Results for 'approximate decidability'

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  1.  23
    Approximate decidability in euclidean spaces.Armin Hemmerling - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (1):34-56.
    We study concepts of decidability for subsets of Euclidean spaces ℝk within the framework of approximate computability . A new notion of approximate decidability is proposed and discussed in some detail. It is an effective variant of F. Hausdorff's concept of resolvable sets, and it modifies and generalizes notions of recursivity known from computable analysis, formerly used for open or closed sets only, to more general types of sets. Approximate decidability of sets can equivalently (...)
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    The discrete parts of approximately decidable sets in Euclidean spaces.Armin Hemmerling - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (4):428.
    It is shown that the classes of discrete parts, A ∩ ℕk, of approximately resp. weakly decidable subsets of Euclidean spaces, A ⊆ ℝk, coincide and are equal to the class of ω-r. e. sets which is well-known as the first transfinite level in Ershov's hierarchy exhausting Δ02.
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    Notes on decidability and finite approximability of sentential logics.Jana Zygmunt - 1981 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 10 (1):38-40.
    This is an abstract of the paper accepted for publication in \Acta Uni- versitatis Wratislaviensis", series \Prace Filozoczne { Logika". The paper was presented at the 25th Conference for the History of Logic, Krakow, October 5-7, 1979.
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    Approximation Logic and Strong Bunge Algebra.Michiro Kondo - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (4):595-605.
    In this paper we give an axiom system of a logic which we call an approximation logic (AL), whose Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra is a strong Bunge algebra (or simply s-Bunge algebra), and show thatFor every s-Bunge algebra , a quotient algebra by a maximal filter is isomorphic to the simplest nontrivial s-Bunge algebra ;The Lindenbaum algebra of AL is an s-Bunge algebra;AL is complete;AL is decidable.
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    Decidability and complexity of event detection problems for ODEs.Keijo Ruohonen - 1997 - Complexity 2 (6):41-53.
    The ability of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to simulate discrete machines with a universal computing power indicates a new source of difficulties for event detection problems. Indeed, nearly any kind of event detection is algorithmi- cally undecidable for infinite or finite half-open time intervals, and explicitly given “well-behaved” ODEs (see [18]). Practical event detection, however, usually takes place on finite closed time intervals. In this paper the undecidability of general event detection is extended to such intervals. On the other hand, (...)
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    Approximative Explanation.T. R. Girill - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:186 - 196.
    This paper develops an explicit, pragmatic solution to the problem of deciding when an explanans which only approximately "covers" a desired event-explanandum E is acceptable as an adequate explanation. It shows in detail how comparisons made by the explanation's audience with the numerical value in E are what determine how closely E must be approximated for success. With the aid of several physics examples, it spells out the principles that govern these explanandum-comparisons, the conditions under which those principles hold, and (...)
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    Decidability of General Extensional Mereology.Hsing-Chien Tsai - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (3):619-636.
    The signature of the formal language of mereology contains only one binary predicate P which stands for the relation “being a part of”. Traditionally, P must be a partial ordering, that is, ${\forall{x}Pxx, \forall{x}\forall{y}((Pxy\land Pyx)\to x=y)}$ and ${\forall{x}\forall{y}\forall{z}((Pxy\land Pyz)\to Pxz))}$ are three basic mereological axioms. The best-known mereological theory is “general extensional mereology”, which is axiomatized by the three basic axioms plus the following axiom and axiom schema: (Strong Supplementation) ${\forall{x}\forall{y}(\neg Pyx\to \exists z(Pzy\land \neg Ozx))}$ , where Oxy means ${\exists (...)
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  8. Three concepts of decidability for general subsets of uncountable spaces.Matthew W. Parker - 2003 - Theoretical Computer Science 351 (1):2-13.
