Results for 'Jh Ma'

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  1. More on the question of the integration of marxist philosophy+ with historical materialism.Jh Ma - 1985 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 16 (4):81-91.
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    Feder, Tafel, Mensch: Al-ʻāmirīs Kitāb Al-Fuṣūl Fī L-Maʻālim Al-Ilāhīya Und Die Arabische Proklos-Rezeption Im 10. Jh.Elvira Wakelnig - 2006 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Elvira Wakelnig.
    Al-ʽĀmirī’s Chapters on Metaphysical Topics are an impressive example of the fusing of Greek Neoplatonism with Islamic Theology. Being a paraphrase of the Proclean Elements of Theology , they provide a better understanding of the tradition of the Liber de Causis in Arabic.
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    Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen: Band 1: Die Renaissance des Aristotelismus im I. Jh. v. Chr.PaulHG Moraux - 1973 - New York: De Gruyter.
    „Die ‚Geschichte des Aristotelismus‘ (3 Bände, 1971-2001), die Paul Moraux auf der Basis seiner jahrzehntelangen Beschäftigung mit Aristoteles und des von ihm gegründeten Aristotelesarchivs geschaffen hat, ist ein Maßstäbe setzendes Meisterwerk der Philosophiegeschichte.“ Prof. Dr. Bernd Seidensticker, Freie Universität Berlin.
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    Entgrenzte Körper. Zur Möglichkeit einer Politik affirmativ geteilter Vulnerabilität.Sonja Gassner - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (2):417-442.
    Angesichts des Ausbruchs der Corona-Pandemie erfährt Foucaults Konzept der Biopolitik eine verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit innerhalb der politisch- philosophischen Debatten. So lässt sich in Rückgriff auf Foucaults Analyse einer sich seit dem 17. Jh. durchsetzenden „Lebensmacht“ nicht nur zeigen, inwiefern Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung vor einem neuartigen Virus Leben erhalten. Foucaults Beschreibung des Rassismus liefert auch einen ersten Analyseansatz, um die differenzielle Bestimmung von schützenswertem Leben zu problematisieren. Gilt es darüber hinausgehend zu verstehen, durch und innerhalb welcher je spezifischen Rahmendispositive biopolitische (...)
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    Darwin heute: Evolution als Leitbild in den modernen Wissenschaften.Martin Neukamm (ed.) - 2014 - Darmstadt: WBG.
    Was hat Darwins Evolutionstheorie aus dem 19.Jh. mit der Erzeugung maßgeschneiderter Moleküle im Reagenzglas, mit der Enstehung des Universums oder regenerativer Medizin zu tun? Die Antwort gibt dieses Buch, indem es aufzeigt, dass die Darwinschen Gedanken auch außerhalb der Biologie Einzug in die modernen Wissenschaften gehalten haben. Die Autoren zeigen, dass sich grundlegende Phänomene in den Naturwissenschaften ohne Evolution überhaupt nicht verstehen und erklären lassen. Hochranginge Wissenschaftler demonstrieren die Rolle evolutionären Denkens in der Philosophie, Kosmologie, Molekularbio...
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    Freiheit, Revolution, Verfassung. Kleine Politische Schriften: Herausgegeben von Daniel Schulz.Marquis de Condorcet - 2010 - Akademie Verlag.
    Während Condorcets Schriften bislang nur unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Geschichtsphilosophie und mathematischen Entscheidungstheorie rezipiert wurden, präsentiert dieser Band Condorcet als einen zentralen politischen Ordnungsdenker der Französischen Revolution, als einen liberal-republikanischen Autor. Die in der Edition versammelten Quellentexte zeigen, dass er die menschenrechtlichen und demokratischen Leitideen am Ende des 18. Jh.s nachdrücklich artikulierte. Condorcets zentrales Anliegen besteht in der Suche nach einer institutionellen Form demokratischer Ordnung, die ein hohes Maß an bürgerschaftlicher Partizipation mit den liberalen Forderungen individueller Rechte verbindet. Die Schriften (...)
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    Fichte und die Gesellschaft.Carla de Pascale - 2003 - Fichte-Studien 24:95-102.
