Results for 'act-oriented'

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  1.  21
    Face-oriented acts of empathy in psychotherapy.Wu Yijin - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (3):373-389.
    Using Conversation Analytic methods, the present study attempts to analyze the various functions of face-based therapist empathy, and how they are sequentially realized in different psychotherapeutic settings. Four types of face-based therapeutic functions are discussed; more specifically, it is illustrated how therapist empathy may serve to maintain, enhance, threaten or even save the client’s face. The findings gained could contribute to a better understanding of the face-based therapeutic functions of empathy; also, the study may inspire researchers to further investigate other (...)
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    On The Four Orientations of Wang Yangming's Tenet of the Unity of Knowing and Acting.Ping Dong & George L. Israel - 2025 - Journal of East-West Thought 15 (1):1-19. Translated by George L. Israel.
    Abstract: When the Ming dynasty Confucian Wang Yangming (1472-1529) proposed his tenet of the unity of knowing and acting (zhi xing heyi 知行合一), he did so because he believed that Zhu Xi (1130-1200), his revered Song dynasty predecessor and architect of the School of Principle (Neo-Confucianism), had wrongly conceptually divided knowledge and action, and that this had led to profound problems of an existential nature for the individual with real-world consequences. For Wang Yangming, the relation between knowledge and action is (...)
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    Proche-Orient ancien; Temps vécu, temps pensé: Actes de la Table-Ronde du 15 novembre 1997 organisée par l'URA 1062 «Etudes Sémitiques»Proche-Orient ancien; Temps vecu, temps pense: Actes de la Table-Ronde du 15 novembre 1997 organisee par l'URA 1062 [French open quote]Etudes Semitiques[French closing quote]. [REVIEW]Dennis Pardee, Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Hélène Lozachmeur, Francoise Briquel-Chatonnet & Helene Lozachmeur - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):134.
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    Speech acts and the autonomy of linguistic pragmatics.Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (1):85-106.
    Speech acts and the autonomy of linguistic pragmatics This paper comments on selected problems of the definition of linguistic pragmatics with a focus on notions associated with speech act theory in the tradition of John Langshaw Austin. In more detail it concentrates on the relevance of the use of the Austinian categorisation into locution, illocution, and perlocution in locating a divide in between pragmatics and semantics, and especially the distinction between the locutionary act and the illocutionary act and its implications (...)
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    The Life of Virtue as an Act of Worship: On the Eucharistic Orientation of the Moral Life.Michael A. Wahl - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1399-1428.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Life of Virtue as an Act of Worship:On the Eucharistic Orientation of the Moral LifeMichael A. WahlThe Second Vatican Council's sole mention of moral theology, which occurs in the decree on priestly formation Optatam Totius, consists in a brief but unmistakable call for its renewal (§16). The need for such renewal stems from the state of moral theology in the mid-twentieth century, dominated by the manualist tradition that (...)
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  6. Value Orientations as Determinants of Preference for External and Anonymous Whistleblowing.Dilek Zamantili Nayir & Christian Herzig - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):197-213.
    Incidences of organizational wrongdoing have become wide spread throughout the whole business world. The management of organizational wrongdoings is of growing concern in organizations globally, since these types of acts can be detrimental to financial well being. Wrongdoing occurs within organizational settings and organizational members commonly have knowledge of and thus the opportunity to report the wrongdoing. An employee’s decision to report individual or organizational misconduct, i.e. blow the whistle, is a complex phenomenon that is based upon organizational, situational and (...)
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  7. Sexual Orientations, Sexual Preferences, and Well-Being.Raja Halwani - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (3):463-489.
    A common belief is that, among our sexual dispositions, sexual orientations are important and deep features of who someone is. This distinguishes them from other sexual dispositions—“mere” preferences—that are thought to be trivial in comparison. Is there a way to adequately account for this distinction? What is a plausible explanation for the belief that sexual orientation is a deep and important feature of who one is? This paper defends one necessary condition for a sexual disposition to be an orientation, the (...)
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  8. Acts, Attitudes, and Rational Control.Douglas W. Portmore - manuscript
    I argue that when determining whether an agent ought to perform an act, we should not hold fixed the fact that she’s going to form certain attitudes (and, here, I’m concerned with only reasons-responsive attitudes such as beliefs, desires, and intentions). For, as I argue, agents have, in the relevant sense, just as much control over which attitudes they form as which acts they perform. This is important because what effect an act will have on the world depends not only (...)
