Results for 'Uwe Schott'

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  1. Die Jugendtwicklung Ludwig Feuerbachs bis zum Falkultätswechsel 1825.Uwe Schott - 1973 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht,:
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    Uwe Schott: Die Jugendentwicklung Ludwig Feuerbachs bis zum Fakultätswechsel 1825. Ein Beitrag zur Genese der Feuerbachschen Religionskritik, in: Studien zur Theologie und Geistesgeschichte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Bd. 10. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1973, 255 pp. [REVIEW]Hans G. Klemm - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 28 (4):372-374.
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    Frege: Freund(e) und Feind(e): Proceedings of the International Conference 2013 / Dieter Schott (Hrsg.).Dieter Schott (ed.) - 2013 - Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
    Wer kennt GOTTLOB FREGE (1848-1925)? Nur wenige verbinden mit seinem Namen einen der groaten Logiker aller Zeiten, ohne dessen "Logik von Funktion und Argument" die heutige Computertechnik kaum denkbar ist. Frege fuhlte sich zeitlebens zu seiner Heimat im Norden Deutschlands hingezogen. In Wismar verbrachte er seine Kindheit und in Bad Kleinen, in unmittelbarer Nahe, seinen Lebensabend. Das im Jahre 2000 gegrundete Gottlob-Frege-Zentrum der Hochschule Wismar organisierte ihm zu Ehren im Mai 2013 in seiner Geburtsstadt eine internationale Konferenz, an der Forscher (...)
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    Sarah Demmrich, Uwe Wolfradt: Die ‚Gottesidee‘ als Wesensmerkmal der Religion im Denken Karl Girgensohns.Uwe Wolfradt & Sarah Demmrich - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (2):86-103.
    Der protestantische Theologe Karl Girgensohn (1875–1925) ist 1903 mit seinem frühen Werk über das Wesen der Religion an die Öffentlichkeit getreten, welches einen starken religionsphilosophischen Standpunkt zum Ausdruck bringt. Kernüberlegung ist hierbei eine kognitive Theorie des Religiösen, in der die Gottesidee zentral ist. Unter Berücksichtigung der Biographie Girgensohns geht der vorliegende Beitrag auf diese frühe Studie zum Wesen der Religion ein und skizziert den Übergang des Autors von einem philosophischen zu einem experimentell-introspektiven Ansatz der Religiositätsforschung, welcher dann zum Fundament für (...)
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    Uwe Meixner, Defending Husserl. A Plea in the Case of Wittgenstein & Company versus Phenomenology (= Philosophical Analysis Vol. 52).Uwe Voigt - 2014 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (2):421-422.
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  6. On the ethics of war and terrorism.Uwe Steinhoff - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this book Uwe Steinhoff describes and explains the basic tenets of just war theory and gives a precise, succinct and highly critical account of its present status and of the most important and controversial current debates surrounding it. Rejecting certain in effect medieval assumptions of traditional just war theory and advancing a liberal outlook, Steinhoff argues that every single individual is a legitimate authority and has under certain circumstances the right to declare war on others or the state. He (...)
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  7. Debate: Jeff McMahan on the moral inequality of combatants.Uwe Steinhoff - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (2):220–226.
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    Birth, Death, and Femininity: Philosophies of Embodiment.Robin May Schott (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Issues surrounding birth and death have been fundamental for Western philosophy as well as for individual existence. The contributors to this volume unravel the gendered aspects of the classical philosophical discourses on death, bringing in discussions about birth, creativity, and the entire chain of human activity. By linking their work to major thinkers such as Heidegger, Nietzsche, Beauvoir, and Arendt, and to major philosophical currents such as ancient philosophy, existentialism, phenomenology, and social and political philosophy, they challenge prevailing feminist articulations (...)
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    Postscript: Recent findings on the neurobiology of sleep and dreaming.Edward F. Pace-Schott - 2003 - In Edward F. Pace-Schott, Mark Solms, Mark Blagrove & Stevan Harnad (eds.), Sleep and Dreaming: Scientific Advances and Reconsiderations. Cambridge University Press. pp. 335--350.
