Results for 'Vincent Deary'

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    How we are.Vincent Deary - 2014 - New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
    The first installment of the planned How to Live trilogy describes how the power of habit and the lure of the ordinary conspire to make change and improvement difficult and offers routine-breaking challenges to inspire positive transformation.
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    Les institutions du sens.Vincent Descombes - 1996 - Ed Du Minuit.
    On a souvent considéré qu'une philosophie de l'esprit devait choisir parmi les traits distinctifs du mental celui qu'elle retiendrait pour le mettre en relief. Il ne serait pas possible de faire place dans une même philosophie aux trois faits majeurs : l'intentionnalité du mental (on discerne les pensées de quelqu'un en disant à quoi il pense), le holisme du mental (impossible de concevoir un état d'esprit isolé du tout d'une vie mentale), la part impersonnelle du mental (les acteurs ne manifestent (...)
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    Potentiality, intentionality, and embodiment: a genetic phenomenological sociology of Apple’s technology.Vincent Qing Zhang - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1729-1737.
    Scholars refute the dichotomy of subject and object in the study of technology. Basing on relational ontology and revised empirical study, namely the social historical phenomenology of technology, inspired by post-phenomenology and actor-network theory, this study adopts an approach informed by the genetic phenomenological sociology (Zhang 2017; 2020) of technology, and examines the formation of Apple’s technology in the process of its emergence and diffusion. Unlike post-phenomenology and actor-network theory, which mainly examine the role of technology in the relation of (...)
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    Towards mobile intelligence: Learning from GPS history data for collaborative recommendation.Vincent W. Zheng, Yu Zheng, Xing Xie & Qiang Yang - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 184-185 (C):17-37.
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    Notes for a Sketch of a Peircean Theory of the Unconscious.Vincent Colapietro - 1995 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (3):482 - 506.
  6. Der ontologische Sinn der Gestalt. Zum Verständnis des Arbeiters.Vincent Blok - 2005 - In Les Carnets Ernst Jünger. pp. 173-192.
  7. Historical studies-the topicality of historical philosophy of science.Vincent Bontems - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 59 (1):139-150.
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    Fast backprojections from the motion to the primary visual area necessary for visual awareness.Alvaro Pascual-Leone & Vincent Walsh - 2001 - Science 292 (5516):510-512.
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    The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty‐first century.Avi Hofstein & Vincent N. Lunetta - 2004 - Science Education 88 (1):28-54.
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    Let's All Go to the Movies: Two Thumbs up for Hugo Münsterberg's "The Photoplay" (1916).Vincent Colapietro - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (4):477 - 501.
  11. Gravitational and Nongravitational Energy: The Need for Background Structures.Vincent Lam - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):1012-1024.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss some aspects of the nature gravitational energy within the general theory of relativity. Some aspects of the difficulties to ascribe the usual features of localization and conservation to gravitational energy are reviewed and considered in the light of the dual of role of the dynamical gravitational field, which encodes both inertio-gravitational effects and the chronogeometrical structures of spacetime. These considerations will lead us to discuss the fact that the very notion of energy (...)
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    The model of love: a study in philosophical theology.Vincent Brümmer - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Religious believers understand the meaning of their lives and of the world in terms of the way these are related to God. How, Vincent BrU;mmer asks, does the model of love apply to this relationship? He shows that most views on love take it to be an attitude rather than a relationship: exclusive attention (Ortega y Gasset), ecstatic union (nuptial mysticism), passionate suffering (courtly love), need-love (Plato, Augustine) and gift-love (Nygren). In discussing the issues, BrU;mmer inquires what role these (...)
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    Histoire mondiale de la philosophie: une histoire comparée des cycles de la vie intellectuelle dans huit civilisations.Vincent Citot - 2022 - Paris: PUF.
    La philosophie grecque -- La philosophie romaine -- La philosophie en Islam -- La philosophie euro-occidentale -- La philosophie russe -- La philosophie indienne -- La philosophie chinoise -- La philosophie japonaise.
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    Puissance et impuissance de la réflexion.Vincent Citot - 2017 - [Argenteuil]: Le Cercle herméneutique.
    "Réfléchir à la réflexion, penser la pensée et philosopher sur la philosophie, voilà ce que l'on propose de faire ici. Cette démarche est moins formelle qu'il n'y paraît, car interroger la nature et les exigences de la pensée philosophique engage toute une philosophie. Une philosophie qui n'est pas dupe d'elle-même et qui commence par examiner sa propre finitude. "La dernière démarche de la raison, c'est de connaître qu'il y a une infinité de choses qui la surpassent. Elle est bien faible (...)
