Results for 'Andrea Hyde'

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  1.  78
    Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies Third Edition, 2012, Draft Presented to the Educational Community by the American Educational Studies Association's Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation.Kathleen deMarrais, David Gabbard, Andrea Hyde, Pamela Konkol, Huey-li Li, Yolanda Medina, Joseph Rayle & Amy Swain - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (2):107-118.
    (2013). Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies Third Edition, 2012, Draft Presented to the Educational Community by the American Educational Studies Association's Committee on Academic Standards and Accreditation. Educational Studies: Vol. 49, Critical, Interpretive, and Normative Perspectives of Educational Foundations: Contributions for the 21st Century, pp. 107-118.
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    Sources of Knowledge: On the Concept of a Rational Capacity for Knowledge.Andrea Kern - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    "How can human beings, who are liable to error, possess knowledge, since the grounds on which we believe do not rule out that we are wrong? Andrea Kern argues that we can disarm this skeptical doubt by conceiving knowledge as an act of a rational capacity. In this book, she develops a metaphysics of the mind as existing through knowledge of itself."--Provided by publisher.
  3.  53
    Dewey on Familiarity in Education, Aesthetics, and Art.Andrea Fiore - 2024 - Educational Theory 73 (6):822-832.
    In this paper, Andrea Fiore sketches the notion of familiarity in Dewey's thought, particularly in its relations with education, aesthetics, and art. The importance of that notion emerges in Dewey's well-known writings such as How We Think, The School and Society, and Art as Experience, where he shows that not only does familiarity play a fundamental role in our lives, but it also constitutes a helpful tool to make our experience deeper and richer. This is particularly evident in two (...)
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  4. Logical Form: Between Logic and Natural Language.Andrea Iacona - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Logical form has always been a prime concern for philosophers belonging to the analytic tradition. For at least one century, the study of logical form has been widely adopted as a method of investigation, relying on its capacity to reveal the structure of thoughts or the constitution of facts. This book focuses on the very idea of logical form, which is directly relevant to any principled reflection on that method. Its central thesis is that there is no such thing as (...)
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    The Rise of Citizen Science in Health and Biomedical Research.Andrea Wiggins & John Wilbanks - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (8):3-14.
    Citizen science models of public participation in scientific research represent a growing area of opportunity for health and biomedical research, as well as new impetus for more collaborative forms of engagement in large-scale research. However, this also surfaces a variety of ethical issues that both fall outside of and build upon the standard human subjects concerns in bioethics. This article provides background on citizen science, examples of current projects in the field, and discussion of established and emerging ethical issues for (...)
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  6.  59
    Where is the Content?: Elementary Social Studies in Preservice Field Experiences.Andrea M. Hawkman, Antonio J. Castro, Linda B. Bennett & Lloyd H. Barrow - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (4):197-206.
    Anecdotal evidence has long lamented the status of social studies in elementary classrooms as observed by preservice teachers. As standardized testing has risen for mathematics and language arts, social studies has been pushed aside. In the aftermath of accountability legislation such as No Child Left Behind, research indicates that social studies is less visible in elementary classrooms due to an instructional focus on tested content areas (e.g. math, language arts, reading). In this study, approximately 90 elementary preservice teachers enrolled in (...)
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    Risk Information Provided to Prospective Oocyte Donors in a Preliminary Phone Call.Andrea D. Gurmankin - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):3 – 13.
    In order to accommodate for the present shortage of oocyte donors, oocyte-donation programs place ads in college newspapers and provide large monetary compensation to encourage participation. Large compensation acts as a strong incentive for young women to undergo the potentially risky procedure of donation. In this enticing situation, it is particularly important for programs to fully inform prospective donors of the risks of the procedure so that they can accurately weigh the costs and benefits of donating. However, because oocyte-donor programs (...)
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    Husserl's Transcendental Phenomenology: Nature, Spirit, and Life.Andrea Staiti - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Edmund Husserl is regarded as the founder of transcendental phenomenology, one of the major traditions to emerge in twentieth-century philosophy. In this book Andrea Staiti unearths and examines the deep theoretical links between Husserl's phenomenology and the philosophical debates of his time, showing how his thought developed in response to the conflicting demands of Neo-Kantianism and life-philosophy. Drawing on the work of thinkers including Heinrich Rickert, Wilhelm Dilthey and Georg Simmel, as well as Husserl's writings on the natural and (...)
