Results for 'Water Rights'

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  1.  1
    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
    Drawing its strength from the UN Charter and UDHR, human rights ethics is a beacon of hope and a promise that requires continuous reaffirmation during these turbulent times. These two documents, with their unwavering faith in ‘fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’ have shaped our understanding of human rights as global and universal ethics. However, this faith (...)
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  2. The editor has review copies of the following books. Potential reviewers should contact the editor to obtain a review copy (rhaynes@ phil. ufl. edu). Books not previously listed are in bold-faced type. [REVIEW]R. Boelens, P. Hoogendam & Water Rights - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19:167-168.
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  3. Global Indigenous Research Contexts for Bio-Prospecting: Sacred Collisions of Ethnobotany, Diversity Genetics, Intellectual Property Law, Sovereign Rights, and Public Interest Pharmaceuticals.Anne Waters - 2004 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Indigenous Philosophy.
    Waters aries that the demands of indigenous bio-prospecting programs need to be considered against the needs of indigenous communities. Issues of sovereignty and rights to self-determination need to be resolved in the context of negotiating bio-prospecting plans. By setting out clear guidelines and priorities, as determined through the eyes and values of indigenous peoples, indigenous communities may have an opportunity to participate in the global sharing of biomedical information and healing for all our relations. Before any projects get underway, (...)
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    Water rights, gender, and poverty alleviation. Inclusion and exclusion of women and men smallholders in public irrigation infrastructure development.Barbara van Koppen - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):361-374.
    Governmental and non-governmentalagencies worldwide have devoted considerablefinancial, technical, and organizational efforts toconstruct or rehabilitate irrigation infrastructure inthe last three decades. Although rural povertyalleviation was often one of their aims, evidenceshows that rights to irrigated land and water wererarely vested in poor men, and even less in poorwomen. In spite of the strong role of irrigationagencies in vesting rights to irrigated land and waterin some people and not in others, the importance ofagencies‘ targeting practices is still ignored.This article (...)
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  5. Water rights: Ethical issues and developmental impact.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):284-287.
    Ethical approaches and the right development framework are critical in water use and conservation. Water as a resource is not unlimited. Darryl Macer et al. point to the necessity of understanding the basics of water, uses of water, water resource availability, and conflict. Water is a very precious resource that in the future can be a source of tension due to unabated urbanization. In the Kaliwa Dam Project in the Philippines, the Dumagat Tribe is (...)
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  6. Water Rights and Moral Limits to Water Markets.C. Tyler DesRoches - 2019 - In C. Tyler DesRoches, Frank Jankunis & Byron Williston (eds.), Canadian Environmental Philosophy. Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 217-233.
    This chapter argues that the human right to water entails specific moral limits to commodifying water. While free-market economists have generally recognized no such limits, the famous Canadian environmental thinker Maude Barlow has claimed that the human right to water entails that no water markets should be permitted. With a Lockean conception of the human right to water, this chapter argues that both views are mistaken. If water markets prevent people from obtaining some minimal (...)
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  7.  47
    Tribal Water Rights: Exploring Dam Construction in Indian Country.Jerilyn Church, Chinyere O. Ekechi, Aila Hoss & Anika Jade Larson - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):60-63.
    The environment, particularly, land and water, play a powerful role in sustaining and supporting American Indian and Alaska Native communities in the United States. Not only is water essential to life and considered — by some Tribes — a sacred food in and of itself, but environmental water resources are necessary to maintain habitat for hunting and fishing. Many American Indian and Alaska Native communities incorporate locally caught traditional subsistence foods into their diets, and the loss of (...)
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  8.  43
    Water Rights (C.J.) Bannon Gardens and Neighbors. Private Water Rights in Roman Italy. Pp. x + 310, map. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Cased, US$85. ISBN: 978-0-472-03353-9. [REVIEW]A. Trevor Hodge - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):607-608.
