Results for 'Stefano Pone'

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  1.  14
    Anca Vasiliu, Montrer l’'me. Lecture du Phèdre de Platon, Paris, Sorbonne Université Presses («Philosophies»), 2021. [REVIEW]Stefano Pone - 2022 - Chôra 20:383-387.
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    La saturación icónica: la Fenomenología de la religión como crítica a la metafísica.Stefano Santasilia - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):352-366.
    La fenomenología de la religión pone, en su propia constitución, en jaque la problemática del estatuto del fenómeno con respecto a la posibilidad de la manifestación de algo que, estructuralmente, tiene que desbordar las posibilidades de la conciencia. Este problema, ya detectado por algunos fenomenólogos en los tiempos inmediatamente sucesivos a la fundación de la fenomenología como corriente filosófica, queda declinado de manera específica por Jean Luc Marion, a través de su reconfiguración del estatuto del fenómeno a partir de (...)
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    L'arte è origine: ritmo, tempo, silenzio.Stefano Esengrini - 2022 - Milano-Torino: Pearson.
    'L'arte è una consacrazione e un luogo protetto, in cui l'esistente dona all'uomo ogni volta in modo nuovo il proprio sino a quel momento recondito splendore, affinché in tale chiarore egli possa vedere più nitidamente e ascoltare in modo più distinto ciò che si destina al suo essere.' Così si esprimeva Martin Heidegger nelle battute iniziali di un suo saggio degli anni Cinquanta, in cui il filosofo tedesco si proponeva di risvegliare l'attenzione dell'uomo occidentale nei confronti della differenza abissale che (...)
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    On Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic: Axiomatisation and Algebraic Analysis.Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Francesco Paoli & Luisa Peruzzi - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):253-297.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic is the 3-valued logic with two designated values defined through the weak Kleene tables. This paper is a first attempt to investigate PWK within the perspective and methods of abstract algebraic logic. We give a Hilbert-style system for PWK and prove a normal form theorem. We examine some algebraic structures for PWK, called involutive bisemilattices, showing that they are distributive as bisemilattices and that they form a variety, \, generated by the 3-element algebra WK; we also (...)
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  5. What Is New about the Exposome? Exploring Scientific Change in Contemporary Epidemiology.Stefano Canali - 2020 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2879 (17).
    In this commentary, I discuss the scientific changes brought by the exposome, asking what is new about this approach and line of research. I place the exposome in a historical perspective, by analyzing the conditions under which the exposome has been conceived, developed and established in the context of contemporary epidemiological research. I argue that the exposome has been developed by transferring approaches, methods and conceptualizations from other lines of research in the life and health sciences. I thus discuss the (...)
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  6. On the Effects of Ethical Climate(s) on Employees’ Behavior: A Social Identity Approach.Stefano Pagliaro, Alessandro Lo Presti, Massimiliano Barattucci, Valeria A. Giannella & Manuela Barreto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:372639.
    The spread and publicity given to questionable practices in the corporate world during the last two decades has fostered an increasing interest about the importance of ethical work for organizations, practitioners, scholars and, last but not least, the wider public. Relying on the Social Identity Approach, we suggest that the effects of different ethical climates on employee behaviors are driven by affective identification with the organization and, in parallel, by cognitive moral (dis)engagement. We compared the effects of two particular ethical (...)
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  7. (1 other version)"Ein Bewußtsein, das selbst Pflicht ist": Fichtes unkantische Auffassung des Gewissens und ihr philosophischer Kontext.Stefano Bacin - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:306-325.
    Aim of the paper is contributing to a context-informed understanding of Fichte’s theory of conscience. This crucial element in his moral philosophy (and, in fact, in his whole philosophy) represents the last of the many significant accounts of conscience in the 18th century, before in the following century the role of conscience in moral life was repeatedly put into question. Accordingly, in my paper I argue that: (1) Fichte puts forward an un-Kantian account of conscience, following, instead, a quite different (...)
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    Dualities for Płonka Sums.Stefano Bonzio - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):327-339.
    Płonka sums consist of an algebraic construction similar, in some sense, to direct limits, which allows to represent classes of algebras defined by means of regular identities. Recently, Płonka sums have been connected to logic, as they provide algebraic semantics to logics obtained by imposing a syntactic filter to given logics. In this paper, I present a very general topological duality for classes of algebras admitting a Płonka sum representation in terms of dualisable algebras.
