Results for 'Abraham Goldstein'

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  1.  12
    Professional Power and Social Welfare. [REVIEW]Abraham S. Goldstein - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (2):75-78.
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    Localization of beta power decrease as measure for lateralization in pre-surgical language mapping with magnetoencephalography, compared with functional magnetic resonance imaging and validated by Wada test.Kirsten Herfurth, Yuval Harpaz, Julie Roesch, Nadine Mueller, Katrin Walther, Martin Kaltenhaeuser, Elisabeth Pauli, Abraham Goldstein, Hajo Hamer, Michael Buchfelder, Arnd Doerfler, Julian Prell & Stefan Rampp - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:996989.
    Objective: Atypical patterns of language lateralization due to early reorganizational processes constitute a challenge in the pre-surgical evaluation of patients with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. There is no consensus on an optimal analysis method used for the identification of language dominance in MEG. This study examines the concordance between MEG source localization of beta power desynchronization and fMRI with regard to lateralization and localization of expressive and receptive language areas using a visual verb generation task.Methods: Twenty-five patients with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy, including six (...)
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    Astronomy and Astrology in the Works of Abraham ibn Ezra.Bernard R. Goldstein - 1996 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 6 (1):9-21.
    Abraham ibn Ezra d'Espagne (m. 1167) fut l'un des plus importants savants ayant contribué à la transmission de la science arabe à l'Occident. Ses ouvrages en astrologie et en astronomie, rédigés en hébreu puis traduits en latin, étaient considéréd comme faisant autorité par de nombreux savants juifs et Chrétiens. Parmi les ouvrages qu'il a traduits de l'arabe en hébreu, certains sont perdus dans leur langue originale et ses propres ouvrages renferment certaines informations concernant des sources anciennes mal ou pas (...)
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    New evidence on Abraham Zacut’s astronomical tables.José Chabás & Bernard R. Goldstein - 2018 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 72 (1):21-62.
    In astronomy Abraham Zacut is best known for the Latin version of his tables, the Almanach Perpetuum, first published in 1496, based on the original Hebrew version that he composed in 1478. These tables for Salamanca, Spain, were analyzed by the authors of this paper in 2000. We now present Zacut’s tables preserved in Latin and Hebrew manuscripts that have not been studied previously, with a concordance of his tables in different sources. Based on a hitherto unnoticed text in (...)
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    Analysis of the astronomical tables for 1340 compiled by Immanuel ben Jacob Bonfils.José Chabás & Bernard R. Goldstein - 2017 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 71 (1):71-108.
    In this paper, we analyze the astronomical tables for 1340 by Immanuel ben Jacob Bonfils who flourished 1340–1365, based on four Hebrew manuscripts. We discuss the relation of these tables principally with those of al-Battānī, Abraham Bar Ḥiyya, and Levi ben Gerson, as well as with Bonfils’s better known tables, called Six Wings. An unusual feature of this set of tables is that there are two kinds of mean motion tables, one arranged for Julian years from 1340 to 1380, (...)
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    JOSÉ CHABÁS and BERNARD R. GOLDSTEIN, Astronomy in the Iberian Peninsula: Abraham Zacut and the Transition from Manuscript to Print. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 90, Part 2. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2000. Pp. xii+196. ISBN 0-87169-902-8 . No price given. [REVIEW]David Goodman - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Science 35 (2):213-250.
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    Coming to Terms with “Self-Actualization”: The Reception of Kurt Goldstein in Humanistic Psychotherapy.Iván Moya Diez - 2024 - Philosophia Scientiae 28-3 (28-3):55-74.
    Les idéaux et pratiques d’amélioration personnelle visant à atteindre un sens de réalisation de soi ont imprégné la culture populaire depuis le milieu du xxe siècle, en grande partie grâce au travail des psychologues humanistes américains. Cet article explore la popularisation de ces notions, arguant qu’elles découlent en partie d’une appropriation américaine particulière du concept d’« actualisation de soi» du neurologue et psychiatre allemand Kurt Goldstein. Premièrement, l’article examine la rencontre de Goldstein avec la psychologie américaine, retraçant son (...)
