Results for 'Tan Gong'

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  1.  19
    On the Highlights and Limits of Laozi's Tao.Junheng Sun, Tan Gong & Xinyu Zhang - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Future Time Perspective Impacts Gain-Related but Not Loss-Related Intertemporal Choice.Tian Li, Yuxin Tan, Xianmin Gong, Shufei Yin, Fangshu Qiu & Xue Hu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3. Ouzhou zhe xue fan chou jian shi.Wulin Li, Xintian Tan & Xing Gong (eds.) - 1986 - Jinan: Shandong sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Baguacheng tan Yi: di wu jie Zhongguo, Tekesi shi jie Zhou yi lun tan lun wen ji.Pengcheng Gong (ed.) - 2014 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  5. Ke xue xue tan suo.Jinxing Gong - 1984 - [Nanjing shi]: Fa xing Jiangsu sheng xin hua shu dian.
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  6. Tan tan gong chan zhu yi dao de.Jiemin Wu - 1981 - [Canton]: Guangdong sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Bian: xue xiao jiao yu ping jia guan tan suo zhi lü = Change: a journey to explore the view of the school education evaluation = Bian: xuexiao jiaoyu pingjiaguang tansuo zhi lü.Xiaohua Gong - 2007 - Beijing: Jiao yu ke xue chu ban she.
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  8. Gong chan zhu yi li xiang zong heng tan.Jinjun Yang - 1985 - [Zhengzhou shi]: Henan sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Baoding Sun & Fazhou Wei.
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  9. (1 other version)Gong si ling yu xin tan: Dong Ya yu xi fang guan dian zhi bi jiao.Junjie Huang & Yihua Jiang (eds.) - 2005 - Taibei Shi: Guo Li Tai Wan da Xue Chu Ban Zhong Xin.
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    Si kao yu tan suo: qing nian zhe xue she hui ke xue gong zuo zhe Huang Shan hui yi lun wen ji.Kuang Luo (ed.) - 1989 - Hefei: Zhongguo ke xue ji shu da xue chu ban she.
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  11. Gong chan zhu yi dao de xin tan.Zhongying Li - 1982 - [Nanjing shi]: Jiangsu sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Zhu ti, gong fu yu xing dong: Zhu Xi zhe xue de xin tan suo.Yingnuan Huang - 2019 - Taibei Shi: Zheng da chu ban she. Edited by Kaizhi Ma & Wei-Chieh Lin.
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    Zhu tu wei tan: duo yuan wen hua yu gong gong zheng zhi.Guangyun Cheng - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Hua xia chu ban she ;.
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    "Kongzi jia yu" gong an tan yuan =.Wei Liu - 2014 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    《孔子家語》真偽問題,是中國學術史上一個著名公案。作者考鏡源流、旁征博引、推陳出新,着力從公案學的角度,對與王肅偽造《家語》說相關的公案群進行透徹的爬梳與剔抉;對此案產生的諸多取徑,如誤說誤文流傳訛變 、疏證辨偽方法移植錯置、文本內外關系牽強附會等進行認真的推究與歸納;就丁晏所謂王肅偽造眾書之說對康有為的劉歆遍偽群經說之影響進行清晰的提示與論證;對此案所涉《家語》三序的可信性程度、孔安國身世等重要而 又諸說紛紜的史事進行縝密的析說與考證。.
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    Wen hua de mi gong: hou zhou xin shi dai de Zhongguo li shi tan mi.Yuanshan Zhang - 2005 - Shanghai: Fudan da xue chu ban she.
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    An shen li ming: xian dai Hua ren gong si ling yu de tan suo yu chong jian.Shuzhen Li - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    在西化、現代化、全球化的衝擊下, 華人如何奮鬥掙扎,在公私領域裡安身立命? 從思想史的角度切入, 就家族倫理、宗教信仰、美學思想、政治理念、文化衝擊、自我認同等面向, 析論梁啟超、李叔同、林語堂、徐復觀等民國知識分子, 深入呈現20世紀的華人精神世界。 在舊社會、舊道德傾頹之際,現代華人不僅要創建公私領域內的制度性架構,更要摸索相應的信仰與價值觀。《安身立命》探討梁啟超、李叔同、林語堂等人,如何分別在儒家、佛教、道家、基督教的引領下做生命的實踐;也以 徐復觀在台灣的經驗為例,說明兩岸文化如何激盪交融,和以儒家民主及儒家美學建立「華人現代性」的可能性。最後,作者李淑珍思考人格主義在全球化時代的意義,肯定儒家不論在公領域或私領域,依然是華人安身立命的重 要精神資源。全書理性與感性兼具,值得細細品味。.
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  17. Ming xing ying pian gong si tan xi.Qing Ai - 2017 - Shanghai Shi: Dong fang chu ban zhong xin. Edited by Bin Zhou.
