Results for 'Veselin Milovanović'

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  1.  52
    Preference and choice.Aleksandar Kron & Veselin Milovanović - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (2):185-196.
  2.  13
    Zur topographie der balkanhalbinsel in prokops werk „de aedificiis“.Veselin Beševuev - 1967 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 111 (1-2).
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    Ontologicheski proektorii.Veselin Khristov Dafov - 2018 - Sofii︠a︡: Paradigma.
    Teoretichni proektorii -- Situat︠s︡ionni proektorii -- Ontologicheski proektorii.
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    Ontologichni situat︠s︡ii: sbornik dokladi ot konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ v chest na shestdesetgodishnii︠a︡ i︠u︡bileĭ na prof. Aleksandŭr Andonov.Veselin Khristov Dafov & T︠S︡vetelina Ivanova Racheva (eds.) - 2010 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Filozofija kao mišljenje novog: Gajo Petrović i prebolijevanje metafizike.Veselin Golubović - 2006 - Zagreb: Euroknjiga.
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  6. Mogućnost novoga: vidokrug jugoslavenske filozofije.Veselin Golubović - 1990 - Zagreb: Zavod za filozofiju Filozofskog fakulteta sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
  7.  11
    S Marxom protiv Staljina: jugoslavenska filozofska kritika staljinizma 1950-1960.Veselin Golubović - 1985 - Zagreb: Globus.
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    Mitologija, ideologija i umetnost.Veselin Ilić - 1987 - Beograd: Novo delo.
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  9. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and Christian Faith.Veselin Kesich - 1982
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  10. Teoretichno poznanie: metodologicheski problemi.Veselin Kovachev - 1987 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Roma pupils' identification with school in Slovenia and Serbia: case studies.Sunčica Macura-Milovanović, Milanka Munda & Mojca Peček - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):483-502.
    The research presented in this paper aims to challenge the belief held by some education professionals that Roma pupils do not value education. The research sample included groups of Roma pupils from two countries (Slovenia and Serbia) and from different socio-economic backgrounds. The results suggest that the majority of the pupils are aware of the importance of education. However, there are significant differences in their sense of identification with school. Roma pupils from families whose socio-economic background is comparable to that (...)
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  12.  17
    Semiotics, Peirce, and law.Dragan Milovanovic - 1994 - Semiotica 99 (1-2):199-202.
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  13.  23
    Parents' Religious and Secular Perspectives on IVF Planning in Serbia.Veselin Mitrović - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (43):48-81.
    The social and institutional background of this research can be summarized as the relation between public and governmental policies on the one hand, and the experience of patients and IVF experts on the other. Namely, one third of all pregnancies achieved in state-funded in vitro fertilizations obscure some ethical and health issues, especially among patients who abandon the state-funded IVF programme in Serbia. The goal of the current research is to identify, describe and understand ethical and social issues that parents (...)
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  14.  33
    The Contingency of the "Enhancement" Arguments: The Possible Transition from Ethical Debate to Social and Political Programs.Veselin Mitrovic - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (37):93-124.
    Whatever we speak about enhancement as the, just, one array of the wide range of the bioethical fields, or as the kind of ideological and theoretical field, it is necessary to emphasize relevant ideological and theoretical distinctions between different approaches. Trying to give some fundamental shape to debate among them, as well within themselves, I specified three possible streams with more or less arbitrary boundaries. First one is transhumanistic stream , whose representatives openly promote the practice of genetic, prosthetic and (...)
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  15.  71
    The myth of the moral enhancement: Back to the future?Veselin Mitrovic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (2):111-123.
    This text tries to shed some light on the origin of the idea of moral enhancement, on its epistemic and moral foundations. This requires a comparative analysis of similar ideas present in various trends of bioethics today - the analysis of the very roots of Poter?s global bioethics, the idea of moral enhancement, as well as the break between advocates of moral enhancement and John Harris, their transhumanist colleague, with whom they used to share the same perspective. In this article (...)
