Results for 'Travis Tatum'

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  1.  50
    Challenges and opportunities for ELSI early career researchers.Jessica Bell, Mirko Ancillotti, Victoria Coathup, Sarah Coy, Tessel Rigter, Travis Tatum, Jasjote Grewal, Faruk Berat Akcesme, Jovana Brkić, Anida Causevic-Ramosevac, Goran Milovanovic, Marianna Nobile, Cristiana Pavlidis, Teresa Finlay & Jane Kaye - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1.
    Over the past 25 years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of studying the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of genetic and genomic research. A large investment into ELSI research from the National Institutes of Health Human Genomic Project budget in 1990 stimulated the growth of this emerging field; ELSI research has continued to develop and is starting to emerge as a field in its own right. The evolving subject matter of ELSI research continues to raise new research (...)
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    The Roman Historians (review).Tatum W. Jeffrey - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):655-658.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.4 (2000) 655-658 [Access article in PDF] RONALD MELLOR. The Roman Historians. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. x + 212 pp. Paper, $21.99. This is a textbook, the purpose of which is to provide "an introduction to the masterpieces of Roman historical and biographical writing" (ix). Although the question of the usefulness of these writings to the modern historian is not overlooked, the principal (...)
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    Reviewing Plagiarism: An Input for Indonesian Higher Education.Tatum S. Adiningrum - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (1):107-120.
    In the midst of international opportunities available to academics and students, plagiarism keeps plaguing the Indonesian higher education sector. This paper reports the findings from an Australian Alumni Reference Group activity which took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, in May 2013. An exploratory survey on plagiarism was conducted with Australian Award Alumni to capture their perceptions and opinions on the incidence of plagiarism and plagiarism prevention in higher education institutions in Indonesia. The survey was then followed up with a series of (...)
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  4. Occasion-Sensitivity: Selected Essays.Charles Travis - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Charles Travis presents a series of essays in which he has developed his distinctive view of the relation of thought to language. The key idea is "occasion-sensitivity": what it is for words to express a given concept is for them to be apt for contributing to any of many different conditions of correctness (notably truth conditions). Since words mean what they do by expressing a given concept, it follows that meaning does not determine truth conditions. This view ties thoughts (...)
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    Saving or Creating: Which Are We Doing When We Resuscitate Extremely Preterm Infants?Travis N. Rieder - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (8):4-12.
    Neonatal intensive care units represent simultaneously one of the great success stories of modern medicine, and one of its most controversial developments. One particularly controversial issue is the resuscitation of extremely preterm infants. Physicians in the United States generally accept that they are required to resuscitate infants born as early as 25 weeks and that it is permissible to resuscitate as early as 22 weeks. In this article, I question the moral pressure to resuscitate by criticizing the idea that resuscitation (...)
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    Plutarch on Antiochus of Ascalon:: "Cicero" 4, 2.W. Jeffrey Tatum - 2001 - Hermes 129 (1):139-142.
  7.  62
    The Old Tenseless Theory: Back from the Dead?Travis Figg - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1167-1178.
    Recently, Orilia and Oaklander have attempted to revive the so-called old tenseless theory of time, which most tenseless theorists themselves had given up as untenable, heralding the appearance of the so-called new tenseless theory. I argue that Orilia and Oaklander have not successfully shown that the old tenseless theory of time is still viable.
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  8. The silence of the senses.Charles Travis - 2004 - Mind 113 (449):57-94.
    There is a view abroad on which perceptual experience has representational content in this sense: in it something is represented to the perceiver as so. On the view, a perceptual experience has a face value at which it may be taken, or which may be rejected. This paper argues that that view is mistaken: there is nothing in perceptual experience which makes it so that in it anything is represented as so. In that sense, the senses are silent, or, in (...)
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  9. The Uses of Sense: Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Language.Charles Travis - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides a novel interpretation of the ideas about language in Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. Travis places the "private language argument" in the context of wider themes in the Investigations, and thereby develops a picture of what it is for words to bear the meaning they do. He elaborates two versions of a private language argument, and shows the consequences of these for current trends in the philosophical theory of meaning.