    Die Betrachtungen, die ich Ihnen im Folgenden vortragen möchte, konzentrieren sich auf den Begriff der Gesellschaft in Fichtes Philosophie und überschneiden sich unvermeidlich mit einer Neubewertung des Begriffs des Politischen, wie er sich bei Fichte abzeichnet. Ausgangspunkt ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Gesellschaft und Staat: eine Unterscheidung, die philosophiegeschichtlich in Hegel ihren wichtigsten Exponenten hat, doch, obgleich nicht immer überlegt und vollständig ausgearbeitet, bereits in die Schriften vieler Autoren als Voraussetzung eingeflossen war. Und darüber hinaus war dies ein Gedanke, der auf (...)
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    Johan Albert Fabricius und der "Codex Maurocordati". Ein Beitrag zur überlieferungs- und Editionsgeschichte der Demonstratio Evangelica des Eusebios von Kaisareia.Erich Lamberz - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):515-522.
    Die Demonstratio evangelica des Eusebios von Kaisareia hat zu allen Zeiten weit weniger Interesse und Leser gefunden als ihr Gegenstück, die Praeparatio evangelica. Dementsprechend spärlich ist auch die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Textes in byzantinischer Zeit. Die zweite Hälfte des Werkes , die Photios wohl noch kannte, ging bis auf einige Fragmente des XV. Buches verloren, die erste Hälfte ist in vergleichsweise wenigen Handschriften überliefert, von denen nur drei vor dem 15. Jh. entstanden sind. Nach Heikel, von dem die heute noch (...)
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  9. Modelle.Stephan Hartmann & Daniela Bailer-Jones - 2010 - In Hans Jörg Sandkühler & Others, Enzyklopädie Philosophie. Meiner Verlag. pp. 1627-1632.
    Der Begriff ‘Modell’ leitet sich vom Lateinischen ‘modulus’ (das Maß) ab, im Italienischen existiert seit dem 16. Jh. ‘modello’ und R. Descartes verwendet im 17. Jh. ‘modèlle’. Während der Begriff in Architektur und Kunst schon seit der Renaissance gängig ist, wird er in den Naturwissenschaften erst im 19. Jh. verwendet.1 Dort greifen wissenschaftliche Modelle die für eine gegebene Problemstellung als wesentlich erachteten Charakteristika (Eigenschaften, Beziehungen, etc.) eines Untersuchungsgegenstandes heraus und machen diesen so einem Verständnis bzw. einer weiterführenden Untersuchung zugänglich. Es (...)
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  10. Organizing probabilistic models of perception.Wei Ji Ma - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (10):511-518.
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    Parental Autonomy Support and Psychological Well-Being in Tibetan and Han Emerging Adults: A Serial Multiple Mediation Model.Xiaoyu Lan, Chunhua Ma & Rendy Radin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:433614.
    A growing body of research has explored well-being in diverse cultural contexts, and indicates that the definition and perception of well-being vary according to cultural context. Little is known, however, about whether intercultural differences in China (i.e., Tibetan and Han) lead to different perceptions of well-being and how social contexts and personal characteristics are associated with well-being in Tibetan and Han emerging adults. Using a self-determination framework, the current study examines the relationship between parental autonomy support (PAS) and psychological well-being (...)
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    Picturing perspectives: development of perspective-taking abilities in 4- to 8-year-olds.Andrea Frick, Wenke Mã¶Hring & Nora S. Newcombe - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    (1 other version)Most cited business ethics publications: mapping the intellectual structure of business ethics studies in 2001–2008.Zhenzhong Ma, Dapeng Liang, Kuo-Hsun Yu & Yender Lee - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (3):286-297.
    This study explores the research paradigms of contemporary business ethics research in 2001–2008. With citation data from the top two business ethics journals included in the Social Sciences Citation Index, this study conducts citation and co-citation analysis to identify the most important publications, scholars, and research themes in the business ethics area and then maps the intellectual structure of business ethics studies between 2001 and 2008. The results show that current business ethics studies cluster around four major research themes, including (...)
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    Dynamics and Optimal Harvesting Control for a Stochastic One-Predator-Two-Prey Time Delay System with Jumps.Tingting Ma, Xinzhu Meng & Zhengbo Chang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-19.