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    Experience, interpretation, and community: themes in John E. Smith's reconstruction of philosophy.Vincent Michael Colapietro (ed.) - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    No philosopher in the second half of the twentieth century or the opening decade of the twenty-first did more to recover the voice of philosophy in the conversation of humankind than John Edwin Smith (1921-2009). From The Social Infinite (1950), his landmark study of Josiah Royce, to "Niebuhr's Prophetic Voice" (2009), he has shown in compelling detail how philosophical reflection is relevant to contemporary life. Indeed, virtually all of the eventual developments within contemporary philosophy in recent decades worthy of our (...)
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    Jazz as Metaphor, Philosophy as Jazz.Vincent Colapietro - 2012 - In Cornelis De Waal & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.), The normative thought of Charles S. Peirce. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 1.
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    Poésie-traduction-cinéma =.Vincent Dussol & Adriana Serban (eds.) - 2018 - Limoges: Lambert-Lucas.
    « Un peu plus de cent vingt ans après l’invention des frères Lumière, la richesse des combinaisons disponibles ou envisageables entre poésie, traduction et film permet de rebattre les cartes de l’histoire qui voudrait que la poésie précède le cinéma et que la traduction soit seconde. Ainsi le poème peut-il traduire (à distance variable) le film en mots et vice versa, le sous-titrage être poésie, la traduction être à l’origine du film-poème, le corps de l’interprète en langue des signes se (...)
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    Philosophy, politics, and citizenship: the life and thought of the British idealists.Andrew Vincent - 1984 - Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Blackwell. Edited by Raymond Plant.
  19. Liberty and the good in the American founding.Vincent Phillip Muñoz - 2024 - In James Dominic Rooney & Patrick Zoll (eds.), Beyond Classical Liberalism: Freedom and the Good. New York, NY: Routledge Chapman & Hall.
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    A university president speaks out: on current education.Carroll Vincent Newsom - 1961 - New York,: Harper.
  21. What do you mean I should take responsibility for my own ill health.Nicole A. Vincent - 2009 - Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy 1 (1):39-51.
    Luck egalitarians think that considerations of responsibility can excuse departures from strict equality. However critics argue that allowing responsibility to play this role has objectionably harsh consequences. Luck egalitarians usually respond either by explaining why that harshness is not excessive, or by identifying allegedly legitimate exclusions from the default responsibility-tracking rule to tone down that harshness. And in response, critics respectively deny that this harshness is not excessive, or they argue that those exclusions would be ineffective or lacking in justification. (...)
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    Expression and Interpretation in Language.Susan Petrilli & Vincent Colapietro - 2012 - Transaction.
    This book features the full scope of Susan Petrilli's important work on signs, language, communication, and of meaning, interpretation, and understanding. Although readers are likely familiar with otherness, interpretation, identity, embodiment, ecological crisis, and ethical responsibility for the biosphere—Petrilli forges new paths where other theorists have not tread. This work of remarkable depth takes up intensely debated topics, exhibiting in their treatment of them what Petrilli admires—creativity and imagination. Petrilli presents a careful integration of divergent thinkers and diverse perspectives. While (...)
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  23. Symbol grounding in computational systems: A paradox of intentions.Vincent C. Müller - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (4):529-541.
    The paper presents a paradoxical feature of computational systems that suggests that computationalism cannot explain symbol grounding. If the mind is a digital computer, as computationalism claims, then it can be computing either over meaningful symbols or over meaningless symbols. If it is computing over meaningful symbols its functioning presupposes the existence of meaningful symbols in the system, i.e. it implies semantic nativism. If the mind is computing over meaningless symbols, no intentional cognitive processes are available prior to symbol grounding. (...)
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    Daxue : The Great Learning for Universities Today.Vincent Shen - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (1):13-27.
    The so-called daxue zhi dao 大學之道, though a Confucian way of self-cultivation, can inspire contemporary universities through a process of creative interpretation. Having examined the ethos of modern university in its four historical stages, I come up with its last stage of reaching out in the era of globalization and dialogue among civilizations, in which we have to rethink the idea of university from the fuller development of human reason. This can be achieved only through increasingly reaching out toward many (...)
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    No ethical divide between China and the West in human embryo research.Xiaomei Zhai, Vincent Ng & Reidar Lie - 2016 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (2):116-120.
    This is a discussion of the reaction to the recent research article publication in the journal Protein & Cell by a group of scientists at Sun Yat-sen University using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique on editing non-viable human zygotes. Many commentators condemned the Chinese scientists for overstepping ethical boundaries long accepted in Western countries and accused China of having lax regulations on genomic research in general. We argue that not only did this research follow strict ethical standards and fully comply with current (...)
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  26. La première condamnation des Œuvres de Descartes, d'après des documents inédits aux Archives du Saint-Office.Jean-Robert Armogathe & Vincent Carraud - 2001 - Nouvelles de la République des Lettres 2:103-137.
