Results for 'Socio-technical'

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  1. Do socio-technical systems cognise?Olle Blomberg - 2009 - Proceedings of the 2nd AISB Symposium on Computing and Philosophy.
    The view that an agent’s cognitive processes sometimes include proper parts found outside the skin and skull of the agent is gaining increasing acceptance in philosophy of mind. One main empirical touchstone for this so-called active externalism is Edwin Hutchins’ theory of distributed cognition (DCog). However, the connection between DCog and active externalism is far from clear. While active externalism is one component of DCog, the theory also incorporates other related claims, which active externalists may not want to take on (...)
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    Experiments on Socio-Technical Systems: The Problem of Control.Peter Kroes - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (3):633-645.
    My aim is to question whether the introduction of new technologies in society may be considered to be genuine experiments. I will argue that they are not, at least not in the sense in which the notion of experiment is being used in the natural and social sciences. If the introduction of a new technology in society is interpreted as an experiment, then we are dealing with a notion of experiment that differs in an important respect from the notion of (...)
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  3. Socio-technical computation.Markus Luczak-Roesch, Ramine Tinati, Kieron O'Hara & Nigel Shadbolt - 2015 - In Markus Luczak-Roesch, Ramine Tinati, Kieron O'Hara & Nigel Shadbolt (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing.
    Motivated by the significant amount of successful collaborative problem solving activity on the Web, we ask: Can the accumulated information propagation behavior on the Web be conceived as a giant machine, and reasoned about accordingly? In this paper we elaborate a thesis about the computational capability embodied in information sharing activities that happen on the Web, which we term socio-technical computation, reflecting not only explicitly conditional activities but also the organic potential residing in information on the Web.
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    Rethinking Experiments in a Socio-Technical Perspective: The Case of Software Engineering.Viola Schiaffonati & Mario Verdicchio - 2015 - Philosophies 1 (1):87--101.
    Experiments in computing share many characteristics with the traditional experimental method, but also present significant differences from a practical perspective, due to their aim at producing software artifacts and the central role played by human actors and organizations involved in the software development process. By analyzing some of the most significant experiments in the subfield of software engineering, we aim at showing how the conceptual framework that supports experimental methodology in this context needs an extension in a socio-technical (...)
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  5. Synthetic Socio-Technical Systems: Poiêsis as Meaning Making.Piercosma Bisconti, Andrew McIntyre & Federica Russo - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-19.
    With the recent renewed interest in AI, the field has made substantial advancements, particularly in generative systems. Increased computational power and the availability of very large datasets has enabled systems such as ChatGPT to effectively replicate aspects of human social interactions, such as verbal communication, thus bringing about profound changes in society. In this paper, we explain that the arrival of generative AI systems marks a shift from ‘interacting through’ to ‘interacting with’ technologies and calls for a reconceptualization of (...)-technical systems as we currently understand them. We dub this new generation of socio-technical systems synthetic to signal the increased interactions between human and artificial agents, and, in the footsteps of philosophers of information, we cash out agency in terms of ‘poiêsis’. We close the paper with a discussion of the potential policy implications of synthetic socio-technical system. -/- . (shrink)
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  6. Socio-technical analysis of those concerned with emerging technology, engagement, and governance.Kenneth David - 2008 - In Kenneth H. David & Paul B. Thompson (eds.), What Can Nanotechnology Learn From Biotechnology?: Social and Ethical Lessons for Nanoscience From the Debate Over Agrifood Biotechnology and Gmos. Elsevier/Academic Press.
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    Smart Socio-Technical Environments: a Paternalistic and Humanistic Management Proposal.Manuel Carabantes - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1531-1544.
    One of the great dangers of our time is that the cumulative long-term action of smart socio-technical environments engineered to control thought and behavior results in an excessive loss of freedom. In response to this challenge, that we shall call humanity’s socio-technical dilemma, we outline here some fundamental ideas of a political program to control these environments, which is similar to the one proposed by Brett Frischmann and Evan Selinger. It is similar insofar as we share (...)
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    Visioneering Socio-Technical Innovations — a Missing Piece of the Puzzle.Martin Sand & Christoph Schneider - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):19-29.
