Results for 'Ursula Nötzoldt-Linden'

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  1. Freundschaftsbeziehungen versus Familienbeziehungen: Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung zur Freundschaft.Ursula Nötzoldt-Linden - 1997 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 8 (1).
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    Being moved by meaningfulness: appraisals of surpassing internal standards elicit being moved by relationships and achievements.Helen Landmann, Florian Cova & Ursula Hess - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1387-1409.
    ABSTRACTPeople can be moved and overwhelmed, a phenomenon typically accompanied by goose-bumps and tears. We argue that these feelings of being moved are not limited to situations that are appraise...
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    The contribution of cathedrals to psychological health and well-being: Assessing the impact of Cathedral Carol Services.Leslie J. Francis, Susan H. Jones & Ursula McKenna - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This study was designed to test the hypothesis that events such as the Christmas Eve Carol Services at Liverpool Cathedral that include some regular churchgoers (people who attend services most weeks) and much larger numbers of occasional visitors (who may attend church only once or twice a year) make a significant impact on the psychological health and well-being of the participants. Using a repeat-measure design, participants were invited to complete a copy of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire while they were waiting (...)
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    The science of congregation studies and psychographic segmentation: O come all ye thinking types?Leslie J. Francis, Susan H. Jones & Ursula McKenna - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-10.
    Previous research employing Jungian psychological type theory has both demonstrated that Church of England inherited congregations have problems engaging thinking types and suggested that fresh expressions of church have failed to address that problem. Three previous studies, however, have reported higher proportions of thinking types attending cathedral carol services. The present study was designed to check that finding on a larger sample. The Francis Psychological Type Scales were completed by 941 participants at the afternoon Carol Services held in Liverpool Cathedral (...)
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    Facial Emotion Recognition and Emotional Memory From the Ovarian-Hormone Perspective: A Systematic Review.Dali Gamsakhurdashvili, Martin I. Antov & Ursula Stockhorst - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundWe review original papers on ovarian-hormone status in two areas of emotional processing: facial emotion recognition and emotional memory. Ovarian-hormone status is operationalized by the levels of the steroid sex hormones 17β-estradiol and progesterone, fluctuating over the natural menstrual cycle and suppressed under oral contraceptive use. We extend previous reviews addressing single areas of emotional processing. Moreover, we systematically examine the role of stimulus features such as emotion type or stimulus valence and aim at elucidating factors that reconcile the inconsistent (...)
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    (1 other version)The Holly Bough service at Liverpool Cathedral and psychological type theory: Fresh expressions or inherited church?Leslie J. Francis, Susan H. Jones & Ursula McKenna - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3).
    One of the key intentions of fresh expressions of church is to reach the kind of people inherited church find it hard to reach. Psychological type profiling of church congregations has demonstrated that Anglican churches have particular difficulty in reaching those whose Jungian judging preference is for thinking rather than for feeling. Studies that have explored the psychological type profile of participants within fresh expressions suggest that they do not significantly differ from inherited congregations in terms of reaching thinking types. (...)
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    Radical Philosophy and Politics Amid the Climate Crisis and the Coronavirus Pandemic.Reed M. Kurtz & Harry van der Linden - 2020 - Radical Philosophy Review 23 (2):161-174.
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    Optokinetic nystagmus confirms multistable rivalry between four discrete overlapping motion stimuli.Hugrass Laila, Crewther David, Bell Imogen, Parkes Linden, Sumner Philip, Walsh Alistair & Reynolds Michael - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Digitalisierung - Technik - Verantwortung: anthropologische Impulse aus Theologie, Pflege und Ethik.Ingo Proft, Franziskus von Heereman & Sabine Ursula Nover (eds.) - 2022 - Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
    Digitalisierung und Technik bestimmen heute maßgeblich das sozialgesellschaftliche Miteinander. Dies betrifft eher traditionsorientierte Strukturen in Religion und Kultur ebenso wie progressive Bereiche in Medizin und Pflege. Technik erweist sich nicht länger als ein bloßes Instrument des Wandels, sondern treibt den Wandel an, gibt ihm Richtung. Der Mensch wird dabei zunehmend zum Passagier einer Entwicklung, die er immer seltener überblickt. Umso wichtiger ist es daher, eine strukturierte und kontextsensible Auseinandersetzung mit Chancen und Risiken technischer Möglichkeiten vorzunehmen. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Theologie, Pflege (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 1.W. Sherman Ruth, Trevor G. Howe, Sylvester Kohut, Franklin Parker, Daniel Sklakovich, Charles A. Tesconi Jr, C. H. Dobinson, Anthony Scarangello, Gordon C. Ruscoe, J. Stephen Hazlett, Edward H. Berman, D. Bruce Franklin, Ursula Springer, George W. Bright, Abdul A. Al-Rubaiy & John W. Friesen - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):89-99.
