Results for 'Vithal Rajan'

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  1.  15
    Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno.Tilottama Rajan & Antonio Calcagno (eds.) - 2021 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    "Introduction: Beyond Biopolitics – The Space and General Economy of Esposito’s Work", in Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021).Tilottama Rajan & Antonio Calcagno - 2021 - In Tilottama Rajan & Antonio Calcagno (eds.), _Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy_, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-23.
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    Philosophy of technology for the lost age of freedom: a critical treatise on human essence and uncertain future.Rajan - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-18.
    All theories of world creation, whether scientific, philosophical, or religious, can readily acknowledge the fact that humans have primarily evolved to engage with nature, the individual self, fellow human beings, society, and other naturalistic aspect of existence. Nevertheless, several novel challenges ascend when the human mind engages with technology, media, machines, and related concepts such as—ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, and to name a few. For that reason, we need philosophy and critical assessment of the uncovered essence of advanced technologies, media and (...)
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    The hand that rocks the cradle: revaluing academic labour and recognizing the centrality of care work.Sahana V. Rajan - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    This article examines the often overlooked yet crucial role of care work within the academic ecosystem. Challenging the dominant paradigm that prioritizes research output, the article argues for recognizing academic labour as a spectrum where teaching, research, and service hold equal value. Drawing on Rajan’s framework of ‘academic care work’, the article demonstrates the inseparable link between care and knowledge, highlighting how care work forms the foundation for knowledge production and reproduction. The analysis situates academic care workers within the (...)
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  5. Early View on Positionalist and Non-Positionalist Forms of Being.Sahana Rajan - manuscript
    This is a draft of a paper that explores the nature of belief in structure of human consciousness. Are beliefs necessarily embedded in a position? It also aims at exploring the relation between positions and authentic mode of being.
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    Complexities in Caregiving: Comforts, Cultures, Countries, Conversations, and Contracts.Rajan Dewar & Shenbagam Dewar - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (1):70-73.
    Providing medical care and planning for a procedure such as amputation may have different cultural contexts, based on patients’ country, comfort, and contract with their physician. These contexts may create complexities for physicians as they interact with patients and caregiving relatives. Issues such as the personal choices of a caregiving relative may appear to unduly influence the decisions behind complex healthcare choices. We consider several possible scenarios in the background of the complex case presented in “Family Loyalty as a Cultural (...)
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    A New Proposal Combining Quantum Mechanics and the Special Theory of Relativity.Rajan Dogra - 2002 - Apeiron 9 (2):20.
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    What is Interdisciplinary? How is it Different from Multidisciplinary?Rajan Gurukkal - 2018 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):15-29.
    Discipline based approach to knowledge and specialization goes back to the classical Graeco-Roman times. It was Isaac Newton’s Principia, which represented academic perfection of Renaissance inquiry, criticism, creativity and theorization. Principia set the epochal model of knowledge and led to the making of the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. August Comte heralded an era of Positivism in academic research and prepared the ground for the making of disciplines. As new knowledge accrued over centuries, specialization got diversified at (...)
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    The Hindu-Aryan theory on evolution and involution.Rajan Iyengar & Tirumangalum Chrishna - 1908 - London,: Funk & Wagnalls company.
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    Beyond the Crisis of the European Sciences.R. Sundara Rajan - 1998
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    Cassirer and Wittgenstein.R. Sundara Rajan - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (4):591-610.
  12. Nature and Life World: Towards a Hermeneutics of Nature.R. Sundara Rajan - 1992 - In D. P. Chattopadhyaya, Lester Embree & Jitendranath Mohanty (eds.), Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy. New Delhi: State University of New York Press. pp. 216.
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    Towards a Critique of Cultural Reason.R. Sundara Rajan - 1987 - Delhi: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. Sundara Rajan.
    This Volume Seeks To Develop A Kantian Perspective On The Theory Of Culture, Based On The Notion Of The Regulative Judgement And The Idea Of An Examplar In Kants Critique Of Judgement.
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    The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Poststructuralism.Tilottama Rajan & Daniel Whistler (eds.) - 2023 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Poststructuralism offers a wide-ranging dialogue between theory and German Idealism, joining up the various lines of influence connecting German Idealist and Romantic philosophies in all their variety to post-'68 European philosophies, from Derrida and Deleuze to Žižek and Malabou. Key features: Provides in-depth reflections on the various conversations between German Idealism and theory, including an expanded canon of Idealist philosophers and a wide range of contemporary anti-foundationalist thinkers. Includes marginalized voices and concepts that (...)
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  15. Philosophy as Geo-Philia: Towards the Recovery of the Idea of the Earth.R. Sundara Rajan - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22:353-372.
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    The Primacy of the political.R. Sundara Rajan - 1991 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research in association with Oxford University Press. Edited by R. Sundara Rajan.
    The core of the work is a lengthy hermeneutically-oriented discussion of political judgment, which projects the notion of political competence as a language mediated capacity of human subjects to recognize the common good by way of discourse. This discursive conception of the political which is mediated on the one hand by a relationship to the moral and on the other to the conception which can be contrasted with the modern paradigm of politics as the episteme of power relations. The earlier (...)