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    Keeping the organization in the loop: a socio-technical extension of human-centered artificial intelligence.Thomas Herrmann & Sabine Pfeiffer - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-20.
    The human-centered AI approach posits a future in which the work done by humans and machines will become ever more interactive and integrated. This article takes human-centered AI one step further. It argues that the integration of human and machine intelligence is achievable only if human organizations—not just individual human workers—are kept “in the loop.” We support this argument with evidence of two case studies in the area of predictive maintenance, by which we show how organizational practices are needed and (...)
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    How do we understand “meaningful use” of the internet? Of divides, skills and socio-technical awareness.Laura Hosman & Martin Andrés Pérez Comisso - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (3):461-479.
    PurposeInformation and communications technologies (ICTs) have transformed the lives of many people around the world, yet billions remain unconnected. While many initiatives attempt to “connect the unconnected,” initiatives focused on access and skills-development alone will still fall short. Based on the authors’ experience with the SolarSPELL initiative, this study aims to propose using the concept of socio-technical awareness as a step forward in conceptualizing a more accurate picture of capabilities necessary to enable people to make meaningful use of (...)
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    Drones and Responsibility: Legal, Philosophical and Socio-Technical Perspectives on the Use of Remotely Controlled Weapons.Ezio Di Nucci & Filippo Santoni de Sio (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    How does the use of military drones affect the legal, political, and moral responsibility of different actors involved in their deployment and design? This volume offers a fresh contribution to the ethics of drone warfare by providing, for the first time, a systematic interdisciplinary discussion of different responsibility issues raised by military drones. The book discusses four main sets of questions: First, from a legal point of view, we analyse the ways in which the use of drones makes the attribution (...)
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    Disciplining Deliberation: A Socio-technical Perspective on Machine Learning Trade-Offs.Sina Fazelpour - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    This paper examines two prominent formal trade-offs in artificial intelligence (AI)---between predictive accuracy and fairness, and between predictive accuracy and interpretability. These trade-offs have become a central focus in normative and regulatory discussions as policymakers seek to understand the value tensions that can arise in the social adoption of AI tools. The prevailing interpretation views these formal trade-offs as directly corresponding to tensions between underlying social values, implying unavoidable conflicts between those social objectives. In this paper, I challenge that prevalent (...)
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    A Multi-level Review of Engineering Ethics Education: Towards a Socio-technical Orientation of Engineering Education for Ethics.Diana Adela Martin, Eddie Conlon & Brian Bowe - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-38.
    This paper aims to review the empirical and theoretical research on engineering ethics education, by focusing on the challenges reported in the literature. The analysis is conducted at four levels of the engineering education system. First, the individual level is dedicated to findings about teaching practices reported by instructors. Second, the institutional level brings together findings about the implementation and presence of ethics within engineering programmes. Third, the level of policy situates findings about engineering ethics education in the context of (...)
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    Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: A Long-Term Socio-Technical Experiment.Jantine Schröder - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (3):687-705.
    In this article we investigate whether long-term radioactive waste management by means of geological disposal can be understood as a social experiment. Geological disposal is a rather particular technology in the way it deals with the analytical and ethical complexities implied by the idea of technological innovation as social experimentation, because it is presented as a technology that ultimately functions without human involvement. We argue that, even when the long term function of the ‘social’ is foreseen to be restricted to (...)
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  15. Engineering as a Socio-technical Process: Case-Based Learning from the Example of Wind Technology Development.Matthias Heymann - 2015 - In Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (eds.), International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Springer Verlag.
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  16. Plenary Discussion: Towards a Socio-technical Research Agenda for Community Informatics-Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols-Solving Bao's Colluding Attack in Wang's Fair Payment Protocol.M. Magdalena Gomila Payeras-Capella & Llorenc Huguet Rotger - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 460-468.
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    Generative Critique in Interdisciplinary Collaborations: From Critique in and of the Neurosciences to Socio-Technical Integration Research as a Practice of Critique in R(R)I.Mareike Smolka - 2020 - NanoEthics 14 (1):1-19.
