Results for 'arrogance, incommunication, imposture stratégique, méprise, mépris'

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  1.  51
    L’arrogance, entre incommunication et imposture stratégique.Nicolas Moinet - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Bien que couramment utilisée dans les discours médiatiques, la notion d’« arrogance » reste pourtant peu étudiée. L’analyse de discours réalisée à partir d’une revue de presse nous permet ici d’éclairer les mécanismes de l’arrogance et la manière dont s’articulent précisément incommunication et imposture stratégique, qu’il convient dès lors de considérer conjointement. Car en niant l’interaction et en entremêlant méprise et mépris, l’arrogance éclaire négativement la force du lien qui existe entre information, communication et stratégie.Although the word is (...)
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    L’arrogance, entre incommunication et imposture stratégique.Nicolas Moinet - 2012 - Hermes 64:, [ p.].
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    La politique Marketing du cinéma hollywoodien.Joël Augros - 2006 - Hermes 44:99.
    Pour promouvoir son cinéma, Hollywood bataille sur plusieurs fronts: la publicité, les codes moraux et le lobbying. Quand leurs succès érigent le « Made in Hollywood» en marque de qualité, Hollywood réussit à s'arroger un avantage stratégique sur le cinéma mondial.To promote his film, Hollywood battle on several fronts: advertising, lobbying and moral codes. When their successes erect "Made in Hollywood" brand in quality, Hollywood managed to assume a strategic advantage on world cinema. marketing, Hollywood, MPEA.
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    Mensch en Kosmos Bij Plotinus.W. R. Brakell Buys - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):293-308.
    Notre époque, traversée de courants mystiques, manifeste un intérêt tout particulier pour les idées du neo-platonicien Plotin. Pour le platonicien l'univers participe à l'idée. Platon considérait les choses comme le reflet de l'idée, ce que Plotin se refusait à admettre. La diversité dont la vie fait preuve atteste son inépuisable richesse, et si les choses dans leur état particulier sont imparfaites et défectueuses, c'est que chaque chose représente sa particularité d'une façon imparfaite. Le dualisme platonicien se retrouve chez Plotin; à (...)
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    La démocratie.Alain Brossat - 2013 - [Bandol]: Al Dante.
    Dans les quatre essais qui composent ce livre s'ébauche ce que Foucault nommerait une analytique de la démocratie contemporaine en rupture ouverte avec les courants dominants de la science politique et de la philosophie politique. Il ne s'agit pas en effet de s'y demander ce qui définirait à proprement parler un régime démocratique, quelles seraient les normes de la culture démocratique, à quelles valeurs se réfèrent les usages démocratiques, en quoi consiste la vie démocratique, quelles en sont les institutions appropriées, (...)
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    Mensch en Kosmos bij Plotinus.W. R. Van Brakell Buys - 1939 - Synthese 4 (6):293 - 308.
    Notre époque, traversée de courants mystiques, manifeste un intérêt tout particulier pour les idées du neo-platonicien Plotin. Pour le platonicien l'univers participe à l'idée. Platon considérait les choses comme le reflet de l'idée, ce que Plotin se refusait à admettre. La diversité dont la vie fait preuve atteste son inépuisable richesse, et si les choses dans leur état particulier sont imparfaites et défectueuses, c'est que chaque chose représente sa particularité d'une façon imparfaite. Le dualisme platonicien se retrouve chez Plotin; à (...)
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  7. Imposters, Tricksters, and Trustworthiness as an Epistemic Virtue.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (4):790-807.
    This paper argues that trustworthiness is an epistemic virtue that promotes objectivity. I show that untrustworthy imposture can be an arrogant act of privilege that silences marginalized voices. But, as epistemologists of ignorance have shown, sometimes trickery and the betrayal of epistemic norms are important resistance strategies. This raises the question: when is betrayal of trust epistemically virtuous? After establishing that trust is central to objectivity, I argue for the following answer: a betrayal is epistemically vicious when it strengthens (...)