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  9. Bekoff, Marc. Minding Animals. Awareness, Emotions, and Heart. Oxford University Press, 2002. 199+ pp. Brouwer, F. and DE Ervi (eds.). Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade. Oxford: CABI Publishing, 2002. 347+ pp. [REVIEW]B. R. Bruns, R. S. Meizen-Dick, Negotiating Water Rights, Marian Deblonde, D. R. Dent, C. Lomer, J. Dunayer, M. D. Derwood, M. W. Fox & R. H. Gardner - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16:99-101.
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    The Blessing of Departure: Acceptable and Unacceptable State Support for Demographic Transformation: The Lieberman Plan to Exchange Populated Territories in Cisjordan.Timothy William Waters - 2008 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 2 (1):1-65.
    What limits ought there be on a state’s ability to create a homogeneous society, to increase or perpetuate non-diversity, or to create hierarchies within existing diversity? This article examines those questions with reference to the Lieberman Plan—which proposes to transfer populated territories from Israel to the Palestine in exchange for Jewish settlements on the West Bank— as an abstract exercise in demographic transformation by the state. First the article considers if the Lieberman plan would “work”: Would it create the alterations (...)
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    Anne Bellows, Flavio Valente, Stefanie Lemke & María Daniela Núnez Burbano de Lara : Gender, nutrition, and the human right to adequate food: toward an inclusive framework: Routledge Press, New York, NY, 2016, 471 pp, ISBN 978-0-415-71445-7 , 978-1-315-88047-1$48.Ann Waters-Bayer - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):1043-1044.
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    A Different Departure: A Reply to Shany's “Redrawing Maps, Manipulating Demographics: On Exchange of Populated Territories and Self-Determination”.Timothy William Waters - 2008 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 2 (1):1-13.
    Anyone reading Yuval Shany’s response to my article, “The Blessing of Departure—Exchange of Populated Territories The Lieberman Plan as anExercise in Demographic Transformation,” would hardly characterize it as “agreement.” In part this is because Shany builds his case by assuming I am saying something about self-determination that misses—at least misplaces—my real point. This is unfortunate, both as it masks the fact that Shany and I actually agree transfers can be legal, and it distracts attention from the points of real, substantive (...)
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  13. Decisional Value Scores.Gabriella Waters, William Mapp & Phillip Honenberger - 2024 - AI and Ethics 2024.
    Research in ethical AI has made strides in quantitative expression of ethical values such as fairness, transparency, and privacy. Here we contribute to this effort by proposing a new family of metrics called “decisional value scores” (DVS). DVSs are scores assigned to a system based on whether the decisions it makes meet or fail to meet a particular standard (either individually, in total, or as a ratio or average over decisions made). Advantages of DVS include greater discrimination capacity between types (...)
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  14. Syllabus: Native Studies 450-001: Global Indigenous Philosophy, Spring 2005, University of New Mexico.Anne Schulherr Waters - 2005 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter on American Indians in Philosophy.
    This syllabus engages dialogue about indigenous philosophical ideas and issues that frame contemporary global indigenous thought, perspective, and worldview. We explore how presuppositions of indigenous philosophy, including epistemology (how/what we know), metaphysics (what is), science (stories), and ethics (practices), affect global research programs, intellectual cultural property, economic policies, ecology, biodiversity, taxonomy, health, housing, food, employment, economic sustainability, peace negotiations, climate justice, human/treaty rights, colonial law, refugees and incarceration, self-determination, sovereignty, nation building, and digital information. Readings provide an understanding of (...)
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  15.  81
    The Human Right to Water: The Importance of Domestic and Productive Water Rights.Ralph P. Hall, Barbara Van Koppen & Emily Van Houweling - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):849-868.
    The United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights engenders important state commitments to respect, fulfill, and protect a broad range of socio-economic rights. In 2010, a milestone was reached when the UN General Assembly recognized the human right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation. However, water plays an important role in realizing other human rights such as the right to food and livelihoods, and in realizing the Convention on the Elimination of All (...)
