Results for 'Yolanda Gil'

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  1.  16
    Explanation-based learning:A problem solving perspective.Steven Minton, Jaime G. Carbonell, Craig A. Knoblock, Daniel R. Kuokka, Oren Etzioni & Yolanda Gil - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 40 (1-3):63-118.
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    Exploring the Role of Meditation and Dispositional Mindfulness on Social Cognition Domains: A Controlled Study.Daniel Campos, Marta Modrego-Alarcón, Yolanda López-del-Hoyo, Manuel González-Panzano, William Van Gordon, Edo Shonin, Mayte Navarro-Gil & Javier García-Campayo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Atlas poznawczy: W stronę fundamentów wiedzy w neurokognitywistyce.Russell A. Poldrack, Aniket Kittur, Donald Kalar, Eric MillerI, Christian Seppa, Yolanda Gil, Stott D. Parker, Fred W. Sabb, Robert M. Bilder & Przemysław Nowakowski - 2016 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 7 (3):75-100.
    Cognitive neuroscience aims to map mental processes onto brain function, which begs the question of what “mental processes” exist and how they relate to the tasks that are used to manipulate and measure them. This topic has been addressed informally in prior work, but we propose that cumulative progress in cognitive neuroscience requires a more systematic approach to representing the mental entities that are being mapped to brain function and the tasks used to manipulate and measure mental processes. We describe (...)
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  4. Exploring the Wisdom Structure: Validation of the Spanish New Short Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale and Its Explanatory Power on Psychological Health-Related Variables.Javier García-Campayo, Yolanda L. del Hoyo, Alberto Barceló-Soler, Mayte Navarro-Gil, Luis Borao, Veronica Giarin, R. Raziel Tovar-Garcia & Jesus Montero-Marin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Opinions of nurses regarding Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide.Tamara Raquel Velasco Sanz, Ana María Cabrejas Casero, Yolanda Rodríguez González, José Antonio Barbado Albaladejo, Lydia Frances Mower Hanlon & María Isabel Guerra Llamas - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1721-1738.
    Background Safeguarding the right to die according to the principles of autonomy and freedom of each person has become more important in the last decade, therefore increasing regulation of Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide (MAS). Aims To learn the opinions that the nurses of the autonomous region of Madrid have regarding Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide. Research design Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants and research context All registered nurses in Madrid. The study was done by means of a self-completed anonymous questionnaire. (...)
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    Rostral and caudal prefrontal contribution to creativity: a meta-analysis of functional imaging data.Gil Gonen-Yaacovi, Leonardo Cruz de Souza, Richard Levy, Marika Urbanski, Goulven Josse & Emmanuelle Volle - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Values in nursing students and professionals.F. Rosa Jiménez-López, Jesus Gil Roales-Nieto, Guillermo Vallejo Seco & Juan Preciado - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (1):79-91.
    Background: Many studies have explored personal values in nursing, but none has assessed whether the predictions made by the theory of intergenerational value change are true for the different generations of nursing professionals and students. This theory predicts a shift in those personal values held by younger generations towards ones focussed on self-expression. Research question: The purpose of the study was to identify intergenerational differences in personal values among nursing professionals and nursing students and to determine whether generational value profiles (...)
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  8. Fernando Pessoa & Emil Cioran: pensadores das margens da razão e da civilização.Paulo Borges, Ciprian Vălcan & Ricardo Gil Soeiro (eds.) - 2023 - Lisboa: Edições Colibri.
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    James Alfred Loader: ’n Huldeblyk aan ’n krities-solidêre profeet in die eties-teologiese tradisie/James Alfred Loader: A tribute to a critical-solidary prophet in the ethical theological tradition.Andries G. Van Aarde & Yolanda Dreyer - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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    Children’s capacity to use cultural focal points in coordination problems.Efrat Goldvicht-Bacon & Gil Diesendruck - 2016 - Cognition 149 (C):95-103.
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    Promoting organ donation registration with the priority incentive: Israeli transplantation surgeons' and other medical practitioners' views and ethical concerns.Nurit Guttman, Gil Siegal, Naama Appel-Doron & Gitit Bar-On - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (5):527-541.
