  1.  22
    Relationship Orientation, Justice Perception, and Opportunistic Behavior in PPP Projects: An Empirical Study From China.Guoli Feng, Shengyue Hao & Xiaoguang Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    An equal and high-quality partnership between public and private sectors is essential to the sustainable development of public–private partnership projects. However, in the special social circumstance in China, the public sector has a strong voice in PPP projects. According to the existing research on PPP project failure, the government's dishonest performance and negative cooperative attitude and the private sector's speculative behavior of concealing information will lead to termination or even failure of project. The attitude and behavior that reflect the relationship (...)
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  2.  16
    Construction Project Manager’s Emotional Intelligence and Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Team Cohesion and the Moderating Effect of Time.Qi Zhang & Shengyue Hao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The emotional intelligence of a construction project manager plays an essential role in project management, and recent developments in teamwork have increased the need to explore better ways to utilize teams and achieve effectiveness in the construction sector. However, research that holds the team-level perspective in emotional intelligence studies is lacking, and the mechanism of the construction project manager’s emotional intelligence on team effectiveness remains unexplored. This knowledge gap is addressed by developing a model that illuminates how construction project manger’s (...)
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  3.  21
    Developing a mechanism of construction project manager’s emotional intelligence on project success: A grounded theory research based in China.Qi Zhang & Shengyue Hao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:693516.
    A project manager’s emotional intelligence (EI) is essential to project success. However, the mechanism in this cause and effect remains a black box in extant literature. China is now the world’s largest construction market, and figuring out the mechanism of construction project manager’s (CPM’s) EI on project success is meaningful for developing the global construction market. This study conducted an in-depth interview with 24 CPMs with more than 5-year experience in construction project management. The grounded theory was employed to profile (...)
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