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  16.  42
    Human Rights and the Challenges of Science and Technology: Commentary on Meier et al. “Translating the Human Right to Water and Sanitation into Public Policy Reform” and Hall et al. “The Human Right to Water: The Importance of Domestic and Productive Water Rights”.Stephen P. Marks - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):869-875.
    The expansion of the corpus of international human rights to include the right to water and sanitation has implications both for the process of recognizing human rights and for future developments in the relationships between technology, engineering and human rights. Concerns with threats to human rights resulting from developments in science and technology were expressed in the early days of the United Nations (UN), along with the recognition of the ambitious human right of everyone “to (...)
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    Gender and property rights in the commons: Examples of water rights in South Asia. [REVIEW]Margreet Zwarteveen & Ruth Meinzen-Dick - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (1):11-25.
    In many countries and resource sectors, the state is devolving responsibility for natural resource management responsibility to ``communities'' or local user groups. However, both policymakers and researchers in this area have tended to ignore the implications of gender and other forms of intra-community power differences for the effectiveness and equity of natural resource management. In the irrigation sector, despite the rhetoric on women's participation, a review of evidence from South Asia shows that organizations often exclude women through formal or informal (...)
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  18. Who Holds the Moral High Ground?Colin Beckley & Elspeth Waters - 2008 - Exeter: Imprint Academic.
    Meta-ethical attempts to define concepts such as 'goodness', ‘right and wrong’, ‘ought’ and ‘ought not’, have proved largely futile, even over-ambitious. Morality, it is argued, should therefore be directed primarily at the reduction of suffering, principally because the latter is more easily recognisable and accords with an objective view and requirements of the human condition. All traditional and contemporary perspectives are without suitable criteria for evaluating moral dilemmas and without such guidance we face the potent threat of sliding to a (...)
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    Translating the Human Right to Water and Sanitation into Public Policy Reform.Benjamin Mason Meier, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Georgia Kayser, Urooj Amjad & Jamie Bartram - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):833-848.
    The development of a human right to water and sanitation under international law has created an imperative to implement human rights in water and sanitation policy. Through forty-three interviews with informants in international institutions, national governments, and non-governmental organizations, this research examines interpretations of this new human right in global governance, national policy, and local practice. Exploring obstacles to the implementation of rights-based water and sanitation policy, the authors analyze the limitations of translating international human (...)
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  20.  44
    On Rights-Based Partnerships to Measure Progress in Water and Sanitation.Margaret Satterthwaite - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):877-884.
    The right to water and sanitation has emerged from the penumbra of associated rights in the past few decades and now plays an important role in international debates. This right has emerged “from below”, through the efforts of social movements seeking transformation in the lives of the world’s poor, and it has been recognized “from above”, with major international actors such as the United Nations, international financial institutions, and even large corporate actors affirming its existence. As the obligations (...)
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    Rutgerd Boelens, David Getches and Armando Guevara-Gil (eds): Out of the mainstream: water rights, politics and identity. [REVIEW]Jeremy J. Schmidt - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (1):127-128.
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    Right to Water as a (Fundamental) Human Right.Ivana Đuras - 2020 - Disputatio Philosophica 21 (1):27-36.
    Right to water as a fundamental human right.
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    Water Crisis Adaptation: Defending a Strong Right Against Displacement from the Home.Cara Nine - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (1):37-52.
    This essay defends a strong right against displacement as part of a basic individual right to secure access to one’s home. The analysis is purposefully situated within the difficult context of climate change adaptation policies. Under increasing environmental pressures, especially regarding water security, there are weighty reasons motivating the forced displacement of persons—to safeguard water resources or prevent water-related disasters. Even in these pressing circumstances, I argue, individuals have weighty rights to secure access to their homes. (...)
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  24. Pure water is the fundamental right of all (Kofi Anna World Water Day).S. M. Kennedy - 2006 - Journal of Dharma 31 (4):485-496.
