Results for 'Sándor Gurbai'

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  1.  49
    Surveying the Geneva impasse: Coercive care and human rights.Wayne Martin & Sándor Gurbai - 2019 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 64:117-128.
    The United Nations human rights system has in recent years been divided on the question as to whether coercive care interventions, including coercive psychiatric care, can ever be justified under UN human rights standards. Some within the UN human rights community hold that coercive care can comply with human rights standards, provided that the coercive intervention is a necessary and proportionate means to achieve certain approved aims, and that appropriate legal safeguards are in place. Others have held that coercive care (...)
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    (1 other version)Correction to: The Hahn Embedding Theorem for a Class of Residuated Semigroups.Sándor Jenei - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (4):887-901.
    Let be the class of odd involutive even the notion of partial lex products is not sufficiently general. One more tweak is needed, a slightly even more complex construction, called partial sublex product, introduced here.
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    The Hahn Embedding Theorem for a Class of Residuated Semigroups.Sándor Jenei - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1161-1206.
    Hahn’s embedding theorem asserts that linearly ordered abelian groups embed in some lexicographic product of real groups. Hahn’s theorem is generalized to a class of residuated semigroups in this paper, namely, to odd involutive commutative residuated chains which possess only finitely many idempotent elements. To this end, the partial lexicographic product construction is introduced to construct new odd involutive commutative residuated lattices from a pair of odd involutive commutative residuated lattices, and a representation theorem for odd involutive commutative residuated chains (...)
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    Grandmothers and Children’s Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa.Sandor Schrijner & Jeroen Smits - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (1):65-89.
    Under poor circumstances, co-residence of a grandmother is generally considered to be beneficial for children. Empirical evidence does not unequivocally support this expectation and suggests that the grandmother’s importance depends on the family’s circumstances. We study the relationship between grandmother’s co-residence and children’s schooling in sub-Saharan Africa under a broad range of circumstances. Results make clear that the effect of a co-residing grandmother varies but is almost always positive. Grandmothers over age 60 are most effective in helping their children. They (...)
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    Group Representation for Even and Odd Involutive Commutative Residuated Chains.Sándor Jenei - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):881-922.
    For odd and for even involutive, commutative residuated chains a representation theorem is presented in this paper by means of direct systems of abelian o-groups equipped with further structure. This generalizes the corresponding result of J. M. Dunnabout finite Sugihara monoids.
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    Psychological and social structures.Sandor B. Brent - 1984 - Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates.
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    Anglo-Saxon Prognostics, 900-1100: Study and Texts.Sándor Chardonnens - 2007 - Brill.
    This book offers an analysis of the status and function of the Anglo-Saxon prognostics in their manuscript context, a study of their introduction to and transmission in Anglo-Saxon England, and, for the first time, a comprehensive edition of prognostics in Old English and Latin.
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    (1 other version)Correction to: Group Representation for Even and Odd Involutive Commutative Residuated Chains.Sándor Jenei - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):923-924.
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  9. The Present Situation of Philosophy in Hungary (Philosophical Institutions, Orientations and Attitudes).Sandor Laczko - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (2):97-106.
    After the rule of the canonized Marxism has come to an end, the present situation of philosophy in Hungary might be characterized as pluralistic and colourful. The academic, educational and institutional structure of philosophy, as well as the situation concerning the publication of journals and books has changed equally. In general, each of the relevant philosophical trends has gained its representation, significant individual and collective achievements have been reached, and we have also witnessed the rise of a new philosophical generation. (...)
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  10. Genome editing : learning from its past and envisioning its future.Judit Sandor - 2023 - In Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen & Ana Nordberg (eds.), Governing, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing: the significance of ELSPI perspectives. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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  11. Une Figure Oubliee de L’Exil Roumain: Luc Badesco.Sándor Seres - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:35-40.
    A Forgotten Figure of the Romanian Exile: Luc Badesco. Luc Badesco’s name is not among those generally retained by those who dealt with the Romanian cultural exile in France in the last century. References to this literary historian, who became the first Romanian professor of French literature at the University of Sorbonne, are rare. He became known through his research in the field of French literature, but his presence in the specific activities of the Romanian exile was quite low, which (...)
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    A zene metafizikája.Sándor Szabó - 2011 - Budapest: Püski.
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    On the structure of rotation-invariant semigroups.Sándor Jenei - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (5):489-514.
    We generalize the notions of Girard algebras and MV-algebras by introducing rotation-invariant semigroups. Based on a geometrical characterization, we present five construction methods which result in rotation-invariant semigroups and in particular, Girard algebras and MV-algebras. We characterize divisibility of MV-algebras, and point out that integrality of Girard algebras follows from their other axioms.
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    Möbian Nights: reading literature and darkness.Sandor Goodhart - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Möbian Nights: Literary Reading in a Time of Crisis develops a new understanding of literary reading: that in the wake of disasters like the Holocaust, death remains a premise of our experience rather than a future. Challenging customary "aesthetic" assumptions that we write in order not to die, Sandor Goodhart suggests (with Kafka) we write to die. Drawing upon analyses developed by Girard, Foucault, Blanchot, and Levinas (along with examples from Homer to Beckett), Möbian Nights proposes that all literature works (...)