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  8. The lightning rod of human service delivery.B. S. Brown & H. Goldstein - 1978 - In John Paul Brady & Harlow Keith Hammond Brodie, Controversy in psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders. pp. 1041--1054.
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  9. The stability of social categories.Abraham Sesshu Roth - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):297-309.
    One important thesis Ásta defends in Categories We Live By is that social properties and categories are somehow dependent on our thoughts, attitudes, or practices—that they are inventions of the mind, projected onto the world. Another important aspect of her view is that the social properties are related to certain base properties; an individual is placed in a category when the relevant base properties are thought to hold of them. I see the relationship between the social and the base as (...)
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  10. Why the Problem of Other Minds.Leon J. Goldstein - 1970 - Philosophical Forum 2 (2):271.
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  11. Directed Duty, Practical Intimacy, and Legal Wronging.Abraham Sesshu Roth - 2021 - In Teresa Marques & Chiara Valentini, Collective Action, Philosophy and Law. London: Routledge. pp. 152-174.
    What is it for a duty or obligation to be directed? Thinking about paradigmatic cases such as the obligations generated by promises will take us only so far in answering this question. This paper starts by surveying several approaches for understanding directed duties, as well as the challenges they face. It turns out that shared agency features something similar to the directedness of duties. This suggests an account of directedness in terms of shared agency – specifically, in terms of the (...)
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    Informed Consent, Deaf Culture, and Cochlear Implants.Abraham D. Graber & Lauren Pass - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (3):219-230.
    While cochlear implantation is now considered routine in many parts of the world, the debate over how to ethically implement this technology continues. One’s stance on implantation often hinges on one’s understanding of deafness. On one end of the spectrum are those who see cochlear implants as a much needed cure for an otherwise intractable disability. On the other end of the spectrum are those who view the Deaf as members of a thriving culture and see the cochlear implant as (...)
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    Avicenna.Abraham D. Stone - 2008 - In Holger Gutschmidt, Antonella Lang-Balestra & Gianluigi Segalerba, Substantia - Sic Et Non: Eine Geschichte des Substanzbegriffs von der Antike Bis Zu Gegenwart in Einzelbeitrã¤Gen. Ontos Verlag. pp. 133-148.
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    Questionable Agreement: The Experience of Depression and DSM-5 Major Depressive Disorder Criteria.Abraham M. Nussbaum - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (6):623-643.
    Immediately before the release of DSM-5, a group of psychiatric thought leaders published the results of field tests of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. They characterized the interrater reliability for diagnosing major depressive disorder by two trained mental health practitioners as of “questionable agreement.” These field tests confirmed an open secret among psychiatrists that our current diagnostic criteria for diagnosing major depressive disorder are unreliable and neglect essential experiences of persons in depressive episodes. Alternative diagnostic criteria exist, but psychiatrists rarely encounter them, (...)
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  15. False stipulation and semantical paradox.Laurence Goldstein - 1986 - Analysis 46 (4):192-195.
  16.  31
    Why Intellectual Disability Poses a Challenge to the Received View of Capacity and a Potential Response.Abraham Graber & Andy Kreusel - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (1):117-136.
    While copious quantities of ink have been spilled on the topic of autonomy in the context of health care, little has been written about autonomy in relation to intellectual disability. After presenting the received account of capacity, we argue that it cannot account for the moral permissibility of limiting an individual with intellectual disability’s access to diet soda. In cases of preventative medicine and intellectual disability, the philosophical motivation for the received account of capacity is incompatible with the actions it (...)
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  17. Culture; A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions. [REVIEW]Abraham Edel - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (19):559-563.
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    Freedom and Terror: Reason and Unreason in Politics.Gabriel Weimann & Abraham Kaplan - 2011 - Routledge.
