Results for 'Diana Leong'

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  1.  8
    Book Review: Embodied Avatars: Genealogies of Black Feminist Art and Performance by Uri McMillan. [REVIEW]Diana Leong - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):226-227.
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  2. The nonhuman condition: Radical democracy through new materialist lenses.Hans Asenbaum, Amanda Machin, Jean-Paul Gagnon, Diana Leong, Melissa Orlie & James Louis Smith - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (Online first):584-615.
    Radical democratic thinking is becoming intrigued by the material situatedness of its political agents and by the role of nonhuman participants in political interaction. At stake here is the displacement of narrow anthropocentrism that currently guides democratic theory and practice, and its repositioning into what we call ‘the nonhuman condition’. This Critical Exchange explores the nonhuman condition. It asks: What are the implications of decentering the human subject via a new materialist reading of radical democracy? Does this reading dilute political (...)
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    International Dimensions of Psychological Ethics.Mark M. Leach & Frederick T. L. Leong - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (3-4):175-178.
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    Margaret Cavendish. Escritura, estilo Y filosofía natural.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (137):271-290.
    RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho é indicar como a exploração estilística de Margaret Cavendish responde às particularidades do conceito de natureza dela, por exemplo, a tese de que a natureza é uma matéria viva, infinita, mutável e heterogênea. Primeiramente, mostrarei o modo pelo qual a autora está presente em seus escritos, como ela escreve de uma perspectiva de primeira pessoa sobre sua própria experiência e de quem ela é. Resumirei brevemente sua biografia e o contexto no qual ela praticou filosofia. (...)
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    Lying: The Impact of Decision Context.William T. Ross & Diana C. Robertson - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (2):409-440.
    Abstract:This study tests the usefulness of a person-situation interactionist framework in examining the willingness of a salesperson to lie to get an order. Using a survey of 389 salespersons, our results demonstrate that organizational relationships influence willingness to lie. Specifically, salespersons are less willing to lie to their own company than to their customer, than to a channel partner, and finally, than to a competitor firm. Furthermore, respondents from firms with a clear and positive ethical climate are less willing to (...)
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    An Analysis of the Perceptions of Incivility in Higher Education.Tracy Hudgins, Diana Layne, Celena E. Kusch & Karen Lounsbury - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):177-191.
    The aim of this study was to understand how incivility is viewed across multiple academic programs and respondent subgroups where different institutional and cultural power dynamics may influence the way students and faculty perceive uncivil behaviors. This study used the Conceptual Model for Fostering Civility in Nursing Education as its guiding framework. The Incivility in Higher Education Revised (IHE-R) Survey and a detailed demographic questionnaire were used to gather self-assessment and personal perspective data regarding incivility in the higher education setting. (...)
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    Voluntary Registries to Support Improved Interaction Between Police and People Living with Dementia.Heather M. Ross, Diana M. Bowman & Jessica M. Wani - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):348-363.
    This paper provides an overview of the societal impact of a rising dementia population and examines the legal and ethical implications posed by voluntary registries as a community-oriented solution to improve interactions between law enforcement and individuals with dementia. It provides a survey of active voluntary registries across the United States, with a focus on Arizona, which has the highest projected growth for individuals living with dementia in the country.
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    Letter-Writing as a Decolonial Feminist Praxis for Philosophical Writing.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):410-423.
    According to Chandra Mohanty, there is no apolitical academy; academic and scholarly practices are in themselves political, insofar as they are inscribed in power and validation relations, which answer to and have effects upon the patriarchal, colonial, and capitalist structures to which they belong. In the case of philosophical writing, this means that the forms that regulate writing, that is, what determines how one must write in different contexts, are expressive of the power structures within philosophical academia. These power structures (...)
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    El hysteron/proteron del tiempo.Diana María Acevedo Zapata - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (159):33-46.