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    Prior target locations attract overt attention during search.Travis N. Talcott & Nicholas Gaspelin - 2020 - Cognition 201:104282.
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  11. Situationism versus Situationism.Travis J. Rodgers & Brandon Warmke - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (1):9-26.
    Most discussions of John Doris’s situationism center on what can be called descriptive situationism, the claim that our folk usage of global personality and character traits in describing and predicting human behavior is empirically unsupported. Philosophers have not yet paid much attention to another central claim of situationism, which says that given that local traits are empirically supported, we can more successfully act in line with our moral values if, in our deliberation about what to do, we focus on our (...)
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    Prospects for Augmenting Team Interactions with Real‐Time Coordination‐Based Measures in Human‐Autonomy Teams.Travis J. Wiltshire, Kyana van Eijndhoven, Elwira Halgas & Josette M. P. Gevers - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (3):391-429.
    Complex work in teams requires coordination across team members and their technology as well as the ability to change and adapt over time to achieve effective performance. To support such complex interactions, recent efforts have worked toward the design of adaptive human-autonomy teaming systems that can provide feedback in or near real time to achieve the desired individual or team results. However, while significant advancements have been made to better model and understand the dynamics of team interaction and its relationship (...)
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  13. How good was Shepherd’s response to Hume’s epistemological challenge?Travis Tanner - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (1):71-89.
    Recent work on Mary Shepherd has largely focused on her metaphysics, especially as a response to Berkeley and Hume. However, relatively little attention has thus far been paid to the epistemological aspects of Shepherd’s program. What little attention Shepherd’s epistemology has received has tended to cast her as providing an unsatisfactory response to the skeptical challenge issued by Hume. For example, Walter Ott and Jeremy Fantl have each suggested that Shepherd cannot avoid Hume’s inductive skepticism even if she is granted (...)
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  14. Divine Hiddenness and the Responsibility Argument.Travis Dumsday - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (2):357-371.
    J. L. Schellenberg’s “problem of divine hiddenness” has generated much discussion. Swinburne has replied with his “responsibility argument,” according to which God allows some nonresistant nonbelief in order to foster the good of human responsibility, with some people tasked with leading others to belief in God. Schellenberg has supplied detailed replies to Swinburne. My goal is to provide a new formulation of the responsibility argument that defuses Schellenberg’s objections.
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    Problem‐Solving Phase Transitions During Team Collaboration.Travis J. Wiltshire, Jonathan E. Butner & Stephen M. Fiore - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (1):129-167.
    Multiple theories of problem-solving hypothesize that there are distinct qualitative phases exhibited during effective problem-solving. However, limited research has attempted to identify when transitions between phases occur. We integrate theory on collaborative problem-solving with dynamical systems theory suggesting that when a system is undergoing a phase transition it should exhibit a peak in entropy and that entropy levels should also relate to team performance. Communications from 40 teams that collaborated on a complex problem were coded for occurrence of problem-solving processes. (...)
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  16. Einstein's Boxes.Travis Norsen - 2005 - American Journal of Physics 73:164--176.
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    There's Never Just One Side to the Story: Why America Must Stop Swinging the Opioid Pendulum.Travis N. Rieder - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (3):225-231.
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  18.  50
    Friendship, politics, and literature in Catullus: poems 1, 65 and 66, 116.W. Jeffrey Tatum - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):482-.
    To the extent that one subscribes to the proposition, by now a virtual principle of criticism , that literary texts constitute sites for the negotiation, often vigorous, of power relations within a society, the reader of Catullus can hardly avoid some consideration of the poet's attitude toward contemporary political matters. It is a subject on which two principal lines of thought can be traced. Mommsen argued that Catullus responded to the enormities that followed the reinvigoration of the First Triumvirate at (...)
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  19.  22
    Colloquy.Travis Stephens - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (4):651-652.