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    Water, Human Rights, Democracy. 이충한 - 2015 - Environmental Philosophy 19 (19):119-139.
    본 고는 물의 민영화가 초래한 물의 공공성 침식에 관한 문제를 다룬다. 물은 모든 생명의 근원이다. 물을 마신다는 것은 단순히 갈증이라는 신체적 상태를 해소하는 차원에 그치는 행위가 아니다. 숨을 쉬는 것과 마찬가지로 물을 마시는 것 역시 ‘살아 있음’ 과 ‘살아 감’을 뒷받침하는 필연적인 인간행위다. 때문에 물은 사적으로 소유할 수 있는 경제적 자원이기 이전에 시민 모두가 행복한 삶을 영위하기 위해 필수적으로 요구되는 필수재이자 공공재라고 할 수 있다. 최근 한국사회는 물 산업 육성화 전략을 바탕으로 물을 경제적 이윤 창출을 위한 도구나 인간에 의해 소비되는 (...)
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  26. The Human Right to Water and Common Ownership of the Earth.Mathias Risse - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2):178-203.
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    Water Ethics: An Introduction.Neelke Doorn - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A comprehensive introduction to water ethics, this book explores the common thread between debates in the allocation of water resources, the human right to water and the commodification and privatisation of water services, and fills the gap for alternatives to the predominantly consequentialist approach to dealing with these issues.
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    A Theological Argument for Water as a Human Right.Terence A. McGoldrick - 2018 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 15 (1):109-137.
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    The Role of Property Rights in Protecting Water Quality.Elizabeth Brubaker - 1996 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 7 (2-3):407-414.
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    Beyond Consensus: Contesting the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation at the United Nations.Madeline Baer - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (3):361-383.
    Resolutions in the United Nations Human Rights Council and General Assembly provide clarification of economic, social, and cultural (ESC) rights, and most of these resolutions pass by consensus. Yet these resolutions are more contentious than they appear. This article analyzes a case study of contestation over resolutions on two ESC rights: water and sanitation. Drawing from theories of norms contestation, this article analyzes how the USA, UK, and Canada challenged the creation of the rights to (...)
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    Drinking Water Quality in Indian Water Policies, Laws, and Courtrooms: Understanding the Intersections of Science and Law in Developing Countries.Aviram Sharma - 2017 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 37 (1):45-56.
    Drinking water quality has drawn enormous attention from scientific communities, the industrial sector, and the common public in several countries during the last couple of decades. The scholarship in science and technology studies somehow overlooked this crucial domain. This article attempts to contribute to this gray area by exploring how drinking water quality is understood in Indian water policies, laws, and courtrooms. The article argues that water policies and laws in India were significantly shaped by international (...)
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  32.  22
    A Global Right of Water.Tim Hayward - 2016 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 40 (1):217-233.
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    Arid Waters: Photographs From the Water in the West Project.Peter Goin & Ellen Manchester - 1992 - University of Nevada Press.
    Arid Waters is a photographic response to the growing crisis of water scarcity, which exists because our culture thinks of water as a commodity, or an abstract legal right, rather than the most basic physical source of life. The Water in the West Project began as a collaborative effort designed to present an artistic response to water as a social issue. Photography historian Ellen Manchester and the photographers - Mark Klett, Terry Evans, Laurie Brown, Peter Goin, (...)
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    Hard like water: ethics in business.Vincent Di Norcia - 1998 - Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada.
    Hard Like Water represents a uniquely Canadian, and international, perspective in a field largely dominated by US writers. The accessible book sets up a "core ethic" that helps the reader to link a few, familiar core values: care for life, welfare, honest communication, and civil rights, with business practices. These values are supplemented by five performance maxims: do no harm; solve the problem; enable informed choice; act, learn, improve; and seek the common good. The book is designed to (...)
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  35.  52
    Property rights and groundwater in Nebraska.E. Wesley, F. Peterson, J. David Aiken & Bruce B. Johnson - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (4):41-49.
