Results for 'Rebecca Aslakson'

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  1.  20
    Elisabeth Kübler-Ross as Astrophysicist: Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Unlock the Black Hole of Physician Burnout, Moral Distress, and Compassion Fatigue.Adjoa Boateng & Rebecca Aslakson - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (12):54-57.
    To the question that Kübler-Ross raises in her seminal text, On Death in Dying, “Are we becoming less human or more human?” (Adams 2019), Childers and Arnold highlight physician challenges in balan...
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  2. Two Kinds of Unknowing.Rebecca Mason - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (2):294-307.
    Miranda Fricker claims that a “gap” in collective hermeneutical resources with respect to the social experiences of marginalized groups prevents members of those groups from understanding their own experiences (Fricker 2007). I argue that because Fricker misdescribes dominant hermeneutical resources as collective, she fails to locate the ethically bad epistemic practices that maintain gaps in dominant hermeneutical resources even while alternative interpretations are in fact offered by non-dominant discourses. Fricker's analysis of hermeneutical injustice does not account for the possibility that (...)
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  3. Women Are Not Adult Human Females.Rebecca Mason - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):180-191.
    1 Some philosophers defend the thesis that women are adult human females. Call this the adult human female thesis (AHF). There are two versions of this thesis—one modal and one definitional. Accord...
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  4. Against simulation: The argument from error.Rebecca Saxe - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):174-79.
  5. Expressions of emotion as perceptual media.Rebecca Rowson - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-23.
    Expressions of emotion pose a serious challenge to the view that we perceive other people’s emotions directly. If we must perceive expressions in order to perceive emotions, then it is only ever the expressions that we are directly aware of, not emotions themselves. This paper develops a new response to this challenge by drawing an analogy between expressions of emotion and perceptual media. It is through illumination and sound, the paradigmatic examples of perceptual media, that we can see and hear (...)
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    Extending the ethics of episiotomy to vaginal examination: no place for opt-out consent.Rebecca Brione - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):626-627.
    van der Pijl et al 1 argue that if ‘stakes are high’ and there is ‘clear conviction by the care provider’ that it is ‘necessary’, episiotomy may be given after ‘opt-out consent’. Here I caution against the applicability of their approach to vaginal examination (VE): another routine intervention in birth to which they suggest their discussion may apply. I highlight three concerns: first, the subjective and unjustified nature of assessments of ‘necessity’; second, the inadequacy of current consent practices in relation (...)
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  7. Measuring mothering.Rebecca Kukla - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (1):67-90.
    As a culture, we have a tendency to measure motherhood in terms of a set of signal moments that have become the focus of special social attention and anxiety; we interpret these as emblematic summations of women's mothering abilities. Women's performances during these moments can seem to exhaust the story of mothering, and mothers often internalize these measures and evaluate their own mothering in terms of them. "Good" mothers are those who pass a series of tests—they bond properly during their (...)
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  8. Thomas Reid on acquired perception.Rebecca Copenhaver - 2010 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 91 (3):285-312.
    Thomas Reid's distinction between original and acquired perception is not merely metaphysical; it has psychological and phenomenological stories to tell. Psychologically, acquired perception provides increased sensitivity to features in the environment. Phenomenologically, Reid's theory resists the notion that original perception is exhaustive of perceptual experience. James Van Cleve has argued that most cases of acquired perception do not count as perception and so do not pose a threat to Reid's direct realism. I argue that acquired perception is genuine perception and (...)
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    Environmental management strategies in agriculture.Rick Welsh & Rebecca Young Rivers - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (3):297-302.
    There is a large literature on technology adoption and environmental management in agriculture. Included in this literature are debates about the role world view or attitudinal variables play in adoption decisions, and whether smaller farms or larger farms exhibit superior environmental performance or differ in commitment to environmental values. In this paper we attempt to extend the literature in this area by proposing and measuring discrete environmental management approaches among sixty-six farmers in Northern New York. Using key informants interviews, purposeful (...)
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  10. The Moral Permissibility of Digital Nudging in the Workplace: Reconciling Justification and Legitimation.Rebecca C. Ruehle - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (3):502-531.