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  9. On the ontology of functions.Stefano Borgo, Riichiro Mizoguchi & Barry Smith - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (2):99-104.
    This special issue of Applied Ontology is devoted to the foundation, the comparison and the application of functional theories in all areas, with particular attention to the biological and engineering domains. It includes theoretical and technical contributions related to the description, characterization, and application of functions.
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  10. Configurations of Masculinity: A Feminist Perspective on Modern.Christine di Stefano - forthcoming - Political Theory.
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    Meritocracy in Singapore.Stefano Harney - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (11):1139-1148.
    This article considers the role of meritocracy in the ruling ideology of Singapore. It argues that meritocracy, far from being a system for the management of scarce resources, is in fact the imposi...
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    Philosophy of Advanced medical Imaging.Elisabetta Lalumera & Stefano Fanti - 2021 - Springer International.
    This is the first book to explore the epistemology and ethics of advanced imaging tests, in order to improve the critical understanding of the nature of knowledge they provide and the practical consequences of their utilization in healthcare. Advanced medical imaging tests, such as PET and MRI, have gained center stage in medical research and in patients’ care. They also increasingly raise questions that pertain to philosophy: What is required to be an expert in reading images? How are standards for (...)
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  13. Il retrofit tecnologico degli edifici esistenti: qualità dell'abitare, sostenibilità ambientale, rilancio economico.Mariangela Bellomo & Sergio Pone - forthcoming - Techne.
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    Corporate Scandals and Capital Structure.Stefano Bonini & Diana Boraschi - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (S2):241 - 269.
    We analyze whether companies involved in a security class action suit (SCAS) exhibit differential capital structure decisions, and if the information revealed by a corporate scandal affects the security issuances and stock prices of industry peers. Our findings show that before a SCAS is filed, companies involved in a scandal show a greater amount of security offerings than their peers and, due to equity mispricing, are more likely to use equity as a financing mechanism. Following a SCAS filling, these companies (...)
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    Models of Disability in Children’s Pretend Play: Measurement of Cognitive Representations and Affective Expression Using the Affect in Play Scale.Stefano Federici, Fabio Meloni, Antonio Catarinella & Claudia Mazzeschi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Representing quantum structures as near semirings.Stefano Bonzio, Ivan Chajda & Antonio Ledda - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (5).
  17. Full mereogeometries.Stefano Borgo & Claudio Masolo - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):521-567.
    We analyze and compare geometrical theories based on mereology (mereogeometries). Most theories in this area lack in formalization, and this prevents any systematic logical analysis. To overcome this problem, we concentrate on specific interpretations for the primitives and use them to isolate comparable models for each theory. Relying on the chosen interpretations, we introduce the notion of environment structure, that is, a minimal structure that contains a (sub)structure for each theory. In particular, in the case of mereogeometries, the domain of (...)
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    Goethe, Müller, Hering und das Problem der Empfindung.Stefano Poggi - 2018 - In Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt & Michael Hagner, Johannes Müller und die Philosophie. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 191-206.
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    Contextualism, Factivity and Closure: A Union That Should Not Take Place?Nicla Vassallo & Stefano Leardi - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book analyses an inconsistency within epistemic contextualism known as the factivity problem. It also provides key insights into epistemic contextualism, an important innovation in contemporary epistemology, enabling readers to gain a better understanding of the various solutions to the factivity problem. As the authors demonstrate, each explanation is based on a different interpretation of the problem. Divided into seven chapters, the book offers comprehensive coverage of this topic, which will be of major interest to philosophers engaged in epistemology and (...)
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    Artifact and Artifact Categorization: Comparing Humans and Capuchin Monkeys.Stefano Borgo, Noemi Spagnoletti, Laure Vieu & Elisabetta Visalberghi - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):375-389.
    We aim to show that far-related primates like humans and the capuchin monkeys show interesting correspondences in terms of artifact characterization and categorization. We investigate this issue by using a philosophically-inspired definition of physical artifact which, developed for human artifacts, turns out to be applicable for cross-species comparison. In this approach an artifact is created when an entity is intentionally selected and some capacities attributed to it (often characterizing a purpose). Behavioral studies suggest that this notion of artifact is not (...)
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    Knowledge in Context: The Factivity Principle and Its Epistemological Consequences.Nicla Vassallo & Stefano Leardi - 2018 - Kairos 20 (1):12-42.