    This book examines reason and unreason in the legal and political responses to terrorism. Terrorism is often perceived as sheer madness, unreasonable use of extreme violence and senseless, futile political action. These assertions are challenged by this book. Combining ‘traditional’ thought on reason and unreason in terrorism with empirical explorations of post-modern terrorism and its use of communication platforms the work uses interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary dimensions to provide a multidimensional picture of critical issues in current politics and a deeper (...)
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    Introducing thalassa.Nicolas Abraham & Tom Goodwin - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (6):137-142.
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    Introducing thalassa.Nicolas Abraham & Translated by Tom Goodwin - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (6):137-142.
    The book that the French reader holds in his hands is one of the century’s most fascinating and liberating. It does nothing less than instigate the psychoanalytic approach as a universal method of...
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  21. Collective Responsibility and Entitlement to Collective Reasons for Action.Abraham Sesshu Roth - 2020 - In Saba Bazargan-Forward & Deborah Tollefsen, The Routledge Handbook of Collective Responsibility. Routledge. pp. 243-257.
    What are the implications for agency – and in particular, the idea of acting for reasons – if we are to take seriously the notion of collective responsibility? My thesis is that some cases of individuals subject to a collective form of responsibility and blame will force us to make sense of how it is that an individual can be entitled to collective reasons for action, i.e. entitled to a reason had in the first place by a plurality of individuals (...)
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    (1 other version)On the consistency of some partition theorems for continuous colorings, and the structure of ℵ1-dense real order types.Uri Abraham, Matatyahu Rubin & Saharon Shelah - 1985 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 29 (2):123-206.
    We present some techniques in c.c.c. forcing, and apply them to prove consistency results concerning the isomorphism and embeddability relations on the family of ℵ 1 -dense sets of real numbers. In this direction we continue the work of Baumgartner [2] who proved the axiom BA stating that every two ℵ 1 -dense subsets of R are isomorphic, is consistent. We e.g. prove Con). Let K H, be the set of order types of ℵ 1 -dense homogeneous subsets of R (...)
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    The role of beliefs and feelings in guiding behavior: The mismatch model.Murray G. Millar & Abraham Tesser - 1992 - In Leonard L. Martin & Abraham Tesser, The Construction of Social Judgments. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 277--300.
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    Agir par devoir et agir par vertu : examen d’une thèse de Rosalind Hursthouse.Pierre Goldstein - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (3):395-413.
    The distinction often made between “ethics of virtue” and “ethics of duty” may have led to the suggestion that the Aristotelian and Kantian conceptions of morality were fundamentally different from each other. This distinction could justify refusing to consider the motives of virtuous action as “moral” motivations in the strict sense. Yet, is it not the same thing to act in a virtuous manner as to act “by seeing”? Rosalind Hursthouse can thus note, as early as the end of the (...)
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    Scaling of dorsal‐ventral patterning in the Xenopus laevis embryo.Danny Ben-Zvi, Abraham Fainsod, Ben-Zion Shilo & Naama Barkai - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):151-156.
    Scaling of pattern with size has been described and studied for over a century, yet its molecular basis is understood in only a few cases. In a recent, elegant study, Inomata and colleagues proposed a new model explaining how bone morphogenic protein (BMP) activity gradient scales with embryo size in the early Xenopus laevis embryo. We discuss their results in conjunction with an alternative model we proposed previously. The expansion‐repression mechanism (ExR) provides a conceptual framework unifying both mechanisms. Results of (...)
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  26. A Defense of Achinstein's Pragmatism about Explanation.Adam M. Goldstein - 2011 - In Gregory J. Morgan, Philosophy of Science Matters: The Philosophy of Peter Achinstein. , US: Oxford University Press. pp. 72.
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    ʿAlī ibn Sulaymān al-Hāshimī, the Book of the Reasons behind Astronomical TablesAli ibn Sulayman al-Hashimi, the Book of the Reasons behind Astronomical Tables.Bernard R. Goldstein, Fuad I. Haddad & E. S. Kennedy - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (2):392.