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  9. Acts, Attitudes, and Rational Choice.Douglas W. Portmore - manuscript
    In this paper, I argue that we have obligations not only to perform certain actions, but also to have certain attitudes (such as desires, beliefs, and intentions), and this despite the fact that we rarely, if ever, have direct voluntary control over our attitudes. Moreover, I argue that whatever obligations we have with respect to actions derive from our obligations with respect to attitudes. More specifically, I argue that an agent is obligated to perform an action if and only if (...)
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  10.  21
    Relationship Orientation, Justice Perception, and Opportunistic Behavior in PPP Projects: An Empirical Study From China.Guoli Feng, Shengyue Hao & Xiaoguang Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    An equal and high-quality partnership between public and private sectors is essential to the sustainable development of public–private partnership projects. However, in the special social circumstance in China, the public sector has a strong voice in PPP projects. According to the existing research on PPP project failure, the government's dishonest performance and negative cooperative attitude and the private sector's speculative behavior of concealing information will lead to termination or even failure of project. The attitude and behavior that reflect the relationship (...)
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  11.  65
    Ethical Orientations and Attitudes of Hispanic Business Students.Jason Flores & Arturo Z. Vasquez-Parraga - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (4):261-275.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the attitudes and orientations of Hispanic business students regarding ethical and unethical actions as well as what rewards or punishments are considered appropriate for specific scenarios. A survey was developed using a 2 × 2 randomized experimental design to measure students’ ethical orientations and 38 items were developed to measure students’ attitudes regarding factors that can influence the decision to cheat or not to cheat. The results suggest that Hispanic business students are (...)
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  12. Object-oriented ontology, or programming's creative fold.Aden Evens - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):89 – 97.
    This article asks what is creative about the act of programming. Observing that in most programming contexts, each line of code is written with a specific end in mind, it would seem as though there is little room for creativity, as the ends constrain the choices of means. However, there are many features of coding languages that open up creative possibilities. Object-oriented coding environments purport to make programming more about structures that humans might work with and less about features (...)
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    P. Briant (ed.): Dans les pas des Dix-Mille: Peuples et pays du Proche Orient vus par un Grec. Actes de la Table Ronde internationale organisée à l’initiative du GRACO Toulouse, 3–4 février 1995. (Pallas: Revue d’études antiques 43.) Pp. xv + 302, 26 ills. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1995. Paper, frs. 160. [REVIEW]M. Brosius - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (1):281-282.
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    Entrepreneurial Orientation and Corruption.Tobias Karmann, René Mauer, Tessa C. Flatten & Malte Brettel - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):223-234.
    Organizational corruption is a wide-spread negative aspect of economic activity, and a seemingly never-ending series of corruption scandals has been made public around the globe. Although research is performed in a broad variety of disciplines, ranging from psychology to management to law, a fully satisfactory explanation for the causes of organizational corruption has not been found. By looking at organizational factors as potential triggers for corruptive behavior, this study draws upon the concept of entrepreneurial orientation. Diverse studies have shown that (...)
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  15. How virtue fits within business ethics.J. Thomas Whetstone - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (2):101 - 114.
    This paper proposes that managers add an attention to virtues and vices of human character as a full complement to moral reasoning according to a deontological focus on obligations to act and a teleological focus on consequences (a balanced tripartite approach). Even if the criticisms of virtue ethics cloud its use as a mononomic normative theory of justification, they do not refute the substantial benefits of applying a human character perspective – when done so in conjunction with also-imperfect act-oriented (...)
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    Time orientations and emotion-rules in finance.Jocelyn Pixley - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (4):383-400.
    This article explores how Anglo-American financial firms since the 1980s have operated and acted in an increasingly deregulated, risky, and uncertain arena. I look at these firms and their actions with a particular focus on “temporality” and requisite “emotion-rules,” where variations in emotion-rules correspond with organizational definitions of uncertainty. Firms impose specific emotion-rules, depending on national policies, official duties, and interpretations of each risk. In finance, caveat emptor (i.e., buyer or lender distrust) is an emotion-rule set in screening policies and (...)
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  17. Acting on (bodily) experience.Adrian J. T. Smith - 2009 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 15 (1):82 - 99.
    The complexities of bodily experience are outlined; its spatial phenomenology is specified as the explanatory target. The mereological structure of body representation is discussed; it is claimed that global spatial representations of the body are not necessary, as structural features of the actual body can be exploited in partial internal representation. The spatial structure of bodily experience is discussed; a structural affordance theory is introduced; it is claimed that bodily experience and subpersonal representation have action-orientated content; and that egocentric terms (...)