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    Addressing or reinforcing injustice? Artificial amnion and placenta technology, loss-sensitive care and racial inequities in preterm birth.Sophie L. Schott, Faith Fletcher, Alice Story & April Adams - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (5):316-317.
    Preterm birth is defined as delivery occurring before 37 weeks gestation.1 Infants born prematurely have increased risks of morbidity and mortality throughout life, especially during the first year. These risks increase as the gestational age at birth decreases.2 Additionally, there are significant racial and ethnic differences in preterm birth rates. In 2022, the rate of preterm birth among non-Hispanic black women was approximately 50% higher than that observed in non-Hispanic white women.1 The outcomes for these infants are also disparate–preterm birth (...)
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  11. Cultural Bias in Explainable AI Research.Uwe Peters & Mary Carman - forthcoming - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.
    For synergistic interactions between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) systems, AI outputs often need to be explainable to people. Explainable AI (XAI) systems are commonly tested in human user studies. However, whether XAI researchers consider potential cultural differences in human explanatory needs remains unexplored. We highlight psychological research that found significant differences in human explanations between many people from Western, commonly individualist countries and people from non-Western, often collectivist countries. We argue that XAI research currently overlooks these variations and that (...)
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  12. Weighing the costs: the epistemic dilemma of no-platforming.Uwe Peters & Nikolaj Nottelmann - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7231-7253.
    ‘No-platforming’—the practice of denying someone the opportunity to express their opinion at certain venues because of the perceived abhorrent or misguided nature of their view—is a hot topic. Several philosophers have advanced epistemic reasons for using the policy in certain cases. Here we introduce epistemic considerations against no-platforming that are relevant for the reflection on the cases at issue. We then contend that three recent epistemic arguments in favor of no-platforming fail to factor these considerations in and, as a result, (...)
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    Begrenzte Öffentlichkeit.Schotte Dietrich - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 11 (1).
    Kants Konzeption der „Aufklärung“ als gemeinsamer öffentlicher Gebrauch der Vernunft wird häufig nicht nur als unhintergehbares Lehrstück der Philosophie der Aufklärung, sondern darüber hinaus als notwendiger Bestandteil freiheitlicher Gesellschaften als solcher betrachtet. Dagegen wird seltener zur Kenntnis genommen, dass in Kants Vorstellung einer „Öffentlichkeit“ diese ihre Integrität nicht allein durch die epistemischen und politischen Tugenden ihrer Teilnehmer:innen erhält, sondern letztere vor allem durch ein Gatekeeping sicherstellt. Dies führt, wie dieser Aufsatz zeigen möchte, in ein Dilemma: Auf die erwähnten Tugenden zu (...)
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  14. Die Enteliechie.Uwe Arnold - 1965 - Wien,: R. Oldenbourg.
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    Complex hallucinations in waking suggest mechanisms of dream construction.Edward F. Pace-Schott - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):771-772.
    Waking hallucinations suggest mechanisms of dream initiation and maintenance. Visual association cortex activation, yielding poorly attended-to, visually ambiguous dream environments, suggests conditions favoring hallucinosis. Attentional and visual systems, coactivated during sleep, may generate imagery that is inserted into virtual environments. Internally consistent dreaming may evolve from successive, contextually evoked images. Fluctuating arousal and context-evoked imagery may help explain dream features.
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    Resiliens, normativitet og sårbarhed.Robin May Schott & Eva Krause Jørgensen - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 73:103-115.
    Does the critical discourse about resilience reiterate the problematic dichotomy between suffering and agency that the concept of resilience inscribes? In this discussion piece, I engage with Brad Evans’ and Julian Reid’s reflections on resilience. Although I share with Evans and Reid a normative critique of resilience, I am critical of their discussion of vulnerability. Rather than arguing that vulnerability precludes political transformation, as Evans and Reid do, or that vulnerability enables political coalition, as in Judith Butler’s account of precarity, (...)