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    Si xiang gong zuo nan dian tan jie.Zongchang Liang & Liusheng Xie (eds.) - 1991 - Nanning Shi: Guangxi ren min chu ban she.
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    Zhui xun chai chuan zu ji: Meiguo sheng gong hui zai Hua chai chuan tan xi (1835-1920).Meimei Lin - 2011 - Guilin: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    本书是林美玫教授结合美国宗教史、近现代中国史、美国圣公会教会史、中美关系史、差传学等的学术训练, 分析十九世纪美国圣公会中国差会的男、女传教士们如何面对在华发展传教事业的挣扎与突破的一本专论.
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    Zhi du lun li yan jiu: tan xun gong gong dao de li xing de sheng cheng lu jing = Zhidu lunli yanjiu: tanxun gonggong daode lixing de shengcheng lujing.Renwu Li - 2009 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  21. Kai fa zhi li di gong ju: xing shi luo ji qu tan.Xineng Fu (ed.) - 1986 - Nanchang: Jiangxi sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  22. Guan yu jing shen wen ming jian she di li lun tan tao: xue xi "Zhong gong zhong yang guan yu she hui zhu yi jing shen wen ming jian she zhi dao fang zhen di jue yi".Xiaolin Zhang & Huaiming Hao (eds.) - 1987 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Zun wang yu fu qiang: Li Gou shi gong zheng zhi zhe xue tan wei = Zunwang yu fuqiang.Derong Du - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Xue xi chu ban she.
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    Shao Yong yi xue yu xin ru xue si xiang yan jiu.Xitong Song - 2011 - Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu gong fen wei liu zhang, qi zhu yao bao kuo: xu lun ; Shao Yong sheng ping ji qi zhu zuo wen ben kao bian ; Shao Yong xue shu si xiang de li shi bei jing ji yuan yuan ; Shao Yong xue shu si xiang yuan yuan; shao yong yi shu yu yi tu si xiang tan jiu deng nei rong.
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    Lun heng: wai shi yi zhong.Chong Wang - 1992 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
    Lun heng / Wang Chong zhuan -- Feng su tong yi / Ying Shao zhuan -- Feng shi wen jian ji / Feng Yan zhuan -- Shang shu gu shi / Li Chuo zhuan -- Guan qi xia yu / bu zhao zhuan ren -- Chun ming tui chao lu / Song Minqiu zhuan -- Song Jingwen bi ji / Song Qi zhuan -- Dong yuan lu / Gong Dingchen zhuan -- Wang shi tan lu / Wang Qinchen zhuan (...)
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    Zhong wan Ming shi ren de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou: yi Li Cai (1529-1607) wei zhong xin de yan jiu.Yong Liu - 2015 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
    Ben shu yi Ming ru Li Cai de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou wei zhong xin, tan tao cong shi liu shi ji chu dao shi qi shi ji mo li xue qun ti zhong xin xing xue shuo he xue pai de chan sheng, chuan bo, kuo zhan yu chuan cheng de mo shi, bing zhuo zhong cong si xiang shi de jiao du jie shi zhe zhong mo shi chan sheng he yun xing de (...)
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    Tian zao sheng ren: xian Qin zhi zhe yu zhi hui.Zhenyan Ding - 2001 - Shenyang Shi: Liao hai chu ban she. Edited by Jingdong Wu.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Shi yi chang ji yi zhi yi: wan Qing zhe xue.Zhengxue Hua - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Fa bu rong qing: fa jia si xiang de yan bian.Rongdong Jin - 2001 - [Shenyang]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Nei sheng wai wang: ru dao si xiang de fa zhan.Jian Li - 2001 - [Shenyang]: Liao hai chu ban she. Edited by Dan Xie.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Zhi zun li xue: Liang Song zhe xue.Songyu Li - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Tian ren xing ming: li xue si xiang liu bai nian.Fushun Shen - 2001 - [Shenyang]: Liao hai chu ban she. Edited by Genhong Dong.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Tian di qian kun: yin yang si xiang qian lun.Yanping Shi - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Mao sai dun kai: xian Qin zhe xue.Chaozeng Wang - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Ren yi li zhi xin: lun li si xiang gai shuo.Xiuxiang Yang - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Fo lao xuan feng: Wei Jin Nan Bei chao zhe xue.Zhantao Yu - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Ming zheng yan shun: ming jia si xiang de xing shuai.Hao Zhu - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she. Edited by Dongji Wang.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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    Li Gong wen ji.Gong Li - 2011 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei ren min chu ban she. Edited by Ziping Deng & Shanbang Chen.
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    Gong Daogeng ru xue lun ji.Xiangnong Gong - 2010 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Dongmei Li.
    本书收入其论著22种. 主要有《经学通论》, 《中国文学史略论》, 《三礼述要》, 《旧唐书札迻》等.
