Results for 'Bénédicte Bes'

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  1.  75
    Non-Bayesian Inference: Causal Structure Trumps Correlation.Bénédicte Bes, Steven Sloman, Christopher G. Lucas & Éric Raufaste - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1178-1203.
    The study tests the hypothesis that conditional probability judgments can be influenced by causal links between the target event and the evidence even when the statistical relations among variables are held constant. Three experiments varied the causal structure relating three variables and found that (a) the target event was perceived as more probable when it was linked to evidence by a causal chain than when both variables shared a common cause; (b) predictive chains in which evidence is a cause of (...)
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    Towards a More Particularist View of Rights’ Stringency.Benedict Rumbold - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (2):211-233.
    For all their various disagreements, one point upon which rights theorists often agree is that it is simply part of the nature of rights that they tend to override, outweigh or exclude competing considerations in moral reasoning, that they have ‘peremptory force’, making ‘powerful demands’ that can only be overridden in ‘exceptional circumstances’, Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, p. 240). In this article I challenge this thought. My aim here is not to prove that the (...)
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  3. Privacy Rights and Public Information.Benedict Rumbold & James Wilson - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (1):3-25.
    This article concerns the nature and limits of individuals’ rights to privacy over information that they have made public. For some, even suggesting that an individual can have a right to privacy over such information may seem paradoxical. First, one has no right to privacy over information that was never private to begin with. Second, insofar as one makes once-private information public – whether intentionally or unintentionally – one waives one’s right to privacy to that information. In this article, however, (...)
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    On Engster's care-justification of the specialness thesis about healthcare.Benedict Rumbold - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):501-505.
    To say health is 'special' is to say that it has a moral significance that differentiates it from other goods (cars, say or radios) and, as a matter of justice, warrants distributing it separately. In this essay, I critique a new justification for the specialness thesis about healthcare (STHC) recently put forth by Engster. I argue that, regrettably, Engster's justification of STHC ultimately fails and fails on much the same grounds as have previous justifications of STHC. However, I also argue (...)
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  5. The cognitive significance of phenomenal knowledge.Bénédicte Veillet - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (11):2955-2974.
    Knowledge of what it’s like to have perceptual experiences, e.g. of what it’s like to see red or taste Turkish coffee, is phenomenal knowledge; and it is knowledge the substantial or significant nature of which is widely assumed to pose a challenge for physicalism. Call this the New Challenge to physicalism. The goal of this paper is to take a closer look at the New Challenge. I show, first, that it is surprisingly difficult to spell out clearly and neutrally what (...)
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  6.  35
    Spinoza’s Analysis of his Imagined Readers’ Axiology.Benedict Rumbold - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (2):281-312.
    Before presenting his own account of value in the Ethics, Spinoza spends much of EIAppendix and EIVPreface attempting to refute a series of axiological ‘prejudices’ that he takes to have taken root in the minds of his readership. In doing so, Spinoza adopts what might be termed a ‘genealogical’ argumentative strategy. That is, he tries to establish the falsity of imagined readership’s prejudices about good and bad, perfection and imperfection, by first showing that the ideas from which they have arisen (...)
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  7.  78
    Self-tests for influenza: an empirical ethics investigation.Benedict Rumbold, Clare Wenham & James Wilson - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):33.
    In this article we aim to assess the ethical desirability of self-test diagnostic kits for influenza, focusing in particular on the potential benefits and challenges posed by a new, mobile phone-based tool currently being developed by i-sense, an interdisciplinary research collaboration based at University College London and funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Our study adopts an empirical ethics approach, supplementing an initial review into the ethical considerations posed by such technologies with qualitative data from three focus (...)
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  8.  36
    Tying oneself to the mast: One necessary cost to morally enhancing oneself biomedically.Benedict Rumbold - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (7):543-551.
    In this article I seek to establish what, if anything, might be morally troubling about morally enhancing oneself through biomedical means. Building on arguments by Harris, while simultaneously acknowledging several valid counter-arguments that have been put forth by his critics, I argue that taking BMEs necessarily incurs at least one moral cost in the restrictions they impose on our freedom. This does not necessarily entail that the use of BMEs cannot be overall justified, nor that, in certain cases, their costs (...)
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  9. Cannot Manage without The ‚Significant Other’: Mining, Corporate Social Responsibility and Local Communities in Papua New Guinea.Benedict Young Imbun - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):177-192.