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  17. (1 other version)The Atrocity Paradigm and the Concept of Forgiveness.Robin May Schott - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):204 - 211.
    In this article I discuss Claudia Card's treatment of war rape in relation to her discussion of the victim's moral power of forgiveness. I argue that her analysis of the victim's power to withhold forgiveness overlooks the paradoxical structure of witnessing, which implies that there is an ungraspable dimension of atrocity. In relation to this ungraspable element, the proposal that victims of atrocity have the power to either offer or withhold forgiveness may have little relevance.
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    11 Beauvoir on the ambiguity of evil.Robin May Schott - 2003 - In Claudia Card (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 228.
  19. What Is the Function of Confirmation Bias?Uwe Peters - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (3):1351-1376.
    Confirmation bias is one of the most widely discussed epistemically problematic cognitions, challenging reliable belief formation and the correction of inaccurate views. Given its problematic nature, it remains unclear why the bias evolved and is still with us today. To offer an explanation, several philosophers and scientists have argued that the bias is in fact adaptive. I critically discuss three recent proposals of this kind before developing a novel alternative, what I call the ‘reality-matching account’. According to the account, confirmation (...)
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  20. Illegitimate Values, Confirmation Bias, and Mandevillian Cognition in Science.Uwe Peters - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1061-1081.
    In the philosophy of science, it is a common proposal that values are illegitimate in science and should be counteracted whenever they drive inquiry to the confirmation of predetermined conclusions. Drawing on recent cognitive scientific research on human reasoning and confirmation bias, I argue that this view should be rejected. Advocates of it have overlooked that values that drive inquiry to the confirmation of predetermined conclusions can contribute to the reliability of scientific inquiry at the group level even when they (...)
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  21. The Emergence of Rational Souls.Uwe Meixner - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 6--163.
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  22. K. C. F. Krause: The Combinatorian as Logician.Uwe Meixner - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (2).
    In a time which it is not amiss to term “the Dark Ages of logic”, Karl Christian Friedrich Krause stayed not only true to logic but actually did something for its advancement. Besides making systematic use of Venn-diagrams long before Venn, Krause — once more taking his inspiration from Leibniz — propounded what appears to be the first completely symbolic systematic representation of logical forms, strongly suggestive of the powerful symbolic languages that have become the mainstay of logic since the (...)
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    Stability of Lifestyle Behavior – The Answer to Successful Cognitive Aging? A Comparison of Nuns, Monks, Master Athletes and Non-active Older Adults.Nadja Schott & Katja Krull - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Two Sides of Being: A Reassessment of Psycho-physical Dualism.Uwe Meixner - 2004 - Mentis.
    This book is intended as a comprehensive defense of psycho-physical dualism. It gives answers to the question of what dualism may consist in, and inquires into the broadly cultural motivation behind accepting dualism or its opponent physicalism. Arguments for dualism, among them strengthened versions of the famous classical arguments, are presented and defended against objections. Moreover, the various general objections to dualism are criticized in detail, for example, the allegation that dualism is of an anti-scientific nature. The book issues into (...)
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    What Bioethics Owes Reproductive Justice.Sophie Schott, Virginia A. Brown & Faith Fletcher - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):52-55.
    In the wake of the Supreme Court Decision, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Minkoff, Vullikanti, and Marshall (2024) argue that the unraveling of the constitutional right to abortion t...
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  26. The frontal lobes and dreaming.Edward F. Pace-Schott - 2007 - In Deirdre Barrett & Patrick McNamara (eds.), The New Science of Dreaming. Praeger Publishers. pp. 1--115.
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    Really Just Words: Against McGowan’s Arguments for Further Speech Regulation.Uwe Steinhoff - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1455-1477.