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    Thought's footing: a theme in Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations.Charles Travis - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thought's Footing is an enquiry into the relationship between the ways things are and the way we think and talk about them. It is also a study of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: Charles Travis develops his account of certain key themes into a unified view of the work as a whole. The central question is: how does thought get its footing? How can the thought that things are a certain way be connected to things being that way?
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  21. Perception: Essays After Frege.Charles Travis - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Charles Travis presents a series of essays on philosophy of perception, inspired by the insights of Gottlob Frege. He engages with a range of contemporary thinkers, and explores key issues including how perception can make the world bear on what we do or think, and what sorts of capacities we draw on in representing something as (being) something.
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  22.  27
    Catastrophe ethics: how to choose well in a world of tough choices.Travis Rieder - 2024 - New York: Dutton D.
    A warm, personal guide to building a strong ethical and moral compass in the midst of today's confusing, scary, global problems. The moral challenges of today are unfamiliar in the history of philosophy. Climate change is the paradigm example of what Travis Rieder calls "The Puzzle" in the way your choices can seem at odds with what the planet urgently needs. How do we decide the right thing to do in the face of a massive collective challenge? Should you (...)
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  23. Unshadowed Thought: Representation in Thought and Language.Charles Travis - 2000 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  24. Meaning’s Role in Truth.Charles Travis - 1996 - Mind 105 (419):451-466.
    What words mean plays a role in determining when they would be true; but not an exhaustive one. For that role leaves room for variation in truth conditions, with meanings fixed, from one speaking of words to another. What role meaning plays depends on what truth is; on what words, by virtue of meaning what they do are requied to have done (as spoken) in order to have said what is true. There is a deflationist position on what truth is: (...)
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  25.  41
    Artificial Intelligence in Service of Human Needs: Pragmatic First Steps Toward an Ethics for Semi-Autonomous Agents.Travis N. Rieder, Brian Hutler & Debra J. H. Mathews - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (2):120-127.
  26. Unshadowed Thought.Charles Travis - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (206):96-106.
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  27. Lange on Minimal Model Explanations: A Defense of Batterman and Rice.Travis McKenna - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (4):731-741.
    Marc Lange has recently raised three objections to the account of minimal model explanations offered by Robert Batterman and Collin Rice. In this article, I suggest that these objections are misguided. I suggest that the objections raised by Lange stem from a misunderstanding of the what it is that minimal model explanations seek to explain. This misunderstanding, I argue, consists in Lange’s seeing minimal model explanations as relating special types of models to particular target systems rather than seeing minimal model (...)
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  28.  12
    Randomized coalition structure generation.Travis Service & Julie Adams - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (16-17):2061-2074.
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    Dispositionalism and the Metaphysics of Science.Travis Dumsday - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Dispositionalism is the view that causal powers are among the irreducible properties of nature. It has long been among the core competing positions in the metaphysics of laws, but its potential implications for other key debates within metaphysics and the philosophy of science have remained under-explored. Travis Dumsday fills this major gap in the literature by establishing new connections between dispositionalism and such topics as substance ontology, ontic structural realism, material composition, emergentism, natural-kind essentialism, perdurantism, time travel, and spacetime (...)
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  30.  75
    The Case for ‘Contributory Ethics’: Or How to Think about Individual Morality in a Time of Global Problems.Travis N. Rieder & Justin Bernstein - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (3):299-319.
    Many of us believe that we can and do have individual obligations to refrain from contributing to massive collective harms – say, from producing luxury greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; however, our individual actions are so small as to be practically meaningless. Can we then, justify the intuition that we ought to refrain? In this paper, we argue that this debate may have been mis-framed. Rather than investigating whether or not we have obligations to refrain from contributing to collective action, perhaps (...)
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  31.  23
    Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: An Exploration of the Physical Meaning of Quantum Theory.Travis Norsen - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Authored by an acclaimed teacher of quantum physics and philosophy, this textbook pays special attention to the aspects that many courses sweep under the carpet. Traditional courses in quantum mechanics teach students how to use the quantum formalism to make calculations. But even the best students - indeed, especially the best students - emerge rather confused about what, exactly, the theory says is going on, physically, in microscopic systems. This supplementary textbook is designed to help such students understand that they (...)