    There is no uniquely standard concept of an effectively decidable set of real numbers or real n-tuples. Here we consider three notions: decidability up to measure zero [M.W. Parker, Undecidability in Rn: Riddled basins, the KAM tori, and the stability of the solar system, Phil. Sci. 70(2) (2003) 359–382], which we abbreviate d.m.z.; recursive approximability [or r.a.; K.-I. Ko, Complexity Theory of Real Functions, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1991]; and decidability ignoring boundaries [d.i.b.; W.C. Myrvold, The decision problem for entanglement, (...)
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  9.  7
    Approximate Justice: Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy.George Sher - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this engaging and provocative book, Sher explores the normative moral and social problems that arise from living in a decidedly non-ideal world_a world that contains immorality, evil, and injustice, and in which resources are often inadequate. Sher confronts difficult issues surrounding preferential treatment and equal opportunity, compensatory justice and punishment, the allocation of goods, and moral compromise.
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  10. Effective finite-valued approximations of general propositional logics.Matthias Baaz & Richard Zach - 2008 - In Arnon Avron & Nachum Dershowitz, Pillars of Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday. Springer Verlag. pp. 107–129.
    Propositional logics in general, considered as a set of sentences, can be undecidable even if they have “nice” representations, e.g., are given by a calculus. Even decidable propositional logics can be computationally complex (e.g., already intuitionistic logic is PSPACE-complete). On the other hand, finite-valued logics are computationally relatively simple—at worst NP. Moreover, finite-valued semantics are simple, and general methods for theorem proving exist. This raises the question to what extent and under what circumstances propositional logics represented in various ways can (...)
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  11.  43
    A Logic for Multiple-source Approximation Systems with Distributed Knowledge Base.Md Aquil Khan & Mohua Banerjee - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (5):663-692.
    The theory of rough sets starts with the notion of an approximation space , which is a pair ( U , R ), U being the domain of discourse, and R an equivalence relation on U . R is taken to represent the knowledge base of an agent, and the induced partition reflects a granularity of U that is the result of a lack of complete information about the objects in U . The focus then is on approximations of concepts (...)
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  12. What Is morality? And why can't we decide? (original title).Stephen R. Palmquist - 2013 - Morality: Diversity of Concepts and Meanings.
    I was invited to contribute this short piece to a book published in Russia, consisting of brief statements on the nature of morality written by approximately 90 scholars. Each essay is published in both English and Russian. My essay offers my considered answer to the question posed in the title, though in the end all contributions were published without titles.
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    The Hausdorff-Ershov Hierarchy in Euclidean Spaces.Armin Hemmerling - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (3):323-350.
    The topological arithmetical hierarchy is the effective version of the Borel hierarchy. Its class Δta 2 is just large enough to include several types of pointsets in Euclidean spaces ℝ k which are fundamental in computable analysis. As a crossbreed of Hausdorff's difference hierarchy in the Borel class ΔB 2 and Ershov's hierarchy in the class Δ0 2 of the arithmetical hierarchy, the Hausdorff-Ershov hierarchy introduced in this paper gives a powerful classification within Δta 2. This is based on suitable (...)
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  14.  25
    Sémantique algébrique ďun système logique basé sur un ensemble ordonné fini.Abir Nour - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (4):457-466.
    In order to modelize the reasoning of an intelligent agent represented by a poset T, H. Rasiowa introduced logic systems called “Approximation Logics”. In these systems a set of constants constitutes a fundamental tool. In this papers, we consider logic systems called L′T without this kind of constants but limited to the case where T is a finite poset. We prove a weak deduction theorem. We introduce also an algebraic semantics using Hey ting algebra with operators. To prove the completeness (...)
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  15.  51
    Characterizations of the class Δ ta 2 over Euclidean spaces.Armin Hemmerling - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4):507-519.
    We present some characterizations of the members of Δta2, that class of the topological arithmetical hierarchy which is just large enough to include several fundamental types of sets of points in Euclidean spaces ℝk. The limit characterization serves as a basic tool in further investigations. The characterization by effective difference chains of effectively exhaustible sets yields only a hierarchy within a subfield of Δta2. Effective difference chains of transfinite (but constructive) order types, consisting of complements of effectively exhaustible sets, as (...)