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    Is acting on delusions autonomous?Jann E. Schlimme - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:14.
    In this paper the question of autonomy in delusional disorders is investigated using a phenomenological approach. I refer to the distinction between freedom of intentional action, and freedom of the will, and develop phenomenological descriptions of lived autonomy, taking into account the distinction between a pre-reflective and a reflective type. Drawing on a case report, I deliver finely-grained phenomenological descriptions of lived autonomy and experienced self-determination when acting on delusions. This analysis seeks to demonstrate that a person with delusions can (...)
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  19. Utilitarianism and Co-Operation.Donald Regan - 1980 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The author identifies and defines the features of traditional utilitarian theories which account for their appeal, demonstrates that no theory which is exclusively act-oriented can have all the properties that ultilitarians have attempted to build into their theories, and develops a new theory co-operative utilitarianism.
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  20. Sexual Orientation and Choice.Saray Ayala - 2017 - Journal of Social Ontology 3 (2):249-265.
    Is there a choice in sexual orientation? [Wilkerson, William S. : “Is It a Choice? Sexual Orientation as Interpretation”. In: Journal of Social Philosophy 40. No. 1, p. 97–116] argues that sexual desires require interpretation in order to be fully constituted, and therefore sexual orientation is at least partially constituted by choice. [Díaz-León, Esa : “Sexual Orientation as Interpretation? Sexual Desires, Concepts, and Choice”; In: Journal of Social Ontology] critically assesses Wilkerson’s argument, concluding that we still lack a good argument (...)
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    (2 other versions)Orientation in relation to self and other.Jessica A. Meyer & R. Peter Hobson - 2004 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 5 (2):221-244.
    With the aim of studying foundations for self-other relations and understanding, we conducted an experimental investigation of a specific aspect of imitation in children with autism: the propensity to copy self-other orientation. We hypothesised that children with autism would show limitations in identifying with the stance of another person. We tested 16 children with autism and 16 non-autistic children with learning difficulties, matched on both chronological and verbal mental age, for their propensity to imitate the self- or other-orientated aspects of (...)
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  22.  26
    The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life by Darlene Fozard Weaver. [REVIEW]Sameer Yadav - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life by Darlene Fozard WeaverSameer YadavThe Acting Person and Christian Moral Life By Darlene Fozard Weaver WASHINGTON, DC: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2011. 215 PP. $32.95In this carefully argued and theologically subtle study of human moral agency, Darlene Fozard Weaver describes a large-scale shift in theological ethics away from an “act-centered” approach and toward a more “person-centered” approach. She catalogues the shift via (...)
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  23.  54
    The Seleucid Economy (V.) Chankowski, (F.) Duyrat (edd.) Le Roi et l'Économie. Autonomies locales et structures royales dans l'Économie de l'Empire Séleucide. Actes des recontres de Lille (23 juin 2003) et d'Orléans (29–30 janvier 2004). (Topoi. Orient-Occident Suppl. 6.) Pp. 595, figs, ills, maps. Lyon: Société des Amis de la Bibliothèque Salomon-Reinach, 2004. Paper, €30. No ISBN. [REVIEW]G. G. Aperghis - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (2):520-.
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    Strategy Generalization Across Orientation Tasks: Testing a Computational Cognitive Model.Glenn Gunzelmann - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (5):835-861.
    Humans use their spatial information processing abilities flexibly to facilitate problem solving and decision making in a variety of tasks. This article explores the question of whether a general strategy can be adapted for performing two different spatial orientation tasks by testing the predictions of a computational cognitive model. Human performance was measured on an orientation task requiring participants to identify the location of a target either on a map (find‐on‐map) or within an egocentric view of a space (find‐in‐scene). A (...)
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  25.  37
    Animals and Medicine - Boehm, Luccioni Le Médecin initié par l'animal. Animaux et médicine dans l'Antiquité grecque et latine. Actes du colloque international tenu à la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée – Jean Pouilloux les 26 et 27 octobre 2006. Pp. 263. Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée – Jean Pouilloux, 2008. Paper, €29. ISBN: 978-2-35668-002-0. [REVIEW]José-Ignacio García Armendáriz - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):402-404.
