Results for 'Trump Eric'

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  1. The Cases Philosophers Have Dreamt Of.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  2. How Drugs Get to the Market.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  3. The State of Play on Living Wills.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    At the Center.Eric Trump - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (3).
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    Wrestling with the Monster: Frankenstein and Organ Transplantation.Eric Trump - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (6):15-17.
    In December 1967, Louis Washkansky, a grocer living in South Africa, became the first person to awaken after a heart transplant. Some accounts say that his first words were, “I am the new Frankenstein.” Others claim that Christiaan Barnard, his transplant surgeon, uttered these. Much as people have long mixed up who Frankenstein is—creature or creator?—in Mary Shelley's novel, so patient and surgeon, repaired and repairer, are confused in retellings of this post‐op Frankensteinian moment. Whether Washkansky identified with Frankenstein's monster (...)
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    How to Think about Stemming an Insurgency.Gregory E. Kaebnick, Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Joyce Griffin, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Facial transplantation research: A need for additional deliberation.Karen J. Maschke & Eric Trump - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):33 – 35.
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    Rooting for the machines: Maurizio Balistreri: Sex robots: love in the age of machines, translated by Steven Umbrello. Budapest: Trivent Publishing, 2022, 149 pp, €37.00 PB. [REVIEW]Eric Trump - 2023 - Metascience 33 (1):107-110.
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  9. It's a small world after all: Ethics and the response to Sars.Kahn Jeffrey & Trump Eric - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (3).
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    To Trump’s Chagrin, Non-nationals Are Still In.Eric S. Godoy - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):42-44.
    The anti-environmental policies of the Trump administration are morally disturbing, to say the least. The willful ignorance of basic scientific facts and shameless pandering to the very industries...
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    Power, Resentment, and Self-Preservation: Nietzsche’s Moral Psychology as a Critique of Trump.Aaron Harper & Eric Schaaf - 2018 - In Marc Benjamin Sable & Angel Jaramillo Torres, Trump and Political Philosophy: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Civic Virtue. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 257-280.
    We use Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality as a touchstone for comprehending Trump’s appeal and victory. Following Nietzsche’s concerns, the most noteworthy puzzle is that of Trump’s peculiar popularity, especially given his impolitic statements and policy proposals that often appear in tension with the interests of his voter base. While Nietzsche’s discussions of power and resentment would seem obvious starting points to examine the success of Trump and Trumpism, we contend that these provide largely superficial and, (...)
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    Keep it fake: inventing an authentic life.Eric Wilson - 2015 - New York: Sarah Crichton Books, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
    Shoot straight from the hip. Tell it like it is. Keep it real. We love these commands, especially in America, because they invoke what we love to believe: that there is an authentic self to which we can be true. But while we mock Tricky Dick and Slick Willie, we are inventing identities on Facebook, paying thousands for plastic surgeries, tuning into news that simply verifies our opinions. This is frontier forthrightness gone dreamy: reality bites, after all, and faith-based initiatives (...)
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    Power, Resentment, and Self-Preservation: Nietzsche’s Moral Psychology as a Critique of Trump.Aaron Harper & Eric Schaaf - 2018 - In Marc Benjamin Sable & Angel Jaramillo Torres, Trump and Political Philosophy: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Civic Virtue. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 257-280.
    We use Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality as a touchstone for comprehending Trump’s appeal and victory. Following Nietzsche’s concerns, the most noteworthy puzzle is that of Trump’s peculiar popularity, especially given his impolitic statements and policy proposals that often appear in tension with the interests of his voter base. While Nietzsche’s discussions of power and resentment would seem obvious starting points to examine the success of Trump and Trumpism, we contend that these provide largely superficial and, (...)
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    “Zombies Are Real”: Fantasies, Conspiracies, and the Post-truth Wars.Eric King Watts - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (4):441-470.
    After hearing Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio, Newt Gingrich was interviewed live on CNN about the menacing tone of the address. Gingrich not only defended Trump's nearly apocalyptic vision of America if he was not elected, the former Speaker of the House swiped aside the clear data that indicated that the criminalized landscapes portrayed in Trump's speech might just be the work of a frenzied and fearful imagination rather than (...)
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    Non-Bayesian Inference: Causal Structure Trumps Correlation.Bénédicte Bes, Steven Sloman, Christopher G. Lucas & Éric Raufaste - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1178-1203.
