The purpose of this paper is to find out to what extent the European economic crisis and the search for a way out of it can be considered a crisis of values, and whether the interpretation of this situation can be reduced to the controversy of confrontation between the unified Europe and individual nation states. Historically the European nations used to live their identity in the framework of nation states. The question is whether the existence of nation states is out-of-date, and whether the uniform European identity can be the ideal solution. Can Imre Kertész be right when he states in his response to Habermas that sublime European-political theories are made for keeping the new member states away from significant decisions? The specific historical, cultural and social make-up of the Eastern-Middle European states and the present economical tensions in the societies in the centre and on the periphery cannot be set aside and have to be taken into consideration. In summary the author concludes that the viability of the development of the common European identity may become possible on the basis of the common historical experience, solidarity and of taking mutual responsibility.