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  9.  56
    Toward an Epistemology of Physics.Andrea diSessa - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (2):105-225.
  10.  93
    Enacting musical emotions. sense-making, dynamic systems, and the embodied mind.Andrea Schiavio, Dylan van der Schyff, Julian Cespedes-Guevara & Mark Reybrouck - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):785-809.
    The subject of musical emotions has emerged only recently as a major area of research. While much work in this area offers fascinating insights to musicological research, assumptions about the nature of emotional experience seem to remain committed to appraisal, representations, and a rule-based or information-processing model of cognition. Over the past three decades alternative ‘embodied’ and ‘enactive’ models of mind have challenged this approach by emphasising the self-organising aspects of cognition, often describing it as an ongoing process of dynamic (...)
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    Words of power: a feminist reading of the history of logic.Andrea Nye - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    Is logic masculine? Is women's lack of interest in the "hard core" philosophical disciplines of formal logic and semantics symptomatic of an inadequacy linked to sex? Is the failure of women to excel in pure mathematics and mathematical science a function of their inability to think rationally? Andrea Nye undermines the assumptions that inform these questions, assumptions such as: logic is unitary, logic is independenet of concrete human relations, and logic transcends historical circumstances as well as gender. In a (...)
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  12.  25
    Unsupervised law article mining based on deep pre-trained language representation models with application to the Italian civil code.Andrea Tagarelli & Andrea Simeri - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (3):417-473.
    Modeling law search and retrieval as prediction problems has recently emerged as a predominant approach in law intelligence. Focusing on the law article retrieval task, we present a deep learning framework named LamBERTa, which is designed for civil-law codes, and specifically trained on the Italian civil code. To our knowledge, this is the first study proposing an advanced approach to law article prediction for the Italian legal system based on a BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) learning framework, which has (...)
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  13.  80
    Moral Bioenhancement Through Memory-editing: A Risk for Identity and Authenticity?Andrea Lavazza - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):15-27.
    Moral bioenhancement is the attempt to improve human behavioral dispositions, especially in relation to the great ethical challenges of our age. To this end, scientists have hypothesised new molecules or even permanent changes in the genetic makeup to achieve such moral bioenhancement. The philosophical debate has focused on the permissibility and desirability of that enhancement and the possibility of making it mandatory, given the positive result that would follow. However, there might be another way to enhance the overall moral behavior (...)
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  14. Rule-following, ideal conditions, and finkish dispositions.Andrea Guardo - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (2):195-209.
    This paper employs some outcomes (for the most part due to David Lewis) of the contemporary debate on the metaphysics of dispositions to evaluate those dispositional analyses of meaning that make use of the concept of a disposition in ideal conditions. The first section of the paper explains why one may find appealing the notion of an ideal-condition dispositional analysis of meaning and argues that Saul Kripke’s well-known argument against such analyses is wanting. The second section focuses on Lewis’ work (...)
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    Unlearning Aristotelian Physics: A Study of Knowledge‐Based Learning.Andrea A. DiSessa - 1982 - Cognitive Science 6 (1):37-75.
    A study of a group of elementary school students learning to control a computer‐implemented Newtonian object reveals a surprisingly uniform and detailed collection of strategies, at the core of which is a robust “Aristotelian” expectation that things should move in the direction they are last pushed. A protocol of an undergraduate dealing with the same situation shows a large overlap with the set of strategies used by the elementary school children and thus a marked lack of influence of classroom physics (...)
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    Aristotle and the Science of Nature: Unity Without Uniformity.Andrea Falcon - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Andrea Falcon's work is guided by the exegetical ideal of recreating the mind of Aristotle and his distinctive conception of the theoretical enterprise. In this concise exploration of the significance of the celestial world for Aristotle's science of nature, Falcon investigates the source of discontinuity between celestial and sublunary natures and argues that the conviction that the natural world exhibits unity without uniformity is the ultimate reason for Aristotle's claim that the heavens are made of a special body, unique (...)