    Discourses on Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation, in short RI, have revolved around but not elaborated on the notion of critique. In this article, generative critique is introduced to RI as a practice that sits in-between adversarial armchair critique and co-opted, uncritical service. How to position oneself and be positioned on this spectrum has puzzled humanities scholars and social scientists who engage in interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists, engineers, and other professionals. Recently, generative critique has been presented as a (...)
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  18. Plenary Discussion: Towards a Socio-technical Research Agenda for Community Informatics-Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols-Public-Key Encryption from ID-Based Encryption Without One-Time.Chik How Tan - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 450-459.
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    The Double Path of Expansive Learning in Complex Socio-Technical Change Processes.Monika Hackel & Michael Klebl - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (1):04-27.
    The purpose of this article is to describe how expansive learning in organisations can become a resource for learning in a wider community of practice (CoP). The “developmental work research” approach (DWR) based on cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) is beneficial for analysing and interpreting the requirements in a field of action. Engeström’s specific form of “action research” focuses on expansive learning in activity systems. However, complex socio-technical change processes cannot be initiated and managed by the local community (...)
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    Becoming an Impact-Driven University: A Socio-Technical Analysis of the Reconfiguration of Relevance During Institutional Transformation.Jorrit P. Smit, Lisa Burghardt & Lucy van Eck - forthcoming - Minerva:1-27.
    The age-old debate about the relation between science and society has, in the last two decades, materialized in novel forms at many universities. In this article, we follow the reconfiguration of relevance at one institute of higher education that aspires to become an impact-driven university. We employ a socio-technical instrumentation perspective to this institutional transformation so that we can follow how relevance is being enacted in terms of impact at different organizational levels. To grasp the links between organizational (...)
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    Kill me a mosquito and I will build a state: political economy and the socio-technicalities of Jewish colonization in Palestine, 1922–1940.Omri Tubi - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):97-124.
    Scholars see Israel as a settler state, comparable with North American, South African and Oceanian cases. But how was Jewish settlement-colonization in pre-Israel Palestine even possible? In the North American, Oceanian and South African cases, European settlers did not encounter diseases like malaria that scholars argue impede settlement. Palestine, however, had high malaria morbidity rates. The disease incapacitated and killed settlers and was one of the most serious threats to Jewish settlement and political economic development. I argue that the exigencies (...)
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    Technology Assessment of Socio-Technical Futures—A Discussion Paper.Andreas Lösch, Knud Böhle, Christopher Coenen, Paulina Dobroc, Reinhard Heil, Armin Grunwald, Dirk Scheer, Christoph Schneider, Arianna Ferrari, Dirk Hommrich, Martin Sand, Stefan C. Aykut, Sascha Dickel, Daniela Fuchs, Karen Kastenhofer, Helge Torgersen, Bruno Gransche, Alexandra Hausstein, Kornelia Konrad, Alfred Nordmann, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer & Alexander Wentland - 2019 - In Andreas Lösch, Armin Grunwald, Martin Meister & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer (eds.), Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present: Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 285-308.
    Problem: Visions of technology, future scenarios, guiding visions represent imaginations of future states of affairs that play a functional role in processes of technological research, development and innovation—e.g. as a means to create attention, communication, coordination, or for the strategic exertion of influence. Since a couple of years there is a growing attention for such imaginations of futures in politics, the economy, research and the civil society. This trend concerns technology assessment as an observer of these processes and a consultant (...)
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  23. What an Entangled Web We Weave: An Information-centric Approach to Time-evolving Socio-technical Systems.Markus Luczak-Roesch, Kieron O’Hara, Jesse David Dinneen & Ramine Tinati - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (4):709-733.
    A new layer of complexity, constituted of networks of information token recurrence, has been identified in socio-technical systems such as the Wikipedia online community and the Zooniverse citizen science platform. The identification of this complexity reveals that our current understanding of the actual structure of those systems, and consequently the structure of the entire World Wide Web, is incomplete, which raises novel questions for data science research but also from the perspective of social epistemology. Here we establish the (...)
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  24. Philosophy of Socio-Technical Systems.Günter Ropohl - 1999 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 4 (3):186-194.
