Results for 'Tony Trewavas'

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    A decade of plant signals.Simon Gilroy & Tony Trewavas - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (9):677-682.
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  2. Delusions and Brain Injury: The Philosophy and Psychology of Belief.Tony Stone & Andrew W. Young - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (3-4):327-364.
    Circumscribed delusional beliefs can follow brain injury. We suggest that these involve anomalous perceptual experiences created by a deficit to the person's perceptual system, and misinterpretation of these experiences due to biased reasoning. We use the Capgras delusion (the claim that one or more of one's close relatives has been replaced by an exact replica or impostor) to illustrate this argument. Our account maintains that people voicing this delusion suffer an impairment that leads to faces being perceived as drained of (...)
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    Are Better Workers Also Better Humans? On Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement in the Workplace and Conflicting Societal Domains.Tony Pustovrh, Franc Mali & Simone Arnaldi - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):301-313.
    The article investigates the sociocultural implications of the changing modern workplace and of pharmacological cognitive enhancement as a potential adaptive tool from the viewpoint of social niche construction. We will attempt to elucidate some of the sociocultural and technological trends that drive and influence the characteristics of this specific niche, and especially to identify the kind of capabilities and adaptations that are being promoted, and to ascertain the capabilities and potentialities that might become diminished as a result. In this context, (...)
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    Impunity and Hope.Tony Reeves - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (4):415-438.
    Is there a duty to prosecute grave international crimes? Many have thought so, even if they recognize the obligation to be defeasible. However, the theoretical literature frequently leaves the grounds for such a duty inadequately specified, or unsystematically amalgamated, leaving it unclear which considerations should drive and shape processes of criminal accountability. Further, the circumstance leaves calls to end impunity vulnerable to skeptical worries concerning the risks and costs of punishing perpetrators. I argue that a qualified duty to prosecute can (...)
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  5. Obstacles to Testing Molyneux's Question Empirically.Tony Cheng - 2015 - I-Perception 6 (4).
    There have recently been various empirical attempts to answer Molyneux’s question, for example, the experiments undertaken by the Held group. These studies, though intricate, have encountered some objections, for instance, from Schwenkler, who proposes two ways of improving the experiments. One is “to re-run [the] experiment with the stimulus objects made to move, and/or the subjects moved or permitted to move with respect to them” (p. 94), which would promote three dimensional or otherwise viewpoint-invariant representations. The other is “to use (...)
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    Maitripa's writings on the view: the main Indian source of the Tibetan views of other emptiness and Mahamudra. Advayavajra & Tony Duff - 2010 - Kathmandu: Padma Karpo Translation Committee. Edited by Tony Duff.
    Great bliss clarified -- Six verses on co-emergence -- Utterly clear teaching of unification -- Definitive teaching on dreams -- Clear teaching on utter non-dwelling -- Full teaching of suchness -- Six verses on Madhyamaka.
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  7. Treatment refusal in anorexia nervosa: a challenge to current concepts of capacity.Jacinta Tan & Hope & Tony - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven, Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    De provincieraadsverkiezingen van 9 oktober 1994 en 8 oktober 2000.Herwig Reynaert & Tony Valcke - 2001 - Res Publica 43 (2-3):403-426.
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    Avicenna and Tusi on the Contradiction and Conversion of the Absolute.Tony Street - 2000 - History and Philosophy of Logic 21 (1):45-56.
    Avicenna (d. 1037) and Tūsī (d. 1274) have different doctrines on the contradiction and conversion of the absolute proposition. Following Avicenna's presentation of the doctrine in Pointers and reminders, and comparing it with what is given in Tūsī's commentary, allow us to pinpoint a major reason why Avicenna and Tūsī have different treatments of the modal syllogistic. Further comparison shows that the syllogistic system Rescher described in his research on Arabic logic more nearly fits Tūsī than Avicenna. This in turn (...)
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  10. The Logic of Marx’s “Capital”: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms.Tony Smith - 1990 - Science and Society 56 (1):116-118.
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  11. The Great Gatsby as a business ethics inquiry.Tony McAdams - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):653-660.
    The author argues for the use of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel,The Great Gatsby, as a text for studying business ethics. The author presents a documented analysis of the major ethics themes in the book including, for example, moral growth, Gatsby's life of illusion, the withering of the American Dream, and the parallels between the 1920s and the 1980s. Fitzgerald's fiction analysis is then tied to the '90s via current social science and philosophical evidence addressing Fitzgerald's 1920s concerns. Data examining the (...)
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  12. Iconic Memory and Attention in the Overflow Debate.Tony Cheng - 2017 - Cogent Psychology 4 (1):01-11.