    El pasaje de la _Física _ (218b21-219a) ha llevado a postular un concepto de tiempo deter minado por las condiciones perceptivas de la psyche. Se muestra cómo las condiciones de percepción son un punto de partida en la investigación: lo que es primero y más cercano a los sentidos y más conocido para los seres humanos. El punto de llegada es la conexión necesaria entre la existencia del tiempo y la del cambio. La percep ción del cambio de los durmientes (...)
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    Lozano-Vásquez, Andrea y Meléndez, Germán, comps. Convertir la vida en arte: una introducción histórica a la filosofía como forma de vida.Diana María Acevedo-Zapata - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):373.
    Lozano-Vásquez, Andrea y Meléndez, Germán, comps. Convertir la vida en arte: una introducción histórica a la filosofía como forma de vida. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2016. 389 pp.
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    The Changing Landscape of Doctoral Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: PhD Students, Faculty Advisors, and Preferences for Varied Career Options.David K. Sherman, Lauren Ortosky, Suyi Leong, Christopher Kello & Mary Hegarty - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The landscape of graduate science education is changing as efforts to diversify the professoriate have increased because academic faculty jobs at universities have grown scarce and more competitive. With this context as a backdrop, the present research examines the perceptions and career goals of advisors and advisees through surveys of PhD students and faculty mentors in science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines. Study 1 examined actual preferences and career goals of PhD students among three options: research careers, teaching careers, and (...)
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    In touch: Cardiac and respiratory patterns synchronize during ensemble singing with physical contact.Elke B. Lange, Diana Omigie, Carlos Trenado, Viktor Müller, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann & Julia Merrill - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Musical ensemble performances provide an ideal environment to gain knowledge about complex human interactions. Network structures of synchronization can reflect specific roles of individual performers on the one hand and a higher level of organization of all performers as a superordinate system on the other. This study builds on research on joint singing, using hyperscanning of respiration and heart rate variability from eight professional singers. Singers performed polyphonic music, distributing their breathing within the same voice and singing without and with (...)
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    Adaptation to nocturnality – learning from avian genomes.Diana Le Duc & Torsten Schöneberg - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):694-703.
    The recent availability of multiple avian genomes has laid the foundation for a huge variety of comparative genomics analyses including scans for changes and signatures of selection that arose from adaptions to new ecological niches. Nocturnal adaptation in birds, unlike in mammals, is comparatively recent, a fact that makes birds good candidates for identifying early genetic changes that support adaptation to dim‐light environments. In this review, we give examples of comparative genomics analyses that could shed light on mechanisms of adaptation (...)
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    Bacteriófagos y endolisinas en la industria alimentaria.Diana Gutiérrez Fernández, Lucía Fernández Llamas, Ana Rodríguez González & Pilar García Suárez - 2020 - Arbor 196 (795):544.
    La obtención de alimentos sanos y seguros requiere de técnicas de conservación inocuas para el consumidor y para el me­dio ambiente, entre las que se destaca la bioconservación. A su ca­tálogo de compuestos naturales o microorganismos, utilizados de forma habitual, la bioconservación ha incorporado recientemente los bacteriófagos y las proteínas fágicas con actividad lítica. La utilización de fagos y endolisinas en el biocontrol ofrece importantes ventajas frente a otros sistemas de conserva­ción tradicionales. Entre dichas ventajas destacan su inocuidad, especificidad y (...)
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    Revisiting the context dependence of cofactor‐recruiting motifs.Stefanie Diana Hueber - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (7):585-585.
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    Epistemic Capabilities and Epistemic Injustice: What is the Role of Higher Education in Fostering Epistemic Contributions of Marginalized Knowledge Producers?Alejandra Boni & Diana Velasco - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (1):1-26.
    This paper explores how University as social entity has great potential to confront epistemic injustices by expanding epistemic capabilities. To do this, we primarily follow the contributions of scholars such as Miranda Fricker and José Medina. The epistemic capabilities and epistemic injustice nexus will be explored via two empirical cases: the first one is an experience developed in Lagos using participatory video; the second is a service learning pedagogical strategy for final year undergraduate students conducted at Universidad de Ibagué. The (...)