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    Le négationnisme économique: et comment s'en débarrasser.Pierre Cahuc - 2016 - Paris: Flammarion. Edited by André Zylberberg.
    Des remèdes miracles comme la baisse des impôts, l'augmentation des dépenses publiques, l'arrêt de l'immigration, la semaine de 32 heures, la réindustrialisation des territoires, ou encore la taxation des transactions financières sont censés nous guérir sans coût de tous nos maux. Ces contre-vérités rabâchées à l'envi par les médias portent un nom : le négationnisme économique. A l'origine de choix stratégiques, il nous appauvrit et se traduit par des millions de chômeurs. Or aujourd'hui on ne peut affirmer tout et son (...)
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    Sarah Kofman: philosopher autrement.Ginette Michaud, Isabelle Ullern-Weité & Nicholas Cotton (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    "L’écriture philosophique de Sarah Kofman a eu pour enjeu « la vie comme texte ». De L’enfance de l’art (1970) à L’imposture de la beauté (1995, posthume), la philosophe a exploré cette question dans un geste de lecture audacieux par lequel elle confronte philosophes anciens (Empédocle, Héraclite, Platon), modernes (Descartes, Kant, Rousseau, Kierkegaard, Comte, Marx) et contemporains (Sartre, Blanchot, Derrida). Sarah Kofman convoquait aussi dans toutes ses analyses deux interlocuteurs privilégiés, Freud et Nietzsche. La littérature, l’idéologie, le féminin, le (...)
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  10. Arrogance and deep disagreement.Andrew Aberdein - 2020 - In Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch (eds.), Polarisation, Arrogance, and Dogmatism: Philosophical Perspectives. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 39-52.
    I intend to bring recent work applying virtue theory to the study of argument to bear on a much older problem, that of disagreements that resist rational resolution, sometimes termed "deep disagreements". Just as some virtue epistemologists have lately shifted focus onto epistemic vices, I shall argue that a renewed focus on the vices of argument can help to illuminate deep disagreements. In particular, I address the role of arrogance, both as a factor in the diagnosis of deep disagreements and (...)
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  11. Populism and the virtues of argument.Andrew Aberdein - 2022 - In Gregory Peterson (ed.), Engaging Populism: Democracy and the Intellectual Virtues. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 147-163.
    This chapter argues that a virtue-theoretic account of argumentation can enhance our understanding of the phenomenon of populism and offer some lines of response. Virtue theories of argumentation emphasize the role of arguers in the conduct and evaluation of arguments and lay particular stress on arguers’ acquired dispositions of character, otherwise known as intellectual virtues and vices. One variety of argumentation of particular relevance to democratic decision-making is group deliberation. There are both theoretical and empirical reasons for maintaining that intellectual (...)
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    The Matter of Murder of Daughters in Jahiliyyah Arab Community: Evaluation from The Perspective of Islamic History.Ahmet Acarlioğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):441-460.
    Parents in Arab society did not take any responsibility for their children in the pre-Islamic era. The husband, as the head of the family, used to treat family members as his servants and forced them in the direction of his interests. No matter the rationale behind it, the burial of daughters in the pre-Islamic era is an outrageous and ill-treated tradition. In this study, it is possible to see which tribes in the Arab society started this repellent custom and which (...)
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    Self-Love and the Vices of Self-Preference.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1998 - Faith and Philosophy 15 (4):500-513.
    The paper explores the extent to which self-love, as understood by Bishop Butler, may be in harmony with altruistic virtue. Whereas Butler was primarily concerned to rebut suspicions directed against altruism, the suspicions principally addressed by the present writer are directed against self-love. It is argued that the main vices of self-preference---particularly selfishness, self-centeredness, and arrogance---are not essentially excesses of self-love and, indeed, do not necessarily involve self-love. lt is argued further that self-love is something one is typically taught as (...)
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  14.  38
    Review of Jacob Adler: The Urgings of Conscience: A Theory of Punishment.[REVIEW]Jacob Adler - 1993 - Ethics 104 (1):181-182.