  26. The complex act of projecting oneself into the future.Stan Klein - 2013 - WIREs Cognitive Science 4:63-79.
    Research on future-oriented mental time travel (FMTT) is highly active yet somewhat unruly. I believe this is due, in large part, to the complexity of both the tasks used to test FMTT and the concepts involved. Extraordinary care is a necessity when grappling with such complex and perplexing metaphysical constructs as self and time and their co-instantiation in memory. In this review, I first discuss the relation between future mental time travel and types of memory (episodic and semantic). I (...)
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  27.  15
    On foresight functions of rhetorical invention in acts of counselling.Maria Joanna Gondek - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):165-178.
    Counselling acts consist in indicating useful activities, remedying human deficiencies. Counselling acts are guided by practical cognition. Since counselling activities are oriented towards the future, their crucial element is foresight. It is cognitive reflection foreseeing the implementation of counselling acts. Counselling acts are actualised in rhetorical and communicational context which is associated with persuasive delivery of counselling content. Belonging to the rhetorical canon, invention disposes of factors that influence the justifying formulation of advisory content. Invention factors introduce the anticipatory (...)
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  28.  50
    Cultural Values, Utilitarian Orientation, and Ethical Decision Making: A Comparison of U.S. and Puerto Rican Professionals.Lillian Y. Fok, Dinah M. Payne & Christy M. Corey - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):263-279.
    Using samples from the U.S. and Puerto Rico, we examine cross-cultural differences in cultural value dimensions, and relate these to act and rule utilitarian orientations, and ethical decision making of business professionals. Although these places share the same legal environment, culturally they are distinct. In addition to tests of between-group differences, a model in which utilitarian orientation mediates the influence of cultural values on ethical decisions was evaluated at the individual level of analysis. Results indicated national culture differences on three (...)
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  29.  50
    Roman municipal finances il capitolo delle entrate nelle finanze municipali in occidente ed in oriente. Actes de la xe rencontre Franco-italienne sur l'epigraphie du monde Romain. Rome, 27–20 may 1996 . Pp. IX + 330, ills. Rome: École française, 1999. Paper. Isbn: 2-7283-0540-. [REVIEW]Alison E. Cooley - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (02):323-.
  30.  25
    Intercultural aspects of the speech act of promising from a relevance theoretic point of view.Regina Blass - 2012 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 8 (1):131-154.
    This study on the Speech Act of Promising builds on an article by Egner which claims that in many African Societies a promise is most often made not to be committed to its content but to be polite and save one's own or the addressee's face. While Egner opts for a Speech Act Theory approach to explain the phenomenon and comes to the conclusion that the speech act of promising may occur minus commitment, thus refuting the standard SAT claim, I (...)
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  31.  72
    Morally Indifferent Acts?John E. Pattantyus - 1973 - Idealistic Studies 3 (2):163-178.
    It is customary to distinguish three kinds of moral acts: good, bad, and indifferent. This distinction gained its classic formulation by St. Thomas Aquinas. According to him the three basic sources of morality are the object, the end, and the circumstances of concrete acts determining their goodness or badness through their relation to right reason as the moral norm. In other words, what a man does, why, and under what circumstances he acts, determine the moral character of his actions in (...)
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  32.  38
    The ethical orientations of Chinese auditors and the effect on the judgements they make.Gordon Woodbine, Ying Han Fan & Glennda Scully - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):195-216.
    A study of 612 CPAs employed in four separate regions of the People’s Republic of China shows that they exhibit ethical orientations that are not significantly different from one another and that they do not, as a group identify with the Subjectivist description provided in the Forsyth et al. (Journal of Business Ethics 8(83):813–833, 2008) meta-analytic international study involving the Ethical Position Questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis did however establish the validity of the instrument as a measure of idealistic and relativistic (...)
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  33.  21
    ‘Blind but Oriented’: Intentionality as Tendency.Emanuele Caminada - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-23.
    In their descriptions of the life dynamics of tendencies as “blind but oriented,” both Scheler and Husserl outline an alternative model of intentionality to Brentano’s conception of mental reference to determinate objects or meanings. In my reading, their phenomenological consideration of tendential structures will reveal tendency as an essential moment of intentionality. A horizon of indeterminacy turns out to be constitutive of every intentional act as a tendency toward or away from something. This paper develops as follows: First, I (...)
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  34. Omissions and Other Acts.Alison G. Mcintyre - 1985 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    Philosophical discussion of the topic of intentional agency has often focused on questions about the nature of the events which are intentional actions. This event-oriented approach cannot yield an adequate account of human agency because it cannot accommodate negative acts, or acts of omission. Agents may act intentionally by omitting to act, but many such acts of omission cannot be identified with any event consisting of a bodily movement. This dissertation is an attempt to develop an account of agency (...)