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    Ethical Challenges for Cross-Cultural Research Conducted by Psychologists From the United States.Frederick T. L. Leong & Brent Lyons - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (3-4):250-264.
    In light of rapid globalization, there has been an increase in U.S. psychologists conducting international cross-cultural research. Such researchers face unique ethical dilemmas. Although the American Psychological Association has its own Code of Ethics with guidelines regarding research, these guidelines do not specifically address international and cross-cultural research. The purposes of this article are to (a) provide a review of current ethical guidelines for research on human subjects, (b) provide a review of major ethical challenges and dilemmas in conducting cross-cultural (...)
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  18.  47
    Impaired extraction of speech rhythm from temporal modulation patterns in speech in developmental dyslexia.Victoria Leong & Usha Goswami - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  19.  35
    Read. Do. Observe. Take note!Elaine Leong - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (1-2):87-103.
    This article offers a brief overview of recent studies on note taking and paperwork in histories of early modern science. Showcasing the wide variety of note-taking practices performed by a range of historical actors across diverse sites and knowledge practices, it argues that a focus on note taking and “paper technologies” enables us to put in conversation a number of linked epistemic practices from reading and writing to making and doing to observing and surveying to classifying and categorizing. By viewing (...)
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  20. The Role of China's Bureaucracy in its No-Devaluation Policy during the Asian Financial Crisis.Leong H. Liew - 2003 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 4 (1):61-76.
    Analysts have generally offered two explanations for China's no-devaluation policy during the Asian financial crisis. The first is China's good economic fundamentals and the renminbi is not fully convertible. The second is China's foreign relations' imperative. China was endeavouring to seek favourable entry conditions into the WTO and improve relations with its Asian neighbours. At the same time it sought to exploit the undercurrent of resentment in Asia towards the role played by the US during the crisis. Policy making in (...)
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    Place and Passage in the Chinese Arts: Visual Images and Poetic Analogues.Esther Jacobson-Leong - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (2):345-368.
    In a society which traditionally valued the moral and expressive forces of art, landscape painting became one of the most esteemed art forms. In China, "landscape" has always meant what its Chinese name—shan shui —implies: paintings dominated by peaks and streams supplemented by trees, rocks, mists, and plunging waterfalls. Despite major changes in style, landscape painting in China between the eighth and eighteenth centuries was remarkably stable in subject matter. Chinese artists painted the natural settings which surrounded them in their (...)
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    Collecting Knowledge for the Family: Recipes, Gender and Practical Knowledge in the Early Modern English Household.Elaine Leong - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (2):81-103.
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    New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics.Diana Coole & Samantha Frost (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    New Materialisms brings into focus and explains the significance of the innovative materialist critiques that are emerging across the social sciences and humanities. By gathering essays that exemplify the new thinking about matter and processes of materialization, this important collection shows how scholars are reworking older materialist traditions, contemporary theoretical debates, and advances in scientific knowledge to address pressing ethical and political challenges. In the introduction, Diana Coole and Samantha Frost highlight common themes among the distinctive critical projects that (...)
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  24.  25
    The thematic structure of homepages: An exploratory systemic-functional account.Leong Ping Alvin - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (210):105-127.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 210 Seiten: 105-127.
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    Tools of the mind: the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education.Elena Bodrova & Deborah Leong - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Deborah Leong.
    Now in its third edition, this classic text remains the seminal resource for in-depth information about major concepts and principles of the cultural-historical theory developed by Lev Vygotsky, his students, and colleagues, as well as three generations of neo-Vygotskian scholars in Russia and the West. Featuring two new chapters on brain development and scaffolding in the zone of proximal development, as well as additional content on technology, dual language learners, and students with disabilities, this new edition provides the latest research (...)
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    Theology when Everything is Out of Control.Seow Choon-Leong - 2001 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 55 (3):237-249.
    Qoheleth's theology concerns the practical realities of life and how one can cope in a topsy-turvy world. He espouses an ethic of liberality and enjoyment in the face of uncertainty.