    The overflow debate concerns this following question: does conscious iconic memory have a higher capacity than attention does? In recent years, Ned Block has been invoking empirical works to support the positive answer to this question. The view is called the “rich view” or the “Overflow view”. One central thread of this discussion concerns the nature of iconic memory: for example how rich they are and whether they are conscious. The first section discusses a potential misunderstanding of “visible persistence” in (...)
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    Why Aristotle Says There Is No Time Without Change.Tony Roark - 2004 - Apeiron 37 (3):227-246.
    The title of this paper is intended as a provocative reference to Ursula Coope 's recent article 'Why Does Aristotle Say That There Is No Time Without Change?', which provides much of the impetus for the present paper.1 For although Coope 's strategy in answering this question is admirable, and although I think that her criticisms of the standard interpretation of the argument that opens Physics IV 11 hit their mark, I believe that her own interpretation fails and that something (...)
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  14. Tūsī on Avicenna’s Logical Connectives ∗.Tony Street - 1995 - History and Philosophy of Logic 16 (2):257-268.
    T?s?, a thirteenth century logician writing in Arabic, uses two logical connectives to build up molecular propositions: ?if-then?, and ?either-or?. By referring to a dichotomous Tree, T?s? shows how to choose the proper disjunction relative to the terms in the disjuncts. He also discusses the disjunctive propositions which follow from a conditional proposition.
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    The Oxford Practice Skills Course: Ethics, Law, and Communication Skills in Health Care Education.Tony Hope, R. A. Hope, Kenneth William Musgrave Fulford & Anne Yates - 1996 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    Ethics, communication skills, and the law ('practice skills') are important in all aspects of modern health care. Doctors and nurses must be sensitive to the ethical aspects of their work and understand the legal framework within which clinical decisions are made. Well developed skills of communication, with patients, their relatives and other members of the clinical team, are a key feature of good clinical practice Until recently, the important of practice skills has been relatively neglected in health care education. This (...)
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  16. The morality of tort law: questions and answers.Tony Honore - 1995 - In David G. Owen, Philosophical Foundations of Tort Law. Oxford University Press. pp. 73.
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  17. Economic science without experimentation.Tony Lawson - 1998 - In Margaret Scotford Archer, Critical realism: essential readings. New York: Routledge. pp. 144--169.
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    Parental choice and educational reform in Britain and the United States.Tony Edwards & Geoff Whitty - 1992 - British Journal of Educational Studies 40 (2):101-117.
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    Materialism in Ancient Greek Philosophy and in the Writings of the Young Marx.Tony Burns - 2000 - Historical Materialism 7 (1):3-39.
    What is the young Marx's attitude towards questions of psychology? More precisely, what is his attitude towards the human mind and its relationship to the body? To deal adequately with this issue requires a consideration of the relationship between Marx and Feuerbach. It also requires some discussion of the thought of Aristotle. For the views of Feuerbach and the young Marx are not at all original. Rather, they represent a continuation of a long tradition which derives ultimately from ancient Greek (...)
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    Primoratz on Terrorism.Tony Dardis - 1992 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 9 (1):93-97.
    ABSTRACT In ‘What is Terrorism?’ Igor Primoratz defines terrorism as “the deliberate use of violence, or the threat of its use, against innocent people, with the aim of intimidating them, or other people, into a course of action they would not otherwise take”. In this article I argue that Primoratz is wrong (a) to posit a necessary connection between terrorism and terror or intimidation, (b) to argue that terrorism is directed solely against people, and not, for example, property, and (c) (...)
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  21. Pure Hypocrisy.Tony Lynch & A. R. J. Fisher - 2012 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 19 (1):32-43.
    We argue that two main accounts of hypocrisy— the deception-based and the moral-non-seriousness-based account—fail to capture a specific kind of hypocrite who is morally serious and sincere "all the way down." The kind of hypocrisy exemplified by this hypocrite is irreducible to deception, self-deception or a lack of moral seriousness. We call this elusive and peculiar kind of hypocrisy, pure hypocrisy. We articulate the characteristics of pure hypocrisy and describe the moral psychology of two kinds of pure hypocrites.
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    Mental Simulation: Evaluations and Applications - Reading in Mind and Language.Martin Davies & Tony Stone (eds.) - 1995 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Many philosophers and psychologists argue that out everyday ability to predict and explain the actions and mental states of others is grounded in out possession of a primitive 'folk' psychological theory. Recently however, this theory has come under challenge from the simulation alternative. This alternative view says that human beings are able to predict and explain each other's actions by using the resources of their own minds to simulate the psychological aetiology of the actions of the others. This book and (...)
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    Bright Satanic Mills – Universities, Regional Development and the Knowledge Economy.Tony Rich - 2010 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 14 (1):31-32.