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    Ending the War on Drugs Requires Decriminalization. Does It Also Require Legalization?Travis N. Rieder - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):38-41.
    Brian Earp and his colleagues argue in this issue’s target article that racial justice requires ending the War on Drugs. In this they are absolutely correct. Indeed, de...
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  33.  42
    Cognitive dynamical models as minimal models.Travis Holmes - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1):2353-2373.
    The debate over the explanatory nature of cognitive models has been waged mostly between two factions: the mechanists and the dynamical systems theorists. The former hold that cognitive models are explanatory only if they satisfy a set of mapping criteria, particularly the 3M/3m* requirement. The latter have argued, pace the mechanists, that some cognitive models are both dynamical and constitute covering-law explanations. In this paper, I provide a minimal model interpretation of dynamical cognitive models, arguing that this both provides needed (...)
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  34.  66
    The true and the false: the domain of the pragmatic.Charles Travis - 1981 - Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    The main thrust of the present work is to show why truth and truth bearers lie essentially beyond the descriptive reach of semantics, and to outline a theory of ...
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  35. A sense of occasion.Charles Travis - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (219):286–314.
    A continuous Oxford tradition on knowledge runs from John Cook Wilson to John McDowell. A central idea is that knowledge is not a species of belief, or that, in McDowell's terms, it is not a hybrid state; that, moreover, it is a kind of taking in of what is there that precludes one's being, for all one can see, wrong. Cook Wilson and McDowell differ on what this means as to the scope of knowledge. J.L. Austin set out the requisite (...)
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  36.  24
    Relationships Among Dietary Cognitive Restraint, Food Preferences, and Reaction Times.Travis D. Masterson, John Brand, Michael R. Lowe, Stephen A. Metcalf, Ian W. Eisenberg, Jennifer A. Emond, Diane Gilbert-Diamond & Lisa A. Marsch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    College Students' Perceptions of and Responses to Cheating at Traditional, Modified, and Non-Honor System Institutions.Beth M. Schwartz, Holly E. Tatum & Megan C. Hageman - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (6):463-476.
    To address growing concerns about academic integrity, college students (n?=?758) at honor system and non-honor system institutions were presented with eight scenarios to determine the influence of an honor system on their perceptions of and responses to academic dishonesty. Main effects for honor code status emerged. Students from traditional honor system schools considered the behaviors to be more dishonest, and were more likely to respond that they would report the incident when compared to students attending modified and non-honor system institutions. (...)
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    Using Logic to Evolve More Logic: Composing Logical Operators via Self-Assembly.Travis LaCroix - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (2):407-437.
    I consider how complex logical operations might self-assemble in a signalling-game context via composition of simpler underlying dispositions. On the one hand, agents may take advantage of pre-evolved dispositions; on the other hand, they may co-evolve dispositions as they simultaneously learn to combine them to display more complex behaviour. In either case, the evolution of complex logical operations can be more efficient than evolving such capacities from scratch. Showing how complex phenomena like these might evolve provides an additional path to (...)
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  39. Procreation, Adoption and the Contours of Obligation.Travis N. Rieder - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (3):293-309.
    The goal of this article is to evaluate the defensibility of wide-spread beliefs concerning the moral value of procreating. Very many of us are ‘pro-natal’ — that is, we have a positive moral view of making more people — but pro-natalism is under serious threat. In particular, I argue that combining several arguments in procreative ethics generates a powerful case for the Anti-Natal Pro-Adoption View, or the view that we are obligated not to procreate, but instead to satisfy any parenting (...)
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    College Students’ Perceptions of and Responses to Academic Dishonesty: An Investigation of Type of Honor Code, Institution Size, and Student–Faculty Ratio.Holly E. Tatum, Beth M. Schwartz, Megan C. Hageman & Shelby L. Koretke - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (4):302-315.