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  27. Essentially speaking: feminism, nature & difference.Diana Fuss - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    In this brief and powerful book, Diana Fuss takes on the debate of pure essence versus social construct, engaging with the work of Luce Irigaray and Monique ...
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  28. From Yijing to Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Physics.David Leong - manuscript
    In the quest and search for a physical theory of everything from the macroscopic large body matter to the microscopic elementary particles, with strange and weird concepts springing from quantum physics discovery, irreconcilable positions and inconvenient facts complicated physics – from Newtonian physics to quantum science, the question is- how do we close the gap? Indeed, there is a scientific and mathematical fireworks when the issue of quantum uncertainties and entanglements cannot be explained with classical physics. The Copenhagen interpretation is (...)
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  29. The Relatedness of YiJing and Quantum Physics.David Leong - manuscript
    The work in this paper is presented with this spirit to draw the relatedness of Yijing to quantum physics and seek to express the continuity between the ancient sages and contemporary scientific thought. Yijing is abstract philosophical and can provide an excellent method for generating, structuring and exploring quantum fields relevant to our present level of scientific knowledge. Further, the view of reality that science emphasizes as a seamless, continuous field is the same as Yijing where ‘self’ as particle is (...)
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  30. Yijing and Energy Fields.David Leong - manuscript
    The sequential patterns of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Yijing, variously known as I Ching (the Book of Changes) are structured to embrace the universe of possibilities, scenarios and probabilities. Each hexagram equates to each moment in space-time. With the arrow of time, a string of hexagrams represent a string of moments. A probability curve can be formed from the string of hexagrams. Physicists call this mathematical entity a wave function which is constantly changing and proliferating. A wave function is (...)
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    On Ethically Solvent Leaders: The Roles of Pride and Moral Identity in Predicting Leader Ethical Behavior.Diana Rus, Nico Yperen, Barbara Wisse & Stacey Sanders - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):631-645.
    The popular media has repeatedly pointed to pride as one of the key factors motivating leaders to behave unethically. However, given the devastating consequences that leader unethical behavior may have, a more scientific account of the role of pride is warranted. The present study differentiates between authentic and hubristic pride and assesses its impact on leader ethical behavior, while taking into consideration the extent to which leaders find it important to their self-concept to be a moral person. In two experiments (...)
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  32. Introducing the new materialisms.Diana Coole & Samantha Frost - 2010 - In Diana Coole & Samantha Frost, New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics. Duke University Press. pp. 1--43.
  33. ICA 3 Singapore and Birmingham: administrators' perspective, supporting and delivering a vision.Leong Chuan Kwek & Sue Gilligan - 2025 - In Eliezer Rabinovici, Laws: rigidity and dynamics. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte..
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  34. Ethical Challenges While Testifying.Gregory B. Leong & Mendel Feldsher - 2025 - In William Connor Darby & Robert Weinstock, Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
  35.  21
    Facades of diversity.Susan Leong, Thor Kerr & Shaphan Cox - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 135 (1):115-133.
    This article focuses on urban space and heritage. Our aim is to understand how ordinary streets in Perth respond to urban change and how much these urban streets represent Western Australia’s heritage. The intention is to eschew the dominant branding of WA as Australia’s mining state and shift the spotlight so that in addition to the economic and material, light is also shed on the socio-cultural in the everyday and the vernacular. This project uses Henri Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis approach to explore (...)
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  36. Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference.Diana Fuss & Elizabeth Grosz - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):208-217.
    A critical analysis of Diana Fuss's Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference and Elizabeth Grosz's Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists.
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    This interdisciplinary exploration discusses the intricate conceptual linkages among Buddhism’s Eighth State of Consciousness, Quantum Holography, and the Jungian Collective Unconscious. Central to this study is examining the Eighth Consciousness in Buddhist thought—a realm that transcends the conventional sensory and mental states to connect with a more universal and profound awareness. Drawing parallels, Quantum Holography posits that every part of the universe retains information about the whole, much like a hologram. This notion seemingly mirrors the Jungian concept of the Collective (...)