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  17.  58
    Die Implementierung Klinischer Ethikberatung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Umfrage bei Krankenhäusern.Andrea Dörries & Katharina Hespe-Jungesblut - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):148-156.
  18. More telltale signs: What attention to representation reveals about scientific explanation.Andrea I. Woody - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):780-793.
    This essay explores the connection between representation and explanation in the sciences. I suggest that scientific representation schemes be viewed as pragmatic tools for acquiring the sort of articulated awareness that is the hallmark of nontrivial knowledge. Crystal field theory in chemistry illustrates this perspective. Certain representations achieve the status of being paradigmatically explanatory, thereby shaping models of intelligibility. In turn, these explanatory preferences serve largely to define and differentiate disciplinary communities by implicitly endorsing particular epistemic aims and values. In (...)
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  19. Not so fast. On some bold neuroscientific claims concerning human agency.Andrea Lavazza & Mario De Caro - 2009 - Neuroethics 3 (1):23-41.
    According to a widespread view, a complete explanatory reduction of all aspects of the human mind to the electro-chemical functioning of the brain is at hand and will certainly produce vast and positive cultural, political and social consequences. However, notwithstanding the astonishing advances generated by the neurosciences in recent years for our understanding of the mechanisms and functions of the brain, the application of these findings to the specific but crucial issue of human agency can be considered a “pre-paradigmatic science” (...)
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  20. Personal Identity and Applied Ethics: A Historical and Philosophical Introduction.Andrea Sauchelli - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    ‘Soul’, ‘self’, ‘substance’ and ‘person’ are just four of the terms often used to refer to the human individual. Cutting across metaphysics, ethics, and religion the nature of personal identity is a fundamental and long-standing puzzle in philosophy. Personal Identity and Applied Ethics introduces and examines different conceptions of the self, our nature, and personal identity and considers the implications of these for applied ethics. A key feature of the book is that it considers a range of different approaches to (...)
  21.  51
    Moral identity in psychopathy.Andrea L. Glenn, Spassena Koleva, Ravi Iyer, Jesse Graham & Peter H. Ditto - 2010 - Judgment and Decision Making 5 (7):497–505.
    Several scholars have recognized the limitations of theories of moral reasoning in explaining moral behavior. They have argued that moral behavior may also be influenced by moral identity, or how central morality is to one’s sense of self. This idea has been supported by findings that people who exemplify moral behavior tend to place more importance on moral traits when defining their self-concepts (Colby & Damon, 1995). This paper takes the next step of examining individual variation in a construct highly (...)
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  22.  42
    An Empirical and Theoretical Exploration of Disconnections Between Leadership and Ethics.Andrea Hornett & Susan Fredericks - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (3):233-246.
    A comparison of two groups of college students, at a public state university and a private religious school, yields the same results: undergraduates’ interpretations of recent business scandals make distinctions between public and private behavior. Students admire “family men” even when they are caught at fraud. The students’ interpretations illustrate a significant gap in ethical theories: the benefits of a group perspective for corporate citizenship versus individual family values. Most leadership theories, including stakeholder theories, do not address this disjunction. This (...)
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  23.  36
    Can Memory Make a Difference? Reasons for Changing or Not Our Autobiographical Memory.Andrea Lavazza - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):38-40.
  24. Deciding Together.Andrea Westlund - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9.
    In this paper I develop a conception of joint practical deliberation as a special type of shared cooperative activity, through which co-deliberators jointly accept reasons as applying to them as a pair or group. I argue, moreover, that the aspiration to deliberative “pairhood” is distinguished by a special concern for mutuality that guides each deliberator’s readiness to accept a given consideration as a reason-for-us. It matters to each of us, as joint deliberators, that each party’s (individual) reasons for accepting something (...)
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    Coherence versus fragmentation in the development of the concept of force.Andrea A. diSessa, Nicole M. Gillespie & Jennifer B. Esterly - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (6):843-900.
    This article aims to contribute to the literature on conceptual change by engaging in direct theoretical and empirical comparison of contrasting views. We take up the question of whether naïve physical ideas are coherent or fragmented, building specifically on recent work supporting claims of coherence with respect to the concept of force by Ioannides and Vosniadou [Ioannides, C., & Vosniadou, C. (2002). The changing meanings of force. Cognitive Science Quarterly 2, 5–61]. We first engage in a theoretical inquiry on the (...)