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    A Contribution to a Corpus of Anglo-Norman Chiromancies.Stefano Rapisarda - 2019 - Quaestio 19:129-148.
    In the middle of the 12th century the traditional core of divination techniques receives some innovation. New techniques appear, one of them particularly successful: chiromancy. It emerges almost simultaneously in Spain and in Plantagenet England, in association with the less fortunate spatulomancy. All six of the vernacular chiromantical texts prior to the 15th century so far recorded are in the langue d’oil and five of the six come specifically from the Anglo-Norman domain. This confirms the Anglo-Norman area as one of (...)
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    Colores rethorici: Réflexions sur la rhétorique de la couleur dans les mosaïques de Rome du xiie siècle.Stefano Riccioni - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):18-35.
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    Le letture della "fine" dell'uomo in Derrida e Foucault.Stefano Righetti - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (1):145-160.
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    Apul. Met. 10, 18, 3: Ancora sulla correzione raedarum per il tradito praedarum.Stefano Rocchi - 2010 - Hermes 138 (3):381-381.
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    Questioni di bioetica.Stefano Rodotà, Margherita Pelaja & Gabriella M. Bonacchi (eds.) - 1993 - Roma: Laterza.
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  27. Religione e libertà nel pensiero di Tocqueville: Nel bicentenario della nascita.Stefano Rossano - 2005 - Studium 101 (6):867-878.
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    Definición de verdad y criterios de verdad en Kant.Stéfano Straulino Torre - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):132-159.
    En las pocas ocasiones en que Kant aborda el tema de la verdad, lo suele hacer en función de los problemas implicados en la definición nominal de verdad y en la búsqueda de un criterio de verdad. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una visión sinóptica del modo en que Kant plantea estas dos cuestiones. En la primera sección del trabajo se aborda el tema de la definición de la verdad. Primero explico qué es una definición y qué implica (...)
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    The Epistemological Contribution of the Transcendental Reduction.Stefano Vincini - 2020 - Husserl Studies 37 (1):39-66.
    In order to appreciate the rich implications of the transcendental reduction, one has to distinguish the different contexts where it acquires different meanings. The present paper focuses on a particular epistemological context and clarifies the contribution of the reduction within this context. The contribution consists in the formulation and solution of the problem of exhibiting the evidence supporting the belief in the world’s existence. In a nutshell, world-experience grounds the world-belief and world-experience entails a bedrock of experience legitimizing the positing (...)
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    Regulatory Artifacts: Prescribing, Constituting, Steering.Giuseppe Lorini, Stefano Moroni & Olimpia Giuliana Loddo - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (1):211-225.
    Generally, when thinking of artifacts, one imagines “technical artifacts”. Technical artifacts are those artifacts that perform a mere causal function. Their purpose is to instrumentally help and support an action, not to change behaviour. However, technical artifacts do not exhaust the set of artifacts. Alongside technical artifacts there are also artifacts that we can call “cognitive artifacts”. Cognitive artifacts are all those artifacts that operate upon information in order to improve human cognitive performances. Artifacts of a further, different kind are (...)
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  31. Il filosofo tra le righe: Retorica, scetticismo ed ateismo in un libro su Bayle.Stefano Brogi - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (1):140-150.
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    La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernità.Claudio Fiocchi & Stefano Simonetta - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  33. Sensory coding and information transmission.John Hertz & Stefano Panzeri - 2002 - In Michael A. Arbib, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second Edition. MIT Press. pp. 1023--1026.
  34.  13
    Supreme Power: A Neglected Source of Tension in Kant’s Views on Political Resistance.Stefano Lo Re - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1807-1816.
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    Continuous propositional modal logic.Stefano Baratella - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (4):297-312.
    We introduce a propositional many-valued modal logic which is an extension of the Continuous Propositional Logic to a modal system. Otherwise said, we extend the minimal modal logic to a Continuous Logic system. After introducing semantics, axioms and deduction rules, we establish some preliminary results. Then we prove the equivalence between consistency and satisfiability. As straightforward consequences, we get compactness, an approximated completeness theorem, in the vein of Continuous Logic, and a Pavelka-style completeness theorem.
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    On the borderline between Science and Philosophy: A debate on determinism in France around 1880.Stefano Bordoni - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49 (C):27-35.
