Results for 'Solomon Yirenkyi-Boateng'

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  1.  94
    Development Plans and the Sustainable Development Agenda in Africa: How Critical Realist Conceptualization Can Help.Solomon Yirenkyi-Boateng - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (3):328-352.
    After decades of postcolonial development planning in the former colonies of Africa, one question that has been asked over and over again concerns how much has changed in Africa since the launch of what used to be called the first, second, third and other development decades. There is no doubt that national development policies and plans have played significant roles in influencing the direction of the post-political-independence development processes in Africa. This paper argues, however, that far more serious attention needs (...)
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    Trust in Health Care and Science: Toward Common Ground on Key Concepts.Lauren A. Taylor, Mildred Z. Solomon & Gregory E. Kaebnick - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (S2):2-8.
    This essay summarizes key insights across the essays in the Hastings Center Report's special report “Time to Rebuild: Essays on Trust in Health Care and Science.” These insights concern trust and trustworthiness as distinct concepts, competence as a necessary but not sufficient input to trust, trust as a reciprocal good, trust as an interpersonal as well as structural phenomena, the ethical impermissibility of seeking to win trust without being trustworthy, building and borrowing trust as distinct strategies, and challenges to trustworthiness (...)
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    Two-process learning theory: Relationships between Pavlovian conditioning and instrumental learning.Robert A. Rescorla & Richard L. Solomon - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (3):151-182.
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    Beauty and the beholder: the role of visual sensitivity in visual preference.Branka Spehar, Solomon Wong, Sarah van de Klundert, Jessie Lui, Colin W. G. Clifford & Richard P. Taylor - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Zafimaniry: An Understanding of What Is Passed on from Parents to Children: A Cross-Cultural Investigation.Maurice Bloch, Susan Carey & Gregg Solomon - 2001 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 1 (1):43-68.
    Children and adults from a remote Zafimaniry village in eastern Madagascar were probed for their intuitive understanding of the biological inheritance of bodily features. They were told a story about a baby adopted at birth, and were asked whether, when grown, he would be more likely to resemble his birth parents or his adoptive parents in bodily traits, beliefs, preferences, temperaments, and skills. In spite of the fact that the Zafimaniry, like other Southeast Asian and Malagasy peoples, profess explicit beliefs (...)
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    Limitations and transformations of habitus in Child-Directed Communication.Laura Sterponi, Olga Solomon & Elinor Ochs - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (4-5):547-583.
    This article offers an alternative approach to paradigms that cast culture solely as a nurturing influence on children's language development. It proposes a dimensional model of Child-Directed Communication to delineate ways in which a community's habitus may impede the communicative potential of children with neuro-developmental conditions such as severe autism. It argues that certain features of Euro-American CDC are illadapted for autistic children. Due to inertia, caregivers often find themselves unable to transcend the limitations of CDC habitus. Yet, occasionally, a (...)
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    Knowability and intuitionistic logic.David Vidi & Graham Solomon - 2001 - Philosophia 28 (1-4):319-334.
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    Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Richard H. Solomon - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):416.
  9.  26
    Teaching Bioethics.Lisa M. Lee, Mildred Z. Solomon & Amy Gutmann - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (5):10-11.
    From accessible and affordable health care to old or new reproductive technologies, human or animal research, and beyond, the justice and well‐being of our society depends on the ability of key groups—such as scientists and health care providers—along with members of the public to identify the key issues, articulate their values and concerns, deliberate openly and respectfully, and together find the most defensible ways forward.The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues and The Hastings Center are committed to improving (...)
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    Becoming Good Citizens of Aging Societies.Nancy Berlinger & Mildred Z. Solomon - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S3):2-9.
    The ethical dimensions of an aging society are larger than the experience of chronic illness, the moral concerns of health care professionals, or the allocation of health care resources. What, then, is the role of bioethics in an aging society, beyond calling attention to these problems? Once we’ve agreed that aging is morally important and that population‐level aging across wealthy nations raises ethical concerns that cannot be fixed through transhumanism or other appeals to transcend aging and mortality through technology, what (...)
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  11.  41
    Rethinking Trust.Fernando L. Flores & Robert C. Solomon - 1997 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 16 (1):47-76.
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    A reaction to Greenwald, Pratkanis, Leippe, and Baumgardner (1986): Under what conditions does research obstruct theory progress?Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon, Tom Pyszczynski & Lynne Steinberg - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (4):566-571.
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    A note on McGinnies' "Emotionality and perceptual defense.".Davis H. Howes & Richard L. Solomon - 1950 - Psychological Review 57 (4):229-234.
