Results for 'Walther Schulze-sölde'

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  1.  8
    Die methode Spinozas im lichte Kants.Walther Schulze-Soelde - 1916 - Hamm (Westf.): Buchdruckerei E. Griebsch.
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  2. (1 other version)Schulze-Soelde, Walther, Geschichte als Wissenschaft. [REVIEW]Kurt Sternberg - 1922 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 27:194.
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    (1 other version)Sittlichkeit und Selbstliebe.W. Schulze-Soelde - 1925 - Kant Studien 30 (1-2):409-420.
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  4. Das gesetz der schönheit.W. Schulze-Soelde - 1925 - Darmstadt,: O. Reichl.
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  5. Der Gottesgedanke.W. Schulze-Soelde - 1971 - Hildesheim,: H.A. Gerstenberg.
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  6. Die Problematik des Physikalisch-Realen.W. Schulze-Soelde - 1962 - Stuttgart,: S. Hirzel.
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  7. (1 other version)Pichler, Hans, Grundzüge einer Ethik. [REVIEW]Walter Schulze-Soelde - 1926 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 31:111.
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    Die Lehre Montesquieu's von den staatlichen Funktionen.Walther Schulze - 1902 - Jena,: Buchdruckerei G. Neuenhahn.
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  9. Schulze soelde W., "metaphysik und erkenntnis bei aristoteles". [REVIEW]Guido Calogero - 1927 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8:150.
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    I Presocratici.Hermann Diels, Walther Kranz, Giovanni Reale, Diego Fusaro & Vincenzo Cicero (eds.) - 2006 - Milano: Bompiani.
  11.  31
    Unsichtbar? »Race« in Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie.Sylvia Schulze - 2023 - Psyche 77 (2):124-151.
    Der Begriff »Race«, aus den universitären Kulturwissenschaften stammend, will unbewusste Rassifizierungsprozesse beschreiben, die wir unweigerlich vornähmen und denen wir zugleich ausgesetzt seien. Der vorliegende Beitrag will diesen Begriff für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie fruchtbar machen. Zwei Fallvignetten illustrieren, welche Fallstricke für Psychoanalytiker und Patienten bereit lägen, wenn »Race« in Übertragung und Gegenübertragung verleugnet werden müsse. Tauchen negativ konnotierte »racial« Phantasien auf, könne die Angst, rassistisch zu denken oder zu agieren, zum Stillstand und sogar Scheitern einer Behandlung führen. Da rassifizierte Projektionen nach (...)
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  12. Revising the UMLS Semantic Network.Steffen Schulze-Kremer, Barry Smith & Anand Kumar - 2004 - In Stefan Schulze-Kremer (ed.), MedInfo. IOS Press.
    The integration of standardized biomedical terminologies into a single, unified knowledge representation system has formed a key area of applied informatics research in recent years. The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is the most advanced and most prominent effort in this direction, bringing together within its Metathesaurus a large number of distinct source-terminologies. The UMLS Semantic Network, which is designed to support the integration of these source-terminologies, has proved to be a highly successful combination of formal coherence and broad scope. (...)
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    On Border Subjects: Rethinking the Figure of the Refugee and the Undocumented Migrant.Julia Schulze Wessel - 2016 - Constellations 23 (1):46-57.
  14. Ontologies for the life sciences.Steffen Schulze-Kremer & Barry Smith - 2005 - In Schulze-Kremer Steffen & Smith Barry (eds.), Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, vol. 4. Wiley.
    Where humans can manipulate and integrate the information they receive in subtle and ever-changing ways from context to context, computers need structured and context-free background information of a sort which ontologies can help to provide. A domain ontology captures the stable, highly general and commonly accepted core knowledge for an application domain. The domain at issue here is that of the life sciences, in particular molecular biology and bioinformatics. Contemporary life science research includes components drawn from physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine (...)
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    Organ donation after euthanasia starting at home in a patient with multiple system atrophy.Walther van Mook, Jan Bollen, Wim de Jongh, A. Kempener-Deguelle, David Shaw, Elien Pragt, Nathalie van Dijk & Najat Tajaâte - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-6.
    BackgroundA patient who fulfils the due diligence requirements for euthanasia, and is medically suitable, is able to donate his organs after euthanasia in Belgium, the Netherlands and Canada. Since 2012, more than 70 patients have undergone this combined procedure in the Netherlands. Even though all patients who undergo euthanasia are suffering hopelessly and unbearably, some of these patients are nevertheless willing to help others in need of an organ. Organ donation after euthanasia is a so-called donation after circulatory death (DCD), (...)
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  16. Die Kunstform in den tektonischen Künsten.Walther Schmied-Kowarzik - 1925 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 18:71-82.