    The study tests the hypothesis that conditional probability judgments can be influenced by causal links between the target event and the evidence even when the statistical relations among variables are held constant. Three experiments varied the causal structure relating three variables and found that (a) the target event was perceived as more probable when it was linked to evidence by a causal chain than when both variables shared a common cause; (b) predictive chains in which evidence is a cause of (...)
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  16. Responding to Covid‐19: How to Navigate a Public Health Emergency Legally and Ethically.Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman & Sarah A. Wetter - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (2):8-12.
    Few novel or emerging infectious diseases have posed such vital ethical challenges so quickly and dramatically as the novel coronavirus SARS‐CoV‐2. The World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern and recently classified Covid‐19 as a worldwide pandemic. As of this writing, the epidemic has not yet peaked in the United States, but community transmission is widespread. President Trump declared a national emergency as fifty governors declared state emergencies. In the coming weeks, hospitals will become overrun, (...)
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    Nursing is never neutral: Political determinants of health and systemic marginalization.Nathan Eric Dickman & Roxana Chicas - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (4):e12408.
    The nursing community in the United States polarized in September 2020 between Dawn Wooten's whistleblowing about forced hysterectomies at an immigration center in Georgia and the American Nurses Association's refusal to endorse a presidential candidate despite the Trump administration's mounting failures to address the public health crisis posed by the COVID‐19 pandemic. This reveals a need for more attention to political aspects of health outcome inequities. As advocates for health equity, nurses can join in recent scholarship and activism concerning (...)
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    Paternal consent in prenatal research: ethical aspects.Mats Johansson, Göran Hermerén & Nils-Eric Sahlin - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):325-331.
    The role of mothers in prenatal research has been discussed extensively. Significantly less work has been done on the father’s role. In this article, focusing on ethical issues, we seek to redress this imbalance. Examining the father’s position in research conducted on pregnant women, we ask whether or not paternal consent ought to be required in addition to that of the pregnant woman. Having distinguished between different concepts of father and mother, we proceed by giving an overview of the reasons (...)
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    Claude Lefort and Eric Santner on the Use and Abuse of the King’s Body.Bernard Flynn - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (2):239-258.
    This article contests in detail the use that Eric Santner makes of the writings of Claude Lefort, Merleau-Ponty and Ernest Kantorowicz. Santner conceives of modernity as being haunted by, or one might almost say, poisoned by the Royal Remnants, the body of the king circulating in society as “too muchness.” He uses Merleau-Ponty’s concept of the flesh in order to orchestrate his profoundly anti-modern position. I contend that he has grossly misinterpreted the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, as well as the (...)
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    Theodor Adorno and the century of negative identity.Eric Oberle - 2018 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    "Jazz, the wound" : negative identity, culture, and the shadow of race -- America, or the stranger -- Negative identities of the subject in wartime America -- Critical theory goes to war : the critique of positive identity and positive science -- Negative modeling : objectivity, normativity, and the refusal of the universal -- Subject/object and disciplinarity.
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    The literary Kierkegaard.Eric Ziolkowski - 2011 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    From Clouds to Corsair: Kierkegaard, Aristophanes, and Socrates -- The pure fool and the knight of faith: Wolfram's Parzival and the stages of existence -- From romantic aesthete to Christian analogue: Don Quixote's sallies in Kierkegaard's authorship -- Saying not quite "everything just as it is": Shakespeare on life's way -- "Sorrow's changeling": irony, humor, and laughter in Kierkegaard and Carlyle.
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    Beckett and Ireland. Edited by Sean Kennedy.Eric White - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (2):263-264.
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    Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives.Eric White - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (8):864-866.
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    »absolute Identity« And Hegel’s Treatment Of Concepts And Intuitions In »glauben Und Wissen«.Eric Wilson - 2004 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 6:102-107.
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    (En)joining Others.Eric Wiland - 2013 - In David Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 64-84.
    This paper argues that under some conditions, when one person acts on the direction of another person, the two of them thereby act together, and that this explains why both the director and the directee can be responsible for what is done. In other words, a director and a directee can be a joint agent, one whose members are responsible for what they together do. This is most clearly so when the directive is a command. But it is also sometimes (...)
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  26. The Ethics of Terror and Torture.Eric Wiland - 2008 - Review Journal of Political Philosophy 6:139-152.