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    AI Moral Enhancement: Upgrading the Socio-Technical System of Moral Engagement.Richard Volkman & Katleen Gabriels - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-14.
    Several proposals for moral enhancement would use AI to augment (auxiliary enhancement) or even supplant (exhaustive enhancement) human moral reasoning or judgment. Exhaustive enhancement proposals conceive AI as some self-contained oracle whose superiority to our own moral abilities is manifest in its ability to reliably deliver the ‘right’ answers to all our moral problems. We think this is a mistaken way to frame the project, as it presumes that we already know many things that we are still in the process (...)
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    Diverse knowledges and competing interests: An essay on socio-technical problem-solving.Vincent di Norcia - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (1):83-98.
    Solving complex socio-technical problems, this paper claims, involves diverse knowledges (cognitive diversity), competing interests (social diversity), and pragmatism. To explain this view, this paper first explores two different cases: Canadian pulp and paper mill pollution and siting nuclear reactors in seismically sensitive areas of California. Solving such socio-technically complex problems involves cognitive diversity as well as social diversity and pragmatism. Cognitive diversity requires one to not only recognize relevant knowledges but also to assess their validity. Finally, it (...)
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    Testing Reflexive Practitioner Dialogues: Capacities for Socio-technical Integration in Meditation Research.Mareike Smolka & Erik Fisher - 2024 - NanoEthics 18 (1):1-26.
    To put frameworks of Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation (R(R)I) into practice, engagement methods have been developed to study and enhance technoscientific experts’ capacities to reflexively address value considerations in their work. These methods commonly rely on engagement between technoscientific experts and social scholars, which makes them vulnerable to structural barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration. To circumvent these barriers, we adapt Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) for broader use within technoscientific communities. We call this adaptation: reflexive practitioner dialogues. (...)
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    Minding the gap(s): public perceptions of AI and socio-technical imaginaries.Laura Sartori & Giulia Bocca - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):443-458.
    Deepening and digging into the social side of AI is a novel but emerging requirement within the AI community. Future research should invest in an “AI for people”, going beyond the undoubtedly much-needed efforts into ethics, explainability and responsible AI. The article addresses this challenge by problematizing the discussion around AI shifting the attention to individuals and their awareness, knowledge and emotional response to AI. First, we outline our main argument relative to the need for a socio-technical perspective (...)
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    Responsible Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Contextualizing Socio-Technical Integration into the Nanofabrication Laboratories in the USA. [REVIEW]Debasmita Patra - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (2):143-157.
    There have been several conscious efforts made by different stakeholders in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology to increase the awareness of social and ethical issues (SEI) among its practitioners. But so far, little has been done at the laboratory level to integrate a SEI component into the laboratory orientation schedule of practitioners. Since the laboratory serves as the locus of activities of the scientific community, it is important to introduce SEI there to stimulate thinking and discussion of SEI among (...)
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    Engagement Agents in the Making: On the Front Lines of Socio-Technical Integration: Commentary on: “Constructing Productive Engagement: Pre-engagement Tools for Emerging Technologies”.Shannon N. Conley - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):715-721.
    This commentary builds on Haico te Kulve and Arie Rip’s ( 2011 ) notion of “engagement agents,” individuals that must be able to move between multiple dimensions, or “levels” of research, innovation, and policy processes. The commentary compares and contrasts the role of the engagement agent within the Constructive Technology Assessment and integration approaches, and suggests that on-site integration research represents one way to transform both social and natural scientists into competent and informed “engagement agents,” a new generation of researchers (...)
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    A framework for the application of socio-technical design methodology.Adnan Ahmad, Brian Whitworth & Elisa Bertino - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (4):1-20.
    Socio-technical systems (STS) have become prominent platforms for online social interactions. Yet, they are still struggling to incorporate basic social ideas for many different and new online activities. This has resulted in unintended exposure of users’ personal data and a rise in online threats as users have now become a desirable target for malicious activities. To address such challenges, various researchers have argued that STS should support user-oriented configurations to protect their users from online social abuse. Some methodologies (...)