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    Time for Aristotle: Physics IV.10-14, by Ursula Coope. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005.Tony Roark - unknown
    Aristotle’s views on time have received sporadic at tention over the years, but Ursula Coope’s elegantl y- written book is the first monograph available in En glish dedicated exclusively to the account that Ari stotle develops in the final five chapters of Physics IV. Three topics form the thematic core of the boo k: time’s relation to change, time’s status as a kind of numb er, and the unity and diversity of times. I shall t ouch on each of these (...)
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    on Joseph McCarney's Hegel on History.Tony Smith - 2001 - Historical Materialism 9 (1):217-225.
  26.  45
    Legitimating Market Egoism: The Availability Problem.Tony Lynch - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (1):89-95.
    It is a common enough view that market agents are self-interested, not benevolent or altruistic – call this market egoism – and that this is morally defensible, even morally required. There are two styles of defence – utilitarian and deontological – and while they differ, they confront a common problem. This is the availability problem. The problem is that the more successful the moral justification of self-interested economic activity, the less there is for the justification to draw upon. Religious justifications (...)
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    What’s good for the soil is good for the soul: scientific farming, environmental subjectivities, and the ethics of stewardship in southwestern Oklahoma.Jack R. Friedman & Tony N. VanWinkle - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):607-618.
    Based on 10 months of mixed ethnographic and archival research, this study is concerned with ways in which contemporary agro-environmental subjectivities and practices in a southwestern Oklahoma farming community are rooted in the massive state-level interventions of the New Deal era and their successors. We are likewise concerned with how those interventions have become interdigitated with moral discourses and community ethics, as simultaneous expressions of both farmers’ identities and the systems of power in which they practice farming. Through historic and (...)
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  28. Attention, Fixation, and Change Blindness.Tony Cheng - 2017 - Philosophical Inquiries 5 (1):19-26.
    The topic of this paper is the complex interaction between attention, fixation, and one species of change blindness. The two main interpretations of the target phenomenon are the ‘blindness’ interpretation and the ‘inaccessibility’ interpretation. These correspond to the sparse view (Dennett 1991; Tye, 2007) and the rich view (Dretske 2007; Block, 2007a, 2007b) of visual consciousness respectively. Here I focus on the debate between Fred Dretske and Michael Tye. Section 1 describes the target phenomenon and the dialectics it entails. Section (...)
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  29. The Sceptical Paradox and the Nature of the Self.Tony Cheng - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (1):3-14.
    In the present article, I attempt to relate Saul Kripke's “sceptical paradox” to some issues about the self; specifically, the relation between the self and its mental states and episodes. I start with a brief reconstruction of the paradox, and venture to argue that it relies crucially on a Cartesian model of the self: the sceptic regards the Wittgensteinian “infinite regress of interpretation” as the foundation of his challenge, and this is where he commits the crucial mistake. After the diagnosis, (...)
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    Expert Testimony, Law and Epistemic Authority.Tony Ward - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (2):263-277.
    This article discusses the concept of epistemic authority in the context of English law relating to expert testimony. It distinguishes between two conceptions of epistemic authority, one strong and one weak, and argues that only the weak conception is appropriate in a legal context, or in any other setting where reliance on experts can be publicly justified. It critically examines Linda Zagzebski's defence of a stronger conception of epistemic authority and questions whether epistemic authority is as closely analogous to practical (...)
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  31. Evaluating Williamson’s Anti-Scepticism.Tony Cheng - 2008 - Sorites 21:06-11.
    Timothy Williamson’s Knowledge and its Limits has been highly influential since the beginning of this century. It can be read as a systematic response to scepticism. One of the most important notions in this response is the notion of «evidence,» which will be the focus of the present paper. I attempt to show primarily two things. First, the notion of evidence invoked by Williamson does not address the sceptical worry: he stipulates an objective notion of evidence, but this begs the (...)
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  32. The Hegel-Marx Connection.Tony Burns & Ian Fraser - 2003 - Science and Society 67 (4):489-496.
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  33. Compositionality and Believing That.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 15:60-76.
    This paper is about compositionality, belief reports, and related issues. I begin by introducing Putnam’s proposal for understanding compositionality, namely that the sense of a sentence is a function of the sense of its parts and of its logical structure (section 1). Both Church and Sellars think that Putnam’s move is superfluous or unnecessary since there is no relevant puzzle to begin with (section 2). I will urge that Putnam is right in thinking that there is indeed a puzzle with (...)
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    The Role of Ethics in Social Theory: Essays From a Habermasian Perspective.Tony Smith - 1991 - State University of New York Press.
    Smith begins with a comprehensive analysis of social theory, presents a defense of Jurgen Habermas' main contribution to social ethics and contrasts Habermas' rational foundation for ethics with the decisionism defended by Max Weber, and ...