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    Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict.David G. Alpher, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Rom Harre, S. Ayse Kadayifici-Orellana, Joseph V. Montville, Marc H. Ross, Dennis J. D. Sandole, Peter N. Stearns, Lena Tan & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Identity, Morality, and Threat offers a critical examination of the social psychological processes that generate outgroup devaluation and ingroup glorification as the source of conflict. Daniel Rothbart and Karyna Korostelina bring together essays analyzing the causal relationship between escalating violence and opposing images of the Self and Other.
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    Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations in Multiple-Frequency Bands in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.Jie Zhan, Lei Gao, Fuqing Zhou, Lijun Bai, Hongmei Kuang, Laichang He, Xianjun Zeng & Honghan Gong - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Virtual reality for neurorehabilitation and cognitive enhancement.Danko D. Georgiev, Iva Georgieva, Zhengya Gong, Vijayakumar Nanjappan & Georgi V. Georgiev - 2021 - Brain Sciences 11 (2):221.
    Our access to computer-generated worlds changes the way we feel, how we think, and how we solve problems. In this review, we explore the utility of different types of virtual reality, immersive or non-immersive, for providing controllable, safe environments that enable individual training, neurorehabilitation, or even replacement of lost functions. The neurobiological effects of virtual reality on neuronal plasticity have been shown to result in increased cortical gray matter volumes, higher concentration of electroencephalographic beta-waves, and enhanced cognitive performance. Clinical application (...)
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  43. Religious Upbringing: a Rejoinder and Responses.Michael Hand, Jim Mackenzie, Peter Gardner & Charlene Tan - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (4):639-662.
    In this symposium Michael Hand presents a rejoinder to criticisms of his ‘Religious Upbringing Reconsidered’ (Journal of Philosophy of Education, 36.4) by Jim Mackenzie, Peter Gardner and Charlene Tan. Defending the idea of the logical possibility of non-indoctrinatory religious upbringing, he attempts to show that none of their various objections is successful. Mackenzie, Gardner and Tan each offer a response.
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    Gong Pixiang zi xuan ji.Pixiang Gong - 2010 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she.
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    Dr. Levent SEVİNÇOK, Dr. Yaşar KÜÇÜKARDALI, Dr. Çiğdem DEREBOY, Dr. Ferhan DEREBOY.Çevrimiçi Yayıncılık, Yayınlanmamış Makaleler, Tüm Metin, Genç Erkeklerde Madde Kullanımı, Sosyodemografik Özellikler & Psikiyatrik Tanılar - 2000 - Substance 11 (1):40-48.
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    From Entrepreneurship Education, Government Support, and Global Competence to Entrepreneurial Behavior: The Serial Double Mediating Effect of the Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention.Jinzi Zhang, Bing Li, Yanning Zhang, Chi Gong & Ziyang Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in promoting the social and economic development of a country. At present, entrepreneurship education is widely carried out in universities and colleges in order to improve students’ entrepreneurial ability, and then to provide support for the formation of a comprehensive entrepreneurial situation. As entrepreneurship education has gradually become a hot topic of teaching for innovation and entrepreneurship education of international students, studies on the influencing mechanism of entrepreneurship education of international students in relation to their (...)
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    Performance of the 2D Coupled Map Lattice Model and Its Application in Image Encryption.Zhuo Liu, Jin Yuan Liu, Leo Yu Zhang, Yong Zhao & Xiao Feng Gong - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    The two-dimensional coupled map lattice model has been extensively employed as the basis component for designing various schemes in the cryptography system due to its complicated chaotic dynamic behavior. In this study, we analyze the chaotic characteristics of the 2D CML model, such as the Lyapunov exponent, synchronization stability, bifurcation, and ergodicity. We then show that the chaotic sequences generated by the 2D CML model are random according to the NIST testing. Furthermore, we propose an image encryption scheme based on (...)
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    The Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Post-stroke Dysphagia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Xin Wen, Zicai Liu, Lida Zhong, Yang Peng, Jing Wang, Huiyu Liu & Xiaoqian Gong - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundRepetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation applied to the mylohyoid cortical region has positive clinical effects on post-stroke. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the efficacy of rTMS for patients with post-stroke dysphagia.MethodsAccording to PRISMA guidelines, we searched the databases of MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Embase, Web of Science, CNKI, Wangfang. We searched for studies of randomized controlled trials of rTMS to treat dysphagia after stroke and screened by inclusion and exclusion criteria. Features of RCTs were extracted. The heterogeneity of the trials (...)
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    Investigation of twin–twin interaction in deformed magnesium alloy.Qi Sun, Andriy Ostapovets, Xiyan Zhang, Li Tan & Qing Liu - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-11.
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    Spatial Representation of Ordinal Information.Meng Zhang, Xuefei Gao, Baichen Li, Shuyuan Yu, Tianwei Gong, Ting Jiang, Qingfen Hu & Yinghe Chen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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