHZ States as Tripartite PR Boxes: Classical Limit and Retrocausality.Daniel Rohrlich & Guy Hetzroni - 2018 - Entropy 20 (6):478.
    We review an argument that bipartite "PR-box" correlations, though designed to respect relativistic causality, in fact violate relativistic causality in the classical limit. As a test of this argument, we consider Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) correlations as a tripartite version of PR-box correlations, and ask whether the argument extends to GHZ correlations. If it does-i.e., if it shows that GHZ correlations violate relativistic causality in the classical limit-then the argument must be incorrect (since GHZ correlations do respect relativistic causality in the classical (...)
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  48. The Personal Dimension to Ontology.M. Guy Thompson - 2015 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (2):125-127.
    Hersch’s objective in his paper was to “illustrate how an existential ontology has a great deal to offer psychotherapists”. The first of three sections addresses existential themes such as guilt and anxiety and explores the notion of bad faith; the second focuses on why existential ontology provides a more suitable grounding for psychotherapy than traditional models; and the third offers the author’s invention of a mental status examination that is derived from existential ontology. To illustrate how existential ontology may be (...)
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    Clavius, Proclus, and the Limits of Interpretation: Snapshot-idealization versus Projectionism.Guy Claessens - 2009 - History of Science 47 (3):317-336.
  50. Idée de la métaphysique, série A, t. 11.Julian Marias, Alain Guy & Henri Gouhier - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (4):489-489.
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