Results for 'You Nakai'

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  1.  1
    A Performance of “Aesthetics”—Conflicts and Commons in the Translation of a Nomenclature.You Nakai - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):23.
    This paper recounts the author’s reluctant journey of translating Matthew Fuller and Eyal Weizman’s Investigative Aesthetics: Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth into Japanese, a process that turned out to be a mix of philosophical tightrope walking and comedic pratfalls. Along the way, we meet Baumgarten, the original translator who coined the aesthetica nomenclature, Kant, who insists that there can be no such thing as a science of sensibility, and a parade of Japanese translators who took great artistic (...)
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  2. Nakai Masakazu zenshū.Masakazu Nakai & Osamu Kuno - 1981 - Edited by Osamu Kuno.
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  3. Tenʾinshū.Chikuzan Nakai - 1911 - Ōsaka-shi: Matsumura Bunkaidō.
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    Effect of impurities on the growth of {113} interstitial clusters in silicon under electron irradiation.K. Nakai, K. Hamada, Y. Satoh & T. Yoshiie - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (3):421-436.
  5. Tetsugaku to bigaku no setten.Masakazu Nakai - 1981
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  6. Ōhara Yūgaku.Nobuhiko Nakai - 1963
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    Regulation of HSF1 transcriptional complexes under proteotoxic stress.Mitsuaki Fujimoto, Ryosuke Takii & Akira Nakai - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (7):2300036.
    Environmental, physiological, and pathological stimuli induce the misfolding of proteins, which results in the formation of aggregates and amyloid fibrils. To cope with proteotoxic stress, cells are equipped with adaptive mechanisms that are accompanied by changes in gene expression. The evolutionarily conserved mechanism called the heat shock response is characterized by the induction of a set of heat shock proteins (HSPs), and is mainly regulated by heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1) in mammals. We herein introduce the mechanisms by which (...)
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    Leadership from Within.Sally Brinker, Bob Gunn & Paul Nakai - 2000 - Journal of Human Values 6 (1):65-72.
    Transitioning from a company of individual contributors to an organization of leaders of leaders can be relatively straightforward. The organization must embrace the idea that leadership resides within every employee and continually cultivate leadership skills and abilities. It must anticipate that individuals will lose their bearings and reassure them that getting back in balance is only a thought away. For many, the shift to leaders of leaders requires daily leaps of faith rooted in wisdom; it also challenges ingrained individual or (...)
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    対話的分類学習による Web ページの部分更新モニタリング.Nakai Yuki Yamada Seiji - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:614-621.
    This paper describes an automatic monitoring system that constantly checks partial update in Web pages and notifies them to a user. While one of the most important advantages of the WWW is update of Web pages, we need to constantly check them out and this task takes much cognitive load. Thus applications to automatically check update of Web pages have been developed, however they can not deal with partial update like update in a particular cell in a table in a (...)
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    An Opportunity for Backing Down: Looking for an Electoral Connection to Audience Costs.Kiyotaka Yasui & Ryo Nakai - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (2):168-189.
    This paper explores the time-inconsistency problem of audience costs in international disputes. The nature of democracy makes it difficult for leaders to back down from earlier diplomatic positions in an international dispute, out of fear of domestic political costs. Few studies have addressed the temporal aspect of such costs. This study argues that election timing impinges on the extent to which the audience cost mechanism works, and consequently, on state conflict behavior. While competitive elections are central to the political accountability (...)
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  11. Bunka to shūdan no ronri.Masakazu Nakai - 1981
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  12. Bi to shūdan no ronri.Masakazu Nakai - 1962 - Edited by Osamu Kuno.
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  13. Chikuzan kokujitoku.Chikuzan Nakai - 1911 - Ōsaka-shi: Matsumura Bunkaidō. Edited by Tenshū Nishimura.
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    Editorial: Neuroimaging and informatics for successful aging.Toshiharu Nakai, Eric Tatt Wei Ho, Henning Müller, Fanpei G. Yang & Hanna Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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  15. Gendai geijutsu no kūkan.Masakazu Nakai - 1981
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    Kyōiku no honshitsu o motomete.Yoshihiro Nakai, Mitsuhiro Umemura & Akira Takeuchi (eds.) - 1990 - Tōkyō: Fukumura Shuppan.
  17. Rekishigakuteki hōhō no kijun.Nobuhiko Nakai - 1973
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  18. Tenkanki no bigakuteki kadai.Masakazu Nakai - 1981
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  19. Tenʼinshū: shishū bunshū.Chikuzan Nakai - 1987 - Tōkyō: Perikansha. Edited by Norihisa Mizuta.
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  20. You Zuo li xue si xiang yan jiu.Xueqin You - 2023 - Xiamen Shi: Xiamen da xue chu ban she. Edited by Zhang Chen.