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    The Paperwinner’s Model in Academia and Undervaluation of Care Work.Sahana V. Rajan - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (3):407-425.
    The identity of an academic discipline is essentially tied to production and reproduction of its disciplinary knowledge. This, in turn, determines the criteria of academic achievement for academicians belonging to a particular discipline. The ability of an academician to contribute to the disciplinary knowledge through publication of high-impact papers is considered to be of highest value in academic disciplines. This constitutes an essentialist paradigm of understanding academic disciplines. Such a paradigm, however, undervalues other equally important forms of academic labour, like (...)
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  18. Complex Systems Approach to the Hard Problem of Consciousness.Sahana Rajan - manuscript
    Consciousness has been the bone of contention for philosophers throughout centuries. Indian philosophy largely adopted lived experience as the starting point for its explorations of consciousness. For this reason, from the very beginning, experience was an integral way of grasping consciousness, whose validity as a tool was considered self-evident. Thus, in Indian philosophy, the question was not to move from the brain to mind but to understand experience of an individual and how such an experience is determined through mental structures (...)
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    The humanization of transcendental philosophy: studies on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty.R. Sundara Rajan - 1997 - New Delhi: Tulika.
    This is a collection of three studies of both retrospective and prospective significance for the author s preoccupation with the philosophical problems arising out of the transcendentalist orientation. The aim of the present work is to focus on the notion of the paradoxical alliance of unity and difference of the transcendentalist ego and the human subject. To think this notion through in terms of its implications and consequences and to rethink the nature and method of philosophy, its relation to language (...)
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    Stability analysis of memristor-based complex-valued recurrent neural networks with time delays.Rajan Rakkiyappan, Gandhi Velmurugan, Fathalla A. Rihan & Shanmugam Lakshmanan - 2016 - Complexity 21 (4):14-39.
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    Research on data mining method of network security situation awareness based on cloud computing.Rajan Miglani, Abdullah M. Baqasah, Roobaea Alroobaea, Guodong Zhao & Ying Zhou - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):520-531.
    Due to the complexity and versatility of network security alarm data, a cloud-based network security data extraction method is proposed to address the inability to effectively understand the network security situation. The information properties of the situation are generated by creating a set of spatial characteristics classification of network security knowledge, which is then used to analyze and optimize the processing of hybrid network security situation information using cloud computing technology and co-filtering technology. Knowledge and information about the security situation (...)
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    Applying Indian Ethics to Real World Issues: ethikos and phronesis.Rajan - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):587-594.
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  23. One World in Two Perspectives.R. Rajan - 1978 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 5 (2):235.
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    The mask of death - Foucault, Derrida, the human sciences and literature.Tilottama Rajan - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (2):211 – 221.
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    Studies in phenomenology, hermeneutics, and deconstruction.R. Sundara Rajan - 1991 - New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
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    Cluster synchronization for T-S fuzzy complex networks using pinning control with probabilistic time-varying delays.Rajan Rakkiyappan & Natarajan Sakthivel - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):59-77.
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    Intersections: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory.Tilottama Rajan & David L. Clark (eds.) - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This is a study of the relationship between postmodernism and post-enlightenment German thought reading the contemporary theoretical scene through its nineteenth-century counterpart and examining the intersections.
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  28. Aspects of the Problems of Reference.R. Rajan - 1990 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 17 (4):379.
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    Becoming urban or bypassed in the periurban? An emerging challenge for global ethics.Sudhir Chella Rajan - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (1):6-20.
    Periurban bypasses are enclaves that appear to be left behind of conventional spatial and technological processes. With the focus on cities and their development, the hinterland serves as a resource that barely makes its appearance in mainstream policy debates. Hidden even further in the periurban are areas whose inhabitants are marginalised in many ways. Developing an ethical framework for assessing periurban bypasses is rendered difficult by the complexity of attribution of harm to particular agents. Nevertheless, by using multiple modes of (...)
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  30. Critique and Imagination.R. Rajan - 1986 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 13 (2):105.
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  31. Environment and.K. Rajan - 1993 - In Syed Zahoor Qasim (ed.), Science and quality of life. New Delhi, India: Offsetters. pp. 91.
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  32. History and Nature.R. Rajan - 1984 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 11 (1):15.
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  33. Innovative competence and social change.R. Sundara Rajan - 1986 - Pune, India: I.P.Q. Publication, University of Poona.
  34. Individualistic Models of Social Change.R. Rajan - 1979 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):459.
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  35. Philosophy as Geo-Philia: Towards the Recovery of the Idea of the Earth.R. Rajan - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22 (4):353.
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    Towards a science of integrated AI and Robotics.Kanna Rajan & Alessandro Saffiotti - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247 (C):1-9.
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    In the Wake of Cultural Studies: Globalization, Theory, and the University.Tilottama Rajan - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (3):67-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.3 (2001) 67-88 [Access article in PDF] In the Wake of Cultural StudiesGlobalization, Theory, and the University Tilottama Rajan 1 Theory today has become an endangered species, as evidenced by the resistance to difficult language. This is not to deny that it leads a quasi-life as the domesticated ground for what has replaced it, or as a form of prestige: a signifier for "cutting-edge" discourses. But in (...)