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    Setting Up the Socio-Technical Integration: Impact of Sciences and Technology in the Western Hemisphere.Klaus Haefner - 1987 - Dialectics and Humanism 14 (3):49-56.
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    A comparative analysis of data governance: Socio-technical imaginaries of digital personal data in the USA and EU (2008–2016). [REVIEW]Kean Birch & Rob Guay - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Personal data are produced through our daily interactions with digital technologies like search engines, social media, and online shopping, and is often referred to as our “digital exhaust.” It has been characterized as the key resource or asset for our economies in the 21st century. This paper focuses on the socio-technical imaginaries of digital personal data as a way to understand how desired forms of data governance are co-produced with collective understandings of personal data as a political-economic asset. (...)
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    App-centric Students and Academic Integrity: A Proposal for Assembling Socio-technical Responsibility.Theresa Ashford - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (1):35-48.
    Academic integrity is a complex problem that challenges how we view action, intentions, research, and knowledge production as human agents working with computers. This paper proposes that a productive approach to support AI is found at the nexus of behavioural ethics and a view of hybrid app-human agency. The proposal brings together AI research in behavioural ethics and Rest’s four stages of ethical decision-making which tracks the development of moral sensitivity, moral judgement, moral motivation and finally moral action combined with (...)
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  35. Formal models, flexible processes? Lessons from a socio-technical analysis of business process modelling.João Porto de Albuquerque & Marcel Christ - 2007 - Scientia 18 (1):14-22.
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    Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Explorations in the Transition from a Techno-economic to a Socio-technical Future.Susu Nousala, Gary Metcalf & David Ing (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This is an Open Access book. In 2015, Industry 4.0 was announced with the rise of industrialization by the European Parliament, supporting policy, research, and infrastructure funding. In 2020, Industry 5.0 was launched as an evolution of Industry 4.0, towards societal and ecological values in a sustainable, human-centric, and resilient transition. In 2023, the IN4ACT research project team completed 4 years of research on the impact on these initiatives. Presentations reviewing the progress of management practices and economics led to conversations (...)
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    The Cultural Impact on Ethics: Robotic Agency in Socio-Technical Systems.Patrick Grüneberg - 2015 - Global Japanese Studies Review 1 (8):19-36.
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    The “can you trust it?” Problem of simulation science in the design of sociotechnical systems.Jeffrey Johnson - 2000 - Complexity 6 (2):34-40.
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    Causality-based accountability mechanisms for socio-technical systems.Amjad Ibrahim, Stavros Kyriakopoulos & Alexander Pretschner - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Technology 7:100016.
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  40. Risk and safety in the operating theater: An ethnographic study of socio-technical practices.Cornelius Schubert - 2007 - In Regula Valérie Burri & Joseph Dumit (eds.), Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life. Routledge. pp. 6--123.
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  41. (1 other version)Technicity of the body as part of the socio-technical system: The contributions of Mauss and Bourdieu.Ernst Wolff - 2010 - Theoria 76 (2):167-187.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to a philosophy of technics by proposing an answer to the following question: what is the nature of the human body as an element of technical systems? The argument focuses on an examination of the phenomenon of bodily technics. This examination is guided by the conviction that Pierre Bourdieu's social theory can be read as contributing significantly to an answer to the above question. However, since Bourdieu's project is not directly aimed (...)
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  42. IT and organizational change in digital economies: a socio-technical approach.Rob Kling & Roberta Lamb - 1999 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 29 (3):17-25.
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    Moral Dilemmas, Amoral Obligations, and Responsible Innovation; Two-Dimensional “Human Control” Over “Autonomous” Socio-Technical Systems.Keyvan Alasti - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    In some cases, the term ‘Responsible Innovation’ has been considered a type of ethical solution to the Collingridge predicament in control of technology development. In this article, I claimed that two different approaches for responsible innovation (i.e. Van den Hoven’s innovation-based approach and Owen’s social-based approach) can be considered as two different dimensions that, while being conflicting, dialectically interact and thus can be useful for solving the problem of Collingridge. For this purpose, I argue that the first approach that resorts (...)