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  16. From domestic to international rule of law : a long and unfinished journey.Veselin Popovski - 2014 - In Vesselin Popovski, International Rule of Law and Professional Ethics. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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    New knowledge for new development: international conference, 7 October 2013.Veselin Vukotić (ed.) - 2015 - Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  18.  12
    Iskorak bioetike: nove biotehnologije i društveni aspekti "poboljšanja" zdravih = The stride of bioethics and bio-technologies and social aspects of the 'enhancement' of the healthy.Veselin Mitrović - 2012 - Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu.
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  19.  36
    Fractality and self-organization in the orthodox iconography.Miloš Milovanović & Bojan M. Tomić - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):55-68.
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  20.  12
    Postmodern law and disorder: psychoanalytic semiotics, chaos, and juridic exegeses.Dragan Milovanovic - 1992 - Liverpool, U.K.: Deborah Charles Publications.
    The postmodernist view, with its emphasis on the nature of discursive practices in constructing subjectivity and reality, has found many applications. This book develops a critically informed psychoanalytic semiotic view derived from Lacan, and applies it to the study of law. It also integrates some of the central concepts of chaos theory in describing how the legal text is constructed and how it may be read. Postmodern feminist analyses focusing on a possible ecriture feminine provide key insights, and the notion (...)
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  21.  9
    Ontologies: philosophical and technological problems: proceedings of SOLON - Sofia Lectures of Ontology, October 2007.Mincho Hadjiski & Veselin Petrov (eds.) - 2008 - Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House.
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  22.  40
    Diversity, law and justice: a Deleuzian semiotic view of 'criminal justice'. [REVIEW]Dragan Milovanovic - 2007 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 20 (1):55-79.
    This article takes a Deleuzian view toward diversity, law and justice. It makes use of the insights developed in his two books on cinema comparing an “organic regime” to a “crystalline regime.” The former will be seen as the image of thought and regime of signs of traditional criminal justice practices (due process model, crime control model, family model, actuarial justice, restorative justice); the latter, the basis of a transformative justice (social justice) and the regime of signs that are its (...)
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  23.  13
    Theories of the Self and Autonomy in Medical Ethics.Michael Kühler & Veselin L. Mitrović (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This book engages in a critical discussion on how to respect and promote patients’ autonomy in difficult cases such as palliative care and end-of-life decisions. These cases pose specific epistemic, normative, and practical problems, and the book elucidates the connection between the practical implications of the theoretical debate on respecting autonomy, on the one hand, and specific questions and challenges that arise in medical practice, on the other hand. Given that the idea of personal autonomy includes the notion of authenticity (...)
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  24. Being and knowledge in postmetaphysical context.Yvanka B. Raynova & Veselin Petrov (eds.) - 2008 - lnstitut fiir Axiologische Forschungen (IAF).
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  25.  85
    Personality Traits and Self-Esteem in Combat and Team Sports.Željka Bojanić, Jasmina Nedeljković, Dušana Šakan, Petar M. Mitić, Ivana Milovanović & Patrik Drid - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26.  28
    Differences in the Psychological Profiles of Elite and Non-elite Athletes.Petar Mitić, Jasmina Nedeljković, Željka Bojanić, Mirjana Franceško, Ivana Milovanović, Antonino Bianco & Patrik Drid - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    One of the main goals of sport psychology is to identify those psychological factors that are relevant for sport performance as well as possibilities of their development. The aim of the study was to determine whether the set of specific psychological characteristics [generalized self-efficacy, time perspective, emotional intelligence, general achievement motivation, and personality dimensions] makes the distinction between athletes based on their -participation in the senior national team, that is, their belonging to the subsample of elite or non-elite athletes depending (...)
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  27.  15
    Eurasian Business Perspectives: Proceedings of the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference.Ender Demir, Chonlada Sajjanit, Marek Angowski, Aneta Jarosz-Angowska, Eva Smolková, Peter Štarchoň, Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin, Ainul Mohsein Abdul Mohsin, Yashar Salamzadeh, Beaneta Vasileva, Giao Reynolds, Susan Lambert, Jyotirmoy Podder, Kim Szery, Riza Yosia Sunindijo, Kevin Suryaatmaja, Dermawan Wibisono, Achmad Ghazali, Raminta Benetyte, Rytis Krusinskas, Grzegorz Zimon, Mihaela Mikić, Dinko Primorac, Bojan Morić Milovanović & Adam Górny - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers from the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Bangkok. The theoretical and empirical papers gathered here cover diverse areas of business and management from different geographic regions; yet the main focus is on the latest findings on evolving marketing methods, analytics, communication standards, and their effects on customer value and engagement. The volume also includes related studies that analyze sustainable consumer behavior, and business strategy-related (...)