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    Investigation of post-trial access views among study participants and stakeholders using photovoice and semistructured interviews.Nothando Ngwenya, Collins Iwuji, Nabeel Petersen, Nompilo Myeni, Samukelisiwe Nxumalo, Ursula Ngema & Janet Seeley - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):712-717.
    Purpose We examine the levels of post-trial responsibility ascribed to different stakeholders, following a community-based clinical trial and how the ‘responsibility’ is understood. Methods We employed photovoice, unstructured observations and key informant interviews to gain insights into contexts of access to care following transition to the public health system post trial. We used an inductive narrative analysis to explore experiences and understandings of post-trial access. Results In their photovoice stories, many participants expressed a sense of abandonment after the trial. This (...)
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    Through a glass darkly: facial wrinkles affect our processing of emotion in the elderly.Maxi Freudenberg, Reginald B. Adams, Robert E. Kleck & Ursula Hess - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  13.  16
    I looked at you, you looked at me, I smiled at you, you smiled at me—The impact of eye contact on emotional mimicry.Heidi Mauersberger, Till Kastendieck & Ursula Hess - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Eye contact is an essential element of human interaction and direct eye gaze has been shown to have effects on a range of attentional and cognitive processes. Specifically, direct eye contact evokes a positive affective reaction. As such, it has been proposed that obstructed eye contact reduces emotional mimicry. So far, emotional mimicry research has used averted-gaze faces or unnaturally covered eyes to analyze the effect of eye contact on emotional mimicry. However, averted gaze can also signal disinterest/ disengagement and (...)
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  14.  19
    Ecological Location of a Water Source and Spatial Dynamics of Behavior Under Temporally Scheduled Water Deliveries in a Modified Open-Field System: An Integrative Approach.Alejandro León, Varsovia Hernández, Ursula Huerta, Carlos Alberto Hernández-Linares, Porfirio Toledo, Martha Lorena Avendaño Garrido, Esteban Escamilla Navarro & Isiris Guzmán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been reported in non-contingent schedules that the variety of patterns of behavior is affected by the temporal variation of water deliveries. While temporal variation is accomplished by delivering water at fixed or variable times, spatial variation is usually accomplished by varying the number of dispensers and distance among them. Such criteria do not consider the possible ecological relevance of the location of water dispensers. Nevertheless, it is plausible to suppose that the intersection of the programed contingencies, the ecological (...)
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    Facing social exclusion: a facial EMG examination of the reaffiliative function of smiling.Joseph C. Brandenburg, Daniel N. Albohn, Michael J. Bernstein, Jose A. Soto, Ursula Hess & Reginald B. Adams - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):741-749.
    Social exclusion influences how expressions are perceived and the tendency of the perceiver to mimic them. However, less is known about social exclusion’s effect on one’s own facial expressions. The aim of the present study was to identify the effects of social exclusion on Duchenne smiling behaviour, defined as activity of both zygomaticus major and the orbicularis oculi muscles. Utilising a within-subject’s design, participants took part in the Cyberball Task in which they were both included and excluded while facial electromyography (...)
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  16. Time for Aristotle: Physics IV.10-14.Ursula Coope - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the relation between time and change? Does time depend on the mind? Is the present always the same or is it always different? Aristotle tackles these questions in the Physics. In the first book in English exclusively devoted to this discussion, Ursula Coope argues that Aristotle sees time as a universal order within which all changes are related to each other. This interpretation enables her to explain two striking Aristotelian claims: that the now is like a moving (...)
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  17. Measuring consciousness in dreams: The lucidity and consciousness in dreams scale.Ursula Voss, Karin Schermelleh-Engel, Jennifer Windt, Clemens Frenzel & Allan Hobson - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):8-21.
    In this article, we present results from an interdisciplinary research project aimed at assessing consciousness in dreams. For this purpose, we compared lucid dreams with normal non-lucid dreams from REM sleep. Both lucid and non-lucid dreams are an important contrast condition for theories of waking consciousness, giving valuable insights into the structure of conscious experience and its neural correlates during sleep. However, the precise differences between lucid and non-lucid dreams remain poorly understood. The construction of the Lucidity and Consciousness in (...)
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 1.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (1):56-129.