    The increasing pressure from different facets of society exerted on multinational companies to become more philanthropic and claim ownership of their impacts is now becoming a standard practice. Although research in corporate social responsibility has arguably been recent, the application of activities taking a voluntary form from MNCs seem to vary reflecting a plethora of factors, particularly one obvious being the backwater local communities of developing countries where most of the natural extraction projects are located. This chapter examines views of (...)
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    Belief, Re‐identification and Fineness of Grain.Bénédicte Veillet - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):229-248.
    The so-called ‘re-identification condition’ (Kelly 2011) has played an important role in the most prominent argument for nonconceptualism, the argument from fineness of grain. A number of authors have recently argued that the condition should be modified or discarded altogether, with devastating implications for the nonconceptualist (see, e.g., Brewer 2005, Chuard 2006). The aim of this paper is to show that the situation is even more dire for nonconceptualists, for even if the re-identification condition remains in its original form, the (...)
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  11.  31
    Deep disagreement across moral revolutions.Benedict Lane - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-27.
    Moral revolutions are rightly coming to be recognised as a philosophically interesting and historically important mode of moral change. What is less often acknowledged is that the very characteristics that make a moral change revolutionary pose a fundamental challenge to the possibility of moral progress. This is because moral revolutions are characterised by a diachronic form of deep moral disagreement: moral agents on either side of a moral revolution adopt different standards for assessing the merits of a moral argument, and (...)
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  12.  47
    Deactivating Pacemakers at the End of Life.Benedict M. Guevin - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (1):39-51.
    The question of whether it is permissible to deactivate a pacemaker at the end of life has been addressed in medical journals but rarely in ethics journals. The ethics of pacemaker deactivation is especially challenging because of the disparate ways the devices are viewed by both medical professionals and patients. Some consider pacemakers replacement therapy, and some consider them substitutive therapy. If they are the former, then deactivation would not be permitted, since a replacement device is considered a part of (...)
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  13.  24
    Caregivers blinded by the care: A qualitative study of physical restraint in pediatric care.Bénédicte Lombart, Carla De Stefano, Didier Dupont, Leila Nadji & Michel Galinski - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):230-246.
    Background: The phenomenon of forceful physical restraint in pediatric care is an ethical issue because it confronts professionals with the dilemma of using force for the child’s best interest. This is a paradox. The perspective of healthcare professional working in pediatric wards needs further in-depth investigations. Purpose: To explore the perspectives and behaviors of healthcare professionals toward forceful physical restraint in pediatric care. Methods: This qualitative ethnographic study used focus groups with purposeful sampling. Thirty volunteer healthcare professionals (nurses, hospital aids, (...)
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  14.  28
    The dialogue between tradition and history: essays on the foundations of Catholic moral theology.Benedict M. Ashley - 2022 - Broomall, PA: The National Catholic Bioethics Center. Edited by Matthew R. McWhorter, Cajetan Cuddy, Matthew K. Minerd & Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco.
    The decades following the Second Vatican Council witnessed Catholic theology's break from classicism. Deductive, classical theology was replaced by an empirical, historically minded theology. The result was moral confusion and intellectual controversy whose effects are still felt by the Church. Benedict Ashely agreed that some revision in moral theology was necessary after Vatican II to formulate and integrate the mysteries of the Catholic faith. The question was how such teachings could be reformulated while preserving their substantive content. Ashley presents a (...)
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  15.  42
    Naming Our Reality: Negotiating and Creating Meaning in the Margin.Cathy Benedict - 2007 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (1):23-36.
    This paper explores the ways in which music educators have allowed others outside of music education to name who and how they are in the world. Often comfortable with voicing advocacy and purpose from the status of second class citizen, music educators are complicit in the very processes of reproduction they wish to challenge. Seeking to address what could be a privileged positioning of marginalized status, this paper also speaks to the spaces that are created that could afford possibilities of (...)
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  16.  9
    Music, Subjectivity, and Schumann.Benedict Taylor - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    The concept of subjectivity is one of the most popular in recent scholarly accounts of music; it is also one of the obscurest and most ill-defined. Multifaceted and hard to pin down, subjectivity nevertheless serves an important, if not indispensable purpose, underpinning various assertions made about music and its effect on us. We may not be exactly sure what subjectivity is, but much of the reception of Western music over the last two centuries is premised upon it. Music, Subjectivity, and (...)