    Organisations increasingly use digital nudges to influence their workforces’ behaviour without coercion or incentives. This can expose employees to arbitrary domination by infringing on their autonomy through manipulation and indoctrination. Nudges might furthermore give rise to the phenomenon of “organised immaturity.” Adopting a balanced approach between overly optimistic and dystopian standpoints, I propose a framework for determining the moral permissibility of digital nudging in the workplace. In this regard, I argue that not only should organisations provide pre-discursive justification of nudges (...)
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    Realism and children's early grasp of mental representation: belief-based judgements in the state change task.Rebecca Saltmarsh, Peter Mitchell & Elizabeth Robinson - 1995 - Cognition 57 (3):297-325.
  12.  16
    Susceptibility and Resilience, a Fig Tree and a Scream.Rebecca Saunders - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):68.
    Analyzing two key figures in Elif Shafak’s novel The Island of Missing Trees—a schoolgirl’s scream and a narrating fig tree—this essay analyzes the intersection between susceptibility and resilience, particularly as these terms are developed in psychology, trauma studies, and ecology. I argue that the novel’s resonant scream critiques the discourse of psychological resilience on multiple counts: its inadequacy as a response to complex trauma, its focus on autonomous individuals, its assumption that responsibility for resilience rests on victims rather than perpetrators (...)
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    Killing with care? The potentials at the sustainability/masculinity nexus in an ‘alternative’ Danish slaughterhouse.Rebecca Leigh Rutt & Lise Tjørring - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1541-1556.
    In this paper we investigate the connection between forms of sustainability and masculinity through a study of everyday life in a Danish alternative slaughterhouse. In contrast to the predominant form of slaughterhouses today in Western contexts, the ‘alternative’ slaughterhouse is characterized as non-industrial in scale and articulating some form of a sustainability orientation. Acknowledging the variability of the term, we firstly explore how ‘sustainability’ is understood and practiced in this place. We then illuminate the situated manifestations of masculinities, which appear (...)
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    Divide and conquer: a defense of functional localizers.Rebecca Saxe, Matthew Brett & Nancy Kanwisher - 2010 - In Stephen José Hanson & Martin Bunzl, Foundational Issues in Human Brain Mapping. Bradford. pp. 25--42.
    This chapter presents the advantages of the use of functional regions of interest along with its specific concerns, and provides a reference to Karl J. Friston related to the subject. Functionally defined ROI help to test hypotheses about the cognitive functions of particular regions of the brain. fROI are useful for specifying brain locations and investigating separable components of the mind. The chapter provides an overview of the common and uncommon misconceptions about fROI related to assumptions of homogeneity, factorial designs (...)
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    The German Enlightenment, Knowledge, and the Passion of Knowledge.Keith Ansell-Pearson & Rebecca Bamford - 2020 - In Keith Ansell-Pearson & Rebecca Bamford, Nietzsche’s Dawn: Philosophy, Ethics, and the Passion of Knowledge. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 115–140.
    This chapter examines the consequences of Nietzsche's campaign against morality for the pursuit of knowledge in philosophy, and specifically, on values and methods of the German Enlightenment. In Dawn, Nietzsche explores how an experimental approach to knowing and to knowledge involves us in adopting different ways of being toward things in the world, as well as toward ourselves and our experiences, and in using associated diverse methods of inquiry. Nietzsche's free‐spirit writings, including Dawn, are works of a particular kind of (...)
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  16. The Point of Change: Marxism/Australia.Carole Ferrier & Rebecca Pelan - forthcoming - History/Theory.
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  17. Seeking Passage: Post-Structuralism, Pedagogy.Rebecca Martusewicz - forthcoming - Ethics.
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  18. Perceiving the Event of Emotion.Rebecca Rowson - 2025 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 12.
    I argue that the direct perception of emotion (DP) is best conceived in terms of event perception, rather than fact perception or object perception. On neither of these two traditional models can the perception of emotion be as direct as its counterpart in ordinary perception; the proponent of DP must either drop the ‘direct’ claim or embrace a part-whole model of emotion perception and its problems. But our best account of how we perceive events directly can be applied to emotion (...)