    Because the number of organs available for transplantation does not meet the needs of potential recipients, some have proposed that a potentially effective way to increase registration is to offer a self‐benefit incentive that grants a 'preferred status' or some degree of prioritization to those who register as potential donors, in case they might need organs. This proposal has elicited an ethical debate on the appropriateness of such a benefit in the context of a life‐saving medical procedure. In this paper (...)
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    Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies Third Edition, 2012, Draft Presented to the Educational Community by the American Educational Studies Association's Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation.Kathleen deMarrais, David Gabbard, Andrea Hyde, Pamela Konkol, Huey-li Li, Yolanda Medina, Joseph Rayle & Amy Swain - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (2):107-118.
    (2013). Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies Third Edition, 2012, Draft Presented to the Educational Community by the American Educational Studies Association's Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation. Educational Studies: Vol. 49, Critical, Interpretive, and Normative Perspectives of Educational Foundations: Contributions for the 21st Century, pp. 107-118.
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    Detection of forest fires outbreaks by dynamic fuzzy logic controller.Josué Toledo-Castro, Nayra Rodríguez-Pérez, Pino Caballero-Gil, Iván Santos-González, Candelaria Hernández-Goya & Ricardo Aguasca-Colomo - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The use of wireless sensor networks and the Internet of things to detect forest fire outbreaks may help to reduce the response time and avoid natural disasters. This work proposes the deployment of WSN to enhance the real-time monitoring of dynamic variables such as polluting gases, temperature or the presence of fire flames by infrared. In addition, the activation of forest fire alerts if environmental status may involve evidence of a recent fire outbreak. A fuzzy-based controller is implemented to manage (...)
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    A Simulation Study of Threats to Validity in Quasi-Experimental Designs: Interrelationship between Design, Measurement, and Analysis.Fco P. Holgado-Tello, Salvador Chacón-Moscoso, Susana Sanduvete-Chaves & José A. Pérez-Gil - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Emerging Adult Sons and Their Fathers: Race and the Construction of Masculinity.Michael Enku Ide, Blair Harrington, Yolanda Wiggins, Tanya Rouleau Whitworth & Naomi Gerstel - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (1):5-33.
    Challenging the public dichotomy characterizing fathers as “involved” or “absentee,” we investigate racial variation in college men’s perceptions of their paternal relationships and the gendered constructions these promote. The analysis draws on intensive interviews with Asian American, Black, and white sons from one university and survey data from 24 institutions. In both data sets, Asian Americans and Blacks describe greater paternal distance than do whites. This conceals variations in sons’ understanding of fathers. Asian Americans often criticize their fathers’ distance, disidentifying (...)
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  16. Grieving for Job Loss and Its Relation to the Employability of Older Jobseekers.José Antonio Climent-Rodríguez, Yolanda Navarro-Abal, María José López-López, Juan Gómez-Salgado & Marta Evelia Aparicio García - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Introduction: Loss of employment is an experience that is lived and interpreted differently depending on a series of individual variables, including the psychological resources available to the affected person, as well as their perception of their degree of employability. Losing one’s job can be one of the most painful and traumatic events a person has to withstand. Following a dismissal, the worker needs to overcome a period of emotional adaptation to the loss. But that period of grieving can also condition (...)
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    Cross Cultural Analysis of Direct Employee Participation: Dealing With Gender and Cultural Values.Marta Valverde-Moreno, Mercedes Torres-Jiménez, Ana M. Lucia-Casademunt & Yolanda Muñoz-Ocaña - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The goal of this study is analyse the influence of perceived supervisor support (PSS) by employees at a micro level and the role of the cultural values of “power distance” and “masculinity” at a macro level on direct employee participation in decision making (PDM). Furthermore, the influence of the gender of managers and employees is taken into account. The analysis is based upon the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey carried out by Eurofound in 2016. The results of a Hierarchical linear (...)
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  18. Comparing transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial random noise stimulation over left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and left inferior frontal gyrus: Effects on divergent and convergent thinking.Javier Peña, Agurne Sampedro, Yolanda Balboa-Bandeira, Naroa Ibarretxe-Bilbao, Leire Zubiaurre-Elorza, M. Acebo García-Guerrero & Natalia Ojeda - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:997445.