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    "Fels des Atheismus"? Zum Theodizeeproblem heute.Jörg Splett - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (4):711 - 732.
    A quebra no que se refere às certezas da fé, a ênfase da própria experiência e os horrores do século XX levaram ao surgimento de uma vaga de (anti-)teodiceias. Aos ataques por parte do ateísmo correspondem do lado dos teólogos ou um certo resentimento em relação a Deus ou a sua desculpa mediante um pôr-em-questão da sua omnipotência. Surgiram desta forma propostas de carácter ora dualistico ora monístico que fizeram com que a resposta clássica ao problema tivesse progressivamente ficado quase (...)
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    The SINS in Business Negotiations: Explore the Cross-Cultural Differences in Business Ethics Between Canada and China.Zhenzhong Ma - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):123 - 135.
    Ethical dilemmas are inescapable components of business negotiations. It is thus important for negotiators to understand the differences in what is ethically appropriate and what is not. This study explores the cross-cultural differences in business ethics between Canada and China by examining the perceived appropriateness of five categories of ethically questionable strategies often used in business negotiations. The results show that the Chinese are more likely to consider it appropriate to use ethically inappropriate negotiation strategies, but the impact of cultural (...)
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  17. On the Conditions of Possibility for Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy.Lin Ma & Jaap Van Brakel - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (3):297-312.
    In this essay, we present a theory of intercultural philosophical dialogue and comparative philosophy, drawing on both hermeneutics and analytic philosophy. We advocate the approach of “de-essentialization” across the board. It is true that similarities and differences are always to be observed across languages and traditions, but there exist no immutable cores or essences. “De-essentialization” applies to all “levels” of concepts: everyday notions such as green and qing 青, philosophical concepts such as emotion(s) and qing 情, and philosophical categories such (...)
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    Musical experience modulates categorical perception of lexical tones in native Chinese speakers.Han Wu, Xiaohui Ma, Linjun Zhang, Youyi Liu, Yang Zhang & Hua Shu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Impact of Network Embeddedness on the Innovation Performance of New Generation of Employees in the Post-COVID-19 Era—The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract.Jianhua Wang, Junwei Ma & Yongzhou Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The innovation activities of new generation of employees have the characteristics of double network embeddedness, and the degree of psychological contract fulfilment is an important factor that affects their innovation performance. Based on the attributes of internal network embeddedness and external network embeddedness, this paper builds a hypothesis model of the relationship between network embeddedness, psychological contract and innovation performance. It explores the impact and mechanism of network embeddedness on the innovation performance of new generation of employees and the mediating (...)
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  20.  38
    Reciprocity and the Quest for Meaningful Disclosure.Ma’N. H. Zawati & Bartha Maria Knoppers - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):36-38.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 36-38.
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    The role of qualitative research in broadening the 'evidence base' for clinical practice.Rosaline S. Barbour Ma - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (2):155-163.
  22. The policy of american-universities towards divestment in south-Africa.Dc Bok, H. Calkins, Rm Macdougall, Cp Slichter, Rg Stone, H. Kalven, Jh Franklin, Gj Kolb, G. Stigler & J. Getzels - 1986 - Minerva 24 (2-3):246-343.
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    Export Intensity and MNE Customers’ Environmental Requirements: Effects on Local Chinese Suppliers’ Environment Strategies.Jie Wu & Zhenzhong Ma - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (2):327-339.
    This study integrates the resource dependence perspective and the stakeholder perspective to analyze local Chinese suppliers’ environment strategies in response to environmental requirements of different types of customers. With a sample of 1,215 local Chinese manufacturing suppliers, we examine the impact of export intensity and environmental requirements of multinational enterprises on local Chinese suppliers’ environment strategies. The results show that local Chinese suppliers with high levels of export intensity are more likely to adopt positive environment strategies to reduce environmental risks. (...)
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    A Study on Lump Solutions to a Generalized Hirota-Satsuma-Ito Equation in -Dimensions.Wen-Xiu Ma, Jie Li & Chaudry Masood Khalique - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
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    All the Right Noises: Background Variability Helps Early Word Learning.Katherine E. Twomey, Lizhi Ma & Gert Westermann - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S2):413-438.