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    A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex: Selected Philosophical and Moral Writings.Domna C. Stanton & Rebecca M. Wilkin (eds.) - 2010 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    During the oppressive reign of Louis XIV, Gabrielle Suchon was the most forceful female voice in France, advocating women’s freedom and self-determination, access to knowledge, and assertion of authority. This volume collects Suchon’s writing from two works—_Treatise on Ethics and Politics_ and _On the Celibate Life Freely Chosen; or, Life without Commitments _—and demonstrates her to be an original philosophical and moral thinker and writer. Suchon argues that both women and men have inherently similar intellectual, corporeal, and spiritual capacities, which (...)
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    The call of the final frontier?Catherine A. Salmon & Rebecca L. Burch - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e295.
    The target article is focused on locating the popularity of imaginary worlds in our adaptations for exploration. This commentary touches on developmental influences, vicarious enjoyment, the challenging of societal mores, plot, and whether men and women are drawn to the same features in the same ways.
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    Indiana University Northwest F200 Examining Self as a Teacher Teaching Philosophy November, 2004.Mrs Rebecca J. Sanders - forthcoming - Teaching Philosophy.
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  22. Resistance and Repetition: Freud and Hegel.Rebecca Comay - 2015 - Research in Phenomenology 45 (2):237-266.
    _ Source: _Volume 45, Issue 2, pp 237 - 266 This essay explores the vicissitudes of resistance as the central concept of both Freud and Hegel. Read through the prism of psychoanalysis, Hegel appears less as a philosopher of inexorable progress than as a thinker of repetition, delay, and stuckness. It is only on this seemingly unpromising basis that the radical potential of both thinkers can be retrieved.
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    Treatment decisions and changing selves.Rebecca Dresser - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (12):975-976.
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    Testing the Treatment Integrity of the Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Patients With Advanced Cancer.Susan Koranyi, Rebecca Philipp, Leonhard Quintero Garzón, Katharina Scheffold, Frank Schulz-Kindermann, Martin Härter, Gary Rodin & Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionThe Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully therapy for patients with advanced cancer was tested against a supportive psycho-oncological counseling intervention in a randomized controlled trial. We investigated whether CALM was delivered as intended ; whether CALM therapists with less experience in psycho-oncological care show higher adherence scores; and whether potential overlapping treatment elements between CALM and SPI can be identified.MethodsTwo trained and blinded raters assessed on 19 items four subscales of the Treatment Integrity Scale covering treatment domains of CALM. A (...)
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  25.  37
    Is risky pediatric research without prospect of direct benefit ever justified?Rebecca A. Martin & Jason Scott Robert - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (3):12 – 15.
  26.  37
    Eros in the commons: Educating for Eco-ethical consciousness in a poetics of place.Rebecca Martusewicz - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (3):331 – 348.
    In this essay I refer to eros as the force that plays on our bodies and connects us to the larger community of life, an embodied form of love that charges the will towards well-being. Analyzing the ways that eros can be engaged and expressed in the "commons" as a life sustaining force, I look to current, on-the-ground work being done in Detroit, MI where a grassroots network of artists, community-builders, educators and neighborhood folk are revitalizing their city. Linking this (...)
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    Affect and non-uniform characteristics of predictive processing in musical behaviour.Rebecca S. Schaefer, Katie Overy & Peter Nelson - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):226-227.
    The important roles of prediction and prior experience are well established in music research and fit well with Clark's concept of unified perception, cognition, and action arising from hierarchical, bidirectional predictive processing. However, in order to fully account for human musical intelligence, Clark needs to further consider the powerful and variable role of affect in relation to prediction error.
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  28. The M event paradox and the specious present: An analysis and refutation of Mctaggart's 2nd argument.Rebecca Lloyd-Waller - 2011 - Analysis and Metaphysics 10:101-112.
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  29. Simone Weil: a very short introduction.A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    A concise and lively overview of the intriguing and provocative life and ideas of twentieth century French philosopher, mystic, and social activist Simone Weil. The breadth, poignancy, and prescience of Weil's philosophy has much to offer us in our times of personal, communal, political, and environmental crises.