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    Gut Health in the era of the Human Gut Microbiota: from metaphor to biovalue.Vincent Baty, Bruno Mougin, Catherine Dekeuwer & Gérard Carret - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):579-597.
    The human intestinal ecosystem, previously called the gut microflora is now known as the Human Gut Microbiota. Microbiome research has emphasized the potential role of this ecosystem in human homeostasis, offering unexpected opportunities in therapeutics, far beyond digestive diseases. It has also highlighted ethical, social and commercial concerns related to the gut microbiota. As diet factors are accepted to be the major regulator of the gut microbiota, the modulation of its composition, either by antibiotics or by food intake, should be (...)
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  28. The Cambridge Companion to Ockham.Paul Vincent Spade - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):619-620.
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    Some Thoughts on Intercultural Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy.Vincent Shen - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (3-4):357-372.
  30. Why don't mediaeval logicians ever tell us what they're doing? Or, what is this, a conspiracy?Paul Vincent Spade - manuscript
    What I want to talk about here is a puzzle for historians of philosophy who, like me, have spent a fair amount of time studying the history of mediaeval logic and semantic theory. I don’t know how to solve it, but in various forms it has come up repeatedly in my own work and in the work of colleagues I have talked with about it. I would like to share it with you now.
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  31. The Moral Point of View: A Rational Basis of Ethics. [REVIEW]Vincent Tomas - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (4):548-553.
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    Fact and fiction in modern science.Henry Vincent Gill - 1943 - New York,: Fordham university press.
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  33. (2 other versions)Abstraction and the Empiriological Method.Vincent E. Smith - 1952 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 26:35.
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  34. (2 other versions)Mathematical Physics in Theory and Practice.Vincent E. Smith - 1964 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 38:74.
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  35. Guideposts.Norman Vincent Peale - 1948
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  36. Legal responsibility adjudication and the normative authority of the mind sciences.Nicole A. Vincent - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (3):315-331.
    In the field of ?neurolaw?, reformists claim that recent scientific discoveries from the mind sciences have serious ramifications for how legal responsibility should be adjudicated, but conservatives deny that this is so. In contrast, I criticise both of these polar opposite positions by arguing that although scientific findings can have often-weighty normative significance, they lack the normative authority with which reformists often imbue them. After explaining why conservatives and reformists are both wrong, I then offer my own moderate suggestions about (...)
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  37. Neurolaw and Direct Brain Interventions.Nicole A. Vincent - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (1):43-50.
    This issue of Criminal Law and Philosophy contains three papers on a topic of increasing importance within the field of "neurolaw"-namely, the implications for criminal law of direct brain intervention based mind altering techniques. To locate these papers' topic within a broader context, I begin with an overview of some prominent topics in the field of neurolaw, where possible providing some references to relevant literature. The specific questions asked by the three authors, as well as their answers and central claims, (...)
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  38. (2 other versions)Chronic history of religion.A. Vincent - 1950 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 24 (3-4):345-365.
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  39. Chronic history of religion . Greece and Rome.A. Vincent - 1954 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 28 (1):72-92.
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  40. Chronic history of religion : General and primitive.A. Vincent - 1953 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 27 (1):61-72.
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  41. (3 other versions)Chronicle History of Religions.A. Vincent - 1926 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 5 (1):93-126.
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  42. Chronicle the history of religions II. Greece and Rome.A. Vincent - 1933 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 13 (1):82-105.
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  43. Chronicle the history of religions : general, primitive folklore, pagan Gnosticism.A. Vincent - 1955 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 29 (2):146-163.
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  44. Chronicle the history of religions III. Egypt. Semitic peoples.A. Vincent - 1933 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 13 (2):266-283.
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  45. (15 other versions)Chronicle the history of religions.A. Vincent - 1923 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 3 (4):538-551.
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  46. Le concept de tradition Selon Ricœur: Perspectives herméneutiques et pragmatiques.Gilbert Vincent - 2006 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 86 (1):111-143.
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  47. La Faculté de théologie protestante et l'accueil de la phénoménologie dans l'entre-deux guerres.G. Vincent - 1988 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 68 (1):121-131.
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  48. Montaigne y la formación del juicio.Hubert Vincent - 1995 - Ideas Y Valores 44 (98-99):211-225.
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    Nationalism and Natural Association.Andrew Vincent - 2013 - In Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press. pp. 452.
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  50. Speakers for the dead : digital memory and the construction of identity.Alana M. Vincent - 2018 - In Stefan Helgesson & Jayne Svenungsson (eds.), The Ethos of History: Time and Responsibility. [New York, New York]: Berghahn Books.
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