Results for 'XVIII Jh'

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  1.  33
    Language and Democracy in Colonial Sicily (A.) Willi Sikelismos. Sprache, Literatur und Gesellschaft im griechischen Sizilien (8.–5. Jh. v. Chr.). (Bibliotheca Helvetica Romana 29.) Pp. xviii + 477. Basel: Schwabe, 2008. Cased, €47.50. ISBN: 978-3-7965-2255-0. [REVIEW]Kalle Korhonen - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):515-517.
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    Von der Naturgeschichte zur Naturwissenschaft Die Naturwissenschaften als eigenes Fachgebiet an der Universität Jena.Paul Ziche - 1998 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 21 (4):251-263.
    Since 1790, the term Naturwissenschaften occurs in the lecture lists of the University of Jena published in the Allgemeine Literatur‐Zeitung of Jena. Naturwissenschaften is used as a title for lectures previously listed under the headings of Philosophie or Naturgeschichte. The introduction of the concept of Naturwissenschaften is interesting for several reasons: Firstly, at that time it is not the usual label in this context, and one therefore has to ask whether it already implies the connotations that are associated with the (...)
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    Theoretische und praktische Jurisprudenz. Die Verwissenschaftlichung der Rechtsgelehrsamkeit um 1800.Jan Schröder - 1993 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 16 (3-4):229-240.
    Two developments have been of crucial significance to create the today's relation of theoretical (scientific) jurisprudence and the practical pursuit of law:1. The process of forming a jurisprudence basing on scientific methods around 1800. This process is particularly based on the following epistemological changes:(a) The late 18th century gave birth to the idea of a system of science as an unchangeable context of science in abstracto. Therefore the practical application of parts of this system appeared no longer as an independent (...)
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    Dualistische Entwürfe zur Einheit der Naturphänomene und die Anfänge der Romantischen Naturphilosophie.Alexander Rüger - 1985 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 8 (4):219-232.
    The importance of German Naturphilosophie for the development of a unified view of nature is often emphasized. The search for ultimate unity of natural phenomena, however, was already too common among physicists of the waning 18th century to ascribe its popularity to the influence of philosophers. To avoid the plethora of imponderable fluids, many „atomists”︁ reduced electric, magnetic, thermal, and chemical phenomena to a dualism of contrary principles, thereby prefiguring the „dynamic”︁ ideas of romantic Naturphilosophen.In particular we show how Schelling's (...)
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    Die Idee einer historischen Entwicklung der Krankheiten des Menschengeschlechts und ihre Bedeutung für die empirische Medizin des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts.Johanna Bleker - 1985 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 8 (4):195-204.
    In early 19th‐century German medicine many doctors had a strong interest in historical pathology. They investigated the historical records of fevers and epidemics in detail, trying to find out how the changing influence of the epidemic constitution worked and hoping that history would help them to define specific disease entities. The underlying theory of this endeavour was that diseases undergo a historical development similar to the evolution of plants and animals. This paper tries to show that historical pathology was, in (...)
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    Eine naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsbibliothek des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Bibliothek der ‚Naturforschenden Gesellschaft’︁ zu Jena.Paul Ziche, Gabriele Büch, Karsten Kenklies, Horst Neuper & Olaf Breidbach - 2000 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 23 (4):433-447.
    The ‚Naturforschende Gesellschaft’︁, founded in 1793, proved instrumental for the development of science at the University of Jena around 1800. Its library can be considered as one of its most important facilities provided for research and for the education of students. Since this library has been preserved almost without losses, we can ask whether this library served the purpose of a research library in the newly established field of ‚science’︁. In consequence, the role of scientific societies and the genesis of (...)
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    Disziplinbildung und Vorlesungsalltag, Funktionen von Lehrbüchern der Physik um 1800 mit einem Fokus auf die Universität Jena.Jan Frercks - 2004 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 27 (1):27-52.
    Physics textbooks from ca 1800 are on the one hand self reflective texts that consider the then emerging discipline ‚physics’︁, and serve on the other hand as the bread and butter for the day to day work of teachers and students of physics. The two parts of this paper explore this twofold nature. First, those textbooks written and used by professors in Jena, Halle and Göttingen are used in order to identify a typical textbook. This relies on a close examination (...)