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  37. Embodied intelligence: epistemological remarks on an emerging paradigm in the artificial intelligence debate.Nicola Di Stefano & Giampaolo Ghilardi - 2013 - Epistemologia 36 (1):100-111.
    In this paper we want to analyze some philosophical and epistemological connections between a new kind of technology recently developed within robotics, and the previous mechanical approach. A new paradigm about machine-design in robotics, currently defined as ‘Embodied Intelligence’, has recently been developed. Here we consider the debate on the relationship between the hand and the intellect, from the perspective of the history of philosophy, aiming at providing a more suitable understanding of this paradigm. The new bottom-up approach to design (...)
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    Preface.Steffen van Bakel, Stefano Berardi & Ulrich Berger - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (6):589-590.
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    Preface.Steffen van Bakel & Stefano Berardi - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 153 (1-3):1-2.
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    Simulation, computation and dynamics in economics.K. Vela Velupillai & Stefano Zambelli - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (1):1-27.
    Computation and Simulation have always played a role in economics – whether it be pure economic theory or any variant of applied, especially policy-oriented, macro- and microeconomics or what has increasingly come to be called empirical or experimental economics. Computations and simulations are also intrinsically dynamic. This triptych – computation, simulation and dynamic – is given natural foundations, mainly as a result of developments in the mathematics underpinnings in the potentials of computing, using digital technology. A running theme in this (...)
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    Mentalizing in Organizations: A Psychodynamic Model for an Understanding of Well-Being and Suffering in the Work Contexts.Giovanni Di Stefano, Bruna Piacentino & Giuseppe Ruvolo - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):216-223.
    Moving from the paradigms of “mentalization” and “reflective function”, this article develops the concept of “mentalizing” in organizations, understood as a process of construction of shared meaning in the work contexts, and whose absence or deterioration produces suffering in organizational experience, exposing individuals to significant psychosocial risks. This model converges in outlining a framework in which the absence of a reflective competence and the lack of symbolization of the experience of work fall on the perception of one's own job, and (...)
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  42. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2016 at 9th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems.Stefano Borgo, Loris Bozzato, Chiara Del Vescovo & Martin Homola (eds.) - 2016 - CEUR.
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    Filosofia analitica e materialismo storico: individualismo metodologico, spiegazione funzionale e teoria dei giochi nel marxismo analitico anglosassone.Stefano Bracaletti - 2005 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Einleitung.Stefano Caldoro - 2009 - In Nationaler Kulturgüterschutz Und Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürgernational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union Citizens. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Verzeichnis übernationaler und nationaler Quellen.Stefano Caldoro - 2009 - In Nationaler Kulturgüterschutz Und Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürgernational Cultural Asset Protection and Free Movement of Union Citizens. De Gruyter Recht.
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  46. The agyieus pillar, Egyptian legal papyri, and the cult of Arsinoe Philadephos in the streets of Alexandria.Stefano Caneva - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133.
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    Broca's aphasia, broca's area, and syntax: A complex relationship.Stefano F. Cappa, Andrea Moro, Daniela Perani & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):27-28.
    Three types of problems are raised in this commentary: On the linguistic side, we emphasize the importance of an appropriate definition of the different domains of linguistics. This is needed to define the domains (lexicon-syntax-semantics) to which transformational relations apply. We then question the concept of Broca's aphasia as a “functional” syndrome, associated with a specific lesion. Finally, we discuss evidence from functional brain imaging. The breadth and potential impact of such evidence has grown considerably in the last few years, (...)
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  48. Frege e Husserl: Due ontologie del significato.Stefano Caputo - 2001 - Rivista di Estetica 41 (17):37-67.
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    Le due verità.Stefano Caputo - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 63:178-187.
    L’articolo si propone di individuare somiglianze e differenze fra due usi del termine “vero”, quello per cui esso è usato per riferirsi a una caratteristica esclusiva delle cose che diciamo e pensiamo, detta nel testo “verità-delle-parole”, e quello per cui è usato per riferirsi a una caratteristica di cose di qualsiasi tipo (come quando diciamo “quello è un vero amico”), detta nel testo “verità-delle-cose”. L’idea centrale dell’articolo è che tali somiglianze e differenze possano essere proficuamente descritte a partire da quella (...)
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    Some remarks on Buridan's discussion on intension and remission.Stefano Caroti - 2004 - Vivarium 42 (1):58-85.
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