    Variability is prevalent in early language acquisition, but, whether it supports or hinders learning is unclear; while target variability has been shown to facilitate word learning, variability in competitor items has been shown to make the task harder. Here, we tested whether background variability could boost learning in a referent selection task. Two groups of 2-year-old children saw arrays of one novel and two known objects on a screen, and they heard a novel or known label. Stimuli were identical across (...)
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  26.  35
    How Preferred Brands Relate to the Self: The Effect of Brand Preference, Product Involvement, and Information Valence on Brand-Related Memory.Rui Feng, Weijun Ma, Ruobing Liu, Miao Zhang, Ziyi Zheng, Ting Qing, Juzhe Xi, Xinzhen Lai & Cen Qian - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Basic annals of Ch 'in Shih-huang'.Ssu-Ma Ch'ien - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (1-2):261-296.
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  28. Divya-jivana darśana: pr̥thvī upara cālī rahelī utkrantinā āgāmī tabakkā svarūpa divya-jīvananuṃ darśana karāvato Maharshi Śrī Aravindanā yugapravartaka mahāgranthanuṃ rocaka rasadarśana.Mānasiṃhabhāī Cāvaḍā - 2007 - Rājakoṭa: Mā. Śrī. Aravinda Sādhanā Kendra.
    Study on Life divine, work on metaphysics and spiritual life by Aurobindo Ghose, 1872-1950.
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    Ilocano Architecture IV part 1.Ramón Ma Zaragoza - 2004 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 8 (3):118-145.
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    “I Invest by Following Lead Investors!” The Role of Lead Investors in Fundraising Performance of Equity Crowdfunding.Tao Shen, Jiangshui Ma, Bin Zhang, Wen Huang & Fan Fan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31. Differences in Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Processing of Center-Embedded and Non–embedded Musical Structures.Xie Ma, Nai Ding, Yun Tao & Yu Fang Yang - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Response to Nakamura et al.Kathryn Muyskens, Yonghui Ma, Jerry Menikoff, James Hallinan & Julian Savulescu - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):17-19.
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    Peirce's Logical Graphs for Boolean Algebras and Distributive Lattices.Minghui Ma - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (3):320.
    Peirce introduced Existential Graphs in late 1896, and they were systematically investigated in his 1903 Lowell Lectures. Alpha graphs for classical propositional logic constitute the first part of EGs. The second and the third parts are the beta graphs for first-order logic and the gamma graphs for modal and higher-order logics, among others. As a logical syntax, EGs are two-dimensional graphs, or diagrams, in contrast to the linear algebraic notations. Peirce's theory of EGs is not only a theory of logical (...)
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  34. Introducción al estudio del derecho.Eduardo García Máynez - 1974 - México: Editorial Porrúa.
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  35. Introducción al estudio del derecho..Eduardo García Máynez - 1944 - México,: D.F..
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  36. Lógica del concepto jurídico.Eduardo García Máynez - 1959 - México,: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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  37. Anísios de Oropa, França e Bahia.Mário Hélio Gomes de Lima - 2021 - In Edna Silva & Silvia Paes Barreto, Anísio, Anísios Teixeira: um educador no Museu do Homem do Nordeste. Recife, PE: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.
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  38. Reality Is Not a Solid. Poetic Transfigurations of Stevens’ Fluid Concept of Reality.Jakub Mácha - 2018 - In Kacper Bartczak & Jakub Mácha, Wallace Stevens: Poetry, Philosophy, and Figurative Language. Berlin: Peter Lang. pp. 61-92.
    The main aim of this essay is to show that, for Stevens, the concept of reality is very fluctuating. The essay begins with addressing the relationship between poetry and philosophy. I argue, contra Critchley, that Stevens’ poetic work can elucidate, or at least help us to understand better, the ideas of philosophers that are usually considered obscure. The main “obscure” philosophical work introduced in and discussed throughout the essay is Schelling’s System of Transcendental Idealism. Both a (shellingian) philosopher and a (...)