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  26.  64
    Memory-Modulation: Self-Improvement or Self-Depletion?Andrea Lavazza - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  27.  26
    The Division of Child Care, Sexual Intimacy, and Relationship Quality in Couples.Andrea Fitzroy, Sarah Hanson & Daniel L. Carlson - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (3):442-466.
    Increasingly, both mothers and fathers are expected to play an equal role in child rearing. Nonetheless, we know little about how child care arrangements affect couples’ sexual intimacy and relationship quality. Research has focused on the effect of the division of paid labor and housework on couples’ relationships, finding that egalitarianism is problematic for sexual intimacy, relationship quality, and relationship stability. These findings, however, come almost universally from studies utilizing decades-old data that fail to examine the division of child care. (...)
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  28.  78
    Erasing traumatic memories: when context and social interests can outweigh personal autonomy.Andrea Lavazza - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10:3.
    Neuroscientific research on the removal of unpleasant and traumatic memories is still at a very early stage, but is making rapid progress and has stirred a significant philosophical and neuroethical debate. Even if memory is considered to be a fundamental element of personal identity, in the context of memory-erasing the autonomy of decision-making seems prevailing. However, there seem to be situations where the overall context in which people might choose to intervene on their memories would lead to view those actions (...)
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    Simone Weil and the Theo‐Poetics of Compassion.Andrea Hollingsworth - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (3):203-229.
    Simone Weil's writings suggest that human compassion is divinely revelatory to the extent that interpersonal union and estrangement intensify identically and simultaneously. The relational space of compassionate communion is aporetic; the more attuned one becomes to an afflicted other, the more unreachable this other is seen to be. In her uniquely poetic style of writing, Weil locates perhaps the most intense experience of God directly in the center of this aporia. Compassion between two people—a sufferer and an empathizer—becomes a locus (...)
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  30.  36
    Transcranial electrical stimulation for human enhancement and the risk of inequality: Prohibition or compensation?Andrea Lavazza - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):122-131.
    Non‐invasive brain stimulation is used to modulate brain excitation and inhibition and to improve cognitive functioning. The effectiveness of the enhancement due to transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is still controversial, but the technique seems to have large potential for improvement and more specific applications. In particular, it has recently been used by athletes, both beginners and professionals. This paper analyses the ethical issues related to tDCS enhancement, which depend on its specific features: ease of use, immediate effect, non‐detectability and (...)
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  31.  37
    Is Our Self Related to Personality? A Neuropsychodynamic Model.Andrea Scalabrini, Clara Mucci & Georg Northoff - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  32.  27
    The self and its internal thought: In search for a psychological baseline.Andrea Scalabrini, Adriano Schimmenti, Michelangelo De Amicis, Piero Porcelli, Francesco Benedetti, Clara Mucci & Georg Northoff - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 97 (C):103244.
  33.  34
    Ethics without principles.Andrea Houchard - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (2):261-266.
  34. Are there propositions?Andrea Iacona - 2003 - Erkenntnis 58 (3):325 - 351.
  35.  34
    Conditional routing of information to the cortex: A model of the basal ganglia’s role in cognitive coordination.Andrea Stocco, Christian Lebiere & John R. Anderson - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):541-574.
  36.  17
    Tech-based Prototypes in Climate Governance: On Scalability, Replicability, and Representation.Andrea Leiter & Marie Petersmann - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (3):319-333.
    Abstract‘[T]he “mainstream” of global governance has changed course’ and in so doing, might well have ‘outrun the standard tools of critical, progressive, and reform-minded international lawyers’, Fleur Johns wrote in 2019. It is especially the critical tools of ‘appeals to history, context, language [and] the grassroots’ in response to universalist planning that Johns sees absorbed in the turn to prototyping as a new ‘style’ of governance. In this article, we take on this observation and explore how the ‘lean start-up mentality’ (...)
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    Enlighten up card deck.Andrea Smith - 2018 - Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words.