    Most people who write about punishment ask, Why may we punish the guilty? I want to ask, Why should the guilty put up with it? or, more specifically, To what extent does a person guilty of an offense have a duty to submit to punishment? ;This question forms the topic of the thesis. The work is divided into two parts, of three chapters each. In Part 1, I argue for the importance of the question. In Part 2, I try to (...)
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    Jargon de l'authenticité: De l'idéologie allemande.Theodor W. Adorno, Guy Petitdemange & Eliane Escoubas - 2018 - Payot.
    Comment l'idéologie nazie a-t-elle imprégné et corrompu jusqu'au plus intime de la pensée et du langage? Jargon de l'authenticité est l'une des charges les plus féroces écrites contre Heidegger et son jargon. Qu'est-ce que le jargon? C'est un maniement de la langue qui vise à exercer un charme magique sur les lecteurs grâce à une sacralisation du langage et à un pathos de l'authenticité. Nationalisme, repli sur soi, mépris de la réalité sociale sont dès lors autant de voies pour (...)
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    Arrogance: developmental, cultural, and clinical realms.Salman Akhtar & Ann G. Smolen (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Arrogance as a specific constellation of affect, fantasy, and behavior has received little attention in psychoanalysis. This is striking in light of the enormous amount of literature accumulated on the related phenomenon of narcissism. Rectifying this omission, the book in your hands addresses arrogance from multiple perspectives. Among the vantage points employed are psychoanalysis, evolutionary psychology, cross-cultural anthropology, fiction, as well as clinical work with children and adults. The result is a harmonious gestalt of insight that is bound to enhance (...)
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    The Instruments of Oracular Expression.Arthur K. Moore - 1973 - Diogenes 21 (82):1-30.
    Romanticism fabricated a poet of vast oracular powers largely from superstitious notions and suspicious philosophies which the Renaissance had gathered up somewhat by chance with the rational part of the Graeco-Roman legacy. The model was surely an imposture and, historically considered, a scandal. Seer, sage, prophet, mage—the pretensions varied, but all were titles to transcendent disclosure in times increasingly committed, at least officially, to a unified scientific view. That the poet could be confirmed to any degree in this anachronistic (...)
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  18. Development and validation of a multi-dimensional measure of intellectual humility.Mark Alfano, Kathryn Iurino, Paul Stey, Brian Robinson, Markus Christen, Feng Yu & Daniel Lapsley - 2017 - PLoS ONE 12 (8):e0182950.
    This paper presents five studies on the development and validation of a scale of intellectual humility. This scale captures cognitive, affective, behavioral, and motivational components of the construct that have been identified by various philosophers in their conceptual analyses of intellectual humility. We find that intellectual humility has four core dimensions: Open-mindedness (versus Arrogance), Intellectual Modesty (versus Vanity), Corrigibility (versus Fragility), and Engagement (versus Boredom). These dimensions display adequate self-informant agreement, and adequate convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity. In particular, Open-mindedness (...)
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  19. Muslim perspectives on stem cell research and cloning.Fatima Agha Al-Hayani - 2008 - Zygon 43 (4):783-795.
    In Islam, the acquisition of knowledge is a form of worship. But human achievement must be exercised in conformity with God's will. Warnings against feelings of superiority often are coupled with the command to remain within the confines of God's laws and limits. Because of the fear of arrogance and disregard of the balance created by God, any new knowledge or discovery must be applied with careful consideration to maintaining balance in the creation. Knowledge must be applied to ascertain equity (...)
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  20.  9
    Sufism as a Practical Moral Education: Reflections on the Thoughts of Kiai Moechtar Boechari (1899-1926).Mohamad Ali - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):445-460.
    Sufism has been neglected in the religious discourse and educational practices of modernist Muslims in the Islamic world, including Indonesia, where Kiai Moechtar Boechari (1899-1926) had emerged as an early activist in the Muhammadiyah Surakarta and Sufism. This research aims to examine Kiai Boechari’s religious thought, emphasizing the idea of Sufism as a practice of moral education (_akhlaq_). The data of research comprised mainly documentation and library archives. The findings reveal that Kiai Boechari’s religious thinking was driven by persistence in (...)