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    Aenesidemus oder über die Fundamente der von dem Herrn Professor Reinhold in Jena: gelieferten Elementar-Philosophie.Gottlob Ernst Schulze, Arthur Liebert & Karl Leonhard Reinhold - 1911
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    Calvin on preaching.L. F. Schulze - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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    CLiPs (Cognitive Linguistics in Publications) Survey of collective volumes, monographs, MA, doctoral and post-doctoral theses, articles, papers and book reviews A selected and annotated bibliography of recent publications with a cognitive perspective.Rainer Schulze - 1993 - Cognitive Linguistics 4 (1):75-88.
    Article CLiPs (Cognitive Linguistics in Publications) Survey of collective volumes, monographs, MA, doctoral and post-doctoral theses, articles, papers and book reviews A selected and annotated bibliography of recent publications with a cognitive perspective was published on January 1, 1993 in the journal Cognitive Linguistics (volume 4, issue 1).
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    Der Körper der Perzepte.Holger Schulze - 2013 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 22 (2):213-223.
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    Das Paradox der Grausamkeit. Zur Theorie der Grausamkeit bei Nietzsche.Sebastian Schulze - 2009 - In Mirjam Schaub (ed.), Grausamkeit Und Metaphysik: Figuren der Überschreitung in der Abendländischen Kultur. Transcript Verlag. pp. 41-52.
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  22. (1 other version)Die religiösen Gedanken in Kants Ewigem Frieden.W. A. Schulze - 1958 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 50:500.
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  23. Formelle und reelle Vergesellschaftung der Arbeit im Sozialismus.W. Schulze - 1980 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 28 (7):871.
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    General dual measures of riskiness.Klaas Schulze - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (2):289-304.
    Aumann and Serrano :810–836, 2008) introduce the axiom of duality, which ensures that risk measures respect comparative risk aversion. This paper characterizes all dual risk measures by a simple equivalent condition. This equivalence provides a decomposition result and a construction method, which is used to analyze concrete dual measures. Moreover, this paper aims to extend this characterization to the most general setting. Compared with Aumann and Serrano, it, therefore, relaxes the axiom of positive homogeneity, and allows for risk-neutral and risk-seeking (...)
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    Hout in sy brood! lets oor Calvyn se Bybelgebruik.L. F. Schulze - 1991 - HTS Theological Studies 47 (2).
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    Increases in environmental entropy demand evolution.Georg Schulze & Shuji Mori - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (3):149-164.
    An application of the entropic theory of perception to evolutionary systems indicates that environmental entropy increases will exert pressures on an organism to adapt. We speculate that the instability caused by such environmental changes will also cause an increase in the mutation rate of organisms leading to an eventual increase in their complexity. Such complexity generation allows organisms to adapt to the more entropic environment. Although we conclude that increases in environmental entropy cause an organism to evolve into a more (...)
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    Institution und Klang: Zur Klanganthropologie einer Situation im Klassenraum.Holger Schulze - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):54-60.
    Dieser Beitrag erkundet einige mediologische, Dispositiv-theoretische und klangkulturwissenschaftliche Anschlüsse und Deutungen der performativen dichten Beschreibung von Elise v. Bernstorffs aufgrund ihrer Feldforschung in einer inklusiven Gesamtschule.
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    Non-Negotiated Terms.Reiner Schulze - 2008 - In Common Frame of Reference and Existing Ec Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Person–Environment Analysis: A Framework for Participatory Holistic Research.Gisela C. Schulze & Steffen Kaiser - 2018 - Gestalt Theory 40 (1):59-74.
    Summary This article presents the person–environment analysis as a framework for participatory and holistic research. By using common methods of qualitative research and analysis, it is possible to capture the present situation of a person. The person–environment analysis is built on Kurt Lewin’s field theory and a further development of its system of visual representation of the life space. It is argued that the person–environment analysis offers a frame to represent the perceived subjective situation of a person, which can be (...)
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  30.  13
    Sind ethische Normen wandelbar?Hans Schulze - 1968 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 12 (1):348-360.
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    Time to Slice and Dice in the Contractual Kitchen?Reiner Schulze - 2007 - In New Features in Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Zur Sonderstellung von Horazens "Carmen" 3,1 Innerhalb des "Römeroden" -Zyklus.Christian Schulze - 2001 - Hermes 129 (3):377-385.
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    Briefwechsel.Johann Georg Hamann, Walther Ziesemer & Arthur Henkel - 1955 - [Wiesbaden]: Insel-Verlag. Edited by Walther Ziesemer & Arthur Henkel.