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    A socio-historical ontology of technics: Beyond technology.Adrián Almazán - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (1):12-27.
    Ours are Days of Decision and it's indispensable to transform our technics. For it, we must abandon the inherited conception of technics based on neutrality and autonomy. To this end, in this article we develop a socio-historical ontology for technics that argues: (a) To understand technics we have to take into consideration technical objects, handling, and the degree of guidance of the animal user. (b) Each technics is inseparable from its society. (c) The idea of a free use (...)
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    A Socio‐epistemological Framework for Scientific Publishing.Judith Simon - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (3):201-218.
    In this paper I propose a new theoretical framework to analyse sociotechnical epistemic practices and systems on the Web and beyond, and apply it to the topic of web‐based scientific publishing. This framework is informed by social epistemology, science and technology studies (STS) and feminist epistemology. Its core consists of a tripartite classification of sociotechnical epistemic systems based on the mechanisms of closure they employ to terminate socio‐epistemic processes in which multiple agents are involved. In (...)
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    Moving beyond Technical Issues to Stakeholder Involvement: Key Areas for Consideration in the Development of Human-Centred and Trusted AI in Healthcare.Jane Kaye, Nisha Shah, Atsushi Kogetsu, Sarah Coy, Amelia Katirai, Machie Kuroda, Yan Li, Kazuto Kato & Beverley Anne Yamamoto - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (3):501-511.
    Discussion around the increasing use of AI in healthcare tends to focus on the technical aspects of the technology rather than the socio-technical issues associated with implementation. In this paper, we argue for the development of a sustained societal dialogue between stakeholders around the use of AI in healthcare. We contend that a more human-centred approach to AI implementation in healthcare is needed which is inclusive of the views of a range of stakeholders. We identify four key (...)
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    Technicization of “Birth” and “Mothering”: Bioethical Debates from Feminist Perspectives.Zairu Nisha - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (2):133-148.
    Birthing is a natural phenomenon. However, in the era of modernisation, it has dramatically changed and transformed into a technological affair. Some feminists claim that advances in medicine and assisted reproductive technologies have opened up numerous opportunities and choices for women to free themselves from their destined role of maternity by separating sex from reproduction. But are these technological artefacts always there to emancipate women or just another way to keep them subordinated to serve social needs? Other feminists argue that (...)
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    Human, Non-Human, and Beyond: Cochlear Implants in Socio-Technological Environments.Beate Ochsner, Markus Spöhrer & Robert Stock - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (3):237-250.
    The paper focuses on processes of normalization through which dis/ability is simultaneously produced in specific collectives, networks, and socio-technological systems that enable the construction of such demarcations. Our point of departure is the cochlear implant, a neuroprosthetic device intended to replace and/or augment the function of the damaged inner ear. Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sounds, the CI does the work of damaged hair cells in the inner ear by providing sound signals to the brain. We examine the processes (...)
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    Socio-ethical Education in Nanotechnology Engineering Programmes: A Case Study in Malaysia. [REVIEW]Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, Pek Hoon Er & Punita Visvanathan - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1341-1355.
    The unique properties of nanotechnology have made nanotechnology education and its related subjects increasingly important not only for students but for mankind at large. This particular technology brings educators to work together to prepare and produce competent engineers and scientists for this field. One of the key challenges in nanotechnology engineering is to produce graduate students who are not only competent in technical knowledge but possess the necessary attitude and awareness toward the social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. (...)
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    Customizable Ethics Settings for Building Resilience and Narrowing the Responsibility Gap: Case Studies in the Socio-Ethical Engineering of Autonomous Systems.Sadjad Soltanzadeh, Jai Galliott & Natalia Jevglevskaja - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2693-2708.
    Ethics settings allow for morally significant decisions made by humans to be programmed into autonomous machines, such as autonomous vehicles or autonomous weapons. Customizable ethics settings are a type of ethics setting in which the users of autonomous machines make such decisions. Here two arguments are provided in defence of customizable ethics settings. Firstly, by approaching ethics settings in the context of failure management, it is argued that customizable ethics settings are instrumentally and inherently valuable for building resilience into the (...)
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