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    "Là où il y a preuve, il n’y a pas témoignage". Les apories du témoin selon Jacques Derrida.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 115 (2):289-303.
    La priorité que la phénoménologie classique accorde à la première personne se voit déplacée de différentes manières par les penseurs post-phénoménologiques, dont Jacques Derrida. L’article a pour but d’indiquer la fonction stratégique qu’occupe dans la pensée derridienne la figure du témoin, que ce soit en tant que tiers qui déstabilise la métaphysique de la présence dans ses premiers écrits mais surtout, comme figure spéculative dans l’œuvre tardive, entre foi et savoir. Des remarques dispersées de Derrida sur le témoignage, on peut (...)
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    Prisonniers du Grand Autre: Jacques Lacan, Marc-François Lacan, Bernard Sichère, Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Romeo Castellucci.Jean Allouch - 2012 - Paris: EPEL.
    Chasseur alpin sur le front italien, mon père revint, après la débâcle, dans le village méridional qu'il habitait, seul juif en ce lieu consacré à la vigne et au vin. Il rassembla alors ceux qui avec lui voulurent faire parvenir en Allemagne, aussi régulièrement que possible, des colis aux prisonniers. J'avais deux ans, puis trois, puis quatre. Je prends ici le relais avec un premier colis aux prisonniers de Dieu. Deux autres suivront : Schreber théologien (L'ingérence divine II) et Une (...)
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    Richard hooker’s worries about the mind: The path to certainty.Rudolph P. Almasy - 2013 - Perichoresis 11 (1):31-49.
    ABSTRACT Focusing on two of Richard Hooker’s sermons, “Certaintie and Perpetuitie of Faith in the Elect” and “Learned Sermon of the Nature of Pride”, this essay explores Hooker’s worries about how the mind reacts to matters of religious doubt, curiosity, arrogance, and mental confusions. These worries of what enters the mind influence the search for what Hooker calls the certainty of adherence and the certainty of evidence. Such worries, prompted by what Hooker sees as the mind’s frag- ileness in the (...)
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  24. A crisis of conscience: Is community journalism the answer?J. Herbert Altschull - 1996 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 11 (3):166 – 172.
    With lost credibility, ratings, and circulation, journalism faces a crisis of conscience. One answer is participatory community journalism; journalists become activists on behalfofthe process of self-government. A veteran journalist and author of Agents of Power, Altschull questions the press's arrogance, its faith in objectivity, and its unvarying insistence on its First Amendment rights, and asks instead that the public interest be put ahead of the maximization of profit, that media help to mediate public issues, and that the public be allowed (...)
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    Le socle marathonien et le trésor des Athéniens.Pierre Amandry - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (1):75-90.
    L'assise où se dressaient des statues devant le mur Sud du trésor des Athéniens est couramment appelée « socle marathonien » parce qu'elle porte une dédicace où figure le nom de Marathon. Pour les uns, cette dédicace est celle du trésor lui-même ; pour d'autres, le socle a été accolé à un monument bâti avant 490. La dédicace a été regravée, probablement au IIIe s. av. J.C. ; le texte regravé est en tout point identique à celui de la première (...)
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    Superiority conceit in Buddhist traditions: a historical perspective.Bhikkhu Analayo - 2021 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
    In this thoroughly researched but accessibly written book, the respected scholar-monk Bhikkhu Anālayo explores-and sharply criticizes-four examples of what he terms "superiority conceit" in Buddhism: the androcentric idea that women are not suitable for monastic roles and less capable of becoming advanced bodhisattvas the Mahayana notion that those who don't aspire to become bodhisattvas are inferior practitioners the Theravada belief that theirs is the truest, most original expression of the Buddha's teaching the Secular Buddhist opinion that Buddhism is best practiced (...)