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    To What Extent Does or Should a Woman's Autonomy Overrule the Interests of Her Baby? A Study of Autonomy-related Issues in the Context of Caesarean Section.Rebecca Brione - 2015 - The New Bioethics 21 (1):71-86.
    Approaches to supporting autonomy in medicine need to be able to support complex and sensitive decision-making, incorporating reflection on the patient's values and goals. This should involve deliberation in partnership between physician and patient, allowing the patient to take responsibility for her decision. Nowhere is this truer than in decisions around pregnancy and Caesarean section where maternal autonomy can seem to directly conflict with foetal interests. Medical and societal expectations and norms such as the expectations of a ‘mother’, constraints of (...)
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    The Dispositional Account of Emotional Expression.Rebecca Rowson - 2024 - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    I propose that accounts of emotional expression can be divided into primary and secondary quality accounts. Primary quality accounts of expression take behaviour to express emotion only if certain perceiver-independent facts about the behaviour or behaving subject obtain. I argue that views of this kind get the extension of expression wrong. I argue instead that behaviour expresses emotion just in case it is disposed to appear to express emotion to standard observers under standard conditions.
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    Reid on the moral sense.Rebecca Copenhaver - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (S1):80-101.
    Some interpret Reid’s notion of a moral sense as merely analogical. Others understand it as a species of acquired perception. To understand Reid’s account of the moral sense, we must draw from his theory of perception and his theory of aesthetic experience, each of which illuminate the nature and operation of the moral faculty. I argue that, on Reid’s view, the moral faculty is neither affective nor rational, but representational. It is a discrete, basic, capacity for representing the real moral (...)
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    Challenging the Sanctity of Donorism: Patient Tissue Providers as Payment-Worthy Contributors.Rebecca A. Johnson & David Wendler - 2015 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 25 (3):291-333.
    Many research projects rely on human biological materials and some of these projects generate revenue. Recently, it has been argued that investigators have a moral claim to share in the revenue generated by these projects, whereas persons who provide the biological material have no such claim (Truog, Kesselheim, and Joffe 2012). In this paper, we critically analyze this view and offer a positive proposal for why tissue providers have a moral claim to benefit. Focusing on payment as a form of (...)
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    “Hypothetical Machines”: The Science Fiction Dreams of Cold War Social Science.Rebecca Lemov - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):401-411.
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    A Theory of Justice.Rebecca Reilly-Cooper - 2013 - The Philosophers' Magazine 61 (61):123-124.
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    A Book to Burn and a Book to Keep : Selected Writings.Haun Saussy, Rebecca Handler-Spitz & Pauline Lee (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Li Zhi's iconoclastic interpretations of history, religion, literature, and social relations have fascinated Chinese intellectuals for centuries. His approach synthesized Confucian, Buddhist, and Daoist ethics and incorporated the Neo-Confucian idealism of such thinkers as Wang Yangming. The result was a series of heretical writings that caught fire among Li Zhi's contemporaries, despite an imperial ban on their publication, and intrigued Chinese audiences long after his death. Translated for the first time into English, Li Zhi's bold challenge to established doctrines will (...)
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    Ethical Considerations, Safety Precautions and Parenthood in Legalising Mitochondrial Donation.Rebecca Briscoe - 2013 - The New Bioethics 19 (1):2-17.
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  38. The Tarasoff rule: the implications of interstate variation and gaps in professional training.Rebecca Johnson, Govind Persad & Dominic Sisti - 2014 - Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online 42 (4):469-477.
    Recent events have revived questions about the circumstances that ought to trigger therapists' duty to warn or protect. There is extensive interstate variation in duty to warn or protect statutes enacted and rulings made in the wake of the California Tarasoff ruling. These duties may be codified in legislative statutes, established in common law through court rulings, or remain unspecified. Furthermore, the duty to warn or protect is not only variable between states but also has been dynamic across time. In (...)
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    Unrequited.Rebecca Bamford - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (3):355-360.