    1. Bd. 1751-1759.--2. Bd. 1760-1769.--3. Bd. 1770-1777.--4. Bd. 1778-1782.--5. Bd. 1783-1785.--6. Bd. 1785-1786.
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    Idea matheseos universae: Ordnungssysteme und Welterklarung an den deutschen Universitäten in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts.Klaus-Dieter Herbst & Helmut G. Walther (eds.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Der Mathematiker Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) gilt bisher als einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Vertreter der sog. "Fruehaufklärung". Dieser Band hinterfragt nun diesen traditionellen und deshalb allzu bequemen philosophiegeschichtlichen Begriff nach seiner Erklärungsfunktion innerhalb der modernen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. In komparatistischer Sicht auf die deutsche Universitätslandschaft nehmen die Beiträger den institutionellen Rahmen und seine konkreten Auswirkungen auf den Lehrbetrieb in den Blick, um die Bedingungen des damaligen Wissenschaftsverständnisses und seiner Entwicklungsrichtungen zu untersuchen. Im Fokus stehen die Verwandlungen der aristotelischen Basis des Wissenschaftsverständnisses und was (...)
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  35. Sense of Coherence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognition in Middle-Aged Adults.Gabriele Cattaneo, Javier Solana-Sánchez, Kilian Abellaneda-Pérez, Cristina Portellano-Ortiz, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Vanessa Alviarez Schulze, Catherine Pachón-García, H. Zetterberg, Jose Maria Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartrés-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, supported by new scientific evidence, the conceptualization of cognitive reserve has been progressively enriched and now encompasses not only cognitive stimulating activities or educational level, but also lifestyle activities, such as leisure physical activity and socialization. In this context, there is increasing interest in understanding the role of psychological factors in brain health and cognitive functioning. In a previous study, we have found that these factors mediated the relationship between CR and self-reported cognitive functioning. In this study, (...)
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    Die Überwindung des Schopenhauerschen pessimismus durch Friedrich Nietzsche.Walther von Hauff - 1904 - Halle a. S.,: Hofbuchdruckerei von C. A. Kaemmerer & Co..
    Excerpt from Die Überwindung des Schopenhauerschen Pessimismus Durch Friedrich Nietzsche Obwohl der philosophische Pessimismus in unserer Zeit wenige Vertreter aufweist, begegnen wir dem praktischen Pessimismus leider nur zu häufig. Die Stellung Nietzsche's zu dieser Frage eingehender zu untersuchen, ist die Aufgabe der vorliegenden Schrift. Der Zweck ist, den Leser zum Studium Nietzsches selbst anzuregen, insbesondere der Schriften, die sich mit dem Pessimismus auseinandersetzen. Sehr zu bedauern wäre es dagegen, wenn Jemand glaubte, durch die Lektüre von Schriften uber Nietzsche sich das (...)
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    When congruence breeds preference: the influence of selective attention processes on evaluative conditioning.Katarina Blask, Eva Walther & Christian Frings - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1127-1139.
    We investigated in two experiments whether selective attention processes modulate evaluative conditioning. Based on the fact that the typical stimuli in an EC paradigm involve an affect-laden unconditioned stimulus and a neutral conditioned stimulus, we started from the assumption that learning might depend in part upon selective attention to the US. Attention to the US was manipulated by including a variant of the Eriksen flanker task in the EC paradigm. Similarly to the original Flanker paradigm, we implemented a target-distracter logic (...)
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  38. Nietzsche und die frauen.Hellmut Walther Braun - 1931 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
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    An Operational Analysis of Quantum Eraser and Delayed Choice.Marlan O. Scully & Herbert Walther - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (3):399-413.
    In the present paper we expand upon ideas published some time ago in connection with which path detectors based on the micromaser. Frequently questions arise concerning the time ordering of detection and eraser events. We here show, by a detailed and careful analysis of a quantum eraser experimental setup, that the experimenter can choose to ascertain particle-like which path information or wavelike interference information even after the atom has hit the screen.
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    Mikhāyil Mishāqa: Murder, Mayhem, Pillage, and Plunder; The History of the Lebanon in the 18th and 19th CenturiesMikhayil Mishaqa: Murder, Mayhem, Pillage, and Plunder; The History of the Lebanon in the 18th and 19th Centuries. [REVIEW]Reinhard Schulze & Wheeler M. Thackston - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):523.
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    Der deutsche idealismus und die geschichte.Walther Schönfeld - 1936 - Tübingen: Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck).
  42.  5
    Ueber den begriff einer dialektischen jurisprudenz.Walther Schönfeld - 1929 - Greifswald,: L. Bamberg.