  14.  8
    Sefer Sheveṭ musar.Elijah ben Solomon Abraham - 1985 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: [Ḥ. Mo. 1.].
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    Waves in Anisotropic Plasmas.William Phelps Allis, Solomon J. Buchsbaum & Abraham Bers - 2003 - MIT Press.
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    Microscopical study of the formation of adiabatic shear bands in 4340 steel during dynamic loading.Solomon Boakye-Yiadom, Nabil Bassim & Abdul Khaliq Khan - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (36):4544-4568.
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    The Christian faith.Nels Frederick Solomon Ferré - 1942 - New York and London,: Harper & brothers.
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    Developing sustainability: A new metaphor for progress. [REVIEW]Cécile M. Bensimon & Solomon R. Benatar - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (1):59-79.
    In this paper, we propose a new model for development, one that transcends the North–South dichotomy and goes beyond a narrow conception of development as an economic process. This model requires a paradigm shift toward a new metaphor that develops sustainability, rather than sustains development. We conclude by defending a ‘report card on development’ as a means for evaluating how countries perform within this new paradigm.
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    Measuring performance of non‐profit organisations: evidence from large charities.Agyenim Boateng, Raphaël K. Akamavi & Girlie Ndoro - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (1):59-74.
    How to measure performance in charitable organisations continues to excite interest among academics and practitioners. Despite the intellectual interest, little consensus has emerged as to what are the best measures of performance in charities. This is against the backdrop of an increased demand by donors and other stakeholders on charities to provide information on their performance. Building on prior studies, this paper examines the measures of performance in charities using a hybrid methodological approach which consists of 14 exploratory interviews and (...)
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  20. Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions.Robert C. Solomon - 2002 - Mind 111 (444):897-901.
    Reviews the book, Upheavals of thought: The intelligence of emotions by Martha C. Nussbaum . Drawing from an astounding array of sources, Nussbaum argues against the common understanding of emotions as irrational and animalistic impulses disconnected from our thoughts and reason. Rather, she argues that emotions are highly discriminating responses to what is of value and importance that are, therefore, suffused with intelligence and discernment. Nussbaum explores the structure of a wide range of emotions, in particular, compassion and love, in (...)
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    An evaluation of corporate social responsibility communication on the websites of telecommunication companies operating in Ghana.Henry Boateng & Ibn Kailan Abdul-Hamid - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (1):17-31.
    Purpose Corporate social responsibility communication on corporate websites have become an emerging trend by firms. Similarly, corporate websites have been used to manage stakeholders’ impressions about the organization. Meanwhile, CSR by firms have been criticized for been a manipulative tactics used by firms. The purpose of this paper therefore is to ascertain how telecommunication companies operating in Ghana communicate CSR on their corporate websites. Design/methodology/approach This study used a qualitative content analysis technique. It also used Bolino et al.’s impression management (...)
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  22. The Autobiography of Solomon Maimon.Solomon Maimon, Yitzhak Melamed & Abraham Socher - 1954 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  23.  20
    Elisabeth Kübler-Ross as Astrophysicist: Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Unlock the Black Hole of Physician Burnout, Moral Distress, and Compassion Fatigue.Adjoa Boateng & Rebecca Aslakson - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (12):54-57.
    To the question that Kübler-Ross raises in her seminal text, On Death in Dying, “Are we becoming less human or more human?” (Adams 2019), Childers and Arnold highlight physician challenges in balan...
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  24. Thinking About Feeling: Contemporary Philosophers on Emotions.Robert C. Solomon (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Philosophers since Aristotle have explored emotion, and the study of emotion has always been essential to the love of wisdom. In recent years Anglo-American philosophers have rediscovered and placed new emphasis on this very old discipline. The view that emotions are ripe for philosophical analysis has been supported by a considerable number of excellent publications. In this volume, Robert Solomon brings together some of the best Anglo-American philosophers now writing on the philosophy of emotion, with chapters from philosophers who (...)
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  25. Logic, Logics, and Logicism.Solomon Feferman - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (1):31-54.
    The paper starts with an examination and critique of Tarski’s wellknown proposed explication of the notion of logical operation in the type structure over a given domain of individuals as one which is invariant with respect to arbitrary permutations of the domain. The class of such operations has been characterized by McGee as exactly those definable in the language L∞,∞. Also characterized similarly is a natural generalization of Tarski’s thesis, due to Sher, in terms of bijections between domains. My main (...)