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    Arxiv:0704.3070v1 [quant-ph] 23 apr 2007.Sheldon Goldstein - manuscript
    In Bohmian mechanics the distribution |ψ|2 is regarded as the equilibrium distribution. We consider its uniqueness, finding that it is the unique equivariant distribution that is also a local functional of the wave function ψ.
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    A simple method for recording hippocampal theta in the freely moving rat.Melvin L. Goldstein - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):616-616.
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    A test of the response probability theory of perceptual defense.Michael J. Goldstein - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (1):23.
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    Birth Control as a Socio-Economic Panacea.Nahum Wolf Goldstein - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (4):515.
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    Dying Quickly but Painfully.Laurence Goldstein - 1995 - Analysis 55 (3):221 - 222.
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    Desperately Seeking Science: The Creation of Knowledge in Family Practice.Jared Goldstein - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (6):26-32.
    Most medical consultations are for self‐limiting conditions. While technical expertise remains necessary, creating therapeutic knowledge in this context is the joint responsibility of physician and patient, and depends upon recognition that the observer, the observation, and the observed form a temporary union.
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    Der wert des zwecklosen.Moritz Goldstein - 1920 - Dresden,: Sibyllen-verlag.
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    Frequency of eyewitness identification in criminal cases: A survey of prosecutors.Alvin G. Goldstein, June E. Chance & Gregory R. Schneller - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (1):71-74.
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    Hegel and the Paradox of Democratic Education.Joshua D. Goldstein - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (3):308-326.
    This article explores Hegel’s Philosophy of Right as a work on education that responds to two democratic ideals: the ideal of individual integrity, which demands that individuals come to know the principles that animate them of their own accord, and the ideal of collectivism, which demands that individuals be at home in a shared world. While the great political works of Plato and Rousseau fasten on one of these ideals at the expense of the other, I show that Hegel’s political (...)
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    Happiness, Death and the Remainder of Life.Laurence Goldstein - 2003 - Philosophy Now 42:26-27.
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    Historical Explanation and the Close of Inquiry.Leon J. Goldstein - 1977 - International Studies in Philosophy 9:113-120.
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    Introduction.Melissa M. Goldstein & Mark A. Rothstein - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (1):6-6.
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    Infinitistic and Non-infinitistic cures for nagging hangovers.Laurence Goldstein - 2008 - The Reasoner 2 (7):5-6.
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    Ideals of order: History and sociology.Leon J. Goldstein - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (3):333-352.
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    Kontingenz und Rationalitat bei Descartes.Jürgen Goldstein & R. Breeur - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (3):623.
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    Older adults.Felicia C. Goldstein - 2005 - In Walter M. High, Angelle M. Sander, Margaret A. Struchen & Karen A. Hart, Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury. Oxford University Press. pp. 235--246.
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    On anything whatever.Leon J. Goldstein - 1965 - Mind 74 (294):236-239.
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    Philosophy and Public Policy.Leon J. Goldstein - 1981 - International Studies in Philosophy 13 (2):93-93.
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    Pure Categorial Principles.Laurence Goldstein - 1983 - The Monist 66 (3):410-421.
    If nowadays categories seems to cover a multitude of different enquiries, we can see some continuity and coherence among them, and we can get some sense of what the subject is, by going back to the first treatise to receive the name, the Categories of Aristotle. The scheme of categories worked out by Aristotle in that book was used by him in subsequent works to solve a variety of problems. On one plausible hypothesis, Aristotle’s scheme was partly shaped by ontological (...)
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    Philosophy in Hong Kong.Laurence Goldstein - 1990 - Cogito 4 (3):192-197.
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    Philosophy, Politics, and Society.Leon J. Goldstein - 1973 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 5:233-233.
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    Status and touching behavior.Alvin G. Goldstein & Judy Jeffords - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (2):79-81.
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    The Festivals of Israel and Judah and the Literary History of the Pentateuch.Bernard R. Goldstein & Alan Cooper - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):19-31.
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