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    The Fake: Forgery and its Place in Art.Sándor Radnóti - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Sándor Radnóti looks at forgeries, artistic reproductions, replicas, variations, and pastiches in order to study the dilemmas surrounding artistic illusion and "poetic license." He reveals how forgeries as the parasites of art make clear and transparent the meaning of artistic orginality.
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    A proof of standard completeness for Esteva and Godo's logic MTL.Sándor Jenei & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (2):183-192.
    In the present paper we show that any at most countable linearly-ordered commutative residuated lattice can be embedded into a commutative residuated lattice on the real unit interval [0, 1]. We use this result to show that Esteva and Godo''s logic MTL is complete with respect to interpretations into commutative residuated lattices on [0, 1]. This solves an open problem raised in.
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    Gedanken über das Trauma.Sándor Ferenczi - 2020 - Psyche 74 (5):364-378.
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    Ervin Vályi Nagy.Sándor Fazakas - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 66 (3):223-228.
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    »Wohin treibt Europa?« Anmerkungen zu einem viel diskutierten Thema aus theologisch-ethischer Sicht.Sándor Fazakas - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 64 (2):83-89.
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    COV&R Annual Meeting at Purdue University Postponed.Sandor Goodhart & Tom Ryba - 2020 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 64:11-11.
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    Involutive Uninorm Logic with Fixed Point enjoys finite strong standard completeness.Sándor Jenei - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (1):67-86.
    An algebraic proof is presented for the finite strong standard completeness of the Involutive Uninorm Logic with Fixed Point ($${{\mathbf {IUL}}^{fp}}$$ IUL fp ). It may provide a first step towards settling the standard completeness problem for the Involutive Uninorm Logic ($${\mathbf {IUL}}$$ IUL, posed in G. Metcalfe, F. Montagna. (J Symb Log 72:834–864, 2007)) in an algebraic manner. The result is proved via an embedding theorem which is based on the structural description of the class of odd involutive FL$$_e$$ (...)
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    On involutive FLe-monoids.Sándor Jenei & Hiroakira Ono - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):719-738.
    The paper deals with involutive FLe-monoids, that is, commutative residuated, partially-ordered monoids with an involutive negation. Involutive FLe-monoids over lattices are exactly involutive FLe-algebras, the algebraic counterparts of the substructural logic IUL. A cone representation is given for conic involutive FLe-monoids, along with a new construction method, called twin-rotation. Some classes of finite involutive FLe-chains are classified by using the notion of rank of involutive FLe-chains, and a kind of duality is developed between positive and non-positive rank algebras. As a (...)
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  23. The fifth commandment. (Das funfte Gebote. Imago IX, (1), 1923, 129-130).Sandor Rado - 2021 - In H. Newton Malony & Edward P. Shafranske (eds.), Early Psychoanalytic Religious Writings. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Cioran Et la Philosophie Existentielle de Leon Chestov.Sándor Seres - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:61-67.
    Cioran and the Existential Philosophy of Lev Shestov. Cioran is said to have been influenced by Pascal, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, the author of La Chute dans le temps, thus enrolling in the line of existential philosophy. Much less - or not at all - is mentioned in this context Lev Shestov, who exerted a considerable influence on the intellectual environments in France, but also in Romania, in the period immediately following the First World War. Cioran considered Shestov as one of (...)
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  25. Erdélyiek egyetemjárása a középkorban [Siebenbürger an Europas Universitäten im Mittelalter]. Bukarest.Tonk Sándor - forthcoming - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy.
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    Scientia Et Virtus.Sándor Scientia Et Virtus & Durzsa (eds.) - 1978 - Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Konyvtaranak Kiadasa.
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  27. Reproduction, self, and state.Judit Sándor - 2002 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 69 (1):115-141.
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    Equality Algebras.Sándor Jenei - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (6):1201-1209.
    A new structure, called equality algebras, will be introduced. It has two connectives, a meet operation and an equivalence, and a constant. A closure operator will be defined in the class of equality algebras, and we call the closed algebras equivalential. We show that equivalential equality algebras are term equivalent with BCK-algebras with meet. As a by-product, we obtain a quite general result, which is analogous to a result of Kabziński and Wroński: we provide an equational characterization for the equivalential (...)
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    Love—You Wonderful Thing! A Brief Philosophy and Pedagogy About Love.Sándor Karikó - 2024 - Philosophy Study 14 (5).
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    Pseudo equality algebras.Sándor Jenei & László Kóródi - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):469-481.
    A new structure, called pseudo equality algebras, will be introduced. It has a constant and three connectives: a meet operation and two equivalences. A closure operator will be introduced in the class of pseudo equality algebras; we call the closed algebras equivalential. We show that equivalential pseudo equality algebras are term equivalent with pseudo BCK-meet-semilattices. As a by-product we obtain a general result, which is analogous to a result of Kabziński and Wroński: we provide an equational characterization for the equivalence (...)
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    Pflicht.Sándor Fazakas - 2014 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 58 (2):136-139.