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  26. Ethics and excellence: cooperation and integrity in business.Robert C. Solomon - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Greek philosopher Aristotle, writing over two thousand years before Wall Street, called people who engaged in activities which did not contribute to society "parasites." In his latest work, renowned scholar Robert C. Solomon asserts that though capitalism may require capital, but it does not require, much less should it be defined by the parasites it inevitably attracts. Capitalism has succeeded not with brute strength or because it has made people rich, but because it has produced responsible citizens and--however (...)
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    What rests on what? The proof-theoretic analysis of mathematics.Solomon Feferman - 1993 - In J. Czermak (ed.), Philosophy of Mathematics. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky. pp. 1--147.
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    Spirituality for the Skeptic: The Thoughtful Love of Life.Robert C. Solomon - 2002 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Is it possible to be spiritual and yet not believe in the supernatural? Can a person be spiritual without belonging to a religious group or organization? In Spirituality for the Skeptic, philosopher Robert Solomon explores what it means to be spiritual in today's pluralistic world. Based on Solomon's own struggles to reconcile philosophy with religion, this book offers a model of a vibrant, fulfilling spirituality that embraces the complexities of human existence and acknowledges the joys and tragedies of (...)
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  29. Continental philosophy since 1750: the rise and fall of the self.Robert C. Solomon - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The flowering of creative and speculative philosophy that emerged in modern Europe--particularly in Germany--is a thrilling adventure story as well as an essential chapter in the history of philosophy. In this integrative narrative, Solomon provides an accessible introduction to the major authors and movements of modern European philosophy, including the Enlightenment and Romanticism, Rousseau, German Idealism, Kant, Fichte, Schelling and the Romantics, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Feuerbach, Max Brentano, Meinong, Frege, Dilthey, Bergson, Nietzsche, Husserl, Freud, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, hermeneutics, Sartre, Postmodernism, (...)
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  30. Axioms for determinateness and truth.Solomon Feferman - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):204-217.
    elaboration of the last part of my Tarski Lecture, “Truth unbound”, UC Berkeley, 3 April 2006, and of the lecture, “A nicer formal theory of non-hierarchical truth”, Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Philosophy, Banff , 18-23 Feb. 2007.
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  31. (1 other version)Transfinite recursive progressions of axiomatic theories.Solomon Feferman - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (3):259-316.
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    Towards Progress in Resolving Dilemmas in International Research Ethics.Solomon R. Benatar - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):574-582.
    Interest in the ethics of research on human subjects, stimulated by atrocious human experimentation during WWII and the resultant Nuremberg Code, has been sustained by examples of unethical research in many countries and by proliferation of codes and guidelines. Such interest has intensified in recent years in association with expanding international collaborative research endeavors. The ongoing controversy in international research ethics takes place at two levels. At the practical level it is about the competing concerns of those predominantly interested in (...)
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  33. My route to arithmetization.Solomon Feferman - 1997 - Theoria 63 (3):168-181.
    I had the pleasure of renewing my acquaintance with Per Lindström at the meeting of the Seventh Scandinavian Logic Symposium, held in Uppsala in August 1996. There at lunch one day, Per said he had long been curious about the development of some of the ideas in my paper [1960] on the arithmetization of metamathematics. In particular, I had used the construction of a non-standard definition !* of the set of axioms of P (Peano Arithmetic) to show that P + (...)
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  34. Definedness.Solomon Feferman - 1995 - Erkenntnis 43 (3):295 - 320.
    Questions of definedness are ubiquitous in mathematics. Informally, these involve reasoning about expressions which may or may not have a value. This paper surveys work on logics in which such reasoning can be carried out directly, especially in computational contexts. It begins with a general logic of partial terms, continues with partial combinatory and lambda calculi, and concludes with an expressively rich theory of partial functions and polymorphic types, where termination of functional programs can be established in a natural way.
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    “Go back to your country”: Exploring nurses' experiences of workplace conflict involving patients and patients' family members in two Canadian cities.Godfred O. Boateng & Kyrah K. Brown - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1).
    This study explores nurses' experiences of workplace conflict with patients and their family members, how it differs by ethnic/racial identity, and highlights the coping strategies engaged to lessen these conflicts. Using a qualitative research design, this study draws on phenomenology and in‐depth interviews of 66 registered nurses and registered practical nurses from multiple sites in two Canadian cities to explore the experiences of nurses with multiple marginalized identities in relation to nurse–patient and nurse–patient's family member conflicts in direct care practice. (...)
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    L'Empire et le régime de la traduction unilatérale.Jon Solomon - 2003 - Multitudes 3 (3):79-88.
    Accepting the premise advanced by Empire that networks of language constitute a crucial site for the multitudes in the struggle against global Empire, this brief essay explores how the problems of address within the text call forth, or pre figure, a certain mode of address by critical intellectuals from the non-West. In this sense, both Empire and its critics - in this case, the reception of the text by intellectuals in Taiwan -font a fascinating instance of « co-figuration » that (...)