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    Xin bu xin you ni: cong zhe xue kan zong jiao.Zongqi You - 2006 - Taibei Shi: San min shu ju.
    上帝存在? 上帝不存在? 神祕的宗教經驗令人驚怖! 誰說出來的話才稱得上是宗教語言…… 本書從哲學角度看待宗教問題,以八個子題循序漸進地簡介西方哲學向來處理宗教的方式。西方哲學從古希臘到十九世紀末為止,其論辯、批判與質疑的焦點集中在「上帝是否存在」上。而二十世紀的西方哲學家,在乎的是「宗 教人的神聖經驗」、「宗教語言」、「宗教象徵與神話」等新議題。至於身為世界公民的我們,如何面對宗教多元的現象?應該怎樣思考宗教多樣性與彼此相互關係的問題呢? 一切,就從「信不信由你」開始吧…….
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  22. Fa xue gai lun.Shaoyin You & Huanchun Ding (eds.) - 1985 - Jinan: Shandong sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Hu Shizhi "Shuo ru" nei wai: xue shu shi he si xiang shi de yan jiu = Hu Shizhi "Shuo ru" neiwai: xueshushi he sixiangshi de yanjiu.Xiaoli You - 2018 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
    本书试图重新将《说儒》放置在近现代的政治现实和学术史的大语境中考察,从日记、书信、文章著作中挖掘史料并进行再评估,探究胡适对儒学认识的变化轨迹,解释其在20世纪三四十年代抗战酝酿到爆发过程中所持立场与 其思想根源的关系。.
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    Literary Criticism as Creative Artistic Experience.L. I. You-yun - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 1:017.
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    Resilience Protected against Suicidal Behavior for Men But Not Women in a Community Sample of Older Adults in Korea.Sungeun You & Moran Park - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Study on the Influencing Factors of Miners’ Unsafe Behavior Propagation.Mengjie You, Shuang Li, Dingwei Li & Qing Xia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The background and challenges of Seoul community support project: On the occasion of the establishment of Seoul Community Support Center.Chang-Bok You - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 15:173-226.
  28.  14
    The Theory of Virtue in Chapter 38 of Cheng Xuanying’s Daodejing Yishu.Yongbin You - 2017 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 91:231-266.
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    Zhu Xi: Selected Writing, edited by Philip J. Ivanhoe.Min Jung You - 2022 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (2):189-192.
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    Infants’ understanding of the definite/indefinite article in a third-party communicative situation.You-Jung Choi, Hyun-joo Song & Yuyan Luo - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):69-76.
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  31. Nutrition and Hydration.I. Assure You That May - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    In “You're Not in Kansas Anymore,” Canadian author Ivan E. Coyote prepares to change her legal name and writes about the anxieties that this creates.Who Do You ThinkYou Are - 2009 - In Laurie Shrage, You’Ve Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity. Oup Usa.
  33.  36
    Impact of online convenience on generation Z online impulsive buying behavior: The moderating role of social media celebrity.You Lina, Deshuai Hou & Saqib Ali - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This research aims to determine which dimensions of online convenience influence generation z consumers’ cognitive and affective attitudes and online impulsive buying behavior. The moderating effect of social media celebrity is also investigated to examine the attitude-behavior gap. A total of 348 responses from Chinese users who followed digital celebrities were received using purposive sampling. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out using SmartPLS, version 3. The results indicated that relationship convenience, possession convenience, post possession conveniences, transaction convenience, and (...)
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    Signification and Performance of Nonverbal Signs in the Confucianist Ritual System.You-Zheng Li - 2007 - American Journal of Semiotics 23 (1-4):39-44.
    The Confucianist learning of rites and related code systems are full of performing details realized in patterned conducts, programmed processes and multiplemedia-emblematic network most of which exhibit themselves as nonverbal signs and rhetoric. Those nonverbal ritual codes and the related regular performance exercise an extremely effective impact on the directed communication and domination of the society. As a result, in the Li-System the nonverbal signs and codes could function more relevantly and effectively than the related verbal part which itself functions (...)
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    The gender ideology of ‘Wise Mother and Good Wife’ and Korean immigrant women’s adjustment in the United States.You Jung Seo, Charissa S. L. Cheah & Hyun Su Cho - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (4):e12357.
    The notion of ‘wise mother and good wife (WMGW)’ (Hyonmo Yangcho) is the traditional idealized image of Korean womanhood as one who serves her country and others through her roles as a mother and wife. This ideology may continue to have some significance in the lives of many first‐generation Korean immigrant women, but its potential role in the adjustment challenges these women may face while acculturating to the immigrant context in the United States has received little attention. In this paper, (...)
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  36. Comparative Scriptural Studies as an Approach of Doing Biblical Studies in China: Taking Zhu Xi's Scripture Reading Strategy as a Case Study.You Bin - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (4):665-686.