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  16.  47
    Vagueness and Formal Fuzzy Logic: Some Criticisms.Giangiacomo Gerla - 2017 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 26 (4):431-460.
    In the common man reasoning the presence of vague predicates is pervasive and under the name “fuzzy logic in narrow sense” or “formal fuzzy logic” there are a series of attempts to formalize such a kind of phenomenon. This paper is devoted to discussing the limits of these attempts both from a technical point of view and with respect the original and principal task: to define a mathematical model of the vagueness. For example, one argues that, since vagueness is necessarily (...)
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  17.  57
    Dual Use Research: Investigation Across Multiple Science Disciplines.Shannon Oltmann - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):327-341.
    Most recent studies of dual use research have focused on the life sciences, although some researchers have suggested that dual use research occurs across many disciplines. This research is an initial investigation into the prevalence of dual use research in other scientific disciplines by surveying senior editors of scientific journals, drawn from Journal Citation Reports. The survey was emailed to 7,500 journal editors with a response rate of 10.1 %. Approximately 4.8 % of life science editors reported they had to (...)
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  18.  14
    Delaware’s copycat: Can delaware corporate law be emulated?Dov Solomon & Ido Baum - 2022 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 23 (1):1-36.
    Delaware’s famous corporate law and its highly respected specialized Court of Chancery attract entrepreneurs from all over the world, who choose the small state as their locus of incorporation and litigation forum, and global investors who choose Delaware law as the law governing their corporate investments and mergers and acquisitions. Other jurisdictions vie with Delaware in regard to these choices. This interjurisdictional competition makes Delaware a significant global norm exporter in the field of corporate law because jurisdictions emulate some of (...)
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  19.  42
    John C. Fletcher 1931-2004.LeRoy Walters - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3):vii-viii.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.3 (2004) vii-viii [Access article in PDF] John C. Fletcher 1931-2004 John Fletcher was one of the pioneers in the still-young field of bioethics. In this short tribute, I can only hope to highlight a few of the many contributions he made to the field.For many of us, our first introduction to John occurred in October 1971. At an international symposium sponsored by the (...)
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  20.  37
    Closing the Gaps in Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, One Step at a Time.Lisa V. Adams, Helga Naburi, Goodluck Lyatuu, Paul Palumbo & C. Fordham von Reyn - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):75-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Closing the Gaps in Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, One Step at a TimeLisa V. Adams, Helga Naburi, Goodluck Lyatuu, Paul Palumbo, and C. Fordham von ReynFatuma's* doctors were completely perplexed. It was 2003 and she had returned to the DARDAR clinic in her hometown of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania three times that week with vague complaints of various pains and aches. Her doctors were considering whether these symptoms were due (...)
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  21. The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes": a Tool for Encouraging Critical Thinking in the Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO).Gloria Fernández Millán, Pedro García-Guirao & Olivia López Martínez - 2021 - Investigaciones Sobre Lectura 16:32-50.
    This research analyses to what extent the use of debates on literature and cross-cutting themes presented by means of journalistic texts encourages critical thinking in the compulsory secondary education (ESO), concretely within a sample of 128 participants from third year of the secondary school. Firstly, the study investigates the effectiveness of these debates for the correct establishment of literary knowledge from the chosen book, The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes; secondly, the progression (or regression) of critical thinking among the students. (...)
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  22.  13
    The whole truth: a cosmologist's reflections on the search for objective reality.P. J. E. Peebles - 2022 - Oxford ;: Princeton University Press.
    What lies at the heart of physical inquiry? What are the foundational ideas and working assumptions that inform the enterprise of natural science? What principles guide research? How do scientists decide whether they are building theories in the right direction? Is there a right direction? Do physical theories actually approximate an objective reality, or are they simply useful summaries, mnemonics for experimental results? This book is Nobel Prize winner Jim Peebles's contribution to such big, classic debates in the philosophy (...)