    The essential role of creativity has been highlighted in several human knowledge areas. Regarding the neural underpinnings of creativity, there is evidence about the role of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) on divergent thinking (DT) and convergent thinking (CT). Transcranial stimulation studies suggest that the left DLPFC is associated with both DT and CT, whereas left IFG is more related to DT. However, none of the previous studies have targeted both hubs simultaneously and compared (...)
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    I remember emotional content better, but I’m struggling to remember who said it!Ludovic Le Bigot, Dominique Knutsen & Sandrine Gil - 2018 - Cognition 180:52-58.
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    O Estatuto Do Singular: Estratégias e Perspectivas.Maria Luísa Couto Soares, Nuno Venturinha & Gil da Costa Santos (eds.) - 2008 - Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
    O tradicional problema do conhecimento do singular mantém-se hoje em dia: o impasse assinalado por Aristóteles prevalece na maioria das ciências actuais que lidam precisamente com casos particulares, contingentes, imprevisíveis, que escapam ao enquadramento nos modelos categoriais. Este Colóquio sobre O Estatuto do Singular constituiu um desafio para todos aqueles que em diversas áreas filosóficas e científicas se enfrentam com a necessidade de repensar modelos e estratégias aplicáveis ao caso prático, à decisão, à acção, à inovação, à invenção; noções como (...)
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    How Well Have Social Economy Financial Institutions Performed During the Crisis Period? Exploring Financial and Social Efficiency in Spanish Credit Unions.María Pilar Sierra-Fernández, Yolanda Fernández-Santos & Almudena Martínez-Campillo - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):319-336.
    As Social Economy financial institutions, credit unions have traditionally been considered less efficient than traditional banking entities. However, like banks and savings banks, they have to be as efficient and competitive as possible to survive in today’s business environment, especially at times of crisis. To date, there have been very few studies on their efficiency and practically none for the crisis period. Moreover, almost all the existing studies assess only financial efficiency, without considering their social function. This study examines the (...)
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  22.  20
    Physical Activity-Related Profiles of Female Sixth-Graders Regarding Motivational Psychosocial Variables: A Cluster Analysis Within the CReActivity Project.Joachim Bachner, David J. Sturm, Xavier García-Massó, Javier Molina-García & Yolanda Demetriou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:580563.
    Introduction Adolescents’ physical activity (PA) behavior can be driven by several psychosocial determinants at the same time. Most analyses use a variable-based approach that examines relations between PA-related determinants and PA behavior on the between-person level. Using this approach, possible coexistences of different psychosocial determinants within one person cannot be examined. Therefore, by applying a person-oriented approach, this study examined a) which profiles regarding PA-related psychosocial variables typically occur in female sixth-graders, b) if these profiles deliver a self-consistent picture according (...)
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    Somos Académicas Privilegiadas, y Aun Así.Silvia Marcela Bénard Calva, Yolanda Padilla & Laura Padilla González - 2018 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 20:256-275.
    En este artículo, siguiendo la metáfora de ir haciendo juntas un tejido de experiencias, elaboramos una autoetnografía dialógica. Entrelazamos nuestras historias mediante un ejercicio que consistió en escribir de manera individual y discutir los textos en reuniones semanales. Este ejercicio nos ha permitido articular tres historias como académicas de tiempo completo dedicadas principalmente a la investigación. Tomamos la decisión de hacer este proceso de indagación compartida porque sentimos la urgente necesidad de reflexionar sobre esa carrera profesional, que iniciamos por vocación (...)
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    Beliefs About Parent Participation in School Activities in Rural and Urban Areas: Validation of a Scale in Mexico.Sonia Beatriz Echeverría-Castro, Ricardo Sandoval-Domínguez, Mirsha Alicia Sotelo-Castillo, Laura Fernanda Barrera-Hernández & Dora Yolanda Ramos-Estrada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Anthropometric Indicators as a Tool for Diagnosis of Obesity and Other Health Risk Factors: A Literature Review.Paola Piqueras, Alfredo Ballester, Juan V. Durá-Gil, Sergio Martinez-Hervas, Josep Redón & José T. Real - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Obesity is characterized by the accumulation of an excessive amount of fat mass in the adipose tissue, subcutaneous, or inside certain organs. The risk does not lie so much in the amount of fat accumulated as in its distribution. Abdominal obesity is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer, having an important role in the so-called metabolic syndrome. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent, detect, and appropriately treat obesity. The diagnosis is based on anthropometric indices that have (...)