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    Improved Volitional Recall of Motor-Imagery-Related Brain Activation Patterns Using Real-Time Functional MRI-Based Neurofeedback.Epifanio Bagarinao, Akihiro Yoshida, Mika Ueno, Kazunori Terabe, Shohei Kato, Haruo Isoda & Toshiharu Nakai - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Relations between Temperament, Sensory Processing, and Motor Coordination in 3-Year-Old Children.Atsuko Nakagawa, Masune Sukigara, Taishi Miyachi & Akio Nakai - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Involvement of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Learning Others’ Bad Reputations and Indelible Distrust.Atsunobu Suzuki, Yuichi Ito, Sachiko Kiyama, Mitsunobu Kunimi, Hideki Ohira, Jun Kawaguchi, Hiroki C. Tanabe & Toshiharu Nakai - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Impact of Early-Commenced and Continued Sports Training on the Precuneus in Older Athletes.Masatoshi Yamashita, Maki Suzuki, Toshikazu Kawagoe, Kohei Asano, Masatoshi Futada, Ryusuke Nakai, Nobuhito Abe & Kaoru Sekiyama - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Intervention studies on sedentary older adults have demonstrated that commencing physical exercise at an older age has a positive effect on brain structure. Although this suggests that older athletes with lifelong sports training have larger gray matter volume in some brain regions compared to age-matched non-athletes, evidence in the literature is scarce. Moreover, it remains unclear whether a larger GMV is associated with training intensity or period of training in life. To address these gaps in the literature, we compared regional (...)
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    Verbal Training Induces Enhanced Functional Connectivity in Japanese Healthy Elderly Population.Fan-Pei Gloria Yang, Tzu-Yu Liu, Chih-Hsuan Liu, Shumei Murakami & Toshiharu Nakai - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This study employs fMRI to examine the neural substrates of response to cognitive training in healthy old adults. Twenty Japanese healthy elders participated in a 4-week program and practiced a verbal articulation task on a daily basis. Functional connectivity analysis revealed that in comparison to age- and education-matched controls, elders who received the cognitive training demonstrated increased connectivity in the frontotemporal regions related with language and memory functions and showed significant correlations between the behavioral change in a linguistic task and (...)
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    The social psychology of chinese philosophical creativity: A critical synthesis.You-Yuh Kuo - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (4):283 – 295.
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  43. Ni xue xiao ji.You Shixi - 2020 - In Shixi You, Jianfeng Zou, Xu Li & Konghui Mu, Bei fang Wang men ji. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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  44. Ni xue xiao ji xu lu.You Shixi - 2020 - In Shixi You, Jianfeng Zou, Xu Li & Konghui Mu, Bei fang Wang men ji. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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  45. Ni xue xiao ji fu lu.You Shixi - 2020 - In Shixi You, Jianfeng Zou, Xu Li & Konghui Mu, Bei fang Wang men ji. Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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    Semiotics and ancient history.You-Zheng Li - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):339-360.
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    A new interpretation of Chinese Taoist philosophy: an anthropological/psychological view.You-Sheng Li - 2005 - London: Taoist Recovery Centre.
    Paucy' s unhappiness soon earned her the nickname of No-Smile Beauty. The King issued a formal announcement to the nation: Whoever could make ...
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    The Impact of Social Norms of Responsibility on Corporate Social Responsibility Short Title: The Impact of Social Norms of Responsibility on Corporate Social Responsibility.Leyuan You - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):309-326.
    Social norms of responsibility are shared beliefs on what constitutes responsible behavior, and they play a significant role in determining CSR. This study analyzes how social norms of responsibility permeate corporate boundaries and influence CSR through political leaders, corporate executives, employees, and the public. Socially irresponsible behaviors of the above populations are used as proxies for local social responsibility norms and related to CSR ratings for firms headquartered in the twenty largest U.S. metro areas. The empirical results show that firms (...)
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  49.  37
    Learn to become a unique interrelated person: An alternative of social-emotional learning drawing on Confucianism and Daoism.Yun You - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (4):519-530.
    While social-emotional learning as a specific education concept originated from North America, the thoughts on emotions and associated pedagogical practices have developed across cultures. Drawing on Confucian and Daoist perspectives, this paper aims to reconfigure an alternative of social-emotional learning, beyond the dominant framework rooted in Western liberalism. It argues that the Confucian and Daoist notions of self are ontologically interrelated and in this interrelatedness the uniqueness of all things is constructed and embedded, which expects one to be authentic and (...)
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    Distant functional connectivity for bimanual finger coordination declines with aging: an fMRI and SEM exploration.Sachiko Kiyama, Mitsunobu Kunimi, Tetsuya Iidaka & Toshiharu Nakai - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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