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    The possibility of empirical psychiatric ethics.John McMillan & Tony Hope - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven, Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 9--22.
  36. Self, Action and Passivity.Tony Cheng - 2015 - Philosophical Writings 44 (1):01-19.
    In a series of works Hubert Dreyfus argues that phenomenological considerations can show the falsity of John McDowell’s claim that ours actions are permeated with rationality. Dreyfus changes the details of his objections several times in this debate, but I shall argue that there is an implicit false assumption lurking in his thinking throughout his exchanges with McDowell. Originally Dreyfus proposed a distinction between “detached rule-following” and “situation-specific way of coping,” and later he replaces it with the distinction between “subjectivity” (...)
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  37. Ordinary—Modern—Post-Modern.Tony Morphet - 1992 - Theoria 80:129-141.
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  38. Necessary and sufficient conditions in tort law.Tony Honore - 1995 - In David G. Owen, Philosophical Foundations of Tort Law. Oxford University Press. pp. 363--385.
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  39. The Situational Structure of Primate Beliefs.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):50-57.
    This paper develops the situational model of primate beliefs from the Prior-Lurz line of thought. There is a strong skepticism concerning primate beliefs in the analytic tradition which holds that beliefs have to be propositional and non-human animals do not have them. The response offered in this paper is twofold. First, two arguments against the propositional model as applied to other animals are put forward: an a priori argument from referential opacity and an empirical argument from varieties of working memory. (...)
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  40. Social theory.Tony Lawson - 1999 - In Steve Fleetwood, Critical realism in economics: development and debate. New York: Routledge. pp. 3.
  41. Why Animals are Persons.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Animal Sentience 1 (10):5-6.
    Rowlands’s case for attributing personhood to lower animals is ultimately convincing, but along the way he fails to highlight several distinctions that are crucial for his argument: Personhood vs. personal identity; the first person vs. its mental episodes; and pre- reflective awareness in general vs. one specific case of it.
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  42. A Plea for the Plurality of Function.Tony Cheng - 2016 - Review of Contemporary Philosophy 15:70-81.
    In this paper I defend a pluralistic approach in understanding function, both in biological and other contexts. Talks about function are ubiquitous and crucial in biology, and it might be the key to bridge the “manifest image” and the “scientific image” identified by Sellars (1962). However, analysis of function has proven to be extremely difficult. The major puzzle is to make sense of “time-reversed causality”: how can property P be the cause of its realizer R? For example, “pumping blood” is (...)
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  43. The life of a polymath : shared threads of thinking and action.Professor Tony Bertram & Professor Chris Pascal - 2019 - In Nóirín Hayes & Mathias Urban, In search of social justice: John Bennett's lifetime contribution to early childhood policy and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  44. Thomas Peter Ruffell Laslett, 1915-2001.John Dunn & Tony Wrigley - 2005 - In Dunn John & Wrigley Tony, Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV. pp. 109-129.
  45.  23
    Remembering implied advertising claims as facts: Extensions to the “real world”.Richard J. Harris, Tony M. Dubitsky, Karen L. Perch, Cindy S. Ellerman & Mark W. Larson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):317-320.
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    Categorizing the body.Tony O'Connor - 1982 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 13 (3):226-235.
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    The Provocation of Levinas: Rethinking the Other, edited by Robert Bernasconi and David Wood.Tony O'Connor - 1991 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 22 (2):107-108.
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    When Adolescents Disagree with Their Vaccine-Hesitant Parents about COVID-19 Vaccination.Jana Shaw, Y. Tony Yang & Robert S. Olick - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (2):158-168.
    As we journey into the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Americans express relief at a “return to normal,” experience pandemic fatigue, or embrace the idea of living with COVID-19 in much the same way we live with the seasonal flu. But transition to a new phase of life with SARS-CoV-2 does not diminish the importance of vaccination. The US Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration recently recommended another round of booster dose for (...)
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    Subjectivism and interpretative methodology in theory and practice.Fu-Lai Tony Yu - 2020 - London: Anthem Press.
    The contemporary social science in general and economics in particular are dominated by the method of logical positivism in the British tradition. In contrast to the British philosophy, 'Subjectivism and Interpretative Methodology in Theory and Practice' adopts subjectivism and interpretation methodology to understand human behavior and social action. Unlike positivism, this subjectivist approach, with its root in German idealism, takes human experience as the sole foundation of factual knowledge. All objective facts have to be interpreted and evaluated by human minds. (...)
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    The Next Democracy?: The Possibility of Popular Control.Tony Milligan - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Responding to widespread disenchantment with electoral politics, this book gives a practical examination of the possibilities offered by a generalized system of direct democracy.
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