    Nineteen newly-transliterated letters between Ferdinand Christian Baur and his friend Ludwig Friedrich Heyd are presented. Seventeen of them were written by Baur, and two by Heyd in the period between 10th February 1836 and 16th January 1842. A further sixteen earlier letters were already published by Carl Egbert Hester in 1993. The correspondence between the two close friends cover a broad range of subjects, predominantly historical, as well as family, scientific, political themes and particularly university politics. The key personal topic (...)
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 2.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):236-272.
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    Das Totenbuch pBerlin P. 10477 aus Achmim.Malcolm Mosher, Barbara Luscher, Ursula Rossler-Kohler & Maria-Theresia Derchain-Urtel - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):893.
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    Book Reviews Section 1.John Ohlinger, David Conrad, Frederick S. Buchanan, Jack Christensen, Jeffrey Herold, J. Don Reeves, Everett D. Lantz, Ursula Springer, Robert L. Hardgrave Jr, Noel F. Mcginn, Malcolm B. Campbell, R. J. Woodin, Norman Lederer, Jerry B. Burnell & Rodney Skager - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):65-75.
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  22. ‘Aristotle’s Physics VII.3. 246a10-246b3’.Ursula Coope - 2012 - In S. Maso & C. Natali (eds.), Reading Aristotle Physics VII.3: ‘What is alteration?’. Parmenides Publishing.
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  23. Envisioning a Politics of Change in Caribbean Gender Relations.Linden Lewis - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies.
  24. Kleine Kulturgeschichte der grossen Sehnsucht: vom Wandel des erotischen Wunschbildes.Ursula Mantell - 1953 - Wien: P. Neff.
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    Subjektive und objektive Kultur: Georg Simmels Philosophie der Geschlechter vor dem Hintergrund seines Kultur-Begriffs.Ursula Menzer - 1992 - Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus.
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    John Fowles (review).Linden Peach - 1999 - Philosophy and Literature 23 (2):431-433.
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    Freedom and Responsibility in Neoplatonist Thought.Ursula Coope - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Ursula Coope presents a ground-breaking study of the philosophy of the Neoplatonists. She explores their understanding of freedom and responsibility: an entity is free to the extent that it is wholly in control of itself, self-determining, self-constituting, and self-knowing - which only a non-bodily thing can be.
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  28. Experiment, Spiritus und okkulte Qualitäten in der Philosophie Francis Bacons.Ursula Klein - 1996 - Philosophia Naturalis 33 (2):289-315.
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    Insight and Dissociation in Lucid Dreaming and Psychosis.Ursula Voss, Armando D’Agostino, Luca Kolibius, Ansgar Klimke, Silvio Scarone & J. Allan Hobson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    When distraction helps: Evidence that concurrent articulation and irrelevant speech can facilitate insight problem solving.Linden J. Ball, John E. Marsh, Damien Litchfield, Rebecca L. Cook & Natalie Booth - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (1):76-96.
    We report an experiment investigating the “special-process” theory of insight problem solving, which claims that insight arises from non-conscious, non-reportable processes that enable problem re-structuring. We predicted that reducing opportunities for speech-based processing during insight problem solving should permit special processes to function more effectively and gain conscious awareness, thereby facilitating insight. We distracted speech-based processing by using either articulatory suppression or irrelevant speech, with findings for these conditions supporting the predicted insight facilitation effect relative to silent working or thinking (...)
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    Changes in the direction of the lateral growth gradient in human development–left to right and right to left.Ursula Mittwoch - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):306-307.
  32. Belief–logic conflict resolution in syllogistic reasoning: Inspection-time evidence for a parallel-process model.Linden J. Ball & Edward J. N. Stupple - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (2):168-181.
    An experiment is reported examining dual-process models of belief bias in syllogistic reasoning using a problem complexity manipulation and an inspection-time method to monitor processing latencies for premises and conclusions. Endorsement rates indicated increased belief bias on complex problems, a finding that runs counter to the “belief-first” selective scrutiny model, but which is consistent with other theories, including “reasoning-first” and “parallel-process” models. Inspection-time data revealed a number of effects that, again, arbitrated against the selective scrutiny model. The most striking inspection-time (...)
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    Neo-Eklektizismus: auf der Suche nach einer Ästhetik für das 21. Jahrhundert.Ursula Daus - 2015 - Berlin: Babylon Metropolis Studies.
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  34. Didaktische Prinzipien: Standpunkte, Diskussionsprobleme, Lösungsvorschläge.Ursula Drews (ed.) - 1976 - Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag.