    Abstract:I raise several concerns with Earp and colleagues' analysis of enhancement through neurochemical modulation of love as a key issue in contemporary neuroethics. These include: (i) strengthening their deflation of medicalization concerns by showing how the objection that love should be left outside of the scope of medicine would directly undermine the goal of medicine; (ii) developing stronger analysis of the social and political concerns relevant to neurochemical modulation of love, by exploring and suggesting possible counters to ways in which (...)
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    Substituted judgment in real life.Rebecca Dresser - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):731-738.
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  41. Global perceptions of religious and non-religious scientists.Rebecca E. Hughes, Carissa A. Sharp, Carola Leicht & Fern Elsdon-Baker - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    Previous research investigating perception of science and scientists indicates that certain physical, behavioural and belief system–related attributes are associated with scientists. Some of these include white, male, reserved and devoted to work. The current research takes an international approach into perceptions of science and scientists related to (non-)religious social identity. Four studies ( n = 1146) across four countries (the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Argentina) investigates perceptions of scientists with religious social identity. This research included several targets with multiple identities, (...)
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    Reframing “The Patient's Best Interest”: The Burden of The Caregiver.Rhashedah Ekeoduru & Rebecca Lunstroth - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):67-69.
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    Hiv/aids, pregnancy and reproductive autonomy: Rights and duties.Charles G. Ngwena & Rebecca J. Cook Guest Editors - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (1):iii–vi.
  44.  30
    An Argument on the Moral Argument.Luke Pollard & Rebecca Massey-Chase - 2006 - Philosophy Now 57:28-29.
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    Masters of miniaturization: Convergent evolution among interstitial eukaryotes.Rebecca J. Rundell & Brian S. Leander - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (5):430-437.
    Marine interstitial environments are teeming with an extraordinary diversity of coexisting microeukaryotic lineages collectively called “meiofauna.” Interstitial habitats are broadly distributed across the planet, and the complex physical features of these environments have persisted, much like they exist today, throughout the history of eukaryotes, if not longer. Although our general understanding of the biological diversity in these environments is relatively poor, compelling examples of developmental heterochrony (e.g., pedomorphosis) and convergent evolution appear to be widespread among meiofauna. Therefore, an improved understanding (...)
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    Letter to the Editor: The Function of Animal Ethics Committee.David G. Allen & Rebecca Halligan - 2013 - Between the Species 16 (1):1.
  47.  13
    Do gaze and non-gaze stimuli trigger different spatial interference effects? It depends on stimulus perceivability.Zhe Chen, Rebecca H. Thomas & Makayla S. Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Among the studies on the perception of gaze vs. non-gaze stimuli, some have shown that the two types of stimuli trigger different patterns of attentional effects, while others have reported no such differences. In three experiments, we investigated the role of stimulus perceivability in spatial interference effects when the targets were gaze vs. non-gaze stimuli. We used a spatial Stroop task that required participants to make a speeded response to the direction indicated by the targets located on the left or (...)
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    Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze.Mark Dibben & Rebecca Newton (eds.) - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    Concentrating mainly on the process philosophy developed by Alfred North Whitehead, this series of essays brings together some of the newest developments in the application of process thinking to the physical and social sciences. These essays, by established scholars in the field, demonstrate how a wider and deeper understanding of the world can be obtained using process philosophical concepts, how the distortions and blockages inevitably inherent in substantivist talk can be set aside, and how new and fertile lines of research (...)
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    Music, analysis, and the body: experiments, explorations, and embodiments.Nicholas W. Reyland & Rebecca Thumpston (eds.) - 2018 - Leuven: Peeters.
    How do our embodied experiences of music shape our analysis, theorizing, and interpretation of musical texts, and our engagement with practices including composing, improvising, listening, and performing? 'Music, Analysis, and the Body: Experiments, Explorations, and Embodiments' is a pioneering essay collection uniting major and emerging scholars to consider how theory and analysis address music's literal and figurative bodies. The essayists offer critical overviews of different theoretical approaches to music analysis and embodiment, then test and demonstrate their ideas in specific repertoires. (...)
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    Simone Weil: A Very Short Introduction.Rebecca Rozelle-Stone - 2024 - Oxford University Press.
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