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    Integration of Social Information by Human Groups.Boris Granovskiy, Jason M. Gold, David J. T. Sumpter & Robert L. Goldstone - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (3):469-493.
    We consider a situation in which individuals search for accurate decisions without direct feedback on their accuracy, but with information about the decisions made by peers in their group. The “wisdom of crowds” hypothesis states that the average judgment of many individuals can give a good estimate of, for example, the outcomes of sporting events and the answers to trivia questions. Two conditions for the application of wisdom of crowds are that estimates should be independent and unbiased. Here, we study (...)
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  24.  78
    Machiavelli's Prince as Ceo.Kendall D'Andrade - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (4):395-404.
    The Machiavellian model is often praised as a realistic description of modern corporate life. My analysis of Tne Prince follows Rousseau in arguing that the prince can survive and prosper most easily by creating an environment in which almost all the citizens prosper. Far from licensing unrestrained self-aggrandizement, in this model success only comes from providing real value to almost every citizen for the entire period of one's leadership.Translation from the early sixteenth to the late twentieth century is far from (...)
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  25. A Commentary on Eugene Thacker’s "Cosmic Pessimism".Gary J. Shipley & Nicola Masciandaro - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):76-81.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 76–81 Comments on Eugene Thacker’s “Cosmic Pessimism” Nicola Masciandaro Anything you look forward to will destroy you, as it already has. —Vernon Howard In pessimism, the first axiom is a long, low, funereal sigh. The cosmicity of the sigh resides in its profound negative singularity. Moving via endless auto-releasement, it achieves the remote. “ Oltre la spera che piú larga gira / passa ’l sospiro ch’esce del mio core ” [Beyond the sphere that circles widest / penetrates (...)
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    Computational complexity of quantifier-free negationless theory of field of rational numbers.Nikolai Kossovski - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):175-180.
    The following result is an approximation to the answer of the question of Kokorin about decidability of a quantifier-free theory of field of rational numbers. Let Q0 be a subset of the set of all rational numbers which contains integers 1 and −1. Let be a set containing Q0 and closed by the functions of addition, subtraction and multiplication. For example coincides with Q0 if Q0 is the set of all binary rational numbers or the set of all decimal (...)
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  27. The Intentions of Information Sources Can Affect What Information People Think Qualifies as True.I. J. Handley-Miner, Michael Pope, Richard Kenneth Atkins, S. M. Jones-Jang, Daniel J. McKaughan, J. Philips & L. Young - 2023 - Scientific Reports 13.
    The concept of truth is at the core of science, journalism, law, and many other pillars of modern society. Yet, given the imprecision of natural language, deciding what information should count as true is no easy task, even with access to the ground truth. How do people decide whether a given claim of fact qualifies as true or false? Across two studies (N = 1181; 16,248 observations), participants saw claims of fact alongside the ground truth about those claims. Participants classified (...)
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  28.  33
    Fast Food Fighters Fall Flak Plaintiffs Fail to Establish that McDonalds should be Liable for Obesity-related Illnesses.Ben Falit - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):725-729.
    This nation’s obesity epidemic is hardly a laughing matter. Approximately 300,000 Americans die from obesity-related causes each year, and without corrective measures, obesity may soon be responsible for as many deaths as cigarette smoking. Sixty-one percent of adults are overweight or obese, and the cost of obesity for the year 2000 was estimated to be 117 billion dollars.In Pelman v. McDmalds, a case decided in September 2003, a federal judge dismissed an amended complaint that attempted to hold McDonalds liable for (...)
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    Modeling Magnitude Discrimination: Effects of Internal Precision and Attentional Weighting of Feature Dimensions.Emily M. Sanford, Chad M. Topaz & Justin Halberda - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (2):e13409.