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  38. Awareness of Rhythm Patterns in Speech and Music in Children with Specific Language Impairments.Ruth Cumming, Angela Wilson, Victoria Leong, Lincoln J. Colling & Usha Goswami - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Being Yourself: Essays on Identity, Action, and Social Life.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2004 - rowman & littlefield.
  40.  44
    Managing the Risks of Corporate Political Donations: A Utilitarian Perspective.Shane Leong, James Hazelton & Cynthia Townley - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):429-445.
    This paper applies a utilitarian analysis to corporate political donations. Unlike the more common rights-based analyses, it is argued that the optimal policy is the one that best satisfies society’s rational preferences concerning donor influence, adequate financing, donor pressure and the cost of maintaining and enforcing the democratic system. This analysis suggests that a ban is best if it would be generally observed and sufficient financing from other sources is available, otherwise a donation cap is a better option. Further, lobbyists (...)
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    Thinking about Consciousness.Diana Raffman - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (1):171-186.
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    Rewriting the Quantum “Revolution”.Diana Taschetto - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):72-88.
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  43. Subjection and Subjectivity: Psychoanalytic Feminism and Moral Philosophy.Diana T. Meyers - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Diana Tietjens Meyers examines the political underpinnings of psychoanalytic feminism, analyzing the relation between the nature of the self and the structure of good societies. She argues that impartial reason--the approach to moral reflection which has dominated 20th-century Anglo-American philosophy--is inadequate for addressing real world injustices. ____Subjection and Subjectivity__ is central to feminist thought across a wide range of disciplines.
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  44. Unruly Words: A Study of Vague Language.Diana Raffman - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oup Usa.
    In Unruly Words, Diana Raffman advances a new theory of vagueness which, unlike previous accounts, is genuinely semantic while preserving bivalence. According to this new approach, called the multiple range theory, vagueness consists essentially in a term's being applicable in multiple arbitrarily different, but equally competent, ways, even when contextual factors are fixed.
  45. Vagueness without paradox.Diana Raffman - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):41-74.
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    Die Medizinische Moralkritik Friedrich Nietzsches: Genese, Bedeutung Und Wirkung.Diana Aurenque - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Nietzsches Philosophie ist ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel für die Produktivität des Dialogs zwischen Medizin und Philosophie. Diana Aurenque stellt die medizinischen Einflüsse in der Entstehung von Nietzsches moralkritischem Denken heraus. Ferner klärt sie die Bedeutung seiner medizinisch-philosophischen Moralkritik und erforscht die Rezeption und Aktualität von Nietzsches moralkritischem Denken in Fragestellungen und Debatten der heutigen Medizinethik.
  47. Important aspects of catholic identity for committed generations X and Y Catholics.Diana McKinley & Webber - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (3):322.
    McKinley, Diana; Webber, Ruth This paper is an ecclesial study of the baptismal response of twenty-three Catholics between the ages of twenty-one and forty-one, from six Catholic dioceses across Australia. The study was undertaken between 2008 and 2010. The purpose of the study was to investigate how committed Catholics from Generation X (born 1961-1975) and Generation Y (born 1976-1990) came to faith, and why they continued to practise their Catholic faith, despite falling Mass attendance generally. An unexpected result of (...)
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  48. Self, Society, and Personal Choice.Diana T. Meyers - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):222-225.
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    Corporate institutionalization of ethics in the United States and Great Britain.Diana C. Robertson & Bodo B. Schlegelmilch - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (4):301-312.
    This paper compares the results of large-scale U.S. and U.K. surveys designed to identify managers' major ethical concerns and to investigate how firms are formulating and communicating ethics policies responsive to these concerns.Our findings indicate some important differences between U.S. and U.K. firms in perceptions of what are important ethical issues, in the means used to communicate ethics policies, and in the issues addressed in ethics policies and employee training. U.K. companies tend to be more likely to communicate ethics policies (...)
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    self, society, and personal choice.Diana T. Meyers - 1989 - columbia.
    Meyers examines the question of personal autonomy. She observes the effects of childrearing practices and sexual biases, and reflects upon the results in women. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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