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  35.  63
    A Family-Oriented Decision-Making Model for Human Research in Mainland China.Deng Rui - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (4):400-417.
    This essay argues that individual-oriented informed consent is inadequate to protect human research subjects in mainland China. The practice of family-oriented decision-making is better suited to guide moral research conduct. The family’s role in medical decision-making originates from the mutual benevolence that exists among family members, and is in accordance with family harmony, which is the aim of Confucian society. I argue that the practice of informed consent for medical research on human subjects ought to remain family-oriented (...)
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  36. Ethical Theory and the Problem of Inconsequentialism: Why Environmental Ethicists Should be Virtue-Oriented Ethicists. [REVIEW]Ronald Sandler - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (1-2):167-183.
    Many environmental problems are longitudinal collective action problems. They arise from the cumulative unintended effects of a vast amount of seemingly insignificant decisions and actions by individuals who are unknown to each other and distant from each other. Such problems are likely to be effectively addressed only by an enormous number of individuals each making a nearly insignificant contribution to resolving them. However, when a person’s making such a contribution appears to require sacrifice or costs, the problem of inconsequentialism arises: (...)
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  37. «doing Without Concepts: An Interpretation Of C. I. Lewis' Action-oriented Foundationalism».Robert Stufflebeam - 1996 - Sorites 6:4-20.
    C. I. Lewis' action-oriented notion of cognition is consistent with a minimally representational picture of mind. I aim to show why. Toward this end, I explore some of the tensions between Lewis' theory of knowledge and his theory of mind. At face value, the former renders the latter implausible. Among other problems, no agent could act if she were required to entertain the myriad beliefs that Lewis claims figures in the guidance of action. But rather than abandon Lewis' story, (...)
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    Assessing the interplay between Open Innovation and Sustainability‐Oriented Innovation: A systematic literature review and a research agenda.Andrea Urbinati, Zahra Shams Esfandabadi & Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):1078-1095.
    Open Innovation and Sustainability-Oriented Innovation are undoubtedly two of the most debated topics of the last decades, gaining the interest of policymakers, practitioners, and scholars all over the world. Even if they have been usually described as two independent research fields, there are some emblematic examples presenting interplay and synergy between these topics, represented either by the hybrid perspectives of Open Sustainable Innovation, that is, the Open Innovation approach acting as an enabler of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation, and Sustainable Open (...)
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  39. Acting Out: Straight Performers Permissibly Portraying Queer Characters.Kurt Blankschaen & Travis Timmerman - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    When is it morally permissible for performers to portray characters from marginalized groups of which they are not a member? Although this question is philosophically underexplored, it has been commanding increasing attention in the public sphere, especially with respect to straight performers portraying queer characters. While the demand for increasing self-representation from marginalized communities is laudable, we argue that demanding performers to disclose their social identity is, in general, morally counterproductive. We make our case by focusing on recent instances where (...)
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  40. Knowing how to possibly act: Alva noë's action in perception.Ryan Hickerson - unknown
    Alva Noë is a modern-day empiricist. His book Action in Perception is chockablock with contemporary cognitive science; its preface and notes (not to mention general erudition) point to on-going collaboration with Evan Thompson, Kevin O’Regan, and Susan Hurley. Their research investigates the sensorimotor bases of consciousness, and Action in Perception is offered as its philosophical backdrop. As such, the book presents a series of ideas and interpretations that constitute what Noë calls the “enactive approach” to perception, many of which are (...)
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    Intertexte générique et interprétation des actes de parole dans un corpus d’émissions de plateaux télévisées.Nicolas Desquinabo - 2007 - Corpus 6:127-152.
    Cet article propose deux mises à l’épreuve d’une modélisation du rôle du contexte dans l’interprétation des actes de parole. Selon notre modèle, les processus interprétatifs se déroulent généralement à partir d’hypothèses contextuelles sur le genre de discours pratiqué par le ou les énonciateur(s) du texte. Ces hypothèses sont activées à l’aide d’indices pluri-sémiotiques péritextuels et textuels. Un intertexte générique est alors mobilisé et oriente les processus interprétatifs, en particulier s’agissant de l’attribution des valeurs illocutoires et interactives probables des actes de (...)
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    Diachronic change of rapport orientation and sentence-periphery in Mandarin.Aiqing Wang & Vittorio Tantucci - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (2):146-173.