    Given a rich environment, how do we decide on what information to use? A view of a single entity (e.g., a group of birds) affords many distinct interpretations, including their number, average size, and spatial extent. An enduring challenge for cognition, therefore, is to focus resources on the most relevant evidence for any particular decision. In the present study, subjects completed three tasks—number discrimination, surface area discrimination, and convex hull discrimination—with the same stimulus set, where these three features were orthogonalized. (...)
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  30. Degrees of Attention and Degrees of Consciousness.Azenet L. Lopez - 2023 - In Michal Polák, Tomáš Marvan & Juraj Hvorecký, Conscious and Unconscious Mentality: Examining Their Nature, Similarities and Differences. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 229-250.
    A standing question in consciousness science is whether consciousness arises gradually or in a sudden way. This empirical question is connected to a metaphysical one, concerning the kind of property that consciousness is, i.e., graded or categorical. Recently, Lee (2022) suggested that settling this question requires deciding which theory of consciousness is true. Applying an insight from Wiese (2020), this chapter pursues a way of approximating answers by examining properties that are necessary for consciousness, which consciousness must have regardless of (...)
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  31.  91
    Something 'paralogical' under the sun: Lyotard's postmodern condition and science education.Michalinos Zembylas - 2000 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 32 (2):159–184.
    Sometimes I dream that I am an astronaut. I land my spaceship on a distant planet. When I tell me children on that planet that on earth school is compulsory and that we have homework every evening, they split their sides laughing. And so I decide to stay with them for a long, long time… Well anyway… until the summer holidays. Each state of the mind is irreducible. The mere act of giving it a name, that is of classifying it, (...)
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  32.  33
    Effective inseparability in a topological setting.Dieter Spreen - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80 (3):257-275.
    Effective inseparability of pairs of sets is an important notion in logic and computer science. We study the effective inseparability of sets which appear as index sets of subsets of an effectively given topological T0-space and discuss its consequences. It is shown that for two disjoint subsets X and Y of the space one can effectively find a witness that the index set of X cannot be separated from the index set of Y by a recursively enumerable set, if X (...)
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  33.  55
    Unique solutions.Peter Schuster - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (6):534-539.
    It is folklore that if a continuous function on a complete metric space has approximate roots and in a uniform manner at most one root, then it actually has a root, which of course is uniquely determined. Also in Bishop's constructive mathematics with countable choice, the general setting of the present note, there is a simple method to validate this heuristic principle. The unique solution even becomes a continuous function in the parameters by a mild modification of the uniqueness (...)
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  34.  53
    An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Methods for Predicting Pneumonia Mortality.Gregory F. Cooper, Constantin F. Aliferis, Richard Ambrosino, John Aronis, Bruce G. Buchanon, Richard Caruana, Michael J. Fine, Clark Glymour, Geoffrey Gordon, Barbara H. Hanusa, Janine E. Janosky, Christopher Meek, Tom Mitchell, Thomas Richardson & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    This paper describes the application of eight statistical and machine-learning methods to derive computer models for predicting mortality of hospital patients with pneumonia from their findings at initial presentation. The eight models were each constructed based on 9847 patient cases and they were each evaluated on 4352 additional cases. The primary evaluation metric was the error in predicted survival as a function of the fraction of patients predicted to survive. This metric is useful in assessing a model’s potential to assist (...)
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  35.  46
    The potential impact of decision role and patient age on end-of-life treatment decision making.B. J. Zikmund-Fisher, H. P. Lacey & A. Fagerlin - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):327-331.
    Background: Recent research demonstrates that people sometimes make different medical decisions for others than they would make for themselves. This finding is particularly relevant to end-of-life decisions, which are often made by surrogates and require a trade-off between prolonging life and maintaining quality of life. We examine the impact of decision role, patient age, decision maker age and multiple individual differences on these treatment decisions. Methods: Participants read a scenario about a terminally ill cancer patient faced with a choice between (...)