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    Naturwissenschaft und Religion in den Niederlanden um 1600.Harry A. M. Snelders - 1995 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 18 (2):67-78.
    Dutch science flourished in the late sixteenth and in the seventeenth century thanks to the immigration of cartographers, botanists, mathematicians, astronomers and the like from the Southern Netherlands after the Spanish army had captured the city of Antwerp in 1585, and thanks to the religious and the socio‐economic situation of the country. A strong impulse for practical scientific activities started from the Reformation, mainly thanks to its anti‐traditional attitude, which had an anti‐rationalistic tendency. Therefore, in the Northern Netherlands there was (...)
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  9.  13
    Wissenschaft und Reformation Die Beispiele der Universitäten Königsberg und Helmstedt.Riccardo Pozzo - 1995 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 18 (2):103-113.
    The paper considers the development of physics‐teaching at the universities of Königsberg (founded 1544) and Helmstedt (founded 1576). The question is: How many teachers of physics professed Aristotelianism and how long? and why did most of them reject Copernicanismus? The paper suggests that Melanchthon, not only the founder of early German philosophy ‘was also the propounder of a form of, modern Aristotelianism’ which proved very valuable in mediating between theologians and philosophers on the one side and between philosophers and experimentalists (...)
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  10.  27
    Jesuiten zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft.Paul Richard Blum - 1995 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 18 (4):205-216.
    Natural sciences and natural philosophy of the Jesuits are based on theology. At least the concept of God is an integral part of their theoretical structure. Examples are taken from Rudjer Boskovic, Honoré Fabri and Nicolaus Cabeus. In fact, the Jesuits, e.g. Theophil Raynaud, dealt with natural theology as the spiritual foundation of knowledge independent of revelation. But natural theology, as in Raimundus Sabundus, has an anthropocentric and hence moral dimension: it links knowledge with religion. ‘Ignatius of Loyola influenced decisively (...)
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  11.  22
    Wissenstransfer auf dem Prüfstand. Europäische Mediziner im Kampf gegen die Pest von Moskau 1771.Andreas Renner - 2006 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 29 (3):191-204.
    Foreign knowledge being tested: European physicians fighting the Moscow plague of 1771. – The transfer of Western medicine to Russia increased significantly in the Eighteenth century. Foreign doctors were employed, their writings translated, their education standards copied. But who regarded that knowledge as superior and why? Taking the Moscow Plague of 1771 as a case study, this article examines the crucial role foreign and Russian medical practitioners played during the epidemic. It argues that especially those ideas and practices that were (...)
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  12.  18
    Analogie und mathematisches Denken.Eberhard Knobloch - 1989 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 12 (1):35-47.
    This article deals with six aspects of analogical thinking in mathematics: 1. Platonism and continuity principle or the “geometric voices of analogy” (as Kepler put it), 2. analogies and the surpassing of limits, 3. analogies and rule stretching, 4. analogies and concept stretching, 5. language and the art of inventing, 6. translation, or constructions instead of discovery. It takes especially into account the works of Kepler, Wallis, Leibniz, Euler, and Laplace who all underlined the importance of analogy in finding out (...)
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  13.  35
    Calcidius on fate.J. Den Boeft (ed.) - 1970 - Leiden,: Brill.
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  14. Die endgültige Losung einer Diskussion? La solution définitive d'une discussion?Trede Jh - 1976 - Hegel Studien 11:228-234.
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  15. More on the question of the integration of marxist philosophy+ with historical materialism.Jh Ma - 1985 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 16 (4):81-91.
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  16. The great century of German philosophers, a survey of new publications and studies.Jh Walgrave - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (1):91-111.
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  17. Deane, Herbert, A.-(1921-1991).Jh Franklin - 1991 - Journal of the History of Ideas 52 (3):524-524.
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  18. Cd Hardie.Jh Gribble, Jane R. Martin, David Stenhouse, Jj Smolicz, Rs Peters, Jp White, Betty A. Sichel, Ronald S. Barth, Frederick C. Neff & Wf Hare - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (10).
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    Introduction. Jh - 1988 - Synthese 74 (2):143-144.
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  20. Max Scheler: cent ans(1874-1928). Rénovation radicale et équilibre En néerlandais.Nota Jh - 1975 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 67 (2):73-84.
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  21. Do words that are 1st syllables of other words access their semantic codes.Jh Neely, Ej Crawley & Fr Vellutino - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):483-483.