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  37. Categorical Foundations and Foundations of Category Theory.Solomon Feferman - 1980 - In R. E. Butts & J. Hintikka (eds.), Logic, Foundations of Mathematics, and Computability Theory. Springer. pp. 149-169.
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  38. The Virtues of a Passionate Life: Erotic Love and “the Will to Power”*: ROBERT C. SOLOMON.Robert C. Solomon - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (1):91-118.
    I would like to defend a conception of life that many of us in philosophy practice but few of us preach, and with it a set of virtues that have often been ignored in ethics. In short, I would like to defend what philosopher Sam Keen, among many others, has called the passionate life. It is neither exotic nor unfamiliar. It is a life defined by emotions, by impassioned engagement and belief, by one or more quests, grand projects, embracing affections. (...)
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    Information and the Ethics of Information Control in Science.Miriam Solomon - 1996 - Perspectives on Science 4 (2):195-206.
    This article examines some current U.S. policies regarding the ethics of information control in scientific research, such as the requirements for “timely” publication and information sufficient for replication. The appropriateness of these policies is called into question by recent work in science studies, which suggest the importance of informal and nonlinguistic channels of information and the impossibility of exact replication of experiments. Policy change is recommended, but it needs to take into account considerations of privacy and enforceability.
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    Back to basics: On the very idea of "basic emotions".Robert C. Solomon - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (2):115–144.
  41. An addendum to Demopoulos and Friedman (1985).Graham Solomon - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (3):497-501.
    M. H. A. Newman (1928) criticized Russell's structuralist philosophy of science. Demopoulos and Friedman have discussed Newman's critique, showing its relevance to the structuralist positions held by Schlick and Carnap, and to Putnam's argument against "metaphysical realism". I discuss Richard Braithwaite's (1940) appeal to Newman in a critique of Arthur Eddington. Braithwaite believed Newman had shown that "structure depends upon content". Eddington, in his reply, misunderstood the generality of Newman's argument.
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  42. Systems of predicative analysis.Solomon Feferman - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (1):1-30.
    This paper is divided into two parts. Part I provides a resumé of the evolution of the notion of predicativity. Part II describes our own work on the subject.Part I§1. Conceptions of sets.Statements about sets lie at the heart of most modern attempts to systematize all (or, at least, all known) mathematics. Technical and philosophical discussions concerning such systematizations and the underlying conceptions have thus occupied a considerable portion of the literature on the foundations of mathematics.
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    (1 other version)In Defense of Sentimentality.Robert C. Solomon - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):304-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Robert C. Solomon IN DEFENSE OF SENTIMENTALITY "A sentimentalist is simply one who desires to have the luxury of an emotion without paying for it." —Oscar Wilde, De Profundis. 66TA That's Wrong with Sentimentality?"1 That tide of Mark JefV V ferson's 1983 Mindessay already indicates a great deal notonly about the gist of his article but about a century-old prejudice that has been devastating to ethics and literature (...)
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    Enriched stratified systems for the foundations of category theory.Solomon Feferman - unknown
    Four requirements are suggested for an axiomatic system S to provide the foundations of category theory: (R1) S should allow us to construct the category of all structures of a given kind (without restriction), such as the category of all groups and the category of all categories; (R2) It should also allow us to construct the category of all functors between any two given categories including the ones constructed under (R1); (R3) In addition, S should allow us to establish the (...)
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  45. (1 other version)The Virtue of Love.Robert C. Solomon - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):12-31.
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    Wounds Not Healed by Time: The Power of Repentance and Forgiveness.Solomon Schimmel - 2002 - Oup Usa.
    How should we respond to injuries done to us and to the hurts that we inflict on others? In this thoughtful book, Wounds Not Healed By Time, Solomon Schimmel guides us through the meanings of justice, forgiveness, repentance, and reconciliation. In doing so, he probes to the core of the human encounter with evil, drawing on religious traditions, psychology, philosophy, and the personal experiences of both perpetrators and of victims.
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  47. El pensamiento judío y el universo.Solomon Goldman - 1940 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Israel. Edited by León Dujovne.
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    Business as a Profession.Robert C. Solomon - 1993 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:136-144.
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    The Virtues of the Corporate Self.Robert C. Solomon - 1993 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:217-224.
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  50. It's good business.Robert C. Solomon - 1985 - New York: Perennial Library. Edited by Kristine R. Hanson.
    Extensive case studies, questionnaires, and problem-solving exercises make this an essential guide for business people.
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