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  36. Levels of abstraction and the Turing test.Luciano Floridi - 2010 - Kybernetes 39 (3):423-440.
    An important lesson that philosophy can learn from the Turing Test and computer science more generally concerns the careful use of the method of Levels of Abstraction (LoA). In this paper, the method is first briefly summarised. The constituents of the method are “observables”, collected together and moderated by predicates restraining their “behaviour”. The resulting collection of sets of observables is called a “gradient of abstractions” and it formalises the minimum consistency conditions that the chosen abstractions must satisfy. Two useful (...)
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  37.  56
    Some fundamental difficulties with quantum mechanical collision theory.William Band & James L. Park - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (9-10):677-694.
    When quantum scattering theory is applied strictly from the point of view that the state of a system is completely described by the density matrix, whether pure or mixed, it is not possible to assume that colliding particles are at all times individually in pure states. Exact results are significantly different from conventionally accepted approximations. In particular, it turns out that the cross section as ordinarily defined in theS-matrix formalism is an adequate parameter for deciding the outcome of interactions only (...)
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    Unconventional combinations of prospective parents: ethical challenges faced by IVF providers.Klitzman Robert - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):18.
    BackgroundProfessional guidelines have addressed ethical dilemmas posed by a few types of nontraditional procreative arrangements, but many questions arise regarding how providers view and make decisions about these and other such arrangements.MethodsThirty-seven ART providers and 10 patients were interviewed in-depth for approximately 1 h each. Interviews were systematically analyzed.ResultsProviders faced a range of challenges and ethical dilemmas concerning both the content and the process of decisions about requests for unconventional interfamilial and other reproductive combinations. Providers vary in how they respond (...)
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    Is Economic Rationality in the Head?Kevin Vallier - 2015 - Minds and Machines 25 (4):339-360.
    Many economic theorists hold that social institutions can lead otherwise irrational agents to approximate the predictions of traditional rational choice theory. But there is little consensus on how institutions do so. I defend an economic internalist account of the institution-actor relationship by explaining economic rationality as a feature of individuals whose decision-making is aided by institutional structures. This approach, known as the subjective transaction costs theory, represents apparently irrational behavior as a rational response to high subjective transaction costs of (...)
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    Evaluation of Ḥadīth Narratives Related with the Animals Whose Meat is Forbidden to Eat.Nejla Hacioğlu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1191-1220.
    As in every religious issue, the two main resources of Islām which are the Qur’ān and the Sunnah/ḥadīths are the first reference sources for deciding the things that are forbidden by Islam. There is no evidence in the Qur’ān that suggests specific types of animals are forbidden to eat except pork. Other than pork, only the animals which are slaughtered without the name of Allah, their blood and their carcass are forbidden to consume. Except these restricted ill-gotten meats, in the (...)
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    Substantia.Jean-Luc Marion & Enrique A. Eguiarte B. - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):507-519.
    The aim of J.-L. Marion’s article is to revisit the important debate on the place of Augustine in the history of metaphysics. Often, quibbles arise upon considering the use of substance (substantia) by Augustine, not only as approximative of essentia and as synonymous with ousia, but in deciding whether in so doing Augustine effectuates a ‘metaphysical turn’. While he elsewhere argues that Augustine is a pre-metaphysical thinker, in this article Marion focuses on showing the diverse range of usages of the (...)
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    Introduction.F. S. Naiden & Richard Talbert - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (2):167-178.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionF. S. [email protected] and Richard [email protected] state that there are no sound bites or video clips from classical antiquity is to repeat the obvious. But it is a surprise perhaps to realize how seldom we can recall our field’s most influential scholars even of the very recent past through such now commonplace media. Moreover, the chance to view and hear personal reflections articulated by any such figures about their (...)