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  22. L'intuition de l'étre et le premier principe,„.Jh Nicolas - 1947 - Revue Thomiste 47 (1):113-134.
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  23. Scientific explanation-4 decades of scientific explanation-critical notice.Jh Fetzer - 1991 - In Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout (eds.), The Philosophy of Science. MIT Press. pp. 58--2.
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  24. Varieties of preparation effects from statistically informative visual cues.Jh Flowers & D. Reed - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):353-353.
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  25. Teacher expertise in a quasi-intelligent tutor.Jh Larkin - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):344-344.
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  26.  43
    Physically active lifestyles and well-being.Stuart Jh Biddle & Panteleimon Ekkekakis - 2005 - In Felicia A. Huppert, Nick Baylis & Barry Keverne (eds.), The Science of Well-Being. Oxford University Press.
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  27. La genetique et le holisme debride.Alex Rosenberg & Andrew Jh Clark - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  28. Teaching general strategies and domain-specific concepts in physics.Pw Cheng & Jh Larkin - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):328-329.
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  29. Note: italicised page numbers indicate tables and figures.Nicholas Thomas, Jh Von Thünen, Gerhard Tintner, Richard Titmuss & Stephen Toulmin - 2001 - In Stephen Cullenberg, Jack Amariglio & David F. Ruccio (eds.), Postmodernism, economics and knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 487.
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  30. Z vedeckého života.Xviii Svetový Filozofický Kongres V. Brightone - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (1):102.
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    Phenomenology of temporal awareness.Canon Jh Jacques - 1970 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 1 (1):38-45.
  32.  75
    Drunk, but not blind: The effects of alcohol intoxication on change blindness.Gregory Jh Colflesh & Jennifer Wiley - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):231-236.
    Alcohol use has long been assumed to alter cognition via attentional processes. To better understand the cognitive consequences of intoxication, the present study tested the effects of moderate intoxication on attentional processing using complex working memory capacity span tasks and a change blindness task. Intoxicated and sober participants were matched on baseline WMC performance, and intoxication significantly decreased performance on the complex span tasks. Surprisingly, intoxication improved performance on the change blindness task. The results are interpreted as evidence that intoxication (...)
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  33. Levinas filosofo da diferença.Jh Silveira de Brito - 1985 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 41 (2-3).
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  34. BELLIOTTI, Raymond A. Blood is Thicker than Water: Don't Forsake the Family Jewels COOPER, David E. LESLIE, John Demons, Vats and the Cosmos MACDONALD, Ian Group Rights.Index to Volume Xviii - 1989 - Philosophical Papers 265 (53):169-177.
  35. Online processing of preexisting knowledge misconceptions and text-based inconsistencies.Ov Prinzo & Jh Danks - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):350-350.
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  36. Levinas, Husserl ea conscie~ ncia activa.Jh Silveira Brito - 1991 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 47 (1):87-95.
  37.  38
    Feral animals and the restoration of nature.Roger Jh King - 2009 - Between the Species 13 (9):1.
    Projects to restore nature inevitably disrupt the plants and animals that inhabit the land to be restored. This essay addresses the significance of feral animals. Can feral animals remain in a restored nature? I argue that an answer depends on what we mean by nature and restoration. I present several different conceptions of nature and discuss what their differences mean for the goals of restoration. While the presence of feral animals is not compatible with the dualist conception of nature as (...)
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  38. Attentional allocation in visual word recognition.Lm Slowiaczek & Jh Neely - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):465-465.
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  39. Effect of external displays on planning ability.Ds Kay & Jh Larkin - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):510-511.
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  40. One-trial aversive conditioning to contextual crues: effects of time of shock presentation on freezing during conditioning and testing.Jh Roald Maes & Jmh Vossen - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (5):403-406.
  41. Should third party consent to research be mandated? Should there be a right for third parties to have data about them withdrawn from a research project? Two perspectives.[Series of two articles]: Part 2.[Ethics Committee reflection.]. [REVIEW]Colin Jh Thomson - 2004 - Monash Bioethics Review 23 (1):83.
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  42. Uncorking the muse: Alcohol intoxication facilitates creative problem solving.Andrew F. Jarosz, Gregory Jh Colflesh & Jennifer Wiley - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):487-493.