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  27. Autonomy gaps as a social pathology: Ideologiekritik beyond paternalism.Joel Anderson - 2009 - In Axel Honneth & Rainer Forst (eds.), Sozialphilosophie und Kritik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    From the outset, critical social theory has sought to diagnose people’s participation in their own oppression, by revealing the roots of irrational and self-undermining choices in the complex interplay between human nature, social structures, and cultural beliefs. As part of this project, Ideologiekritik has aimed to expose faulty conceptions of this interplay, so that the objectively pathological character of what people are “freely” choosing could come more clearly into view. The challenge, however, has always been to find a way of (...)
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    Tracing Ricoeur.Dudley Andrew - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):43-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 43-69 [Access article in PDF] Tracing Ricoeur Dudley Andrew François Dosse. Paul Ricoeur: Les Sens D'une Vie. Paris: La Découverte, 1997. [PR] The Time of the Tortoise Gilles Deleuze chose not to see the end of the century that Michel Foucault claimed would be named after him, a century that began just as philosophy registered the aftershocks caused by the work of his closest progenitors, Nietzsche (...)
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  29. Le mensonge, ou, L'imposture de la conscience.Sami Anhoury - 1983 - Beirut, Lebanon: Naufal Group.
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    A philosophical Study of Sexuality Inherent in the Me Too Movement. 박정희 - 2023 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 113:147-166.
    본 연구의 목적은 사회주의 페미니즘 관점에서 미투 운동에 내재된 섹슈얼리티 문제를 철학적으로 고찰하는 것이다. 미투 운동에서 드러난 여성 억압은 가부장주의와 남성우월주의뿐만 아니라, 자본주의의 노동 구조와 법적·정치적 구조, 그리고 사회문화적 제도 등에서 비롯된 남녀 간 힘의 불균등에서 기인한다는 것을 논증할 것이다. 아울러 미투 운동에 내재된 섹슈얼리티를 통해 성과 권력의 문제, 그리고 성과 관련한 우리사회의 비뚤어진 욕망을 중점적으로 탐구하는 것이 이 연구의 필요성이다.BR 본 연구는 여성 억압의 문제를 성차별과 계급차별로 분리하지 않고, 계급과 젠더가 맞물리는 지점에 주목하면서 산업구조와 자본 및 경제적 구조에 따라 (...)
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    La incertidumbre como antídoto para las desconfianzas e irresponsabilidades patológicas propias de nuestra era digital.Roberto R. Aramayo - 2022 - Dilemata 38:31-43.
    The digital era provides quick access to a lot of data that is often poorly substantiated and frequently designed to disinform or deny evidence that is inconvenient to certain interests. The constant and continuous use of technological devices that provide instant gratification imbues us with a certain arrogance, as if we could fulfill all our desires by sliding our finger across a screen. This relentless immersion in virtual reality blurs the real facts, the veracity of which we come to distrust, (...)
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    Le transhumanisme: la technoscience au service des puissants.Christian Araud - 2019 - Paris: Éditions Libre & solidaire.
    Certains individus très hautement placés dans l'échelle sociale se désignent volontiers comme transhumanistes. On les trouve souvent à la tête de grandes sociétés à la pointe de la pointe de la technologie. Cette super-élite, immensément riche, promeut le mythe de l'explosion technologique, avec une reprise fantastique de la croissance économique. Elle ne s'inquiète guère de tous les avertissements catastrophistes, car toutes les menaces seront annihilées par la Techno-Science! Pour faire partager cette vue radieuse à ceux qui en sont naturellement les (...)
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    Le chantier sur l’acceptabilité sociale : une démarche innovante tournée vers l’avenir.Pierre Arcand - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    L’acceptabilité sociale est devenue un élément incontournable pour la réalisation de projets de mise en valeur du territoire et des ressources naturelles. Elle constitue bien souvent le cœur des préoccupations des investisseurs, des communautés, des instances régionales et gouvernementales, des citoyens, du milieu des affaires et des groupes environnementaux. Le ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, par sa mission de gardien du territoire public et de soutien au développement de projets de mise en valeur des ressources énergétiques et minières, (...)
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    Philosophies of Appearance and Reality.Gavin Ardley - 1960 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 10 (10):50-63.