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    The Enigmatic Lady Pudentilla.Vincent Hunink - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (2):275-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Enigmatic Lady PudentillaVincent HuninkRoman literature, like Roman society in general, was dominated by males. From this “men’s world” only a few women seem to stand out as individuals. Hence it is not surprising that whenever a Roman text presents a marked female personality, the relevant data from the text are readily used by scholars to reconstruct her biography.This is certainly the case for Aemilia Pudentilla, the wife of (...)
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    Damascus and Crusaders in the XIIth and XIIIth Century.Nadir Karakuş - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):189-213.
    The most important reason underlying the success of the Crusaders taking Antakya from Muslims and entering the Syrian and Palestinian territories is undoubtedly the division among the Muslims. This division was not only among the dynasties, but also the cities. The Muslim rulers of Damascus have sat up alliances with the Crusaders to protect themselves from neighboring Muslim rulers. Of course, this alliance was more of a role for the Crusaders, making it easier for them to hold on to the (...)
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    A pragmatic analysis of idealizations in physics.William F. Barr - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (1):48-64.
    A brief discussion is offered of what it means to say that a set of statements provides D-N explanation with special emphasis given to approximative D-N explanation. An idealized theory is seen to provide approximative D-N explanation. An ideal case provides explanation only if postulates are offered which connect the ideal antecedent condition with actual conditions. Such postulates will help in accounting for deviations between what the consequent of the ideal case entails and what actually occurs. Three ways are presented (...)
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    Natural Density and the Quantifier “Most”.Selçuk Topal & Ahmet Çevik - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):511-523.
    This paper proposes a formalization of the class of sentences quantified by most, which is also interpreted as proportion of or majority of depending on the domain of discourse. We consider sentences of the form “Most A are B”, where A and B are plural nouns and the interpretations of A and B are infinite subsets of \. There are two widely used semantics for Most A are B: \ > C \) and \ > \dfrac{C}{2} \), where C denotes (...)
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  47. Fuzzy Networks for Modeling Shared Semantic Knowledge.Farshad Badie & Luis M. Augusto - 2023 - Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 14 (1):1-14.
    Shared conceptualization, in the sense we take it here, is as recent a notion as the Semantic Web, but its relevance for a large variety of fields requires efficient methods of extraction and representation for both quantitative and qualitative data. This notion is particularly relevant for the investigation into, and construction of, semantic structures such as knowledge bases and taxonomies, but given the required large, often inaccurate, corpora available for search we can get only approximations. We see fuzzy description logic (...)
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  48. A proof of completeness for continuous first-order logic.Itaï Ben Yaacov & Arthur Paul Pedersen - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):168-190.
    -/- Continuous first-order logic has found interest among model theorists who wish to extend the classical analysis of “algebraic” structures (such as fields, group, and graphs) to various natural classes of complete metric structures (such as probability algebras, Hilbert spaces, and Banach spaces). With research in continuous first-order logic preoccupied with studying the model theory of this framework, we find a natural question calls for attention. Is there an interesting set of axioms yielding a completeness result? -/- The primary purpose (...)
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    The Preferences of al-Kisāʾī : Grammar and Meaning in a Canonical Reading of the Qur’an.Ramon Harvey - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (2):313-332.
    The Qur’an has been transmitted as both a written text and an oral recital. This has led to the development of a reading tradition that permits numerous different vocalisations to be made upon the basic skeletal text of the established ʿUthmānī codex. Ibn al-Jazarī chose ten early readers whom he felt were most representative of this tradition and whose readings are treated as canonical up until this day. One of these, the Kufan linguist al-Kisāʾī has been characterised in the literature (...)
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  50. Vagueness and Inductive Molding.J. R. Welch - 2007 - Synthese 154 (1):147-172.
    Vagueness is epistemic, according to some. Vagueness is ontological, according to others. This article deploys what I take to be a compromise position. Predicates are coined in specific contexts for specific purposes, but these limited practices do not automatically fix the extensions of predicates over the domain of all objects. The linguistic community using the predicate has rarely considered, much less decided, all questions that might arise about the predicate’s extension. To this extent, the ontological view is correct. But a (...)
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