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    Danksagungen.Ursula M. Staudinger, Jürgen Mittelstraß & Paul B. Baltes - 1994 - In Ursula M. Staudinger, Jürgen Mittelstraß & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), Alter Und Altern: Ein Interdisziplinärer Studientext Zur Gerontologie. De Gruyter.
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    Inhalt.Ursula M. Staudinger, Jürgen Mittelstraß & Paul B. Baltes - 1994 - In Ursula M. Staudinger, Jürgen Mittelstraß & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), Alter Und Altern: Ein Interdisziplinärer Studientext Zur Gerontologie. De Gruyter.
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    Using propensity score‐based weighting in the evaluation of health management programme effectiveness.Ariel Linden & John L. Adams - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):175-179.
  38. Aristoteles’ ‘Nikomachische Ethik’.Ursula Wolf - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (4):772-772.
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    Reflections on the American rejection of continental drift.Ursula B. Marvin - 2001 - Metascience 10 (2):208-217.
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    Using balance statistics to determine the optimal number of controls in matching studies.Ariel Linden & Steven J. Samuels - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):968-975.
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    Doing Without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems.Ursula Goldenbaum & Christopher Kluz (eds.) - 2015 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Doing without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems introduces Spinoza into the current discussion of the possibility of morality without free will, as it was he who first accomplished such a task. While his contemporaries reacted with shock to his determinist philosophy, today more people are ready to take seriously Spinoza's moral philosophy, which provides a foundation for our understanding of responsibility, akrasia, and moral values without the need for free will.
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    Towards psychological herd immunity: Cross-cultural evidence for two prebunking interventions against COVID-19 misinformation.Sander van der Linden, William P. McClanahan, Fatih Uenal, Manon Berriche, Jon Roozenbeek & Melisa Basol - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Misinformation about the novel coronavirus is a pressing societal challenge. Across two studies, one preregistered, we assess the efficacy of two ‘prebunking’ interventions aimed at improving people’s ability to spot manipulation techniques commonly used in COVID-19 misinformation across three different languages. We find that Go Viral!, a novel five-minute browser game, increases the perceived manipulativeness of misinformation about COVID-19, improves people’s attitudinal certainty in their ability to spot misinformation and reduces self-reported willingness to share misinformation with others. The first two (...)
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    Memoria democrática y álbumes ilustrados en la formación inicial del profesorado.Ursula Luna, Amaia Serrano-Mariezkurrena & Berta Echeberria Arquero - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:196-210.
    Este trabajo presenta el proyecto GATAI[1], un proyecto interdisciplinar de innovación educativa desarrollado en el tercer curso del Grado de Educación Primaria la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) que versa sobre temas controvertidos y álbumes ilustrados en la formación de maestros. El alumnado universitario diseña y desarrolla sesiones de aula dirigidas a niñas y niños de primaria, que tienen como eje principal la lectura e interpretación de un álbum ilustrado sobre memoria democrática. Esta práctica se desarrolla en 25 grupos de (...)
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    El bosquejo de aquel día. Una lectura filosófica de la trilogía de ensayos de Peter Handke.Ursula Wolf - 1995 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 11:241-256.
    El artículo se propone determinar los asuntos que competen a la filosofía y a la literatura a partir de, primero, un contexto común, el de la totalidad; y segundo, dos perspectivas, a saber, la cuestión por la relación de la filosofía y la literatura con la totalidad, y la relevancia ética y moral de dicha relación. La totalidad debe ser entendida de tres formas: la de la realidad y del mundo; la de las relaciones de los hombres con el mundo (...)
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    Zum Problem der Willensschwäche.Ursula Wolf - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 39 (1):21 - 33.
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  46. Reincarnation or immortality?Ursula N. Gestefeld - 1899 - New York: Alliance Publishing Co..
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  47. Grounding Jurisprudence in Theology. Leibniz's Rebuff of Protestant Voluntarism.Ursula Goldenbaum - 2020 - In Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie bei G. W. Leibniz, Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen 2020. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 3-22.
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  48. Spinoza's evolutionary foundation of moral values and their objectivity: neither relativism nor absolutism.Ursula Goldenbaum - 2015 - In Ursula Goldenbaum & Christopher Kluz (eds.), Doing Without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    The Event of Postcolonial Shame (review).Ursula Kluwick - 2012 - Symploke 20 (1-2):393-395.
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    Endnotes for Linden from page 14.Paul Linden - 1993 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 12 (3-4):46-46.
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