    McGowan argues “that ordinary utterances routinely enact norms without the speaker having or exercising any special authority” and thereby not “merely cause” but “constitute” harm if harm results from adherence to the enacted norms. The discovery of this “previously overlooked mechanism,” she claims, provides a potential justification for “further speech regulation.” Her argument is unsuccessful. She merely redefines concepts like “harm constitution” and “norm enactment” and fails to explain why speech that “constitutes” harm is legally or morally problematic and thus (...)
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    Sleep and Dreaming: Scientific Advances and Reconsiderations.Edward F. Pace-Schott, Mark Solms, Mark Blagrove & Stevan Harnad (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Printbegrænsninger: Der kan printes 10 sider ad gangen og max. 40 sider pr. session.
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    ‘New Public Management’ and the Academic Profession: Reflections on the German Situation.Uwe Schimank - 2005 - Minerva 43 (4):361-376.
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    Cognition and Eros: a critique of the Kantian paradigm.Robin May Schott - 1988 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the dissertation I examine the split between cognition and eros in Kant's notion of objectivity, which has become paradigmatic for modern theories about knowledge. I argue that the split between cognition, on the one hand, and feelings and desires, on the other, does not capture the necessary conditions of knowledge, as Kant claims, but involves a suppression of erotic factors of existence. ;The split between pure knowledge and sensual existence in Kant's thought reflects an ascetic tradition inherited from both (...)
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    Answer-set programming encodings for argumentation frameworks.Uwe Egly, Sarah Alice Gaggl & Stefan Woltran - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (2):147-177.
    Answer-set programming (ASP) has emerged as a declarative programming paradigm where problems are encoded as logic programs, such that the so-called answer sets of theses programs represent the solutions of the encoded problem. The efficiency of the latest ASP solvers reached a state that makes them applicable for problems of practical importance. Consequently, problems from many different areas, including diagnosis, data integration, and graph theory, have been successfully tackled via ASP. In this work, we present such ASP-encodings for problems associated (...)
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  32. Ideological diversity, hostility, and discrimination in philosophy.Uwe Peters, Nathan Honeycutt, Andreas De Block & Lee Jussim - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (4):511-548.
    Members of the field of philosophy have, just as other people, political convictions or, as psychologists call them, ideologies. How are different ideologies distributed and perceived in the field? Using the familiar distinction between the political left and right, we surveyed an international sample of 794 subjects in philosophy. We found that survey participants clearly leaned left (75%), while right-leaning individuals (14%) and moderates (11%) were underrepresented. Moreover, and strikingly, across the political spectrum, from very left-leaning individuals and moderates to (...)
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  33. Triangulation revisited: Strategy of validation or alternative?Uwe Flick - 1992 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 22 (2):175–197.
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    Kant.Robin May Schott - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young (eds.), A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 39–48.
    Why do feminist philosophers read Kant? Because of his misogyny and his disdain for the body, Barbara Herman has described Kant as the modern moral philosopher whom feminists find most objectionable. But that unhappy status alone would not justify a separate entry on Kant in this volume. Immanuel Kant is the figure in modern philosophy who most clearly articulates the Enlightenment program that reason is the vehicle for humanity's progress towards emancipation from unjust authority, a program that epitomizes the self‐understanding (...)
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    Uwe Czaniera, Gibt es moralisches Wissen? Die Kognitivismusdebatte in der analytischen Moralphilosophie. [REVIEW]Uwe Czaniera - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (3):329-332.
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  36. Science Based on Artificial Intelligence Need not Pose a Social Epistemological Problem.Uwe Peters - 2024 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 13 (1).
    It has been argued that our currently most satisfactory social epistemology of science can’t account for science that is based on artificial intelligence (AI) because this social epistemology requires trust between scientists that can take full responsibility for the research tools they use, and scientists can’t take full responsibility for the AI tools they use since these systems are epistemically opaque. I think this argument overlooks that much AI-based science can be done without opaque models, and that agents can take (...)
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  37. Just War and the Problem of Evil.Robin May Schott - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):122-140.