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  28.  50
    Challenges and opportunities for ELSI early career researchers.Jessica Bell, Mirko Ancillotti, Victoria Coathup, Sarah Coy, Tessel Rigter, Travis Tatum, Jasjote Grewal, Faruk Berat Akcesme, Jovana Brkić, Anida Causevic-Ramosevac, Goran Milovanovic, Marianna Nobile, Cristiana Pavlidis, Teresa Finlay & Jane Kaye - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1.
    Over the past 25 years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of studying the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of genetic and genomic research. A large investment into ELSI research from the National Institutes of Health Human Genomic Project budget in 1990 stimulated the growth of this emerging field; ELSI research has continued to develop and is starting to emerge as a field in its own right. The evolving subject matter of ELSI research continues to raise new research (...)
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  29.  61
    Ethical challenges around thirst in end-of-life care –experiences of palliative care physicians.Maria Friedrichsen, Caroline Lythell, Nana Waldréus, Tiny Jaarsma, Helene Ångström, Micha Milovanovic, Marit Karlsson, Anna Milberg, Hans Thulesius, Christel Hedman, Anne Söderlund Schaller & Pier Jaarsma - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-10.
    Background Thirst and dry mouth are common symptoms in terminally ill patients. In their day-to-day practice, palliative care physicians regularly encounter ethical dilemmas, especially regarding artificial hydration. Few studies have focused on thirst and the ethical dilemmas palliative care physicians encounter in relation to this, leading to a knowledge gap in this area. Aim The aim of this study was to explore palliative care physicians’ experiences of ethical challenges in relation to thirst in terminally ill patients. Methods A qualitative interview (...)
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  30. Dragan Milovanovic.Juridic Exegeses - 1994 - Semiotica 99 (1/2):199-202.
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    (1 other version)Review of Milovanovic, Dragan. Sociology of Law. [REVIEW]Amy Swiffen - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (6):2577-2579.
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    Umetnost i'drugo'forme (Sreten Petrović: Umetnost i simboličke forme, Veselin Masleša, Sarajevo, 1989).Divna Vuksanović - 1991 - Theoria 34 (1):111-113.
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  33.  19
    Desanka Kovačević-Kojić, Gradska naselja srednjovekovne bosanske države. Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša, 1978. Pp. 421; 64 illustrations, 1 map. [REVIEW]John V. A. Fine - 1980 - Speculum 55 (3):626-627.
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    The uneven results of institutional changes in central and eastern europe: The role of culture.Svetozar Pejovich - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):231-254.
    The main objective of this essay is to show that the process of transition from socialism to capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe is a cultural problem rather than a technical one. In pursuing that objective I analyze two interrelated issues. First, analysis shows why and how cultural differences in Central and Eastern Europe have, via transaction costs specific to the process of transition, specific and predictable effects on the results of institutional restructuring, and, consequently, on economic performance. Second, I (...)
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    A Method for Accelerating of Convergence of Numerical and Power Series.Murat Sadiku - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (2):114-121.
    In this paper is examined the acceleration of convergence of alternative and non-alternative numerical and power series by means of an Euler-Abel type operator, that is defined earlier by G.A.Sorokin and I.Z.Milovanovic. Through this type of linear operator of generalized difference of sequence is achieved that alternative and non-alternative numerical and power series to be transformed into series with higher speed of convergence than the initial series. At the end of this paper is given the implementation of this method through (...)
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  36.  12
    “The Problem of Education is New for Every Next Generation” (Whitehead).Dimitar Tsatsov - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (2):205-208.
    The review is for a new study by Prof. Veselin Petrov, which is dedicated to the application of A. Whitehead's philosophical ideas in education and learning. For the Anglo-American thinker, this is an area that is very important for the development of civilization and therefore devotes dozens of studies on this topic.
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    Language-play: Chris Lawn, Wittgenstein and Gadamer: towards a post-analytic philosophy of language [Book Review].Alessandra Tanesini - unknown
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