    1.—In the early decades of the Eighteenth Century a French Jesuit, one Fr. Jean Hardouin, was engaged in propounding a startling theory concerning the credentials of ancient literature. He declared that nearly all the reputed writings of antiquity, secular and sacred alike, were in fact composed by a monkish group of literary forgers in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. The only works he admitted as authentic were the Latin Scriptures, Homer, Herodotus, and a few others of minor import. In defence (...)
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    The legal reasoning of the president’s right to issue pardons.Besa Arifi - 2017 - Seeu Review 12 (2):32-61.
    Presidential pardon has always existed in criminal law and continues to constitute a very important competence of the head of state in many modern day countries. In the past, the clemency given by the sovereign represented an act which showed his/her mercy upon their subjects. It was often used as a tool to show the arbitrary will of the sovereign that constituted the law, rather than the law itself. Therefore, the classical school of criminal law that appeared in the 18th (...)
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    Arrogance with the Abacus: A Note on Theophrastus, Char. 24.Geoffrey Arnott - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):278-280.
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    Is There a Place for Humility in HEAVEN?Anto Čartolovni - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (4):234-236.
    The primary intention of Ren and Canavero's article (2017) is to respond to various criticisms raised by their proposal of the head anastomosis venture (HEAVEN) procedure. Before we launch a deeper analysis of Ren and Canavero's article, I would like to draw attention to a sentence, “Unfortunately, humility is not a part of medical lore,” where they refer to the arrogance and unsuccessfulness of medical science to recognize the importance and breakthrough of the HEAVEN procedure. Interestingly, with this repeated citation, (...)
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  38. Unknowability and Humility in Clinical Ethical Decisions.Atsushi Asai - 2002 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 12 (4):133-136.
    The purpose of this paper is to show problems encountered in the clinical setting by analyzing a case of a senile demented patient and to reexamine the validity of existing ethical principles and procedures. It will be argue that although existing ethical guidelines and procedures are ordinarily quite useful, ethical decisions based on them could sometimes be inconclusive because unknowabililty and uncertainty inherent to real life situations such as the care of the demented elderly patient exist. It will also be (...)
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  39. The nonhuman condition: Radical democracy through new materialist lenses.Hans Asenbaum, Amanda Machin, Jean-Paul Gagnon, Diana Leong, Melissa Orlie & James Louis Smith - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (Online first):584-615.
    Radical democratic thinking is becoming intrigued by the material situatedness of its political agents and by the role of nonhuman participants in political interaction. At stake here is the displacement of narrow anthropocentrism that currently guides democratic theory and practice, and its repositioning into what we call ‘the nonhuman condition’. This Critical Exchange explores the nonhuman condition. It asks: What are the implications of decentering the human subject via a new materialist reading of radical democracy? Does this reading dilute political (...)
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    Faith, science, and the wager for reality: Meillassoux and Ricœur on post-Kantian realism.Barnabas Aspray - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (2):133-156.
    This article compares two attempts to return to realism after Kant’s ‘Copernican Revolution’. Quentin Meillassoux, representing the ‘speculative realism’ school, rejects both Kantian and post-Kantian idealism in favour of a materialism based on the epistemology of the modern sciences. But Meillassoux is unaware of the element of choice in his philosophical position, and he does not solve the essential problem posed by idealism which concerns the place of the subject in being. Ricœur, on the other hand, sublates Kant by a (...)
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    Annotations sur le mépris de Godard et l’Odyssée d'"Homère".Teodoro Rennó Assunção - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 7:109-114.
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    Benjamin à la lumière de Hegel.Thomas Aït Kaci - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 139 (4):47-62.
    Les rapports de Benjamin à Hegel n’ont rien de l’affrontement que l’on pourrait supposer de prime abord. Hegel demeure le plus souvent tenu à distance, mais lorsque Benjamin s’y réfère véritablement, c’est en complice plutôt qu’en adversaire. L’envers de cette alliance est un détournement stratégique de la pensée hégélienne. On y verra le sceau de la pratique benjaminienne de la citation. À l’aune des références à Hegel ponctuant le corpus jusqu’aux Thèses de 1940, on déterminera certains traits des dialectiques benjaminiennes, (...)