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    Asymptotic synchronization of continuous/discrete complex dynamical networks by optimal partitioning method.Rajan Rakkiyappan & Rathinasamy Sasirekha - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):193-210.
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    Non-fragile synchronization control for complex networks with additive time-varying delays.Natarajan Sakthivel, Rajan Rakkiyappan & Ju H. Park - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):296-321.
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    Cārvāka: A Metaphysically Grounded Materialist Ethics.Sahana V. Rajan & Jayshree Jha - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):801-816.
    Abstract:In contemporary debates, the materialist ethics of Cārvāka has primarily been discussed in relation to and on the backdrop of ethical schema suited for systems whose metaphysics permits the notions of God and soul. This essay elaborates on this insight and draws attention to the significance of the metaphysical backdrop of ethical theories. We also briefl y discuss two aspects of Cārvāka materialistic ethics, which attends to the metaphysics of Cārvāka justly, namely the crucial role of pain in their ethical (...)
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    Ethical Perceptions in the Retail Buyer-seller Dyad: Do They Differ?Rajan Nataraajan, Wen-Yeh Huang & Alan J. Dubinsky - 2006 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 25 (1):19-38.
    Extensive empirical work has examined ethical perceptions of different occupational groups in marketing. Additionally, researchers have explored ethical apperceptions of industrial customers and retail consumers. Minimal effort, though, has been directed at investigating differences in ethical perceptions between buyers and sellers, notwithstanding considerable theoretical arguments for doing so. This paper reports the results of a study that focused on differences between retail customers’ and retail salespeople’s perceptions of questionable buying and selling behaviors. Findings indicate that the two groups differ in (...)
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    Philosophy and Psycho Analysis.R. Rajan - 1974 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 2 (1):31-50.
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  43. Reversal and Recognition in Plato.R. Rajan - 1988 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 15 (1):53.
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    Practical aspects of using Hertzian ring crack initiation to measure surface flaw densities in glasses: influence of humidity, friction and searched areas.Rajan Tandon, Bhasker Paliwal & Cory Gibson - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (21):2847-2863.
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  45. Delusions as Forensically Disturbing Perceptual Inferences.Jakob Hohwy & Vivek Rajan - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (1):5-11.
    Bortolotti’s Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs defends the view that delusions are beliefs on a continuum with other beliefs. A different view is that delusions are more like illusions, that is, they arise from faulty perception. This view, which is not targeted by the book, makes it easier to explain why delusions are so alien and disabling but needs to appeal to forensic aspects of functioning.
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    Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater: The Dangers of Global and Local Ontologies in Scientific Metaphysics.Sahana V. Rajan - 2022 - Res Philosophica 99 (4):403-425.
    In the recent years, attempts to relate metaphysics and sciences have taken various alternative forms such as metaphysics applied to science, metaphysics of science, and scientific metaphysics. In this article, I focus on scientific metaphysics and specifically explore the challenges with developing ontologies through four arguments. The Argument from Representational Indeterminacy highlights that global ontologies fail to clearly identify their target phenomenon. The Argument from Independent Inaccessibility explores the methodological difficulty of accessing a world that is independent of specific sets (...)
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    Variation of cerebrospinal fluid in specific regions regulates focality in transcranial direct current stimulation.Rajan Kashyap, Sagarika Bhattacharjee, Rose Dawn Bharath, Ganesan Venkatasubramanian, Kaviraja Udupa, Shahid Bashir, Kenichi Oishi, John E. Desmond, S. H. Annabel Chen & Cuntai Guan - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:952602.
    BackgroundConventionally, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) aims to focalize the current reaching the target region-of-interest (ROI). The focality can be quantified by the dose-target-determination-index (DTDI). Despite having a uniform tDCS setup, some individuals receive focal stimulation (high DTDI) while others show reduced focality (“non-focal”). The volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), gray matter (GM), and white matter (WM) underlying each ROI govern the tDCS current distribution inside the brain, thereby regulating focality.AimTo determine the regional volume parameters that differentiate the focal and (...)
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  48. Future between tensions and opportunities: a free inquiry into Christo El Morr’s volume on AI and Society.Rajan - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-3.
  49. Medical is medical if and only if it is practiced on Axioms of Bioethics.M. Jothi Rajan, Arockiam Thaddeus & S. Vincent - 2010 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 20 (3):77-78.
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    The Dialectics of an Advaitin Gandhi and the Modern World.Rajan - 2024 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (1).
    This review critically examines Sanatan Gandhi: Bapu Se Vaishwik Samvād by Ambika Dutt Sharma and Vishwanath Mishra. The review will assess the authors’ contribution to the discourse on peace, violence, and Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy, while exploring intersections with selected modern thinkers. It highlights the book’s strengths in critiquing modernity and presenting Gandhi as a relevant guide in today’s world, including as a cultural analyst. It suggests potential challenges regarding cultural bias and oversimplification, urging a more inclusive exploration of Gandhi's philosophy (...)
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