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    Vom rechte, das mit uns geboren ist.Walther Schönfeld - 1940 - Göttingen,: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    The impact of reporting magnetic resonance imaging incidental findings in the Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort.Rhian Touyz, Amy Subar, Ian Janssen, Bob Reid, Eldon Smith, Caroline Wong, Pierre Boyle, Jean Rouleau, F. Henriques, F. Marcotte, K. Bibeau, E. Larose, V. Thayalasuthan, A. Moody, F. Gao, S. Batool, C. Scott, S. E. Black, C. McCreary, E. Smith, M. Friedrich, K. Chan, J. Tu, H. Poiffaut, J. -C. Tardif, J. Hicks, D. Thompson, L. Parker, R. Miller, J. Lebel, H. Shah, D. Kelton, F. Ahmad, A. Dick, L. Reid, G. Paraga, S. Zafar, N. Konyer, R. de Souza, S. Anand, M. Noseworthy, G. Leung, A. Kripalani, R. Sekhon, A. Charlton, R. Frayne, V. de Jong, S. Lear, J. Leipsic, A. -S. Bourlaud, P. Poirier, E. Ramezani, K. Teo, D. Busseuil, S. Rangarajan, H. Whelan, J. Chu, N. Noisel, K. McDonald, N. Tusevljak, H. Truchon, D. Desai, Q. Ibrahim, K. Ramakrishnana, C. Ramasundarahettige, S. Bangdiwala, A. Casanova, L. Dyal, K. Schulze, M. Thomas, S. Nandakumar, B. -M. Knoppers, P. Broet, J. Vena, T. Dummer, P. Awadalla, Matthias G. Friedrich, Douglas S. Lee, Jean-Claude Tardif, Erika Kleiderman & Marcotte - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundIn the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) cohort, participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, heart, and abdomen, that generated incidental findings (IFs). The approach to managing these unexpected results remain a complex issue. Our objectives were to describe the CAHHM policy for the management of IFs, to understand the impact of disclosing IFs to healthy research participants, and to reflect on the ethical obligations of researchers in future MRI studies.MethodsBetween 2013 and 2019, 8252 participants (...)
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    Onomastica Persepolitana: das altiranische Namengut der Persepolis-TäfelchenNeue Wege im AltpersischenOnomastica Persepolitana: das altiranische Namengut der Persepolis-Tafelchen.Mark J. Dresden, Manfred Mayrhofer & Walther Hinz - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1):51.
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    Localization of beta power decrease as measure for lateralization in pre-surgical language mapping with magnetoencephalography, compared with functional magnetic resonance imaging and validated by Wada test.Kirsten Herfurth, Yuval Harpaz, Julie Roesch, Nadine Mueller, Katrin Walther, Martin Kaltenhaeuser, Elisabeth Pauli, Abraham Goldstein, Hajo Hamer, Michael Buchfelder, Arnd Doerfler, Julian Prell & Stefan Rampp - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:996989.
    Objective: Atypical patterns of language lateralization due to early reorganizational processes constitute a challenge in the pre-surgical evaluation of patients with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. There is no consensus on an optimal analysis method used for the identification of language dominance in MEG. This study examines the concordance between MEG source localization of beta power desynchronization and fMRI with regard to lateralization and localization of expressive and receptive language areas using a visual verb generation task.Methods: Twenty-five patients with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy, including six (...)
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    The Ethics in the Ethics.W. N. A. Klever, Pierre-françois Moreau & Manfred Walther - 1991
  48.  21
    Long-interval intracortical inhibition in primary motor cortex related to working memory in middle-aged adults.María Redondo-Camós, Gabriele Cattaneo, Vanessa Alviarez-Schulze, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Goretti España-Irla, Javier Solana-Sanchez, Ruben Perellón-Alfonso, Sergiu Albu, José M. Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartres-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionExcitability of the primary motor cortex measured with TMS has been associated with cognitive dysfunctions in patient populations. However, only a few studies have explored this relationship in healthy adults, and even fewer have considered the role of biological sex.MethodsNinety-seven healthy middle-aged adults completed a TMS protocol and a neuropsychological assessment. Resting Motor Threshold and Long-Interval Intracortical Inhibition were assessed in the left motor cortex and related to attention, episodic memory, working memory, reasoning, and global cognition composite scores to evaluate (...)
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    Winckelmann's Werke.Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Karl Gottfried Siebelis, C. L. Fernow, Heinrich Meyer & Johannes Karl Hartwig Schulze - 1809 - Walther.
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    Introduction: Reusing Research Film and the Institute for Scientific Film.Anja Sattelmacher, Mario Schulze & Sarine Waltenspül - 2021 - Isis 112 (2):291-298.
    This introduction outlines the threefold contribution that this Focus section on research film offers. First, it introduces the vast collection of films from the former Institute for Scientific Film (Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film [IWF]), arguably the most ambitious endeavor ever undertaken to manage the distribution, production, and archiving of research films. At the same time, the institute’s questionable roots in the National Socialist education system and in war research are addressed. Second, the introduction points out that the Focus section (...)
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