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    Conflits ethniques et tensions postcoloniales en Mélanésie.Eric Wittersheim - 2002 - Hermes 32:385.
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    Time as a human artefact.Eric R. Woolmington - 1979 - Duntroon [Australia]: Dept. of Geography, Royal Military College.
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    More Clerihews.Eric Yates - 1987 - The Chesterton Review 13 (3):422-422.
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    Notes & Correspondence.Eric Carlson, Erwin Reifler, C. Truesdell, Roy Neville & L. Williams - 1959 - Isis 50 (4):479-481.
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    The Origins of Beard's Economic Interpretation of the Constitution.Eric F. Goldman - 1952 - Journal of the History of Ideas 13 (2):234.
  32. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 84: 1993 Lectures and Memoirs.Griffiths Eric - 1994
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    Genetic diagnostic, pedigree, and screening research.Eric T. Juengst & Aaron Goldenberg - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel, The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 298.
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    Le triangle émotionnel du discours publicitaire.Eric Landowski - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (163):59-73.
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    (1 other version)Réseau, communication et complexité.Éric Letonturier - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 60 (2):, [ p.].
    Le présent article s’attache à reconstruire le concept de réseau tel qu’il apparaît aux différents étages de la pensée pluridisciplinaire d’Edgar Morin. Le projet qu’il engage autour de la complexité dans La Méthode impose au préalable de renoncer, sur le plan épistémologique, à la conception disjonctive dominante de la connaissance au profit d’un ordre plus réticulaire des sciences. Le réseau est par la suite entendu comme un mode d’organisation particulier qui, valant pour le monde physique, est alors décliné, dans les (...)
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    Excavations at Capernaum, Vol. 1: 1978-1982.Eric M. Meyers & Vassilios Tzaferis - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2):376.
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    Does Aristotle’s Ethics Represent “Pharisaism”?: A Survey of Scheler’s Critique.Eric J. Mohr - 2012 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (1):100-112.
    It is well known that Max Scheler framed his ethics in opposition to Kant’s “formalistic” ethical framework. However, it is a lesser-known fact that Scheler offered a critique of the ancient Greek moral vision. Although this critique was less developed than the one of Kant, the critique of the ancients was no less significant. First explicated in 1912 in Ressentiment, its central theme is reprised in nearly all of Scheler’s main texts even up until his death. Scheler’s contention is with (...)
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    Notes on “a clash of intuitions”.Eric Neufeld - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (2):225-240.
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  39. Two Contentious Duties.Eric Boot - 2017 - In Eric R. Boot, Human Duties and the Limits of Human Rights Discourse. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Libertarianism untamed.Eric Mack - 1991 - Journal of Social Philosophy 22 (3):64-72.
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    Objectivity in Conduct.Eric Gilman - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (111):308 - 320.
    There has of late been a revival of interest in the problem of practical reason. One of the causes of this revival has been, I think, a reaction against the radical subjectivism to which the emotive theory seemed to lead. Philosophers have wished to show that the method of linguistic analysis can account for that kind of objectivity, whatever kind that might be, which is possessed by our moral opinions, criticisms, etc. The question in what this objectivity consists has, however, (...)
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  42. Egoism and Rights Revisited.Eric Mack - 1977 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):282.
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  43. The once and future role of policy advice for health regulation by experts and advisory committees.Eric Meslin - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie, The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    No title available: Religious studies.Eric J. Sharpe - 1975 - Religious Studies 11 (3):381-383.
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  45. I. généralités.Éric Suire & Armand Colin Paris - 2004 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 84:335.
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    Will, hope, and the noumenon.Eric Roman - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (3):59-77.
  47. Reply to Kriegel, Smithies, and Spener.Eric Schwitzgebel - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):1195-1206.
  48. Chronique du congrès de l'ATEM (Strasbourg, 28-30 août 2003).Eric Gaziaux - 2004 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 35 (1):140-142.
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  49. Compte-rendu de S. Muratore (éd.)," Teologia e filosofia. Alla ricerca di un nuovo rapporto", Rome, AVE, 1990.Eric Gaziaux - 1995 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 26 (1):104-1995.
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  50. Chronique louvaniste du colloque de théologie" Destin, Prédestination, destinée".Eric Gaziaux - 1993 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 23 (2):279-283.
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