    College students from small, medium, and large institutions with either a modified or no honor code were presented with cheating scenarios and asked to rate how dishonest they perceived the behavior to be and the likelihood that they would report it. No main effects were found for institution size or type of honor code. Student–faculty ratio was not correlated with responses to the cheating scenarios. Students from modified honor code schools perceived more severe punishments for cheating and understood the reporting (...)
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  41.  28
    Cognitive extra-mathematical explanations.Travis Holmes - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-23.
    This paper advances the view that some explanations in cognitive science are extra-mathematical explanations. Demonstrating the plausibility of this interpretation centers around certain efficient coding cases which ineliminably enlist information theoretic laws, facts and theorems to identify in-principle, mathematical constraints on neuronal information processing capacities. The explanatory structure in these cases is shown to parallel other putative instances of mathematical explanation. The upshot for cognitive mathematical explanations is thus two-fold: first, the view capably rebuts standard mechanistic objections to non-mechanistic explanation; (...)
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  42.  30
    Artistic Freedom in Kant and Hegel.Travis T. Anderson - 2015 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 22 (1):67-79.
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    The Anarchy of the Spectacle: Emmanuel Levinas on Separated Subjectivity and the Myth of Gyges.Travis Anderson - 1998 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 20 (2/1):321-334.
  44.  34
    Unifying statistically autonomous and mathematical explanations.Travis L. Holmes - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (3):1-22.
    A subarea of the debate over the nature of evolutionary theory addresses what the nature of the explanations yielded by evolutionary theory are. The statisticalist line is that the general principles of evolutionary theory are not only amenable to a mathematical interpretation but that they need not invoke causes to furnish explanations. Causalists object that construction of these general principles involves crucial causal assumptions. A recent view claims that some biological explanations are statistically autonomous explanations (SAEs) whereby phenomena are accounted (...)
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    Empirical criteria for evaluating rape as an evolutionary phenomenon.Travis Langley - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):393-394.
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    T. M. Scanlon, Moral Dimensions: Meaning, Permissibility and Blame.Travis Rieder - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (4):529-533.
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    Can the wave function in configuration space be replaced by single-particle wave functions in physical space?Travis Norsen, Damiano Marian & Xavier Oriols - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3125-3151.
    The ontology of Bohmian mechanics includes both the universal wave function and particles. Proposals for understanding the physical significance of the wave function in this theory have included the idea of regarding it as a physically-real field in its 3N-dimensional space, as well as the idea of regarding it as a law of nature. Here we introduce and explore a third possibility in which the configuration space wave function is simply eliminated—replaced by a set of single-particle pilot-wave fields living in (...)
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  48. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with letting a child drown.Travis Timmerman - 2015 - Analysis 75 (2):204-212.
    Peter Singer argues that we’re obligated to donate our entire expendable income to aid organizations. One premiss of his argument is "If it is in your power to prevent something bad from happening, without sacrificing anything nearly as important, it is wrong not to do so." Singer defends this by noting that commonsense morality requires us to save a child we find drowning in a shallow pond. I argue that Singer’s Drowning Child thought experiment doesn’t justify this premiss. I offer (...)
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  49. Deliverances.Charles Travis - 2017 - Topoi 36 (2):229-246.
    What makes a veil of perception? Is it merely would-be objects of perceptual awareness, extraneous to the ‘environmental realities’ of which we judge? Or is it merely the presence of something extraneous along the route from perceptual awareness to awareness that our environment is thus and so? In his Mark Sacks lecture John McDowell seems to suppose something like the first answer. This essay argues for the second, thus that he himself imposes such a veil.
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    The Dynamics of Retraction in Epistemic Networks.Travis LaCroix, Anders Geil & Cailin O’Connor - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (3):415-438.
    Sometimes retracted or refuted scientific information is used and propagated long after it is understood to be misleading. Likewise, retracted news items may spread and persist, despite being publi...
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