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  17.  41
    Reverse Mathematics.Benedict Eastaugh - 2024 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Reverse mathematics is a program in mathematical logic that seeks to give precise answers to the question of which axioms are necessary in order to prove theorems of "ordinary mathematics": roughly speaking, those concerning structures that are either themselves countable, or which can be represented by countable "codes". This includes many fundamental theorems of real, complex, and functional analysis, countable algebra, countable infinitary combinatorics, descriptive set theory, and mathematical logic. This entry aims to give the reader a broad introduction to (...)
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  18.  54
    Prospects for pure procedural moral progress.Benedict Lane - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Issues of methodology are central to the philosophy of moral progress. However, the idea that effective moral methodology, as well as being instrumental to progress, might also constitute progress has not been adequately explored. This paper will critically assess the merits of this idea – what I call ‘pure proceduralism about moral progress’ – taking Philip Kitcher's recent theory of ‘democratic contractualism’ (2021) as a test case. An epistemology of pure procedural moral progress will be sketched: namely, a naturalised epistemology (...)
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  19.  19
    Examining Body Integrity Identity Disorder through Theological Ethics.Benedict Guevin - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (1):93-110.
    Body identity integrity disorder is experienced by a small percentage of the population, whose idea of how they should look does not match their actual physical form. The most common manifestation of BIID is the desire to have a specific limb amputated. In a small number of cases, the desire is not for the removal of a limb, but to be blind or paralyzed. There has been a lot of discussion regarding the possible physiological, neurological, or psychological etiologies of BIID. (...)
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  20.  30
    (1 other version)Vital Conflicts and Virtue Ethics.Benedict M. Guevin - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (3):471-480.
    In his book Vital Conflicts in Medical Ethics: A Virtue Approach to Craniotomy and Tubal Pregnancies, Martin Rhonheimer offers a virtue approach to vital conflicts in medical ethics. These vital conflicts are those medical situations involving pregnancy in which, if nothing is done, both the mother and her child will die. When analyzed by means of his understanding of the virtue of justice, Rhonheimer concludes that the so-called direct killing of children in the womb or in the fallopian tube is (...)
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  21.  12
    The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice in Music Education.Cathy Benedict, Patrick K. Schmidt, Gary Spruce & Paul Woodford - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Music education has historically had a tense relationship with social justice. One the one hand, educators concerned with music practices have long preoccupied themselves with ideas of open participation and the potentially transformative capacity that musical interaction fosters. On the other hand, they have often done so while promoting and privileging a particular set of musical practices, traditions, and forms of musical knowledge, which has in turn alienated and even excluded many children from music education opportunities. The Oxford Handbook of (...)
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  22.  68
    Affordability and Non-Perfectionism in Moral Action.Benedict Rumbold, Victoria Charlton, Annette Rid, Polly Mitchell, James Wilson, Peter Littlejohns, Catherine Max & Albert Weale - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):973-991.
    One rationale policy-makers sometimes give for declining to fund a service or intervention is on the grounds that it would be ‘unaffordable’, which is to say, that the total cost of providing the service or intervention for all eligible recipients would exceed the budget limit. But does the mere fact that a service or intervention is unaffordable present a reason not to fund it? Thus far, the philosophical literature has remained largely silent on this issue. However, in this article, we (...)
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  23.  28
    Enhanced Interrogation, Consequential Evaluation, and Human Rights to Health.Benedict S. B. Chan - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):455-461.
    Balfe argues against enhanced interrogation. He particularly focuses on the involvement of U.S. healthcare professionals in enhanced interrogation. He identifies several empirical and normative factors and argues that they are not good reasons to morally justify enhanced interrogation. I argue that his argument can be improved by making two points. First, Balfe considers the reasoning of those healthcare professionals as utilitarian. However, careful consideration of their ideas reveals that their reasoning is consequential rather than utilitarian evaluation. Second, torture is a (...)
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  24.  36
    Re-asserting the Specialness of Health Care.Benedict Rumbold - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (3):272-296.
    Is health care “special”? That is, do we have moral reason to treat health care differently from how we treat other sorts of social goods? Intuitively, perhaps, we might think the proper response is “yes.” However, to date, philosophers have often struggled to justify this idea—known as the “specialness thesis about health care” or STHC. In this article, I offer a new justification of STHC, one I take to be immune from objections that have undercut other defenses. Notably, unlike previous (...)
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  25. Are International Human Rights Universal? – East-West Philosophical Debates on Human Rights to Liberty and Health.Benedict S. B. Chan - 2019 - In Elisa Grimi & Luca Di Donato, Metaphysics of Human Rights. 1948-2018. On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the UDHR. Vernon Press. pp. 135-152.