    That alcohol provides a benefit to creative processes has long been assumed by popular culture, but to date has not been tested. The current experiment tested the effects of moderate alcohol intoxication on a common creative problem solving task, the Remote Associates Test . Individuals were brought to a blood alcohol content of approximately .075, and, after reaching peak intoxication, completed a battery of RAT items. Intoxicated individuals solved more RAT items, in less time, and were more likely to perceive (...)
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  43. News media coverage of euthanasia: a content analysis of Dutch national newspapers.Judith Ac Rietjens, Natasja Jh Raijmakers, Pauline Sc Kouwenhoven, Clive Seale, Ghislaine Jmw van Thiel, Margo Trappenburg, Johannes Jm van Delden & Agnes van der Heide - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):1-7.
    The Netherlands is one of the few countries where euthanasia is legal under strict conditions. This study investigates whether Dutch newspaper articles use the term ‘euthanasia’ according to the legal definition and determines what arguments for and against euthanasia they contain. We did an electronic search of seven Dutch national newspapers between January 2009 and May 2010 and conducted a content analysis. Of the 284 articles containing the term ‘euthanasia’, 24% referred to practices outside the scope of the law, mostly (...)
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  44. Z vedeckého života.Komuniké Xviii Medzinárodnej Porady Redaktorov & FILOZOFICKÝCH A. SOCIOLOGICKÝCH ČASOPISOV SOCIALISTICKÝCH - 1986 - Filozofia 41 (1):96.
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    Is technology the best medicine? Three practice theoretical perspectives on medication administration technologies in nursing.Marcel Jmh Boonen, Frans Jh Vosman & Alistair R. Niemeijer - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (2):121-127.
    Even though it is often presumed that the use of technology like medication administration technology is both safer and more effective, the importance of nurses' know‐how is not to be underestimated. In this article, we accordingly try to argue that nurses' labor, including their different forms of knowledge, must play a crucial role in the development, implementation and use of medication administration technology. Using three different theoretical perspectives (‘heuristic lenses') and integrating this with our own ethnographic research, we will explore (...)
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  46. L'idéalisme et la théologie de l'incarnation dans la pensée anglaise du XIX* siècle.Fd Maurice—J. Martineau—Jh Newman - 1953 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 3:172.
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  47. The policy of american-universities towards divestment in south-Africa.Dc Bok, H. Calkins, Rm Macdougall, Cp Slichter, Rg Stone, H. Kalven, Jh Franklin, Gj Kolb, G. Stigler & J. Getzels - 1986 - Minerva 24 (2-3):246-343.
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  48.  19
    Justification for a home-based education programme for kidney patients and their social network prior to initiation of renal replacement therapy.Emma K. Massey, Medard T. Hilhorst, Robert W. Nette, Peter Jh Smak Gregoor, Marinus A. van den Dorpel, Anthony C. van Kooij, Willij C. Zuidema, Robert Zietse, Jan Jv Busschbach & Willem Weimar - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (11):677-681.
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    A bibliography of Byzantine studies.P. Schreiner, C. SCholz, P. Grossmann, A. MoffAt, Kristoffel Demoen, F. TinneFeld, M. Mundell Mango, J. Herrin, E. JEffreys, C. Jolivet-Levy, P. Odorico, A. KArpozelos, T. Kolias, J. Albani, S. Kalopissi-Verti, E. FolliEri, E. KislingEr, H. Wada, W. Aerts, J. Koder, E. GamillschEg, M. Grunbart, M. SaloMon, S. Bliznjuk, P. KarPov, Yn Lyubarskii, J. Rosenqvist, A. YAsinovskyi, T. Olajos, A. Cutler, W. Kaegi, Am Talbot, M. Stassinopoulou, A. Muller, J. Diethart, E. Trapp, C. Katsougiannopoulou, B. Schellewald, C. Morrisson, V. IVanisevic, E. Oberlander-Tarnoveanu, W. Seibt, F. Goria, S. TrojanoS & Jh Featherstone - 1998 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 91 (1):222-317.
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  50. the primate optic nerve by prenatal binocular competition. Nature 305: 1 35-1 37.M. Verhage, As Mala, Jj Plomp, Ab Brussaard, Jh Heeroma, H. Vermeer, Rf Toonen, Re Hammer & Tk van - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press.
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