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    Unconscious priming according to multiple s-r rules.Andrea Kiesel, Wilfried Kunde & Joachim Hoffmann - 2007 - Cognition 104 (1):89-105.
  39.  15
    Quellen des Wissens: zum Begriff vernünftiger Erkenntnisfähigkeiten.Andrea Kern - 2006 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Derrida vis-à-vis Lacan: interweaving deconstruction and psychoanalysis.Andrea Margaret Hurst - 2008 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The "ruin" of the transcendental tradition -- Freud and the transcendental relation -- Derrida: Differance and the "plural logic of the aporia" -- The im-possibility of the psyche -- The death drive and the im-possibility of psychoanalysis -- Institutional psychoanalysis and the paradoxes of archivization -- The Lacanian real -- Sexual difference -- Feminine sexuality -- The transcendental relation in Lancanian psychoanalysis -- The death drive and ethical action -- The "talking cure": language and psychoanalysis.
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    What We May Forget When Discussing Human Memory Manipulation.Andrea Lavazza - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (4):249-251.
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  42.  72
    Rethinking Functional Reference.Andrea Scarantino - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):1006-1018.
    The theoretical construct of functional reference is the main tool used by animal communication researchers to explore how animals refer to the world in the absence of a language. Functionally referential signals are commonly defined as signals elicited by a specific class of stimuli and capable of causing behaviors adaptive to such stimuli in the absence of contextual cues. I will argue that this definition is conceptually flawed and propose an alternative definition according to which signals can functionally refer to (...)
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    The Ethics of the Living Wage: A Review and Research Agenda.Andrea Werner & Ming Lim - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (3):433-447.
    To date, business ethicists, corporate social responsibility scholars as well as management theorists have been slow to provide a comprehensive and critical scrutiny of the Living Wage concept. The aim of this article, therefore, is to conceptualize the living wage in its philosophical as well as practical dimensions in order to open up the ethical implications of its introduction and implementation by companies. We set out the legal, socio-institutional and economic contexts for the debates around the LW and review arguments (...)
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  44.  51
    Of Meatballs, Autonomy, and Human Dignity: Neuroethics and the Boundaries of Decision Making Among Persons with Dementia.Andrea Lavazza & Massimo Reichlin - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (2):88-95.
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  45. Fictional objects, non-existence, and the principle of characterization.Andrea Sauchelli - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 159 (1):139-146.
    I advance an objection to Graham Priest’s account of fictional entities as nonexistent objects. According to Priest, fictional characters do not have, in our world, the properties they are represented as having; for example, the property of being a bank clerk is possessed by Joseph K. not in our world but in other worlds. Priest claims that, in this way, his theory can include an unrestricted principle of characterization for objects. Now, some representational properties attributed to fictional characters, a kind (...)
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    Comment: Two Challenges for Adolphs and Andler’s Functionalist Theory of Emotions.Andrea Scarantino - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (3):202-203.
    Adolphs and Andler’s methodological functionalism recommends that affective science focuses on what emotions do rather than on what emotions are physically constituted by or how emotions feel. In addition, it is suggested that the functional roles of emotions should be extrapolated from a set of “features” emotions intuitively appear to have. In this brief commentary, I discuss both prescriptions, focusing on the concept of function and on the role folk psychological platitudes should play in a functionalist theory of emotions.
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    Complexity and the Idea of Human Development.Andrea Hurst - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):233-252.
    Reflecting on ‘human development’ theorists face conceptual confusion, borne out experientially by contemporary ecological, social, and economic crises. Since concepts create realities (i.e. justify and motivate practices), and philosophers create concepts, it is important to consider how philosophers might respond to conceptual difficulties caused by the modern era’s still influential ‘binary’ paradigm, exemplified by the law of the excluded middle, which entails a discursive split between modernism’s ultimately predictable cosmos and postmodernism’s insistence on fundamental chaos. Supposedly obliged to choose between (...)
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    Mixed feelings: Physicians' concerns about clinical ethics committees in germany.Andrea Dörries - 2003 - HEC Forum 15 (3):245-257.
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    Guest editor’s introduction: Identities in question.Andrea Hurst - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):379-392.
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    Books worth knowing about.Andrea M. Hegedus - 1988 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 1 (2):112-114.
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