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    Immer noch in der »Identitätsfalle«? Mit sozialer Kultur gegen jegliche Identitätspolitik.Sándor Fazakas - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 68 (4):246-252.
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    Introduction.Sandor Goodhart - 2017 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 51:3-3.
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  34. Levinas and the ethics of sacrifice : reading 'Dying for...' adverbially.Sandor Goodhart - 2025 - In Christopher Buckman, Melissa Bradley, Jack Marsh & James McLachlan (eds.), The event of the good: reading Levinas in a Levinasian way. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    The Ethics of Criticism (review).Sandor Goodhart - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (1):173-175.
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    Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World (review).Sandor Goodhart - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (1):172-173.
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    The Effective Power of Art: On Benjamin's Aesthetics.Sandor Radnoti - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (49):61-82.
  38.  24
    Let us talk about eggs! Professional resistance to elective egg vitrification and gendered medical paternalism.Judit Sándor, Lilla Vicsek & Zsófia Bauer - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (3):311-323.
    In this paper, by applying a feminist bioethical perspective, we identify a new form of medical paternalism that still shapes contemporary legal policies on human egg cryopreservation performed without medical reasons. The fear of negligent, careless women who opt to delay their pregnancy for mere convenience is a widely known gender biased stereotype. Nevertheless, the opinions and judgments of medical professionals on this issue have not yet been sufficiently explored by in-depth research. In this essay, therefore, first we look at (...)
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    Text, frame, discourse.András Sándor - 1990 - Semiotica 78 (1-2).
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    On the axiomatizability of some first-order spatio-temporal theories.Sándor Vályi - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):1-17.
    Spatio-temporal logic is a variant of branching temporal logic where one of the so-called causal relations on spacetime plays the role of a time flow. Allowing only rational numbers as space and time co-ordinates, we prove that a first-order spatio-temporal theory over this flow is recursively enumerable if and only if the dimension of spacetime does not exceed 2. The situation is somewhat different compared to the case of real co-ordinates, because we establish that even dimension 2 does not permit (...)
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    The Prophetic Law: Essays in Judaism, Girardianism, Literary Studies, and the Ethical.Sandor Goodhart - 2014 - East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
    To read literature is to read the way literature reads. René Girard’s immense body of work supports this thesis bountifully. Whether engaging the European novel, ancient Greek tragedy, Shakespeare’s plays, or Jewish and Christian scripture, Girard teaches us to read prophetically, not by offering a method he has developed, but by presenting the methodologies they have developed, the interpretative readings already available within (and constitutive of) such bodies of classical writing. In The Prophetic Law, literary scholar, theorist, and critic Sandor (...)
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    Content analysis of 4 to 8 year-old children's dream reports.Piroska Sándor, Sára Szakadát, Katinka Kertész & Róbert Bódizs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  43. Incompatibility of sulphate compounds and soluble bicarbonate salts in the Rio Cruces waters: an answer to the disappearance of Egeria densa and black-necked swans in a RAMSAR sanctuary.Sandor Mulsow & Mariano Grandjean - 2006 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 2006:5-11.
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    On the reflection invariance of residuated chains.Sándor Jenei - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):220-227.
    It is shown that, under certain conditions, a subset of the graph of a commutative residuated chain is invariant under a geometric reflection. This result implies that a certain part of the graph of the monoidal operation of a commutative residuated chain determines another part of the graph via the reflection on one hand, and tells us about the structure of continuity points of the monoidal operation on the other. Finally, these results are applied for the subdomains of uniqueness problem, (...)
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  45. A Critical Theory of Communication Agnes Heller's Confession to Philosophy.Sandor Radnoti - 1987 - Thesis Eleven 16 (1):104-111.
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    What Is the Conformity-Nonconformity Dichotomy?Sándor Karikó - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (10).
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  47. Metaphor or Diaphor? On the Difference Particular To Language.Andras Sandor - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (134):106-128.
    The idea that language is metaphoric in nature has often been suggested or stated since Vico and Rousseau. Derrida, too, often writes about metaphor and the impression he gives is that he is arguing for the metaphoric nature of both thought, whether philosophic or not, and language. Interpreters like de Man or Culler have helped to spread this impression. If it is correct, Derrida shares a pan-metaphoric view of language and whatever can be made with it. It is useful to (...)
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    Funktion der Moral für kollektive Identitäten: Eine Verhältnisbestimmung von Zivilreligion und Kirche in Ungarn.Sándor Fazakas - 2016 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 60 (1):48-57.
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    Identität(en) zwischen Universalismus und Partikularismus: Europa in der Krise – Anmerkungen aus mittelosteuropäischer Perspektive.Sándor Fazakas - 2013 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 57 (4):282-288.
    The purpose of this paper is to find out to what extent the European economic crisis and the search for a way out of it can be considered a crisis of values, and whether the interpretation of this situation can be reduced to the controversy of confrontation between the unified Europe and individual nation states. Historically the European nations used to live their identity in the framework of nation states. The question is whether the existence of nation states is out-of-date, (...)
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  50.  24
    Opfer – zwischen Metaphorik und Wirklichkeit?Sándor Fazakas - 2013 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 57 (2):83-88.
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