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    Halal Symbols in Muslim Community Businesses.Yusril Bariki & Aula Nurul Ma’Rifah - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (2):265-277.
    This article discusses halal symbols in the Muslim religion; Muslims use halal as a guide for purchasing food and drink products. The article discusses especially the background of the existence of the halal logo, state regulations and the awareness of the Muslim community. Following results given in selected positions of the literature of the subject the authors come to the following theses and conclusions: the obligation to carry out halal certification has been regulated by Law Number 33 of 2014 and (...)
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  40. How Duty-Free Policy Influences Travel Intention: Mediating Role of Perceived Value and Moderating Roles of COVID-19 Severity and Counterfactual Thinking.Yajun Xu, Wenbin Ma, Xiaobing Xu & Yibo Xie - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Counterfactual thinking is presumed to play a preparatory function in promoting people’s behavioural intentions. This study specifically addresses the impacts of COVID-19 severity, tourists’ counterfactual thinking about the pandemic, and tourists’ perceived duty-free consumption value on the effect of a duty-free policy on travel intentions. Four hundred and ten participants took part in this study, which involved a 2 × 2 design. Results reveal the following patterns: compared to the absence of a duty-free policy in tourist destinations, enactment of a (...)
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    Characteristic Analysis of Flight Delayed Time Series.Ou Shangheng & Ma Lan - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):361-375.
    In order to analyze the characteristics of airport flight delayed time series, based on the construction of flight delay time series, firstly, the K-means algorithm is used to cluster the time series of delayed departures. Secondly, combining with R/s analysis method of Fractal theory, Hurst index of the series is calculated, and Fractal characteristics of the series are analyzed. Then, the VAR (Vector Auto Regression) model is constructed, and Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Variance Decomposition are conducted to explore the (...)
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    Did the cyberspace foster the entrepreneurship of women with children in rural China?KaiChao Shao, Ruixue Ma, Lulu Zhao, Kai Wang & Joseph Kamber - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Female-entrepreneurship plays a significantly important role in rural areas of China today. In fact, it is a driving force behind inclusive economic development of the country as a whole. However, notably very little literature out there has focused on the impact of how widespread usage of information technology tools affects the mothers entrepreneurship in the outskirt regions. Here, in this paper, the authors attempt to explore the finer details of such an impact by utilizing the data from the 2017 China (...)
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    Psychometric Challenges in the Measurement of Constructs Underlying Criminal Responsibility in Children and Young Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study.Yuxi Shang, Yumiao Fu, Beibei Ma, Li Wang & Dexin Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    At present, many countries have lowered the minimum age of criminal responsibility to deal with the trend of juvenile crime. In practical terms, whether countries advocate for lowering the age of criminal responsibility along with early puberty, or regulating the minimum age of juvenile criminal responsibility through their policies, their deep-rooted hypothesis is that age is tied to adolescents’ psychological growth, and, with the rise in age, the capacity for dialectical thinking, self-control, and empathy gradually improves. With this study, we (...)
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    Exploration of Muscle Fatigue Effects in Bioinspired Robot Learning from sEMG Signals.Ning Wang, Yang Xu, Hongbin Ma & Xiaofeng Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    Ridesharing car detection by transfer learning.Leye Wang, Xu Geng, Xiaojuan Ma, Daqing Zhang & Qiang Yang - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 273 (C):1-18.
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  46. Chê hsüeh hsüeh hsi chung ti chi ko wên tʻi.Lang-ma Chu (ed.) - 1957
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    Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Reflection on the Human Being's Avowal of the Fault.Leovino Ma Garcia - 1998 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 2 (2):157-187.
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    The importance of cultural variables for explaining suicide terrorism.C. Dominik Güss & Ma Teresa Tuason - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (4):370-371.
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    Jota jagadī rahe.Rāma Nātha Shukalā - 2017 - Paṭiālā: Loka Hitū Prakāshana.
    On the significance of philosophy and great philosophers.
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  50. Tāmbā darśana: adhyayana ra vahasa = Tamba darshan.Amr̥ta Yoñjana-Tāmāṅa - 2015 - Kāṭhamāḍauṃ: Cāilḍaspesa Phāuṇḍeśana Nepāla.
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