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  26.  10
    PRO-Mueve Relaciones Sanas – A Gender-Based Violence Prevention Program for Adolescents: Assessment of Its Efficacy in the First Year of Intervention.Lilian Velasco, Helena Thomas-Currás, Yolanda Pastor-Ruiz & Aroa Arcos-Rodríguez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:744591.
    PRO-Mueve Relaciones Sanas(PRO-Mote Healthy Relationships) is a gender-based violence and dating violence prevention program targeted at adolescents. The program has been designed to be implemented during three consecutive courses [from the first to third year of Spanish mandatory secondary education (ESO)] in 8 annual sessions, imparted by university students who have been previously trained and supervised by university professors. The present study evaluates the effects of the program after the first year of implementation through a quasi-experimental design (Intervention GroupN= 181; (...)
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  27.  23
    Traffic Noise Annoyance in the Population of North Mexico: Case Study on the Daytime Period in the City of Matamoros.Benito Zamorano-González, Fabiola Pena-Cardenas, Yolanda Velázquez-Narváez, Víctor Parra-Sierra, José Ignacio Vargas-Martínez, Oscar Monreal-Aranda & Lucía Ruíz-Ramos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aim: The presence of noise in urban environments is rarely considered a factor that causes damage to the environment. The primary generating source is transportation means, with vehicles being the ones that affect cities the most. Traffic noise has a particular influence on the quality of life of those who are exposed to it and can cause health alterations ranging from annoyance to cardiovascular diseases. This study aims to describe the relationship between the traffic noise level and the perceived annoyance (...)
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    Estudios decoloniales y poscoloniales. Posturas acerca de la modernidad/colonialidad y el eurocentrismo.Martha Isabel Gómez Vélez, Dora Cecilia Saldarriaga Grisales, María Claudia López Gil & Lina María Zapata Botero - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):27-60.
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  29. Representaciones sociales sobre participación comunitaria E infancia como agente movilizador.Andrea Acosta Jaramillo & Diana Yolanda Chacón Sánchez - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (1):132 - 163.
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    Behaviour and attitudes among Spanish general dentists towards the anticoagulated patient: a pilot study.Pia López‐Jornet, Fabio Camacho‐Alonso, Myriam Gonzalez Escribano & Yolanda Martinez‐Beneyto - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):539-541.
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  31.  13
    Ethics of Liberation: In the Age of Globalization and Exclusion.Alejandro A. Vallega, Eduardo Mendieta, Camilo Pérez Bustillo, Yolanda Angulo & Nelson Maldonado-Torres (eds.) - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    Available in English for the first time, this much-anticipated translation of Enrique Dussel's _Ethics of Liberation_ marks a milestone in ethical discourse. Dussel is one of the world's foremost philosophers. This treatise, originally published in 1998, is his masterwork and a cornerstone of the philosophy of liberation, which he helped to found and develop. Throughout his career, Dussel has sought to open a space for articulating new possibilities for humanity out of, and in light of, the suffering, dignity, and creative (...)
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    An African approach to the meaning of life.Yolanda Mlungwana - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (2):153-165.
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    Filosofía, historia y presente: homenaje a Urbano Gil Ortega.Urbano Gil Ortega & José Ma Aguirre (eds.) - 1993 - Vitoria: Editorial Eset.
  34. Hacia la Universidad Digital 2010: las TIC como palanca del cambio.Yolanda Arribas Alonso, Ignacio Ochoa Mendoza & Teresa Sánchez Godoy - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 78:131-134.
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    Il Faut Bien Compter.Gil Anidjar - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (2):128-134.
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    Elementos configuradores del delito canónico del aborto.Federico R. Aznar Gil - 2010 - Salmanticensis 57 (2):245-271.
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    Muslims in Spain. The Case of Maghrebis in Alicante.Yolanda Aixela Cabre - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (17):84-100.