    In philosophical debates on human rights between the East and the West, scholars argue whether rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other international documents (in short, “international human rights”) are universal or culturally relative. Some scholars who emphasize the importance of East Asian cultures (such as the Confucian tradition) have different attitudes toward civil and political rights (CP rights) than toward economic, social, and cultural rights (ESC Rights). They argue that at least some international human rights (...)
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  26. Arrow's theorem, ultrafilters, and reverse mathematics.Benedict Eastaugh - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic.
    This paper initiates the reverse mathematics of social choice theory, studying Arrow's impossibility theorem and related results including Fishburn's possibility theorem and the Kirman–Sondermann theorem within the framework of reverse mathematics. We formalise fundamental notions of social choice theory in second-order arithmetic, yielding a definition of countable society which is tractable in RCA0. We then show that the Kirman–Sondermann analysis of social welfare functions can be carried out in RCA0. This approach yields a proof of Arrow's theorem in RCA0, and (...)
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  27.  8
    Make It Plain: Strengthening the Ethical Foundation of First-Person Authorization for Organ Donation.James L. Benedict - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (4):303-307.
    One response to the chronic shortage of organs for transplant in the United States has been the passage of laws establishing first-person authorization for donation of organs, providing legal grounds for the retrieval of organs and tissues from registered donors, even over the objections of their next of kin. The ethical justification for first-person authorization is that it is a matter of respecting the donor’s wishes. The objection of some next of kin may be that the donor would not have (...)
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  28. Spinoza's Short Treatise on God, Man, & His Well-Being, Tr. And Ed. With an Intr. And Comm. And a Life of Spinoza by A. Wolf.Benedict Spinoza & Abraham Wolf - 1910
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  29. In Defense of Phenomenal Concepts.Bénédicte Veillet - 2012 - Philosophical Papers 41 (1):97-127.
    Abstract In recent debates, both physicalist and anti-physicalist philosophers of mind have come to agree that understanding the nature of phenomenal concepts is key to understanding the nature of phenomenal consciousness itself. Recently, however, Derek Ball (2009) and Michael Tye (2009) have argued that there are no such concepts. Their case is especially troubling because they make use of a type of argument that proponents of phenomenal concepts have typically found persuasive in other contexts; namely, arguments much like those that (...)
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  30.  22
    Augmentation Mammaplasty for Male-to-Female Transsexuals.Benedict M. Guevin - 2009 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 9 (3):453-458.
    The author explores whether Catholic hospitals should be required by law to perform augmentation mammaplasty on male-to-female transsexuals. The case involves a male-to-female transsexual who presented at a Catholic hospital for breast augmentation surgery. The hospital refused and was sued on the basis of aviolation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act. The hospital formulated a policy on how to deal with such cases in the future. It determined that the same standards thatapply to any woman be applied here, since the (...)
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  31.  13
    À la recherche de la valeur causale des conjonctions as et since dans de grands corpus, dans le but de les comparer.Bénédicte Guillaume - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    This article deals with English causal subordinate clauses introduced by since or as. Both these markers may convey different meanings according to contextual variations, and can express temporal relations, from which their causal value is derived. The semantic closeness between as and since whenever they express a causal relation makes it necessary to harvest a large number of attested examples in order to compare and contrast them. The recourse to large on-line corpora such as the British National Corpus gives rise (...)
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  32.  20
    La « Bienvivance » à l’école dans l’ère du savoir-relation.Bénédicte Gendron - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (2-3):60-81.
    The rise of ill-being is spreading to schools and worrying politicians. It questions our educational models beyond learning about well-being and happiness at school, particularly pedagogical approaches and teacher training; which « happy » teacher to « make a student happy »? Based on research on the components of student well-being and resilience first and case studies of pedagogical approaches « re-enchanting school », this article underlines the emotional capital and “enabling leadership” teaching style, and an essential well-being approach focused (...)
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    Knowledge and the Justification of Values in Values-Based Medicine.Benedict Smith - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (2):97-105.
    This paper critically evaluates central themes of values-based medicine (VBM). First, I discuss the 'non-descriptivist' conception of value judgments at the heart of VBM. According to it, no inferences can rationally be drawn from factual criteria to value judgments and the inferences that are naturally formed are a matter of human psychology. I argue, however, that it is an essential feature of value judgments that they are themselves subject to normative assessment. This implies an important role for an evaluatively rich (...)