    Property rights are important institutions that influence economic performance and reflect the historical, cultural, and political realities of particular societies. Drawing on a variety of concepts from legal and economic studies, a framework for explaining the origin and evolution of property rights is developed and applied to the specific case of changing ground water rights in Nebraska. The Nebraska case is an interesting example of reliance on local control in regulating water use. Despite the importance (...)
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    A confluence of new technology and the right to water: experience and potential from South Africa’s constitution and commons.Nathan Cooper, Andrew Swan & David Townend - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (2):119-134.
    South Africa’s groundbreaking constitution explicitly confers a right of access to sufficient water. But the country is officially ‘water-stressed’ and around 10 % of the population still has no access to on-site or off-site piped or tap water. It is evident that a disconnect exists between this right and the reality for many; however the reasons for the continuation of such discrepancies are not always clear. While barriers to sufficient water are myriad, one significant factor contributing (...)
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    Constructing Another World: Solidarity and the Right to Water.Caitlin Schroering - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (1):102-128.
    Globally, one in eight people lacks access to potable water; more people die from unsafe drinking water than from all forms of violence, including war. A substantial body of research documents that the privatization of water – led by global financial institutions working in collusion with governments and corporations – does not lead to more people gaining access to safe water. In fact, the opposite is true: privatization leads to both higher cost and lower quality (...). For the past century, the dominant focus of transnational organizing has been “from the West to the rest,” and the frequent attention to movements in the global North has led to the neglect of transnational linkages between movements. Drawing on fieldwork conducted on three right to water movements that span three continents, this paper examines effortsto reclaim the water commons,and how struggles have been driven by grassroots movements demanding that democracy, transparency, and the human right to water are prioritized over corporate profit. As feminist scholars have pointed out, the “standpoint” offered by marginalized actors offers important insights into the operation of systems of power and the strategies of survival and resistance that less powerful actors adopt in order to survive and thrive. This paper explores how transnational movements around water and other basic rights engage with and learn from each other. (shrink)
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  38. BELLIOTTI, Raymond A. Blood is Thicker than Water: Don't Forsake the Family Jewels COOPER, David E. LESLIE, John Demons, Vats and the Cosmos MACDONALD, Ian Group Rights.Index to Volume Xviii - 1989 - Philosophical Papers 265 (53):169-177.
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    Introduction: Science, Technology and Human Rights: Lessons Learned from the Right to Water and Sanitation.Jessica M. Wyndham & Theresa Harris - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):827-831.
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    Water metaphors and polyvalence in the Book of Proverbs.James Alfred Loader - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    This article argues that Proverbs 18:4 contains an exceptionally rich use of water as metaphors in sapiential literature. At the same time, the verse illustrates the multivalent applicability of a single proverb. Israel’s natural environment is shortly described as pictured in the biblical texts, suggesting the interplay of water and dry land in the ancient Near East. Water and dryness have ambivalent functions, as both are necessary and both can be dangerous. In order to understand Proverbs 18:4, (...)
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  41. Perspectives on Ethics and Water Policy in Delaware.Gerald J. Kauffman - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32 (9999):93-126.
    Water is a finite resource held in common by the community yet coveted by individuals and special interests. The water management field is filled with disputes about water allocation, rights, and pollution. Environmental ethics is a basis for equitable water policy making in Delaware. The resource allocation dilemma is examined in relation to conflicting objectives imposed by a market economy between individual self-interests and community environmental well being. Two forms of water law are practiced (...)
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    The fluid nature of water grabbing: the on-going contestation of water distribution between peasants and agribusinesses in Nduruma, Tanzania.Jeroen Vos, Hans Komakech, Gert Veldwisch & Chris Bont - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):641-654.
    This article contributes to the contemporary debate on land and water grabbing through a detailed, qualitative case study of horticultural agribusinesses which have settled in Tanzania, disrupting patterns of land and water use. In this paper we analyse how capitalist settler farms and their upstream and downstream peasant neighbours along the Nduruma river, Tanzania, expand and defend their water use. The paper is based on 3 months of qualitative field work in Tanzania. We use the echelons of (...)