    This article provides a corpus-based analysis of formal structure and rapport orientation of evaluative speech acts in written Mandarin starting from the Qing Dynasty leading up to the present. It focuses on illocutional concurrences where the change of rapport management with the interlocutor significantly correlates with evaluative speech acts. The IC are holistic patterns that emerge at various levels of an utterance. They contribute both locally and peripherally to the encoding of contextually and temporally situated speech acts or pragmemes. Mixed (...)
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    The Intersubjective Structure of the Reading Process: A Communication-Oriented Theory of LiteratureThe Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response. [REVIEW]Rudolf E. Kuenzli & Wolfgang Iser - 1980 - Diacritics 10 (2):47.
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    The greek novels and literary genre. Biraud, Briand Roman grec et poésie. Dialogue Des genres et nouveaux enjeux du poétique. Actes du colloque international, nice, 21–22 Mars 2013. Pp. 388. Lyon: Maison de l'orient et de la méditerranée – Jean pouilloux, 2017. Paper, €39. Isbn: 978-2-35668-060-0. [REVIEW]Laura Miguélez-Cavero - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):59-62.
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    Towards an Object-Oriented Ethics: Schopenhauer, Spinoza, and the Physics of Objective Evil.Drew M. Dalton - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):59-78.
    Objects are inert, passive, devoid of will, and as such bear no intrinsic value or moral worth. This claim is supported by the argument that to be considered a moral agent one must have a conscious will and be sufficiently free to act in accordance with that will. Since material objects, it is assumed, have no active will nor freedom, they should not be considered moral agents nor bearers of intrinsic ethical vale. Thus, the apparent “moral neutrality” of objects rests (...)
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    Hospitable Harems? A European Woman and Oriental Spaces in the Enlightenment1.Judith Still - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (1):87-104.
    This is an analysis of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's Turkish Embassy Letters, first written in the early eighteenth century when she travelled to the Ottoman Empire, and finally ‘published’ in 1763. As well as producing ‘the very first example of a secular work by a woman about the Muslim Orient’, Montagu is a pioneer in introducing the Turkish women's practice of inoculation against smallpox into England. This article sets out the long-standing critical debate over the rights and wrongs of the (...)
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  47.  39
    Hegel. Les Actes de l'espritBernard Bourgeois Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2001, 354 p.Éric Guay - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (4):825-828.
    À quoi se réfère véritablement l’esprit dont nous a tant entretenus Hegel dans ses écrits? C’est ce que précise Hegel. Les Actes de l’esprit de Bernard Bourgeois. À une époque où on a appris à considérer l’esprit célébré par la philosophie hégélienne comme la négation de la nature, mais sans trop savoir ce que cela signifie concrètement pour Hegel, on peut dire que cet ouvrage répond à un besoin pressant. De plus, on ne pouvait trouver meilleur guide pour jeter un (...)
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    Les philosophies contemporaines de l'acte éducatif.Yves Bertrand - 2015 - Paris, France: Fabert.
    Les systèmes éducatifs sont en pleine mutation. Ceci rend d’autant plus urgent de réfléchir sur les fondements, les enjeux et les stratégies de l’acte éducatif. Pour faciliter cette réflexion, ce livre propose une grille analytique qui permet de comprendre les enjeux de différentes propositions de changement et ainsi d’avoir des points de repère pour prendre des décisions judicieuses. Cet ouvrage comprend de nombreux tableaux explicatifs qui permettent d’accéder rapidement au coeur des principales philosophies contemporaines de l’éducation. Quand nous parlons de (...)
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    Envisioning Intention-Oriented Brain-to-Speech Decoding.L. Li, J. Vasil & S. Negoita - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (1-2):71-93.
    The typical approach to decoding speech from the brain (using brain-machine interfaces) is to decode low-level linguistic units (e.g. phonemes, syllables) from motor articulation areas (e.g. Premotor cortex) with the aim of assembling these low-level units into higher-level discourse. We propose that brain-to-speech decoding may benefit from adopting a functional view of language, which conceives of language as an instrumental tool for interacting with others' intentions in order to fulfil one's own intentions. This functional view of language motivates adopting usability (...)
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    Bost-Pouderon, Pouderon Les Hommes et les Dieux dans l'ancien roman. Actes du colloque de Tours, 22–24 octobre 2009. Pp. 349. Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée – Jean Pouilloux, 2012. Paper, €35. ISBN: 978-2-35668-029-7. [REVIEW]Judith Hindermann - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):306-308.
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