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  34.  10
    (1 other version)The Way Toward Wisdom: An Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Introduction to Metaphysics.Benedict M. Ashley - 2006 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    “This is an impressive, well-researched book, of great value. It offers the wider philosophical community a point of entrance, by a proponent of a certain type of Thomism, into a domain that all philosophers think they already understand. The result is the creation of a ‘big picture’ of human knowledge.” —Mark Johnson, Marquette University Working from a realist Thomistic epistemology, noted scholar Benedict Ashley, O.P., asserts that we must begin our search for wisdom in the natural sciences; only then, Ashley (...)
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  35.  15
    Gender and the Priesthood of Christ: A Theological Reflection.Benedict M. Ashley - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):343-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:GENDER AND THE PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST: A THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION BENEDICT M. ASHLEY, 0.P. Aquinas Institute of Theology St. Louis, Missouri I. Does "Patriarchy" Explain the Tradition? HE CONGREGATION for the Doctrine of the Faith, n its 1976 Declaration on the Question of the Admission f Wonien to the Ministerial Priesthood, based its negative response primarily on tradition.1 For many this argument 1 Inter Insigniores (Oct. 15, 1976, AAS 69 (...)
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  36.  14
    Scriptural Grounds for Concrete Moral Norms.Benedict M. Ashley - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):1-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SCRIPTURAL GROUNDS FOR CONCRETE MORAL NORMS 1. Is JJ1oral Theology Really Theology? 0 BE CHRISTIAN theology moral theology ought to be firmly grounded in the Bible as understood in the living tradition of the Church. Yet the moralist who asks help from the biblicist today is to be met with a host cf objections.1 I will mention eight I have encountered: l) Attempts to develop a biblical theology unified (...)
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  37.  12
    The cases that were not to be: explaining the dearth of case law on freedom of religion in Strasbourg.Marie-Benedicte Dembour - 2000 - In Italo Pardo, Morals of legitimacy: between agency and system. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 12--205.
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    Utilitarian Contingent Pacifism and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.Benedict S. B. Chan - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (2):635-657.
    For the role of utilitarianism in the ethics of war and peace, Shaw suggests there is a Utilitarian War Principle (UWP) and argues that the principles of the just war theory should be treated as intermediate principles that are subordinated to UWP. He also argues that the state should be the primary legitimate authority to wage war and holder of the right of national defense. I argue that the utilitarian approach should be specifically linked with contingent pacifism, a new understanding (...)
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    Reasons, Responsibility, and Fiction.Benedict Smith - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (2):161-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reasons, Responsibility, and FictionBenedict Smith (bio)Keywordsresponsibility, reflection, reasons, fictionCartwright's article considers two candidate theories of responsibility and examines their relative adequacy by assessing them in light of our reactions to a dramatic and horrifying set of circumstances. Cartwright initiates the dialectic by noting how our intuitions are in conflict. For instance, although we are instantly horrified by the murders Harris perpetrated, we might naturally experience quite different emotions and (...)
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  40. The Case Against Cognitive Phenomenology.Peter Carruthers & Bénédicte Veillet - 2011 - In Tim Bayne & Michelle Montague, Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 35.
    The goal of this chapter is to mount a critique of the claim that cognitive content (that is, the kind of content possessed by our concepts and thoughts) makes a constitutive contribution to the phenomenal properties of our mental lives. We therefore defend the view that phenomenal consciousness is exclusively experiential (or nonconceptual) in character. The main focus of the chapter is on the alleged contribution that concepts make to the phenomenology of visual experience. For we take it that if (...)
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  41.  30
    Hume on Belief and Vindicatory Explanations.Benedict Smith - 2019 - Philosophy 94 (2):313-337.
    Hume's account of belief is understood to be inspired by allegedly incompatible motivations, one descriptive and expressing Hume's naturalism, the other normative and expressing Hume's epistemological aims. This understanding assumes a particular way in which these elements are distinct: an assumption that I dispute. I suggest that the explanatory-naturalistic aspects of Hume's account of belief are not incompatible with the normative-epistemological aspects. Rather, at least for some central cases of belief formation that Hume discusses at length, S's coming to believe (...)
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    Constructing and Reconstructing the Human Body.Benedict M. Ashley - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (3):501-520.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CONSTRUCTING AND RECONSTRUCTING THE HUMAN BODY Scriptural Anthropology T:ODAY BIOETHICAL ISSUES are much discussed by heologians. Yet they make little use of the Bible in olving these problems. Why? Is it because these bioethical issues are so new it seems unlikely the Bible has much to say about them? Rather it is because many suppose that scholars have shown the Bible's moral teaching to be so historically conditioned that (...)