    The aim of this article is to describe the social networks of the Maghrebis in Alicante, some of the problems they face in their daily life, and the role played by the “mosque” as a place not only of prayer but also of mutual help and support. At the same time, the analysis shows that Islamophobia has increased in the city, as it has done in other places in Spain and Europe following the Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks, with the resulting rejection (...)
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  38.  20
    Marginal Groups and Mainstream American Cultures.Yolanda Estes, Arnold Lorenzo Farr, Patricia Smith & Clelia Smyth (eds.) - 2000 - University Press of Kansas.
    They are often portrayed as outsiders: ethnic minorities, the poor, the disabled, and so many others—all living on the margins of mainstream society. Countless previous studies have focused on their pain and powerlessness, but that has done little more than sustain our preconceptions of marginalized groups. Most accounts of marginalization approach the subject from a distance and tend to overemphasize the victimization of outsiders. Taking a more intimate approach, this book reveals the personal, moral, and social implications of marginalization by (...)
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    Paul Chandler, Bound to the Hearth by the Shortest Tether. Village life in China, Brazil, and points in between: University Press of America, Lanham, Maryland, 2006, 176 pp, ISBN-13: 9780761833321.Yolanda López - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):619-620.
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    De la empatía a la ciudadanía. Itinerario de una tarea educativa fundamental.Yolanda C. León Manríquez - 2005 - Analogía Filosófica 19 (2):153-200.
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    Simone de Beauvoir: Her Lover’s Keeper?Yolanda Astarita Patterson - 1990 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 7 (1):39-48.
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  42. Presencia del fenómeno Camp en el poema Strip Tease de Néstor Perlongher.Yolanda Álvarez Sánchez - 2009 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 16:149-161.
    Este ensayo da cuenta de la presencia del fenómeno camp como manifestación estética en el poema Strip Tease del escritor argentino Néstor Perlongher. Dicha manifestación estética aparece como un contradiscurso frente a los discursos de lo normativo y de lo permitido para dar cuenta de una manera de ser y de sentir mediante la escritura. Para el análisis del poema se partió de la relación que se puede establecer entre signos semióticos y a partir de los cuales una sintagmática actualiza (...)
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  43. Vieja y nueva educación.Yolanda Vallarino - 1987 - In Abner Prada, Julio Castro, educador de pueblos. Montevideo: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental.
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    Sexuality and shifting paradigms – setting the scene.Yolanda Dreyer - 2005 - HTS Theological Studies 61 (3).
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    Sola Scriptura: Hindrance or catalyst for church unity?Yolanda Dreyer, Matthias Zeindler, Anna Case-Winters, Rathnakara Sadananda & Michael Weinrich - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):01-08.
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    What was enlightenment?Gil Anidjar - 2019 - Critical Research on Religion 7 (2):173-181.
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  47. Moral Reflections on Prostitution.Yolanda Estes - 2001 - Essays in Philosophy 2 (2):73-83.
    Many “liberal,” or libertarian, accounts of prostitution assert that prostitution is no more intrinsically wrong or harmful than any other type of service work.1 I believe that prostitution violates the Kantian “principle of humanity,” because it reflects a disrespectful attitude, which is expressed in the nonchalant use of the human body as a mere means to achieve some goal.2 I hope to convince my readers, who may not share my moral presuppositions, that prostitution defies the limits of respectful sexual relations, (...)
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  48. Well-Being Coherentism.Gil Hersch - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (4):1045-1065.
    Philosophers of well-being have tended to adopt a foundationalist approach to the question of theory and measurement, according to which theories are conceptually before measures. By contrast, social scientists have tended to adopt operationalist commitments, according to which they develop and refine well-being measures independently of any philosophical foundation. Unfortunately, neither approach helps us overcome the problem of coordinating between how we characterize well-being and how we measure it. Instead, we should adopt a coherentist approach to well-being science.
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    In the Name of Teaching: The Embodied Journey of a Different Kind of Educator.Yolanda Medina - 2016 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 52 (2):177-187.
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    Die affektiv-emotionale Wirkmächtigkeit der imaginierten Gemeinschaft mexikanischer Migranten in Europa.Yolanda López García - 2023 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 9 (1):199-232.
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