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    Toward a Global Water Ethic: Learning from Indigenous Communities.Emma S. Norman - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (2):237-247.
    This review essay examines three important new contributions to the water governance literature, which provide important overviews of the changing water governance structures over time, and advance the call for a new water ethic. Furthering this work, I suggest that the need for a water ethic is globally important, but it is particularly urgent for indigenous communities. Settler expansion, fixed political boundaries, and subsequent colonial framings of land and water ownership have affected indigenous communities throughout (...)
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    A Right to Health Care.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (4):389-405.
    Although not legally established, the idea that every American has a right to some level of health care has gained wide acceptance. Support for this right has developed primarily in the 50 years since the end of World War II. No mention of health care can be found in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution; indeed, there was little anyone could to improve health care or health outcomes in colonial times. During the 19th and early 20th centuries a (...)
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  45. On Water Drinkers and Magical Springs: Challenging the Lockean Proviso as a Justification for Copyright.Maxime Lambrecht - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (4):504-520.
    Does intellectual property satisfy the requirements of the Lockean proviso, that the appropriator leave “enough and as good” or that he at least not “deprive others”? If an author's appropriation of a work he has just created is analogous to a drinker “taking a good draught” in the flow of an inexhaustible river, or to someone magically “causing springs of water to flow in the desert,” how could it not satisfy the Lockean proviso?
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    Irrigation systems as multiple-use commons: Water use in Kirindi Oya, Sri Lanka. [REVIEW]Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Margaretha Bakker - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (3):281-293.
    Irrigation systems are recognized as common pool resources supplying water for agricultural production, but their role in supplying water for other uses is often overlooked. The importance of non-agricultural uses of irrigation water in livelihood strategies has implications for irrigation management and water rights, especially as increasing scarcity challenges existing water allocation mechanisms. This paper examines the multiple uses of water in the Kirindi Oya irrigation system in Sri Lanka, who the users are, (...)
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    (1 other version)Human Rights, the Right to Food, Legal Philosophy, and General Principles of International Law.Felix Ekardt & Anna Hyla - 2017 - Latest Issue of Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 103 (2):221-238.
    This article examines the following questions: Is there a human right to food and water in the international sphere? Is it possible to derive such human rights as “general principles of law” within the meaning of public international law, which are independent from contractual agreement or recognition by States? What exactly would such a right to food and water comprise? Is there a constitutional rank relationship evolving between human rights and public international law which might affect (...)
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    The theory and function of Marxian water rent in the United States.J. Tom Mueller - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (2):303-322.
    Marx’s theory of ground rent has been widely used to help understand the trinity of land, labor, and capital. However, limited attention has been paid to the role of water within the Marxian rent framework. This lack of attention proves troubling due to the role of surface waters as an essential means of production throughout capitalism. Here I restate Marxian ground rent in the form of water rent and discuss the function of water-rent in the two dominant (...)
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    Resource Rights.A. John Simmons - 2016 - In Alan John Simmons (ed.), Boundaries of Authority. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Chapter 8 concerns the property-like rights that states claim to the natural resources in and around their claimed territories. It distinguishes states’ “extended” territorial claims—to the air above, the sea around, and the subsurface domain—from their “core” claims to surface land and water. A central argument is that such extended claims cannot be justified without productive use, except insofar as certain kinds of control are required for the performance of core jurisdictional tasks. The chapter argues that the standard (...)
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    Natural Human Rights: A Theory.Michael Boylan - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This timely book by internationally regarded scholar of ethics and social/political philosophy, Michael Boylan, focuses on the history, application and significance of human rights in the West and China. Boylan engages the key current philosophical debates prevalent in human rights discourse today and draws them together to argue for the existence of natural, universal human rights. Arguing against the grain of mainstream philosophical beliefs, Boylan asserts that there is continuity between human rights and natural law and (...)
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