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    Mépris et estime de soi.Paul Audi - 2013 - Cités 54 (2):162.
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  44. Knowledge & Logic: Towards a science of knowledge.Luis M. Augusto - manuscript
    Just started a new book. The aim is to establish a science of knowledge in the same way that we have a science of physics or a science of materials. This might appear as an overly ambitious, possibly arrogant, objective, but bear with me. On the day I am beginning to write it–June 7th, 2020–, I think I am in possession of a few things that will help me to achieve this objective. Again, bear with me. My aim is well (...)
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    Análisis del ser del mexicano y otros escritos sobre la filosofía de lo mexicano.Valero Pie Aurelia - 2014 - Dianoia 59 (72):155-161.
    Mi propósito en este trabajo es reconsiderar una de las lecturas más relevantes y provocativas que se han hecho sobre John Dewey en el mundo de habla hispana. En la primera parte reconstruyo las circunstancias que rodearon la difusión, interpretación y traducción de las obras de Dewey en el México de mediados de los años 1940, y en concreto las razones que llevaron a que la visión sociológica que José Medina Echavarría quiso dar de Dewey fuera finalmente desplazada por la (...)
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    The Death of Darwinism and the Limits of Evolution.Randall E. Auxier - 2006 - Philo 9 (2):193-220.
    George Holmes Howison’s 1895 essay entitled “The Limits of Evolution,” argued that there are four things evolutionary theory does not explain. In examining whether 11 decades have made a difference in these four, I argue that the arrogance of scientists over the past century in refusing to distinguish between full explanations and explanatory hypotheses is in some ways responsible for the fundamentalist backlash against evolutionary science. A scientific community that is honest and forthcoming about its limitations is to be sought. (...)
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    (1 other version)Langage managérial et dramaturgie organisationnelle.Cendrine Avisseau & Nicole D’Almeida - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 58 (3):, [ p.].
    Le discours managérial constitue un véritable genre et représente une catégorie particulière au sein des énoncés performatifs. L’objectif annoncé de présentation des orientations stratégiques et de dynamisation des équipes s’accompagne d’une mise en scène particulière qui constitue une des conditions de sa félicité, de son accomplissement. Le contexte d’internationalisation et d’interdépendance dans lequel se déroule l’activité des entreprises renforce la stéréotypie de ce langage qui mobilise un format, un vocabulaire et une syntaxe particulière marqués par l’anglicisme et l’asyncticité. Destiné à (...)
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    On the Scientific Method, Its Practice and Pitfalls.Francisco J. Ayala - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):205 - 240.
    This paper sets forth a familiar theme, that science essentially consists of two interdependent episodes, one imaginative, the other critical. Hypotheses and other imaginative conjectures are the initial stage of scientific inquiry because they provide the incentive to seek the truth and a clue as to where to find it. But scientific conjectures must be subject to critical examination and empirical testing. There is a dialogue between the two episodes; observations made to test a hypothesis are the inspiration for new (...)
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    Passing through the Needle's eye: Can a feminist teach logic? [REVIEW]Maryann Ayim - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (5):801-820.
    Is it possible for one and the same person to be a feminist and a logician, or does this entail a psychic rift of such proportions that one is plunged into an endless cycle of self-contradiction? Andrea Nye's book, Words of Power (1990), is an eloquent affirmation of the psychic rift position. Although eloquent, I believe it is mistaken in certain serious ways, which I shall address in this paper.Nye advances this position in her concluding essay to Words of Power (...)
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  50. Pacifism and Moral Integrity.Jovan Babić - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (4):1007-1016.
    The paper has three parts. The first is a discussion of the values as goals and means. This is a known Moorean distinction between intrinsic and instrumental values, with one other Moorean item - the doctrine of value wholes. According to this doctrine the value wholes are not simply a summation of their parts, which implies a possibility that two evils might be better than one (e. g. crime + punishment, two evils, are better than either one of them taken (...)
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