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    Plain Anabaptists and Healthcare Ethics.James Benedict - 2018 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 29 (3):201-205.
    Plain Anabaptists are a small but rapidly growing ethnoreligious society with significant concentrations of population in a number of regions in North America. Among the most widely known of the various groups of Plain Anabaptists are the Amish and the Old Order Mennonites. It is the purpose of this article to provide insight into the culture and values of the Plain Anabaptists so that those who may be called upon to address ethical conflict involving Plain Anabaptists can do so with (...)
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  44.  39
    Multidisciplinary support for ethics deliberations during the first COVID wave.Bénédicte Lombart, Laura Moïsi, Valérie Bellamy, Valérie Landolfini, Marie-Josée Manifacier, Valérie Mesnage, Charlotte Heilbrunn, Dominique Pateron, Alexandra Andro-Melin, Olivier Fain, Nicolas Carbonell, Anne Bourrier, Caroline Thomas, Delphine Libeaut, Christian-Guy Coichard, Alice Polomeni & Bertrand Guidet - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):833-843.
    Background The first COVID-19 wave started in February 2020 in France. The influx of patients requiring emergency care and high-level technicity led healthcare professionals to fear saturation of available care. In that context, the multidisciplinary Ethics- Support Cell (EST) was created to help medical teams consider the decisions that could potentially be sources of ethical dilemmas. Objectives The primary objective was to prospectively collect information on requests for EST assistance from 23 March to 9 May 2020. The secondary aim was (...)
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  45. Particularism, perception and judgement.Benedict Smith - 2006 - Acta Analytica 21 (2):12-29.
    According to the most detailed articulation and defence of moral particularism, it is a metaphysical doctrine about the nature of reasons. This paper addresses aspects of particularist epistemology. In rejecting the existence and efficacy of principles in moral thinking and reasoning particularists typically appeal to a theory of moral knowledge which operates with a ‘perceptual’ metaphor. This is problematic. Holism about valence can give rise to a moral epistemology that is a metaethical variety of atomistic empiricism. To avoid what could (...)
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  46.  15
    One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics by Alexander R. Pruss.O. S. B. Benedict M. Guevin - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):485-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics by Alexander R. PrussBenedict M. Guevin O.S.B.One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics. By Alexander R. Pruss. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013. Pp. ix + 465. $45.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-0-268-03897-7.As a professor of moral theology in general and of sexual ethics in particular, I found Alexander Pruss’s largely philosophical account of sexual ethics to be (...)
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  47. Computational reverse mathematics and foundational analysis.Benedict Eastaugh - manuscript
    Reverse mathematics studies which subsystems of second order arithmetic are equivalent to key theorems of ordinary, non-set-theoretic mathematics. The main philosophical application of reverse mathematics proposed thus far is foundational analysis, which explores the limits of different foundations for mathematics in a formally precise manner. This paper gives a detailed account of the motivations and methodology of foundational analysis, which have heretofore been largely left implicit in the practice. It then shows how this account can be fruitfully applied in the (...)
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    Apprivoiser le « bruit » en linguistique de corpus : expérience d’une analyse factorielle et propositions.Bénédicte Pincemin - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    As a concrete basis for thought, we first share the experience of a correspondence analysis applied to a morphosyntactically tagged corpus. The automatic tagging has been partially checked and shows errors. Knowing how factorial analysis works, and having identified the noisiest tags, we adjust the data to be submitted to the analysis so that it is both reliable and clear, making sense for the interpretation of the results to be drawn.This experiment calls for a three-fold discussion. Firstly, about the evaluation (...)
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    THEterm tonal music can be applied to a large variety of musical styles in the West. This includes that of the four periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern) into which Western art-music is commonly divided, as well as other musical styles from popular.Emmanuel Bigand & Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    The Challenge of Objectivist Ethics.Benedict Sheehy - 2004 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 18 (2):231-240.
    Few people think of business ethics as being addressed outside of main-stream business ethics, philosophy and corporate social responsibility circles. This view is in error. Arguably the most prominent philosopher of the last century, Ayn Rand, has provided a philosophy of business that is satisfying to many people, not the least of which is Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan. Rand’s philosophy suggests that self-interested behaviour is not merely an economic modeling of human behaviour, but an ethical imperative. To (...)
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