    In this essay, Robin May Schott criticizes leading proponents of just war theory and introduces the notion of justifiable but illegitimate violence. Instead of legitimating some wars as just, it is better to acknowledge that both the situation of war and moral judgments about war are ambiguous. Schott raises the questions: What are alternative narratives of war? And what are alternative narratives to war? Such narratives are necessary for addressing the concepts of evil and of witnessing in the (...)
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    World Science: Globalization of Institutions and Participation.Thomas Schott - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (2):196-208.
    Science is atypical because it is cultivated with communal participation from throughout the world. This global formation has evolved recently. It originates in the institutionalization of a cosmopolitan tradition in Europe. The cosmopolitan orientation and the perceived usefulness of the European tradition promoted its adoption and institutionalization in the non-Western civilizations. A global institutional frame, including a global science policy regime, sustains communal participation in world science. Participation is described in terms of individual, national, and global communalformations.
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  39. Implicit bias, ideological bias, and epistemic risks in philosophy.Uwe Peters - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (3):393-419.
    It has been argued that implicit biases are operative in philosophy and lead to significant epistemic costs in the field. Philosophers working on this issue have focussed mainly on implicit gender and race biases. They have overlooked ideological bias, which targets political orientations. Psychologists have found ideological bias in their field and have argued that it has negative epistemic effects on scientific research. I relate this debate to the field of philosophy and argue that if, as some studies suggest, the (...)
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    Akustische Rückkopplung: zur Geschichte und Struktur eines stilbildenden Effekts zeitgenössischer Musik ; ein Essay.Uwe Breitenborn - 2009 - Berlin: Arkadien-Verlag.
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    Generalizability of the propositional and predicate calculi to infinite-valued calculi.Hermann F. Schott - 1970 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 11 (1):107-128.
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  42. Studientexte aus der Evangelischen Hochschule.Uwe Hirschfeld - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (6).
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    Consciousness mediated by neural transition states: How invisibly rapid motions can become visible.Uwe Mattler & Robert Fendrich - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):172-185.
    When observers view a rapidly moving stimulus they may see only a static streak. We report that there can be a transient percept of motion if such a moving stimulus is preceded or followed by a stationary image of that stimulus. A ring of dots was rotated so rapidly observers only saw a continuous outline circle and could not report its rotation direction. When an objectively stationary ring of dots preceded or followed this rotating ring, the stationary ring appeared to (...)
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    Nielsen's concept of Covert Rem sleep is a path toward a more realistic view of sleep psychophysiology.Edward F. Pace-Schott - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):983-984.
    Nielsen's concept of “covert REM sleep” accounts for more of the complexity in sleep psychophysiology than its conceptual predecessors such as the tonic-phasic model. With new neuroimaging findings, such concepts lead to more precise sleep psychophysiology including both traditional polysomnographic signs and neuronal activity in greater proximity to the actual point sources and distributed networks which generate dreaming. [Hobson et al.; Nielsen].
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  45. Die Aequitas bei Hugo Grotius.Herbert Schotte - 1963 - [Köln,:
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    12. Die politisch-theologische Neutralisierung des Christentums.Dietrich Schotte - 2018 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Thomas Hobbes: De Cive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 175-190.
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    Distilling water, distilling data: questionnaires in Dutch East India Company record-keeping.Margaret Schotte - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (3):531-551.
    During the age of colonial expansion, European merchant companies used paper technologies as tools of control. This article analyses a set of tables produced in the 1690s by employees of the Dutch East India Company, as they recorded their daily efforts on a new method of desalinating ocean water. These printed “formulieren” should be viewed not only as a novel extension of the nautical logbook but also as an early phase in the development of questionnaires. Adapted from clerical formularies, these (...)
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    Grundlinien der theologie Rudolf Hermanns.Erdmann Schott - 1964 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 6 (1):14-34.
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    Gottlob Frege, ein Genius mit Wismarer Wurzeln: Leistung, Wirkung, Tradition.Dieter Schott (ed.) - 2012 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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    Kant and the Objectification of Aesthetic Pleasure.Robin Schott - 1989 - Kant Studien 80 (1-4):81-92.
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